Vory Unusual It is very unusual for n regular nhyslcinn of pood reputation to publicly midorse npropriotmv reined v We hnve often hoard of cases where doctors have secretlv prescribed Acker's English Remedy, but it is moat gratifying to receive the lulluwini; voltininn letter from C. F. Smith. M. D.. tin moat t'.uccessful phvsician of Clean, N. Y. "Messrs. V. II. Hooker & Co., New York City. 1 wish to add my professional testimony to the value of your English preparation known .as Acker's English Remedy for Asth ma, etc. In several instances, after I "have tried my utmost to give even relief, 1 have prescribed vour remedy, and it has acted almost like a miracle, not only relieving, but permanently curing every one of the patients. I en dorse' the preparation as one of the most valuable additions to the prac tice of medicine." Such a frank endorsement as the -above is phenomenal. Coming from so distinguished a member of the medical profession, it carries with it an assurance which the public will be sure to avail themselves of. It isrec ommendations like this which make it possible to give the broad guaran tee that is a part of every sale ot Ack- crs hnchsh Kemetlv tor couchs. Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis and Consumption. It must either do all that is claimed for it, or your money will be refunded. Do you know of any other mtdicine sold on" those terms' Do you know of any other medicines which prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than prescriptions they write themselves ? These facts are well worth considering. They are of especial interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs. Sold at ic, 50c. und 1 a bottle, throuphout the United States and Canada ; and i Eos land.at is. ad., as. 3d., s. 6d. If you are no: satisfied utter buying, return the bottle to your drujjgist, and get your money back, II'cauMcrtce the above guarantee. W. II. HOOKER t CO., Proprietors, yew Vork. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUG-HTON. ?f?ro9i;le5peial5 Running Into One Another. When reading at night do the different letters run into one another and confnse you? If so, you have astic mutism and your sight will rapidly grow 'worse if not attended to. Manv ail ments arise from defective vision. Theo. H. Liebe can fit you with glasses thet will give you normal vision. He is a graduate from two of tLe iinest colleges in the East. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jewelers. It's Our Business To dispense health-giving prescrip tions in the proper way. It's a business we have not learned in a day, but alter years -Btudy. of persistent work and cateful We use pure drugs and charge . f t O- ' an honest price Clarke & Falk. "Plutot mort qu'aveugle" Means, -'Rather dead than blind" 'blindness in most cases is the result of a neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many a person now blind could enjoy good -eyesiL'ht had it not been that the eyes were neglected when the first sign of disease appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of the most ilancerous diseases, are in most cases due to negligence in the care of the eys. Theo. H. Liebe, of the firm of J. E. Adcox & Co., Is a graduate of the Peoria Optical College, and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute. He will correct and diagnose all errors ol refraction. Eves examined free. OPEN RIVER TO LEWIST0N. Important Matter to Be and Discussed by the Commerce in Portland. Taken Up Chamber of Poutlanu, May 14. One of the most important matters to be taken up by the chamber of commerce trustees at their meeting to be held at 10:30 o'clock in the morning, is that of securing a port age railroad to be opened at the dalles of the Columbia river. The chamber le preparing for the pub lication of