The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 18, 1900, Image 3

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    New Top
Vc know what Rood
clothes are, where to huy
them mid how to select the
nobby styles and patterns.
VC'e want to say tiint we
have never had us choice n
stock of Rood clothes in our
store ns we have rifjht now,
and we're ready to quote
prices that will interest you.
Vt'c sell the Hart, Schaff
ncr & Marx tailor made
suits and top coats.
They're the kind adver
tised in all the leading
magazines and worn by Rood
dressers everywhere.
1ft V
All Goods Marked
In Plnln Fleruros.
100 pieces Wash Goods, of Lawns, Dimities and
Organdies, have been placed on the bargain counter,
10c and 12c values go for 8c
15c values "go for 11c
17c values go for 13c
20c values go for 15c
25c values go for 19c
30c values go for 23c
35c values go for 27c
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone No. 1.
FHIDAY MAY 18, 1900
At Andrew Keller's.
Camping outfits very cheap nt the
llackut eturo.
l'rtliu fai i h two for five cents nt tho
llackut store.
MenV, boys' nnd chililron'B straw huts
At tliu Itaokot store for live cunts imil
A rooming house of eleven rooms for
rent ami furniture for sale. Apply at
litis ollict;. nil7-lw
Price not In it. Muat be sold ly June
1st. One 2-ycur old organ ut Jacobsen
Hook & Music Co.'a.
Diin't foiget the iniisicul entortain
'nent nt the M. K. church tonight. Ste
proKraiu in another place.
Hood River folka will hold a mass
tueetliii? tomorrow to mnko arrnngo
luentn for iM'.ehratinu the Fourth.
l'ease & Maya linvo a bargain sale on
colored lawns, 100 pieces, nt special
priced for Saturday. See their nd.
The wife of the captain of the Salva
tion Army in ijuite sick with measles ut
lier tesideiico over the army tmrracke.
McoiiHi) to wed was issued from the
county clerk's ofllce yesterday afternoon
to William U.Jones and.Rosolla Hoot,
ol Mosiur.
The eclipse of the sun will occur next
Sunday morning beginning nt 7:28 and
lamina for about two hours. It will be
"tnl in tome parts of the United States.
Considerable wheat ie coming over
these days from Klickitat county. Some
otitis stored at the warehouses, but the
tu'k goes to the " Diamond Flourii g
Hood Hlver strawberry growers any
ho Wrk'H bloomed all at tho same time
this spring, and consequently they ex
Pci the ripening season to be of short
Twenty. eix carloads of cattle from
Koselmrg were fed at the Saltmarshe
stock yards this morning. They are
owned by Flowery & Lowery and were
oo'iitd for Cutbnnk, Montana.
'fhu Y. M. O. A. are talking ol charter
a steamer for n trip to Astoria on
'Fourth, If tho project materializes
1,16 Hon m,)r will leave hore on the third,
'tuning on tho day after tho Fourth.
H. M. Nkkolson, of Hood Klyer, hftB
wiveu uu appointment and commls
as census enumerator (or West
i ood nivor precinct, which Includes
new precinct of South Mood River.
ho calabooBe had a drunk and dla
0Mly on Iti register last night who
gave his name as E. H. Cosbv. He
forfeited a five dollar bill which lie put
op this morning for his appearance
At a depth ol about 170 feet another
j strong flow of water Iuih been struck in
the artesian well. The water, as before,
I was found in n stratum of sand and
'gravel and hue risen seventy feet to the
upper stratum.
I For the convenience of parties want-
j i ill ice in the afternoons, tiie Stadcluian
Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store,
corner Third and Washington stieets.
I'hone No. 10"; long distance 183.
"King 'em up." lSui-tf
Mrs. A. A.' J ay no invites the ladies
of The Dalles to inspect her stock of
ladies' and children's trimmed and
sailor hats. Her goodB are all new and
fresh and they are oH'orod at prices that
defy any competition.
Hon. M. L. Pipes will speak at Hood
River Monday, May "1st, and at The
Dalles Tuesday, May 22d. Hon. J. N.
Williamson and Mr. F. W. Wilson will
Hneak at Dufur Saturday, May 19th, and
at Cascade Locks Wednesday, May 2;id.
Owners of canines ore reminded that
the dog license ordinance is in force ond
that the authorities have determined to
put it in execution. So if you have a
dog, pony up the pi ice of a tag or you'll
wake up some fine morning and find
you have no dog at all.
Secretoiy Gage, in response to an In
quiry from the house of representatives
as to tie extent of the influx of Japan
ese, has submitted a letter from Imigro
lion Commissioner Powderly, stating
that the urrivale for the nine months
ending March 31st last, were 4427.
