SOUTH and EAST vin 'at- as if "r 'I IS Shasta Route 7I to 2 w T!ic I11" for Portlam! ami way a. m. unci ; i, in. continued, and the condition is often aggravated and skiu permanently injured by their use. The disease is mre mail skin leep; tie ciilrc clrculiilH is poisoned. Ijchw Portland Albany . .. Arrive Ashland ' .-aornmellUr ' ati ralH'liMi ! :M n m . 12:n0um . . .U:n m n:0O i. in ... 7:11 pin :: 11 in 10:fi m 11:3" a III I ;Vi h in M15 n in to Skin Diseases When the excrctorv organs fail to carry off the vraste tnntcrial from the system, there is an abnor mal accumulation of effete matter which poisons aiul clogs the blood, and it becomes sour and acid. This poison is carried through the general circulation to all parts of the body, and upon reaching the skin surface there is a redness and eruption, and by certain peculiarities we recognize Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Erysipelas and many other sfciu troubles, more or less severe. "While the skin is the seat of irritation, the real disease is in the blood. Medicated lotions and powders mav allav the itching and burning, but never cure, no matter how long and faithfully Soumsrn PaGirio Co. - The many preparations of arsenic, mercury, potash, etc., not only do not cure skin diseases, but soon ruin the digesUot , and break down the constitution. S. S. S., nature's own remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, of gTcat punfvmg and tonical projertics, quickly ar.r effectually cures blood and skin troubles, because it goes direct to the root of the disease and stimulates and restores normal healthy nction to the different organs, cleanses and enriches the blood, and thus relieves the system ol an poisonous sccreuoub S. S. Js. cures permanently because it leaves none of the origiual poison to refermeiit in the blood and cause a fresh attack. Heaiuiy Diooa is necessary 10 preserve uiai clear, suiooin stem aim ix.-uui.iiui plcxion so rnuch desired by all. S. S. S. can be relied upon with certainty to keej the blood in perfect order, "it has been curing blood and skin diseases for half a ccn tury ; no other medicine can show such a record. S. S. S. contains no poisonous minerals is purelv vegetable and harmless. . . i . . ... . r . . - r 1 : M . r H v H h uur metncai aepariincni is in cnargc oi puysicians bi mryc u.iu.-"i.t m ..ij.." Diooa ana sun diseases, wno win late pleasure in aiuing ty ineir auvicc ami uirauuu .u who desire it. Write fully and freely about your case ; your letters are held in strides confidence. We make no chartrc whatever for this se'rvice. Our book on Blood am Skin Diseases will be sent free upon application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA Art ire Ocdnn . ' Denver . " KmismClty Chleaco . . ::ru tn 'Jifti n m T:a a m 7: IS h in It : in n in !):(! R III 7:25 h 111 'J;: a HI I . ' Arrive Alisultti . . t:SO p m Kt Phi fi:pm Fnrt Worth r,.i.iu , " City nl Maxleo . am " llouxtmi. .. 4:0iin .Now nrhruus . . . fi.sftam ' Washington ,. G:linm 1 ' .New York 12. 1 Ji m r,-.w p lit (;!) h in a in I it in fi:ii p m (i-12 n m I'ullmir.1 mill Tourist cars on both trnlm. Clmlr ears Mioraint'iito to Osdeii and HI l'uso. nnil totirlt ritrs tn riilcnK", at UlU, New Or leans mid Washington. 7roi7i;e5pteial5; NOTICE F6R Lanu Orricr ai IT .LIGATION. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Vancouver. Waml.i Allowed, tin- Amount nl Which I Aplll l'Wu. ) I Fiiftl If j- Law. Notice I hereby civrn that the loll iwIiir J i named Mittlir tttiK tiled noticed! his Intel.