The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ; SATURDAY MAY .2, 1900 s feet is wortti' 01 ucttcr eatmcnt. The Orecomnn over shoots its own mark. The lingerer- Ni.tlcp. otire 1b hereby Riven that there will be nn annual meetinc of the etockhold. erB of the Golden Each Minim: Com- j Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS. Justice of the Supreme Court C. E. Wolverton. Tood and Dairy Commissioner J. Y Baflev. DISTRICT OFFICERS- Malcolm A. Moody, of Concressman The Dalles. Joint Senators J. X Crook; T. H.Johnston, of Wasco; W W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. ousness, not to say rank injustice, of t jmny at the otlice of French A Co., such criticism will make friends fori bankers, on Thursday, May 31, 1900, nt Mr. McBmlc instead of enemies. 7 o'clock p. n... for the purpose of elect- A ... . , , inc seven directors nnd transnotuip such Dear Senator Simon votes to exclude oU)er bn8,nM . mav proprj. ca,m. be Qua-. He docs it from motives of ! (orp ,! nit.etine. conjistenc' and could not do other- J I5y order of the president. wise. Poor McBride dors the same .1. C. IIostkti.ek, Seev. and Trea?. ..... . . : , The Dalles. Aid. "7. 1900. 2i-td i iiiiic inn's ii ih; iii i i i ' in Joint Reptesentatives A of W asi George uonsistencv. too, and could not do otherwise. But there was a differ ence in the men voted against, and the old Silurian, whose money de bauched the legislature nud whom Williamson, of ' S'mon ultimately tlimtlammed out of I the senatorship was the special pet I of the Oreconian. And that's the Roberts, reason that what was noble and nt VVo.,.n T? A Fmmutt. nf Klnmsth:! Georee Millar, of Gilliam: Georce ' patriotic in Simon was cheap nnd Cattanach, of Grant; Georce A. Bar-, fi0ntemptible in AlcBride. The truth rett. of Grant; T. H. McOreer, of j . . 1 .... Wasco, is Mtiion was once rigut wnen lie voted to exclude Quay, but McBride District Attorney Frnnk Menefee, of The Dalies. COUNTY TICKET. Blowers, of Hood A. Kirchhemer, of County Judge A. River. Commissioner P. Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalies, Clerk A. E. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. R. Goit, of The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalies. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. was twice right when be voted to exclude both Corbett and Quay, and for substantially the same reason In both cases. The populist national convention have nominated Charles A. Towne, of Minnesota, as running mate for W. J. Br3an, and the democrats will j have to accept this prince of silver cranks and indorse the Domination or foifeit the support of the populist part'. Towne is a free silver crank, pure and simple, and nothing else. ' The Telegram snys be is bound to! 'bust" the pa 'v wide open and all that the de- .i- uts will have to do I wuen toe ii.tuial convention in dorses him i- to bunch themselves tocether and await the shock. A HANDSOME COMPLIMENT. The Grass Talley Journal pays the following handsome compliment to one of onr republican candidates for joint senator: T. H. Johnston, republican nomi nee for joint senator in the 20th senatorial district, consisting of Sherman aud "Wasco counties, was horn in the province of .New Bruns- Wm. Orr, .Newark, O., says, "We wick 47 vears ago. Twentv-two of 1 never ,eel iaf without One Minute i, ,.lo i,n.. I,, - 1 Cotiph Cure in the houee. It saved mv Ut )V(tli lilt I I. Ut.lU f.JUUb IU ' ... . . . . . . Notice. Owing to the retirement of Frank Christnan from the firm of Cbrisman Bros., and his intention to leave the state us soon as possible, all debts due the firm mnst be paid immediately. All having claims against the firm will please present them at the market for pavmen. m-J-tf CliniSMAN BllOTHElth. little boy'e life when he had