The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 12, 1900, Image 3

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If you wear one of our
new Hart, Scliaffncr St
Marx suits this season, you
will have the best clothes
money can buy.
They're worth more to
any man than other clothes,
but the way we are selling
them they will cost you less
than many others.
They're the kind adver
tised in the leading maga
zines and worn by good
dressers everywhere.
Embtqidety Sale!
There has been placed on the counter hundreds
of pieces of Embroidery to bo sold at Special Sale
Friday and Saturday.
Samples of Sale Prices:
Regular 2c Embroidery Sale Price, ft yunls for 10c
'' Cn " ' " 5 vards for 18c
" G)-4'c " " " 0 yards for 2!)c
" 7J;c " " " 4 yards for 2.c
' Hc " " " 0 yards for S'Jc
' 10c " " " 7)sc per yard
" 2.yc " " " OJ-jjc per yaid
" loo " " " He per yard
" 20c "" "' " 14u per yard
" 2oc " " " 18e per yard
" SOc " " " 23c per yard
Tailor-Made Suits, perfect fits guaranted, lat
est styles and materials, applique or braid trim
ming, tight-fitting or box jackets, box-plaited
skirts, $G.50 to $28.00.
Novelties Every day goods are being placed
on shelves, which are the very latastin their styles
and make-up.
Just received a case of Imported Wash.
Gloves, any color, anv size, almost any price,
from 75 c to $2.00.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
;e Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. J.
ATI! I! DAY ... - MAY 1" 1900
At Andrew Keller's.
'" H
Wanted Good etarch ironerB at The
- " ' j - - -
Kemember the public dance tonight
T f nil I ( il I M tt t it nno timtBU
Mu'er jfiineB ueJeated Mugger Uor-
to bleep in the 2.1i round.
A atmiil puree wjib lelt at reaeo cc
n vk' utnru nn Naturrinv lnnt. ()tt'nir
it inrii tiiu uainu rit nuiMtitf ar f iuiip
Smith Bros, have received another lot
work horses from Sherman county,
men iney nave ior euie at meir runuu
uin in inwn .
Fred lienzer and Phillip Willig, form-
subjects of the German Empire, were
Mrs. riiillipe la oil'ering the greatest
arira 118 in in nrv cr Ktinu'tl.
... A .. ,1-1 1 1. ...
uiiu.D nam, eireemaie, cnuureiib iiuih
twl t ... ... 4 ' ".. 1 1 .
hi ii u'litiu au.n.imuni in nninniuru i
Voting booths for the Antelope pre- K
. . . . . i
.1... n ........ . -
etc n'cwiviMi iiiriRV hi. i.iiii itiiiitl iiiiuiih.
Vt'f-terduy'e daily river bulletin eaya
inn' v p uii b n im.u i iiatii -, nn iniiiii
vtT in now rising, anu it win hibu euii-
1,1,1.. to . I I... I 1. j. vAmo.nll.a Al
Ned Wickn, of Mill creek, was In town
vtl ifl iilinfiut lilffwl Irnni pnfnriu't in
c:uld bu safely removed by the sur-
Miss Klla Donaldson, of Kingsley,
"n u imsHunirer on mo uoiiuuee una
morning for Portland, where she goes
to retuiue her work us nurse In St. Vln
Wit ut her old home.
The Y. M. C. A. will hold u religloue
Hri'lUM lit tlx Li. I lliklnlliiti I llirl.
afternoon at 4 o'clock, to which all
III (.... ... f IV .. ............
w . , v -
of the city. Subject for discussion,
"Tun Habit of Friendliness."
Tiie Indian war and scalp dance at the
Voiit opera hotue last night was not a
howling success, from a financial stand
Nut. After the warriors and scalpers
had paid the hall rent and other ex
lenses they had just fifteen cents left.
Hereafter the forest rangers must pass
an examination, but it will be as to
their fituees for the position in connec
tion with their knowledge of the coun
try, ability to ride and take care of a
horse, etc., and they won't have to have
a knowledge of Latin and trigonometry.
T. S Hamilton, of Upper Trout, haB
raised 122 per cent of lambs this spring
and like reports come from all over the
county. This is accounted for by the
unusually favorable winter and spring
and the consequent fact that a large per
cent of ewes have raised twin lamb?.
Crook County Journal.
At 4 o'clock this morning the fir 6 bell
rang out one clear, hard tap. Three or
four of the lire boys jumped out of bed
and put for the engine house, where
they found Engineer Brown poking
among the glass jure trying to find out
the cause of the alarm. Borne defect in
one of the jars had caused the fall of the
bell hammer. 1 i
The Spokane Chronicle of last WedneBj
day has the following personal, whichQ
will be real news to us Dalles folks, for
Dr. Logan has so carefully concealed his
connection with the hardware business
that nobody here ever suspected it:
"H. Logan, a prominent hardware mer
chant from The Dalles, is registered
bo preeent at the meeting announced
for next Monday night at the council
chambers. Negotiations have been en-1
tered into for roomB for place of meeting,
for the gymnasium, reading room and so j
forth, and it ii important that the com-!
mittees having these matters in charge
should be able to close the negotiations 1
so that the association may get down to :
real work.
