Do You Cough? " I guess I uscil to lo like everybody else. "When I caughtcohl, ljustlctltalone, think ins it would curoittclfiu n few days, ; ofcoursotlio ouslii n k iind spitting of mucus atotuetiiiics lasted sev eral weeks, lut after a while the trouble "would sub side. 1 al ways no ticed how ever, that each cold was worse than the one before. My throat seemed to get weaker, and the least change in the weather started the coughing again. The last cold was the mast r-cvere of nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops and homo treatment did no good. A friend told mo about Acker's English Remedy. I -pot a bottle, and you never saw tho like of the way it acted. Hefore tho bottle was gono 1 was well. 3Iy throat felt as strong and well as could be. Since then I have had no mora trouble. I think Acker's English Remedy so strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily resists the changes in tempera-.turc.anditbuildsuptheconstitijtionaswell." UNIQUE POOft FARM. I Has Had But One Pauper to Care For in Fourteen Years. An Hvltlenoe of tin- ProNiioroim Con dition of I i. si u mi. t Tin Institu tion llim Plenty of Help mill .11 mie. (Signed) Cabrie Schwab 2ol Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sold at 25c., 50c. and if 1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and in Eng land, nt Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle te .your druggist, and get your money back. We authorize Vie abort gnaantct. "IF. 11. HOOKER CO., IToprtctort, Aho I'cr. FOK BALE BY Blakeley & Houghton. Kansas ollieiuls say that Kansas has tower pauperu. neenrtlliip to its pupii'cn, than i.n.v oilier ntate in the l iiuum. WliiK' .t i utltnil tid that Knn aw once "went broke" and was un object of charity, the people of Kan sas now say they hnve "money to burn" nnd that there is nn occupa tion for everybody within tin; bor ders of the state. Kansas was once swept by grasshoppers, but thai was in the tlead and forgotten past. The Kansas of to-day is tin entirely different state. An example ; of the present prosperous condition of the state has just come to the surface. 1 says the Xew York Herald. In 1SS0 j Kinney county spent $23,000 for a j county poor farm, and during the 14 I years since there has been but one i pauper to take care of. The years 'SO and "ST were the years fnnlly wU) womerful results of "hard timeS" in Kansas. The state j imnieilia,c rL.liefi ia pieilsiull Through a succession of crop failures i the farmer's had become bankrupt. ' Their money had been used up, and ! many of them most of them, in fact. cluo GOING EAST If you intend to thku a trip Kast, nek your ticket njtent to route you via The Great Wabash, u modern and up to-d ito railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Oninhn or St. 1niis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Kail a and every tlitough train has Ireo rtelining eh Air ears, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over nllownl on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. (Jl.lNi:, Pacific Coast V.xtt. Ant,, AnnuliH, Calif. C. S. Ciiank. i". I. A., St. Louis, .Mo. Nntl. Notiro is hereby givun that there will bean annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden E.tglu Mining Com pany at the ollice of French & Co., bankers, on Thursday, May 111, 1000, at 7 o'clock p, in., for tho purpose of elect ing soveu directors and transacting such other business as may properly come be foro said meeting. Uy order of thu president. J. C. Hostkti.hi:, Secy, and Trens. The Dalles, Apl. 27, 1000. n'27-td 9tyro9i;le5peiai5 1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my It gives to take and is truly the dyspoptic'n best friend," says K. Ilartgutink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what yon eat. Cannot fail to ILR&ML nKlMUT run Kt Mull UilU p. Ill t'io!niU' .Mil 1 1 nnit llxpri'ss 10:10 p.m. s p. m. s p. HI. Kx.HunUay Sntunlay 10 p. ni. . a. ru. Kx.bumtay tiiik M'itni)Ui.r Fiiom dam. rit. Suit t.aki, Denver, I-'t. Worth, Oiiuitm, Knn ns City, Ht. l.nut, Chicago nml l.'ust. AltlCVC 1'iruM. Walla Walla, Hpolinne, MIIUlfMt-Ollr, M. I'lllII, i)ii In t li, Milwaukee, Clilcacn iinil Unsl, vlii Hr-okaiuiakil Iliiiitliu; ton; alto nil UntK In WaSlllllKIOII tl I HI l.ilU orn OrcKou. Mall !; p From 1'or.Ti.AHii. Ocean Steamships. For hnli KiiuicUni Apitl 27, May 7, 1'.', Columbia Uv. Steamer. To AKToaiA nml Wuy uinuiiigs. WlLLAUKTTK ItlVKIt. Oregon City, Newbcnt, balcm & way