the pneu -ITT ... . . t .1 asuu vum . u.u-y uk euergj u.u, j moaiit We tbink h h the lnedii;ine money in the development of her!mae." It cures coughs and all lunp fisheries, farms, stock-raising and i diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and ... ... ! nkvo imTllffliu'f. rMttlllfQ lumbering interests and without a Cnrr. llrxlurhc Oulrklf. - Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and "5 eents. Sold by Clarice & Falk, druggists. jmiLM-Gw Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gentlv cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "I never fail to relieve my children from croup nt once by using One Minnte Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, gripH and all throat and lung diseases. The Dalles Counrision House will keep fresh milk at ail times on hand and deliver it anywhere in the city at the following prices: One quart, ? per month : three piuts, $ 3 ; two qnnrts, H ; three quarts fu.50; cream 20 cents per pint. Fresh butter everv day. ISa-lm To Gurr a Ciilil m Un lny. I J," Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-jtj lete. All druggists refund the money. ; j; .s mi i a. nasai CATARRH In all Us stages there should be clcaunr.eja. Ely's Cream Balm cleanws, oothea and heala the (leed membrane. It cures catarrh and driven away b cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nor!!l, spreads , f over the membrane and is absorbed, ltcllef is hn- K j !! ; Complete . JL. I I fc' Tiiilay ' i 4 Mturdny . jh Arr l'orllaud r It..- - i r Dms at REGULATOR LINE, DALLES, PORTLAND k AST01UX SAY. Mffl Strainer ot t.t lUruluK.r Ui.e m run lowttig M-liidule, tlic Comiwiiy rrscrrine the rlsl.i , I " cludule uilliout notice. K 10 "H W. l.v. I'ortliml nt a. m. Mtuiilny Vntne(iny Ktldity Arr PmIUs nt5 :w . K. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalle city, j Tuf.. li lxitrv l.v. I lit) "t h A. k. I Miitiilny Wlri(mUy j KrlflKY. Arr, iWtland ' t 6 r. x, Tur.. M. Z. DONNELL, THE:DRUGCIST. L. Lane. 1 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, J ? Travel by tlie -tomner l the KrcuUtor Mnc. The Cnmiwur will endeavor to r)r, n, M, I, :um tlie let soviet jKmllile. for lurllu-r ltilormntltm uddrtut ":"ri- W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt. OKNEKAI. 5 1 r PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. ys itto! g BiacKsmiin ...AKD Horsesnoe n Tm-nortant k Annnn-np.fiTnfint jjito you. C. S. Smith, Tin; 4 i 3. Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. c , For .10 day after A j.rH 1st, I will sell j 5 all the Dry Goodt-, Clothinc, Hoots and j S 'Shoes, Hosiery, HlnnUets, Hats and; j Caps, on a cut in price of j Up-to-date Qroecr Fresh Epcf and Creamery Uutter a specialty. mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying-does k ThinilTnnfl IpfTpi-nnn Phnnp'UQ notBrodacesneciint:. Larce Size. 50 cents at Dru-;. i 5' lilllUiQllU dUllUivUll. X1JU11D.1J3 gisM or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Panting, OvcrconUii- or fancy Vesting. 1 failure to score against bim during that period. Mr. Johnston now sfands at the u .i . m I without henefit ueau ut one oi lue neaviesi. reiau , mercantile establishments in this dis trict, (Johnston Bros., of Duftir) and is one of the most successful farme'rs r.f1 D ( rn' .mcn.r n .c nntinh' A ! T. TT!.t . I : . . l M 1 - - 1 ' .. leader in all relating to the business equalled for piles, injuriee Kev. W. E. Sitzsr. W. Canton, Y write?, "1 had dyspepsia over twenty yeare, and tried doctors and xnedicineg 1 wa pereuaded to tiee j TTnrlnl Tli'dnunBin Hntd fit.rl if liulri.r1 nib ' from the start. I believe it to be n panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It digests what vcu eat, I ..GgflS. FRANK- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kec on