A freak of nature in tho shape of an
apple tree one year old bearing fruit this
years is reported from White Salmon, j
Capt. II. C. Cook informed tho editor of
the Glacier last Saturday that among!
the seedling apple trees he budded last
Aueuet is one that bloomed this Fpringl
and now has one well-formed and cood-
sized apple upon it. He planted the
issed in the spring of 1899, and in Anguct
pf the same year budded the tree with a
cion from the Bismark apple, a variety ',
noted for bearing early and which ori- J
ginated in Australia. j
The Crook County Journal rallies the j
faithful against the forces of Bryanism j
and bankruptcy thusly: "All voters)
of Crook county who believe in Hanna-,
ism, Algerisin, Imperialism, coming
ed at p'her
- nf ut:
yinder the head of McKinleyism or any !
isr.1,' that showers the blessings j
-! . . .11.1...
the Grand with his wife." -V01 unwounuea prosperity upon an me j
Weslev Wachake.avoungbuckoflG.i''f,0 these United states are re-,
valmn wlm lama ,1 I
on every election day us long as timej
I shall last and cast your votes against
starvation and depression, such as pre
vailed four years ago under perverted
democracy, which is another name for
bond Issue foi revenue only." '
The unconscious humor of the Irish-j
man still lives. La't week, says a cor-1
na.iM..l..n ..f tti.. T niiilnn TluHl. Viiu'B t
-a friend of mine was sitting in Phoenix
park, when to him appeared a ragged
rllU Cllttp, lUIIUUSl JUkUAIlllliTil-
.'Godsave the queen, sor!" said he to
Jhv friend. "Certainly," was tho reply.
God save Queen Victoria!" reiterated
the old fellow. "By all means, hend
her victorious, happy and glorious!"
"That's right, sor! I wish she came to
Dublin every year, every month, every
day, sor! Think of what she has1
done for tho country; think of all the
good she does to people. Why look ut
me ijlieru nm I, as drunk as blazes, and i
never paid a penny for it !" .
Tho following is tho list of jurors j
which have been drawn to serve at the i
from tho Yakima reservation, who came
over here yesterday with the Horses ior
the Linuton cannery, got full of fire
water last night and found himself in
the Hotel de Hughes this morning with j
a bill of $5 charged up against him. His
Indian companions paid the One, and
he was discharged, a soberer, if not a
wiser Siwash.
John Doe does not believe this is a
reo couutry any more, tall of some
thing a good deal stronger than "Ne
braska wind" he insisted last night in
naking his boudoir In the middle of the
ailroad track on Front street; but an
imperialistic uiglitwatchman compelled
ilm to make his couch on a pine bench
n the city bastile and the imperialistic
clerk of that institution fined him $5
this morning for the1 accomodation.
At 1 :U0 this afternoon a hoy was seen
setting a lighted match to a box of rub
bish in the alley near the Ciikonici.i:
ollice. In a few minutes the blaze at
tracting the attention of the employes
in Maier & Benton's tin shop. The fire
had extended to other rubbish and the
Christian Science meeting in small
K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at
11 o'clock.
Lutheran ch'urch Rev. W. Brenner,
pastor. Services tomorrow at 11 a. m.
and 8 p. in. Young People's meeting
at 7 p. in. Sunday Echool at 12:15.
German services at 2:30 p. m.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. H.
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Young people's
meeting at 0:30 p. m. Sunday school
at 10 a. m.
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev, Poling, pastor.
Morning service at 11; Sunday school at
12:15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. m.;
Christian Endeavor, 0:30. Evening
service ut 7 :30 p. in.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth nnd Washington, Rev. U. F.
Hawk, pastor. Services at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at
10 a. in.; class meeting at the close of
morning service ; Junior League at 3:30;
Epworth League at 7. The eubject
at tomorrow morning service will be
"The Higher the Service tho Greater
the Sacrilice," with a five minute pre
lude on questions being discussed in the
geueral conference. The evening sub
ject will be "Glimpses of God."
1'UOl'liK YOU A I.I, KNOW.
I Mav term, which opens May 28th:1
boy had eurlcsaly fled. An alarm was 0lK8 Frah.v umI Jom IJiXt of Kingsluy ; i
turned in, hut u couple of small streunis Everett, P. W. Knowles, Win.
from the tin shop rendered the eurvlcea j jj"enett Aex. Heinler and J. W. Mor-'
lison, of Dufurj H. Frngher, J. AJ.
