The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY MAY 1G, 1900 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS. Justice of the Supreme Court 0. E. Wolverton. Foot! and Dairy ConuniBslonor Bailey. -J. W. DISTRICT OFFICERS' Congressman Malcolm A. Moody, of The Dalles. Joint Senators J. N. Williamson, of Crook; T. H.Johnston, of Wasco; W. W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Representatives A. S. Roberts, of Waeco; R. A.Emniett.of Klamath; Georpo Milter, of Gilliam; George Cuttanach, of Grant; Genrce A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attorney Frank Meuefee, of The Dalles. COUNTY TICKET. County Judge A. S. Blowers, of Hood i .River. Commissioner- -P. A. Kirchheiner, of Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E. Lake, of Waniic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Aseessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, ot The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. HOX. J. X. h'JLLIAJISOX. The Chiioxicle knows whereof it speaks when it says that 4. K. Will iamson, republican candidate for ! joint senator, will sweep his own home county of Crook like a cyclone. He is a man of unquestioned ability and integritv, and those who know bim best and longest have no honors in their gift that they would not bestow upon him. The Lake coun ty F.xammer has this to say of Mr. Williamson : TTrm .7 Wllllnmcnn trim Kmc I i nominated for joint senator by the republican state convention from J Crook count , for the counties com prising Lake, Klamath, Crook and "Wasco, is an old-time republican and was a representative from Crook county at the last session of the legislature. He was the author of the II. B. No. 108, creating a scalp bounty fund and to levy a sheep tax for the protection of sheep in the state. Mr. Williamson introduced many other good bills, among them H. B. No. 873, to assist in the erec tion of a monument to the veterans of the Spanish-American war. Mr. Williamson is a prominent stockman of Crook count', and is a man of much ability. MiYAN'S POPULIST PLATFORM. When Bryan accepts the nomina tion tendered him by tbe populist national convention, and he will accept it or lose their support, he will indorse the following plank in tbe populist platform: "We denounce tbe action of tbe governor of Idaho, end the federal government in using the military arm of the government to nbridge and suppress the civil and inherent rights of the laborers of the Cojur fl'Alene bv pst'ihlihliin" nn infnmmm' . . . . , . . . ! permit system, which denies citizens tbe sacred right of organization for J their mutual advancement and com- j pels them to renounce their manhood, j tbeir liberties and their rights before ! being pcimittcd to seek employ ment.M The wildest anarchist convention could not write anything worse than this. It condemns the authorities for suppressing the worst gang of dynamiters and murderers that ever cursed tbe American continent since tbe Molly Maguires terrorized tbe coal regions of Pennsylvania. And JJryan must accept Ibis plank and the democratic party must tumporizc with niiarehv and accept Bryan!! Then the people will rise in their nmjesty and grind TJryanism and all its works into impalpable dust. i "Why don't our democratic ex - changes point with pride to tlic fill- c2ii t i . ..i l 1 1 1 1 uiiiui-m ui uiu iiuihiih: uiuuii Bryan four years ago? We were to have 2o cent wheat and a cent cotton and lii cent corn. Wretchedness and poverty and distress wore to be allprevatling. Ihc "money power was to contract the currency, drive gold out of circulation, drive green backs out of circulation nnd bring the country to the bow-wows. Wages were to be cut so low that the laboring man would not be able to earn enough to buy him bread. Our tariff laws were to shut us out HilHker8 on Thursday, May 81, HUM), at of the foreign markets. Lombard J " o'clock p. m., for the purpose- of elect Street and Wall Street were to .con- j inp seven directors and transacting such spire acninst the common people and other lousiness as may properly come be' . , ", . , I fore said meeting, grind them into the dust. All these . By or(,Br o UlB pre9,,,ont. horrible thinns, and more, were to ; jt c Hostkti.kii, Secy, and Treas. happen if we did not get Bryan and i The Dalles, Apl. '27, l'JOO. u27-td 10 to 1. We got neither, thank) N ,,, God, and have managed to get along' Owing to the retiremc of Frank tolerably well without them. j Chrisman from the firm of Chrisman Bros., and his intention to leave the If The Dalles is going to have aj celebration on the coming Fourth it is high time we should sa' so. If nobody wants a celebration here silence will do no harm, but if a celebration is wanted the announce ment of the fact should not be de layed till outside towns and villages have made p nn.ements that would seriously in' a celebration it to with the success of at The Dalles. i,0 will take the mtiative in this matter? Why iiot call a mass mcctim? and try to find out if a celebration is wanted? Wo have had no celebra tion for