drnucti" the celebrated COLOMIIA llKKIt, nckiirm. edsed tlie bent In-ur In Tliu Dulles, at the usual pr'ce- C'oino In, try It nnd lie rouvlnred. Alio the Kin-it hrMiid. of Wines, i.l-juor and Cisnrs. Sanduuiehes ol all Kinds alvrays on hand. 4. Kindly rail mid examine mv stKk of 1m-! antl ekin i .bi,. r,lm or ed ucational interests of bis state, ! leases. It is the original Witch Hazel J" nll'e 'ir'e 10 ,he b,sh - ii-, , t salve. Beware of nil counterfeits. few men have had equal opportunity t m mi r- J. A. toerie equal opportunity to know Eastern Oregon's need in the way of legislation. .Always a republican, but for three terms al most the unanimous choice as coun cilman at his home ciU. nasrr V-W W V ss"' '- mW y yyi rr I King up Faulkner, the junk man, be j fore hauling your trash to the beach. He buys old worn out rubber boots and eboee, brass, copper, zinc, lead, sacks, rage, etc. Dalles 'phone No. 214. i apr24 lw Mr. Johnston was nominated joint! Experience is the best Teacher. Use senator bv acclamation in the late Acker's English Remedy in any case of convention ut Portlnnd. and if therf ' contrite, d or croup. Should it fail to is a man who as n legislative give immediate relief money refunded. Blakeley & Houghton Fine Tailoring. 'JHK IA:.I.K OliEC.ON. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. j Lasii CrncE nt The Vn.ur.s. (ur..,i ' Ajirll at, VJH. I Notice Is hereby kIvcii that the followinK- j make linal j.rwif in supi-irt of lilr i:laim, und ! J W fe that Mia iirw.f will Us made Mure the lies-Inter i ? J and I'.ecelver at The VuKvn, Oregon, on catur- i -T7Zl , une iv, ia,v, viz: Wils-on J. Jetferc, of The IMtee, Or., i.uu, as legisiau.c 05..,. ,nrf sn candidate, obliterate party lines and , Druirgiets. goiniuouise as me cuouje yi me l 0,ed Kodol DvBi.ew-itt Cure in mv ! """J!" Kntry .No, (8.V, fur the S',N'Vk people, it is the genial, whole souled ' tJli'ri7 ltaZ U,Vlt"llp ' M'U" nuwUwl W"1 "Hues" Johnston. The energy and J imm'ediale relief, i pleasant to take and JmZZS 1"? and ability that has made Mr. j " "ulv the dyspeptic' beft friend." ; 2iVi.n. Jr.. jni,,0n.f,r.. ivter Johnston a success in all his under-: l" ""tuerink, Overwd. Mich.. . ,. .,, , ... 1 figetB what vou eat. Cannot fail to JA 1 't'-AE, lievhter. takings will make luni a lender in cure. j the next fetate senatr. nnd nn honor v.i ut v...... . .i...! v'JJiLl!. rUlt l'u dLICATION , .... ( A i ccii biuiricu .ituiucr.a uvi( ii VIIC to his party, bis district and his state. Wanci warehouse. Finest kind .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, l, H(K)t, Hboes. Huts, ( ni. Notions. Agt. Ifor W. I. Douglas Khoc. 8?3KSi; THe Dalles, Or. 1 chicken feed. 2d Street. 25 per cent, for Cash. Now in your opportunity to get bar gains. Don't mirs it. S. L. BROOKS, Sui:ceHi.or to E. J. Collins fc Co. I J. H. rciirM. 1 i'residuu. 'Phone m u.m.biH7 First national Bank THE DALLES ORECCX Jast What Yoa uiant. A MOST UXGEXEItOUS ClUTJQUE. BUSINESS LOCALS. The Oregonian's critique on senator . WcBride's vole on the exclusion of i Nolle: ) hereby elven tlmt tin. fi.M,vir,i. Of ' narowl eulor hut lilei notieenf hu intention to V" "" l""'i in suiiwirt in lili c Him. mm UJLU-.J-II 1 mat s.ld iiroiI will je made befur.: the ret'luer anu uteivr 111 1 t:c ijji h (ir.-.rr.i, .... May:., two, viz.: ! Heinrich Lobbing, of The Dllif,Or., j U. E. No. i-TJ, fur the NWu, nation JT, town-1 stiii. 1 norlh, rmij,' l-.'ewt, W. M. I Htfiintiiw the fuilowini: witnine to i.rove 1 hi. (ntiiiuime ranidemt- iion.iiil eultliittion I (JIark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't fnriet thin. rtnn I' Ic ii'trttit fit t,rr, a i rt t f.i'f-.n r I . ""J ,D J Wi "",cu' lil ninrtpA- P-a'l !. .n u P foil 1! Jh H,.,HIM,i,i this late hour. It is as follows: of paint and artint'e bruhee. .charie. i:ihnert,uii.f xn Ij-iij., . oj.