W 1 itusual iff It is very t;ar.5ual for a rcpiiar physician of pood reputation to publicly endorse a pronneta'y remedv." V.c lm've often heard of cases where doctors have secretly prescribed ArU-.'s Incjliih Remedy, but it is most gratifying to receive the follow voluntary le.ter from C. I tfn'hh, A! D., tin- most successful jhvMCianof Uican, N. Y. ".Messrs. W. II. Huoher & Co., New York City. 1 wish to add ray professional testimony to the value of your English preparation known ats Acker's English Remedy for Asth ma, etc. In several instances, after I liave tried my utmost to give even relief, I have prescribed vour remedy, and it has acted almost like a miracle, not only relieving:, but permanently curing every one of the patients. I en dorse the preparation as one of the most valuable additions to the prac tice of medicine." Such a frank endorsement as the above is phenomenal. Coming from so distinguished a member of the medical profession, it carries with it an assurance which the public will bo sure to avail themselves of. It isrec ommendntions like this which make it possible to give the broad guaran tee that is a part of every sale ot Ack ers fc-nsriish Kemeciv lor outrns. Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis and Consumption. It must either do all that is claimed for it, or your money will be refunded. Do you know of any other medicine sold on those terms? Do you know of any other medicines which prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than preseriptions they write themselves? These facts are well worth considering. They are of especial interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs. Sold at 15c, sot und $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada : and ia Enfr land.at 13. ad., 3s. 3d., 4S. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, aud jret your money back. n'e authorize the abmr guarantee. II". II. HOOKER fc CO., Proprietors, AVtr York. For Sale bv BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. ! A MESSAGE TO MANILA. Travrl Tlirtn Plftlm tin- Circuit tlu i lo In Tin- Cmirst' II Tnkr. nf To pay priK'tien'ily S12S for a brief ton word nu'ssngi' to tlu- Philippines mn. seem extruvntrant, but when one re 'kvls that it trnvi-ls tlirei-.i.ths of tlir lUtanee around the itlobe in comput ing the journey, passinc under tlu- di ' reetion of half it doen different com panies, tin- eewt seems far from e.xorbi j taut, says Aiuslee's Mngnxhie. ( The ordinury course of sueh a mes I sago would be from New York to Cape llreton. X. S., thence to Heart's Con j tent. '. I'., where it dives under the ! Atlantic, to reappear on the coast of I Ireland. From here it is forwarded to I.onoon. which is the great renter and clearing house for the cable business of the whole world. From London the message will be forwarded either across the English channel and overland to Marseilles, or bv the Eastern Telr';rnph eonipa:. s line around the Spanish ppn inr.ula. stopping at Lisbon. Through the Mediterranean the route leads to Alexandria, across Egvpt by land, down the l.ed sea tn Aden, through the Ara bian sea to liombn.v, iner India Ivy hind, across the Itay of I'.engal to Singapore, along the coast to liong-Kong, and across the China sea to Mai.ila. Not withstanding the many hands, through which it passes, the message is for warded with reasonable promptness, with perfect secrecy and all the way in English. t 1 fs 1 ' A Lift- And Denth I'lclit. 