n usual It is varv unusual for a regular physician of good reputation to publicly endorse n propriety viemu'n We hnvo often heard of cases where doctors have secretly prescribed Acker's nnglt&li Remedy, but it is most gratifying to receive the inflowing voi.mtoiy letter from C. F. Smith. At. D , thi nior.t Huccessfui phvnlciattof OLau, N. Y. : .Messrs. V. II. lLoker & Co., Hew York City. 1 wUh to add my professional testimony to the value of your English preparation kuown ,as Acker's English Remedy for Asth--ma. etc. In several instances, nf ter I have tried my utmost to give even xclicf, 1 have prescribed yourrcmedy, .and it lias acted almost likeamiracle, not only relieving, hut permanently curing every one of the patients. I en dorse" the preparation as one of the most valuable additions to the prac tice of medicine." Such a frank endorsement as the above is phenomenal. Comiug from so distinguished a member of the medical profession, it carries with it .an assurance which the public will bo sure to avail themselves of. It isrec ommendations like this which make it possible to give the broad guaran tee that is a part of every sale ot Ack er's English Remedy for Couchs, Colds, Asthma, Hronchitis and Consumption. It must either do all that is claimed for it, or your money will be refunded. Do you know of any other nndicine sold on those terms? Do you know of any other medicines which prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than prescriptions they write themselves ? These facts are well worth considering. They are of especial interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs. Sold at ice, 50c. anil $1 a bottle, throughout the United States anil Canada ; and i Engr land.nt is. til., js. 3d., s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your .druggist, and get your money back, Il'c authorize tlicabovc'guarantce. II. II. UOOKJt A CO., Proprietors, AVic Vork. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUG-HTON. t?roi?i(;le5pReial5 Running Into One Another. When reading at night do the difl'erent lettere run into one another j -ttud confuse you? If so, you have astig-1 nmtisni,aud your (debt will rapidly grow ' worse if not attended to. Alonv ail ments arise from defective vision. Theo. II. Liebe can fit you with glaasea thut will give you normal vision. He is a graduate from two of the finest colleges in the East. J. E. Adcox & Co., .lawelers. It's Our Business To dispense health-giving prescrip tions in the proper way. It's a business we have not learned in a day, but after years of persistent work and careful study. We use pure drugs and charge an honest price. Clarke & Falk. '"Plutot mort iqu'aveugle" Means, ''Rather dead than blind" blindness in most cases is tiie result of a neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many a person now blind could enjoy good iyesiuht had it not been that the eyes were neglected when the first eien of disease appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of 1 he mostdaneerous diseases, are in most cases due to negligence in the care of the eyes. Theo. H. Liebe, of the firm of .1. E. Adcox & Co., is a ftraduate of the Peoria. Optical College, rid the liraillev I'olvtechnic Institute, He will correct and diagnose all errore ol refraction. h.ves examined free. Fiilrvlew School ltcport. Following is the report of Fair View school, district No. 4S, for tiie month ending .May 11, 1000: No. days taught, 120. No of pupils enrolled, 42. No. of days attendance, OS!. Average daily attendance, o l. Tiie following named pupils were nei ther tardy nor absent : George Morris, Willis Stogsdill, Ralph Snodgrass, Har rison You tic, Hurvo Alorris, Alice Brown, Mabel Brown, Mammie Brown, Eflie Chastain, Lottie Urabtree, Lydia Crabtree, Vid.i Crabtree, Linnie Kay lor, Minnie Kaylor, Lena Snodgniis, Tina Snodgrasd and Viva Stogsdill. T. AI. B. Cit.vsr.u.v, Teacher Cittiglit u Drcatlful Cold. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M Thompson, a large importer ol fine mil linery at 163S .Milwaukee Avenue, Chi cago, says: "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made mo unfit to attend my work duriug the day. One of my milliners was taking Cham berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to re lieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel very pleased to ac knowledge its merits." For sale by Ulakeley & Houghton. GOING EAST. If you intend to take a trip East, HHk your ticket agent to rontu yon via Thu I treat Wabash, a modern and uptodato 'railroad lit every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kmisas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains I run via Niagara Falls and every through J train has free reclining chair cars, sleup- itig and dining ears. I Stop over allowed on all tlckctH at Ni agara Falls. Iioss C. Ci.ink, I Pacific Coast Pass. Act,, Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Ckank. . P. A., St. Louis, AIo. Not It! II. Notice ia hereby given that there will beau annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden E.tgle Alining Com pany at the ollice of French it Co., bankers, on Thursday, May ."11, 1000, at 7 o'clock p. 111., for the purpose oi elect ing seven directors and transacting such other business as may properly come he fore said meeting. By order of the president. .1. C. Hosti:ti.:i!, Secy, ami Treas. The Dalles, Apl. 27, 1000. a27-td Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herbdrink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and iiappy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. 25 cts. and .50 cts. Ulakeley & Houghton Druggist. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, ia pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgeiink, Overisel. Aiich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. I'urrx llrailuclie Oulnkly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for he.ulachu, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 2o cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24-(iw For Hulti. A second-hand ten-foot Randolph, header, in fair condition. Will bo sold cheap. Enquire of Ai.nx. AIcLkod, The Dalles. SOUTH and EAST vm Merit Pacific Co. Shasta Route TinliiM leave 'I ho Dalles fur Portland and way Mullens at a. in, and II p, 111. l.invo t'ortlimii ' Albany Arrive Alilnml " Siicriimi'lltti . " Nun l'raui'isco S::l a in .l'Jirai a 111 ..Uiiun 111 . . ri:Miiti . . 