-k.-h. , "Simon could not vote for Quay, A full line of Eautman Sims and eap-: rl""a' iti-Kisivr. j in the circumstances; nnd Mcllride, PIlt9 it received by Clarke dc Falk. j sovwi- vat pimm in xvinZ who undoubtedly would liave been Clarke & FalkV flavoring extracts are ' Usumrr ...... , , New ideas in Wall I'aper hero. Such I Ldad to vote for Oua v was nrer-luded t,,fc 'Uk our U" ! . , . ireb "i, ' I )'ide VarleIy tt WV Ure Bl'owi' vr bo- Kiad to ote lor uaj, was precluaed ,,,, . , , . 1 i -rvhy eivci thm the j.iii.wiib- ' ,0, uraced a Bingle stock. Jteul imita. , by his vote nyalnst Corbett, whom I F'Hotlon core wind chapping ,n0"JSS,itVW Hlects ot ordinary price.. W ..,..,i tnr ,i an.d.fcU,,burn' Mannfactnred by Clarke .W,,,oiii. KaaMii'P? ' 1' Ilcee. ! ,w. ,,.uw..M. Ui4v. & talk. u .1 -i"iiiU.orir for Ulatrlci of r-" . IV. I nr. rc..,. . " .."IHIIK.UII, IIHIW. Hill j paint your house with paints that are i"" Uttterest pill that AlrJSrIUe has yet fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk il.t. .t..r. . f-.10. 'i.wi lor me ni.rlhc oHMuni... iu vuuijjuijuij iuw . m, iowniil3 north, riiKcljfc.t, W. 11. We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with everv .Prescription that's compounded here. Js it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HOUGHTON. 3 Reliable Prescriptionisls F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer 'in Blacksmith Supplies. nor Second & LaiMin, 'Phone 157 A General Banking Unfiineei tratiMcu) Deposits received, subject to fcirM Draft or Check. CollectlonB made and proceede prorsp!!' reinittwl on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic ExchaupeBOldcj New York, fcan rrancisco an: "on land. D1KHCTOKS D. P. Thoki-hon. S. ScHua Eu. M. WiLLiAJtB, Geo. A. Lim. H M. HisAti. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. VHAKKACT A KXEKAI.UA.VKINO BCtUB I t nf Credit inHtied available ic til Eactern Ptatee. Bleht ExchcnKe and TelepipB,, i runniera nuiu uu iirw iui.v.r. bi. iouio, can rrancicw, i " r , Iton, Seattle Waali.. nnu various in Oregon and Washington. Collectlona made at all point! on ornble terms. DQpiinib Tfio nnfiimfiia 1 iU UUIU11U1U iuunurwi PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MANUfACTl'KliHSO Fine Lard and Sausage Curers of B RAND HAMS & BACON JKIKD BEEF. ETC. 60 YEARf, EXPEBIENCI VMM ''. .T.,i Virllr ft Ancono umiHiiiB n ' " "V. iit il" liilciklf ftnotirliiiii r y ;,mMV. iivniill'in ! prnlinlilr I " )V intent'''?' It-KUiit deeit-HH. taHtefui coloriiiyn. 'Lo2dIT'Mi.v,l,u"Ww'd,e,, lor a Buiall price, t our more on Third i John (. McDonald. , ft tt t- a r, . . J . K. No . twi U,r tl. rir.rll.t-.t rnntrtt-r neotioii i ry v Au -. X UirQ BI, I Why pay 1.75 per gallon for Inferior , JrfS,V,l,i,l,,.V,?rt ,,,low,,,K wiu"i;u t . i""vo bl i i . i i t . wn'iliiiJi ih ;-i(kiic umii, una cult vui on of palntu when you can buy Jarnee K. i ld lami, v: against Quay." i . if generous tnmu couk oe gu, ty , - , orju W.wj of such a criticism as thai. The 1 0anon. wnariitetl lor 6 yeara. Clark & "'' ecurviest cur that crawls at its' F!k, aeut8. udllmA W' ""Snliww. H' 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Omen over French it Co.' Unnk l-iione C, HIE JJALl.ti, OKEUON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUR And CAFE. J B. Orossen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street I Km. strictly iill(Umtl..i I piwn I-HI.-I.U Ii4ki.ii tiiruiul" ' "Intfe Scientific JWWWfc i. illn-trntr-4 "",' i',,.U !llllPv'iVP ..... .i.ptlAI. . riilutloil of mir 'ii"''" ,,, " , mri tour m I & Co.0,! Ii Dltlou IS3 l D'oadwayi atlobV-' U H IIUMTIKOTOM w..ko II ATTOKNKYK at law, Olio. or Flnt Nat. ffi "AUJ!"' 0KKUUN Mica Axle Crease liglitca the load- (hort I tlie rotd- ' it. i.e UV STANDARD Oil