1 Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la., ' writinc of his almost miraculous escape . from death, save: "Exposure after mens- Ivlirining JntO Olie , lee induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. 1 had frequent 5J.other-, hen red'nttt o'Bht do heinorrhaceaand couKhed nlehinnd day. the different letters rnn tnto one another , ,, . . ,.' and confuse you? If so, you have astitf. ; Al1 wi' doctors suid I must soon die. matism and your eight will rapidly grow ' Then I began to m-e Dr. Kind's New worse if no't attended to. Many ail- Discoverv lor Consumption, which com ments arise from defective vision. Theo. I , t v d T ,d , be withonl H. Liebe can fit vou with glasses thet : ... ..,,, will give you normal vision. He is a ; u even ,f " C09t ?-00 11 boUlu- Hundreds graduate from two of the finest colleges i have used it on my recommendation and You will not nave boils if you Clarke it Falk's sure euro for boils. take DbBUWN'S ONE FOR A DOSE. TteniiT Pimple.. Pr-Tcnt DII I C niimrntM.eunfrthxlilixid. ILLt 1 nri- liMiUchnanil l iin ?. hTfV,,!,l.,','ST,',e noricken. T.. con V2CZ y,"J' T m" "mi'l It'-, ur f ol! Inn for M Urugsuu. OR. 9CSANI.0 00, PJill" V in the East. J. E. Adcox & Co. It's Our Business I all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest Jewelers. J ftn(j Lung troubles." Regular frizu 50c I and 1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. 4 To dispense health-giving prescrip tions in the proper way. It's a business we have not learned in a day, but alter years of persistent work and careful study. We use pure drugB and charge an holiest price. GOING EAST- We Want Pleads To fit the BinarteBt and most fetch ing styles in Spring and Summer Millin ery. All the latest shapes in Trimmed and Uiitrimmed Hats. We handle ev erything in head-dress, and charge a price that is right fnreverv pocket-book. Campbell & Wilson. I'EOl'LK VOU ALL KNOW If you intend to thke n trip East, aBk your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date Clarke &. Falk. ! railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every'tbrough train has free reclining eha'ir cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt,, Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Cha.ve. G. P. A., S.t. Louis, Mo. 0.R.&N. DEPART FOP. TIME f-CMfUlUI.E. Fp.ou Dalles. AltRtV Khom. Kust Salt I.akr, Denver. Ft.! Fit Mull Worth, Unuiliu, Khii- Mull. 12:10 p.m. mid City, tit. l)ul,i V2:M i m ChlciiKu Hiid East. ! Vt? n it n .1 ' Wm. J. Landers, resident manager of E. O. McCov was a passenger on the... T. . ,T . . . T noon train today for Wasco. the Lion and Imperial Fire Insurance ? ii--..- u . ir Companies, wishes to announce to the Sam Wilkinson has returned from a ' . '. .... three weeks' trip to Nevada. ' Patrons of these companiea that owing ,n T. .. jto the sickness of Mr. C. E. ll&yard and G. T. Parr was a passenger on the . , . , noon train todav for Grass Vallev. the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gourlay, t e td v . I ttieir former agents, the agency for both passenger on' the noon train today for companies for The Dalles and vicinity 11ns uscu pmceu 111 iiiu nunus ui .ur. Timothy Brownhill. Any businesH given to Mr. Brownhill will receive prompt attention and will be appreciated by the companies. Office in C. E. Bay ard's old eland. No. 85 Wa&hington fitieet, The Dalles, Oregon. alO-lm IIu FouU-cl lite hurnui"il. All doctors told Iienick Hamilton, of West Jellerson, 0., after millering 18 months from Rectaf Fistula, he would ! 