nusual GOINQEAST. If you In to ml to take n trip Hunt, nek your tlckvt nent to rntito you vin Tim !n..... v..i...i ..i.. i .....i.,l..i.. It is vcrv unusual f-vn regular physician of pood reputation to publicly , ,.,,.. endorse r.propriotniv rcnudv vc have oftcu heard of cases where doctors " " ' ' hnvo secretly ntvs.cnixM .-vise. ' Mifjiisn Kcmcuy, uui u is most gniiuyuig iu receive the lullovtiif; voluntn: v .otter from C. T. Sm5:;i, At T) . tin. most successful phvsiciancf Oican. N. Y. : Messrs. V. II. Hiokcr Co., New York City: 1 wish to add my professional testimony to tlie value of your English preparation known as Acker's English Remedy for Asth ma, etc. In several instnn'ces, after I have tried my utmost to Rive even relief, I have prescribed your remedy, and it has acted almost like a miracle, not only relieving, but permanently curing every one of the patients. I en dorse' the preparation as one of the most valuable additions to the prac tice of medicine." Such a frank endorsement as the " above is phenomenal. Coming from , so distinguished a member of the ,1 medical profession, it carries with it II .i nri.t-.i rrv ,tl,if.l, 1, ,,,llir will 1w ' Ji ... ,,.... II lllhtl , . . .. u.. ..... " sure to avail themselves of. It is rec ommendations like this which make it possible to give the broad guaran tee that is a part of every sale ot Ack er's Enclish Rcmcdv "for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. It must cither do all that Is claimed for it, or your money will be refunded. Do you know of any other mdicine sold on those terms? Do you know of any other medicines which prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than prescriptions they write themselves ? These facts are well worth considering. They are of especial interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs. Sold at nc, 50c amtgi a bottle, throuRhout the United States and Canada; and ia Eng land, at is. 3ti, as. 3d., s. (A. If you arc not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druzgist, and get yonr money back. We authorize the above guarantee. 11". IT. UOOKEli & CO., Proprietors, .Ycv York. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. SOUTH and EAST via sun Pacific Co 4 l7roi7ile5 peial5 ' POISONOUS PLANTS. Runninsr Into One Another. When readingat night do thu different letters run into one another and confuse you? If so, you have astig matism npd your sight will rapidly grow worse if not attended to. Many ail ments arise from defective vision, i'lieo. II. Liube can tit you with glasses tlmt will give you normal vision. He is a graduate from two of the finest colleges in the Tvist. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jawelers. It's Our Business To dispense health-giving prescrip tions in the proper way. It's a business we have not learned in a day, but after years of persistent work and enreful study. We use pure drugs and charge I . - , , D f I I an nuiiest price. oiurKe a. rum Sonic Tli lit Never Give Wiinilnir tu Mnnkliit! by AUearaiice or (Itlor. "Plutot mort qu'aveugle" Jleans, 'Iiather dead than blind" blindness in most cases is the result of a neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many a person now blind could enjoy good tivesiuht had it not been that the eyes were neglected when the first sisrn of disease appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of the mostdangerousdiseaees, are in most cases duo to negligence in the care of the eyes. Theo. H. Liebe, of the firm of J. R. Adcox & Co., is a graduate of the Peoria Optical College, and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute. He