7:ti p 111 Anlvo ()dim " Denver ...r.. ' Kiiiikhh (Tlly . " Chleiiito ... Arrive taw Aiujeles . ' Kl Pn mi " Kurt Worth. " City of Mexico . " Houston " New Orleans " Washington " New York f: r a in U:lW a in 7 :'.. u 111 7: lj 11 111 . . . t :W i 111 li'.IK) l 111 ... (I:!iiiiiiu ... Ul.Wa in ... I.niiani . . t:'S a 111 t: tJ u lit ...l'.':i:i) 111 7:00 pin ni:fi ji in ll::u 111 l;Xi 11 in 8 lift a 111 1 1.1'. a 111 '.1:01 11 111 7.L'.'i 11 in "..tOa m 7:(i) a 111 i'.:li ( 111 t i ; : a 1 n 111 H: 'A 11 ill l:(o a 111 il:'J'i p ill li'liii in I'J'Uplil I'nllmn:! mill Tourist ears on both triilns, Uluilr car:, Siifhitncuto to Opti'ii ami Kl I'nvi, unit tourist ears to ClileiiKi), ht IjiiiIs, NewOi leails anil Wiiililntttim. Couius'tlmr nt San Krauelsro with navenil 8teanilili lines (or Honolulu, .lap.iu, Cliluu, l'hllliilne.s, Central anil South A met leu. See intent nt The Dalles station, or tulilrcss C. H. MARKHAM, (iciicml Passenger Agent, l'oitlauit, Or ff, 111 '1 w-rmniMTW n CKi'.vr.r WIS TIMK .CIIKDULK. KltUM Dallkh. I'EOl'MC YOU ALL KNOW. A. J. Brigliam, was in town today from Dufur. J. W. Booth is registered at the Uma tilla House. J. A. Johnson was in town last night from Centerville. T. E. Lucas, of Hood River, ie regis tered at the Umatilla House. W. Lord was a passenger on the tnid lay train today for Portland. C. L. Copple, democratic candidate for county assessor, is in town. Dr. E. E. Ferguson was a passenger on the 12:30 p. ui. train today for I'ort iand. Frank and John Fulton, of Biggs, were in town last night, the guests of the Umatilla House. AI. P. Is en berg was in town last night and left this morning for Antelope, in -company witli Hon. A. K. Roberts. 'D. AI. French, E. C. Pease and 0. J. Craodull left 011 the 12:35 p. m. train for Shanlko. While there Air. French will make arrangements for the erection of a two-story brick bank building. hclid-il !tiort. Tim following is a report of tiie Long Hollow school, spring term of 1G00, com uienciug April 0th, and llrit month closing Alay 5th : Number of nunils enrolled, bovs 5. .girls 11, v ! 1Jf?i,c.e 'jwe'O" fdven that from awl iider the . 1 I ninth ri,,y t June, IWi, will ,rwt-H 10 ell m luiai uiieiiuniioo em.11 neuK,.)i, .).), , i-m am -iu, wi emu, uiu loilriwinc iloerllieil 69. Average attendance for mouth, 0. Situation at .llaliikliiK- P;.f.MEit's Cami', Alay , via Ootsi, Alonday, Alay 7. Natives who have ar rived here say that tiie bombardment of Alafeking on Alay 1 was not heavy. Twelve hundred and eighty refugees horn Alafeking have reached hen:. Patrols who have returned from the northern borders of the Transvaal say they saw no aiyn9 of Boers. All is quiet there. ' Boers regularly patrol the neighbor hood of Alafeking, but do not seem to Le disposed to be aggressive. Ho Fooled tlin SllrKuoin. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jeffereon, 0., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was per formed; but he cured himself with live boxes of Bucklen'fl Arnica fjalve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by Ulakeley & Houghton Druggists. 4 Notice. Owing to tho retirement of Frank Chrisman from the firm of Chrienian Bros., and ids intention to leave the state as soon as posdhle, all debts due the firm must be paid immediately. All haviu; cl thus agalrut the firm will please present them at the market for payinen'. '"4'tf Gjihihjia.s- Buotiikiih. mayll-lmw KgRs I'ur Main. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Hock eggs, per setting $1.00 and .$1.50. For particulars call on or address, Sandkiis Bitos. Box 647. The Dalles, Or. Ring up Faulkner, the junk man, be fore hauling your trash to the beach. He buys old worn out rubber boots and shoe?, brass, copper, .zinc, lead, eacks, rags, etc. Ialles 'phone No. 214. apr24 lw DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is tin equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. i AI. B. .Smith, Butternut, Aiich., saye, "DeWitt's Little Early RiserH are the very best pills I over used for costiveness, liver and bowel troubles." Fast ISalt l.nWC Denver. Ft, Mull Worth, Omaha, Kiin ::() . ui. nit City, Kt. Louis, i;iueni;o una l.asi. SlslliHlIU MmII mill Kxraess 10:10 !'