7 a. m, Tue,l hur. and Rat. 'WiLi.AMKrrr. anh Vam-1 :i:?)v. m. HILL UlVEK.t, Moil., Wed Orcjrmi. City, Dayton, aim naytijinuiiiKk, Hon. A. S. Roberts, republican candi- date for bint representative, was in to.yn today. J. L. Hill and daughter, Mieb Luly, were passengers on the Regulator this morning for Portland. A.. L. Dilley, deputy United States marshal at North Yakima, and Mrs. I)ili-y are in town on a short visit with Mrs." Dilley'a sister, Mrs. Robert Hood, .lr. iiiuijiiia 1 1 u 111 jbcuiui r latum, lie wuuiii . ' r'wv ltvir Miss Stella Jackson, who lias been die unless 11 costly operation was per-' ,,v ,:ilf'' Klpuriu tu :tvbtnu. visiting friend, here for a lew days, re-! for,ned ; but he cured himself uith five! i.'!;"a?m. ! turned on the Regulator this morning to . . , . , . c. , t her home near Collins Landing. hoe f. BuckIen d. Ar"lca 'Salvp. the 1 BllruDf I'll. finrA rrt irt)i o.t.l tv. . t UV..V.UV . IIU VJV.fV J . A 4 It lb... V 111. I. IV. llliQ, ' Kii-e.ne Mall HUll Wallu Walla, Hp)kaiie, Minneapolis. Ht, i'aul,, 1)11 lut h, Mllwaukei'.i :hii'aicD and I'.a.st, via hiHikancakd IIutititiR-! 1 tnn: nisi, nit ixiiiitM lu 10:10 j,. m. WHihliiRtott uml Kast- um ure(?on. b ji. m. 6 it. m. From Portland. Ocean Hte.imiililita. For Ban Frimchco April 'JT, Moy'J, 7, 11'. Bimkane Mall and Kxprus 4:00 a. di 4 p. m. I p. m. Kx.huudayif.'oltimhla I'.v. HtfHmcni.lEx.hundnj !To AbTom.i and Wnyi Saturday handings 10 p. m. 1 1 r.a. m. 1 Willamktte IttVKB. t:.'p. m. Ls.hundayiOrcuttii city, Kuwliere, Ki.nuniltij j Kulm A Way Ijiiul'h. and Frl. Cn. m. 1 Willamette Hivkk. Tne..Thiir,ll,(irtlHiid to Corvitlllh, and Sat. i und Way.UiiidiiiK. 1:30 p. m. Mon. W. il and Friday I.KAVK I.KWIKTUH dally b;S0 11. in. by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. became bo il must ho purified in order to , obtain good heulth. AckfJr's Blood Elexir has never failed to euro Scrofoloub H. Wilson left todav for Pendleton where he wil appear before the supreme uourt tomorrow and argue the case of Henry ..inrdner vs. Wasco county. Mr. Wilson appears for the county. ciioriuiiH Soiv. ; etomnch, L'jhs of appetite, FevHrisliness, Cornea from Dr. D. -B. Caigile, of ! limples or Borce nil poaitivo Washita, I. T. Ho writes: i of iinpuro blood. No matter how it cured Mrs. Brewer of eurofula, which had :aused her great Hulferiii" fur venra. Terrible sores would break out 011 bur 1 fcypluhtio polfons or any other blood lu-id at.,1 ftico und the boat ilnetom ' (3lseafi(iB- I' certainly a wonderful liwu ami fate, ami tht best doctors , rumti(jy Bnd WjJ Htf M ,)f)ttl() could givu no help; hut her cure is com-, ft positive minratileo. Blakeloy & Honu'h- jilete and her health is excellent." This j tnn'B drutf Htnre. ehoivH what thomands liave proved, 1 , " tliat Electric Bitters ia the best blood ' Mrs Calvin mmerman, Mileaburp, purifier known. Ifn the fiupreino1 a" "Ab u riBerJy euro for conpliH, tprihI for ,.f.,.a. letter. ,!.,..n ' Ur0,1P "! fc0ru t0tti 0 -MilllltO ulcere, boils :i ml rnuniii;; oora etiiuuiutes liver, kldneyn and hoivele, exDultj poUoue, iielpu diucHtion and huildu up the strength. Only 50 cunte. SjIiI by Blakeley & Houghton, l)rnj.k'i3tH. Guaranteed. 