jmjr Mniitlinim Dnnifin! tvur flV MwM ' W W m H MH III II I U k I M I : 4 It is very ua usual tor a regular physician of pood reputation to publicly t Jtotfj a a proprieta-y icnuy. We have often Heard of cases wncrc doctors sc.-iOc.i .CKur s uajritsn Kcmcuv, out u is moss, graiuymir id gmTaa endorse have secrotlv nre receive the fbltov v'.i:n;.:r letter from C. F. Stv.i'.ii. ! D , the most successful pi;vicMtH'i Ok an. N. Y. . Messrs. W. II. Hooter & Co., New York City: 1 whit to add ray professional testimony to the value of your English preparation known as Acker's English Remedy for Asth ma, etc. In several instances, after I have tried my utmost to give even relief, 1 have prescribed your remedy, and it has ncted almost like amiracle, not only relieving, but permanently curing every one of the patients. I en dorse" the preparation as one of the most valunble additions to the prac tice of medicine." Such a frank endorsement as the above is phenomenal. Coming from so distingi:ished a member of the medical profession, it carries with it an assurance which the public will bo sure to avail themselves of. It isrec ommendations like this which make it possible to give the broad guaran tee that is a part of every sale of Ack er's Enclish Remedy for Couchs, Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis and Consumption. It must either do all that is claimed for it. or your money will be refunded. Do you know of any other medicine sold on those terms? Do you know of any other medicines which prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than prescriptions they write themselves ? These facts are well worth considering. They are of especial interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs. Sold at itc, 5sc and $ a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada : and im Eng land, at is. sd., ss. 3d., s. 6d. If you are not satisfied alter buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and pet your money back. We auLhorixt.'ieabvre guaranty. It. H. HOOKER & CO., PmprUtort. Xcv York. For Sale bv BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. nr. r a 1:7 mr. r,vau-.sraw na-i'-uugM TIMi: CICKIiULK. I'l'.OU llAl.Ll'.S. Acn.vK Kl'OM. I-'iKt Suit ljiki, lHMivcr. Ft.- Ft Mull Worth. OinnliH, Kim-; Mill 12:10 i. in. hi City, St. 1-nnls, 12:Si) p in Chicago mill Hunt. j Spokane W'alln Walla, Hpoknnc,! BpoWtthe Jlall .Minneapolis. St. I'lll, .MhII mid iiu 1 11 1 h, MllttHii!tx', mill llxprevt (Ihlraen mill KNt, vlni Express SrokantMikd limiting., ton: iilsoiilt point In 10:19 p. in. Washington and llast- l:P0n. m orn Oregon. S p. tn. -I . m. From l'lir.TH.NI). ' Orow Steamship. Korean l'riinclr April i!7, May L 7, l'J. I fi p. ni. for more than thenlloled span of life; by er which he hud eat for B the glimmer's hunt; and amid the At were nnd shrubs, Waukakue : the nped Indian was placed for his lout; litst slesp. Alny lie rest 111 pence. It's Our Business IprorIeSpqeia k ' 1, "T,, ' shelter during Running Into One Another. When reading at night do , , . the different letters run into one another ! ak"l,u""'""" and confuse yon? If so, you have astijr- Don't let vour old worn outmaehinerv mutism and your afcht will rapidly grow j , , f ' , Tnke worse if not uttended to. Manv ail-1 . , ,, mente arise from defective vision. Theo. 11 t0 Fletcher Faulkner, The Dulles junk H. Liebe can fit you with glasses thut dealer, and get the cash for it. Highest will give you normal vision. He is u ' cash price paid for cast and wrought graduate from two of the finest collejrw , j rubber boots and shoes, hicvele J. k". Adcox & Co., Jewelers. tireB' etc., brass, copper, zinc, lead, - nuntu. nl.l rniih.n !..