The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 16, 1900, Image 3

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AM prices from 25c to $3.50 for Cham
(c, Drawer-, Skirts, Night Gowns, Corset Covers.
For Hot Weather.
Light colors, plainly-made good stronir calico
or percale 75c up
Fimi'V trimmed $1.25 up
t DKNT'S 8TUEI5T GI-OVKS....'..'.!!!.'
GAUNTLET GI.OVRS.. . .05c, 75c, 85c, 1 00
All bought at tho old prices, which means 25
per cunt cheaper than today's market values:
(JO Inch pure white only50c
04 Inch iure white 0nlv 7r.
08 inch pure white V.V.V.VonwJlSi
ti inch pure whitt ony 25
Napkins to match.
HDT.OWS, fancy or plain 25c up
I'lhLOWCOVKHS.BometinnR new, jn received.
Summer Footwear.
In light-weight, high-cnt, lace or button, or
low uhoes ami slippers. Light, thin Oxford ties,
broad, plain too, low heel, for tender and aehinir
feet j r,j
Ladies' Prince Albert (low cut, elastic side)
for busy people $1.75
Ladies tan or black southern ties (light and
dressy shos) qq
Ladies' tan or black OxfordB, 'pl'iinip stock
and good soles for cervine as well as looks .-. $2.00
Ladies' black kid Oxford-, patent leather'ia
Bwell aflair) jjo f)0
Ladies' Kid Mutton, eqnare toes, 15. 0. 4t D.,
sisceH I! to 5 $1.25
A regular sftt.OO value.
Down lo Business
IT'S ABOUT TIME that business and
the weather struck a regular gait instead of a tog
ular gale. So far this month the Earth seems to
havo been hobnobbing with Aquarius. The. old
Bong may be made to read
"Oh, hand me down my coueh drops
And umbrella right away,
For I'm to lie Queen of the May, mother,
I'm to be Queen of the May." "
We Can't make Weatnsr. but
we Can DMe Prices...
Men's New Spring Suits
That are perfection in style and workman
ship; newest weaves and romhinations of color
ings. $5, $0.75, $8.50, $10, $12.50 and $15.
Young Men's New Spring Suits,
Stylish in make and finish, and selected with
a view of plcasinz the most careful diessers; sizes
13 to 20 years. $4, $5.50, $7, $8.75, $10 and $12.
Children's New Spring Suits.
All the newest productions in vestees, double
breasted and blouse stvles : exclusive maks and
designs. $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $.1. $3.75 and $5.
Spring Headwear
For men, boys and children. Hats and caps,
latest in style, shape and color. We are agents
for the celebrated Roelofs and Manhattan Huts.
All Goodti Mnrkfd
In Plain FUrurim.
rhe Dalles Daily Chroniele.
Ti'lephtnif No. J.
Skunks day - - - mayTo", nmn
At Andrew Keller's.
he it rare treat. Some of the best
musical talent In the city will take part
in a very excellent program which will
be printed in tomorrow's Cimionicm:.
Tho price of admission lias been placed
at 25 cents and the tickets are on sa'e at
Biakeloy & Houghton's drug store.
II . W. Furlong, one of the party from
tho Iterkeley university who ure fitting
out here for a search for fossils in the
John Day country, was violently thrown
from a horse this morning in the Payette
feed yard in the East End, receiving
such a shaking up as required the ser
vices of a physician. Mr. Furlong had
mounted the animal with a view of tent
ing his qualities as a saddle horde. The
beast hud been well-broken to the
wagon and was supposed to be perfectly
gentle, but he resented the middle and
bucked and bawled like an Indian
cayiiHO. Mr. Furlong's injuries are not
thought to he tucli as will detain the
party after they are fitted out for the
journey. j
Mrs. Isabella Grey lejt this morning
on tho Regulator on avisit to Iter old
home In Lanarkshire Scotland. She
will go overland by Any of the Cana
dian 1'nciflc and will take passage at
New York on the Campagnia, which
Bails for Paris, where she will visit the
exposition beforjf crossing the channel
for Scotland. fcihe expects to return in
tho full, and Iras already mapped out
her return ovrland trip by way of Clii-
Xrj one hundred persons have
ifofd Ihe roster of The Dalles Y. M.
a a.
