mUSUH UKDERWEflR FOR THE MISS FOR THE BRIDE FOR THE MATRON All prieea from 25c to $3.50 for Chem n, Drawers, .Skirts, Night Gowiih, Corset Covers. "Wrappers For Hot Weather. Lit'lit colore, plainly-mado good stromr calico or juirnild . . 75c up Fancy trimmed $1.25 up LADIES' GLOVES. hml.ll1 A'AS'SA !' Two-eliifip. medium wcieht ; browns, Un?, modee, Krnys, reds fi oo DKNT'S 1MP0RTKI) FIJKNCH KIDS. A Ste:1.0. . I:: .fltu.n. . :u,.d . DKNT'S STREET GLOVES. , . . . . . . . . !$1.50 GAUNTLET GLOVES. . . .(J5c, 75c, 85c, sfl 00 TABLE LINENS. All bought at the old prices, which means 25 per cent cheaper than today'a market values: CO Inch pure white only 50c 04 net, pure white only 75c 08 rich pure wh to on I v $1.00 2 inch pure white only 1.25 Napkins to match. PILLOWS, fancy or plain '3C tlp PI LLOW COVERS, pomething new, just received. Summer Footwear. In light-weight, high-cut, laro or button, or low Bhtm and slippers. Light, thin Oxford ties, broad, plain toe, low heel, for tender arid aching feet if 50 Ladies' Prince Albert (low cut, elastic sides) for busy people $1.75 Lbdies' tun or black southern ties (light and dressy slios) $3,00 Ladies' tan or black Oxfords, plump stock and ijood soles for service as well as looks . . .$2.00 Ladies' black kid Oxfords, putent leather (n swell aflaii) 50 SPECIAL THIS WEEK Ladies' Kid Button, square toes, I!. O. it D., sizes :! to 5 Ei ok ........ w w A reguur if.J.uu value. Down 10 Business IT'S ABOUT TIME that business and the weather struck a regular gait instead of n reg ular (tale. So far this month the Earth EcetriB to have been hobnobbing witli Aquarius. The old song may be made to read "Oh, hand me down my couch drops And umbrella right away, For I'm to bo Queen of the May, mother, I'm to bo Queen of the May." " We Caul make weather, we can Plane Prices... Men's New Spring Suits That arc perfection in style and workman ship; newest weaves nnd combinations of color ings. $5, !0 75, i(8.50, $10, $12.50 and $15. Young Men's New Spring Suits, Stylish in make and finish, and sf lncted with a view of pleasing the most careful diessers; sizes 13 to 20 years. $4, $5.50, $7, $8.75, $10 and $12. Children's New Spring Suits. Ay the newest productions in vestees, double breasted and blouse stvles : exclusive makes and designs. $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. $3.75 and $5. Spring Headwear For men, boys and children. Hats and caps, latest in etyle, shape and color. We are agents for the celebrated Koelofs and Manhattan Hats. All Goods Marked In Plain FlRuros. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chroniete. Telephone No. J. TUESDAY - - - - MAY 15, 11)00 181- ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Anrirnw Knllnr'c. ) WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. IVjtriled GoiicI starch miners at The Dalle Steam Laundry. 12 3t Hi ferry boat now makes its landing at the foot of Washington street. The Yukon river opened on May 8th anil is now navigable for steamere. Strawberries are beginning to come in frculy. They started out this morning at 11"., cents a bux. The Yakimu Indians today brought ovurunolher lot of 300 cayusea for ship ment to the Litiulon cannery. The hidiei) of the ISpiscopal guild are requested to meet lit the residence of Mr!. Hugh 1jgan tomorrow afternoon. The weekly crop bulletin of May 14th J'8 wheat mid rye have headed out in Hood river viiiloy and ure ready to lie rat for hay. At il o'clock this morning 1,003 pur uns tuul registered from the several Dillos pieeincts, against 1130 votes cast t tho election of 1808. Unde Johnny Graham has been con Int'tl to his lied for Home time witli the K'il'l'c; hut has improved no fur hb to 1 able to be wound the house. Mrs. :, Julian tins bought the ofllco ol W. S. Myers, next door to her res taurant, and will use it for roomers, mid probably enlarge it in the nour future. W. Vause. of this eltv. vesterilav dcnlnred Ids intention to Income a citi "n of ti e United States and renouncei lleniiiiiee to the (pieou of Gruat UrltuiuJ Campbell & Wilson will sell their lino ol millinery, trimmed and un trimmed tf, Dowers and children's liatf, at KWally induced prices for the next thirty days. Please call und net our prices. The height of the Columbia river at DrtlhiH this moruini; was 31.7 feel. s"o river may rise a little higher during next twenty-four Iioiuh but the Lt)Huf Is that it 1,h neatly reuched its minium height for the jour. Senator McBride, of Oregon, has in- ttmli, 1 .. 