The Dalles Daily Chronicle. JFKIIUY MAY 18, 1S00 Republican Ticket. Justice Wolverton Food nnd Dairy Htdlev. STATE OFFICERS. Commissioner J. W, Congressman The Dalles. DISTRICT OFFICERS- Malcolm A. Moody, of again in 1S48 nnd, forcibly nnd with out tlio consent of the governed, ndded L,:M,443,520 ncres more. Tlicy expanded ngrtin in 1853 nnd, with out the consent of tlio governed, ndded 20,142,400 ncres more. And finally in 1800 they nttemntcd to ! expand nnd, without the consent of the governed, add the island of Cuba to the list of our possessions. Thus of the 1,922,037,800 acres of Ameri can territory lying between the At lantic and the Pacific, and between the British possessions nnd the gulf, 1,400,365,800 acres, or nearly two acres out ol three, have been added BUSINESS LOCALS. Joint Senators J. X. Willinmson, of j to the original thirteen states by dem Crook ; T. H.Johnston, of Wasco; W. j ocmtjc expansion, some of it forcibly W. Sleiwer, of heeler. and nearly all of it without the con JtvSrKS. k!2S; -ont of the governed. And now the George Miller, of Gilliam; George ' degenerate sons of n vigorous an SilTf Grt? ThMJriice-try are exhausting the vocabulary Wasco. District Attorney The Dalles. -Frank Menefee, of COUNTY TICKET. County Judge A. S. Blowers, of Hood Eiver. Commissioner P. A. Kuchhemer, of Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E. Lake, of Wnmic. Treasurer C. L. Hiillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of Tlie Dalles. Surveyor J. R. Goit, ot The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. of abuse in condemning republicans for doing precisely what the demo crats have never failed to do when they had the chance! The Transvaal and Orange Free State want to be annexed, and our esteemed contemporary sarcastically suggests that McKinley has n splcn did show to bu- another war. Let us see. Didn't the Orecon demo crats have something in their state j platform about sympathy for the! Clark A Fnlk are never closed Sunday Don't forgot this. Clarke & Falk have on side n full line of paint and artist's brushes. A full iine of Eastman films and sup plies just recoived by Clarke A Falk. Clarke & Falk's flavoring rxtrnct? are the best. Ask your urocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke A Falk. Paint your house with paints that aro fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Why pay $1.75 por gallon for inferior pain to when you can buy James K. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. tnI7 OlorloiiK New. Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewerof scrofuln, which had caused hur great Buffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head nnd face, nnd the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is com-1 plete and her health is excellent." Tliis shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is tlio besfblood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates iiver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, hulps digestion and builds up the strength. Only 50 cunts. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton, Druggists. Guaranteed. -1 Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THEaDRUCGlST. iH REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COfffl Hteiinierx of tin. Ilrmilntor l.luu will run n mv.iiK M'hciliili', tlio Ciimpiitiy iwcrrliiR tin, rliiln tl.t'l M'liertiilu wlllimit ni.ttco. K 10 chW'i Str. notfulutor. DOWN. , l.v. Dalles lit A, U. " Tuojiliiy , TlmiNlay . . Hrtturiliiy. Arr. I'urtliiuit ,111,1 1'. Mi ttr. , I.V. I'lHll.llllI J 111" A. U, Moiiilny .iliioMty Ship your Freight via Frlilny i T?orrn1nrY Lino Ira --'"-'. Arr. DalU- Str. Dnllcia city. IMIWN l.v. Dill "t K A. h, Miniiliiy Wliuiluy