Next Monday the first passenger train
till enter Slianiko. Freight trains have
twi going in for three or four days.
J. I), hu', superintendent of the state
penitentiary, lias invited Kuv. O. I).
Taylor to preach to thu convicts next
Five hundred sacks of wool have been
fceived nl Moodv'a warehouse from tho
Coudoit neighborhood, by way of
Lunard'a and Miller's badges.
The performance on the musical
limes by Archie McCully at the enter
wioment next Friday night will alone
' worth the price of admission.
Edward Clendinning, 11 former sub
let of the queen of Great Britain and
Ireland, was admitted to full cltizen
ihip yesterday afternoon before Judge
For tliirlv il,...a ..... ...Ill ..It...
.....rj l,,.n WIIIJ MW Mill
'Jial prices on violins, banjos and
,elnx machines. D. not forget the
prize given away with each $5 purchase.
Jwobaen llouk ami Music Co.
The freight teams of Henry Hudson, by Mr8. S. L. Brooks
uuyu, loitay unloaded 12001) pounds
o'woul ut the Wasco warehouse from
t!' Hrlclgo Creek country, Wheeler
Mlnty. The teauiH will return in a day
w two loaded with freight for Grant
ty to the time of closing tho registra
tion hooks yesterday evening, there had
wen regiatei,;d in the entire county
5 voteis. At tin; June election of M8
M votes were cast for governor. Thus
08 "" voters have regi.iterod than
W t the last uleciion. '
The river at this point utood ivt :tl. l
m this morning, having fallen three
Whs of a foot in the previous twenty
'r liours, The Snake river ban fallen
Htly, hut in confimuenue of warmer
thnr is expected to remain station-
"Hor the next tw0 or three days.
tontrautor Krutvstsr, while boriiig for
t',a" Wllor above the reservoir lust
etki struck a stratum of gravel at a
J1" "f u little over 100 feet. A strong
wain of water (lowed through thu
vl. hat refused to rise. Uoring was
'P'-mlml ,! tlll, w. wa(i c,n8t)(, t0
"'Pllioi 107 ( .1 1....1 ....
painting the wood work of the building,
remarked that the painters of The
Dalles must lie reaping a harvest, for
nearly every property owner was having
his buildings painted anew. "That's
so," said the 1 iwyer. "Yon see under
the old Cleveland soup-house regime
we could hardly raise enough mouey to
meet expenses, let alone improvements.
Now everybody has money to spare
and" but the item stealer had heard
enough, and made a dash to lave his
fevered brow in t he cool, outside morn- j
ing air.
Nult'iiiltrN aru for un Oprn Itiver. I
A Tiiant to tlie OueeD.
The Salem chamber of commerce,
through its secretary, H. U. Thielsen,
has written the Portland chamber of
commerce that the former body will
heartily co-operate wrth the latter in
their eil'ort to obtain government aid
for the building of a portage railroad
around the dalles and Celilo falls.
Speaking of the attitude of the Salem
chamber of commerce'towards this woik,
Mr. Thielsen says :
"Tliey are tho more inclined to assist
in thiB case, as they know from actual
experience what a serious injury is
wrought upon commerce wtiere obstruc
tions pi event otherwise navigable
streams from being a controlling factor
in the establishment of freight rates.
"In the very able teport of your com
mittee, every argument looking to the
opening of t he Columbia is equally ap
plicable to the opening of tho Willamette
by government acquisition of the canal
and locks at Oregon City, or as an alter
native the construction of new ones, as
recommended in a recent report of a
board of government engineers appoint
ed to examine into that question.