T. I.angford, a carpenter employed by
tho O. K. & N. at Bluloeks, yosterday
evening got his hand caught in a cog
wheel of a machine, badly bruising and
hcorating IiIb left thumb, which w'll
probably result in its loss. Ho came on
to The DallcB and had the injured mem
ber dressed by Dr. Logan and left this
morning for Portland, where his family
Frank Woodcock, of Wamic, passed
through town today for Portland, where
he will take passage on tho steamer
Elder, on the 24th, for Capo Nome.
Mrs. Woodcock accompanied him as far
as Portland. Geo. End, also of Wamic,
will jiiu Mr. Woodcock at Portland to
morrow and sail with him to the capo.
Dr. Sitldall, of this city, ib already in
Portland on his way to Capo Nome by
the same boat.
Harbison HroB. sprayed their orchard
throe times last year with arsenic and
soda, says the Glacier, using six pounds
of lime to the barrel, instead of Bor
deaux mixture. Out of sixty boxes of
apples forty were first claes and free
from worms, which was a good showing
in mi orchard whore nearly every apple
was wormy the year before. Harbison
Hros. consider IK, pints of theum-ulo
mixture a little too strong for tho first
spraying, s the foliage while tender
whb slightly burnt, but no injurious re
suit followed the later sprayings. I not
followed too closely by raiu, they think
four or five sprayings in a season are all
any orchard needs.
A rear-end collision occuried up the
road last night in the neighborhood of
Lu Grande, when n passenger train ran
into u freight train, Injuring a couple of
train meu, one of them quite severely.
The men passed through here today on
the No. 1 passenger on their way to the
Portland hospital. Tho train was de
layed a little while Dr. Logan adminis
tered such temporary relief as the time
permitted. One of the men had eevere
bruises on the head and back. The
other, a (iremuu, had bis light thigh
broken near the hip. Neither of the
men belongs to this division.
Professor C. L. Gilbert has had his
mind fixed for a long time on procuring
a complete set of photographs of all the
public school buildings in the county,
und to this end he and Mr. Gitlbrd, The
Dalles photographer, have already
traveled over most of the county and
obtained a beautiful lot of negatives.
Mr. Gifibrd is at present working on
Tho Dalles eehool houses and taking
group pictures of tho different nchool
rooms. Next week he ond Prof. Gilbert
will io over the country east of the
Deschutes, and whilo there and on tne
way expect to visit fifteen school houses.
When a complete set has been obtained
the professor intends to have each
copied in half-tone or photogravure and
printed on large sheets of heavy paper
for framing. The cost of all this will be
considerable, but Prof. Gilbert has set
his heart on it and is willing to foot the
bill. The complete picture will be a
prized souvenir of school days to many
a pupil.
Nnnlitli Wnr ISuttmia.
article on the early closing movement.
Doubtless you are aware there is scarce
ly a city of any importance in the United
States but that has this early closing
movement in vogue and find that it
works successfully both to employer and
employee, giving botli parties time for a
little recreation after business, thus en
abling them to put tho required nmount
of vim into their respective duties the
following day. For does not "all work
and no play make Jack a dull bo.y?"
Eight hours are the required hours for
all laboring classes all over the world.
Lst us in The Dalle9 take this matter
up and see what can be done. We all
have the interest of our employers at
heart, and I think they will be glad to
render what assistance they can to put
this early closing movement on a good
sound basis.
Again thanking you for your kindly
interest. Truly Yours,
A Haiiii'l" of Da 1 1 en Wuser)-.
When Manila was captured the Sec
ond Oregon was the only regiment to
.enter the city and receive the surrender
cf the Spanish army and arms. A nuni
ber of fine old bronsw cannon were
captured at that time. One of them
was brought home and this splendid old
bronze, cast in Spain more than a cen
tury ago, is now being made into
souvenir buttons by n committee of the
volunteeis, and the buttons are being
sold for the benefit of the fund to erect
a handsome and artistic monument to
the memory of tho eoldiera of Oregon
who lost their livers in tho Spanish nnd
Filipino wur. Tho button is made with
a button back for men and boys and a
pin back for ladies and girls. This is
a valuable souvenir of tho war, such as
every adult and child in Oregon would
bo pleased to possess, especially as the
entire proceeds of tho sale will go to
erect a splendid monument to servo as
a perpetual object lesson in patriotism
to tho youth of the state. Tho buttons
sell in any quantity at 25 cents each. A
number of them have been sent here
and will bo found on sale at the local
drug stores.
Kirly UliiJoiTvVorkii Well Kverj where.
Tim, May 18, 1000.