a circular setting forth the advantages that would accrue to the producers of the Columbia river basin when continuous navigation fom Len iston to the sea, a distance of 47o miles, js seure.1. rreigut rates of the entire region would be established on the firm ... ; -basis of water rates, and they would not be Biitij-et to change while navigatkn remains possible. All of Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho would participate in the benefit. The chamber of commerce doubts the practicability of the boat railway enter prise, as it has been tried in many parts of the world and found defective. It will advocate the construction of a norlnue rai road as a ore linliiarv to ,poru ge r iiirouu prti minary cam. and locks, the construction of railroad as a preliminary which will be' urged vigirously. For Hale. A second-hand ten-foot Randolph header, in fair condition. Will be sold cheap. Enquire of Ai.kx. McLeod, tnayll-lmw The Dalles. M. Ii. Smith, .Butternut, Mich,, says, "DeWitt'e Little Karly liitera are the very beat pills I ever used for coatlveuee?, iiver and bowel troubled," ir A I. rfc Ami llenth Fight. I Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, In., t writing of hie almost miraculous escape j from death, says: "Exposure after mens-1 les induced serious iung trouble, which I ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I mii9t soon die. J Then I began to uso Dr. Kind's New Discovery lor Consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not be without J it even if it cost ifo.OO a bottle. Hundreds hnve ti soil it 011 111 v recommendation and ull say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest I and Lung troubles." Regular size 50c I and $1.00. Trinl bottles free at Blakeley j & Houghton's Drug Store. 4 j GOING EAST- I If you intend to take n trip East, ask m.n..m 1.1'. -n.... ...... TI... uu' 1 ' . ureal wanaan, a inouern anil up-to-uate i - .1 . ? 1 railroad in every particular Through trains from Chicago, Ktnsae City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclimng chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars.' Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Iioss C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt,, Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Ciiane, d. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Win. J. Landers, resident manager of the Lion and Imperial Fire Insurance Companies, wishes to announce to the patrons of these companies that owing to the sickness of Mr. C. E. Bayard and the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gouriay, their former agents, the agency for both companies for The Dalles and vicinity has been placed in the hands of Mr. Timothy IJrownhill. Any business given to Mr. Brownhill will receive prompt attention and will be appreciated by the companies. Office in C. E. Bay ard's old stand. No. 85 Washington atteet, The Dalle9. Oregon. tilG-lm lie Poolett the Htiriceori. All doctors told Kenick Hamilton, of West Jeflerson, O., after suffering 18 months from Kectuf Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was per formed ; but he cured himself with live boxes of Bucklen'a Arnica Halve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 4 Dull Headache, Pains in various parts j of the body, Sinking at the pit of the ' stomach, Loss of appetite, Foverishness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences. I of impure blood. No matter how It! became so it must be purified in order to I - obtain good health. Acker's Dlood Elesir has never failed to cure Scrofuloue n. c... 1. ti. ti- ..,.:.. .i... 1.1 1 ! ,n 1. s i i....i . hmcwocoi iv in ut;r,aiiiiv n vvuiiucriui i remedy and wo Hell every bottle on j a positive guarantee. Iilakeley & Hough ton's drug store. 