The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 17, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 23G
V" I I " 1 I 11-11 I.. . -! II , .. ....
YORK CASH STORE May 17th and 18th, 1900.
An Appeal if the Women Suffragists ot
Oregon for the Right of Suffrage.
this xmm. mwti is mopied by us.
.e.comcr rmnKiinr.ond Charles Place. Chicdtfo.
We will liavt) on dieplay for two days only, Miiy 17th and 18th. fifty samples of Serges, Worsteds nud all new and nobby
patterns for summer vvtuir for Suits, Vests mitt Pants, in 1 yard samples. We cordially invite our friends Biid patrons to
M8Dim ilii'Hi! goodi iind have their measures taken. We can guaranteo the goods and ttie tit ol the clotliee. Call early
md examine goods and pricos. We can (jive you a Tailor-made Suit for if 18.50 to $3o 50. May lah and lbth.
liocr Delegates Have Counseled Such u
Course in l-vent of Defeat at the
London, May 11). The most import-
Jt ilwlopinuntH in today's war news
I' a etatt'iiinnt cabled from Capu Town
ttnoiinciuK thm the Hoer delegates had
Pvlecil tlioTraiiHvaalors to mirrondtir if
Waited at the Vaal. This reinarkahlo
iTihrnt . ...
-wuucuinuiii is vouched for on good
itiiority, and evidently obtaina more
faience in Cape Town than would a
' minor. The occupation of Glencoo
' moruly logical sequence of Gen
'"lISiillur'Madvaiicunnd the Hour's re-
tut,.. i
movement. Ae ueual the Hours
"eropurtud to be living; bat ulso as
'"wl. the accounts add tlrnt their trans.
Wuiid huiih were removed in safety,
'Wclilniieelf Isn contradiction of niiv
wintnt that any Boers were panic
About U00
' Heira, Portuguese Hast Afrh-u.
(Iumii is l.ord Dmiruvuii, who no
"J'aiilea the Dunruven hIiui pshooters
a siiM)ruuii,ry captain on the bat
U'on stair.
L'lUJlKNI'.i 1 i nr.... i, . i-
mo oHi,(i, dispatch Bays hu uiicouii
"as occurred at Mufuklng, untl that
hu. i lmv" bt,,n rupulautl Willi
''"'I'Iii.ih iyMlll ,v MHrrlllK,
AnrA"'IU' May 1H- (OorroaponuYiice of'ii rri.uu '111. . .1
' villi lllnilln .1 IT .
DfUM II ...
" kill, .lti . .
Jm,,!. . oiHiriDuuon uy uiu
forth thn
'Hints of the mint week has
mioriil d ntri
a ...
" a niimnlili.t i ivi,..,!, i. m.t
"I'rutha Which Ohrlattilns
UIISKi-i.,. M a .. ...
lronill "iiiuiik me llllllUM iiumi.
,1... i"iiiu'i uy tne joaiuia in
U I hm.. ..l.i . " -'"-
thrw 1 "mm) "HkIous tolerance mid
"Jertd by
K0B.!??0,t,on of civil nmrrlagoa. Con
?U"llly. tllln I .1.. T....7. .. ....
. ' HVt Ul LI1H .IMHI11IH IH
the American administration.
The commnndB are backed up by many
quotations from the liible, encyclicals,
Hyllabufl and letters from diU'eront I'opes,
mi . .1.1... ! 1 ...!.l.n..i .I..1..
i l uu pampoiei u ikhuuu wiiiiuiii uuij
I expressed church authority and until
tliu organ of the Koman Catholic church
in Manila, a Spanish newspaper called
the Libertas, admitted the fact that the
Jesuits had published, and with every
right the pamphlet In question, con
sidmuble doubt was entertaiued as to its
Uuturrh C'uniiot lit) Uurcttl
with local applications, as they cannot
roach the seat of the disease. Cutarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tliu blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Caturrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
phyniciuna in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of tliu host tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tliu mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonduiful results In
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
V. J. Ciiknkv & Co., Plops.. Toledo O.
Sold by drruggietB, pi ice 7re.