4 Palve in the World "3 enta a ltov 'nlil 1''"'ll,' dcslniiB in go to UepimiT or '-"!" '"' " oriu, t uein a uux. noio , ,M,,u f. 1 ,, itmhin st...i viu ni,.L m1.,.i.. poiuU oil Columbia hoiitliurn via IIIkki. hIiouIu take ;,0. 2. kavlntf 'I lie liallm at !: 10 11. IM. makliti; direct coiinci'iliitii, at iii.i,!,h.t iiii.xii.i.i Dull Headache Pain" in various narlfi "J"' '"'UiniliiK iiiiiliiKdlrwtuoiiiitotlou wuu in.iuuniv., nun- 111 .iriuuB p.iriH at l.;ppn;r Jniiftloti and limes ultli .No, 1. ar- of the body, fiinkim, at the jiit of the riving at Tiio Dalles ut li :t p, in. Co.'c J"o-partlfiilarH ran on O. H. ft K. Itsuitt The Jwllw, or addu-o.i Oeti W. U HIMIMII'KT, I'd.. Ant., I'ortland, Or. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids IrlfteiiFn Yellowstone Park Line. THK lltNIMi ( Al! KOl'lK KliO.M l'Ol.Tl.ANH TO THK KAST. THE ONLY DIKKCT LINK TOTHL YKl.l.OW- SlONi: I'AUK i.r..vt:. Hslon Depot, nrtbandl sis, auuive. No.". Kavtiaall (or Tiieouin.j No. 1 M-tittlo, Olympla, Oray's' : llntlior imtl Smith Mt'iid; Inliil, II, ('., I'lltllllllll, ' .Mom'OW, l.elstoii, lluf-' 11:15 A.M. laltillllinpmllilliKi'oiiii- fi;S0 1'. M. try, lluli'iin, MIiiih'iuhi ' Us, St. I'aul, Oimilia, KaiiMto City, Ht. UiiiIh, Chicago and nil polutx No. t. eiifct and soiitliotiKt, I No. 1!. I'HBi't toiinil Kxpn-M, H;rU 1'. 31, tor Tacomn and Seattle 1 T;P0 A. M. , unit liiterinixllatu polutki Pullman Urst-nlntn tmd tourlit nIwimtn to Mliini'tipiills, St. I'imluiid MKmhuI river iHiliit.-, without I'liaiiKL'. VostltiuKil trains. I'ulon depot I'oiuiiTtloiiK In all principal I'llii". IIiij.'lmru olni'Liil in dc'itliiatlon of tickets, Mir liaiidMiini'ly llltiMttntitl ilcurlitl vu mutter, tickets, "leepliiK'Ciir reM!rvatlotis, etu., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ieneral I'lficnccr Accut, 'J.V1 JlorrlMic Street, corner Thlr'., rortlaud, OreKon. SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains leave This Dalles for I'ortlnirJ und way .stations at l.ii 11. m, and II p, in. Leave rortlaud " Albany , Arrive A.tliland " .Saeranii.'lilo .. " hull Irauehco . . .H::ilii m ..12::Ju 111 ..12:.tiam .. 5:00 p 111 . . 7:l.'i p 111 7:Ci p 111 l(l:W p m ll::tOa in I a in h:l,'i u 111 Arrive Oudoti A: 15 u m " lienvor tmn) a m " KalitiiH City. .. TrJAuin " Clileaito 7: 15 a 111 Arrive Los Ansules . . " 'Kl l'ao " Kort Worth. .. " City of Mexico . " Iliiimtoii " New OrlemiN .. ' WasliliiKton " New York .. 1:20 pm r.:w p in . t". :: 1 ii in .. il.'.Vi a III . . LID) 11 111 .. n-.ttn m . l: I-' 11 m ..12:13 p in 11. r.a m '.1:10 11 111 7 :'.'.) n 111 U::: 11 in 7:tx) a 111 fi:M) p m u;.a a in I' M a 111 I:IKJ a in r.:'.'