. ni p. m. 8 p. m. Kx.biiinlay R-itunliiy 10 p. in. Walla Walla, fipokatie, MtiiueapolU. St. Paul, ini In t h, Milwaukee, Clilravo anil hast, via hrokauuakil 1 1 11 11 1 1 iil; ton: aUn nil noints In WiishltiKtnu ami Knit- em Orexon. Fkom I'uktland. Ocean Stejunstit(.. For f-an FMiielfCo April '.'7, May ', 7, 1'.'. Columbia Kv. Steamem. To A stoma and Way Ijimlliigs. ARIItVK FitciM. Fnst .Mill r.'::ai 111 HmUnno .Mult mill V.x press 1:00 11. in 1 p. m. I i. Ml. Kx.nuuita) Oh. III. i Wltl-AMKTTE HtVKH. I 1:30 p, m hi.buiuIayOrri)ii City. NcwIjvrK.'Es.riunaa oaieiii it nil)' uinn I, 7H. m, jWlLLAMITTK AND VAH- iiifs.Thur.l iiili. ItiVKKs. ilon and cat. uretron City, Dayton,, ami Frl 1 and Way-UiuilliiKH- 1:W) p. in. ,WcU Ca. m. I WlLLAMKTTK lllVZIl. IjM) II. III. Tue..Thlir.li)r!lHlltl to Corvallli,. .Mini. Wnl and bat. aiid'Way-LamlliiKii. iind Friday Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Pa'tton strictly pure liquid paints Fresli cracked Nebraska corn nt the Waeco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. nici)25-u To secure tho original witch hazel sjlve, ask for DeWitt'H Witch Hnzel You will not iiave boils if vou Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for boils. take Clark & Falk's drug fresh and complete. stock is now Subscribe for The Chronicle. MINN'S PILLS ONE FOR A DOSH. Itunnfo Pimple,, Pr-ttent I .2 if"' ' u"'r tloiillood, .1 ar9lle,i,hoiiiidHMprni. i. dmgguu. OR. U0SANK0 CO, "p'wifcPJt Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. AilnitnUtrator'rt hale of Keal I'r.iporty U106STS WlUkt VOU 6at.' It artificially diBests the food and aids nature in HircriKtnening and recon wwrtr Mm'u, i.'" "'S ,'' BtructinB the ex austecrrllit.rvA nV. Iroivn.iKten.ed. to-wll: ' &na. It lfltllfilatefltdlHRnvnrerlHin-aaf. Those having no absent marks are : hl;lf il)!' ant and tonic. Lucilu Hiech, Nancy Neely, Barbara ! oroti. mwr it.vatiwi, m can approach 1 No other nreDaratlnn mroach It in cfllrdnnev. Tt, in. Heelv, Hugh Alonigomerv, Roy Otey m mtt ,""u onicom " , ;nwy renevefl anu permanently cures and Eddie Alontgomery. Visitors piuiont were: Airs. Koliler, I. AI. O'Brien, Edna Riecli, Carl Kouh ler and A. O, Baker. Parents and all friends of education ureordially invited to visit our echool. C, R, Duhjih, Teacher. Viittt In Hour CnvU, A) coutitv warrants registered prior to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my ofliee. Interest ceases after February, 2, MOO 0, L. 1'IIII.LIFH, County Treasurer. I 1 n I . T 31 . I w . JX.U.1 at Dalles City this lOlh .lav of May, lm ! KPffl T!i!W tieaWDUm, ui.i.ia i;. uitow.N, t."v,",ivBi . DiAJiimcu, xihuhcu, oioitneauacnc,uftsiraigia(uramp8,ana Administratrix ol tho eutc of Patrick Jirnwii, clteennd. m ADAII.VIaTRA rOIt'.S NOTICE. Notice H hcrthy aiven that the iiiidcrklKiicd, by an order of the Coiiutv Court of the Htato of ureaon lor Whico County, Uhh Ut-ii upunli led udmlnbtrator of the tUto of Helen llradiord, ileceaMit. All perkurik havliiK clalina unt thOMUitoof 4li ileceamil are In titled to pro kwit tht-iii, with the proir Vfjuchem, to me at Hood Kiver, OreKon, within klx inonthk from tho out-: or thik notice-, IMttd May 15, WW. , , , , . . Putnam Y, iihi)okp, Ailminlitrator of thu Ks iitu of il(.l,.i, iimrl. onl, JJect'tte4. 