-.. 1 ..... T .. . ' and flasks, horse manes and tails, and ; bones of all desctiptions. Price paid for t ,,. . . ... . . . least iron, 40 cents per 100 lbs. One tions in the proper way. It's a busings , door we8t of J- " orsley'e, Second St., we have not learned in a dav, but after The Dalles. mlM-lmo. years of persistent work and careful ! A i.,fe And VKatU richt. Btndr. use pure ,drupa and charce ' ,T . . ... , , an honest price. Clarke & Falk. ! f- w A; H,nee of Manchester, la., writing 01 nis almost miraculous escape from death, says: "Exposure after meas j les induced serious lung trouble, which To fit the smartest and most fetch-1 r"lcu,,0"BU,,ul0"- u Ire u"ni ing styles in Spring and Summer Millin- bemorrhageEand coughed night and day. ery. All the latest shapes it. Trimmed j All my doctors said I must soon die. and Untrimmed Hats. We handle ev- Then I began to use Dr. Kind's New $S.B.tT. SforrZrvanpdocl:foeok,! Drr I0 Consumption, which com Campbell & Wilson. P'etely cured me. I would not be without i- " ? , it even if it cost $ ).00 a bottle. Hundreds CELEBRATED INDIAN DEAD. ) l,aVe U8et 11 on mi' recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest lie ffai. Omr 100 Yenrn Old and Ilad nn,l T ., rh!ue ' lon0, sn Ex.smulay ColumhlH ltv. Strumcn.iKx To AsToiUA una Way i Stunly 1 IjiihIIiirs. 10 p. m. t i I 4 1. 111. llllilil I tiB.m. Willamette Uivkr. i -t ::ui n. in. Kx.biindiiy Orcitim City. Newbut;, Kx.BUiulHy ; Kalem A Way LiiudV. Willamette ash Yam- 3.S0 n. m. Tutm.Thur. mu, Utvciu. Jlon..Vtd 7 . ni, uen.ThU! mid but. OrcRnn City, linytoti, anil ny-ijiiuiiugs. and Kri. Yellowstone Park Line. Tltl." lUNINo t'All UOV1K KliOM 1'01!TI.AN1) TCI Till: l.AST. Till: ONLY DIUltC.T I.tNC TO Till: VKI.I.OW- SlONi; l'AUK Lr.ivi:. ; Union Depol, Fifth and 1 sis Aiimvi:, No. 1 No. 2. I Kii't 1" nil 'r Tiiroma, Soiittli:, uiyniinii.nriiy lliulior mitl muiUi Homl iKiuitN, rtpiikniiu. lti (iiiiiI, II. C. riilliiuiti,' .Mivrow, U'kIkIoii, Hut 11:15 A.M. (iilollllinpnillilliccmiii- 6,S0 1'. M. try, llvlvim, .MlmR'niHi IN, St. Trill!, Ullliillii, Kiiiihuk Clly, St. Uiuln. ClilniKo mill till iNiluth No t. ' i'nt niul f imtliriint. No. il. 1'iiKt't Sniniil Kxpro!i ll;30 T. M. for Tiiniinu mill .'cnttlu 7;IA. M. mill Ititvrnmltuti' Hiuth l'lllliiinii nrnt'1'Umi nml tonrlit Mitiktr to Mliinnipills, nt. l'uul nml .MU.sonrl river i0lnt wltliimt rlmiiKi'. Vintlhitleil trains. I'liliin iteiHit roiilicctliiiiii in nil irliiciml rltlo". HiiKKiiKV clurkiil in ilcitliiiitlnii (if tleketM. I-nr liiiiHlsoiiivly IlliHdiiUililcsurliitlvc mutter, tli'kvtK, Hleeping-i'itr norvtitlmi!i, iitu., cull im or write A. D. CHARLTON, AfklMmit tloiitTiil l'ucttser AKtflit, 'J.V Mnrrlwc btri-ct, corner Tlilr' , I'ortliiiul, OrvKim SOUTH and EAST via fin. m. Willamette Iuveu. 4::wp. m. I Tui..Tlmr, I'ortlmul to t'orviilll!,, .Mini. Wnl I anil Sat. and Way-ljiiulliiKs. mini Friday l.v Itliwrln dally l.'