will correct and diagnose all errors ol refraction. Eves examined free. Man seems to have no instinctive knowledge of injurious plants from their appearance. -Many of a poisonous nature have purple lluwcrs, and' early education has made some people mks pieious of this color, but there is no na tive instinct that warns them against such risk. Children play with t ho poisonous fox-glove, monkshood anil ueainy nignt-snaae, aim tiisniuv io natural fear of their deadly properties, while such plants as the dropwort, hemlock and fool's parsley tiro as at tractive to the eye as the harmless parsnip and carrot, which they close ly resemble. Alan has, however, an in stinctive dislike to all poiconcus plants. A large niir.:ber of them are noted for their bitterness, a quality that seems repulsive to all children, and is only acquired in things wholesome by adults after ex perience. Some plants, it would be al most impossible to eat, as the mix vomica or strychnine, with its acrid taste, and the monkshood, or aconite, from the tingling of tongue and lips that it causes. The flavor of prussie acid in laurel leaves, and in the bitter almond, seems to suggest danger, but this is the result of education. While the sense of smell guides ninny of the herbivorous animals in their choice, we find that this helps man but little, although it is said that all the poison ous toadstools have a disagreeable odor. I'KOl'LK YOU ALL KNOW. Geo. McClearr, of Hood River, was in town last night. Ssth Morgan has gone on a visit to the Hood Kiver country. Geo. T. Prather and daughter were in town today from Hood Riyer. E. Rinehart, of La Grande, is regis tered at the Umatilla House. O. B. Hartley is regibtered at the Umatilla House from Hood River. F. E. Crewling, of Goldendale, was in town last night, the guest of the Uma tilla Houee. John B. Havelev, a prominent farmer from the lioytl neighborhood, was in town today. Patrick Sarsfield. a wealthy Klickitat iarmer, was in town today accompanied by liis wife. Mrs. Frank Dunbar, of Salem, arrived here at noon today and is a guest of tbo Umatilla House. Mrs. Markillie and children returned yegterdav from a week's visit with friends in Portland. Will Wurtzweiler. a prominent Prinn ville merchant, h in town the guest of the Umntilla House. Align Cameron, n prominent Sher man coutitv farmer, arrived hero today on his, way to Portland by steamer in tho morning. J, H. Adams, an old-lime, resident of Wneco county, returned to Portland this JIlowliiK I Urn Down. Dr. Isaac Hnirow was an eminent di vine, great at long sermons; three hours vvere nothing to him. On one oc casion he was preaching in the abbey, and had got well on in his "tenthl.v. my brethren," without any indication of the stream's running dry. Now, the abbey is a showplace as well as a church ; and restie under the elo quence of Dr. I.'arrow. Accordingly, as the veracious chronicler records, they "caused the oigans to piny until the J; find blowed him down." Here, again, you see the organs blew. Whether the organist was asleep not unlikely, .for organists prefer a sleep to a long ser mon any day and one of the vergers officiated at the keys, I do not know, hut I confess I should like to have heard the "voluntary" fit name! that "blowed" Isaac Harrow down. Iiiilmirliil I.'nriu 111 Culm. In the province of .Matanzas, Cuba, at Ceiba .Mocha, nn industrial relief farm s enrried on by a New England re)it society. Its first crop of early ryta toes, planted ilast November, is reach ing the markets, and is said to be prac tically the same as Bermudas. They are of a