New Top Coats We know what Rood clothes nrc, where to buy them nnd how to select the nobby ntylcn and patterns. We want to uay that we have never had r.a choice n Mock of good clothes in our titore as we have now, and we're ready to quote prices that will Interest you. We sell the Hart, Schaff ncr & Marx tailor made suits and top coats. They're the kind adver tised in all the leading magazines and worn by good dressers everywhere. SATURDAY'S BIG SALE ON COLORED LAWNS All Ooocln Mnrked In Plain FIbutoh. 100 pieces Wash Goods, of Lawns, Dimities and Organdies, have boon placed on the bargain counter, TO BE SLAUGHTERED SATURDAY. 10c and 12hc values go for 8lc 15c values go for lie 17c values go for 13c 20c values go for 15c 25c values go for 19c 30c values go for 23c 35c values go for 27c PgASE &, MAYS The Dalles daily Chronicle. Telephone No. J. SATURDAY .... MAY 11), 1100 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. g) ) WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Strawberries sold today nt 10 cents n box. Tlio river at 10 o'clock this morning elooil nt 32 feet, n rise- of ubimt n foot in twenty funr hours. C. K, Howard, the soda wutor man, man, left today on a business trip to Sherman county nnd southeastern Was co county. (ooil, pure natural ico from the Ditto mountains for sale by tlio Columbia River Ice A Fuel Co. 'Phono 33 or 81 I-ong Dist. ; 75 or 8 Soufort & Condon. The sentiment of having Gr8B Valley incorporated is growing stronger every 'lay, ml wo aro pleased to note that In itiatory etupa have boon tnken with that end in viow.Jen.vB the Journal. The Y. M. C. A. will bold their regu lar Sunday afternoon moating in the M. K. church tomorrow nt 4 o'clock. A Kood program nnd iiood music have been arranged for and a (food nnd profitable time is expected. Everybody is cordi ally invited. "i'y liroc, linva commenced work on their saw mill nt CaicadeXocks, nnd hm completed it will eJt 00,000 foot a '''. They will get tblr logs on tbo oilier aide of the riverybne logging camp wing near Stevonso and another will ho put in at wind river. An expert in our Btnte experimental ttation in comparing nnd examining "je wheat tnken Iroin Knitern and Western Oregon, nnd in testing grains 'or iilbunieii, the constitutional ingredi ("t of the kernel, found that our bunch Kr8 product is far ahead ol the Willani eite valley wmxl jn (,jB rcgan), Tomorrow will bo n day of special in "'Mt nt The Dalles M. E. church. The ervlees will open with n sunrise" P'yor meeting t Ojao. The eleventh nnlversary of the Kpwortli League will celebrated with nu appropriate eer vlce i 8 p. m. In the morning tho Pastor'H subject will bo "Behind Time." Uncle Snm'H soldiers In Alaska are to Uo wH supplied with butter. On tlio nier that is to leave the Columbia J" the LMth will be 15,000 pounds of u,,l-'f. nil to bo consumed by the blue 0a, In the far north. This butter id Pckcd In r tK))t cans in the same "nner aj fruit, and put up in this a,iHr it ig Hg Bweet Bmi (reBj, wnen Pned as though newly made, Wmrlos l, BohinUU hasbeen ap- Nnted Dal) ceneuB enumerator for West e ! J. M. Pattenon, tat Biglow ; K. I. Gorman, for Trevitt: Ax ax Hartell for East Dalles, and Homer Angell for hast nnd West Dalles foutBide the city limits nnd Eight-Mile; James Kelly, of KiugBley, has been Appointed for Dufur, Ramsey and Kingsloy precincts. The rest of the nppoiitir.onle will lie known in a few dayH. It. It. Driver, Tom Swift and Charles Dickons arrived in town last iijght with H.OOO poundH of wool from the George A. Young & Son ranch. They say the road in lined with, wool teaniB on I lie way here, and from the Ves Kelsay corral, at the head of Buck Hollow, alone comes 75,000 pounds. Messrs. Driver, Swift and Dickens will go buck for more wool loaded with flour from tho Tygh Valley flouring mills for Slianiko and Antelope. For tlio past month Cedar Circle has increased ureal ly in beneficiary mem bers. Last week several prominent Woodmen were initiated by the help of Mary's little lamb, and refreshments were served and an excellent program rendered. Last evening two ladies be came Women of Woodcraft, after which all went over to Keller's popular cafe nnd enioved the delicious ice cream for which tliiB place is well known. Cedar Circle will have more initiations next Friday evening. "Damn McKinley and all his works," said a Wasco county fusion statesman, slightly under the inllueucoof a "spirit' that prompted him to toll what was in him. to tlio Cukonioi.k man. "Four years ago I could get all the men I wauled to employ for a "dollar n day. Now I employ twenty men every day nnd there isn't a son of a gun of them that will work for less than two and a half n day." It is needless to say that