IIuH'h Family I'ills are tliu best. 12
III, F.Milt'tl SurK"',
All doctors told Iiunick Hamilton, of
West Jellorson, 0 alter Hollering 18
mouths from ltectaf Fistula, he would
diu unless a costly operation was per
formed ; but he cured hiiiisolf with tlvu of Uuckleii's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Kanh, and the best
Snlvu in the World. '.'O cents a box. sou
liy Ulakeloy A Houghton bruggists. 4
0,vliig to the retirement of Frank
Ohrisuuiu from the linn of Chrlsinan
llros., and bin intention to leave the
state as soon as possible, all debts due
tliu (Inn must bu paid immediately. All
having claims against the (inn will
please present them at the market for
Kr1, ClIltlHM.VN UnoruKUs.
Subacrlbo for Tim Oiuioniok.
The I'oacii Kuvcijn
Nkw Yohk, May 10. Mesers Fifchers
Wolmarens and Wessels. the envoy
from the South African republic and the
Orauce Free State, who arrived here
yesterday, commissioned by theirgoveru
inents to endeavor to induce the United
States to uee its influence in the estab
lishmeut of peace m boutn Africa, were
questioued today regarding the statement
I from London that a cablegram from Cape
Town osserted that they hud advised
surrender, should their aountrymen be
defeated on the Vital river. Severally
and collectivelv the members denied
that they declared that they were op
posed to surrender.
A Lift And Dentil Flelit.
Mr.-W. A. Ifiucs of Manchester, la.
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death, eays : "Kxposure after meas
les induced serious luug trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had frequent
hemorrhages aud coughed night and day
All uiv doctors said I must soon die.
Then 1 bei-an to use Dr. Kink's New
Discovery lor Consumption, which com
pletely cured me. I would not be without
it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my recommendation aud
all say it never fails to cine Throat, Chest
and hum: troubles." Regular eizo 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakoley
& Houghton's Drug Store 4
OuiiKltt a Dreuilful Cold.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. M
Thompson, a large importer ol line mil
linery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi
cago," says: "During thu late severe
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awoke at night and made me
until to attend my work during the day.
One of my milliners was taking Chain
harlain'a Couirh Iiemedy for a severe
cold at that tinio, which seemed to re
lieve her so quickly that I bought some
for myself, it acted like magic and I
began to improve at onco. I am now
entirely well and feel veiy pleased to ac
knowledge Its merits." For sale by
Blakeloy & Houghton.
Experience is the best Teaeher.
Acker's English Remedy In any case ot
coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to
give Immediate relief money refunded.
25 eta. and 50 eta. Blakeley & Houghton
To the Voters of all Political Parties of
the State of Oregon, and to you, Sir,
The many adherents of the equal
sufTrago movement, for which a con
stitutional amendment is now pending,
have held their peace for many months,
lest they might embarass you in some
way concerning the partiean and person
al conflicts in which you have been striv
ing witlt each other for the mastery.
But, now that your nominations are all
made, and your plans adjusted for your
various campaigns, we de6ire to place
before you our plea for our own en
franchisement. We feel that you can
not justly, or honestly deprive ns of our
voice in the administration of the affairs
of the government, since we are taxed to
maintain Its laws, to which, equally with
yourselves, we are held amendable. As
we provide for the government all its
eoldierB at the risk of our lives; and,
when you call our eoob to battle, we bid
them God-speed, oven though our hearts
be breaking, we surely perform duties
equal with yours in the maintenance of
In respectfully demanding your of
flrmative votes upon a question we are
not permitted to decide for ourselves, we
are not asking for the adoption of anv
partisan issue, nor of any untried experi
Directly to the east of us are four
sovereign Etates, in which the women
are enjoying the free use of the ballot.