bright, rosy color and excel lent flavor. Nearly all the eultlvat ng and harvesting were done by war widows and orphans. During the in surrection 8.C0O rcconcentrados were crowded together at Ceiba .Mocha. ICight hundred are left. Through trains from Chicago, Ivuisas City, Omaha or St. Louis to Now York and Niuv Kngluml points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair curs, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over ulluwed on all ticket at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Ait Los Angeles Calif. C. S. Cii.VNi:. ft. P..A., St. Louis, .Mo. Nutlet). Notiro is hereby given that there will bean annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden Ivigle Mining Com pany at the ollice pf French it Co., btnkers, on Thursday, May 1 111, 1000, at 7 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of elect ing s oven directors and transacting such other business as may propurly come be fore said meeting. By order of the president. J. C. Hustutlkk, Secy, and Treas. The Dalles. Apl. U7, lUOO. u'JT-td Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. "." cts. and o0 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist". "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says K, Ilartgeiink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. UlireH llelMluclle Olllukly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 'S cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. janlM-dw Fur Sail. A second-hand ten-foot Randolph header, in fair condition. Will be sold cheap. Lnquire of Shasta Route Tnilm leave TI10 Dallet tor Portland mid way stations at I ..'." 11. 111. anil It 11. 111. Leave IMrtlnml ' Albany Arrive Ashland . .. -" Siirriinifiitn . . . " San l'ranclco S:TOn in 11 111 . fiitnl )i m . 7: l.'i p ni Anlve Ogilou " I leaver " Kansas City. ' Chtciu;o r: l.'i a in U:i) 11 m 7:'.V 11 111 7:1) a 111 Arrive Us Amjelei 1 :S0 p in " Kl I'iim) !:() p 111 " Kurt Worth it::)ii 111 " City of Mexico tc.Vnuii " Houston I;()aiu " New Orleans . . . . I'r.'i'tn m " Washington ii:l.' n in " Now York.... I'M.! p 111 7:fi p 111 Ui:fl p m 11 :r.o a in nasiiin H!l."n 111 It: I'm in '.; a 111 7:'J.i n 111 U:!Xl 11 in 7:noiwn ilMM p 111 a in ll:.'vSa 111 l:(K)it 111 d:'J p in il'U 11 in 12' l:l pin Pullman ami TourHt ears 011 botli trains. Chair ears Sacramento to Ottden anil 111 l'aso, and tourist ears to (.'hlciiffo, at Umls, New Or leans ami aslilUKton. CounectliiK at San Kranctseo with several steamship Hue for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central ami houtli America. See input at The P.illcs .station, or H(ldrc..s C. H. MARKHAM, (iencrat Pascncr AkciU, Poitlanil, Or 1 Kteaam .R.&N. may 11-1 mw Ai.kx. MoLkod, The Dalles. Kali '""r Siiln. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock eggs, per setting SI .00 and -f 1 .50. For particulars call on or address, Saxdkiis linos. Box 047. The Dalles, Or DEI 1 r.T ion T1MK SCIIBDULK. Kl'.OM DALLK3. A iih:vk Kbom. Vast 'Suit I.aWr, Denver. Kt. Malt Worth. Omaha, Kau- p. 111.: Kst SI..II II, V,,111,.11, w,ll- .'.-.It hw City, bt. J-ouls,, 11!;3) p in ChlcKo ami l.Hst. ! iiiKikane IWalla Walla, HpoUaiie, -Mui .Mitiiieaiiousi. m. ram. ami i ini lu t h. Milwaukee. i:.irc.-is : Chleatfo ami Kast, via r;raiiuaKii minimi:- 1011. also an Doiiiis 111 10:10 p. in. Washlnu'tnn ami east ern urexon. 