Friday . Arr. I'nrtliiiiii it r r. it, i . r. "t7:00 A.j,: luewi!. Atr.i),iie5 nt :. r,4, FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, C Triivu) ly tlio Htfiimorx nf thn ItvKiiUtnr l.liio. Thit Compiiny will rtidcnviir to RlrcltiMi I rnni witf nvni puiviro "7niuiu. j-ui luiiiiur iiiiuriniiiiiiii luiurciH ' i I'ortlniiit Olllw, Oak Htrwt Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. A(?t. ...iwnmj L. Lane, AX ALARMING ULTIMATUM. The women suffrage movement has its amusing features ss well as those that are soberly ,'serious. A short time ago The Chuosiole received a marked copy of the New York Sun, in which a suffragist writer gave elaborate statistics to prove that the granting of equal rights to women had alwavs resulted in a marked in- Bcrers "in their noble and brave struggle for liberty and national paper thoroughly before buying else-1 2, Be Sure and ex-unine nur stm-lr nf u-.'ill ! ! (IKNKliAl. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. existence." And did not that, if it meant anything but pure buncome, mean that tli- democrats were willing to "bit)' ano ie, war" with England in the hope i catching certain Iruh and Gertii'Mi votes? Democratic sympathy ia a mighty cheap com modity unless the democrats are willing to back it up with brawn and muscle. where, as we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at H. Glenn & Co.'s. al7-lw Tlie llenietly fur lihuiiinntlBiii. QUICK RELIEF FKOJI FAIN. All who use Chamberlaiii Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Mr. D. X. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says Dairy butter 30 to Ito cents per roll at Pease & Mnve.' BiacKsmiin We Put... ...AND. Special reserve old government whis key, recognized hy the highest medical authority in the land ; especially recom mended by the board of health of San Francisco for hospital use, also A. P. O'Brien, M. D., captain and surgeon, and Win. I). .McCarthy, major and sur- ' j; peon U. S. army, ns the purest iiutdnl- IT terateil stimulant for eoiivalefcen's, in valids and family use. .Sold bv Charles Stublinp. ap'lllVdlin Horsesnoer Wagon nnd Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tbirdland Jclrnn, Piione;i59 1 'i Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Intl., save, 'DeWitt's Little Early P.hers ahvav- "Some time atro 1 1 bring certain relief, cure my headache increase of population, nnd that if j had a seve attack of rheumatism in my j ana never Rpe-" They gentlv cleanse ' ,-. . . . . arm anu snotiluer. I trletl numerous "uu "lv,u'a,e tI11-uueis ami iiver. i the Oregonians were to inciease and "uulu,-f- 1 ir,eu U1; "cruue ; " .... . ' remedies, hnt got no relief until I was, t. ,. . , ... , . , i multiply in any ratio commensuralc recommended bv MeS9rs, Geo. F. IMr-j J "B Vrriet "ineJ'e- with tho i.nt nnfnrfil of I .."..s , wrItes 1 never t roIltfVe HIV. s.wwMtw.j eune x uu., uruKCiaie ui line piace. 10 '1 r,. ...... , Ulll f ft A clnln Ima urnnn- t It 1 rr in In t-n f f wx I . r i n ivtr 1 nin'j W i!n Uulm Tl.nn 1 .... ,,.ut,t. g ,u ..u .... v. ...... One. Minate Cough Cure. I would not to give the Oregon women the ballot, recominenneil it so highly that I bought ; fee, saff. u.ithout And right in line with this came ' " hl mu 00n reti fpain. b co(, . d d i t t . . , . i1 liave s,nL'e recommended this lini- inn,!!.,lauJ long a short extract from a speech nient t0 of mv fr,end who , liinnnasea. lately delivered at a women suffrage j with me that it is the best remedy for meeting in Kansas bv Miss Louise muscular rheumatism in the market." Evelyn Lease daughter of l.Pr.Fur le by BlaVeley A Houghton, mother who said to the men folks' The Appetite ufaouat in her audience: "You men must' envied