To tiih KniToit:
Dkak Siii : Allow me hb an employe
to express my thauka for yoar timely
lhe Times-Mountaineer man is get
ting to be a wag. The following "goak,"
(as the lamented A r tenuis Ward would
spell it) appears in a late issue of that
paper. The only comment called for is
that if we had fifty private portages they
would not accomplish as much as the
one tho Portland chamber of commerce
is wisely and timely advocating:
The Portland chamber of commeice is
still meeting and resolving in favor of a
"portage railway at tho dalles." It
seems a pity that some alleged Portland
newspaper 'cannot inform that august
body that there is a portage railway at
the dalles which will bo carrying freight
and passengers within six weeks, lint
then, come to think of it, there are no
real liva newspapers in Portland.
Ad veilUeil Letter.
following is the list of letters remain
ing in the poslofilce nt Tho Dalles un
called for May 18, 1900. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they wero advertised:
Andrews, MrsKlecta Ileach, Mrs L A
Mcintosh, MrsSusun Mason, Mrs E L
Miller, Mrs Bertha Wright, Mrs J A
Hurden.Eupliratico Blaobboiirne.JoEeph
Campbell, Richard Currau, Michael (2)
Dutiton, Ike
Hensley, Mr .J
Hay, Tom
Knight, Thos
Pateison, Win
Pike, Guy K
Thorsness, S II
Davis, Frank
Hamilton, A J
Haywood, II P
Johnson, Edd
Lovejoy, Amos L
Pike, M A
Sw itchier, Chas
White. W E (2)
H. H. Kiddki.i,, P. M.
Ihn I.ttily Ult-rkM Wunt Karly Cluxluu.
To tiik Kurroit:
I note with pleasure tho article in last
night's paper on the early c'osing move
ment. Early closing has proven very
satisfactory In other placer, and I sea no
reatiou why it should not in The Dalles.
I feel that the ladies generally would
wish it success. The clerks certainly
would be ablo to accomplish more and
give more satisfactory service with
shorter hours, thereby having a little
time for recreation.
One ok tiik Ladv Ci.uikh.
The Dalles, May 18, 1900.
n-t ii mh iiHiinii iiui.i n,ii i m nmuu. i
AVfcgcfable Preparationfbr As
similating iheFoodandRegula
ling lhe Stomachs andBowels of
Promoles Digcslion.Cheerfuf
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Tstot "Narc otic .
fitape oTtHdJlrSWVELPnxmR
Ampin Seal'
Ibxkdl Sells -state
Sfetl r
Hfcennht - ,
Ctmfitd Sugar
hHituyrem Flavor.
AperTecl Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
nnd Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Special Sale!
...Steel Ranges and M Stoves... i
To reduce our largo stock wo will
sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short time only. See our
goods and got our prices. . . .
tlnucn Hi O. It. A: X, Tlinu Card.
A change in time of O. H. & N. trains
which took ellVct Sunday, May 1.1th,
makes three paseenger trains In each
direction daily, the time ut The Dalles
being as follows :
West-bound Train No. I, known as
the Portland special, leaves The Dulles at
12:35 p. in., stops at Hood River, Bonne
ville, Multnomah Fulls, Bridal Veil,
Troutdale. Train No. 3, known as the
the mail and express, at 4:50 a.m.,
stops at local points on tl.ig. Train No.
5, known ns the Portland flyer, stop) at
Hood Ulver, Bonneville, Veil and
Troutdale, leavint The Dalles at I):35
a. m.
East-bound Train No. Chicago
special, at 12:10 p. in., stops at Bis,
Grants, Arlington and Heppner Junc
tion. Passengers for all points on the
Columbia Southern Hallway, via. Biggs
and Heppner branch punts, also all
points east via, Huntington, should take
this train. Train No, 4, known as the
Spokane Flyer, at 0:25 p. in., stops at
all way points between The Dalles anil
Umatilla. Train No. (1, mall and ex
press, 12:40 a, m., for all points east via,
Huntington, stops only at Grants, Arl
ington and wuy stations can of Uiim- .
Freight trains will not carry paeten- j
gers except those hoMiuu regular j
freight train permits form 208. (
For Infants and Children.
Thy Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Slguature of
Garden Hose
Wo have laid in u largo
stock of Guidon Hose and are
carrying tho same brand of
I lose that wo havo boon carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tese Cross Brand. Wo cany
tho sanio brand of lloso that
tho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has been using for thu
last twonty years. Tho Mal
toso Cross Brand is without;
doubt tho best grado of I losa
on tho market. Call and gob
our prices boforo buying.
JWaier & Benton
Sole Agants,
Kooma 10uul II, fliuiumin lllork, The l):illc,
Oregon, 'I'uotdu.vH and KiUlayu, 6 ;i. in, to 1.'.