.M a. m. j Snake Itivun. Hiparitt In l-ouiolnn. l.KAVK I.KW1STON daily h::a a. in. We Want Heads Known ftlinrldan. I. Houghton's Drug Store. WaukakaE, one of the test known and familiar of Klickitat's. Indian people, I GOING EAST died on Sunday last at hie mime at the' T, . , Waukakas springs, on the hg Klickitat i 11 -V0U, ,ntend t0 lhke a tr,P ta8t- Rik river. He was over 10ovearB old and ! Ur ''ff 'ent 10 " 'on " T'" bad taken an active parin most of the i G"at " f bneb' B ,noUern, u,ul uI-'te stirring events conijcied with Uie . "Jd in every particular, earliest hiatorv of th Northwest. His S ?, hr"gh ,trmnS !r0,Tn Cicago, Knnsas remains were interid near the river C"V. Omaha or St. Louis to .New 'i ork where he had resideif since 1830. ( a"d -Ne"; LnKla"( , ,,0,n,,R- AU , lra5"B n r, ,.. . i run via Niagara rails and everv through Dr. R. E. btewart was quite intimate . . , . ... , . ". ., i t i! i t i l train has free reclining chair cars, sleep- wuh thu aged Indian, who nad on i . , ,. . 1 1 I'lirlles ileMruiE to co to lleniinor or Kimts on Ciilnnibia Miiitlivrn via llii;?. hlioiild lake No. leavlni; The DiiIIck at l'J: 13 p. in. nmkliiL' ilireet eonnenlloiih at Ili'mmer hiiictlon mid BIkkv Ke'.iirnliiR iiiiikliicdlrirtroiincctliiu at Ilciipner Junrtlim mid Ulirss ulth No. riving at The Dalles at 12::p.m. Kor full particulars call on o. U. A N. Co.' nsent The Pullet, or nildivs W. it. HUUI.IILMIT, Oi'ii Pas. Ac:., l'ortland. Or, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale. I.a.vij OrriCE at Tun, ()r.i:r,o.v; Apr. lfi, liwo. 1 Notice In hereby Riven that in puiimancc of iintriictiiiiis liom ttie(.iimml.loiier of thu Ken oral land oflire, under authoilty ve.teil in him hy section 'JIV, I', a. i'.uv. olai., ns amended by the net of coiiRreh approved KcUruary a;, lh'Xi, we will proceed lo oiler at public Mile on Mon day, tho 'Jth day of Jlay next, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., at this oltice, the following tmi't of NW'., NEj, sec. JJ.T. 1 N. IS. 12 K., W. M. Any mid all i:roii!i claiintiiR the abovo land", jire to file tltrir clttiiiin in this oihco on or licfote the day nbovu dexlRiialHl for tticconnni-nccmnit of aid bale, otherwe tliuir il.-hta will Iw forfeik'tl. JAY i. LUCAS, Ureintur, aprlS-1 OllS PATTKltfeON, llceelver. GDumern Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for l'nrtlaiij nnd ivoj ntallous at l.i u. in. and 3 p. in. lA-ave Portland " Albany . .. Arrive Aihliuid . .. " Mcrllnnllto " hail JthiicIsco s..i)iim 7:COpm . livnoaiii llK.VIpm l.':S;m ll:.nuiam A:uipm l::i'inm . . 7:l'i p ni b:ir a in Arrive Ogdon " Denver " Kmilsi" Clly " Chicago . . .VI 'hi in II :15 a in ti:i,H n in U:li) n m ":3 it in 7:'Jf a in 1: IS a in 'J;S0nm various occasions related many interest ing episodes of his long life to the doctor al! in the abrupt manner peculiar to the Invlian. He claimed to have eeeu the iiret vessel come up the Columbia river, a large three or four masted ehip; to have seen the first white men ; the first fire arms, und the first fire water. He was sure of the latter! To those with whom years of acquaintance had brought him into close friendship, he was talkative; but to the stranger rather eilent and reserved. He was acquainted with Sheridan at the time he was Htationed at the Cas cades and undoubtedly participated in i many of those battles with the whites, ' which were quite numerous, along the I river from that place up to and beyond j TI ft tl VI f & I Stop over allowed on all ticketb at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Cune, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt Los Aueeles, Calif. C. S. Ckane, G. P. A., St. Louie, Mo. lit lour Cneckt. Al) conntv warrants registered prior to June 3, 1896, will he paid at my office. Interest ceaees after Februarv NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.ANH OrrtCE at The Imllkh. Ohkoon.i April lwj. ( Notice In hereby civen that the followinc nnmed i-cttler tins llln! iiollcc of hi Intimtimi to make tlnal proof in import of bin claim, and that said pioofwill Ik; rimde before the UcKlitur and liccciver at The Dulleh. oreenn. tin .itiir. day. June 1C, lv.O, le Jens P. Ak'uHus, of The Dalles, Or., IIomejtHnd Kntry No lull, for the NW'..' NW'i nation i;t. mid KU NE'i and SKli t,vii awn..,. 'J:; towii!ihii J north, ranife 12 east, W.'ji. ne naiiies my loiiowim; witnesses to prove his continuous residence utnii unit iMiltlvtl., ol said lnd, viz: Jonn Orate, Charles hnli;s, J. I). Ilocktnap, J. felmoiison, ull of The llulle-s, Oi-kou. may21 JAY P. I.t'CAn, IlcElstcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Office at Vancouvei:. Wamhi Aprils), 1!JU. j Notice Is heieby civen Hint the followlnc named scttlrr has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final nrixif In n, ,,,, ..l l.i. Vl."'',,.;"lt,, ,nat n'u P'" "HI iniulabsfore V . It. I'rejby, I'nltol mates Coiiiinlssloiier for lilstiict of ttiisiilni.'loii,at hl o'llce in Golden dale, S uh.. on Friday, June a-J, viz Deitrich H. Stegman, devist u of Dietrich Stegman, deceased ; Homestead Entrv No. hTir.. It i I Vvm""'"" lmY"l,blI' 11 fl raiife II enat, Arrive lis Ain:ele.i 1 lfi p in " Kl l'ao f,:ti p m " Kort Worth .... r,::)u m " City of Jlcxlco . ... icrCiim " Ilouiton. . . . I:ul a in ' New Orleans . fl:'jAnm " WasliiiiKlon f, (2 a m " New York 12 13 p in 7 (10 a m ",MI p m I..TJ) a in IKiVia m A'Mlu in ( :'JS p in li '-12 u in 2' 1.1 ). in !'iillma:i and Tourist ears on both trains. Chair cars Sieramcnto to Ovdcu nnd Kl Paso, and tourist cars to Chicnip), ot Units, New Oi lcans and WiishliiKlnn. (.'nnni.rtini; at Fan Kranclsco with several t-aiiiihip lines for Honolulu, Japan. China, Philippines, Central nnd South America. See UKunt at The Dnllc.i station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, (icucral I'asiciiser AkcuI, Potilnnd, Or C. L. Phillips, Oonntv Treasurer. 1900. You uiarKe SuliRcribe for The Ciikonick. He numt-s tin' fnllnvt'l fir uitrwikuf k tn 1.1. continuous residence upon and cultlvallou of said land, viz Ji i unci b J.-onnrdn, of (irand Dalles 1'. O.. will not nave boils if you take 1 Jl?"2" -''fi"k! lillam wiikiii(n, o'f .fni , t , Ccntervlllt: p 0 , iish.. and am tiawfoid, & Falk's sure cure for boiie. ' tu'l haltes f. o ash ' I . . W. It. DI NllAlt. I may2 I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Lind, Act June 8, 1878. f. B. l.AMi Offlt'E, TllP ill,, LU nu A . fO I The D.Hee. Indeed, he admitted to the1 Notice is' hereby civen t't'mt i'n "coinp'llauce , H,nl In tlx. l.oilU. o,l 1.,.. ..I ' w'h Jtte.l"ov'?!!"1.'' the fcCt of COIlK'ri-OS of v.v.m ,u.njEi ui , junoa, iR,B, tniuieu "All act.ior tliosaleof tlm- '57 iii this and the neighboring county V'r ,ul" !'