by all poor dyspeptics whose ! t, .1 :.... l f i i the ballot. You all have.' Tl ... . ' " sucu snoum Know mat ur. Kmc s .New give us The Dalles Comtrision House wjll keep fresh milk at ail times on hand ! antl deliver it anywhere in the city at 1 the following prices: One quart, $'2 per ' month: three pints, $3; two quarts, ft ; three quarts $5.50; cream L'O cenlt per pint. Fresh butter every day. JSj lm ; ..GflflS. FRANK- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kwjw tin ilntUKlit the cck-briitcd COl.fMIIIA HKKU, ncklimr: nlKiil the trnit bwr in The DhIUh, at tin; iiMiul price. Come in. try It nml be rimvlnceil, aI the Flnmt brands of Wlnefi, I.liuor and ClKnra. Sanduuiehes ol all Kind Htwnyk nil bund. Tjeen used to saying, 'The hand that Life ,,, the wonderful ;tomach and T ;" - uy. rot'ks the oradh- is thn Imnd thnt iu-...m.,u- u.u. ...:. . Jak Laxative Brnmq Quinine Tab - - . " 1 - ,i , v-j , m t cp.cuu.u apjjuiic, JH16 rules the world,' but I say to you, , sound digestion and a regular bodilv gentlemen, it you do not keep your ' hab5t lbat 1Ilsnree perfect health and greai energy. uniy jo cents at anv All druggists refund the money. drug store. 4 noli Hoo.Unl,,! 11 ; : nuu pun jn -j, ,u m ,h Nasal CATARRH promise there will be no cradle to rock and no babies to put in them." Thif. wnilld hi rpfillf nlnrminrr icorn x1C.iuuunr, . , , of the body, Sinking at the pit of the tliooM be eleaciines. w not assuieu tuat 11 must nave stomach. Losj of appetite, Feverisbness, Ely's Cream Balm ueeu spohen in tue tuouguiiess :m- Pimples or Sores all positive evidences. ean.,iooUiMndhji8 petuosity of youth. We may say of impure blood. Xo matter how it e ca,.l.';"::e this conOdently for, as another has lrtcame - 11 nn3t l purified in order to eo:d m tbe fcd . j , ... obtain pood health. Acker'e Blood qaiekiy. .uggc, cu, mv Biuw ur com- EjexJr h&s MM tQ gcrofu,OU8 , CTm Balm i, pUd .n.o the nortrl!., qm.d. menced to sing together in the or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood fAtl' T'' heavens this baby question has been diseases. It is certainly a wonderful SZSJtX o wholly disconnected from politics remedy ana we dl every bottle on ctm jrfcTnaB; Tri4isi2,iotiu bymau, that the two haven't even a speaking f P"5ive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough- uews.m w Swt. x To. " inn e drug store, acquaintance. Do these good sisters really think that the nmiable old' Mrs" Calrin z""-erman. Milesbarg, JQF a NlCe ,, 1.. .isaye, as rjwruy cure (or coughs, C. F. Stephens .Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Uooti, Shi. Hut. ( np, Notion. Act. Ilor V, I. UoucIok Shoe. The Dalles, Or. Tolephonc No. s. 131 bvcoud Ht llW.tnr villi fllin lineL-Al r I.a ar,l-2 ' ' colds, cronp snd sore throat One Minute that roost above the chimney pot, or , Co,,gh Cure b unqoaled. It U pleasant the stars that shoot from the space for childiec to take. I heartily recom above, or Saint I'etcr nodding at the 'mend 5t ,0 motherfi." It is the only celestial gate can be Influenced bv a harmless remedy that produces im- Rim nf linmpft nn n liAlInt irlfli nn X umr, mark to the right of them? Suit of Clothes. I'ctlne, Ovwoatiu- or fncy Veitlnr. Just What You uaant. DEMOVllA TIC XXI'AXMOX. pnenmonia, grippe nnd throat and lung disease. It w ill prevent conturoption ' A Teatliiiorilal (rum Ultl laicUud. 