uniu . It's Our Business To dispense health-giving prctciip Uions in the proper way. It'e a business -we have not learned in a day, but after years of persistent work and careful study. We use pure drugs and charge an honest price. Clarke & Falk, "Plutot mort qu'aveugie" Mean?, -'Rather dead than blind" blindness in most cases is the result of a -neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many a person now blind could enjoy good syesiiiht hail it not been that tint nyes were neglected when the first siun of disease appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of the mostdaiitfProusdUeasep, ure in most cases due to negligence in the care of the eyes. Tiieo. H. Liflve, of the firm of J. hi. Adeox & Co., is n "raduate of the Peoria Optical College, -and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute He will correct and diagnose all errors of refraction. Eyes examined free. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jjwelers. VKOl'LE YOU A I.I. KNOW. P. F. Micheil was in town last night from Steveneon. V. .'. Landor,. a prominent wool grower from Sherar's, Dridge, is in the city. .luatico Hrownhill went out to Dufur this afternoon to attend the republican rally at that place tonight. Miss Mary Groahon was a passengf r on this morning's boat for White Salmon, whero she will visit a few days. Hon. W. T. Itigby, a former represent ative to the Oregon legislature from Umatilla county, was in town last night, the guest of tlie Umatilla House, and left for home on the midday train. The following names a'o rpgi'tercd at the Umatilla House: C, Strattou, Hood River; Ge-ire llabenau and John T. Trotter, Stevenson; George P. VW- uor, Jr., Asa Itacneluorler mill J. K. Messenger, Wafcj, and B. F. Brown, Pendleton. I A It It IK l. This morning, Mav 10th, at the Obarr 'Jiotcl in this city, 'Htv. D. V. Poling "Olliciating, Mr. Hihert Limuieroth to Mim UesBin Underbill. IJOItN. In this city, Saturday, May Mr, and Mrs. It. Bray, a eon; ten pounds. 10th to weight Karl- Clutliic In tho rioe'4 Ilandf. To tiik KniTon: I note with pleasure the attempt of my fellow clerk r and the newspapers to induce our employers to close their -stores at 0 o'clock. I think the people themselves can help us a great deal, if they will, by simply refusing to buy 'anything at nil after 0 o'clock, excepting Saturday evening, when I believe the stores should be kept open later. The Dalles, May 10, 1000. Sai.khman, Fur tho convenience of parties want ing Ice in the afternoons, the Stadeltnan Jce Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington etreets. 'Phone No. 107; long distanco 183. "JUng'em up. 18m-tf 0fli In Hour OBitoki. All copntv warrants registered prior to Juno 3, 1800, will be paid at my toffice. Interest ceases after February. 2, U WW, C. L. Phillips, (Vnintv Treasurer. Subscribe forTbtKOforonicle. were in actual need of the necessa ries of life. The failure of the farmers had a resultant effect upon the mer chants nnd business men in the towns and cities. To express tho situation tritely Kansas was "dead broke." It was about this time that Coxey raised his "army of the unemployed" in Kan sas and started with it on a march to Washington to "demand" relief from the national lawgivers. Together with many other counties of the state Finney county voted to provide a big poor farm, which would give employment and shelter to the large number of unemployed. After the vote had been submitted and carried, the county commissioner pur chased from A. II. Uurtis. afterward representative from that county, a tract of 292 acres of rich land. The price paid for the land was SIG.OOt). Beven inousanu more was pin mio c anlj jq uj0 me larni lor improvements, muKing a total of $23,030. The farm was di vided into a large number of small er farms, and on each sub-farm was erecteil a house large enough to ac commodate a dozen persons or more, l'ach sub-farm was under the control of a siib-siiperiuteiKleut. Having thus made elaborate prepa rations for the shelter, care and em ployment of its paupers, the county waited in vain for many years for an applicant. It so happened that tho year following the purchase of the poor farm was a very prosperous one, especially in Finney county. There was mi ininieiihe erop, money was plentiful, and there was employment for everyone who wanted it. The tame condition has existed ever year since. In all these years only one man ha?; ecr applied for care at the county