The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 17, 1900, Image 3

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    New Top
Vu know what Rood
clothes nrc, where to buy
them mid how to select the
nobby otylcs and patterns.
Vc want to sny tiir.t wc
have never had ns choice a
stock of p,ood clothes in our
litnra as we have right now,
end we're ready to quote
prlcsn that will interest you.
W e nM the Hart, Scharf
tier & Marx tailor made
suits and top coats.
They're the kind adver
tised in alt the leading
magazines and worn by cood
dressers everywhere.
ill a L'
111 Jm
All Gondii Marked
In Plain FlfturoB.
Laces and Insertions
Insertion and Tuckings
Point d'Esprit, Biack or whito
Fish Nets,
Grenadines, Black & Colors
New Silk LAces.
Only a few skirt patterns of this richest of all skirt
goods $7.50, $10.00, and $12.50.
Special Bargains in each department. Among the
remnants, Table Linen ends of 2, 2h yards
each at half price.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone Mo. J.
- MAY 17, WOO
At And row Keller's.
WAVinr r.i paninrc
- iioiy any uonurauiu competition.
feet, having (alien elh t-ttnthe of u fcot
in twenty-four hours. Yesterday's
daily river bulletin huvh: "Tne Colnm
bin river bulow The Dalles will remain
on u Htanil or fall slightly for twenty-
.four to thirty-six lionrH, after which it
will begin to Blowly rine. Above llie
Dalles tbo Columbia mid the Snake
rivers will rise slightly."
MrH. A. A. .Tayne invitey the Irtdics
of The Dalles to innpeet her Htoek of
ladles' and children's trimmed and
Bailor huts, Her ltd mi a are all now and
! f i cell mid they art ofl'ured at prices that
17 lit
ifrairbmiea uro retailing today uti A qantily of wool, the first of this
tno boxes for a qvarter. !- - year's clip, wau sold today at Moody's
The nptoiition steamer lralda has
bter. tied up till u lower Htanil of water.
Tlic program of the musical entertain-
nifiit lit tile M. K. church Friday night i
published In anothiir place.
A rooming houao of nlevun rooniH for
rent ami furnlturo fur suit!. Apply at
tliU ofllce. ml7-l w
taivoi are calves theao limes. A local
butcher a olmrt time sinco paid $10 each
two that were jnat four weeks old.
II any of our readurn want bargains in
woful wash (roods, take udviuitagc of
I'waA Miivh' special sale Friday and
The Gnldendale Houring mill is now
Mpping Hour madu out of Klickitat
"heat to Manila. Tho flour Is shipped
'uacks inclosed ut a casu of burlap.
A Nmv Knglmid paper objects to pies
wade by machinery. In the days of tho
jvll war the boyH drew a decided iWb
linctlon between plea that were "penned
or letved."
E. Harnett bus bad o severe) attack
"'tlin'rippit, which confined him to his
W lor a week, lie was ablo to bo
town town today for the first time in
two weekn.
0 W. Haight luifl received from hie
Canyon ranoli twenty. five head of
0'l work boises, which ho oilers for
,a'e. The animala have been pal to
Plro on Three Mile.
for thirty days only wo will give
I'Wlal prices on violins, banjos and
ewiiK iimchinofl. Do mit forgut the
Pr9(5lvn away with each $5 purchase.
Jacobsc,, n,)uk wn(l A1JBjo 0()i
As the nation grows older new issues
'rel,or11 of time and progress, and old
"WwpurUli." ThlH proposition, strange
as it may i-uuiii lu t10g0 ttinuH, Ih from
188 l,U",nir"tlU ""to,IHl l,mtfl,rm of
11 i believed that Dr. Berry will be
y l now bmliops of tho Methodist
J-Wtcom) eliurcli. l)r. Berry Is the edit
r "I tho Kpworth Herald, which claims
"M larat-Ht circulation of any ntllgioua
P'Pw In the world.
TI'b retuim of registration of voters
'ave not all boon received from the
"My precinots. Judging from the
"r already recelvoit, Deputy Clerk
ft Itn (ntal it i hi am ran
t aooo. or in uv Iim n fnw over.
Tb dvor thU morning etood at 30.8
warehouse for 15 cents a pound. Thie
is not bad for a starter, and there is a
wide diUVrence between 15 cents and the
0 cents the wool men often could not
get in tho piping times of democratic
wretchedness of four years ago.
The fish wheels near The Dalles are
having poor luck these days. Many ot
them are elevated to save them from
destruction by tho drift, and tho few
that aro runninp are hardly catching
enough to supply the local retail market.
One mai ket man Informs Tin: dittos
iui.i: that all he could got yesterday was
two salmon, and all ho could jet today
wiib fifty-seven pounds.
