The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 15, 1900, Image 1

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    IK Dalles
NO. 2U
YORK CASH. STUKJbi May 17th and 18th, 1900.
Or IK AC.comer TranMin .Sr. And Charles Place. Chi&Mfo. V I
(vtv JtruiM)
We will have on diewlav for two duvs only, May 17th and 18th, fifty samples of Serges, Worsteds and all new and nobby
patterns for summer wear for Suite., Veetn ntid Pante, in I'm yard samples. We cordially invite our friends and patrons to
examine these good1) mid have tlieir ineaeureH taken. e can guarantee the goods and the tit nf the clothes. (Jail early
ami exrtin lue goods and prices. We can give you a lailor-made Suit for $13.50 to $du 50. May 1 th and lbth.
Roberts' Two Columns, Which Have
Been Forty Miles Apart, Are Now
Massed, and After KestiiiK Short
Time, Will Press ou Into the Trans-v;ial.
London, May 14. A epsclal dispatch
'rom Stoiielilll farni, Natal, dated to
day, ib :
"Cu'iii'ial Buller'p advanco commenced
Thursday, when he- left Ladysmltli in
strenytli. When within two miles of
Heimmker, the BoerH opened u heavy
llr of artillery, and the British guns
replied whllo u portion of Buller's troops
worked around the Boer flanks. The
J'ritiHh attack was pressed home Sunday,
jtotlmoiiu on the right, outflanked the
""ers, whoso splendid defensive positions
011 tlm Itlggareberg wure practically
"Ut'iu-rnl Bullur'e inarch Bubequent
the attack was carried out without a
'Heh. The British ure still pushing on."
TiiAiiA.Ncuu, May 13. The Eighth
"'vision, with its front extending thirty
'nih'B, wm yesterday moving forward.
Umii'riil (Irenfelland General Brabant
k i lowed the Boers, reaching Newberry
Mills mid citpturing grout quantities of
uoiir mid grain.! itrabnnt'a main force, with
ui.m.i'B brigade of guards, and Gen-
l'h brlgndu, have cleared thecountry,
' """rs are splitting up' and retiring
'"tho diieotion of Olocohuid.
I.nsiox, May U, dispatch received f
ii v AH8(H!,tJ from Pletermar
burg, Nnt1( Ulllod 12;03 pi Ui t0ll'BV(
"OMKlit the llrst intimation of success
"nlned by General Buller, northern
'"1. The sender of this dispatch vl
ptly assumed that news of the affair
" , boo received direct (rom the aceuo
01 "mUIIUm, for he merely eald :
-'iierl UullHraotllvlnl telegram noti
fying of his success at Biggarsberg, and
received here nil hour ago, has given
keen satisfaction. It is confidently
anticipated that Dundee will be occupied
by the British today. Residents of the
north country are delighted, as the
forcing of the Blggareberg means that
they will speedily be enabled to return
fheir homes "
Another dispatch to the Associated
l'ress dated Stone Hill Farm, 8:20 this
morning, says:
"After four daV march eastward at
the foot of the Biggarfcberg ridges in the
direction of Helpinaaker, which was oc
cupied by the federals, the Second Bri
gade on Sunday led the attack. Dun
duuald's cavalry broke the Boers' center,
and Bethuenes' horBe advanced on their
extreme- right in the direction of
Pnmeroy. A small body of burghers oc
cupied a ridge overlooking Helpinaaker,
but they did not wait for an assault."
Jteceut scouting in the .direction of
Dundee has shown that the federals were
in great force on Biggarsberg, so up
nnreutlv General Buller concluded that
It whs necessary to clear them from his
rear before commencing a movement in
the direction of the Drakensburg range.
A correspondent of tho Ueiiter lelegrum
company at Capo Town eays the Ameri
can reuldunts'are taking steps to repudi
ate the statements of Wetister Davis, I
former United States assistant secretary
of Interior, who recently visited South
John Hrowu'a HlrlluUy.