-, "Hon to make final proof In Mipoit of hi the Mav term of countv conrt, claim, and that ald tumif will be made iWore . , i i .1 . ,i W. it. I'resbr. l ulled State C'oinmitouer fur which closed yesterday, the lollowitip ,,.;,,. u ,.i,i..i,,.,. t hi. f.m. in t.oi.k-ii- At Runnino; Into One th different letter run into one aSother I'Hls, the amounts of which are uot pro-, ''''"X. Juue2J,iWw, U C'ontH'ctliic nt ?an l"rnnplsco with M-vcrnl straiUHhip 11dm for Honolillti, Jaun. Clilnn, I'hlll)i!l!iet, Ct'Utmt ntid hoiith America. see Bsent nt The lullc! otatlon, or ndilriM C. H. MARKHAM, tienernl I'ns tiKer Atfcnt, J'ortlinul, Or jr sicht will rapidly grow ' p j Everett, convevinc prisnnere. attended to. Many ml-' y9s & Prudhomme, fcupplit-s.. . and coninse von? If so; von have astii;- vided for bv lw were alioved: inati'm and your worse if not utte meitti arise iroqi neiecttve vision, llieo. t F shw. Hxraminntion i-Htif . H. LieW cad fit you with R!a3 thct Vtu Jordan, bal. on or cash es wili give yon normal vision. He is a 1 pendeil iTadnSte irom two of tte finest collepes Glass it rudiociuie. supplies! . ". in the Kast. j GfO P Crowell. snpplirs for road. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jewelers, j jioise Klnker & Co., supplies for sheriff I nuirrlitl, T-? T.ityrflufi llwi'ij llf fllMlrlpll Stpu'iniiti, ili'eenst'd ; Ilor.n-stend Kntrv M. sTlfi, for th- outl:esi i of M'i'tioti :u, Mwiibhiii 3 l'orth of ruiipe U cntt, Will. Mer. ; He nonies the ftilknvliii ltiiejff. to )rove his , rn contiimouv residence itiKin und eultlrntiim of 1 ,,u said land, viz 3 oS i Manuel S. lA'onanlo. of fi'Minl llnlles 1'. O . 4 . WhuIi.. llfrman llnpelkc. M'iilium l!kin.on,o; ! Centerrllle I" ()., Vn-li..nti(t WlHiuin ciiiwfnrd, . IjuI urana Dulles i: v., n. 5 00 20 (10 C 00 Nirtifiifl. Mi- n 31 Zi Bull.. 'I Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers, 't iirririiurftiTiTTtiTrtTiiTtiTTiiiViiti jfttrirtntmiitYriiiiitirfn rfrifft i m Yellowstone Park Line. It's Our Business 0.") ! J M Toouiev, care of pauper. . ! C H Crocker & Co, eupplies 49 00 IO I r Lo, telephone rent o oa To dispense health-givlnp prescrip- The Dalles Lumbering Co, lum- tions in the proper way. It's a business ber 8 64 we have not learned in a day, but alter ' Mays & Crowe, snpplies '214 70 rears of persistent work and careful j H A Kerne, repairs U 00 study. We n"e pure drugs and charce ' Dr Hudson, medical attendance an honest price. Clarke & Falk. on paupers 06 00 . I : T T ft.... . I miierme xsaiiuiev, reuuie un We Want Heads jGla?&Prud'hotmue. supplies... ' Dr Hudson, esaiuinin insane. .. To St the pmertest and most fetch-! Irwin-Hudson Co, suppli s 50 : rnar2-i W. n. Dl'NIlAlt. Heslter. So 50 12 25 5 00 0 90 ine tvles in Snrinc and Summer Millin- ! Ezra Hensen, labor. erv. All the latest shapes ii. Trimmed I Irwin-Hodeou Co, e lpplies .. atid Untrimmeil Hats. We handle ev- ' Dr Shackelford. esaminiiiB ervrhtnc in head-dress, and churce a ! fane prief that is rlelit foreverv pocket-book. Campbell & Wilson. in- 15 00 50, IS 00' .'59 00 Illta II km Be Llreti. The Dalles, Or., May 11, J900 To the Editou or The Cjikonicle: of the Times-Mountaineer because the republican party (or what the editor T m w !. T-l ii .1 or. t. i"1n Lt.r.rtil..u i John Gavin, esatniniu); teachers I E B Wood, deputv assessor j i reiers, euppiiee jo jo J M Tooniey, care paupers 4 75 L L Lane, blacksmith!!!" 13 15 ! Tucker Saw Mill Co, lumber 12 41 ! Dalles Lti'r.herini: Co, lumber.. . 