our bowels of compassion were moved intensely at the distress of this oppressed brother. The owner of n magnificent thorough bred stallion now in town had the ani mal in front of the republican head quarters this morning ns J. M. Patterson was raising tho American flag. "Look out," said Jerry to tho owner, "I'm going to raise this flag nnd your horse may get scared." "That horse, sir" said the owner, stretching himself to his full height, "is a republican horse, I want you to understand, and if he would shy at an Ameiican flag, by the piper that played before Moses I'd shoot him on the spot." As a sample of the talk that a Dalles nowspapor man constantly hears these daj h regarding the grain crops, take one from a well-known farmer out In the. Eight Mile country, who stands about 0 feet 3 in bia stocking soles: "My whent strikes mo here," said lie, draw ing bis hand across his whiskers at the chin, "ami It i 1,10 boot- 1 never saw anything to equal tho grain crops tliis year, and it is the snuio all over tlio county. For thousands and thousands of acreB tho prospects are good for an avernge of from forty to fifty bushels to the acre." The postonlco department has issued a call for bide for carrying a daily mnll from The Dalles to Sherar's Bridge by way of Boyd and Nausene. On and after July lGth all niail for Antelope, Mitchell and Crook county will go from here by way of Shnniko. The contract for the Sherar's Bridge route will in clude the depositing of mail in boxes along the mute. Any person living on or near the route who desires his mail deposited by the carrier in a box on the road sfde, may provide a suitable box, and at his written request to the post master of his district may have hia mail deposited in it at his own risk. The postmaster at The DalleB will re ceive bids for the Sherar's Bridge route till May 30th instant. John Thompson, a Klickitat l;oy ol 21, waB shot and dangerontly wounded a couple of days ago by a young fellow near his own age, named Wngnon. Tlie shooting was done about two miles above Columbus on the Grant and Goldendale road. Wngnon nnd two brothers and an old man were in a buck- board on the way from Ellensburg to Hood ltiver to pick strawberries. Thompson, with a companion, had fol lowed them on horseback and being under the influence of liquor had tanta lized the Wngnon hoys till the youngest drew a pistol and fired, but without effect. Then the elder Wngnon boy opened lire and at tho first shot the ball struck Thompson below the eye, when he fell to tho road. Ills assailants both lied and have not been found. Thomp son may die. The ball ranged down wards and lodged in the neck, where it remains. The young people's musical entertain ment at tiie M. JS. church last night was probably as much enjoyed by those present as many more pretentious af fairs would have been. The music, both vocal and instrumental, was really first class nud Hint it was duly appreciated was evident from the hearty encores that followed each performance. We have not space to say all the kind things wo feel like saying and hate to discrimi nate, but really that little melody of Mr. Hawk's was one of the sweetest things wo have listened to for many a day. Awshio McCully's musical glasses were greatly enjoyed and will be in future demand, but tho "French Pro fessor," the star pei former in his line, should ask the forgiveness of about half of the audience for wasting big gobs of sympathy on him, which his "bilent Sell" soon showed to be unnecessary and misplaced. There was a good house and tho net receipts were quite satis- factory. Notice. Columbia River Ico & Fuel Co. wishes to announce that they will deliver ice to tiny part of the city at all hours of the day or night. 'Phone 113 or 81 Kong Dial, j 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon. Hulvutlon Army. The subject for Sunday at il p. in. will ho "Must a Christian Rln?" At 8 p. m. "Tlio California Murderer; His Crime and Converslnu." A Grnnd piano has been added to our music. II. P. Nelson, Ailjr. SURVEY OF DALLES CANAL. Melt ride 'Will Offer an Amendment I'ro tiitlng for a Canal Survey From Tlio I)ulle to Celilo, Senator McBride has prepared nnd will offer an amendment to the emer gency river rnd harbor bill authorizing a survey and estimate for a canal from The Dalles to Celilo, He will not ntk for an appropriation for this purpose, as the available fund for surveys is large enough to embrace this item. He says he thinks there is little doubt that this amendment can be put ou in the senate committee, and he hopes to be able to have it retained in conference. The house committee rejected Repre sentative Moody's amendment of this character, as well as nn ofi'er to take suflicieut funds from the balance now on hand for the boat railway for this survey. This was because Speaker Henderson would not consent to these items going in the bill on the ground that it provided only for urgent defi ciencies. Chairman Burton stated that from forniT surveys it was apparent that n canal nnd locks would cost .