!..,h?,',ti:,CT ''' t 'lioniia, Oicgou, , , , . , , , b , ' i Nevada und Washington Territory," of akima, he had taken a conspicuous William K. Ketchum, and active part. of The Dalles, County of Waico, rftate of OreKon, Pr,ri.nro tlw. ,,.r,l. f ..-1.I..I. .. I ". . '! Oir.CU HIS SlVOril fcllllc "i " iiii.ii iiu ineui .no. i.vj, lor the white man now livii W. H. Dl NHAU. ' lieKlster. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. r. 8. 1.A.MI Oitici:, Vancoi vku. Wank.,) April :u, !!.). ) Notlco U llt'tt'hr L'(vin (hut turv 1' by D. 11. Kti'giiiaif, her attorney in 'fact, has Med notice of intention tn make liiinl nroof lMifore V . II. Presby, t'uiP-d hlates Cimimlssloiier for insinci oi nasuiiiKlon, at Ills olllce ill tiolduli dale, Washiuctoii, on Friday, the '.".ilh day of juut, i ww, on i nnia-i-i:iiiiiiru .vppuciiIIOII !o '."J7, for the o,uarier of section No I, In township No, 2 north, ratine No. 1 1 east. W XI him names us uitiidrcs Manuel sj. U-oniinlo, ii uraiiu iiHiiin i- w nasn. . iiermiiu MiKclkc, H llllain Wilkinson, of Ccntervlllo P. () Wasli., nnd William Crawfoid, of (intuit Dalies P u., "mil. 11 . u. Ul'MlAK, m'--l Ui-Klstrr NOTICE FOiTTu BLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) Public Land ShIc. Lanu Offick at Tin: Dai.i.kk, Oiikhonj ilay y, VMOA Notice Is hereby Riven that In of Insiructiiins from trie commissioner of thu kcii eral land olllce, under authorlt vcslisl In Mm by tectlon 21V,, I', h. Ilev. hint., as amended by the act ot congress approved February Jii, lh95, wo will priK eitl to oiler ut public sale on riatur '.'.?'! V"-'lf'h dayof June, next, at thu hour of 10 (i clwk a. in. at this olllce, the following tract of land, to-wlt. BKU NKJ, stctlon 20, toMinhlp 1 north, ranee 1 1 east, W. St. Any and all persons chilmlliK adversely the Hbove described lands are advlstd to lllo their claims In this ollice on or boloru thu day above doilKiiatiil for thu commencement of said sale, othe.-wisc their rluhts will Imi forfcltei, , JAY P. MICAS, ItiKlster, liiayl'J II O'MH PATTKUnO.N, I'.ecelver. Administrator's hulti of Iteul I'roprrly Noilcc 1h hereby Riven that from and uflor the niiiiii unjr oi jiiiic, luui, i win tiriM-eeii to sell at private suit', for cash, tho folloivlm; descrlliod , i.jj-hj iwiijiikiiik 10 mo tsiiiuu ni Patrick ' llrown, dcctiued, to-H ll I jy' tutl 1'u",", AHIitiiry reservation, In gi'J,,1,"'""1"4'10" "uiulro ut (iIIjcu of Blitiiott A Uattd at Dalles City this lfitli dav of .May, pxw. , .UA C.ltUOW. i...iiiiiiin,iuiiji i iiiucuwiiu oi rairick llrown, si; Ns. 2!; 5f S5 'I 3E 3 3? as 3!- i "1 !S a Is X s I fa rV 0IIM, On. 5 The Chronicle, Job Printers. Vf 3na 1 ! J I2!jt-t nirtii ii nit m nirrrtiTiritmxivttYtVtiiiif tit rtiitititiiififxtf jrrn $i.oo per month. Strictly tl ret eatss local and lone diftanco telephone aervice within your liomi!. Lint'!1 do not crost-lallc. Your con vcreatioii will lie kept a tecret. No coet for inslnllitic. You Ki'l tlie standard Iluuning L'.inc Diutuut Inntrument. Continuous day and night ervice. Wo will ncci'iit your contract for ten yearn and allow you to cancel name on nivlnc; ue thirty days writ ten notice. PAOIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 00S. and Motors MA.N'CKACTL'P.ED II V moer Ol wriicil no ' ment No. IM. for the ,.f tin, u u vvt,. , It n.mi-ii.. .i, . . I deceased. inif in this eection "J"1 fcK!4 ' fcectloii No. in Tp. I N. It. 