musLiH pw FOR THE MISS FOR THE BRIDE FQR THE MATRON AM prices from 25c to $3.50 for Chotn i?t), Drawers, HklrtB, Night Gowns, Corset Covers. Wrappers For Hot Weather. Lmlit colora, plainly-made good stronir cnlico or percale .' 75c up Fancy trim mod $1.25 up LADIES' GLOVES. i..,...1'. VASSA Two-clnsp, mrdfuin wcicht ; browns, Uns, modes, gmys, redo, . . : $1,0(5 DKNT'S IMPOItTKl) FIJKNOII KIDS. A wor d.wKhi reputation for flttlng and wearlne qualities " HUNT'S STUKKT GI.OVKS $1.50 GAUNTLET GLOVKS. . . .03c, 75k, 85c, $1 00 TABLE LINENS. All bought at the old pricep, which menns 25 per cent cheaper than todny'n market values: ,C0 Inch pure whito only 50n (II Inch pure white only 75c 08 inch pure whito only $1.00 i2 inch pure white only 1.25 Napkins to mutch. PILLOWS, fancy or plain 25c up PILLOW COVEItS, something new, just received. Summer Footwear. In light-weignt, high-cut, laco or button, or low shoes and slippers. Light, thin Oxford ties, broad, plain toe, low heel, for tender and aching tout $1.50 Ladies' Prince Albert (low cnt, elastic sidep) for busy people $1,75 Ladies' tan or black southern ties (light and dressy shos) $3.00 Ladies' tan or black Oxfords, plump stock and tood soles for icrvlce as well aB looks . . $2.00 Ladies' black kid Oxfords, patent leather (a swell ailair) $3 50 SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Ladies' Kid P.utton, square toes, 15. G. A D., sizes li to 5 $1.25 A regular $3.00 value. Down 10 Business IT'S ABOUT TIME that buelnos and the weather struck r regular gait instead of a reg ular gale. So far this month the Earth seems to havo been hobnobbing with Aquarius. The old song may be made to read "Oil, hand me down my couuh drops And umbrella right away, For I'm to be Queen of the May, mother, I'm to be Queen of the May." " we Can't make weainer. but We Can We Prices... Men's New Spring Suits That are perfection in style, and workman ship; newet weaves and combinations of color ings. $5, $0.75, $8.50, $10, $12.50 and $15. Young Men's New Spring Suits, Stylifh in make and finish, and selected witli a view of pleasim: the most careful dtessers; sizes 13 to 20 year". $4, $5.50, $7, $8.75, $10 and $12. Children's New Spring Suits. Ail the newest productions in vesteee, double breasted and blonee stvles : exclusive makes and detigns. $1, $1.50, $2, '$2.50, $3. $3 75 and $5. Spring Headwear For men, boys and children. Hats and caps, latest in style, shape and color. We are Huetita for the celebrated Koelofs and Manhattan Hats. All OooctB Marked In Plain FIuros. pease: & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Telephone No. 1. MONDAY - - - - MAY 14, jTt6 ) ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew (Collar's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Wanted Good starch ironera at The Dalles Steam Laundry. 12 3t The Columbia Kiver Ice Worn pany to day unloaded a car of ynrom the IJlue mountains. Just received. Kotigh Rider suitB, just the thing for bo vs. They uro wear-re-listing. Pease k Miiyn. Tile ladies of the Episcopal guild are requested to meet at the residence of Mrs, Hugh Logan Wednesday afternoon. The catch of salmon has been very light fur nearly a week. Quito a uuiu tr of the i huels have Itad to bo elevated out of ttie water to escape destruction by drift wood. M. lUnd, the hot tomales tnftn, has opened up a Urst-cluBB lunch bunter ut Hie Umatilla Houso nuilwlll furnish touches and meals ut(U hours from 8 Ma. till 6 u. m. A certificate of nomination by petition Hied today by Harry Liebe us dem ocratic candidato for the legislature for -'1st district, ineluulmr Wasco. the Crook, Kluutath and Lnko counties. Have you seen those Hough Itlder mits at 1'oaso k Mays,' made from the Wiuine klki cloth, an exact facsimile of "'Mutts worn by JtooBovelt's Hough "IJors, made in ugeH from 4 to 14; just '' thing for ihe boye. W. S. Meyers today moved his office Inrultiiro '"id iibrury Into the "Masonic Milling from the office lie built him nd