.1. p in r, ii a 111 IJt-iS p in l'lillinan Hiid Tourist curs on both trains, Chiilrcars Sacriiinento to Oudon and LI I'aso, mid tourist cars to CIiIciiko, Hi Uiulu, New Or leans and WashiliKtoti. CoiiucctliiK ,nt Kan Krnncltico with several steamship Hues for Honolulu, Japan, China, 1 iiiuppiue.1, iiuniriii iiiiu nouiii America. Kee iicut at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General l'BsseiiRcrRent, I'ortliind, Or TJMUKU CULTUHK FINAL I'UOOF. NOTICK FOU I'UHUCATJON. I'. S. L.v.vi) Uffici:, Vanl'oi'vkk, Vasii.,( April l, lino, j Notice Is hereby clveu that Mary I;. (.elliaiiH, by I). H. Htcumaii, her attorney lu fai:t..has llled notice of Intention to make limil proof before . il. i'resliy, United fatnttn Commissioner for Diatrlet of Washington, nt his otllce lu (iolden dale, Washington, on Friday, the auh day of June, luoo.on Tlmlwr eultute Application No. .7, for the northeast quarter of section No. I, lu township No. 'J north, raiiBu No. 1 1 east, W. ,M HI10 names as wttne.ses : Manuel ri. Lemmrilo, V,,..C.i,r."",I.l.!"lu'h '.. Wiwli.: Ilermiiii Kiiuelke, vv 1 1 I'.'.'J. llkinson. of Centcrvllle 1', (l Wash., and William Cruwfoid, of (.rand Dalles P.O., ""it"-, W. 11. DL'NllAi'., Iteulster. NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) Public Lund Salo. La.nu Ornor. at Tiik I),u.m:h. m:mx,i Mayo, M).S Notice 1 Ik liereby kIvuii that In putsnaiicc of iiiH'riictlons from tint cliinmsioner of the k'II uml laud olllce, under aiithorit) vested lu him by section siW, I'. H. Ilev. hint., its aiiicnikd by the act ot coiiKresh approved h.'ltruary i, lMo, wuwlll proeei-d to oiler lit public salo oil Satur day, the Hith day of Juno, next, at tbu hourof 10 o clock a. in. ut this olllce, the fdlliivvliiK tract of laud, lo-wlt: bl.H ai'.'.i, etlo!i 13), townslilp 1 north, raiiKC 11 east, W. 31. Any inn! nil itcnuiiH clalmlni; advursely the above descrlltcil hinds ail) advlsfd to file tli.ilr claims In thlMilhcu 011 or heloro tin day aliovc dtslKliated for thu i.'omiiieiieeiiieiit of said sale, othe wise their ritthU will lo forfeited. JAY 1'. UICAK, lii-Klsler, iiiayl.' II OTIH l'ATTi:its()N, llecelver. AdiiitiiUlriitoi-'ri halo of KimI I'lupiirty I No-.lce 1? hereby iilven that front and after the ninth day of June, 1W)0, I will proceed to sell at private sale, for cash, the InllowlliK described I proVerty beloiiKlnir to the estate of Patrick 1 Ifrowi', decc.'ocd, to-wll: l.ols a, 11, c, I), 1:. r (, H, i, j, 1: ,,,! 1.. i I hi.tck of tint Dalles Military ieratlon, In OicKoii. j l or iiiforinaiioii iinpiiic it olllte of Kinuott A j hliiiiott. I Dut.d it D.illen City tills ifitlt dav of May, 1'joj. ! ,.. "'KM q.iimnvN', ..MiiM.imiiiiiiiji in uiuuaiaiu 01 rairuik llron'ii m a :i " 1 r- i 1 3: af-.i 't f 1 'a ! a ! i: ! 1 31 Si, I I1 f (OS The Dollen, On. The Chroniele, Job Ppintcrs. Tfc?3tiiiiiiu,jiiiiuiuxuijmi'iMii'.uij'rurtijn"iiuii-iTii)i jfcu;rriT0uTuf.fliuUITLi'nTrutrj)uii7jttti itii'uliif'i iIIttItlXttTiririIttfttltIIITtfTITfftiMIItfftlTtm $ 1 .00 per month. Strictly ilrt-t clncH local ami lone iliHiiiucu tdlfplioni) survice within your boinu. Lini-ndo not croon-talk. Your con versation will bo kept u ticuret. No coet fur intdalliin;. Vou iret tbti rtandurd llunnint l.oni: DiHtunt ItiHtruinfiit. GontititioiiH day and night ervice. W will accfpt your contract for ten yeare and allow you to cancel muni! on k'ivIiik lit) thirty (Iuvb writ ton notice. PAOIFIC 8TATEB TELEPHONE 00B. and Motors deceased. S II) Special reserve, old government wide lcoy, rt'c0;nliid by the highest medical authoriry in the laud; especially rocoin diteiisea, It will prevent consumption NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. Lami Offick at 'I in: DAi.r.KB, Oiifiiok.i April ill), 1W)). j Notice 1m In r,. liv i.luii. 1 flu., r..i, ant and tonic. No other pronurutlon ! ",,"t,i f-'ttier has tiled notieoof Ms intention 10 fnn nnnrnnnli H In -. m. . 