161 All other results of ImperfectdlgeatioD. rrnuoru oy c v., wewif. CO.. Cr)lcqge- I.v Itlparla. niiliy l.'-Mu. m. BNAKK ItlVKIl. Itlparla to Iiviktou. I.KAVK i.KwiNrroN dally 8:ao a. in. OT rarlles denlrini; to ko to Ilctitnier or I'viitin mi .ui u ui Din roiiiuern via klioilin uikuoo. leavini; i ne panes at I'J: 10 p. ra. nialcliiK direct connections ,u lleppner Junction and Hlirxi. ItcturnliiK makliiKdlrivtcooiiectlon at lleiiiier Junction anil IUhk" itii No. 1, ar riving ai ine mile at Vi:V) p. m. For full partlctilum call on O. It. A N. Co.'k K;n t Thu Jalki. or address W. II. IIUIIMIUUT. (ieii Vils. Au I., Portland, Or, httaFiie Yellowstone Park Line. THi: IJINI.N'O OAK HOUTE FltOJI I'OltTI.A.NI) TO Till: KAHT. THK ONI.V DIHKCT LINK TOTHK VKI-I-OW- MONK 1'AltK 7.BAVK. No. 2. 11:15 A. M, No. I, 11J30 P.M. Union Depot, Firtli and I sis Kant mall for Tiicouia, -Seattle, Olyinplii, Orny'h llarhor anil Kouth lleuil ixnutit, bpoknnc, Kosk. land, II, V I'llllinaii, .Moemv, U'-lMon, lluf ralolliimpininiiiK coun try, llcleiia, Mlniieapo lis, Ht. Paul, Oiiialui, KlIllkHD CitV. Ht. IjiiiU. ChlcuKo ami all point ent and koutJieimt. I'lixut Hound i;xires for Thcoiiiii and Heuttlu aim inierioulliito polut AlllltVK. No. 1 h;W P. M. No. il. 7;0o Ai M. I T. BROWN HILL, JUSTICE OF THE I'KAOE. Notary I'uolio. Collections promptly atleuded to. Money to loan. U, E. Bayard's of liee, The Dalles, Oregon. V. WILHOK, A ITOltN KV'A,T T.-IItKO. JD ATTOHN K Y-AT LAW. , THK IMLIiKB, OBKOOW Oalce ovei Klrt Nat. U iuk. Pllllinan llrkt ehoiM mut Innrl.t .i,..,,,.u ,,. .MlniieHpolln, Ht. 1'aiil and Mlnkourl river PoliitN Vustihiilwl IrHliiM. (Irilnn ttui .i.n u jjhkkmku wiwjiwi to aesmnmoii of tlckcln, Kor hmifiKoiriolv llliiutniiwl iti.tMri.iit, tlcketk, leeiiiK cr renervatloiu, etc,, call on or wnio A. D. CHARLTON, Altiiiit (loneral Piui.eiiKr Ancnt, 25S Morrlkoc Htreet, corner Thlr., t'orllainl, OreKon. V 't f t !3i l: t f m Tho Dullen, On. The Chronicle, Job Printers. jtuiiiiiiitiiiiitiuuiiiMutjjutiyutiut'iutJtit jtiujrtgfciiuKiduiuiiliUJiiiil iiriiiiTiiiliiirtirintifif tiviif ill rutrt iiiiiuiTifirii $1.00 per month. .Strictly Ilrst clics local nnd long diataiice teleptiotni service within your Inline. I.ini'Hiln not crins-lnlk. Vuur con vi-rsatioii will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You not the ntiilidard Hiinuing Long Distant Instriiineut. Cotitinuuiis day mid niirht ervlcu. Wn will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten noticu. PACIFIC 8TATES TELEPHONE 00B. and Motors MANIIKACTUItllll II V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL 00 ETC SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, Circulate nnd particulars furuinhed on application. F. S. G-UNNINGr, Agent. .AV UiiUO THE DALLES. OlfMiU.' C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agon- rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY lrmnJ'J.7f) to II,0tl per ttallmi. (TtoTTyearH old.) TTT" IMPORTED 00GNA0 from 7.t)0 to DilSi.tK) tier gallon '(11 to yww o"''- OALirORNIA BBAHDIEB hmJ8!Jfi to (I.U0 per khIIoii. ( 1 1 yearjj pit. K. K. FKKOIJHIIN, Pliysiciaii und Surgeon, twice, Vot Illock (over I'oitofllcc), aoupliao-aw Tim HAM.KS, OltUdON. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD User in COLUMBIA BEER on draught, und VhI hMt nd Olymi'in Imported AIo and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Advertise in the Chronic6