$0, 000,000 or more, an expenditure which his committee and congress would con sider unwarranted by the amount of commerce benefited. Representative Wilson, of Idaho, has introduced a bill appropriating $5000 for a survey for this canal. OUR CHURCHES Christian Science meeting in small K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at II o'clock. Lutheran church Ilev. W. Brenner, paetor. No church services tomorrow. Young People's meeting, however, at 7:30; Sunday school at 12:30. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a.m. nnd 7:30 p. in. Young people's meeting nt 6:30 p. in, Sunday school at 10 a. in. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev, Poling, pastor. Morning worship at 11; Sunday school at 12:15; Junior Endeavor, 5 p. in.; Young People's Society 7 p. in. Even ing worship at 8 p. in. Kvening subject tomorrow, "Tom Brown of Rugby;" morning. "Life's Problems." Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth nnd Washington, Rev. U. F. Hawk, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a.m.; class meeting nt the close of morning service; Junior League nt 3:30; Epworth League at 7. The subject at tomorrow morning service will be "Behind Time." In the evening tho eleventh nnniversary of the Kpwortli League will bo celebrated. Mrs. A. A. Jayne invites the ladies of The Dalles to inspect her stock of ladles' and children's trimmed and sailor hats. Her goods are all new and fiesh and they are ottered at prices that defy any competition. 17 3t A rooming house of eleven rooms for rent nnd furniture for sale. Apply at thisofiice, ml7-l w !) llll'tllll tHU I HI 'til I' 1 II Unt.Hnim.limmit CASTORIA AVfcgelable PreparattonforAs siniilating liieFoodandRegula lir.g (he Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigestioaCheerfur ness and Rcst.Contains neither Ophtm.Morphine norHineral. TsOT TiARC OTIC . IHtpt ofOldDrSWUELPtTCHKR flwya&in Seal' j!ix.Smna ttfitnMHl -III Ctutmnk-Scia furtied .itMr Wmtmmn flavor. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Ron, Sour Stomach.Diarrnoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. jl EXACT COFr OF WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUft COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. rTATATA Special Sale! Steel Daoges and Coot Stoves t To reduce our largo stock wo will sell Stoves ami Steel Ranges at Greatly Reduced Prices for a short time only. See our goods and get our prices. . . . 4 I JWAYS & CLOCHE. A. C hange in I). K, & Time Caul, A change In time of O. R. & N. trains which took efl'ect Sunday, Afiiy 13ii, makes three passenger trains in each direction daily, the time at The Dalle? being as follows: West-bound Train No. 1, known as the Portland special, leaves The Dalles at. 12:35 p. in., stops t Hood River, Uo.n tie ville, Multnomah Falls, Bridal V.-il, Troutdale. Train No. ", known as the the mail and express, at 4:50 a.m., stops at local points on tlig. Train No. 5, known as the Portland flyer, stop- at Hood River, Bonneville, Bridal Veil and Troutdale, leaving The Dilles at :i:35 n. m. East-bound -Train No. 2, Chicago special, at 12:40 p. m., stops at Ulirgn, Grants, Arlington and Heppner Junc tion. Passengers for all points on the Columbia Southern Railway, via Kk'us and Heppner branch p inls, also all points east via. HuutiuiMou, shuld take this train. Train No. -1, known a the Spokane Flyer, at 9:25 p m., stops at all way points between The Dalles and Umatilla, Tiain No 0, mail and ex press, 1-J:40a. in,, for all point euM via, Huntington, stops only at. Grants, Ail ington and way stations can of Uma tilla. Freight trains will not carry pa-fen-gers except those l.o'dlng regular freight train permits form 20S, CASTORIA For Infants and Children, lbs Kind You Havi Always Bought Bears the Signature of Garden Hose We have laid in a largo stock.of Garden Hose and aro carrying tho same brand of Hose that we havo been carry ing for tho last five years, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Hrand. Wo carry tho same brand of Hose that the Dalles City Firo Depart ment has beon using for tho last twenty years. Tho jMal teso Gross Brand is without doubt tho best grado of 1 Ioso on tho market. Call and got our prices boforo buying. JWaier & Benton Sole Agents, JjK. U. T. SMITH, Osteopath. Kooini) 10 and 11, Uhinuuun I! lock, Tlio U.ilk'tf, Oregon. Tucuduj s anu ty-Mu) , a. in. l l'J. uiuylS'lm