8 JBalles Chronicle, vor. 'P TT T.I Ti-r-rTri -r - - . . .. a.LiijC), UKWliUIN, HAT U It I) AY, MAY 10, 1900. NO. 238 i. All "I'TT 1 ' " i THE END BELIEVED TO BE VERY NEAR ,Pmcc Partv is Heine Formed at the Transvaal Capital and Reports From There Indicate an Early Suini; for Peace. London, May 1H. mo lateet newn from South Africa and details of past opoiations to ml to confirm the view that tho end of the war in within measurable distuncu. From KrooiiBtad cornea a atory attributed to uxcullcnt authority to tho tflVct that a peace party ie lining formed it Pretoria, while reporta from l'rotorla itiell indicate diseounittomont ut tho recent rovcises and tho possibility of an early etiiui: for pence. Tlieru ib notliiriK to throw light on the mystery nf Mufeking. National anxiety isttraiiicd almost beyond endurance, al thout'li nowhere is the slightest belief that Colonel lludon-l'owell will not koe the Union .hid; flying. On lliu lino of Lord Itoberla' advance the Hours Imvd blown up a bridge over the Itliunoater rivur, thirty-aoven milefl north of K run nut ml. 1.onii.), May 18. Thu following is thu text of Lord Huberts' dispatch to the war oflicu : "Krooatad, .May 1H. Methuen entered Hoopjtiul yesterday unopposed. Generate Dupruy mill Ihiuiola and forty men have ituremluri'il. "llroadwood occupied Llndley yoster- day alter alight opposition. Only two of our men wuru wounded Blightly. Slcyn wis not tliero, and tiia government oili ciale iniil lull lust Sunday. "Mutton's mounted iiifnntrv yesterday surpriteil and captured, about thirty miles northwest of this place. Command ant Itotlui, Field Cornet GaBsen, five Johannesburg policeman and seventeen Hone. Tliero vvoro no casualties on our title. "Holler ruports that several Natal farmers are handing in anna." that the mission of the commissioners is more of a political than a diplomatic character, and whatever propositions inuy may make looking to tho inter venuon oi the United States in Soutl km i . Airica it is altOKothor likelv that tho president will decline to net. MAFEKING HAS BEEN RELIEVED Telegrams From Boer Sources Say They Abandoned the Siege Last Tuesday. London, May 18, 0:16 p. m. Mafc king has been relieved. I kktoicia. May 18. It was officially announced today that when the lookers and forts around Mafekine had been severely bombarded, the siege was aban doned. MnfokliiK'M Itnllnr. London, .May 18. A Bnecial disoatoh from Lonrunci) Marrjuea, dated yesterday tayB : "rim hat 500 refuuoefl who arrived here asreo in stating that Mafuking has Unrelieved. Thu end of the war is anticipated by tho Queen'a birthday, It Is stated ut tlio war ofllco that no mm as to tliu rulief of Mufeking had wen received up to 8 o'clock this morn-ins. Iliillur ul Jniiiiliuuir. I'annii.u huu, Thursday, May 17. enernl llnll!r uuterud Dannhauaur at 10 o'clock thia morning. Tho houses I" Hie town were found to bo not much damaged, owing to the sympathies of the Boor inhabitanta. A numbur of wis were found at their homes and lriteil. Tho railway is little damaged. 'lie lloi'ra nnrtli nf Vui.i.ilu ...... f..ll '"I? back. denornl Hull..,- !.,,. . ..,...... j00lle Queen congratulating him upon lUe taking of Dundee, nnil frnrMliii nn. P'Miatloi, f the work 0f the troops, to -'hi no ime lopliod. Jho Hours left two doctors and nn aui- 'ir Knviiyn luirU(loiic. "kY! YllllL- M.. in . . .i .. ii . ; '"y io.a special io inn wwMfroin Washington, says: What wee tho Bor commissioners had of J10" received ofllclally by the President becretary Hay j e8loniI1K i con8e. IZT, 01 ll"lir MWdnct n Now York. Jiinluratiou oaioiHi, ,BVe been follow- i with close interest the btatements legates have made, lor t h BCC0 to the ofllclftle, eluni 1 ""uio rPeenttIves ol for- StatJ0VWr,,ni0IUB ,0 como t0 1,10 UMiled Hbhli ''"'"cdiately upon arrival ini, ; ,V,Hn,lm,,K' tl10' Purport of thoir od n ' uuiain recognition, 01 thO nntlinrillau An tint Ndc, (uoh wnJuol highly im- Niitot " U,e dnliilstratlon's ixlih.i tl,u "ction 01 the delegatoa Menitir friomU 18 cMculated to stir tip Wconilog apparent, however, London, May 18. A special dispatch from Amsterdam biivh a telegiam from Boer source announces that Mafeking was relieved Tuesday. In Thu llotiNu. AHiriNOTox, May 18. For tho first tiiin) sincu the rebellion, tho House to day passed a measure to pay confederate BuldierB for losses growing out of the Civil war. It was a bill introduced by Cox (l)em. Tunn.) to pay the confederate auldiora who surrend 'red at Appomattox for the loss of horses and other personal iflects token from them in violation of Leo'fl capitulation to Grant, by which thu officers and mon of Lee's nrmy were allowed to retain their baggage, side arnifl and horses. 