The citizens of Wyoming, the pioneer
state of this great movement, have from
time to time during the past thirty years,
announced, over their own eiunatuies,
through her prees, her legislatures, her
governors, senators, clergymen, judges,
representatives and chief educators, that
good and only good, iias accrued to the
people and the state from the enfranchise
ment of women. They have often
publicly challenged the anonymous
writers from other states, who have mis
represented the facts, to find two men,
or women, in all Wyoming, who will
aeeert, over their own names and ad'
dresses, that equal suiierage has pro
duced anv bad reeults. It is needless to
says that no such opponent has yet
Governor Campbell, who was in oflice
when the law was passed in 1869, eaid,
in Ins message to the legislature two
years later, "It ie simple justice to say
that the women entering for the first
time upon their new and untried duties,
have conducted themselves in every
respect with much tact, sound judgment
and good sense as men." Similar testi
mony has come, unsolicited, from each
succeeding governor of Wyoming and
from all the highest officials and
educators of both sexes and all parties.
The very leading men and women of
Colorado, another state where women
vote, have issued circulars saying: "We
believe the greatest good to the home,
the state and the nation Is best advanced
through the operation of woman suffrage.
Ibe evils predicted have not come to
pass, ine uenents claimed for it have
been secured, or are in process of develop
nent. A very large proportion of
Colorodo, women have conscientiously
accepted their responsibility as citizens."
This statement was made in 1SUQ, in
answer to tne mis-statements ol an
anonymous "anti," a correspondent cf
ttie Eastern press, and was signed by the
governor, ex-governor, governor-elect,
United States senators aud ex-senators,
representatives and ex-representatives
in congress, the chief justiceand asscciate
ustices of the supiemu court, the presi
dents of colleges and universities, thu
presidents of woman's clubs, the heads
of educational, religious and philan
thropic institutions, and by leading
society women throughout the state.
From Idaho, w here women have been
voters slncH iuu, nave come to ub many
testimonials, also unsolicited, highly in
dorsing the movement, signed by men
and women of unimpeachable lutegrlty
and standing, among whom are Chief
usiice I, N. Sullivan, Associate Justices
Huston aud Qnarlee, H.'E, McElroy of
Cet us Jaie are
of Your Boy...
And fit him out properly and becom
ingty for the last day of school. We
can do it right.
Our stock of
Bla;K ?lay ard
Blue 5er 5u'ts
is the most extensive in the cit--and
our prices are. the least.
It costs you nothing to prove
what we say.
75. 7Ut.
RofnrO Unil P'nce aD' or(lera fr n tombstone or for
DClUlC jUU curbing, fencing or other cemetery
work, call on Louis Comini. I will not only give you all
the information you need but I will quote you prices you
cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bluff you. It will take
only a few minutes to call aud see me. If you havo a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to
the price and quality of my work I Pnmini
and abide by the result. : LUUIb bUllllNI
All kinds of
puneral Supplies
Crandall & Burget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, "fed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
fnTI "FloHf ThisFlour is manufactured expressly for family
vl.x. uee. every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our coods lowor than any house in thu trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
the state normal school, Wm. Balderston,
editor of the Idaho Statesman, and a
great many other prominent men, as
well as the very prominent women who
lead in society, education and philanthropy.
Everybody knows that the enfranchise
ment of the women of all thu states is
coming ; that it Is inevitable. Oregon to
day, is the only state where uu equal
suffrage amendment is pending. Shu,
aud she alone, is in a position to lead
the van of progress in this important
movement in this dawti of the new
century, Let her voters do their duty
by marking their ballots "Yes" for the
equal suffrage amendment, and she will
go into imperishable history as the first
state of the Pacific Coast to place the in
signia of liberty upon the brows of the
mothers of her soldiers and statesmen.
Uy thia act of simple justice you will
place Oregon in n position where she
will udvertien her own greatness ami
thus enhance your prosperity without
cost to yourselves,
It is related of the poet Whlttier that
upon being asked Ills opinion of a future
statu of existence, hu replied by quoting
from an epitaph he had read somewhere:
Iluru Ho I, Michael Angloroi),
Iluve mercy on my soul, t.uril God,
Ai I would do, wero I Lord God,
And you were Michael Aiiglcrod.
It was the apt significance of thia epi
taph that appealed to the solons of the
legislature who submitted the equal
suffrage amendment for which we ask
your vote. We believe yon also will
see the point. "A word to the wise is
sufficient. "
; ji
it S
miiny to be an attack