Do You Cough ? I riio's T n?cil to ho like everybody else. Vhni I nmshtcolil, 1 just letitalone, think ins il would curiiti'OlJ'in n few ila.v-j ; ofeoiirsethe on ut; hi nj; nril spitting oT mucus hometiine3 lusted sev eral wee!; hut nftcr while tho trouble would sub side. 1 al ways no ticed how ever, that each cold was worse than tlicono before. My throat to got weaker, and the least change in the weather started the coughing again. The last cold was the most severe of all. I was really frightened. Cough drops and home treatment did no good. A friend told me about Acker's English Itemed-. I pot a bottle, and you never saw the like of the way it acted. Before thobottlc was gono I was well. My throat felt asstrongand well as could be. Since then 1 have had no moro trouble. 1 think Acker's English Eemcdyso strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily resists the changes in tempera ture.anilitbuiliNuptheconstitutionaswcll." (Signed) Carmr Schwab, 231 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sold at25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, thronghou t the United States and Canada ; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., -Is. Gd. If you arc not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. 'e authorize the above rptaantee. IT. U. 1I00KER A- CO., I'ropricton, Sao York.- FOR SALE BY IBlakeley &: Houghton. I'll ml Mr In Central lniltn, London, May 17. Dealing with the f.tmtnulo the ccn trul provinces ol India, which have an area equal to that of Austria and n population of nearly II, 000,000 and which oro formerly most pruspr Ml!?, the Daily Chronicle corres ponden! nt llili'.sptir wiltee: "The demand for government na si tnnce is unparalleled. In one district 10 per cut are dependent on the Sirdar for their daily bread ; In two othera the p 'rcentao ia over SO. In the whole area there nro 1,3000,000 people with no other souictfs of substance than ovcrninent chanty. ''In Hie eastern division, whero the crop fa i hue was the most complete, we have had the btst opportunity for dappling with the famine. Thonbotiiina tion of desolation is hrre. Not a toiler is seen in the Ileitis. When the last rain failed ai.d the mile peasantry saw the ycuiii: no shoots blasted by the tierce August sun, they were left without resources, and the few silver ornaments which every Indian family possess went at last. Then they crowded the relief woiks by thousands of thousands." ?bror;i;!e5peial5 Runnino- Into One o Another. When reading nt night do ?the different letters run into one another and confuse you? If so, you have ast it.' matism nnd your sight will rapidly grow woise if not attended to. Many ail ment arise from defective vision, i'heo. II. Lie be can tit you with glasses thtit will give you normal vision. He is a graduate from two of the finest colleges in the Hast. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jjwelers. It's Our Business To dispense health-giving prescrip tions in the proper way. It's a business we have not learned in a day, but after years of persistent work nnd careful etudy. We use pure drugs and charge an honest price. Clarke & Falk. Plutot moit qu'aveugle" Means, ''Rather dead than bliud" blindness in most cates is the result of a neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many a person now blind could enjoy good eyesL'ht hail it not been that the eyes were neglected when the first sign of disease appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of the iuoit dangerous diseases, are in most cases due