1. ... 1. lilllKU 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 nrool lu siiiiiiort of lilu .ii. ,,..,1 id throut ami Iihik Dyspepsia, JndlBeHtlon, Heartburn, j uy, Juneo, jww. vi: h ' l ,r avent coneumption 1 i,,m1t,'lenSe' . So!lr Stomach, Kausea, I Jlenry Heud.il, of Tim DalleH, Or.. ' SlnlrTIoftHnolio r.nat mlr,!.. nnmnn J 1 ., .. ' ' . 'O011-I1 Cure iHiinequnled. It ifi pleaHimt Mature In HtreiiL'thenlntr nnrt rnnnn lor cniiuien to taKe. 1 tmartiiy recom- Htrucun(f Liio exiiauflteu digestive or mtmd it to motherM." It Is the only ans- ls thclatest discovered dlRCBtr ImruilesR remedy that producea iin- mediate resuljH, It pniMimonia, crippe and MAM'FAfTfltKl) IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING 3-ENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC ClrcnlarB und purMcnhira furnlHhed 011 application. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent. un-6 THK DAI.LKS. OKKG0 C. J. STUBLING- Wholosalo and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ageirrthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. KiSK I' "r Nale. Full blooded, burred Plymouth Hock mended bv thu bourd of health of Saii.l eB Ir'Bottlii? $1 .00 and $1.50. For I'rancieeo fur hospital U9C, nlo A. P. O'Brien, M. 1)., captain und Burgeon, nd Wm. I). McCarthy, major and Bur. eon U, 8, army, aa the pureat unudnl teruted etiuiiilant for couvaluecen'o, in vulidH and family use, Sold by Charles StuuliiiK. aplKO.Uliu Subscribe for Tiik Ouuo.sick. pirticulara call on or luldresn, irAMlliltH HltOH. Box 017. The Dalles, Or. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DoWitt'n, Witch Hizel Clark & Falk's drug Htock in new fresh and complete, 1 blckIIeadaclie.Gastralrln fimmno anA all other results of Imperfe'ctdlKestion. ! t-reoored by E. C. OeWIt. A Co.. Crjlcaflt). T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OF THK PKACE. iNotary Punlle. Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. O. E, Dayard'u of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. T7IHKIJ. W. VII.ON. I? A'nOKNKV-AT LAW, IIoine.itend hntrv No. -1710. for ilu, m-t,. 1,... I), towimhlii 1 north, niugu U uant, V. J. Ho iiiiineti tne ftiUmrliiK wltneH'H to nrovo hli. eontlniioiiK uuldeitcu iitu uml cultlviitloii of h lu ifituif viz; ilunry l.uehliiij', (ieoruu Arnold, Oluirllu W. AdiiiiiK, Mlvliuul Doylu, nil of The bulled, or. I""?2-! JAY I'. J.IICAH, lleuiMor. WHISKEY from tjH.Tfj to tfll.OO per mill (4 to 15 yViira old. ) IMPORTED OOGNAO from if7.U0 to Jl'J.OO per niillon. (11 to lid yeiuc "I'1' OALirOKKIA ERANDIEB Ironi W.L5 m 40.00 per vullon. H to J J years ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. old.' COLUMBIA BEER on druuht, und Vul Blutr aud Olympla Itcor In bottles Imported Alo and Porter. JIJ. J. K. KKIIODHON, Physician and Suriruon. a --7 Olllce, Vout Mock .over l'i,tom,.,.i .fill L ft.lf uu nuonntf I Ottlccovei Klul Nut. UuuK. ' UOdplmo dw Till'. DAU.KB, OltKUON, JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Advertise in the Chronicle