1 Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesbtirg, a. , says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, Dl06STS Wll&t yOU eat. colds croup ami sore throat One Minute Itartlflcally digest tho food and olds Cough Cure is uneq.iale.l. It ir pleasant tfaturo in strengthening and recon for ehildien to take. I heartily recom- Structlng the exhausted digestive or mend it to mothers." It is the only I808- It lathe latestdiscovereddlgest haruHesH remedy that produces im- J" ft oMJ-PMitlon mediate results. It cures bronchltie. o.,r,f .niinnn., .i . , . . ,nieninonia, grippe arid throat ami lung UUeea It H , pr(jVent conM)m,ltion KK Cor Hnle. Full blooded, barred Plymouth P.ock og8, per setting $1 .00 and $1.50. For particulars call on or uddreec, Ka.n'iikkh Duos, Box 647. The Dulles, Or. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DeWitt's Witch lls.el Clark A Falk's drug stock is new fresh and complete. J ChiirIiI n llrnniirut C11I1I. I Marion Kooke, iiituutpur (or T. M Thompson, 11 la run importer ol flnu mil- ' linery tit 1G38 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi- ' cuko, s.iys: "Durini; the lulu Heviiro 'weather 1 oaunht u dreadful cold winch kept me itwuko tit nicht mill made me , unlit 1 1 attend my work during the day. One of my milliners wit, taking Chum liurlidn'u Cough Remedy for 11 severe cold nt that time, which seemed to re- , lieve her go quickly that I Imiight some for myself. It acted like magic nod I , hegan to improve nt once. I am now entirely well and feel veiy pleased to ac knowledge its merits." For sale by Blakeley A- Houghton. Tim Aiittllt of i Omit Is envied by nil poor dyspeptics whoso stomach and liver are out of order. All such bhould know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health ami great energy. Only -5 cents at any drug store. , 4 DeWitt's Witch Hazel fcnlve is un equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Ileware of all counterfeit!. Ring up Faulkner, the junk man, be fore hauling your trash to the beach. He hoys oh! worn out rubber boots und shoes, brass, copper, zinc, lead, sacks, rags, etc. Dalles 'phone No. l!14. npr:M-lw You will not have lioils if you tuke Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. ONE FOR A DOSE. rtcmoto Plmplra. IV-rtnt liilionjaFu.l'ariirthoIllooil, t UIP 110Atla?hn nn.l 1 1 . PILLS A moTMnent of tho ImwuU eieh d7 Is nn-rnsar? I'kTi?i,1:J!"1 niPl ff-.or (al hot f"r .RAN. DF.rAItT TIMK yCllKOUtE. AllKZVC run From Imllks. Fhox. ( Fait I Bait Ijikr, Denver. Kt. Fnt .Mull j Worth. Omaha, Kan- Jlnll 1-J-.10 p. m. City, St. Louis, 12:) p m Chicago mul Kast. ; Srokuno 'Wiilla Walla, SpokaneJ Mult i Mlniieaiiolla. St. l'mil,' mul i i) ii I n t h, Milwaukee, Expiess l Ohlrwro Hint Kast, via I Hroknnenltil Ilunlliin-; tun; also all nolnu In Spokane .Mall ami Express 10:10 ;i. m.i WhiiiRtiin uml Kast- t:00a. m orn urvxon. 6 p. ni. 4 p. m. From Iorti.ani. Ocean Hteaniihii. Fir San Francisco April '.7, ilay.', 7, 1-. 8 r. ni. 4 ,i. ,n. hx.aumlay, Columbia Uv. Kteameri.;Kx.buiiila) To Aituru and Wuyi Satnnlay Ijnn1lngi. 10 p. m. i l.a. m. WltLAMBTTE KlVKR. l l:20p.m. hx.au inlay. Orcguii City. .Nowherir.x.nuiiiiay i halem i Way Ijiml'ii., 7 a. m, , WlLMMTTTK AND VaM- 3:00 p. m. lue.Ihur. iiili. Kivkkh. IJIon .,woi ana oat. Orejfiiii City, Dayton, and Frl. and Way-IjiinlliiKs. fi a. m. WltiAMK-TTK hivan. 