to neuliirence in the cire of the eyes, Theo. II. Liebe, of tlio firm of J. )i. Adcox & Co., la a graduate nf the I'eoria Optical College, and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute. JJo will correct "and "diagnose all errors of refraction. Eves examined free. I'KOl'I.K VOl! AM. KNOW. .Strll.c Threntetieil In Mrtiil Trailrs. New Youk, May 17. It ia feared that the arbitration committees of the National Metal Trades Association and of the Interuation Association of Ma chinists, who have been in session for nearly a week, arc hopelessly dead locked. Much depends upon reaching an amicable adjustment, especially to manufacturers and machinists in the West. Unless matters are adjusted the country will witness one of the moat serious disputes between capital and labor that has been seen in years. No member of either committee would givo any information relative to the points in dispute. Unless a settlement is reached, not only will strikes which were temporarily declared off pending aibitration be renewed, but the troubles will spread. Columbia Southern Warehouse. At Shaniko the Columbia Southern Railway Co. controls SOslOO feet of the Shaniko warehouse building, to he used as a freight warehouse, through which they will receive and forward freight, in the usual manner. The impression that all business must be done through for warding houses is an erroneous one and we take this means of dispelling it. Freight received and held twenty-four hours will be turned over to a forward ing bouse subject to the order of the consignee. The rate on wool in sacks or in hales from Shnniko to The Dalles is 25 cents per 100 pounds. For rales or other information call on or address O. K. Lytlk, G. F. & V. A., or Gr.o. F. Ross, Agent, Shaniko, Or. ICcimrt I'riim I'retiirlu. Piiutouia, Tuesday, May 15. An ofii chl bulletin announces that the federal troops stormed and occupied the fo-ts around Mafeking on Saturday morning. The same night the federals were sur rounded, losing, to far as known, seven killed, seventeen wounded and a number taken prisoners. The British casualties are said to have been fifty killed or wounded. It is reported that the advance guard of the force proceeding to the relief of Mafeking from the south was repulsed yesterday. L. J. Klinger and wife, of Dufur, were in town today. Grant Maya went on a business trip to Portland today. J. W. French was a passenger on the mid-day train for Portland. A. S. Blowers, republican candidate lor c-junty judge, was in town last night aLd left for his home at Hood River on the mid-day passenger. Rev. D. V. Poling expects to leave Monday for San Francisco, where he will attend a conference of the congrega IVmihI church and take a few weeks of u.uch-needed rest. Mrs. W. A. Darling, of Condon, stopped over here last night, on fier way from attendance at a Portland hospital, to visit the family of Dr. Hudson. Mrs. Darling left for homo on the mid-day train. The following names aro registered at the Umatilla House: T. K. Randall and f). .1. Tucker, of Viontot A. W. Adams. I of Oorvallis; H. O. Maeou.rjl Arlington ; I Call on Julius Fiihe A. W. fuelton and H. D. K-rgueon, of n .. i(ldendrt'e; A. L Morse, of Hood Rivir I V' larki9' of Frank Chrisman leave the Notice. Owing to the retirement Chrisman from the firm of Bros,, and his intention to state as soon as possible, all debts due the firm must be paid immediately. All having cliims agaiim the (inn will please preterit them at the market for payment. ui4-tf CiiitiSMA.v IJiioriiuus. and G. Montgomery, of Bojd. .11 unit ul Kntertuliiiiioiit. The following program will bo ren dered tonight at the entertainment nt the Methodist church : 1MIIT J, Piano Duet "Norma" ton llttltni ilUs Sampson mid MRs French. J1ukIc.i1 Glasses Ai-cldu MeCully. Kolo "Sunset" Stephen Jfauttt ujyMUi i'. iiiiwk. Inst. Duet "Vuelit Clnh March" ...Marker uiurciico (Jimeri ami iririu rurklng. ts'olo- "I Will Lovo Thee More and More" Mrs. A. A. Jityne. I'AIIT II. 1'hino Boln ''Oauiniicii Tana!" HI want Ilolit Mrs. 10, J. Collins. olo--"rllent Cell" Anonymous The "French Professor." Musical Qhissex Archie SlcCully. Holo-"0, Fair O, Hwcetaiul Holy" . ..Cantor aims Aiyruu biiciicji. afido Quartet "Two Hones" Utyr. Juyne, Kilieliiiiin, Parkins, Hawk Musical O I asses.., , Archie McOully. Admieiion, 25 cents, Ilon't Have to Walt At the Elite baths. Three scientific tonsorial artiets are employed, reducing to a minimum the time you will have to wait for a shave, hair cut or shampoo. her, tncceseor to II. m!7 It Use Clarke & Falk'a quinine hair tonic to keep ilnndrufT from the hea-', GOING EAST If you intend to tnku a trip Fast, ask your ticket agent to ruute you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up to-d.ito railroad In every particular. ThrouL!h trains from Cluc:iui, K'tiis.m City, Omaha or St. Louts to New York and Now England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls nnd every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all ticket!- at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Ci.ini:, Pacific Coast Pass. Aut,, Los Amielu'J, Calif. C. S. Ciiani:, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Notlc-n. Notice is hereby given that there will bean meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden E.igle Mining Com pany at the ollice of French it Co., b inkers, on Thursday, May HI, 1000, at 7 o'clock p, in., for tho purpose of elect ing seven directors and transacting ouch other business as may properly come be fore said meeting. By order of the president. J. C. HosTKTi.r.ii, Secy, and Tresis. The Dalles, A pi. 27, 1000. a'J7-td Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. "5 cts. nnd 50 do. Ulnkeley & Houghton Druggist'. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, io pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Ilartgeiink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you cat. Cannot f.iil to euro. l'iiv-4 Headache Oiileltly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and -'5 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. j:in2l-(iw For Siilo. A second-hand ten-foot Randolph header, in fair condition. Will be sold cheap. Enquire of SOUTH and EAST via ;soutnern Pacific Go. Shasta Route TrnliK leave Th Dnlloi (or I'ortl.-iiu! nu4 wiiy Mntlnnx nt 1: a. m. nun i. m. Leave IMrllmut S:rln " Alluiny lusrwn: Arrive Anlilnuit U:ln " yaonmn'iito fi:ti " Sim Kriiiifl-co 7: l p i Anlve (VjiIoii fi:l.'n " Denver 'JOXIn " Kiiiis.ii City 7:" a : " Clitfttw 7:15a Arrive Uw Anuelos V.W i m i:t rM ii:m p m " Kott Worth ii;fi"n la " t'ltv ot Mexico ll:M a in " MoiiHtoii I:(lnin " New Orleans i:-J.'iim " WnshliiKlon ti: 1J u in " Now York r.':l:! p in 7:(1 m 10:61 p in ll:sii m t ::i" a in S;l5u in It: I'm m ii in 7:'Ji'i a in yi.'Xiiiiu 7:(i ii in C.;m p in a in n -."' ti m 1:0D in i',:'J.) i in ('. 