Ciiioaoo, May 14. tho first centen
niul annlvorsary of' tho birth of John
Brown will be celebrated at Bethel
church Itonight. Tho address will be
delivered by Dr. J. W. K. Bftwn, of the
Gamma Theological Seminary, Atlanta,
Ga. Other speakers will bo ex-Judge
iw n. Hmdwell. ex-Judge Harvey B.
Huid, of Kvanston, who was the head
..iiti... aix'letv that shipped food und
other supplies to the uutl-Blavery party
hi Kansas, and Mrs. John Jonee, who
secreted Brown in her houeo when
there was a price Bet on hla head.
I'hxuomeual Wmthur.
CiiiOAdo, May 14.-Yesterday was the
hottcBt Muy lilth i weuther history In
thin city for at least twenty-eight yeare.
While the mercury at the weather bu
reau recorded 80 degrees, street ther
tnotneters in the shade all over the city
registered 90 degrees and some of the
more ambitious recorders touched the
92 mark. The weather reporte over the
country revealed the following tempera
Hires :
Winnipeg, 92; St. Paul, 00; Milwau
keo, 80; Des Moines, 88; Omaha, 88.
In Chicago there were tliree or four
prostrations, of which one case resulted
Catarrh C'auuut be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in UiIb country for years, and
ie a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
1 J. Ciik.vkv & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggivte, prico 7fic.
Hall's Family Pills are the beet. 12
Dit fiix U ill 1'urlH.
Nkw Youk, May 14. Captain Alfred
Dreyfus left Geneva last evening and
arrived with his wife in Paris this morn
ing, says Paris dispatch to the Herald.
The government Is much worried by
this journey, which was quite unlocked
for, and will take measures to have him
leave as soon as possible, owing to its
fear of demonstrations.
A TtttlliuoiilHl from Old ICiiKlantl.
"I consider Chamberlaiu'e Cough
Remedy the host in the world for brou-
chltie," says Mr. William Savory, of
Warrington, Kngland. "It has saved
my wife's life, she having been a martyr
to bronchitis for over six years, being
most of the time confined to her bed.
She is now quite well." Sold by Blake-
ley & Houghton.
Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
Controller Coler, of New York, Is
Drafting One.
New York, May 14. Controller Coler
is to send Chairman Jones, of the demo
cratic national committee, this week a
draft of the truet plank which he wishes
incorporated in the democratic national
platform. Mr. Coler last night said that
Chairman Jones was pleased with his
proposition, and that he felt sure it
would be part of the platform.
"I did not discuss candidates either
here or in the national field with Chair
man Jones," said Mr. Coler. "We did
talk about political conditions in this
state, and 1 told him the democratic
party was going to carry the state. I
feel fcure it will do so."
Mr. Coler said he would eupporl the
candidates of the national convention.
He had not talked of the silver issue
with Mr. Jones.
"I think," eaid Mr. Coler, "that the
question of commercialism is one of the
most important now before the people.
I have consulted with some of the state
leaders, and I believe I will get this
plank into the state platform as well as
the national platform. I want to get it
into all the state platforms, and I shall
try to do so. The primary purpose of
the plank which I suggest ie to stop the
incorporation of companies merely for
purposes of manipulation. Publicity is
what I seek. A roan's private business
is his own eecret, but as soon as he re
ceives a charter from the state, it be
comes a public business and the etate
should control it.
"Every great corporation that controls
public utilities has at its head men who
have held political office. Having gained
knowledge of political methods while
holding office by the franchise of the
people, they turn the knowledge acquired
against the people. The vast and to
some extent illegitimate fortunes of to
day are the result of public men giving
to private corporations private rights."
The lSeM Itemed- rr lOiuuniatUm.
All who use Chamberlain Pain Balm
for rheumatism aro delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it affords.
When speaking of this Mr. D. X. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I
had a seve attack of rheumatism in my
arm and shoulder. I tried numerous
remedies, but got no relief until I was
recommended by Messrs. Geo, F, Par-
eons & Co., druggists of this place, to
try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They
recommenned it bo highly that I bought
a bottle. ua noon relieved of all pain.