'I consider Chamberlain's Cough The extfnsion map of tuc United Hemedy the Le,t in the norid for bron- States shows that the democrats ex- ehitis," tut Mr. William Savory, of panded in 1803 nnd, without the Wafri"i-,'on. EogJaud. "It ha taved consent of the governed, added 50af. ,y, J'V' brip? Uen W?Tl' . .. ...... . to bronchitis fcr over six yette, being 100,080 seres to the original thirteen l00gt o( the Umv tvJnfined l0 )tr bed. atates. They expanded ugain in She is now qn'tte -ll." Sold by Blake- 1814 nnd, foicihly and without the lf.v A Houghton. consent of the governed, ndded 44,- Ker. W. E. Silzer. W. Cuton, X. Y every bit of twenty years c.vjicriencc atul drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. .Is it. any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTOH, Reliable Prescriptionists F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. j Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. !cor Second & LamAliD. 'Phone 157 I Important ! Announcement to you. For fll) days after April 1st, I will sell nil the Dry Good?, Clothing Hoots nnd ShoeB, Hoaiery, Hlnnkete, Hutu and Caps, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now is your opportunity to ut bar gains. Uou't iiieij it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to K. J. Collins A Co. C. S. Smith, Till. ilp-to-dateQroeer Fresh ICtfus nnd Crettmcry Ituttur u Hpeeinlty. 2d Street. J. H. HCIIBNK, i'realdciiL 'Phone 270. ji.ii.biuT Cuhi First National Back. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bunking lltiBinvas Ittnaeti Itapoflits received, Bulijcct to bigbt Draft or Check. Collections made and proceedd i remitted on dnv of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange aoMii rew York, ban Jrancisco un; Portland. D1KKOTOKS . D. P. Tuommok. J.NO. 6. Schuci, I En. M. WtLLIAMB, CiltO. A. LllJl. i H M. IIicai.u - years, ant , ', without benefit. -Ibad dyspepsia over twentr " A ' ' d tried doctors and medtcinet uivL "'-tui,a...t ... f. trh ; ' ,A"Qat XXtirQ St. 1 trai persuaded to dm tirade J3C.000 more. They expanded again ! write, In IBOo-ll-lS) and, without '.he con ent of tbe so verned. added 184.760.. SCO acres more. Tbey expanded Kodo! ''P1 Cure and it helped me I 1 CUia!. Fi Mio in 1835-45 and added 242,- tb 'U'1; 1 h f Jt A. CDCl 6 5 "ro. . . ; Pna 'or allformi of indigwlion." It! xoa,oiv at-rra more, i uey expanded f digests vbat jtn eat. J New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such j wide variety as we are showing never be . fore traced a single stock, heal irnita. lion creton effects at ordinary prices. I .Good papers at cheap paper prices.' ; Wegant desijsns, tasteful coloriugs, yours lor a small tiric. at . ..... '.r. , . , JS&'m 1ua .5m. "T wi t im- ttreet. Also a fall line of i.on, ,.il.. Tailoring. 11 ' "fDEVANT, Dentist. 0cj Of tt Vtttteh ti Co.i Uuk OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAUWT And CAFE, J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. niANHACT A KKKKAMIAKK1.NU Dl'klMi Letters of Gr.dit issued available in til Easturn Statoe. Hlght Exchange ml Telegraph Trnnsfers sold on New York, ChiciM. Kt. LouIh, Han Fnincieeo, Portland Ore son, Seattle Wnsh,. mul vurious poisti in Oregon and Washington. Collections made ut in1 poinU onut orable terms. ThP nnliimfiiQ Paninn Rl PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MANUFACTt'KKKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. KTC. 60 YEAMV EXPERIENCE 12 irmaNS copvriohtb 4e. Anrono MiidliiK a nki-lrli ',;,f'o" liil'" OUloklr iLicortnlii mir M,"'"1K'f0,",,'iiiunli HivaiiiKiii iniiunuiT j'vv;7,v,,"ini0n,ifiiM 1 1 (iini'ii. II"'"""" .V.ii.nll. unit (ruft OMflt otfom-y ft w "yL r(f,rl I'Ktui.u tnkon triruiiiih ''".'( 1 ' Ijxelal nollcf, Wlltioill fimrei-. A hAndtonioIr lllnntriitjil t riiUllon of nnr rloiiUllt' l;; ''4 l;',iM art lour iiiiinlln. tU hilW" r..,U-Ji N WILMM B S HUKTIKQTOX TJUNTJNOTON A WlUinv. X A ATIOKNKVK AT LAW. 03Scom First Nauff UAUJt' UKEUUh Mica 'Axle must bcl,. the team. .Sav lightens tlio load 8liortefll tlio road expeuse. Sold every wlJe. TAPOILOO.