poor farm of Finney county. Ife was an old man by the name of Henry Hook-. He only remained there a' few inoutlui during the wvere win ter weather, after which, having .se cured a position, he left, lie- is now employed in a hotel at Harden City, the county seat of Finney county, Charles Adams was the first man placed in charge of the poor farm of Finney county. He had been n farmer who, through crop failures, had lost his farm. He contracted with the county commissioners to assume charge of the farm, to take care of all paupers applying for care without ex pense to the county, paying the ex penses out of the., proceeds of the farm. As no paupers applied he had no expenses to meet. Although per fectly honest with the county, he made a fortune out of his contract. One day it leaked out that Adams hud saved up a bank account of something over ?25,000 out of the proceeds of the county farm. A row was started, and the county commissioners removed him. A closer contract was made with the next superintendent, but he also made a fortune out of it, and was removed under pressure from the out side. Then the county commissioners made a contract with the probate judge of the county to act as superin tendent of the poor farm, he to bo paid an additional salary for such su perintendence, to hfivo rent for him self and family free antl to turn tho proceeds from the farm into the coun ty treasury. Since the time of this contract the income from tho poor farm has ranged from 1.000 to $7,000 anniiully to the county. This is the condition of the poor farm of Finney county to-day. It is still awaiting paupers. The present superintendent is Probate Judge .1. 12. Dawson. He lives thorn with h' . family, hut being busy with his otlieitil duties he has a Kiibsiiperiuteudenl to look after the farm. The poor farm is located about three miles out of Garden City, DeWltt'a Witch Har.el Salve is un. equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel I Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. 7 a. m, I W I LLA M CTTK AND V AM Tuen.Tliur. lllti. Ilivxr.i, ami Sat. , Oregon City, Dayton, unit Wrty-IjinilhiK. 6 a.m. Willamette Uivsn. Tue..Tlmr,,lortlaiiil to Corvallts, ami s-at, . uml Way.I.-imlliiKa. life Clarke A Falk's quinine hair tome to keep dnndrufT from tho head. Campbell & Wilson will sell their line of millinery, trimmed and iintrimmed ! hats, flowers and children's hats, at t greatly reduced prices for the next j thirty days. Please call and get our prices. Clark & Falk'a drug stuck is new fresh and complete. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English' Remedy in Tiny cise of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to igive immediate reliet money reluiided. Blakeley A Houghton Druggists. Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We' never feel fafe without One Minute1 Cough Cure in the house. It saved toy j little boy's life when he had the pneu j niouia. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Plea'ant to take harmless and gives immediate results. 1,V Itipltlll iialiy l.Jlll. til. i S.V.UCE HlVKR. Hlpailii In ixinlsliiu. Hiio'k.iiiu .Mall ami i:.pri'.is l-.oi) n. m 1 p. m, 4 i'. m. Kx.sumla) 1:00 r. m. Kx.bumlny a:3) i Mou., nml rri. so v. m. ll.,Wul 4:30 1. m. Mon.'Wctl ami Frlilny 1.KAVK I.KWItlTON dally SJ ,:u. ro . l'nrllc-s niiji to so to llcimncr or limit on (.olnnibia Southern via lliuii. annual take No. 2, leavlm; Hie Dalles at 1J.10 p. in. nmkliiK diri-ct connections at Ilcppncr Junction unit Itlk'Ks. KcluniliiK- maMncillrectcimiieotlon at Iluppucr Junction anil IIIu'Ki ultli No. rlvl'is at The pallexa! lJidip. ni. For full particulars call on O. It. ,V N. Co.'t agent The Dalles, or address W. It, HUKMIimT, Ceil l'. Al'I,. I'ortlamt, Or, SOUTH and EAST via Sflutfiern Pacific fin For Halo. A second-hand ten-foot R.imloljih J header, irr fair condition. Will bo sold cheap. Enquire of Ai.i.x. McI.Kon, mayll-lmw The Dalles. KtfKs I'"r JHl. Full blooded, barred Plymouth ltock tffc'gs, per setting $1 .00 and $1.50. For particulars call nn or address, ifANllKItS linos. Box 017. Tho Dalles, Or. Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Pat ton i strictly pure liquid paints j To naive Shasta Route Train leave The Dulle for I'ortluutl ami way station-, at 1-j u. m. ami .1 . m. Leave Potllnml " Albany Arrive Aslilnnil .... " Sacramento . . " San Kranchco 8::a in AT.W it m . .1JI:.-CI u m .V.l") p in . 7 : li p in Anlve Oj-iIoii ' Denver " Kiiiimh lllty. . " Uhieni'o . j : I . 