ehc On VOL. -IT THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 18, 1900. NO. 237 SorCS and IICCPS That old sore or ulcer, which has been a source of pain, worrv ami nnviotv t r. I re or ten years r maybe longer doesn't heal because you nre not using the proper treat nenl, mt nre trying to cure it with salves and washes. While these nre soothing and relieve win to some cxiuiu, uy irai, jiviiwiuuiik kuuu tim come irom uicir use, because the disease m in uit muuu imu iui ijcvuiui uic rencu ot external applications zpr A sore heals promptly when the blood is in good condition, In DRAIN THE SYSTEM, ENDANGER LIFE. tmulnncv nf It,,.' ,1 ' r'.a . X 1 "'VT " '". ou. ""..uon, out flOWM if it is diseased. Thf Theynaconstantaiin.pon.U, ' A HliCni. ?Tl,0r wo.T r rCaS,,re ,s 800,1 lost in tlle Krat desire and search for sornetliinc to cure n. n. n. maices a rapid and permanent euro of nld permanent cure of old sores and ulcers, and is the only medicine that -- I ' I1UUU. LlUUUJt:.a1. J Tl 1 1 II II TV .NH fCH fl t1 I 1 rt tftrl ... . A. lit iir xrtnlr ntwl iintiK 4 n .................. .1 waste valuable time experimenting with them. A Ounmhai yeani hro I was hot In the left Wound. ; a deadly poison that 1ms taken possession of the blood. Do no! Ii them. f ' ' V" i""" r.c.. l..n," n,V 1 " truly Brntlfyinc. 8. S. S. seemed to'iretrirtiniTh; ' ' Ell J MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. (u (tin ..,.,..1 4..I.1.. 1.1 1 :r .... , v. ...... jnui. ikUKuimi; uiiiuu jmrmcr Known ; is made of roots mid herbs of wonderful purifying properties. ... !'""" itnmi. cj. o. o. ijuicKiy nuu eiicciuain titan the lilnod of all morbid, unhealthy humors, and the old, troublesome sore heals At the same time the irclicral health is iuvii'nrnti'd nml lmilt im im,. i;m.. ,.-ii ticarsiuu uniwu m mi hiwiuui, iiiiiiuuiiuy iiiimurtt, mill me Old, 1 I At the same time the general health is invigorated and built up. When a little scratch lrlinrl 1:114 to Heal readilv. von nuiv 110 hiim. vnnr tilimil i mil ceo vt t , --i t j j - j ... ....... ... VJ, vj, uu auuu put it 111 order and keep it so. Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians, who have made I mow i (UM.-UM.-.1 ii uic iiiuj, ii jfim wm wrue iiiem aooui your case, luey will gladly : furnish all iiiforiimtion or advice wanted, without any charge whatever. Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, sss GA WESTS AGAINST THE CREDENTIALS tlnrgcs r'tmnl in the Appointment of Clark He Will Nnnie a Senator. Ciiicaoo, May 17 A epccinl to llui P'i:i;e3-lkralil (roui Ihiluiu, Mon1., h.ivh: When tin) 1'iiiti'il Stntun tenuto coin. mllleeon privilt'os and dculioiiH inutts Itomufroiv, it will liavti to fucj nnothur Wiiiiii'.itioii in tbi) Clark Huuatorial pfe. (iuvetiior Smith arrivi'd in Hilttu phi" afternoon, mid wired Attorney-Gen- l N'olaii to ineiit him in that cltv. The SiTernor tleeiri'd to consult tint nltornoy iwr us to tho form in which lie will IM I a prnlfHt that ho will wlro to the Ifen.ito tomorrow aaliiHt thu tiecuptnnco ctlliecrnliMitialsof .Mr. Clark in thu up- liomlmetit of Lioiitutmut-tiovernor pnftjs. tiovcruor Smith will Imsu his protest on thu urotind that thu appoint went is vitiated becaimi) of fraud. IU nllt-no Unit thu refiiKimtioii of S'dli Itn. rM...t. f ... i .-...a,.,, Wla wriui'ii in rt irn iimi lllut Hie ilati' that it now buarc, Mav 11, I"? tho result of thu 'ranuru of tl.o Iorljiiial date, whloli, it will lm alleged, tan Le easily proved by examination of I'M (ICCIllill'llt. He will allfco also that tliuroRluiiHtloii h'M in the powhsion of Oliarluf. A. Clark, 'on of IJn- Bi'iiatnr, for ecvural weeks, mid ll'Jt the rcHtmiitlun o( Suuator Clark Jt tho tinio ,o (lid reslim. and his an- Niitinoiit by Lieutenant-Governor huh part of a plan to inmru his l'po!iitim-nt by thu lieutenant Hovt'riior. in t lie Jf Gurmnn or conie other uastetn man if nominated by tho democrats thio ear he will cairy New York, New .lersoy, Jlan laml and Duhiwuru in tho East, not to count doubtful statOB elsewhere. The flirht this year will not bu