Mathews, II. Brown and W. O, Adams,
of Nanseim; J. B. Haverly, J. B. Han
na and J. Park Bolton, of Boyd; Gcoruo
Anderson, J. C. Egbert, J. P. AcidiiiH, )
Chas. Diet Mil, T". F. Grey and J. C. Gal- J
breth, of The Dalles; Robert Dunsmore, i
of Mo tier; William Frlzzell, of Cascade j
Locks; L. Henry, ChurleH Chandler and 1
W. J. Baker, of Hood River; James I
Grey, of Victor; B. L. Foreman, of
Wapinllla; W. F. dunlin and S. A. '
Broylee, of Tygh Valley; E. N. Chun-j
dler, of Wnmic; Ed. Harriiiian, of En
dersby, j
of the (Ire department unnecessary. ,
An exchange lays down tho following
code of moia'.s by sayings Let your,
motto be, "Lie, Steol, DrinkXiiid Swear."
When you lie, let It be (town to pleas
ant dreams. When you Irink, let It be
nothing but pure, cold water. When
you steal, let it be awVy from immoral
associates. When yu swear, swear
that you will patronize your home
paper, pay vour snheciiption and not
send youi job work away fiom home.-H
The officers of the Y. M, O. A. are
partlculaily anxious that all who have
signed the roll of membership should
J. II. Sherar, of Sherar'a Bridge, was
in town today,
Ernest Slierar was a passenger on the
noon train today for Portland.
John D. Whitten, a prominent Tygh
Ridge farmer, was in town last night,
J. W. Smith, a prominent business
man of Prineville, passed through town
today on his way to Portland.
Deputy Sheriff Sexton left this morn
ing to summon the jurors drawn from
the region south of The Dulles,
W. H. Metcalf, of Vancouver, stopped
over today on his way home from Spo
kune to pay a short visit to his mother,
Mrs. Kw ing.
The following names appear on the
legistur id the Umatilla House: J. W.
Smith, Prineville; Mrn. W. E. Kemp,
Antelope; A. L. Bunnell, Cuntervllle;
E. A. Cushmiui, Muru; J, A. .McDonald,
Moukbind; William Clark, Viento;
John Williams, Moro; A. Miller, Monk
land; I. D. Driver, Wainic; G. A. Ward,
Wupiiiitla, and Roy Johnson, Winnie,
Be 6iuct and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying cite,
where, us wh huvo tho latest shipment
ninth) to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at II, Glenn it Co.'s, al7-lw
fur Sule.
A second-hand ten-foot Randolph
header, in fair condition. Will be sold
cheap. Enquire nf
Al.K.V, Mcl.KOI),
majll-lmw The Dalles.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has heca
iu use for over 30 years, has homo tho signatnro of
and has been mado under his ncr-
wrt-jfas sonal supervision since its infancy.
Yt ccccLWi Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are hut
Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale!
Steel Ranges and Cook stoves
To reduce our large stock we will
sell Stoves and Steol Ranges at
Greatly Qedueed Ptfiees
for a short time only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
CliADgo ill O. It. & N, Tliim CiitiI.
l'uriiiHtied house, with five or mx
rooms himI hath, (or tin) minnier. Apply
at thin ollice Gui-.'lt
Clarke & Pulk liaye received a carloud
of the celebrated James K. 1'atton
etrictly pure liquid paints
A change in time of O. H. & N. trains
will take effect Sunday, May IS1I1, after
which three passenger trains will be
run in each direction daily, the time at
The Dalles being us follows:
West-bound Train No. 1, known ns
tho Portland special, leaves The Dalles at
l'-!:.'!5;i. in,, stops ut Hood Itiver, Bonne
ville, Multnomah Falls, Bridal Veil,
Troutdale. Train No, !i, known as the
the mail and express, ut -1:50 a.m.,
stops at local points on II Train No.
5, known as the Portland flyer, stops at
Hood Itiver, Bonneville, Bridal Veil and
Troutdulo, leaving' The Dulles at :i:35
u. m.
Katt-bonnd Train No. 2, Chicago
special, at 12:40 p. in., stops at IH'h,
Grants, Arlington and fleppner .1 unc
tion. Pitseengera for all points on the
Columbia Southern Kuihvuy, via. lligus
and lieppner branch piints, also all
points east via. Iluiitinuloii, should take
this train. Train No. -I, known as the
Spokane Flyer, at i)":25 p, in., stopH at
all way points between The Dalles and
Umatilla. Train No. tl, mail and ex
press, l'.':10a. in,, for all point east via.
Iluiitinutoii, slops only at Grants, Art
iiiKlou and way stations can of Umatilla.
Freight trains will not cirry puftcn
gers except thopo holding regular
freight train permits form 208,
For Iufauts and Children.
Thtt Kind Ycu Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Garden Hose
AVo havo laid in a largo
stock of Ciardun Hose and aro
carrying tho same brand of
lfoso that wo havo boon carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tese Cross lirand. Wo carry
tho samo brand of l loso that
tho Dalles City Fire Dopart
niont has boon using for tho
last twenty yoars. The Mal
toso Cross lirand is without
doubt tho best grado of I l ose
on tho market. Call and got
our prices before buying.
jVlaief & Benton
Sole Agonts,
To tiny a couple of heifer calves of
good milk stock, , Will take them when
a week old and pay a reasonable price,
Apply at this ollice. m'.' Ot