lias occupied for twenty-one ire. The old office building has been 'nted tu the iCMtaurunl folkH next door. ,U1 in lavor 01 eleven new bounty rmus woru ,)IUHUpt0li before ""last county quurt and acted upon 'vorably. This largo number of pell 'IoubIs the direct result of u steady if ul rl'id Increase of settlement and l,0l'Uhvtlou. r young Hoods, who had spent wliirduy niglit at a dance somewhere, "Wed themselves with boose yesterday noruing and were ubout to make u c ous cobble. stone attack on hu no Wmunce when the marshal arrested ' mid kept them In the calabooso "II they had sobered up. A young man named C. W. DavU, "i Wasco county, who was en route " Unite Creek sawmill with a view ProciirlnK einploymeut, full through "linger hole in the Fossil livery barn , ltBduy "l"h, ttud w,,eu B" lu" 0,0'y of his Injuries was taken it wits found that one leg and ids nose were broken. He was conveyed to the Mc Kenzie hotel, where Dr. Shaw did a good job of repairs on him, and he is now getting along nicely. Fossil Jour nal. The littlo girl stood on the street cor ner sobbing us if her heart would break. On the stone flagging were the bits of u broken pitcher. "There, tlieie. little girl," said the benevolent man, don't cry, don't cry, little girl; 'never cry over spilt milk.' " "But it im't milk." sobbed the girl, "it's beer." Oregon is second of all the states in tiie union now in the production of vtool, altiiongli not second in number of sheep owned. Montana iB first in wool will sheep, huving clipped in 18'J(J over 22,UU(),U(U) pounds of wool and having over 3,000,000 Bheep. Oregon's clip was more thun 20,000,000. There will bo a big republican rally and public speaking at Antelope next Thursday, commencing at 11 o'clock a. m. Among the speakers will be Hon. J. X. Williamson, candidato for joint senator, und F. W. Wilson, of this city. The same speakers will be ut Dufcr on Saturday, the 10th instant. Charles Hindman informs the Priue villo Review man that lie recently came across the mountains on the Satitiam route. He encountered but little snow and It was not over four feet deep in any place. Crossing lias now set in and the work on the west side is being pushed ulong. This is very early for crossing these mountains. The youngest child of Mr. ond Mrs. Al Hettingen, a girl of about five mouths, died yesterday and was buried this fore noon. The peculiarly distressing fea ture of this death ib that only about a month has passed since the eldest child of this family, a fine boy, was laid in the grave. The bereaved parents have the deep sympathy of the people of this community. Mrs. Otis Patterson left today for Ileppner whore she goes to attend 'the funeral of Mrs. C. A. Hhea, wife of itlio president of the llrst National bank of Ileppner. Mrfl. Kliea's deatli occurred yesterday mornirg and her funeral will take place tomorrow. The lady's maiden naino was Adkius. She was a highly respected and beloved Oregon- pioneer and had lived in und around Ileppner for the past thirty years. The Y. M. C. A. wilt hold their llrst business meeting in the council chambers tonight. It is of tlm first impoitance that all who have signed the roll of membership should bo piesent. The mooting-will settle the question of its permanent home, elect live directors, an advisory board of three memborsund ap point permunent committees. All who are interested in this work should be present tonight and help to give the as sociatiou a good start. The oil factory 011 Tongue point, which manufacturers a superior grade of retlnod fish oil from the heads, tails nud entrails of the salmon, is working night and day, bovs the ABtorian. The launch Howena is in the service of the factory and delivers the fish dial from all the canneries along the river. It is stated by parties in a position to Know that the refiued oil from this factory commands not only ready sale but at a good figure. It is probable the capa city of tiie factory will be enlarged. The young