1 ... . "'"allium tho senate mniinding o law which uIIowh elate soldiers liomee $mo a year for the cure ol each Vfitoran of the civil war, so as to admit '"n Indian war yutorann nnd veterans of "'ol'lillippino HUd SpHiiish wersiitthe nio rule, Tll l'orthmd party of Catholic clergy" ??en "d churchmen met Apostolic wgnte Murtinelll iiere today und Promptly oit on the Rellanco for Tort. ,lu. A number of promlueut Dalles Catholics accompanied the parly down the river till they met the Regulator, when they returned. There will be a meeting of the mem bers of tho public library ut the library Thusday evening, May 17th, at 8 o'clock. As a matter of importance will be dis cussed, all who ure interested in the welfare of the library, patroriB and friends, ub well as meiuberp, are re quested to bo present. Abraham Lincoln does not seem to have been very mucli impressed with the dignity or value of ofllcialism. On on occasion, being informed of the loss of u number of mules and u colonel, he said: "Well, I'm eorry about tho mules', but I can make another colonel just as good in five minutes." A representative from M. Dorn & Co., the famous Chicago merchunt tailors, will be at the New York Cash Store May 17th and 18th. We will be pleaeed to see you all in our store e.nd show you their full line of samples. Remember the place and date. The New York Cash Store, May 17th und 18th. 17-3t Work on the new steamer, which is 1 being built for service on the upper Co lumbia and Snake rivers for the Central the report of tho committee will be con sidered and final action taken us re gards a home for the association. Near Hope Bros.' old ranch, about two miles irom Vale, says the Vale Ga zelte, are some very interesting dill's of sandstone. They are interesting first from the fact that there are no other walls of rock like them within a long distance, and, second, from the evi dences of early history that are found on them and about them. Evidently the early Oregon immigrant trail has passed near them, for on tho rockB are carved names und dates of quite early times. The name of Paul Rosser bears the date of 1S52. K. A. Gray, 3804, up pearn on tho face of the rock considera bly beyond the reach of a person stand ing on the ground below. But below this is a name which takes one back to 1 the time when the First Oregon Volun teers were fighting Indians in this part of the country. It is "S. Pepoon, Lt. 1st O. V., 18G4." Coiiii'inlnc .Military JCuml I.uml. others Prof. E. O. Excel, whose reputa tion as a publisher, singer and conductor of music is national. Reduced railroad rates havo been secured, and free entertainment is pro vided. For further particulars address A. A. Morse, Portland, Oregon. Memorial Day. A Washington dispatch says Senator McBride yesterday offered un amend ment, favorably reported by the public Navigation Company, Ib being pushed!, . '. ... , ., ..' ' . , . , for making an investigation with a view with all possiblo speed, says the Tele gram. The boat is being built under the supervision of L'niis Paijuetand will be one of the finest crafts on the upper river. It is the intention to have the steamer finished and in operation by July 1st. Hon. William Smith, fusion candi date for congress for this district, made a speech at Arlington last Friday night. Three fourths of his speech was devoted J to adjusting the claims of persons who entered lands within The Dalles military wagon road land grant. Congressman Moody has been working for some time along the eaun lines as Senator McBride, and Tin: Ciihonici.k expects any day to hear that Mr. Moody has introduced a similar measure in the house. In a private dispatch received here yesterday Mr. Moody said: "The bill prepared by the wagon road settlers, if introduced, to expansion und imperialism, the r-1 would prejudice or defeat ultimate relief. mainder ol his talk being elevoteu to a condemnation of the use of the flag in political campaigns by the Republicans, with 11 brief allusion to the initiative and referendum, closing with a 15-min-ute discussion of the money question. The ladles aid society of the Congre gational church will meet tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon with Mrs. Krauk Taylor, who lives on Three Mile. Waril it Robertson's wagonette will be at the church at 2 o'clock sharp. All the The interior department has repeated ly reported against such measures. Through the sundry civil bill I hope to secure authorization of an investigation for relief along the line of congressional precedent." Mr. Moody has adopted the policy of the shrewd business man that he ii. Tho settlers referred to have been deep ly wronged, but the title of the road company is absolute and no relief from the government is possible on the ladles who expect to tnke tli trip ure j,ronu,i 0 egal right. If relief is ever urged to be there at least ten minutes before 1! o'clock. Those who havo theh own conveyances ure asked to drive to the church, so thot all may go together At the meeting of the Y. M. C. A. held In the council room h lust night, u j base hull team was organized, witli Koy Emerson i captajnaud Rev. 1). V. l'oli lug manager. f"Tunus ' w ere ralleToru complete equipment and cardinal rod was adopted for colors, j President Brownhlll wuh authorized to appoint a committee to enfer with The Dalles Commercial Club ami afcertaiu on what terms tho use of the lower floor of the club rooms and its equipments could be obtained fur the joint use of the associa tion, and also ascertain tho approximate cost of renting und fitting up the Schan 110 hull, next to tbe A. M. Williams store on Second street. The meeting ndjouriied till next Monday night, when obtained, p.nd Tin: CiuioNiei.i: devoutly hopes it may, it will be along the lines 011 which Messrs. McBride and Moody lie working. Miniluy School It'iitliuMukiii, Probably no Sunday school conven ion ever held In our state has been so much talked about as the one to bo held in the city of Portland, June 1U-16. A