65 I read with amusement the bewailinse : nronic.e ruoiisuinR company, k rr.... ........ . Mays & Crowe, supplies 123 41 Maier & Benton, supplies 4 00 calls the ring; did not attempt to satisfy i Oregon Telephone & Telegraph the Mountaineer in the nominations ' Co, telephone 12 65 . t .t - i .i ii- ,.: C H Crocker, supplies b4 00 made. I think the republicans would , j T Watt( mt!dlca, attendance have shown poor judgment if they had! panper U0 00 24 TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR" PUBLICATION. f. H. L-vNi) OrncE, Vascoctkr, Wash.,; Airll;, Ho. j Notice ! hciehv ulvcn that Slury K. (ielliHin, by 1). II. Mectnmi, her iittomey in (net, hn tilel niitlcc of Intentiou to make nnal priNif U.'fote W. II. I'reshy, United fctute? l.'ammi.!l(nier for IMstrict of Wavhlnptou. Mt hl ollice In Gulden dnle, WnshiiiBtoii, on Fridur, the auh dnyof June, l!o. on Timlier-culture Abdication No. L'JT, for the uortheust ijuarter of ectlon No t. In toiTuhlpNo. 2 north, range No. 14 cant. W. Jl. She name at- rltncinv Manuel s. Leonardo, of Grand Dallej 1 O., Wnsh.; Ilermnn KiivelLe, U iiliara Vilkln4in. of Conterville 1'. O,, nnd William Craufoid, of Griind Dull.- 1 O., Wa-h. W. It. IIL'NKA'K, niaj-i-i Utristr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (I-o!ated Tract ) Public Land Sale. Ij.:d OrncE at The, Oreoon Atir. 1C, 1'AIJ. i Notice Ii. hereby Kircn that in jiuiMiunce of liiftruetioin-fioni toe commiiiioner of the j:en land nflire, under authority voted In Him by ftction ilV ('. a. Uer. ata., ni umended by thenc: of cou2ie- npprovttl l-eliruary 'Ji, l'Sa, we will priK-wd t offer at lUlblic snle on Mon day, thf '-'Mb, day of May next, at the hour of lOo'fieet. e. m., nt this olhce, the followlns tract of land, to-wlt NW ::EH fee. i'. T. I S. K. 12 K- W. M Any und ull ifersonn clnliiilnt; the nlxive described "land are adriwd to tile tlulr i claini6ln this ollice on or before the day abore designated for tbcoommcncemoit of said bale otherwise their ri hts will lie forfeited. JAY V. I.UCAfc. I'.n:lter. , OTIS !'ATTEIfS, Ittcelrcr. ' I THE DINING ( Alt ItOnE IT.OM 1'UKTLANH 1 TO THE EA?T. THE ONLY IiIKECT LINE TO THE YEI.I.OW MONE l'AUK uuve. Union Bspol, Finh2ai! I Sis. No. 2. Kant mull for THComn, ' , rcnttlu, OlymrtlR, Gray' Ilnrtior mid south llend iMiints, sikime, lloni land, II. C, i'ullmnii, MO-.I-OW, Iiton. Iluf 1113 A. M. fnloIliiniiinlnliif:coun-. try, Helena, Mlnnciiinf lis, St. l'aul, Omnha, Kaniix City, sL l.Hii. ChlciiRO and nil l k1 n tt No 4. eat and MiutheHft. l'liset notitid Extirevt' ll.aj 1. M. for Tiicomu and Seattle and intermeillate ituintu No. 1 5;ftl) 1'. M. No. 3. r;C0 A. M. ! taken anv advice from tiiis editor, for ' C L Giiliert, office esnentPS hehss not advocated the election ol a Irwiu-Hodson Co, srjpplies. 10 00 aprin-l II. T ...... n innrftn.l f i. . 1 .... " fiingle man that hne succeeded since he, j,aUper , 12 00 hae been in charge of the Times-Mount- Clarke & Falk, drups'for pauper. 15 35 ameer. Dr stiaw, meuicai attenuance At that paper has called on the re-1 ,I.pao,V!'rt ,, ; iJJxX1 ' ' , Win MmhfflL burial naniiHr . 50(1(1. publican nominees for the legislature to nivilf. T Hmner pnm.lis 1 1 mM0 twaX Iiro"1 "' uii)rt o( h rfffipo nnaitinnn T f.hnnl.1 lit-P trr V I I ? " I 1 ' V 1 A that said prUf Kiii U malic Iwfot denne their positione. 1 should like tcr Ada Sapers, laundry work 2 00 nnd hccellcr nt The Dullc. oxcgi can on two ol the aemocratic nominees , esta lioiton, wort m clerk s for the legislature to explain their ' 0ce- : :v records, A. fi. Bennett and T. Ii. Coon. AX"! . .'