made on thu money question. Transportation, ex paiisioii and other livu subjects will inakit up tbi) isuncfi." Cutarili (.'iiiimit lm Cured with local applications, as they ennnot nmoh the teat of the disease. Catan h ic a blood or constitutional disoasu, and in order to cure it you iniiHt taku inter nal ruinetlii'H. Hall's Catarrli Guru ih taken internally, and nets dirrutly on thu blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a quad; medicine. It was was preicnbod by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and .. ...:..:.... ii In ll 1 1'llllll 1 1 r upi;i ijitiuu jt io jiunun ACROSS THE TRANSVAAL Christiana, the First Town Within the Transvaal Holders to Be Occupied I5y the British, Was Taken by Hunter Yesterday Afternoon. Kiioonhtai), May 17. Hunter hna oc copied Christiana without opposition, the enemy having retired to Klerksdorp under the impression that the latter was threatened by a portion of this force from Parye. Kuudlo's force was dose to Clocolan of ii... i,ut t....i..n i.-iinu-ii nmiiliimul u-iil. I veeterdnv evonini:. 1 tie country was the bust blood purilieis, actint' directly clear of the enemy, on thu mucous surfaces. Thu perfect I The resident commissioner in Bneuto nf thu two ltiL'redients iH i land reports that a number of Boers liv- what produces such wonderful results in ! i"'U i" thu Enicksburg and Bethlehem nnriiiL' Catarrh, fnmd for testimonials, I ilistricie nave appueu io mm free. 1 I addeil rarrying out of thu plot, it wilt be i lilUrcnri.'Hiilitiilldii nml iitln.r dn- vfous nit'ilnHib woro used to mil thu irov er"or nut of thu statu. Tho Kovurnor "ill hold that, nuiiu, i iilliw.n.t f,,. iw In. 'ft prat'tieee, followed in thu iipuoint- of Jlr. Clark, that nppointmunt is void, ami hu will himsulf nuko an ap Wntiiimit to till Hid viiimnev from Montaim. WIiIIj it Is iiio governor m11 iwtnniiift ; iu imii U Villi 'lllMiiiiln MinslmilP, who riiprt'Hontud O'llana n congress in thu early days of 2 ll'rr""fy, will hu ohoBun. Uu is not with elthnr duinociatio fuution, l)i,s'lvnyH beun a strong party man. I'ri'illKtii lirymi'n llnfi-Ht. W AhlllKllTi.K.- M.. .. in tit i. ii , ""i niiiy io.- iiiiiiwu the iiomineo lor prusldunt by thu It-ol-tlm-rond populists, called on 'e!w"t .McKlnley today to my his ro lcti, ThesH iiimil buhl . V"r 6il,C" 1,10 ,rttU,r ('prcd J'D Hfe. Later, Mr. lUrkur said that "oidtintl,,,, makuB the nkotlon of "CT'jmiuHililo. m 1 ,rltll fleoiiou, Mr. nuhi" rt'(;eiv,i,, nuout.OtOD.OOO. Of this 4 nuer,t,.a9, 2,000.000 wore populists. Vear I ...... - .... l7snW ni AiOUWiUiiu or possu ly WOO, of i,t nmnlwr. This will Whs V"," v," 10 6.000,000, or lew. Bfct. KOl"K 10 1,10 0,,,or V0,eS iiry to elect lilm? It Is estimated Mr u-J... miu l fronitT y rJ0(,lVfcd 1.600,000 votcB to if UlU th)m"cratlo rnuks four years llieeo will ot bo to llryun thii 10 'ku up his loiB 0f popuiigt votes. Ciii:ni:y & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruu'nisls, price 7fe. llall'n Family Pills are the best. 12 UrKril In Uiiltn. Dknvck, May 17. Tiiu western federa tion of labor convention in session hero passed resolutions urdue: all labor or uaiiinitioiiH to unite in support of one lolitical party, as the only means by which laborint! mmi may hope ti t-ecuru the rights they considor their duo. No party was named, but private expression of opinion from members show that Debs and hie party hold the tlrst place with them. A l.lfn Anil HeiHU l'ltlit. .Mr. W. A. Hiues of Manchester, In., writlnn of his almost miraculous escape from death, says: "Exposure after mens les Induced seriotia luut? trouble, which untied in Consumption. I hud frequent bomorrhuuesuiid conehed niditncd day. All uiy doctors paid 1 must soon die. Then 1 bcfaii to use Dr. Kind's Now Discovery lor ConeumptUin, which com pletely cured me. I would not bo without it uyen if it cost $".00 u bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to euro Throat, Chest and I.UHK troubles." Uvular si.'J 00c ami $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blnkeluy & Houghton's Drug hum. Nloitiucun Kiiiilo KiiTiirrtl. Wabiiinotos, Mnv 17. Tlio eeuatu committeu on iutur-oceanic cuiivIh, through its chairman, Senator Morgan, rep.esonted Its wiittcn report on thu Nicarngua crtiial hill to tho senate. 