The partv of fossil buntera from the
Berkeley university left today for their
hunting grounds in tho valley of the
John Day. Mr. Furlong, who was in
jured yesterday by being thrown from a
horse, and V. C. Osniont, nnother of tbo
party, will go by rail to Shaniko and
meet the others at that point tomorrow.
Judge Davis and liifl son accompanies
them, the former as guide, lie being well
acquainted with tho country.
A salmon woighing sixty pounds,
minus Ub adipose fin, was delivered to
thoElinoro cannery Sunday, says the
Astorian. This is evidently one of the
salmon turned out by tl.o old hatchery
four or five years ago for experimental
purposes. Whether or not this particu
lar salmon haa over entered this port
before there is, of courso, no way of de
termining, hut that he was well enough
satisfied to come back to his original
hauntB after the expiration of livelong
yoartt seoma to bo prima facie evidence
that he bad no particular aversion to
this locality.
Tho local lodtjo of Artisans la having
an interesting friendly contest for new
members. The lodge has been divided
into two oven couipaulea, with Dr.
Sanders as the captain of one inidJVrJ
Kaliolinan captain of tbo other. J the
company that btinga to tho membership
the largeat number of additions within
n given time la to oat an oyster supper
nt the expense of the other company.
At the regular meeting last night Dr.
Kflholman'H company Introduced four
new candidates and are ahead by that
number. Dr. Sanderp, however, Is a
liUBtler andihls opponent will have to
do aoiuo livoly scratching to beat him.
The looks are not closed to (radio on
uccount o( high wnter, as last light's
Telegram had it. On the contrary the
riyer is falling and a stage of water that
will stop traffic through the locks is not
anticipated this year. The Regulator
Btill makes daily round trips between
The Dulles and the locks, and the Dalles
City between the locks and Portland.
Ft eight Is transferred in the locks.
The Keliance makes a daily round trip
for passengers between Portland and the
locks, and passengers that leave here on
the Regulator at 7 a. m. are transferred
to the Keliance and carried to Portland
nearly as soon as if they had made the
through trip on the lleliance.
Tm: Ciinosici.K haa it on good author
ity that an effort will be made in the
near future in favor of early closing. A
number of the leading merchants have
been conferred with, and all so far have
expressed themselves as being favorable
to the movement. There is no reasou
why the ordinary business of the busiest
store in town should not be transacted
in lees than twelve toMonrteen hours a
day, except the thoughtlessness of cue-
ttomeis who make a baint oi buying or
(ordering goods at unreasonable hours.
Let tbo neonle co-operate with the
clerks and make a conscience of never
entering a store on business after (
o'clock in the evening. It can he done
with little inconvenience to anybody.
o-Jjnnd it will help the early closing move
ment and confer a great favor on a hard
working and deceiving lot of men and
women. The Dalles mtrcbants will do
what is reasonable and right In tho
matter, but they cannot be expected to
close their storea at a reasonable hour if
their customers insist they shall be kept
open. Now, will the people show their
sympathy with the clerks, and from
ttiis time forth quit trading after G
MUHltal Kiitcrtalmiient.
The following program will be ren
dered tomorrow night at the entertain
ment at the Methodist church :
Piano I)uut-"Norin:r rnn Belli nt
Miss Pampson and Miss French.
Musical Glasses
Polo "Sunset" Stephen Massctt
Ulysses F. Hawk,
lust. Duel "Yacht Cluli March". ...JlarUr
Clai'cnco UllhiM t and Irwin Parkins.
tfolo-"l Will Love Tlicu More and More"
Mrs. A. A. .Tayne.
l'AMT 11.
I'lano Solo "Hiiiuoncii Taint" . Kdwanl Hoist
Mrs. E. J. Collins.
Solo "Silent Cell" Anonymous
The "French 1'iofes-or."
Musical Glasses
Archie McL'ully.
Solo "0, 1'alrO, Sweet and Holy" ....Cantor
Miss Myrtle MIeliell.
Male Quartet "Two lioses" M'trnrr
Messrs. .layne, Ksheluian, Parkins, Iluwk,
Musical Glasses
Archie Mefully.
Admission, 25 cents.
Columbia Snutlirrii Wureliuuse.
Dr. 0. T. Smith, of the Oregon Infirm
ary of Osteopathy at Portland, will open
a branch office in Tho Dalles Friday,
May 18th. Osteopathy is the new
science of healing, and treats success
fully all diseases without the use of
drugs or knife. All are respectfully in
vited to call anil investigate tho new
science. Consultation and examination
Olfico days Tuesdays and 1'iidaya
from 8 a. m. to 12 m. Oflice in Chap
man block, roonia 10 and 11.