1 ho lull origmallv carried $200,000 but the specific sum was stricken out and the appropriation w made indellnite. The bill was pnssed out of ltd order us a special compliment to Cox, who, after ten yeaiB of service in the House, ia to retire at tho end of his present term. Many oilier claim bills were passed, A bill to reimburse Colonel Charles It. Dougherty and other members of the Ninth Pennsylvania regiment for bug gago destroyed at tbo opening of the Spiniihh war, favorably reported, but not readied when tho House, at 5:25 p. in. adjourned. Cutitrrli DiiiiniH lid Cured with local ainiliciUious, na they cannot reach tint seat of tho disease. Catnrrl is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter mil turned ec. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and uets directly on tlm blood mid mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrli Curu is not a quack medicine It wna was prescribed by one of the best phyulciana in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with the best blood purilleiB, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho porfect .ni.ihtiiuilon of thu two lniirodieiita ie what produces audi wonderful results in enrimr Catarrli. Send for testimonials, freo. F. J. Chunky A Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family PHIa are the best. 12 A Uiiliun Olllolnl Conf.nKBH, Havana. May 18.-W. II. Keeves, deputy ambuesndor of tho island, made a confession at midnight and gave up $1500 given to him by Neeley, financial ogont of posts at Havana, to perform certain serviced the day ho left. Gen eral Wood and tho poBtal Inspectors refuse to diacloao the nature of tho con feasion, barely admitting that the confessiou has boon made. It Is claimed that $1100 will be recovered today. Cull Kor Two I'or CunU. Wahiunoton, May 18.- Secretary Gage, after the cabinet meeting today, announced that lie would Issue a cull at onco for tho lodomptlou of the $25,804, 500 of outstanding 8 per cent bonds of the funded loan of 1801, interest to cease September 1 next. During the lost 10 months of the present fiscal yoar the treasury receipts have exceeded the ex penditures by something over $58,000,000. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., Bays, Do Witt's Little Kurly Kieers aro the very best pilla I ever used for costlvouoss, liver and bowel troubles." Vn will "noT have bolls if you take Clarke A Falk'a sure cure for bolls. AGUINALD0 HEARD FROM His Latest Proclamation surgenis. to the in- CIIEROKEE SENATOR BULLFROG lie Ilcltcvc Moit nf the Client Cheap Lnivj-cm Arc In 1'rUon. ol Manila, May 18. A proclamation pur porting to have been issued by Aguinaldo and dated May 4, from Pollilo island, one of the Philippine group east of Luzon ib calculating in Manila. It says the commission appointed by President Mc- Kmley wns appointed without ihe authority of congress, and hence it can not treat officially. It urges the Filipinos not to surrender their arms at the in siigaiion oi me commission and on promises which congress niav not ratify, and also urges the Filipinos to onlbusi aotically welcome the commission when it arrives in the town and provinces, asking bodily for the form of government they most desire, as tho Americans per mit of freedom of speech. The proclama tion closes witii asking the Filipinos to strive for liberty and independence, and again warns them ngainstdeception. In thu Catarma district about 500 of tho enemy attacked a portion of the forty-third regiment. The Americans killed 203 of tho rebels. Only three Americans were wounded. Major John C. Gilmore and 100 men of the Forty-third regiment were am bushed May Gtb near Pambugan, Sa mar. Seventv-flve of the enemy were lied and no American casualties. The transport Lennox has returned here aftei landing four troops of the Eleventh Cavalry to reinforce Colonel J. Bell. Two troops, Major Sime com manding, were landed at at Legaspi and proceeded across the countrv to strength en the garrison ut Liago. They found numerous entrenchments manned by inaurgenta between t tie towns, and were two days on their way. Their