"Portland is equally interested in ,the
........1.... ..r Imtli ril'un. Hint we ll title
U the Portland chamber of commerce and
nf iln l.nlniiniiu basin will
night and arranged thai four men shall LxU,mj lMU tMm cordial assistance to
leave here tomorrow to dig a ditch toH ' o,,,.,,;,,,, 0( the Willametto
Mill creek at the place where the water , . . thu iSaleln chamber of com-
. . . r, . . . 1 . i .
cago, 6t. rani, inencesoutn 10 ew Or
leans and jiack tlirough California by
tho Southern Pacific. Mrs. firey is in
her 7!ih ear. She is an Oregon pio
neer, liavjng crossed the plains in an ox
wagon, and been 11 resident of this
county since 1801. This is her third or
fourth Visit to tho old country. She
was was accompanied as far as Portland
The water commissioners met last
W Iho
""iiiMl entertainment to be glvH
uuig people of the Methodist
"fxt Friday night pruiniHOu to
from the Dog river ditch Hows down the
mountain side to Mill creek for a dis
tance of about n mile and a half. Tlie
water at this place has hitherto had no
channel, but (lowed at its own will
among rocks and trees and brush wood,
leaving tho mountain side a species of
quagmire. A ditch will conserve the
water as well as purify it. The work
is expected to occupy the four men
about a month. After this work' lias
been finished, Superintendent Crosfen
w ilt have the men clean out the logs and
drift uut of that part of Mill creek that
lies above the upper reservoir. All this
is much needed improvement and will
be highly appreciated by tho water conj
sinners of thu city.
The lot of a democratic editor In these
piping times of McKiuley prosperity is
hard enough to call nut the deepest
fcommiseratlon. It is espec
ially hard when tho fates have cast his
lot In a pro?pt'rom: community like The
Dalles. One of these unfortunates en
tered tho ollice of a prominent Dalles
lawyer this mornlntr, nd noticing that
Hiiarmvof tradesineinvere ut work re-
meree and tlie people of the Willamette
valley will give to tlie eil'ort to make tho
jColuinbia river free from Lewiston to
the sea."
Jtutliliuut) Sli.ttrs, Attention.
The following is a verbatim report of
a speech in giving the toast of "Tlie
Queen," at a recent agricultural show
dinner in Scotland. The chairman be
gan :
"Noo. gentlemen, will ye a' fill your
glatses, for I'm about to bring torlh
'The Queen,' (Applause.) Oor queen,
gentlemen, is really a wonderfu' woman,
if I may say it; she's ane o' the guid
auld sort. Nae Whigmaleeries or fal
derals about her, but a douce, daecerit
body. She's respectable beyond a' doot.
She has brocht up a grand family o'
weel-faured lads and lasses her auldest
son being a credit to ony mitlier and
they're a' weel married. Ae daughter
is nae less than married to tlie Duke o'
Argyll's son and heir. (Cheers.) Gen
tl"men, ye'll may be no' believe it, but
I ance saw the queen. (Sensation.) I
did. It was when I took my auld broon
coo to Perth show. I remember her
weel such color, such hair. (Interrup
tion, and cries of "Is it the coo or the
queen ye're proposing.")
"Tlie queen, gentlemen. I beg your
pardon, but I was talking about the coo.
Ilpwever, as to the queen, somebody
pointed her oot to me at Perth station,
and there she was, smart and tidy-like;
and says I to rnyse!' 'Gin my auld
woman at hiime slips awa,' ye needna
remain a widower anither hour lunger.'
(Cheers.) Noo, gentlemen, the whisky's
good, the night is lang, the weather is
wet, and the roads are saft, and will
harm naebody that comes to grief. So
aff'wp yer drink to the bottom ! 'The
Queen!'" (Cheers.)
Cora M. Davis, of Union, Or., grand
chief of the Hathbone Sisters, will meet
.with the sisters of the Dalies lodge to
morrow night. A full attendance is re-
jtqnested. Hy older of
Most Excellent Chief.