1 he emimitteo takes a strong posltioniigainst the piopositlou to build a canal via the Panama route, and favors the .Nicaragua route. and ns to tho conditions of This is verv satisfactory. for advice surrender tin lh HurBtHMl. Fiiolcil All doctors tohl ui.lck Hamilton, of West Jelluraon, O., attur Hiin.n.. -months from Uectaf Fistula, ho would die unless a costly operation was per- j but he cured himself with Ive . .. f ii,.kip'H Arnica Salve, thu snreHtP.lue.Heonl5mh, and the host Salvo In thu World. "l funis a uu. by WakuleyjUImighton Druggie. Subscribe for"TitK Ouuoniok. Sold 4 Lokik'i May 17. 2:1S p. iu. The war oflicj has leceived tho following dis patches from Lord Koberts. "Kroonstad, May 10. Kundle yester day occupied Mequatlings Nek and Modder Port without opposition. "Huuterhns entered the Transvaal and has advanced within ten miles of Christiana. 'Muthuen has reached a point twelve miles on thu Hoopstad road without see ing tho enemy. "Nativas and local whites have con firmed the previous reports of the disor ganization of the Free Statere. The situa tion hero is unchanged." London, May 17. In the committee room of tho house of commons this morn ing, Sir James Kitson announced that Mafoking had been relieved. The war office, however, is unable to coufirin the announcement. Cmm: Town, May 17. A dispatch from Lourenco Marques, dated today, says n...( n.imiiiii.iiliiiit lilofl'. rcrandson of I ll it v w President Kruger, with a patrol, entered Mafeking, whereupon Colonel Baden Powell opened lire on (ho burghers, kill- ing seventeen of them ana ittKing awu and ninety of his men prisoners. Can Kill a UroiiuTul Colli. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M Thompson, a largo Importer ot flue mil linery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi cago, says: "During tho late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was taking Cham berlaln'a Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to re Hove her eo quickly that I bought some for mveelf. It acted like magio and I began' to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel veiy pleased to ac knowledge its merits." For sale by Blukeley & Houghton. DeWitt's Witch Himel Salvo is un equalled for piles, injuries wl -kin diseases. It Ib t original itch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. The peanut crop of 1S09 is nearly 1,000,000 bushels heavier than the crop of l&O.s. Horses wore introduced into Kgypt by the .Miephcid Kings less than 17C0 15. C. No horue figures appear on the early monuments of Kgypt. It has been itf&covercd Ilint a lot of expensive furniture in the capitol at Washington, supposed to be solid ma hogany, is only thinly veneered with that wood. Tho sum of $2,037,000 has been ex pended in Xew Jersey making 440 miles of good roads, assacllusctts has spent $',037,300 on 250 miles, which are as perfect as any highways in ICnrope. Buffalo, with a population of 400, 000, expended $173,S40 on 1he poor hist yenr. Boehester, with 17.'.,S-0 people, spent $no,CO, while Syracuse, with about 325,000 inhabitants, paid on, more than $200,000.- I The street cars of Havana are heavy, j cumbersome, old-style cars, drawn by uiree ponies, one in tne icnii ot a span at the doubletree, nil of them hitched too far from the car for econ omy of effort on the part of the little beasts or successful handling by the driver. The original copy of the declaration of independence is no longer to bo seen by the public, because exposure to the air and light has made the text and signatures almost illegible. The document is now kept in a safe in the library of the state department tit Washington, and it is believed that the faded lines are recovering some of their color. The Chicago fire of October S and 0, 1S71, burned over about 3 square miles, destroying 17,450 buildings, killing 200 persons and renderingg OS, 500 homeless. The loss was over $200,. 