8 p. m. Ring up Faulkner, the junk man, he fore hauling your trash to the beach He buys old wuru uut rubber boots ami shoes, brass, copper, zinc, lead, sacks rags, etc. Dalles 'phone No. 21-1. iipr2Mw DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is tin equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hael Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. m. Ji. rjmitti, isutternut, Allen., k:ye, "DeWitt's Little Karly Risers are the very best pills I ever used for costiveness, liver and bowel troubles." Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated .lames E. Putton strictly pure liquid paints Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Huest kind of chicken feed. inch25-ti To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DeWitt's Witch Hisse! Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure euro for boils. Clark A Falk's drug stock is new fresh and complete. Subscribe for The Chronicle. ONE FOR A DOSE, nil ft nerooTn I'ltnplen, p,,cnt I'll I m I Jrll(lchoii,liifpiu. " i W " UoU ""M" UR. tfOSANKO CO. Pliila! IV Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. afternoon after a short vieit with friends : ninth uy of June, wi, ! will proceed to k-ii at Matiir In atxnrhaniVw. j . .--JlB private nale, for cakli, tbo followhiK JecrlbI "'""P". rccon- 1 property biUmuluti to thu tutalo of Patrick V. , ir eJiimuswju uiKestlve or- AilinlnUtrator'M halo ot Heal rroperty Notice is hereby given that from ami after tlio I ill The Dalles. , I Tl Albert Fritz Rogers, the handsome 1 Urmvn, di-ceami, u.-wir: fans. ItiHthelateHtdlscovereddlRest- , . .. '.. i 11.11 J., in uut aiiu ionic, an or.hpr nmnur'ii nn ock 57 of rort JMlles military rcktrvatluii. In .1 il-.'"u uii'r,r PrcPorHIOD .Oregon. von ttiijiiuauii it tl 1 rorliifnrmailoii I111111 re at otlltu of Hlnnott A BtllnllV I of unr im) 1 kTW"' indle8tion, HeartburD, of Ma , , Fatulence, Sour 8tqrnach, Nausea f p, in. KKOM PolSTLANf). Ocean t-teamthlps. for San 1'rnuclsco April 'J7, -May'.', 7, IS. riiuiltauu Mall ami K.Tpre.vs 1:01 a. ui i p. m. I p. in. i:x.nunilayj(:nlumbla Itv. Htcanieru.iKx.hiliiilaj 10 .isTimn anu way Satnnlay IjiihIIiiks. 10 p. ui. 1 1 n. tn. Kx.biinilay WlU.AMKTTK KlVKU. Halem A Way IjiikPh. I::xp. m. Orctcon City, NcwlH.-ri;,.Kx.i3Uinliiy 1 a. rn, 'Willamette a.nii Yam- M:no p. in, Tnej,,Ihtir. Intl. IUVKiis. !.MnnWc(l and aL Orecon city, IMyton, and Kri. and Wjiy-I jdiiJInxs. , Wiuanrrrr. Itivsu. !l:;Wn. m llle,.Thiir.iPortlaiiil to (firvallls linn. WmI and Sat. and Way.UinilliiKs. puid 1'rlday I.v Itlparla1 daily I l.'JJ u. III. I SNAKK I'.IVKB. Hlparia to lvvlslou. I.KAVK I.KWIXTON dally 8::xjh, in I'll riles detinue to i?o to lli.tmiu.r or ,"v. .1 .i, i.ijiiiiiium ooiiiiivrii via iiiKKa, diioiiiii uiu.m. 1, icavniK Hie iaues at VXV) p. 1:1, UlaklliL' direct ciniiierllniis nt lli.i.i.iu.r lm.,.il..,, '""I HIkks, ItctiirulUK inakliiKillritcoinit-ctloii in. iieiiiiier;iiiiciion aim iiikh nitli No, 1. nr rmiiK ni me, ror lull nartlcularK en 1 on 0. It. x- V in tiKi-iu me uaiiuti, or uiiireH w. ir. ituni.iitntT. (icn Vm. Ant.. I'ortlHiid, Or, lit i'i Paii; Yellowstone Park Line. the IMNlNti OAK ftOUTK KltOM I'OHTf.A.Nfl TO Tllii KAST. Till'. ON1.V IllltlCCT l.INi: TOTJIli YW.I.OW HIONK 1'AUK I.KAVK, No. , filtli and I Sis . anil IjopulHr rHpreeentHtivo of llm firm , bIoVof KxMmti'h ll iiy'X, ,'! of UUke-Mctall, is "doing" the city Oregon. and everybody in it. ProfeHeor Ackorinan, state euperin temlent of public itiHtructiou, arrived hern today from Priuevillo, where he had been 'conducting; a teachers' inati titte, and left on the 12:35 passenger for Portland, can approach It In efficiency. It in. Kor information Inniilro at ntllin of n not t x- Btantlv nnrl nArm!innntlDna iJated at Dalles City thin 10th dav DKI.IA a. IIHOWN Administratrix of Ihu estate of l'alriek llnnvn, deceaMil. m Win. Orr, Newark, O,, says, "We never feel fufe without One Minute Cough Cure in the houee. It eaved my little boy's life when lie had the pneu monia. Wo think it is the beet medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung ditea8e. Pleasant to take haroileta and givea immediate results. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOK. Notice 1 hereby given that thu uudmlKiicd, by mi order ot the Coiuitv Court of thu Htnto of OrtKon lorWabco County, ban been uiipoli twi aduilnlktrutor of thu etaU) of Helen Ilrmlford, deccakol, All pcrwnn havliiK o,aimi analnat thu t-itate of Mid dweannl .are iu tlliwl to pre-M-nt tht-in, with the projier vouchers, to me at Hood Hlver, Oregon, within ulx month from tboauUi of IhU nolles. Dated May IS, 1HO0. I'UTNAH K. JlllAIIKOai), Admlnlitrator of thu Ka.ato of lltlen Iliad. ford, Ducetuiud. J6-1 a.cramps.and i wkiiui rcsuiwui imi'urieciQIKeHtlon. . Preporad byE. C. OaWlf. A Co.lcgflo- T. BROWN HILL, JUSTICE OFTHK PKAOE. Notary Punlic. Collections promptly Httonded to, Money to loan. C. K. Jiayard'a of fice, The Dalles, Oreirou, ; Kat mall for Taeoiim, f-'e-attlc, Olympla,(iray'K! Illaiboraml boutti Ik-nd ipoliitu, Kpokaini, llohs-i land, JI. t! I'lillman,! iMOheow. I.uthtiti. iinri 11:15 A. M.ifalollumpminiiiKcoiin-' 1 1') neivna, ;iiiineapo Is, Ht. I'anl, Omaha, KaiiKiiH Cllv. Ht. IjhiIm.I IChlcaKo and all poiliU o, f, euttand fcoiithcatt. ! Poifi.i Kfiiiii.i rv,..i.u ll;00 1', M.ifor Taeomii and hvattlu nun iiiiermtiuaiu njihu Aitiuvi:. tit). 1 .ri;M 1'. M. No.!). . 7;U) A. M. I'lillman flrnt-clani mid tourltt Hleoiiera to W ineaiio to, Ht. I'aiilaud Mlsnourl river polnu without chaiixc. 1 i-.v.u!ctp!urtfc " IjiiKKaKu checkwl todcitlnallon of tickets niJ'r. '"",",M'"'Cly IlliuiiaUililetcrliitlvu matter, writo "w,1"K C"r 'fvatloiiH, ,i call on or A. D, CHARLTON, AuliUnt (iuneriil I'naitfiiKer Aeiit, 245 ilorrlnon Htieet, comer 'i'lilnl, I'ortlMuil, Oregon. 17IUKD. W. WUJiON. ' ATfOKNKV-AT LAW, Ofllco ovci Klnt Nat, Ji'iiui, J) It. K. K. FKKODHON, Pliyaicjian and Surgeon, Olllcv, Vot Illock (over I'oitofllcc), 'JOaplmo-dw TIUJ PAI.I.UH, OKKfJO.N. 1 1 '1 h 30' '"I I if ar- f v A MM 1 TUA The 1 ne ouiios, Chronicle, 0" Job Ppinfceps. :itluU'UiltlllUtujilliiiUU t Jiuuiliuttuuvntuiiai iiiairt tt 1 if iriifitnrriiTriiTit9fttiii 1 l Ply xuM-Uii tu ynr innn n mi iTHi mujuJ ........... ...........VntTi!i nitii $ 1 .00 per month. .Strictly lirat cIiihh local ami long iliHtniici) teluphoui) cervicu within your home. Linen do not croiH-talk. Your con verHutiou will bo kept a Hecret. No cent for inntullliig. Von u't't thu Htuiulnrd Iiiliiuiug Long DiHtiuit IiiHtriiincnt. CoutiniioiiH day and night urvice. Wii will iiccept your contract for ten yeiirH mid allow you to cnticol Hume 011 giving lid thirty days writ ten notice. PAOIPIC 8TATES TELEPHONE 00S. iiB and Motors MANUFAL'TUIIKI) IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furniHlied on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent. . un2G THE DALLES, OBKGOfl Z. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ageir rthe Greate Amerioan Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from li.7fi to (M)0 per ailo'n. (TToTrnTrn'ra old.) " . .IMPORTED 00QNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 nor vhIToii. (Tl to 'JO yearn "l";!- 0ALIF0RHIA BEAKDIEB lion. .!ir, u, 0.U0 per tf.ill.)ii. (4 to 11 yerolu- ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. COLUMBIA BEER on draught, and Vl BUtr and Olympi" 15uor iiniMirtcu aiu nun rorwr, JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Advertise in the Chronicle