i. n nk-.:-.,ft And what is of still greater Import-' The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Wtbc pcr Upoketa kecps pscc Mer. Notice is hereby civen tliat there will be an Hnnunl tneelini; of the Mockhold- MONDAY Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS. JnM.ce of the Snpreme Court C. E. MAY 13, 1W0 UU lUC 1W 1 . GoWwi K.ple Mining Com- j , nu kiiui;i-i iu iui- tuuiuitium u" pany nt the omir oi i-rencn o., financial prosperity of tins country . hanker, on Thursday, May SI, 15KW, nt ilunnc the past three years. To . 7 o'clock p. nt.. for the pnrpo?e of elect vote for o chance would be to repeat f eyen director and tranctirp such , ,- ; other business a ma v properly come be the madness of 92. ; for fM niMtlnc. ,. , : r , 15r order of the president. The democratic party has come to nOTTin. Seer, and Trea-. a pretty pass. It must either accept Tht. pivi, Api. 127, liHK). 2T-td Wolverton Food and Dairv Commissioner-.. W. ' candidates of a populist nation-! Bailey. ialist convention and a platform; DISTRICT OFFICERS- "nrr. Ur-it-rln- Oulrklr. Baldwin's Piarklui effervescent Cel- : made by such political paranoics as ; ery Soda. A harmless and i ffective enre I Allen Petticrcw, Tovnc, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers alwnye I brinp certain relief, care my headache L .1.1.. : lor nemtaciie, nercousne", jieepjenes?, I niin iiirn. iu unci reins, cmhu Concre?sman Malcolm A. Moody, of ; ocfcless Jerry, Tornado .Tones and ; by Clarke A. Falk. drnpgiet?. jiui-4-Giv The Dalles. j c ,one Davls or el?e tbrow Bryan : A k Goshen. Ind., says, Joint frenators-J. . w overboard and go it alone. Crook; T. H. Johnston, of asco; W . ! c. rv.i..- ' ' j Export of American manufact-, an never pripe." Thev pentlv cleanse Joint Kepiwntatives-A. 5. Roberts. . w. JS the 400,000,000 mark ! and invigorate the bowels and liver, ot V asco? i. A. .inmett. oi .iai.kn ( George filter, of Gilliam; George for the fiscal year ending vith next , Mrs Umivt v Hinsdale, 111., feu!aof Grantf McGrtVr, of -ODtb. In 1S95 the.v only amonnt-! wr,t. i liever fail to relieve my Wasco. ' jed to 5153.595,743. And vet there ' chWren from croup at once by nin District Attornev-Frnnk Menefee, ofjare a few people who are Still op-1 ?" Minate Couph Cure. I would not Th. nAlie " -t . . m-:i ' feel safe without it. Quickly cures i jivreiuji jt biuu uij COUNTY TICKET. County Judge A. . Blowers, of Hood ; coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. will A. Kirchhemer, of than those ol Treasurer C. L. Phil- River. CommisMoner P. Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, oi The Dalles, Clerk A. E. Lake, of Weenie. there for two years more. Treasurer C. L. Pb:llip, of The Dalles. ) Assessor vi The Dalles Cotntrision House keen fresh milk at ail times on hand The finsnces of Wasco county trnri neror in )i.tfnr rir nfpr hnnrift ana ueiiver 11 Hnywnnre lninecuyai .1 fll ! : . r . .n - iue iciuowiiig prices; uue uuuri, per lips, ana me voiers oi tue counii, ; month: three pints, ?3; two qnartf, fi; : can do no better than leave them j three quarts $5.50; cream 20 cents per nint. Fresh butter everv day. ISj-Iui Complete of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THEjDRUCCIST. j -jktj.ii..rA7ry;'""M REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASIORU NAY, COMPANY Ftrmncrt nl tlio ItCKulntor l.lne will run n per tht- U, ' MihccltilP, tlti Company tttwvliiB tliu tiB),t to cliuncc'S HW rm liiwitiR Milirdi; M'IhnIuIc wltliniit liritlco. Str. Roirulator. E, l.v. Dallin Itt.H A. M. hTuewlny SjTllUtMlHV ... k ShUUiIhv. Arr. I'nrtliiml , Hi t v. r tip. l.v. rnrtluml lit? A. M. MoiHliiy WnliicMisy Krl.lny Arr Unllin utft .11 1', u. Ship your Freight via Kegulator Line. nee a Str. Datlos City. - t i M , l'nrilund n nt; (K)a. m. 3 1 liurxliiy ,J S-Htiinlny 3 Arr HhIIck'3 at i.."!0 r. u. r IK1WN ' l.v. I)nl nt .ha. u. j .MiiiiiIii)' ' Wiliiciliiy . . t Krldny Arr. TortUna ut A I-. it. The Globe-Detrocr-U says it is i i t rr T-v t ? i U. .. scumiut. oi i.ae lauet. u tV, finnunstD. ,n Superintendent of Schools C. I.. Gil- j tj,e Kentucky election law so thai a bert, of The Dalles. . . ... ... ! man who votes the republican ticket hurreyor J. ii. loit, ot lne uaues. Ti Cure a Colli tu Out. 1kt. Tate Lurntive Bromo Quinine Tab- i lets. All drntrgiBts refund the money. ' L. Lane, Coroner V. H. Butts, of The Dallee. For Justice of the'Peace of The DaUes Timothy Brown hill. ConeUble Frank Hill, of The Dalles. can have bis sentence commuted to imDrisonmen? f-v life. j Owing t Cbrisman f Nasal CATARRH In all Its BtajM there should be c!cancis. utiee. Ely's Cream Balm retirement of Frank ! clean.w.soothes-ndhc--. i the diseased mcmurace. the firm of Cbrisman itcaiescat-nhanddriTcs intention to leave the avrsy a cold in the head vxvX CEKEI'.AL BiacKsmiin FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ? Travel by the 8trninen nl the tti-CHlntor Ulie. The Cominnr will ondt-nvor to give ll tint 5' rutin the lnt nctvlcc jk-.U1c. l'or (urtlier Inliiriuiitlou Hddre i, Portland OMcc, OuV-Strwt Duck. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Ajct. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-kno'wn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body -with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. .AND... Horsesiioe r V; Important 'i i Announcement 5 3 1 to you.. C. S. Smith, Tin: Bros., and i.i? The rennbhean nartv believes that;ct . aa -no.n.io Hn in! qaictiy , - .. ., i-ii . 7 V,. , Cream Balm It placed into the nostrils, pread every iuul UI tplS suit uu nui-u uie uriu must uc paiu iiuicuiuici . .ii the American flag was planted by! having claims against the firm will . - . ..i.j please present them at the market for American valor, in a war provoKecl , ... . i' pavment. by Spanish despotism m Cuba and m4..f Cheisma.v BnoTitEtss. the cruel and murderous blowing up jjji, Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. orer the membrane and i absorbed. Ilclief U 1m- : ' TMrfiland Jeffcrnn, PHone:i59 gilts or by rnaU ; Trial Size, 10 cent by mall. I tup t-v-ttt r r c t '.. - .. V tr .-i- i W rr Ctrr hu-qtV O. euro 'Wf i of the Maine, should be held as tbe,evt;r feel afe whhQUt 0e" Minnie j permanent possession of the United l Couph Cure in the house. It eaved mv ; States. It believes that the nation ' little boy's life when he had the pueu will repudiate any party that would ' monia. We think it is the beet medicine Lasely surrender the priceless bene-' aue- "J6 coaa anu au mnP ' , , . diseases. Pleaant to take harmless and lit. of national expansion, and any gives immediate results. ! candidate for the presidencv whose 1 i utterances inspire and sireng'then the . ?ev' V,''E- Canton, X. Y., j , , . , -,,.,.! writes, "I had dvspepsia over twentv 1 "murderous insurgents in the Philip-, yearfi and tried doctor6 and medichl,ei pines to make causeless war against without benefit. 1 was persuaded to use j their own liberties and sacrifice of Kodol Dysrepsia Cure and it helped rue J the lives of our brave soldiers. . rom the stsrt- 1 believe it to be a ; --- panacea for all forms of indigestion." It Last Thursday the steamship j digests what ycu eat. Ponce landed in the port of Zsew ! DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is un-; York from Porto Eino 1,093 h025-j equalled for piles, injuries and skin heads and 9,990 bags of sugar a"nd I disseK It le the original Witch Hazel , , - 4l -4 t s-lve. Beware of all counterfeits. 2,131 bales of tobacco, the first of shipments that may be doubled or! King up Faulkner, the junk man, he- quadrupled within n few weeks. This confirms the contention of ad- For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Pa-tisK, Ovcrcoatiu-or Tano Vesting. 2a r-.T.j : fore hauling your trash to the beach. He buys old worn out rubber boots and 1 eboes, braes, copper, zinc. lead, eacks. eat Brad imstration republicans that large j rage, etc. Dalles 'phone So. 214. quantities of sugar and tobacco, ! un24 lw owned by the sugar and tobacco 1 .Experience is the beet Teacher. Use trusts, were awaiting shipment from I Acker's English Remedy in any case of Pnrln Winn -hilo th Vrln Ri ' coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to Kindly call nnd ciunilue mr utocl: of lm ported and I) uettic Wouleu-. A tine stock to selrct from. Suit made irom l be Ion est jiricea tu (tie biRb- j, A. Eberle Flno Tailoring. ..GHfls. mu- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COU'MHIA HKEK, ncknim: edsed the bent beer In The Dalles, nt tbe usii nl price. Coniu in. try Hand be convinced. A ho the I'ineiit brands ot WiueH, Ll'iuor and Clears. Sandtuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. HIK 1IALI.K-. (UiKGO.V, bill was pending ; and that their free i give immediate relief money refunded. j 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley &. Houghton I NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land GrncE utTiis Djllkc, OKn.,1 April aj, in), j Notice Is hereby Riven that the following named settler him tiled notice of hU intrntion to make final proof in support of hl i.Imiiii, mid that iid proof will be made before the lleslster and liecelver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Batur- admission into the United States Druggists. was tbe very thing the trusts wanted. ; ueed Kodo, D,em)SiA Can in my : 77T , family with wonderful results. It gives Tbe average price of Oregon wool - ",. , .. , . . . . . i r ; immediate relief, is pleasant to take aud in ioku, me lasijenroi me oieve- jg truv tne Uvspeptic's best friend." day, June ic, ijw, viz Jacd administration, was 8 cents a leave E. Hartgetink, Overisel. Mich, j Wilson J. JefTerc, of The Dulles, Or., pound and hundreds of clips did not! Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to SMofwl.:Eir,M1rtfrI r 'ii w'A? bring C cents. In 1897, the first ' rt.c. i names thpfolIowlnSwltnec to prove nu Tc.r ,.f ,,0 XtntTinlo,. nrlmlnialrotinr, ' . " . COIItillUOlU residence Upon Btld eUltlVHtlllll Of year or the filcl-inlp administration, 1 All countv warrants registered prior j aid land. viz. it rose to 10. In 1838 the average ;t) Jnne 3, 189B, will be paid at my j oXy, was 13 cents, and in 1899. 13 A. 'office. Interest ceases after February. 2, , maj.i JAY r. lucas, He.iiter. During the last three years, on a clip; V4 ilVVUfVVU IUUUVI3, kllIV 4lU U-UII C. L. PlMLI.Il'B. Ofinuiv Treasurer. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. i I . , 1 .. ' .ouee is nreby tiven that the frillowinir l lllrt rintlMP 'Xfl In X.l rr.i nc- mil n. rifrnfl 4ittl.i' hn. filial ryril li.r. ill t.l. In f .... tl.... s an average gain of half n million dol- .. t- i..a m"k n"Bl i""' lu upiortof nu claim, and , . . , , , leaie&MB.ve. that sld proof will b mud') liefore lue reillner jaia niu nuui grun ui vjreL'oii i " receiver at i ne iiuneii, ureiiJii, on nuluruay every year. It is on exhibits siidi ' BUSINESS LOCALS, as this that the republican nam- nsiks i to be retained iu power. : n v",arK are nt'ver uloee'1 aMy i 11 SS' i'Al. wiinc. ; Slay .', I'M, viz. Heiuricli Lubliing,of I'Iik D.illi'H.Or., If. K. No. liJ, for tlio XH'J;, mctlnn 17, town- C. F. Stephens .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Hats, Chi, Notions. Agt. ' ;lor W. I Douglas Hhoe. SJ-Ssss The Dalles, Or. For .IU days after April 1st, 1 will full all the Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, Hosiery, Hlnnkete, Hats and Cups, on a cut iu price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now i your upnortunity to get bar gains. Don't Miles it. S. L. BROOKS, dp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. SCItKNE, i'retldiiit. U. .M. liEAL , L'oshlei Jast What . Don't forget this. Alt' In iiriv.. hf L'.'iutiiinous residence nnoii.miil fiiltliiitlrm 111 Slllll lllllll. iz. Ileglsler. Pinned to u blanket recently pre- , Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line ' John meurmm, Henry I'.iddell. Mieime! Doyle, ... , of uuitit and artifit'H lirnplifu Charles lllliuett, nil of The Dull'-, Ur.-uiii. aented to Mr. lirvnn n New Mexico. ' ' 1 1 1(1 artlsl e "r"8iie.. uv . u :a. . was the following note: .-Unrlor ,f f;,?neo "n Tl l' ' .... . plies jnat received by Clarke (ScFhlk. Vnrm. m., ,.., u.c repuuuenn acimiii.stration tue c,arke & atb . ' -l s.w ideas ,n Wall Paper here. Such wool in this blanket sells for 22 cents lhe htiHt. Ask vour eroeer for them. UM,m'UlUS?i,l j;M wide variety as we are slmwing never be- anound Under the democratic ail. m 1 1 ' . , , :,0,Ico " . ,lfre kvb tlM Miowins- '?re graced a BinKle stock. Keal imita- u jjuuiiu. unuti tut utmucrnii- an- Floral lotion will cure wind chapping : ""'.i f.tttler lias iimi notice of Ms intention Uion creton effects at ordinary prices. inioistratiou it sold for 5 cfciifti. ,' and eunburn. Manufactured by Clarke MdVproiwu'i &mXu4MwW,fJh?G?oi lrp0!" ut cbeuP p,i,)Ur ,rlcB Please tell Ibis to vour constituents i & F-'- .,,,!tf f"',,UH -''iOour for DUtriet l ilegant designs, tasteful coioriuirs, youm x i.a- it-ii tuis w y our consuiueuis. . ajj,i,n, t his oiiioo in uoldendale, Wash,, I for a small price, at our store op Third At lust advices Mr. Bryan had not! Paint your house with paints that are ,"" Jlu"r. i'nvT, i-ao, viz: futreet. Also a full Hue of house paints. read this famniun -in nt .mv nt In.. '-"? fc'U-uteed to last. Clarke & Falk , . John G. McDonald, .jj -nrr VAUSE Thir, reaa lUlS tampaigu .l Ut UI) Ot HIS . . H. K, sn. um for the northeast .mnrter section lJ' Y Auofli XXtlTQ DT, first national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General ftanking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Siplit Draft or Chwk. Successor to E. J. Collins & Co. Collections made and proceeds promptly remiiiixi uu uav ui cuiieuiiun. Sight and Telegraphic Excnange sold is New York, San Frnncieco au pori !and. D1KBOTOHS D. P. Tuomi'box. Jno. H. Scukuck, En. M. Williakb, G-O. A. Lkhk. H M. Beam. FRENCH & CO BANKERS. TlUNriACTA KNEKALUANKI.no Ill'tlSEH Letters of Credit issued available in the Eaotern States. Siifht Exchange and Telirjhit Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Bun Francisco, Portland Ore Kon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon nnd Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable teruiH. Tlie Columbia PacKinsCi , PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF manufactukkks ok Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. ETC. We Put... overv bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every I'rescription that's compounded here. Js it. anv reason win our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? . Ask your pln'sician if we are reliable. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. .leliable Prescriptionists F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & LaneWin. Tbonc 151 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE - .. 1 RACt ni""' "JEUICNS Copvrichts &c Iltf meetings. The per capita crept up nnother jeg in April, and now stands ut $2(1.58, the highest in all our history. have them. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paint, wheu you can buy Jamee E. Patton'a anu proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & ittlk, agenta. ut!7 lowntlllli 3 north, mneu I I He unmet tue (oIIowIiik wltrie-e in jirove hU ( oiitliiiioiK residence u(jii, uuU cultivation til mild hiiiil, viz: fcumuel I Courtlier, Hurry I'eniilnBUin, 11 (. ;oluii(, of Hartl-ud K o., W..h,: uud .Vlioii 11. llrooKD, ol OoIUeudale Wtuh. W. K. UUNUAK, ta-risl Keguter, g. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. OfflCi over French 4c Co.' iiauk 1-houe t. 'IHiiUALXEs, OKEUON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON fjESTAUKAJlT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. ,1-iit Ireo. Ul(lut iiwi licy.nir MieiHini.M'';,1- P.iti.l.ly lnki.li lhriilli.'ll .llllllll X LO. ICttll jflill notice, rlthout ulinruc, lu tlio Scientific American. A Imndiomolr llliinlrnlpil worklr. J"1,1 MUNN&Co.sc'Bfoad New York B HUHTIHOIOK H W1L HUNTINGTON A- WILSON, AT.OKNKYH AT LAW, 0ovrlr.,.V.t. ff UAl'UE' 0KEUU-N Mica 'Axle Crease lightens the loail shortens the road. helps the team cxpcutc, 8avc wenr and Sold everywhere. UApm W m mi co.