1 1 in !M a in 7 t'i'i a in 7:lu in 7.dl pin lo:M p in ll:"Jln in 1 ;Xi a m h:l"u in ll -.l.-i a m 'J:liln in 7:U."i n in in Arrive Um AiikoIw .. " Kl I'.imi " 1'ort Worth. . " City of ilexieo . " I IClll ! Oil . . . ' New Orleans " WieihliiKtou .. " New York . ... 1 :T0 p m 0:U)pm r,:ain m .... j-M a m .. 1 .1' Ml m . . . 0:'A'i it in .... i):tin in 12:13 p in itaftiiiS i f mm BBBTBBTBll i I The Chronicle, dob" Printers. Tho Dnllcn, Of. f iliat 1 1 mil t litLi u liii ui LULiTiij i ill i j j'i $ i .oo per month. Strictly first class local and long distance telephone service within your home. Linen do not croH-tulk. Your con versation will be kept u secret. No cost fur installing. Von get the Htaudard Iliiuning Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night vrvlce. Wu will accept your contract for ten years anil allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ - ten notice. FA0IFIC 8TATEB TELEPHONE (JOB. secure tho original witch ink fir DnWitt'rt Witch iia .el Hizel I'ullnina nml Tomtit cars mi both tr.ilns. (.'haireari, Saernmenlo lo Opleu ami l'.l l'aio, nun touiMwinrx w i invugo, til Mitllu, siuw Or I leans anil Wnililntoii. I LoiuiectiiiK nt Kan l-'rntielsco wltli koverul 'leainiiup unea lor iiououiiu, .lapau, China I i'lilliiiplties, Central anil South Ameiica, T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. NuUry Puolie. Collections promptly attended to, Mutiny to loan, C, E, Uayard's of lJio, Thu Dalles, Oregon, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflcially digests the food and aids liature in strengthening and recon structing tho exhausted digestive or fans. It Is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea! SlckHeadachc,Ga8tralgla,Cramp8,and another results of Imperfectdlgestion. Preoorsd by E. C. OeWlV. A Co.. Cftleoao. PILLS ice agent at The D.illes station, or niMrtM C. H. MARKHAM, (ieueral lVsntnger Agent, t'oillninl, Or 31 t Jljfe Impulse mmmi mm OHE FOR A DOSE. Hrraotro IMmplM Pr-,ent P. I'nrlfy thulllowj, Iviifo lIvuLeho anil lltu.n.r. Ufrurmtctiii. OB. 0SAWO CO Phlii!ti Jjll. K. K. fKlttJU.StlN, Pliysiciau and Siirguou, Otllce, Vogt Illock (over l'otolllte), aiaplmo-aw Till'. J)AI.I.K3, OltliliON. Administrator' Hnle of llciil l'roprly Notice in hereby given that from anil after tho ninth rlii v of June, I'JO), 1 will proceed lo kvll at ptlvalo nle, for cakh,thu IoIIowIiik ilevriUl property belonsliiK ta thu ettalo of Patrick llrown, deceateif, to-wll: IjjIs A. II. ;. U. K. 1'. . It. I. J. K anil I.. Iii block bl ol tort Mallca illlilary rvnervatlon, In wkkoii, for hiformstloii iii'iuiro at oSlvu of Hlnuott & fllnnott. Dated at lal)en City thin 10th dav of Mar, JUu'J, WKI.IA (J. IIHOWK, Aumlniitrattix of tho fttuto of I'ulrlcK Jirowu, deceakcil. ia Northern PaciliG Yellowstone Park Line. TIIK HININO ('All ItOl'TK I'itOM I'OHTUNl) TO TIIK KAST. TIIK ONhY DIHDCT LINK TO TIIK VKI.I.OW- HIONK I'AltK LE4VK, No. 2. 11:15 A. M. No I. U;S0 P.M. Union Depot, niiiiaailisis; Hmtwuill forTueomn, fceutllf,, (iray'a Harbor ami South ileml Ollltlf, H(l0klll!0, lloie. IiiikI, Jl, C, I'lilliiiau, Mom-ow, hi Mm), lluf- ful0lllllllIIlllllillKC0lll. try, Helena, Mlnuetum. IIm, Ht. l'aul, Omaha, Kaiuan (;y, Ht. UjiiU, (;I)Icuko ami nil iolntn oa.tancl Huutheuit. I'uirct Hound KxprcH for Tacoina and Kuuttlo and intermediate iKiiutu AliaiVK. No. 1 fiW) I. M, No. I). 7;0OA.M. I'lillman ftcluH ami tourht leepern lo l.,;uV.r.!.Xrao,.Um01' cnccUus IIiikkukk cheeked to destlimtlou of tlckeU, .ii!!.r.;,li.,i''l0.mcly,,ll,"t,,'Ull,Ju',;'ll'tlveiiiBltr, mite ' c"r WH'tvallon, i'c call wiifr A. D. CHARLTON, AkkUtant (Jeneral l'aeiiKcr Aucnt, JX MorrUou Street, corner Thlnl, rortbuic, Ori-Kou. and Motors ilANI'I'ACTUItKI) IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars ami particulars furnished on application. P. S. GUNNING, Agent, an2fl THE DALLBS, 0KKG0N 1? ATT'OUNKVAT Oflloo ovei Kirt Nat. TIIK iiXlA.Kk. mtiriMM ItUl!(, 1 C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen'rthe Greate Amerioan Liquor Yellowstone Sour Hash WHI8EEY from 2.76 to iH.iHl i..,r ,.n,,n mTTfETZ; nlitTT iaifuniiiu uuunau irinii y.uu lo itf,uu per nalloii. (it to juj'" "-rj-r OALirORMIA BE AM DIES fioni lo "MMwiySj . 1L" 1mJ-B Whiskey. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. COLUMBIA BEER on lruulit, and Vl Ulats and Olywpia M 'n boUl,, Iuiportttl Ale uml i'ortor. - JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.