only loss was three horses. The officers report they killed forty insusgentp. but the natives declare eighty were killed. IVnr Wan u IUHliiir to himlu. Nkw Youk, May 18. A dispatch to the Herald from London says: General Stewart L. Woodford, formerly United States minister tit Madrid, speaking to night too correspondent, painted a glow ing picture of the futuru of Spain. "The loss of her colonies," lie said, "means Spain's national rejuvenation. Relief after years of cease!e?s, etrenuth sapping anxieties incident to the govern ment of her scattered island possessions, leaves her statesmen freo to work out the destiny of their own country. The war with tho United States was a bless ing in disguise. "I have unbounded faith in the nation's future. A Spaniard is osEentially honorable. Ho wants to pay his debts. Ho is jealous of hia country's name and credit. The present agitation because of increased taxes will subside as soon as King Alfonso's subjects realize that additional revenue is necessary to main tain the national honor." Scnntor Bullfrog uas a picturesque figure at n recent session of the Chero kee congress. His raiment on this oc casion consisted of a new pink calico shirt with no collar, navy blue trousers and heavy riding boots. Senator Hull- frog wore his spurs, and nlthoiigh he understands the English language inite ns well as the whitest man in the senate he addressed the president in the Cherokee tongue. At intervals Sen ator Bullfrog paused in his speech and spat with unerring aim at the stove, while nn interpreter repeated his argu ment In Englith. Senator Bullfrog is something o'f a philosopher. A certain lawyer had ofTered to accept five per :ent. as a retainer for collecting a claim for the nation, and ft was of this that the senaior from Goingsnake district poke. Senator Bullfrog declared that aheap lawyers were not safe. "They will," he ..aid, "offer to re cover your hog for a ham, but the -bailees are you will never get the hog and will lose an extra bam besides. I notice that most of the clients of cheap lawyers are in prison." This argument wns uproariously ap ilnuded by all the other senators, who at with their chairs tilted back against the wall, expectorating in tho direction af the stove. WILL USE ELECTRICITY. To Propel III I'ttiimger Steamera on the Seine at the I'nrU Ei-uoiltlon. VaiiRhl a DreiMlful Cold. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M Thompson, a large importer ol fine mil linery at 1658 Milwaukeo Avenue, Chi cago, says: "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was taking Cham berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to re lieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel eery pleased to ac knowledge its merits." For Bale by Blakeley & Houghton. The Appetite iifaOont Ib envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. All euch should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 cents at any drug store. 4 jtlr Ht -rflr Lr JL nn IV Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley A Houghton Druggist'. Hats Hats Te Graceo. There are none more popular. The Graceo is a hat well adapt ed for slimmer wear is dressy and comfortable. Regular and Light Sleights. All colors pearl, bellv nu tria, otter, beach and black. Three grades : $2.50, $3 50 and $5.00. Wo are supplying the demand. 1 A. M. WILLIAMS CO. 2 A Llf And Death fight. Mr. V. A. Hinea of Manchester, Ia., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says : "Exposure alter meas lee induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All uiy doctora said I muBt aoon uie. Then I began to uso Dr. Kind's rsew Discovery lor Consumption, which com- oletolv cured me. I would not be without it oven if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all soy it never fuils to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular siza 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. 4 Dull Headache, Pama in various parte of the body, Sinking at the pit ol the atomach, Loss of appetite, Feveriebness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences. of impure blood, mo manor now it became so it must bo purified in order to . I l- I) ) 1 obtaiu pood heaiiu. ncaor uiuuu Kluxir has never failed to cure facrofnloUB or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonuunui remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley iiougu- ton's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the ft A. 1-1 .1 .l Wasco warehouse, nuest khiu w chicken feed. uici.