1 a in lj-l.liin I'ullniin ninl Tourlit ears on both Iralun. I'liiilr riirs Siicraiiioiito to ttoleu mill VA I'nn), ninl tourist ours to chlcnK-t, Ht Umls, How Ur leans mill Vnlilni!ti)ii. ComicctltiK nt S.m I'niiiclsco vltli sovcnil steanulilp linos for Honolulu, Jiiuin, Chlnii, l'lilllipIuo-', Central ami Smith Aiiuitca. See ngcutnt The D.illcs statlnu, or mlilrctt C. H. IyIARKHAM, (icnerat I'd""' user Axent, I'ortliinil) t)r mayll-lmw Ai.i:.. McLi:oi, The Dalles. Ki.-K l'"r Sali'. Full blooded, barred Plymouth liock e,:g3, per setting .$1 .00 and $1.50. For particulars call on or address, SANiiints Bitos. Box 017. The Dalles, Or. nKPA IIT iiia Kmt Mall p. in. timi: Fnir.niais. I'l'.DM UaLLK.I. Ball Luke, Denver, ft. Worth, Oinnhii, K'nii ms City, Ht. Chlcno nnd Kant. HlKikatie Mull mill 10:10 p. in 8 ). m. Ring up Faulkner, the junk man, be fore hauling your trash to tho beach. Ho buys old worn out rubber boots and shoes, brass, copper, zinc, lead, sacks, rage, etc. Dalles 'phone No. UN. npriM lw "utli in inir CI: tic H . All couatv warrants registered prior to June Ii, 1890, will be paid nt my office. Interest ceases after February. 2, 1000. C. L. Piui.mi'H,' County Treasurer. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the very best pi He I ever used for costiveness, liver and bowel troubles." Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated Jamea E. Pat tun strictly pure liquid paints Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DeWitt's Witch Hizal You will not have bolh if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for buiie. Subscribe for The Chronicle. p. m. Kx.Simiiny Bntiinlay 10 p. in. Walla Walla, HM)kmic, Mtiini'iiioIU. Ht. Paul, ii u In Hi, .Mlluimkiv, Chicago ninl Hast, via brokiiHunkil 1 In ulliii; lon: iiImi all pnlniK tn MiiiiuiKioii ninl i.asi cm Orison. KltOM I'OllTM.'lIi, Ocean SUviIiislili'S. For hull Friinciico Apill'J:, Mil 7, 12. Columbia Rv. Htcinicrs. To Astoria ami Way IjimlliiKi. Ar.ii'.vi: Khom. FH-t Mull p m Bpokmia Mull iiml l'xprcft.s l:(M ii. m I p. m. I p. in. K.i.htimlri) r,n. in. WiLMUKTris Uiveu. t:.'i0p. m. hx.&unilay Oregon City. NuivberciKx.Hiuiiliiy Salem A Way IjhiiPb., 7 II. m, WlU.AMtTTK Aillt Vam ineti.iiiur. mul Sat. 'Oriron city, IMylon, , ninl Way -J jhuHjik". ':l n. in. JIILI. Itiviuis, !MnuWiil ! .....I I. . I . ... Ga. in. 1 Wiixahktte Iuv;:it. I:a0n. m 'Iil'..'IJllir,;l'ortlmiil to CorviillIV Moil. Will mill gat. I.v Itlparlii (tally l.'-J n. in. anil Way-l-auiHuK'3. S.NAKI". ItlVKll. Hlpatlii to Ijivliitoii. mnl Friday I.KAVK l.Kivi.vro.s hilly b:'M ii, in. rumen !ulritn; lo iro ro Iloinun-r or i"jiuii no i.uiiuiiiiia noiiinern via liiui, hikiiiiu uii.u.,0. j, it-iiviiii; 'i in- nallei nt Vi.W p. 1:1. mukiiiKillrect connections t Himmurt Junction llllll HiL-trM. llflnrnlncr . ,, L I ,,,.,11 r.H, ,....,... iiieu-ii in m-jipuer jiincuon mill iiikkh ttllli tiu. iiiiik in inu iimien in p. in. ONE FOR A D08E. Umnra Pimpl.-f, Prirent PILLS rr i ll h Th!.l V?'nu, "c" d7 Ik uwtn fco t.ilabraruBtfiHu. OH. wdmo CD I PbiTi! Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Ailinlnlatrutor'4 Hulu of Ileal I'roperly Nntlcels hereby Riven that from mid idler tlio I Itartlflclglly digests tllOfood and ulda ... .... .. .j v, .i, . ui irniin io iii xiaiuiu iu nlreiluLlienint nnrl roi'nn. pilvaleiiili-, Jor t-ath, thu to l owln decriUl stnirMno-tlir MCon.iJJ'lii; .1 recon property bcloimlim to thu etto of I'atrltU a0M?Fi i SXt,all8?, d'Kestlve or- liroMrn,jfceatwi,tii-ivii: "",18118. It istholatestdlscovereddlfest- i I'iV'f V ll,utl: 'V,V 'J K l"!,J ' ant and tonic. No other DroMratlnn btojks, on on iMiie, ,...,. ,wtv,.oi,, i appro?ch ,t a SKnTlt In" Forinformaiioii hniuiro atotiiioof 8iimott& antly rcllevcaand permanently cures Aihiilnlitratrlxof thocttato of I'atrlcklirown, H.0V.,eadaoneiGMtralga,Oramp8,and For full tuirtlc-iiltrH call on o. 11 A K. I'm Heiit The liallti. or mlilress W. II. IIUKMIUItT. (ien Pas. Act,, 1'ortlainl, Or. NofiriPdc Yellowstone Park Line. TIU: IU.NINO OAK ItOl'TF. I'ltOM I'OKTI.A.NI) TO TIIK KA8T. T1IK ONLY JHItKCT LINK TO TIIK YKI.I.OW. HIONK 1'AItK lkwi:. Ko. 2. 