A reinetientalive from M. Horn & Co.,
tlie (anions Chicago merchant tailors,
111 be at the New York Cash Store
May 17th and 18th. We will bo pleased
to see you all in our store and show you
their full Hue of samples. Remember
the place and date. The Now York
Cath Slote, May 17th and 18tli. 17-Ut
CampbeluT Wilson will sell their line
of millinery, trimmed and untrinuned
hate, llowers and children's hats, at
greatly reduced pi lees for the next
thirty days. Please call and got our
Columbia Southern Warehouse.
At Shaulko the Columbia Southern
Railway Co. controls 80x100 feet of the
Slianiko warehouse building, to be used
as a freight warehouse, through which
they will receive and forward freight in
the usual manner. The impression that
all business must be done tlirough for
warding houses Is an erroneous one and
we take this means - of difpellitig .it.
Freight received and held twenty-four
hours will be turned over to a forward
ing bouse subject to the order of tho
consignee. The rate 011 wool in sacks or
in bales from Slianiko to The Dalles is
25 cents per 100 pounds.
For rates or other Information call on.
or address
C. K. Lyti.u, G. F. A P. A., or
Gi:o. F. Ros, Agent,
Slianiko, Or.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of thu body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Iiss of appetite, Feveriehness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No mailer how it
became bo it must lie purified in ouier to
obtain good health. Acker's Hlood
Elexir lias never failed to euro Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and wo sell every bottle 011
a positive guarantee. Ulakeley & Hough
ton's drug store.
Use Clarke A Falk's quinine hair tome
to keep daudrufl'f rom the head,
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has heca
in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho slgnatnro of
and has been made under his ncr-
tWt4"!, sonal supervision since its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" aro hut;
Experiments that trifle -with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnruotlc
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Wornw
and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Haie Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale!
Ranges end Cook Stoves
To reduce our large stock we will
sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at
I Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short tinio only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
IVlflYS & CfOttJE.
Cliitugu in O. It. .V , Time Cm il.
A change in time of O. K. Si N. trains
whicli took effect Sunday, May 13th,
makes three passenger trains in each
directiorr daily, the time at The Dalles
being as follows :
West-hound Train No. 1, known as
the Portland special, leaves The Dalles at
l"-2:3qa. in., stops at Hood Itiver, Bonne
ville, Multnomah Falls, Bridal Veil,
Troutdale. Train No. Ii, known as tlie
tlie mail and express, at 4 :50 a. in ,
stops at local points on lUtr. Train No.
5, known as the Portland flyer, stops at
Hood Uiver, Bonneville, Bridal Veil and
Troutdale, leaving Tlie Dalles at !i:35
a. in.
East-hound Train No. 2, Chicago
special, at 12:-10 p. in., stops at Bitr(?s,
Grants, Arlington and Ifeppner Junc
tion. Passengers for all points on the
Columbia Southern lUihvay, via. Bigga
and Ifeppner branch pi hits, also all
points east via. Huntington, should take
tins train. Train No. 4, known as tho
Spokane Flyer, at fl:'J3 p. in., stops at
all way points between The Dalles and
Umatilla. Train No. (i, m.til and ex
press, 12 :-JU :t. in,, for all points east via.
Huntington, stops only at Grants, Ai 1
ington and way stations vatl of Uma
tilla. Freight trains will not cany patoen
tiers except those 1 oMirig legular
freight train permits form 2)8.
For Infants and Children.
Thu Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Siguaturo of
Garden Hose
We have laid in a largo
stock of Garden Hoso and aro
carrying the sanio brand of
Hose that we havo been carry
ing for the last five- years,
which is the celebrated Mal
tose Cross 13 rand. Wo carry
tho same brand of Hose that
tho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has boon using for the
last twonty years. Tho Mai
toso C'ross Brand is without
doubt, tho best grado of I rose?
on tho market. Call ami gob
our prices before buying.
(Vlaier 5 Benton
Solo Agonta
To buy a couple of heifer calves of
jgood milk stock. Will take them when
j a week old and pay a reasonable price,
j Apply at tliisofiice. ml' 0t