-it Passenger boats propelled exclusive ly by electricity will make their ap pearance on the Seine early this spring, in connection with the Paris exposition. These novel boats, the trial trips of which have proved a wonderful suc cess, have been built on the plans and under the direction of a Trench engi neer, Mr. l'isca, for the company of Suburban Omnibus Boats, whieh'will employ them, notwithstanding their luxurious equipment, for the trans portation of ordinary travelers at a reduced rate. They will run at a rent speed, without noise or smoke. and will be able to make nearly 03 miles without recharging,, managed by one man. These boats will be charged by nn electric machine on the river bank at Asniores, in front of their mooring station. Particular interest attaches to these boats from the fnet that they are the first devoted to the public service that have been tried in Europe. If the en terprise proves successful, which there is every reason to expect, it will revo lutionize river transportation. AiiHlriillnn O.VKter. The Journal of the Society of Arts says that Australian oysters are cheap and plentiful, being retailed in Sydney at lioni sixpence to one shilling per plate or bottle. The consumption is enormous, and lasts throughout the year. Hie whole of the iew South Wales coast is admirably adapted for oyster culture. Unlike the coasts of Great Britain and even America, where the temperature during the summer months is frequently sufficient to pre vent the sheding of spat, and generally to limit its quantity, the spat of Xew South Wales is distributed in unlimited profusion. Mr. Coghlan, the New South Wales government statistician, says the establishment of "pares" like those which may be seen along the coasts of France and Belgium, where oyster culture is conducted on scien tific principles, would be remunerative. It is said that the equipment for n Syd ney harbor picnic would be considered incomplete without the means of de taching oysters from the rocks, on which they are found ia myriads. Valuable ;iumu. The director of the geological survey has had an appraisement mnde by ex perts to determine the value of the spe cimens of fossil dinosaurs belonging to the collection of the late Prof. (). O. Marsh, which have been turned over :o the national museum in Washing ton. According to this estimate, the Bkulls of the monster triccrntops, or "three-horned beast," are wortli ut least $3,001) apiece, while other skulls rory in value from $50 to $250. The aead and neck of the trieeratops were jovercd by an enormous bony helmet teven or eight feet long. Ari- of Cuba. The total men of Cuba is about 45, 00 square miles. Of this 15.000 square miles Is uncleared and unexplored for ?st; 7.000 square miles is devoted to past ure; lfl.ctK) square miles smeeptiblo jf cultivation has never felt the plow1, and only about 12,000 square miles, or n little more than one-fourth of the en tire m en, Is or ever has been productive. Jaeobsen Book & JVTusie Co. Hammocks Hammocks Just Arrived The largest and most complete line at Rock Bottom Prices. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi t il kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, srtffKfc Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- fOTl "R'lcmT ThiaFlour ia manufactured expressly for family wvXX X J U8e ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wa sell our uoods lower than any houeo in the trade, and if you don't think bo Lall and get cur prices and be convinced. t Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. i. - i GrandaM Bap-get DEALERS IN -m- lobeS, All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funepal Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. RofnrD If fill PlflC6 aDV ortlers for a tombstone or for DclUlu jUU curbing, fencing or other cemetery work, call on Louis Gomini, I will not only give you all the information you need but I will quote you prices you cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bluff you. It will take only a few nunutea to call aud see me. If you have a neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to the price and quality of my work I niiin PntTlini and abide by the result. : : LUUIO UUIIIIIII Advertise in The Chronicle Subscribe for the Chronicle.