1:M) p. m. Tuc.Thur, fortiand to CorvallU, Mon. Weil and Sat. und Way.LnudiiiKS. land Friday SftAKK I'.IVKR. Hlpaiia to 1itvUton. I.KAVI I.KWISTON daily Hl'Ma. m. l.v IMpariu rtaliy l.aoa. m. ! I'arllei dinl.'liiL' to iro to Ilentnier or ijiiiu, mi i.uiiiiiiuin ooiiiiiern via iiikks, hiioiiki take .No. 2, leaviliK The Dallej, nt WMO p. in. niakiui,' direct coniicclioiiK nt Ik-ppner junction mid HijfKs. ItcturnliiK miikiueillrentcdiiiiectlntt at lleppner Junction und IIIkkh with No. 1, ur rivins at Hie Dalles at iJ.ai p. m. For full particulars cull on O. agent The Dalles, or address K. ii H. Co.' W. II. HUKMlUItT, Aiit., 1'nrtlanil, Or, (iPU Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. uui, loiimoaoiui imiiimuBuiiyuures Dvspepsiu, Indigestion, Heartburn, Fatulonce, 'Sou Storaich, Nausea piu.iieuuat;iie,uiwii;raigin,tjrarnpfi,anq all other results of Imperfect digestion. rrvaarna oy c. UWI'.'. CO.. CDICOgo- T, BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Public. Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. C. E. Bayard's of fice, The .Dalles, Oregon. iTkd. wrwu7)i ATTOK.VKY.AT LAW, THE DAI.bEB, OKEUOK Oflice ovei Flrl Nat. liruiK. Yellowstone Park Line. Till: HININ'O CAIt HOl'TK TUOM 1'OltTI.A.VII to thu i:aht. tiii: only MKi:rr link totiii: ylli.ow mom: I'aiuc I Union Depot, Firth and 1 srs j AltlllVK. Nt). Kiist in nil for Taeniim, Pcuilli', t 1 y m i 1 1 1 . (iniyVl No. 1 I iiarnor nun yinim iienu i jiioinlK, Kpnkiinu, Itix. iliiiul, It. C, Pullman,1 IJIOM'OW, IAWNI0II, lllll- 11:15 A. M.1 fnliilliliuii in Stilus ooitii- r;,V) 1'. M, ,try, iieit'iiii, .miiiih'iiihi- 'IIS, St. l'lltll, Olllllllll,! Kinnois City, Ht. Until. I Clik'iiitn mid nil iolutnl No. I It Ml 1'. east anil Miutlienit. ! No. :i. l'lmet Nmntl i;xires M, fur Tiinmiii mill Seatllu "jot) A. M. ' mill lnturniitlliitu imints l'lilliumi llrst rlnw inn) tourist slcepera In Minneapolis,, Ht. l'atil mid MliMiuri river point without (linnite. Vi"tlliuloil trains, Union ilupnt roniieetlnns hi hII prlm-lpul iilk'. lliiKKHgv nhn'kt-il In tlealliiatlnii of tickets, Knr hmiilMiiiit'ly llliKtnitiililcM'rlptlve mutter, tlekuti, ilceplniieiir i'-'htviUIiiiis, etc., cull nn or write A. D. CHARLTON, Aaltmit (Jeiu-nil l'lLenuer ARCiit,'iV MnrrlsuC Klieet, cornur Tlili' ., I'lirlluucl, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains lonvi-Tliu Dalles fur l'nrllanil mul way Milium-, in i.-) ii. in, iiim . ii, in. Leave I'ortlnml " Albany , Arrive Athliinil . .. " Sacrnmimtn . . " Sin lranc'iKo . s ::ji ii in 7:01 p in . li;:no a m lo:i i in .lL-xiam llisnnm .V.m p m -l;.Tum . 7:l" )i in h:I"i a in Arilvc OriIciii .. .VIA am " Denver ti:00 it in " KuntaitUty 7:i'!!ini " Chledi?o 7: I'm in 11: I'm 111 JUKI a 111 1:'Si n in Arrive Uis AiikoIi"- . . El I'hmi " Fort Worth. " City of Jlexlco . " lloiiston " .Sew Orleans . " Wiihhlinjton " Nuw York ... UVopin iV.W i in 0;: 11 111 U.'.Vui in . ... I:in III . . . ii-.'i't a 111 irf.' a 111 rj . i;i p 111 7:M 11 in ii;ii p in 11 111 U:.V,n in a in l'i;'J') p 111 til 11 111 I'J'I.I p 111 I'll 1 1 Iilti: 1 ami Toiirilt eari on hoth tnilns Chair ears hacraniento to Ouden and El 1'nso, nun umiiii cars to 1 iiicaKu, ai uiuis, .Nuw (ir leans and Washington. Coiiuectlnir at San Francisco with novoral lU'.iniMnp lines lor Honolulu, Japan. China, ruiiippiucs, i.uiitrat nun i-nutu Aiuerlca. See HKuntat Die Dalles .stntloii, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Ucncral l'lmeiiKer Asviit, I'ottland, Or TIMBER CULTUKiC FINAL PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1.'. S. I.nii OmcK, Vancoiivki:, Wa.sii.,1 April M, PAD, Notlco In herchy ttlven (hat Alary K. (ielhani), liy D. II. htfuiimn. her nttoruuv in fuel. Ii.is illiii nnlico of Intention to make lliial proof lindirn W. II. 1'renhy, United States Conunlnalnuer for iii.stricioi HiiMilhKiou.iit 'Ills oillcolu (ioldun dale, WaahliiKtoii, 011 Friday, thu V.lth day of ifJ7, for tlm northeast quarter of nssllon No. I, in .nine, iw;, on i iiiiiM:r.ciiiiurn Aotiiieiiiiiin .,. imviisilll, .11,, 'i iiiirui. in .mi. iii'Hfil. w. 3 SIlC llllllles Uh ivltliel.es. Mnuui.l H I of (irand Dalles 1'. l) Wimh.i lleruian KiikoUv, William Wllklmon, of Ceutervllle l. () Wh.sIi., mid William Ciawford, of (Irand Dallea 1', ., ""in. , . ii. 1 1 U. Ml All, mar-'-l Uecinter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. " (Isolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. Land OmcK at Tun Dam.kk, Oiikdonj ilny'J, iml Notice Is hereby kIvcii that in puiamincu of Ilisliuctloiis from tint eoniinUsli)iiir nf th 11 aim. eral land olllcu, under aiithnrity vented in him It, v.w.ttj.r, .1,-. fl U I,.... u... ..u .. 