people of the Methodi6t church are making arrangements for a musical entertainment to be given in tho church next Friday evening. A fiue program is promised, and some of tiie best musical talent in the city has been engaged. A special feature of ths evening will be musical selections played on glasses by Archie McCnlly. The full progrum will be published luter. Judge Dennett cloEed a week's cam paign in Lake county by speaking ut Paisley Saturday night. The judge will doubtless explain to the wool men out that way how it was that they only got six cents for tiieir wool under the latt democratic administration and have got good grounds for expecting three timys six cents for the present clip. The judge's railroad plank will fool nobody out in Lake county. Cardinal Sebastian Martiuelli, apos tolic delegate to the United States, will urrive hero from the East tomorrow on the 12:35 passenger. He will be met by a committee of prominent chuicUmen fiom PorJuud, consisting of Hev. C.'J. O'lieilly, J. F. O'Sheu, Mark O'Neil, Hon. J. M. Gearing, Heury H. McGinn, li. M. Dooly and Fred Dresser. The Heliauce will hold over till 1 o'clock p. m. und take the parly to Portland. Seuutor Teller's resolution is the least otteusiye expression of symputhy yet elt'ered in behalf of the Doers; but it Bhould not pass, says tiie Spokesman Review. We shall do well in these matters to heed the good old injunction, "mind your own business." That, in deed, is the essence of the Monroe doc trine. Our business is with the Ameri can continent and the commerce .of tho Pacific, and we uro it: no wise concerned with the political atl'alrsof South Africa. Pro-Boer resolutions would do us no good, and they could not help tho Doers. An unthoigurette league has been formed at Washington to combat the sale ol eigiuettes to minors. Willis lirown, of Chicugo, founder of tho leaguu, advances some etarlling stales ments us the result of a two-weeks In vestigation. In one public school in tho national capital, located in tho moat fashionable section, ho found, he says, that out of 27 boys und 10 girls in tho eighth grade, 21 boys and six girlB were smokers. In the lift!) grade, composed mainly of children from 8 to 10 yeais of ago, out of 33 pupils, nine boys und three girls were cigarette smokers. Professor J. C. Mertiam, of tho Uni versity of California, and II. V. Fur long, a student in that institution, ar rived here yesterday and are lilting themselves out for u three months search for fossils iu tho region of the John D.y. Judge Davis, of this city, will accompany them, and there will be eix persons in the party when they all get together. They need seven hotses for the trip and are trying to prcure them here. They want a moderately heavy span of draft horses and five bead of good saddle horses. Parties having a surplus in this line might find u cus tomer by calling on Professor Merriam or Mr. Furlong at the Umatilla House. After Timothy Drownhill had passed a successful examination last week at Pendleton for admission to the bar, Judge Moore examined certain creden tials of tiie applicant which testified in particular to Mr. Crownhill's "truthful ness and honesty." The judge scanned the credentials with a merry twinkle in ids eye and then assuming a look of se verity said: "Young man, truthfulness and honesty are not generally consid ered the qualities that commend an ap plicant for admission to the bar." But Tim got his cerliGcute, just the same. The Columbia river had reached 31 feet above low water at this place this morning. Tno Regulator will today transfer her freight und passengers ut tiie locks to the Dalles City, as she is not able to climb the rapids below the locks at '.lie present stage of water. Tho Reliance anil Dalles City can make the trip at uny stage when it is possible to get through tiie locks. The daily river bulletin says the Columbia and Snake rivers will continue to rise slowly for several days. Till the Regulator ie able to resume her through trips she will leave here at 7 a. 111. J. H. Jackson was recently appointed by the authorities to collect the poll tux iu The Dalles precincts, and it will be readily believed that delinquents are not ut present particularly anxious to be on speaking acquaintance with him. The other day a clerk in one of tiie stores who had not paid his poll was busy erecting a big stack of bottled goods in 9110 of the tdiow windows when Jackson hoved in sight on the sidewalk outside. Supposing tho collector was after him, the cleik made u dash for tiie back of the store, anil iu tho hurry up eet the slack of bottles, bieaking enough of thorn to have paid his poll twice over. If there is any moral in this story it is that it does nut always pay to run away from the poll tux man. j , De sure and examine our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying elte where, as wo have tiie latest shipment made to this city, now icady for inspec tion at H. Glenn & Co.'s. al7-lw llaa TI10 Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has heca in use for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of and has been made under his ncr- sonal supervision since its infancy. A1I Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Mihstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTAUR COMMHV. TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Special Sale! 4 Steel Ranges ana Cook staves Clt 1 To reduce our large stock wo will sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at Greatly Reduced Prices for a short time only. See our 'jj goods and get our prices. ... 'i '3 51 Chun (jo Hi O. It. .V X. Tlimi Card. A change in time of O. It. & N. traius which took uttet Sunday, Muy 13'h, makes three passenger trains in each d rection daily, this time ut The Dulles being as follows : West-bound Train No. 1, known bb tho Portland special, leaves Tho Dalles at j l,:.'55a. in., stops at Hood River, Bonne I villo, Multnomah Falls, Bridul Veil, Troutdale. Train No. 8, known ns the the mail and express, at 4:50 a.m., stops at local points on 1U!. Train No. 0, known as the Portland flyer, stops ut ITnrwl IMvr Itiinttil'i1lt Itrlilnl V.-il mill ww.. ....... . ... . .. . i r i Troutdale, leaving Tho Dalles at .1:35 ' Which IS tllO COleurntOU iMai-U,Kasthound-Tmin No. 2, Chieago ' tOSU d'OSS "Brand. Wocawy Garden Hose AVe have laid in a largo stock of (iatden Hoso and aro carrying tho samo brand of Hose that wo have boon carry ing for the last five years, tho same brand of Hoso that I'm' Sale. A ercoud-Imnd ten-foot Kuudolph Imnder, in fair condition, Will ho sold chenp. Enquire of Ai.kx. McI,i:od, tuayll-lmw Tho Dalles. Ulil tl, Furnished house, with five or six rooms and bat li , for the summer. Apply at this ofllet 5m-3t Clarke & Fulk have received a carload of the celebrated James K. Putton strictly pure liquid paints special, at 12:40 p. in., stops at llinc, Grants, Arlington and Ileppner Junc tion. Passengers for all points on the t j10 JalloS City Fh'O Donai't Coluinbia Southern llailway, via. ISIgtrs jand Ileppner branch p-inte, also all i mont has beoil Using for tho i points east via. Huntington, should take Ulna train. Train No. 4, known as tho last twenty years. 1 he Mal , Spokane Fiver, at !) :2' p. in., stops al i r. , . ... . iall way points bet ween Too Dalles and ! tOSO Cl'OSS Brand 18 Without ! Umatilla. Train No. II, mull and l()ubt tho bosl mfo 0f luSU i jire&tf, ui-tiMt, in., nil uu fuuua nmi Yin. ! Huntington, slops only at Grants, Arl ington and way stations eaf I of Uma tilla. Freight train9 will not curry paeeen gers except those holding regular freight train permits form 208, CASTORIA For Infauts and Children, The Kind You Havi Always Bought eigaatoro of &k&tff&faU on tho nuirlcet. Call and got our prices bofore buying. Jdaief & Benton Sole Agents, Wuuteil, To buy a couple of heifer calves ol eood milk stock. Will take them when a week old and pay a reasonable pries. Apply ut this omce, m-'oi