years. Surety the time is ripe for a rousing one this year, Candidate for Congressman Smith, it is said, condemns the use of the American Hag by republicans m political campaigns. We tell friend Smith that the republican party has an established right to use that flag. If it had not been for the republican ; party the nation, as such, would have I nn lino" Tf it linr? lint linon fnr tlm republican party the symbol of the union would be the emblem of di vision and the stars and bars would be floating over the South. The Dalles Coiimision House will With 100 per cent increase in the keep fresh milk at ail times on bund population of the United States 1 ' deliver it Riiywlinre in the city at during the last thirty vears, there tUti s"0" prices: One quart, 2 pur 'month: three pints, $15 ; two quarts, t-i ; Las been an increase of only sixty, )reB fjuart0 VuM. cmiI1I 20 Ci.nls per per cent in our total imports of pint. Fresh butter every day. lS.i-lm foreizn "ooils, says the Albanv I Herald. This shows how tho Ameri can workman under protection is acquiring the American market. The Roseburg Plaindealer says there is not much likelihood that the dinner pail will figure in democratic campaign speeches this year. They are not so full of wind as they were four yenrs ago. Be sure and examine our stuck of wall paper thoroughly before buying elee where, as we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at H. Glenu & Co.'s. al7-lw Cuati In lour Chok. All eountv warrants registered prior to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after February. 2, 1000. C. L. Phillips,' ('nnntv Treasurer. Dairy butter ,U0 to 1)5 cents per roll at Pease & Mays.' BUSINESS LOCALS, Clark & Falk are never closed Sundav Donit forKOt thi8 clnfke & Fak",1)lVB on Hnt() a , ,JnB of paint ami artint'H brtiHheK, A full line of Eastman fjlins anil sup- P8 i8t received by Clarke 5c Falk. Clarke & Falk'e flavoring extracts are the beat. Ask your grocer for them. Flora) lotion will cure wind chapping and Diiiiburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully iiuarauteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Put ton's sun proof paints for (1.60 per gallon, guaranteed fur years. Clark & .Falk, agents. tuU OlnrliniK Kim. Comes from Dr. D. 1!. ChibIIij, of ; Wushltii. 1. T. Hn writes: t .Fonr botllea of Electric Hitters haB cured Mrs. Brewer of rurofula, which had I caused her great sutlerim; for years. j Terrible sores would hrciUN out on her J head and face, and the best doctors could eivo no help; but hor cure is com I .1 1 1 1 I.I. !.. . ....II MM.!- pii'li: nun ner iil-uiiii in i'.t'jiiudi. una .),.,,,. .,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,1, l,,vn moved. tlmt Klectric Hitters is the best blood , purifier known. It's the supremo j remedy for, tottor. salt rlieuni, j "; "' 0' 11 uxnelp poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only fiO cents. Sold by Ulakeley & Houuhton.Drusgists. Guaranteed. "4 JilltlOl'. Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers or the Golden fcngie Aiming vom I nnnv at the ollice of French & Co.. gtate as si: soon as possible, nil debts due the firm must be paid immediately. All having cl.iinie against the firm will p'ease present them at the market for payment. 11)4-tf ClIKISMAN BltOTllKllK. Special reserve old government whis key, recognized by the highest medical Vinthoritv in the land: esiieciallv recom- nended bv the board of health of San . O Ml rln ii 1 i! I f 1 f ii i n null ull rtMi in " " and Win. I). McCarthv. mniorand sur- jKeon tj. s. army, as the purest uieidul- i terateit sumniant lor coiivaieecen's, in valine ami lamily use. Stubliug. Sold bv Charles aplL'O-dlm Curra Jlemluclie Oulckly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, elee plessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 'Jo cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jati24-6- Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Iud., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowelB and liver. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "I never fail to relieve my children from croup at once by using One Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. Tn Ourn u Coin m Din. ly. I Take Laxative Hrnino Quinine Tab-1 lets. All ilrui; trims rudiml the money. ' Nasal CATARRH In all its atages ttiero should be cleanliuc3. Ely's Cream Iialm cltaiuea, loothea anil hcala the diteaned membrane. It cures catarrh anil drlrea away a cold In the head quickly. Cream Halm la placed Into tho nostril, spreads over tbe membrane and Is absorbed. Itcllcf Is im mediate and a cure follows. It la not drying does cot produce sneezing. Large Size, CO cents at Drug giitt or by mall; Trial Klzc, 10 cents by mall. UKY IKKmiERS, 50 Warren Street, New York. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'atitliiK, Overcoiitlii"or Kmicj Vesting. Kindly rail mid examine my slock of Im ported unit I) ii-eetlo Woolens. A Hue stock. lo sclent from. HulU made from l be lowHt prices to (he limb est grwle. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. iUEDAbU (IllEGO.N. ft Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THEnDRUGCtST. TATA'? A IAAAJ A. M I i CTJC3 VVV fcV" V V V 2 L. Lane, (iKNKKAIi BiacKsmiin ...AND.. Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tiiirdlaud JetTcrnn. PhODe:i59 ..ghas. mu- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kwiii on ilnuiKlit tho celebrnted COl.l'MlllA 1IKKK, nokiiow: eiliswl the lwst bi;r In Tlio Dnlleii, at tbe unml price. Cmnu In, try It iiml lie ronvliireit. Al'ii the KilK'.it briiiul.s of Wliien, l.lgiior mid Clifiirn. Sandwiches of alt Klinla Hlkvayx on liiinil. C. F. Stephens ..Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. llootK, Bliovs. Hats, Cups, Kotions. Act, ;for V. I.. Douglas Hbiiu. Telephone No. 88, 131 Becond Ht., The Dalles, Or, - $ Just What You uaant. Now ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such vvido variety as wo uru showing never he fore graced a single stock. Heal Imita tion creton elects ut ordinary prices. Good imriutH ut ciiean miner i,ri,.,.u Klegant deaigns, taHtefuI coloring, yours ' fur a smull price, m our store on Third street, Also a full line of house paints, 1 D. W, VAUBE, Third St. I HorsBSDoe i H' 8TUHDEVANT, Dentist. Oltlcs over Krenoh & Co.'s llmik TIIK U.V.I.Ks, OKEUON M HtinmotN n-lifcliilu, lOWlllR M'lictlulu without h Str. RoBulntor. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. MOWN. , I.V. PllllOS lit M A. M. TuoMiiiy , Tlmivliiy Siitunliiy . ' Arr. l'cirtliiml . Ht r i'. m. I.V. t'nrll.itiil III 7 A. M. .Mnuiliiy WiMlniilMy Uliliiy Arr. liiilU-B tit f:'M I'. . in FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, S Tmvol by tlie HtoiiinorH of tlm ItcRiiliitor Line. C roiiMlm bcf-t KOtvli'ii inwslblu. K, rortlnml OIHcc, Onk-Htreot Dock. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. Important Announcement to you. For .'10 days after April ltd, I will oell nil thf Dry Goods, Clothing, Itunts and Shni'H, Uoidory, ltlunkctH, Hats and CupH, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now in ynnr opportunity to got bnr gains. Hon t miss it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to E. J. Collinp it Co. We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Proscription that's compounded hore. Js it any reason why our proscription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if wo are reliable. BLHKELEY & HOUGHTON. Keliablo Prescriptionists F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Seuoiiu & Laililiii, 'Phone lfil OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON SESTAUHAflT And CAFE. J. B. OroBsen & Oo., Props. 87 Seoond Street, B N HUMTINOTON TT IINI'IMriTrtu j. wiiuiiu it H WILSOM ATTOKNKYfc at law, 0 comKlrN.t.ffi UMAM 0KKU0N REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, rORTL.NI) k ASTORIA NAY. COMPACT! of tliu Iti'Biilnti.r I'lnu will run tiu. r.,1 the Comjmliy rcucrvliift tlm rlglit to chnnw IKltlCO, Str. Dal I os city. DOWN l.v, Dal lit K A. Ii, Motiilny Wciliii'mlay . , Krldiiv........ Arr. Porttiinil lit 5 l M l' I'lirlliii,,! I 111 . lut . .. l! , I UCily I'lntriiUny Hiitlitilnv Arr liniifi nt c, 1 Tim (Jnniimny will I'liitmivor to clvc Its i,i i I'or lurtber liilnrmutlon ndilrcxs 1 ': W. C. ALLAWAY, Gon. Agt. C. S. Smith, tiii: Up-to-date Qroeer Freeh F.ggfl nnd Creamery ' llnttiir u specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. II. M.llSitT Csihlcf J. H. HCIIKNK, freslilent. First national Bank. - j THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BiiBlneen tmneictfd Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt!; remitted on dav of ooliuctioa. Biplit and Telogrujililt; zcliaii(;e ooldcn New York, Ban Franuioco and uort laud. DIKKOTOK8 D. P. TllOKPHON. JNO. 8. BCHKKCZ. El). M. Wim.iakh, Gko. A. Liibs. H, M. Bkai.i.. BANKERS. ritANKAcr a nUtlSES IttLTH of Credit isnned uvuiliiblu in the KaHteru Htattn. Sittiit ExciianKO and Ttilcuraphic TrannferB sold on Nuw York, CliicaKO, 8t. J.ouin, Han I-'ranciHco, Portland Ore koii, Heattle Wash,, and varimiK poinU in Ort'uon and Washington. Collfc.tioiiH made at all point? od (v orahle tornm. Tie coiumDia PacKid PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDKACTOKKKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)RIKD BEEF. ETC. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE l BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSnMtt t RAUL in"""- CnpniGHTSC. Aiirono soiiiIIiiij n slmlrli mid ii'cn -. nuli'Uly iwcirliiln our iiiiliiloii (r,;V, ,Ick I11V.1111I011 i.roliiiblr imti'iiliitil; '. ' ' "' 'WlVInu lion "trlatiroonililmitliil. lliinillMok f ii.ut ft an. (IliUmt iiumiiiyfur .;i'iirln.l '"".. 1'iiliii.lrt tuknii tliriiiiiili AI111111 f- rin-'" nolkf, without olmruo, In tlm Scicniific American. A ImtHlmimnlr lllnplrntftrt wMkk. Jtf Cllliilliiil or liny tiPKiiiiiii" 1'"""" ; ...,.,-.l-akT. ri lour liiiiiillia, . Dumwj",l" ii-.l, 9. Pfl 3CIOroatlwny Newjgrk rmich OflUii iia V Ht. WiwIiIiiiK"' Mica lljhteii3 the lOilll- Axle dhortciis the road. UREASE faclpa tho team. Saves wem" t""1 j cxj)cusc. oia every TANBARV OH- CO.