I have since recommended this lini
ment to many of my friends, who agree
with me that it is the best remedy for
muscular rheumatism in the market.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Need of the Church,
San FiiANCihco, May 14. Bev. T. J.
Willis, of New York, read u paper be
fore the Presbyterian ministers of this
city today on "The Greatest Needs of
the Church." He deplored the tendency
of ministers to try to hold their congrega
tions by preaching materialistic sermons.
Speaking of the higher criticism, he
said :
"Wo ministers dare not contend
against higher criticism dare not con
tend against it for fear of being spoken
of as unlettered men, What shall we
have left if this work of unbelief con
tinues? We need nothing so much as a
thorough revival of Pentecostal religion.
Science, in its mostorratioand Irreverent
days, never did one- thousandth pare as
much to unsettle confidence in the divine
revelation as to the immature, half-
digested and undemonstrative theories
which our critics have been putting forth
have done. It is not tho Bible which is
suffering at their hands, but it is the
itul) in the liiblo wtilcli is imperiled.
Thy might as well shoot peas at
Gibraltar with a child's popgun us to
try to uiidermine the good book."
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Mokt Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 cts. and 60 cts.
Blakeley & Houghton Druggist?.
tU &ztSt jOriftt i jjftrjrtt jfltsjftr
l ryt. ji jjk m tyt syt Jt( ijfrpr
nw -V -v
. pi
iac;e Qurtaips.
Ue Jell Tbei.
We show many styles an assortment not
equalled by any other store in town. Our
prices are JU.3T by which we mean that if
a pair of cm tains can be sold for $2.50, we
do not aek $2.75 or $3 for them. We have
reason to believe that our styles and prices
are appreciated.
por ttyis ifee
We are offering exceptional values in Lace Curtains another money
saving opportunity for the wide-awake housekeeper.
7oc styles, white and ecru
90c styles, white only
$1 00 style?, while only, 3 yards long . . .
1.25 styles, white only, 3 yards long . . .
1.35 styles, white onlv, H yards long. . . .
1.75 styles, white only, 3 yards long, 50 in
i ou styles, white only, 3o yards long, o4
2.95 styles, white only, 3 yards long, 52
3.25 styles, white only, 3,'J yards long, Gl
4.00 styles, white only, Syj yards long. 00
4 52 styles, white only, 3 yards lorn;, 02
5 50 stylee, ecru only, 3,'i yards long, 00
5.75 styles, white only, 3l4 yards long, 04
4.75 styles, ecru only, 31. yards long, 00
7.50 styles, ecru only, 3 yards long, 02
ches w
ide . .
. . .this week 55c
. . .this week 05c
. . .this week 75c
. . this week 90c
.this week $1.05
.this week 1.35
.this week
.this week
.this week
.this wepk
.this week
this week
.this week
.this week
.this week
2 90
4 75
3. 07
Money-saving Prices on Portieres. Conch
and Table Covers. Window Shades, &c.
New line of Hammocks expected shortly.
Wait for them.
f Bed Quilts....
j5i Two good numbers :
69c and $1.19.
Full; hemmed ready for
JOU se.
by the yard...
A complete stock.
Art Denims,
Fish Net,
Nottingham Lace, &c.
f aZTT T T7X7VTS & co-
RofnrQ linil Plflce any orders tor a tomtstono or for
UulUlu JUU curbing, fencing or other cemetery
work, call on Louis Comini. I will not only give you all
the information you need but I will quote you prices you
cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bluff you, It will take
only a few minutes to call aud see me. If you have a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to
the price and quality of my work I Pnmini
and abide by the result. : LUUIO UUIIIIIII
Grandall & Barget
All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes
funeral Supplies pembalmers Etc.
Tho Dallos, Or.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tm"V fbbd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
nn ITlmiT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
A use ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction,
Wa eell our gooda lower than any house in the trade, and If you don't think m
call and get our prices and be convinced,
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats,