The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 14, 1900, Image 1

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I) c Dalles
NO. 233
:are of
Mcllridc's Bill for Indian War and
Philippine Soldiers Would Admit to
State Homes.
Washington, May 12. Senator Mc-
liridehas introduced n bill amending tlio
law wiiic I) allows hoimers' Homes if lUUa
L-car tor tlio ciiro of each veteran of the
ivll war, go as to admit the Indian war
teteraiiB anu veterans 01 mo I'liuippme
liii! Spanish wurs nt thu same rate.
Tin1 senator has also introduced as an
junendnient to the sundry civil hill an up
hropriation of $f00,000 for a launch for
klio customs service Ht Victoria.
Ilu hud pending today, waiting to of
;r, and will offer it Monday, and amend
ment providing for a board of officers to
determine the (k'Hirability of locating a
Jrvdoel: on thu Col tun bin river.
l.imil fur I nil Inn Wur VtitiTum,
It ih a pretty well recognized fact in
fcVashington that there is not the ghost
i a show of passing the Indian war vet
bran pension bill, and many of the vet
trans, alter long years oi waiting, ac
cordingly turned their efforts in another
direction, and aro now urging the pae
Inge oi anotlier bill in their interest
rhich provides for giving a land warrant
for 100 acres to each of the survivors of
the Indian wars of Oregon, and other
Western states. This bill arould un
Soubtodly have a better chaneo of paBB-
than the pension bill, for, in the
Irst place, it does not require an ap
iropriation, and, secondly, does not
Btablish a precedent for service pensions.
9iw of the arguments advauced in favor
if the Indian war pension bill was that
Ihe survivois are all old men, and that
lo derive any benefit from the legislation,
It would have to be enacted at an earlv
late. It is now thought that a tract of
100 acres of government land would be
jf more material benefit to the veterans
than the tension that they would secure,
laud in vie of the short time thev
E . . "
Iwotild draw this pension, this latter
leontention is probably correct. Ke
Ipreeuntativd Tongue, who introduced
such a land warrant bill early in the
Isesaion, has been called upon to secure
I its passage, ami is now seeking, through
the aid of representative Moody, to so-
cure a favorably report on this bill in
the hope that it may be paBsed before
KrouiiHtttd Tulmn,
London, May 12. The war ofllee re
ceived the following dlspntch from Lord
Huberts :
"Kroonstad, May 12, 2 p. m. I
entered Kroonstad at 1 :'M p. in., today,
without opposition, when the Union
Jack was hoisted amid cheers from the
f"v llritish rebidents. President Steyn
fled hist evening, after endeavoring to
pi rsuade the burghers to continue op.
po it ion . Tlio Transvaalers Bald they
C' ll 1 no loiii'ir fitrht on Ormit'H Irn
f-'ito soil, and Hindu oil' for the Vital
nvor. Tho Free Staters accused the
Transvaalers of having mads use of them
ntid then deserting. Many of the Fieo
'Mors have gone to their homes.
' 1 he proceesion entering the town whs
h h I bv my bodyguard, all of whom
w r" C'.ilonials, and after my stall' and
1 t tgn ufiieers came the North iSommet
' periitl Yeomanry, followed by Pole
1 n w's division, consisting of the
" urtls and tho Eighteenth Naval
i rigan, the Kighty-thlrd, Eighty-fourth
mid Eighty-IIfth Batteries, two 5-inch
tons manned by tho Jloyal Artillery
positions of tho Iioerp. Thore Is prac
tically no fighting, and there Bro no fur
ther details to givo respecting the oc
cupation of Kroonstad. Tho cones
ponder.t of the Daily Telegraph says:
"The Union Jack was hoisted in tho
market place by Mrs. Lickhead the
American wife of a Scotchman. Most of
the horses of the IJoers are in a wtetched
condition, but President Krnger declares
he will continue tho war."
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the scat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies, nan s uatarrn uure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It wbs was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the beat blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what producos such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. ,1. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O
Sold by drrnggists, prico 75c.
Hall's Fnmily Pills are the best. 12
Free Staters Go Back to Their Farms
and Transvaalers Go Northward.
New "Qunrtcr-ln-lhc-Slot" Gns Mn
chine Help in Collection of Hoard
UlIU, Hat Ilnx IU Urnwliacka.
Kipling Indortiex Alinal.
London, May 13. Kudya'd Kipling
brought from Cape Town the appeal of a
well-known Wesleyan minister to the
president of the British Weeleyan Con
ference in favor of the annexation of the
two republics. To this appeal, Mr.
Kipling adds:
"If,through any intellectual lascivious
ness, we in Euglund prefer to tickle emo
tion by being generous once again at
other people's expense when tlis settle
ment comes, all this weary, bloody work
will have to be done anew from the be
ginning, five or ten years back. 1 assume
that you have full knowledge of the sit
uation in South Africa, but I do not
think you can realize Low passionately
and eagerly the loyalists look to England
for a sign that the mother country will
neither desert them nor betray them to
the Dutch."
Tliu JIvHt Hemrily for Kliuniatlnin,
All who use Chamberlain Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it affords.
When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I
had a sove attack of rheumatism In my
arm and suoutder. I tried numerous
remedies, but got no relief until I was
recommended by MesBrs. Geo. F. Par
sons & Co., druggists of this place, to
try Chambetlain's Pain Balm. They
recommenned it so highly that I bought
a bottle. I was noon relieved of all vain.
have since recommended this lini
ment to many of my friends, who agree
with me that it is the beBt remedy for
muscular rheumatism in the market."
For eale by Blal-eley & Houghton.
lli'lcniii llaru C'nizu.
Ai.iianv, Or., May lo. Tho Belgian
hare craze has struck this city, resulting
in the organization hist night of a club,
with C. W. Sears as president ; W. L.
Koss, vice-president: Dr. A. J, Hodges,
secretary ; J. O. Little, treasurer, and
F. M. French, business manager. A $100
buck, Imperious, and three registered
does have been ordered fiom California,
to add to tho stock already on hand.
Commander David 'loi bot, of thu G. A.
It., has issued his call for tho animal
Decoration day sendees. Rev. W, E.
O'lpohind, of tho Unitarian church of
Salem, will deliver tho address.
The large registration, now -1R00, the
vote two years ago being -122'J, has
materially changed tlio opinions of many
in reforeuco to the law, making friends
fur it niiinm' I huse wild lit first. weverelv
J-OMmny, and the Twelfth Engineers. ' itU.U(;il it. Anything that will intores't
- in m, ui uiu mice cnctiiupcii .iruuuii
London, May 13, 4 a. m. The situa
tion at the seat of war in South Africa
is as'satisfactory from the British view
point as the most sanguine friend could
have hoped a week ago. The occupation
of Kroonstad practically places the whole
Orange Free State in British possession.
It is evident from Lord Roberts' last
dispatch that the disintegration has com
menced. The Free Staters are scattering
their homes, while the Transvaalers have
gone northward, declining to fight longer
in the Orange Free State. What little
resistance the former still is likely to
make seems to be centering at Lindsay
where President Stevn has transferred
his seat of government.
It is evident that the strategy of Lord
Roberts and the rapidity of his advance
have bewildered and disheartened the
Boers, as their resistance since the Brit
ish reached Zand river, has been slight
The only point where they seriously at
tempted to check the advance seems to
have been on the British flank, where
they defended with some vigor two
kopjes which were eventually carried by
the East Lancashires and Sussexes, the
Boers finally retreating, leaving a group
of gunners dead on top of one of the hills
The only point in the Free State where
the Boers eeern in anv force, except at
Lord Roberts' front, is on the southeast,
where Generals Rundle, Campbell and
Brabant are holding them iu check, west
of Ficksburg and Lady brand; and are
gradually pushing them back as well as
effectually defeating all their efforts to
break through and threaten Lord
Roberts' communications.
There is no further news regarding the
advance of the relief column to Mafekmg,
but it is possible that Lord Roberts' sue
cess will result in forcing the Boers to
raise the siege.
Pretoria advices via Lourenco Marques
state that the Boers' supply of smokeless
powder is exhausted, and that all at
tempts to manufacture a fresh supply
have baeu unsuccessful.
A dispatch from Cape Town, dated
May 12, says that Lord Strathcona's
horse have gone to tho front, and that
Lord Castletown has been appointed
commander of the Wepener district.
Call Kill u Dreadful Cold.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. M
Thompson, a large importer ot fine mil
linery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi
cago, says: "During tlio late severe
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at night and made me
unfit to attend my work during the day.
One of my milliners was taking Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at that time, which seemed to re
lieve her eo quickly that I bought some
for myself. It acted like magic and I
began to improve at once. 1 am now
entirely well and feel veiy pleased to ac
knowledge its merits." For sale by
Blakejey ifc Houghton.
the town,
"lit' fori
Steyn nsuod
Lindsay the seat of government of tho
Free State. Generals Botha and Dewet
iieeompanied the Transvaalers."
War Allium! Over.
Londqn, May 14, 4 a. m. "Tho war is
1'Metlcally over," says the Daily Cliron
ielo'n Kroonstad correspondent, and, in
less definite terms, this la the view to be
gathered from all the correspondents.
They picture tho Boors as utterly demor
alized nnd disheartened by Lord Roberts'
unexpectedly rapid advance, and by his
'cio turning of the carefully prepared
voters in an election and gut them to tho
iwtttia lu rnm.l I'.il ll'tfll uil t tu f fl I tnll 111 lilitTl
Wore leaving Kroonstad, president Lf ,..,,. ,..,.
lirnchimallon miikliiL' !
Tvhtliiionliil from Old KiiKland.
coiibider Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy the boH in the world for bion
chilis," says Mr. William Savory, of
Warrington, England. "It has saved
my wife's Mfe, she having been u martyr
to bronchitis for over six years, being
most of the time confined to her bed,
Sho is now quite well." Sold by Blake
ley & Houghton.
Use Clarke & Fulk's quinine hair touic
to keep dandruff from the head.
Subscribe for The Chronicle. '
Tlui Aiiiullto of u (iimt
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whoso
stomach and liver mo out of order. All
such bhould know that Dr. Kind's Xow
Life Pill?, tho wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, -gives :t splendid apputlto,
sound digestion and u regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25 cents at any
drugstore. 4
Anotliui' Itoud fur 1'ai i llaiiil.
Chicago. May 13. Tho Record to
morrow will say :
It is rumored that tho Chicago, Rock
Island it Pacific will extend its lino to
Portland, Or. Denver is tho present
Western terminus of tills road. It is
said tho final survey has been finished
but ween Denver mid Ogden, and track
laying on that part of tho extension
will begin this Bummer. A preliminary
survey has been made between Ogden
and Portland.
About the latest thing in slot ma
chines is the "qtuu-ter-in-thc-slot" gas
meter. The head of tho house who
contracts for one of these new-f tin
gled contrivances is never bothered
with gns bills, for ho must, of neces
sity, pay cash for all the gas he gets.
He drops his quarter into n hole in n
box connected by ft rather delicate
bitj of mechanism with the meter, and
then he lights his gas stove and his
gas bracket, and the jets ra away
merrily until 23 cents' worth of gas
hns been consumed, and then there is
a sudden and Egyptian darkness, sajs
the Chicago Tribune.
The scheme has its drawbacks.
Sometimes the gas goes out at mid
night, when there is a party on, and,
though the host have a pocketful of
$100 bills but no quarter in change,
he and his truests inav whistle for
their light.
There is a boarding house on Wash
ington boulevard where the boarders
who are not in arrears for room and
food are threatening to leave unless
the quarter-in-the-slot" machine be
turned out and one of the old time
"work-day -and-night-and -never-rcst'J
metersbeput in its place. The landlord
is a restless sortof spirit, and forgetful
to a degree. He has a habit of going
downtown and staying till late at
night. As a rule, the gas goes out
about three hours before his return
J. lien one of the servants goes to
every room with a tallow dip. She
is under orders, however, from the
proprietor, to go first to the rooms of
those who have forgotten to pay their
board, to see if she can raise the price
of a new gas supply. Failing in this,
the tallow dips are brought into use.
The worst feature of the whole
thing is that, when the gas gives out
in the middle of the night, and the
proprietor is prevailed upon by some
of the "night owls" to chip in a quar
ter for a new stock, it is necessary
to wake up every soul in the house
to see' if anyone has gone to bed
leaving the gas lighted. Asphyxiation
would speedily follow if this were the
case when the now quarter went into
the slot. The new machine is war
ranted to keep lodgers guessing and
Ue 5ell Jl?em.
We show many styles an assortment not
equalled by any other store in town. Our
prices are JUST by which we mean that If
a pair of curtains can be sold for $2.50, we
do not ask .$2.75 or $3 for them. We have
reason to believe that our styles and pricea
are appreciated.
por ttyis UeeK
The lilt of Slnle That I'ruf. Xoidena
klold Sim- I'lonliiiK lu tlio
Prof. Erland Xonlenskjold, the son
of the famous Arctic explorer, saw a
curious sight last year while rowing
in the long and narrow channel of
Ultima Esperanza, on the southwest
coast of Patagonia, lie observed frag
nirnts of slate floating on the surfaco
Sick Ileadachu absolutely and permit
neatly cured by using Mokt Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy, Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 cts. and 50 els.
Blakeloy & Houghton Druggist?.
in larger or smaller clusters. There
were a great many of them, and at
one east of tho net lie frathervd in
about 700 pieces. The stones had evi
dently drifted out from the,
which was covered with similar frag
ments that had fallen from the slate
el ill's behind. Tho surface of the
stones wis dry and they sank at once
if they became wet through tho move
ment of tho swell, says the Xew York
Tho fragments contained no nir
avities that were perceptible to tho
naked eye, but a dlscoverv was inadi?
that may explain the fact that stone
fragments of a specific gravity of
2.71 were floating on a lluiil of a speel-
in; gravity ot l.
U was found that small oaseous
bubbles were attached to tho under
surface of the floating stones, and
these bubbles were also found on
stones at tho fringe of tho heaeh
where they Mere being continually
washed into the sea and went float in','
away. Tho greasy surface of the
slate fragments also helped to keep
them alli'at by preventing water from
adhering to them.
This unusual phenomenon is of geo
logical interest and may servo as an
illustration of tho hard problems that
oiten present t heni.selves to geolo- I
gists. Prof. Xoi-deuskjold believes j
that considerable solid matter Is thus '
transported for greater or less (lis
Unices. Thus new strata that are now
forming at the bottom of tho sea may
have a considerable admixture of
theso fragments representing a far
distant geological age. Perhaps some
geologist, centuries from now, may
puzzle his head over the question how
this foreign material was Introduced
into tho later roekheds,
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says,
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers aro the
very best pills I ever used for costlveness,
liver and bowel troubles."
We are offorlng exceptional values in Lace Curtains another money
saving opportunity for the wide-awake housekeeper.
7oc styles, white and ecru this week 55c
90c styles, white only this week 65c
00 styles, white only, 3 yards long thiB week 75c
1.25 styles, white only, 3 yardj long this week 90c
1.35 styles, white only, Jf yards long. this week $1.05
1.75 styles, white only, 3 yards long, 50 inches wide . . .this week 1.35
2.60 Btyles, white only, 3)6 yards long, 54 inches wide .this week 1.85
2.95 styles, white only, 3j yards long, 52 inches wide .this week 2.25
3.25 styles, white only, 3 yards long, 61 incheB wide .this week 2.35
4.00 styles, white only, 36 yards long. 60 inches wide .this week 2 90
4 52 styles, white only, 3)2 yards lone, 02 inches wide .this week 3.50
5 50 styles, ecru only, 3 yards long, 00 inches wide this week 4.10
5.75 Etyles, white only, 3,'; yards long, 04 inches wide .this week 4 75
4.75 styles, ecru only, 3. yards long, 00 inches wide .tnis week 3.67
7.50 styles, ecru only, 3)j yards long, 62 inches wide .this week 6.00
Money-saving Prices on Portieres, Conch
$ and Table Covers, Window Shades, &c
New line of Hammocks expected shortly.
Wait for them.
Bed Quilts..
Bed Quilts..
Two good numbers :
69c and $1.19.
sizes;' hemmed ready for
by the yard...
A complete stock.
Art Denims,
Fish Net,
Nottingham Lace, &c
7K. 7UV.
Before you
place any orders for a tombstone or for
curbing, fencing or other cemetery
work, call on Louis Comlni. I will not only give you all
the information you need but I will quote yon prices you
cannot beut anywhere. Let no one bluff you. It will take
only a few minutes to call aud see me. If you hava a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to
the prico and quality of my work
and abide by tho result. : : :
Louis Comini
Mil kinds of
punet'al Supplies
Grandall & Budget
Tho Dallos, Or.
But'ial Shoes
Etc. '
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S" mSuSSd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOYl TFlmiT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
'v'x use i every saek la guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lowor than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo
call and get our pricea and be convinced,
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats,
V ,
: m