000,000, the most destructive fire ever known. In the Boston lire, Ncvembe-j 9, 1872, over 800 buildings were burned; loss, $S0,OO0,00(). In the 1'lnl udelphiti fire, July i), 1650, 307 houses were destroyed. St f of Your Boy... And fit him out properly and becom ingly for the last day of school. Wo can do it right. Our stock of Blue 5en?' 5dit:8 is the most extensive in tho city and our prices are tho least. It costs you nothing to prove what we say. A RIDE IN A NIGHT SHIRT. JIuiiiorouN Incident of William the Conuucror'H Koeaiie l'rutn a lliiuil of A.inh!ii. Among several incidents of "Tin Boyhood of "The Conqueror,' " related by Adele K. Orpen, is this account of a midnight flight: One of these shooting-matches near ly eosl him his life. He was about 2 years old when, in early summer of tl.i year 1047, he went with a large train r,l friends and attendants to shoot at ValofMies. In those days there wen. great forests covering the hills and ulieys tuouud Valognes, and as thes forests were full of game the youn?; duke and his friends expected to en joy themselves. They formed so largi a party that they had to separate ui.l lodge where they could in the town This left the duke with only a few serv ants in t he castle, in the middle of tin night he was suddenly awakened by a loud knocking, und the shouting oi some one mounting the stairs to his chamber, lie listened, and recognize! the voice of (Juliet, a strolling buffoon whom lie knew very well, and to whoi'i he hail frequently given little trifles. "Fly! i!.v!" shouted the buffoon "William, thou art lost! Fly, sweet friend! Thy murderers are coming! I saw them. ITy, or thou wilt be taken!" William had been through too mnnj dangers, and had had too many narrow escapes, to neglect such a warning. Hr be'Jeved that (Juliet, though but a fool, spoke the truth. He sprang from hlf bed, und, in Ills nightdress, with onh a short cloak flung upon his shoulder-: .lashed downstairs and into the court yard, l'ehrnps he heard the sound of iriued men approaching; perhaps lie leeded lo hear nothing more in ordei to realize his danger; at all events, he jeized the first horse he could find, .eaped upon it bareback, and rode for lis life. Not a moment too soon. He had icnree galloped out of the courtyard jefore several armed men hurriedly ode into it. Oallet met them nt the nitrance. lie had seen them a short line before from his hayloft nt the mi, when they were preparing for .heir murderous errand, and whence iu hud run to warn his "sweet friend" iVilliam. He knew them and their pur )ose, "Ha, ha!" hu cried, with mad rlee, "you're late, my sirs; you're int.!. The duke is gone! William is off! I'our stroke hits missed! But hurkye; jlde u bit. He will pay you! You made liim pass u bad night he will make (ou seo mi ill day." And then lie cn aered derisively about them. St. Nicholas. f f & K. TO. WILL-IK7S efc co. Jaeobsen Book & jVIusie Co. Hammocks Hammocks Just Arrived The largest and most complete lino at Rock Bottom Prices, Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot i n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- "FlfHlT This Flour is manufactured expreesly for family A vytA. U8e. every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wa sell our eoods lower than any house In the trade, and if you don't think bo call and get cur pricea and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats Gfandall & Burget DEALERS IN m- tyobeS, All kinds of undertakers Bupial Shoes Funepal Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles, Or. C"- Dnfnvn unit place any orders for a tombstone or for UGIUIG JUU curhln;, feucine; or other cemetery work, nail on Louis Comlni. I will not 01)1 V ive VOU all the Information you need hut I will quote you prices you cannot heut anywhere. Let no one hluir you. It will take only a few minutes to call aud see me. If you havo a neighbor who ever did business with tne consult him ae to the price and quality of my work and abide by the result, : : : Louis Comini 3