1 ..j m.j, j , o, nn iiiuviiuei! liy tlionctotcoiiKresK npproveil Kehiuary 26, X, WO Will Iirofjetsl to oiler Ht lillhlln Nillii mi 4uti,r. day. thu ir.th day of June. nut, at tho hour of 10 o clock 11. in. at thlaolllce, Iho folloivlliK tract of I11111I, to-wlt. ai. M., tection 20, towiidiip 1 north, raiiKO Meant, W. II. Any and nil j:rmms clalinliu; nilvorly the nljovcdekcrlU'd landH aro mlvUiil to tllu their claliiiH In thlholhcuon or beforu tho day nhovo ibiilKimUiI for tho commencement of mild mle, olhe.lvlKC Ihelr rlhts will Im forfeited, , JAY 1'. MICAS, Kt-KlMur, mayla ll OTIS I'ATTEHuOS, Itecelver. Ailliillllalrutor' HhI of Keul I'rojmrty Notice is hereby nlvcii that from und aflur the ninth day of June, IWJ'), 1 will proceed to hell nt pilvalcMlo, for cash, tho followiiiK dctorlbcd property IwIoiikIiik 10 tho tstato of Patrick llrowii,deceaked, to-wlt , ,lJ'H.,li c',"',!:' '".V J. K ami b. In block fl7 of fort Dalles Jtllilary letervullon, In OrcKon, For Information iinmlro nt ofllco of Hlunott v Hiiinolt. Dated nt Dalle City this lOtli dav of .May, im. DELIA C. lIHOWfY. Adiiilulstratrlxnt tho c.inti of i.t pikr Krr,ul. (lCCt'llKfll. M 1 B NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Iiaup Oi i'ick at Tiik Dai.i.kh, Oiikiio.v, April 20, l'JCHJ, I Notlco la hereby Riven that Urn followhiR. named tijttler Iihh IlKd notlco of Ills Intention to inako Inal prwf in mipport of his claim, mul tliiitKMltt iininf will hu nun n ...r.., ti... 11....1 . ' Xmyu,Mu' OK'K,'" " Henry Ruadel, of The Dalles. Or.. lloinesteiiil F.ntrv K, .i7in r..n...uii J, township 1 north. raiiKO IJeant, W. M Ho iiamea too followiiiK wituum-n to provu Ida coutlmioin. lealdenco uimii ami cultlyatloii of Mild JJtlllli Vl Henry LuebliiK, (ieomo Arnold, Oharllo W. AUutiiK, illclmeltxiylo, tilt of The liallen, ("r. may 2-t jAy ., j.ijuah, lleKlstor. 2)K. K. K. VBKOIIHdN, Thysiciaii und Surgeon, Olllce, Vot Itlock (over 1'ostolllce), iiOaplmo aw TIIK 1)AI,I,KH, OHKUON, soulta Pacific Co. h f 3E ! fe1 i: '3: 3: Bp m - : 3; h N 3' H' a :i. ? I : f f '1 lffctttiiriittiiiirfitiifiiiiiffiiiitfii5iiiiiitiinH"ll?H tiiiiiV. $1.00 per month. Strictly tirnt clncs local und long dicliinct) telephone ecrvieu within your home. Linen do not uroi--talk. Your con vernation will he kept u secret. No coHt for infitalling. You get the tttmithird liuuniiig Long DiHtnnt liiHtrument. CoiitinuoiiH day ami night ervlce. Wo will accept your contract for ten yearH und allow you to cancel came on giving ue thirty daVH writ tun notice, PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. 3IANUFAfTIIUi:i) IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particular fiiruiHhed on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent. "1120 . J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen' rthe Greate Amerioan Liquor Yellowstone Sour WHISKEY from to 6,0I) per ullou. (TttriTyearH old. ) IMPORTED OOGNAO from 7.1)0 to il2.(K) per gallon, (li to yearn old.' r MIPJNIAJIA NPIIL"0"1 l',-'r' 10 u'0() l"'r unllon. (4 to" 1 1 yers li ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. COLUMBIA BEER on draiiKht, und Imported Alo mid 1'ortor. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. w The Chronicle, The Dalian, Op. Job Printer's. and Motors FOR DRIVING TIIK DALLES. OHKG0N Mash Whiskey. Vol Bints and Olympm Uoer In Mle Advertise in the Chronicle