A repiesontativo from M. Horn k Co.,
ho famous Chicago merchant tailors,
ill be at the New York Cash More
M.iv 17th and 18th. Wo will bo pleased
to see you all in our store and show you
their full line of samples. Keiiiombcr
the place and date. The New York
Cash Store, May 17th ""''J''1 l7'St
Don't lluvu to Walt
At the Klito baths. Three scientific
tonsorial artists aro employed, reducing
ton minimum the time yon will have to
wait for a shave, hair cut or shampoo.
Call on Julius Fisher, succeBaor to II.
D. Parkins. n17.1t
Use OlarkoA Falk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from tho hend,
At Shaniko the Columbia Southern
Kailway Co. controls 80x100 feet of the
Shaniko warehouse building, to be used
as a freight warehouse, through which
they will receive and forward freight in
the usual manner. The impression that
all business must be done through for
warding houses is an erroneous one nnd
we take this means of dispelling it.
Freight received and held twenty-four
hours will be turned over to a forward
ing bouse subject to the order of the
consignee. The rate on wool in sacks or
in bales from Shaniko to The Dalles is
25 cents per 100 pounds.
For rates or other information call
or addreaa
O. E. Lyti.k, G. F. & P. A., or
Guo. F, Koss, Agent.
Shaniko, Or.
Katliboun HUterg, Attention.
Cora M. Davis, of Union, Or., grand
chief of tho Kathbone Sisters, will meet
with the sisters of the Dalles lodge to
night. A full attendance is requested.
By order of
Mks. Julia Dkivkh,
Most Excellent Chief.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, L'iss ot appetilo, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No mutter how It
became so It must be purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexlr haa never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
U positive guarantee. Wakeley & Hough
urn's drug store.
Campbell Wilson will sell their line
of millinery, trimmed and uiitriiumed
hats, flowers and children's hats, at
greatly reduced pi ices for the next
thirty days. Please call and get our
yn in lunr uhtivkn.
All couutv warrants registered prior
to June 3, 18J10, will be paid at my
.office, Interest ceases after February. 2,
1900. O. L. PitiLMrB,
County Treasurer.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been,
in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho siRnatnro of
and has been mado under his pcr-
&t7?l)s sonnl supervision since its infancy.
ft CCUWi Allow no ono to deccivo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" aro but
Experiments that triflo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Huhstancc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale!
i ...Steel Ranges end
Cook mm
To reduce our large stock wo will
sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short time only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
CltttOKe in (. It. & X. Tlnin Card.
A charge in titiiB of O. K. & N. trains
which took eilect Sunday, May 13th,
makes three paseenger trains in each
direction daily, the time at The Dalles
being us follows:
West-bound Train No. 1, known as
the Portland special.leaves The Dalles at
12:35 p. in., stops at Hood River, Uonne
ville, Multnomah Falls, Bridal Veil,
Troutdale. Train No, 3, known as the
the mail nnd express, at 4:50 a.m.,
stops at' local points on Hag. Train No.
5, known as tho Portland flyer, stop at
Hood River, lkinnevilli;, Bridal Veil and
Troutdale, leaving The Dalles at 3:35
a. m. ,
East-bound Train No. 2, Chicago
special, at 12:40 p. in., stops at Hitrfje,
Grants, Arlington and Heppner Junc
tion, Passengers for all points on the
Columbia Southern Railway, via. liigys
and Heppner branch ptints, nlso nil
points east via. Huntington, should take
this train. Train No. 4, known as the
"Spokane Flyer, at 0 :25 p. in., fetnps at
all way points between 1 tie Dalles and
Umatilla. Train No. 0, mail and ex
press, 12:40 a, m., for all pointu east via.
Huntington, stops only ut Grants, Arl
ington unci way stations eau of Uma
tilla. Freight trains will not parry patten
uers excopt those 1 oldimr regular
freight train permits form 208.
For Infants and Children,
Tbfi Kind You Havi Always Bought
Bears the
Siguture of
Garden Hose
We have laid in a largo
stock of Garden IIoso and are
j carrying tho samo brand of
jlloso that wo have been carry
jing for tho last fivo oars,
'which is tho celebrated Mal
jteso Cross Brand. Wo carry
I tho samo brand of lloso that
tho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has boon using for tho
last twenty years. Tho Mal
tese Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grade of lloso
on tho market. Call and got
our prices before buying.
fdaier & Ben too
Sole Aguni
To buy u couple ot 'vh of
good milk stock. Will l. 'then
a week old anil pay a price.
Apply ut this oilice. 2 Gi