magnificent program has been prepaied, and ample local arrangements have been made. In uddi.tion to prominent speakers from our own state, thero will be present five distinguished Sunday school workers from the East who ure making a tour of the Northwest under the auspices of the international execu tive committee. Mr. Marion Lawrence, general secretary of the international Suuduy school convention, is in charge of the party, which Includes riuong HiiQits. Dept. ok Oregon, G. A. R Portland, Or., April 14, 1900. f To Comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic, Dept. of Oregon : At the meeting of the council of ad ministration of this department held at Grand Army hall, Portland, Or., Feb ruary 20, 1000, the following resolution was offered by Department Chaplain C. E. Cline and was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the council of adminis tration ol the department of Oregon, G. A. R., respectfully request all civic and fraternal organizitions in this state to give, unmolested, to the Grand Army of the Republic, May 30th, as Memorial Day, and that the press of the state be requested to aid in keeping sacred this iliiy, devoted to the nation's honored dead. H. V. Gates, Dept. Com. Oilicial : J. E. Mayo, A. A. Gen. I'EOl'I.K YOU A 1. 1. KNOW. Dr. Slddall was a passenger on the 12:35 p. in. train for Portland. C. E. Copple, of Hood River, arrived here today on the noon train. C. J. Van Duyn, the Tygh merchant, was in town today on his way to Port land. R. A. Laughlin, a pioneer farmer of Wapinltia, is registered at the Umatilla House. S. V. Mausori and J. E. Hauna, of Boyd, are registered at ths Umatilla lio'use. Mrs. Giimo was a passenger on the Regulator this morning on a visit to f J lends at the Locks. State Senator Nesbitt and wife, of Walla Walla, wore passengers on the Regulator this morning for Portland, Sam Stark, who studied law during the winter in Judge Bennett's olhce, was here on u visit today from his home at hosier. Indue, Blakelov. John Hampshire and R. J. Gorman surted this morning in a hack for Antelope, with lorn Ward hundliiiK the ribbons. C. E. Panders arrived here today from Xhe Eugene university. He Is obliged to suspend his studies for a time 011 ac count of trouble with hiseyee, Sherifl' Kolley, Representative A. S. Roberts, Treasurer Phillips, Cuioner Butts' and Attorney F. W. Wilson left in private conveyances for Antelope tiiis morning; I'l-MO. Commencing; today, every $5 cash pur chase will entitle you to a tine set of tripple-plated silver teaspoons nt the Jacohfen Book A Music Co.'s, Be sure arid get coupons for each purchase, IVuuleil, Furnished house, with five or six rooms and bath, for the summer. Apply at this office. 5m-3t Clarke & Fulk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Put ton strictly pure liquid paints ran Tho Kind Yoti Havo Always Bought, and which has heca in uso for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of and has been mado under his pcr- jfeffiy sonal supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTkUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Special Sale! Iteel Ranges it Coot Stoves ti To reduce our large stock we will . sell Stovos and Steel Ranges at Greatly Reduced Prices for a short time only. See our goods and get our prices. . . . JVIRYS & CHOCUE. I ClmDKD in O. 1C. Ac '. Time Curil. A clianutj in titim of O. R. it N. trains which took efll'iit Sutuluy, Muy 13'h, makes three (mseenger trains in each direction daily, the time at Tho Dalles being as follows : West-bound Train No. 1, known as the Portland epecial, leaves The Dalit's at 12:35.. in., stops at Hood liiver, Bonne ville, Multnomah Falls, Rridul WH, Troutdale.- Train No. !i, known na the the mall and express, at -1 :o0 it, in , stops at local points on llitf. Train No. 5, known us tho Portland (Iyer, stops at Hood itiver, Bonneville, Bridal Veil and Troutdale, leaving Tho D.illua at 11:35 a. in. Kust-bonnil Train No. 2, Chicago special, nt 12:10 p. m., stops at Bi, Grants, Arlington and ffeppner .func tion. Passengers for all points m the Columbia Southern Railway, via. Bigu's and Heppner branch p'.inti, also all points east via. Iliiiiiinlon, hImuiUI take this train. Train No. -1, known as tho Spokane l'lyer, at 0 :25 p. m., stops at all way points between The Dalles and Umatilla. Train No, 0, mail anil ex press, 12:-)0a, in,, for nil points east via. Huntington, stops only at Grants, Ai I ingtoii and way stations twt of Unin tllla. Freight trains will not carry passen gers excapt those holding regular freight train permits form 2)S, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Garden Hose Wo havo laid in a largo stock of Claulon Hoso and aro carrying tho same brand of Hoso that wo havo been carry ing for tho last five years, which is tho celebrated Mal tose Cross Brand. Wo carry tho saino brand of lloso that tho Dtriles City Fire Depart ment has boon using for tho last twonty years. Tho Mal tese Cross Brand is without doubt tho best grade of Hoso on tho market. Call ami got our prices boforo buying. Jrtaiey & Benton Solo Agents, ui. n il, To buy a couple of heifer calves of good milk stock, Will take, them when a week old and pat u reasonable price, Apply at this ollicu. m2 0t