'ahTre T , ul '00(1 md lldl Btiyiu can tell, Waukakae has lived where he't'mtthe land miidit Is inmo vulimblu f ir its Btructing the exhausted dlMHv r,r 1 Pa6td away. To the doclor he inalated XalZT f8. It lathelatcstdiscovereddlKeii. he had come there m 1830. He had no r'm H1 "f m" '"cu T"u can approaclfit 1 mT preparat,on , family, all having died or else, departed ' atu,.i.y.'ti,e ssd iuy of June, moo, Btantly relleven and M?rmnnnViwIi'..!l?: parte, except two grand NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1.AMI OFMCB AT TllK IIAWXS, OlIKfloK, iijiril tin, lisl, Notice Is hereby elven Hint the follouinu. settler has llled notlco of his Intention to n it iniil i for other He names as witnesses ses j. i. .mit i. i. i. ... DHwrniu in,iT.";.'""'S"k7..l'ure!' nTu " , "T , IT. ' ' l, !,u '" ."'"i i...... . ii:... .;.:.".. Jiiuittnuuu. xiean.iinrn .'"'" " m-iuni inu iui:isi-r children who resided with nnd took ofTh "lenSe-.Sor Stomach, Nausea 'da?. Ju of him. On hl place was u fauioua 1 iA"y UMi i,"""" Rlalmlnjradvcisely thu 0'ceadache,GastralK a.Crai ui mu.. yu iiib iiiate h us u jaiiiuuB uu,Ve.Qecrlld lands are reyuestwl to tile their all Other resultSOf ImDerfectdl srul or eoda epring, eaid hv those clulmsln this oitlce on or buforo sald'jard day of , traoartd by c. C. oVwi i , r i .. ... . . . .T , June, liioo. ' jr b. w. urwi.. co C Nup ll-llll lllU 'Ulll, I ft V... tltf. . , .... .. . T. BROWN HILL, care mine familiar with the ator to he the bent, aprlviow-i along the river. Sev3ral parties have endeavored to obtain possession of it for commercial purposes hut were never! successful. Their opportunity may now come la the early future, Hj, hy the eideof the turbulent Klicki tat whose waters had murmured music in his ears or seventy years; hy the rocks over which his footsteps had trod reatlon. ! JAV J. I.l'fAB, ItegUter. Chicago. 0' SUNN'S ONE FOR A OOtE. I f Rnft PIbpIm. Prittst I m L-arHdcnnlfp.pji. JUC c Mold bf angguu. on. aotANKO CO, fW. t JUbl'IUE OF THE PEACE. Notarv Puollc. Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. 0. E. iiuyard's of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. KIKKD. w. WII.ON. I? ATTOKNKY-AT LAW, TllK UAU.E8, OUEGON Oftlce nvei Kirt Kt Uhiik. Henry Readel, of The DuIIuh, Or., Homi-stciid Kutrv No 1710, for the 81 scutlon V, tJiwnshlp 1 north, ruiiKO l'J east, W. SI. He i namiai tnu foiloivliiK witnesses lo prove his si'w land'vlil-'" '";U Ma t'uU"u,l" floury Lucblnij', (icorijii Arnold, niinrlle W. Aduins, Slichuel lioylo.iiil of Tho lJallw, or, ,nM2'l JAV P. MJOAH, IICKlstcr. AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. G-UNNING-, Agent, un26 THE DALLES, OREGOS JJC. K. K. ITIfUUUHflN, I'Jiysiciau uud iSurgeon, Olllce, Vogt lllock (over Postollltc), 20plino dw THK HAI.LKH, OIlEOON, C. J. STUBLING Wholosalo and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen- rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash WhiskJ WHIBKEY froin ipb to U.(K) pr itallou. (TtTirT VHHrsold.i ,-r "IMPOKTED" OOOK'AQ from 7.00 to ia.OO tier gallon. (A to t'u y!2i OALIFOEHIA BEANDIEB from tX.i-b to U.W r irnllon. ( JU ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. inrrritDT ttitit .. , ....... . m.....,.m Besf 1 I uvuuatuia XJIiliQ Ull uruuKiH, UI1U Vltl illUtl SHU ui"'r- iiupurieu aiu iiuu j'orter, JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Advertise in the Chroni