11:15 A. il, No. i, U;'M V. il. Union Deroi, rtrtbaoa 1 st3 Kant rnnll for Tiicomu, Feuttlu, Olymplii.Urny'i, llmhor mm Mouth lii-ml poiiitu, Hpukmie, Uos Inml, IS. C, Pillhumi, llui-cmv, U-wUtoii, lluf falolliiiiipinlnliif; coun try, llclinii, illnneaijo 111, Ht. l'aul, Oina iii, ClileaKo anil nil M)liitn ea.t mill Koiilhi'int. 1'iiKot boiinil F.xprinN for Tacoiiiii ami Heattlo mnl Interuiiilluto h)iiIii AlllllVli. Ko. 1 TiJ.'iO I', it. No. a. 7;0OA. II. ADMIKISTitA rOIl'S NOTIOK. .Notice is ticrehy xlveu that tho umltrkliiiicil, by mi order tit tho County Court ol lliu himI, i,I urcion lor Waicn County, h been appoli tul uduilulitrutor of the titutu of Helen llrmlfori), ileccaiul. All ierou bavins eUlrnx iiKvliut I hit .atjtlf nf ualil HMWflHnl uni ti. flllluH In I ent thnii, with the proper voucher, to me At Werner Hood lilver, Oregon, within klx moultia from iiiiooui; 01 mi nonce. Uatcd ilay 15, lt00. Putnam K. liiiAiironii, Admlnlitiator of thu Kv.uto of Helen llrad ford, tocaed. ia-1 oiner results or imperfect digestion. T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTIOK OF THE PHAGE. Notary I'll hi ic. Collectionn promptly attended lo. Money to loan. C. E. Uayard'a of fice, The Dallee, Oregon. IHKD. W. wii:on. ? ATTOitNKY.AT LAW, OfUoo nvci Vint Nat. limit. I'lillwiiii llrUclami mid tourltt akcporii lo i!i"cT' i l'"ulB,t MikBoutl river pohiu llajfijaKe checkui todcitllintioii of tickctK, iiM,'ir. '""."1'"V"cly ''"tmteil dciorlptlve mutter, Hcketa, leepliiK car rencrvatloua, t call oil or A. D. CHARLTON, AwUtant (loneral I'aawnmr Aacnt, 2.W ilorrhoc Street, corner Ttilrr), I'orthiinJ, Oregon. jQU. K. K. VBIIUUMUN, riiyHician and Surgeon, Ofllce, Vogt Hlock (over I'oitofllce), liOaplmo-aw TIIK DAU.K8, OHKOON. f i 1 'i t f (i I ! Thn Dollon, On, The Chronicle, dob Printer's. 1 f "V'iiiiit intf i tf titrntxTf ft tn ii if rirrttiir Wiitiiiiif iiiFiim tuuiu t mUTi Aut u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ij f t h 1 1 1 1" $i.oo per month. Ktrietly llrt class local ninl lone (llHtuiice telephone service within your home. Lines do not erose-tsilk. ' Your con versation will he kept n secret. No cost for intitnllini;. You "."t the Htandnrd Htinnini; l.ont; Distnnt Iiintrtiinent. (.'ontiniioiH day nnd night ervico. Wo will lu-ci'pt your contract for ten yearu and allow yon to cancel Hiiiue on ivinK us thirty daya writ ten notice, PAOiriC STATES TELEPHONE 00S. and Motors JIANtri'AlTUItUI) I1V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars nnd particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent. iinSM . THE DALLES, OREGON C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Rotal! Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ageir rthe Greate Amerioan Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from to (J.O0 er imllnn. To1iBye'rB bTtl. ) iMPOETED 00GNA0 from $7.1)0 lo 12.00 nur khIIoii. (U to 5J0 ywtru oi; OALirOBNIA BBAMDIES htm w.'Jb lo'tO.OO ner Kton; "(1 to 1 1 SnJi ) . ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. COLUMBIA BEER on ilnmht, iid Vl Hlats mid Olyuiplft leor 1,1 boM", itiiu(i,vu niu auu i-orier. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Advertise in the Chronicle