.. . . I voted for both these eentlemen tbe;Frank kill, work Vn the clerk's last time they were elected to any office. office I am not satisfied with the record thev U B Goit, work on maps i., i ... .' . Georee Y ade, biiilce tinibere. . . 7" B,,u KUU,U lu, "B l,,BUJ W E Garretson, repairs C plain tt before I would vote for them ! s E Bartmess, cot for pauper 1 aaiti, or auvitp any other citizen of ; Kand & Stewart, supplies NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Usu OrncE at The Dam.ed. oi:r...o.v. i April 30. I'-Mj i Nolicc 1 bcrtbv clven Hint Hip fnllim-im- Win Michel), burial pauper 20 00 i named t-ettlur hs iilcu notice of hu intentiou to oi ins ciaiin, unci Ifeforu ttie ItecUtrr Oregon, on --iitiir. auy, June1.', ivu, viz 73 50 j Henry Readel, of The Dalles, Or.. : Homestead Entrv .S'o IT If), for the SEfc, aectlou 15 00 i towimhlp 1 north, tonne U: east, W. M. ) He name: toe following wltncne? to prore bin no oa ! ntiiiuou lexJdence uioii and cultivation of - UU ; id land, viz- 8 00 ! Henry I.uebltiK. Geortrc Arnold, Charlie V, 25 00 1 A(laIn!'' Mlehiiel Doyle, ull of The lalles, Or. l'ullimm first clans nnd toiirltt flee:rii lo Miniiciiills, st. rati) und Mi.svmrl rirer Hiintk without chaiiKe. Vetibuled train", t'nlon dejKit connection in all principal cltlc. JlnKSnse nliH'fccd to destlnntlon of tlcieU. I-or hiinilMiinely HliKdnted dencrljitlrc liinttc.r, ticiieta, eieeping-cur tiaierrntionii, etc., cull on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Genera! I'ufsoiiKT Airen',2.V Morrlsoc stieet, corner 1 Ulr , Portland, orvRoii. 0.R.&N. $1.00 per month. Strictly first class local and lone ditluncti telephone service within your home. Lines do not cros-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for Inttnllinv;. You ret the standard Hunnlnj: Lor i Distant Instrument. Cnutintiou day und night erviee. Wn will mcept your contract for ten years and allow von to cancel came on civin; us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE, COS. IlEPAKT fOK TIKE KlIEMLr.. I Hon Dalles East .Halt I.akr, Denver. I't. Mail Worth. Omnhu, Kan-. 12:10 p. m.i tn city, nt. EoinV Chlcuco and EnL ' ly Jlfc Impulse Kant Mnil ViWM p 40 may.--! JAY !. I.VCAH, Ileclster. Wueco county to do ho. Yonre respectfully, Ncmbee Nine. AdsertUed Letters. 22 501 NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the posloffice at The Dalles un called for May 11, 1000. Peraone calling for the same will give date on irtiich they were advertised : LADIES. Collin. Miss Ina Hncriicri. Mm F, I. Ilowland. Misg Fan Harper,Mies Minnie aieyer, silts Lytlia itainus, Mies Anna Eipgs. Mrs Sydney CENTI.UME.V. Bather, James Brooks, Joseph Calson, Clay (2) Chapman, Fred II ixirrea, benor JJon Dunn, Win Henry Fitzsimmons, allowance per month 10 00 Times-Mountaineer, printing.... 2 50 Times-Mountaineer, printing.. .. 20 00 M Z Donnell, drugs 7 JlO Mrs E Carev, care pauper 2 25 Maye & Crowe, road erader, etc . 801) 75 Boys' nnd Girls' Aid Society 40 00 J C Benson, labor 13 50 Fitzsiiumone and family, allow ance per month Pease 5c Mays, supplies Dalles City Water Works, water James Btisbee, burial pauper. . . j I-aMj Ojtice at Tin: Dai.i.i, Oreoo.v.i i April ), wui, I Notice is hereby ulrcn Hint the followlnp. j named fettler ha filed notice of bin Intention t to make linul prrmf in nupport of hi claim, und mni taiu jhooi win made ly.loiethe Kexlster nnd lleceiver at The Dullo, OriK'Jii, on Satur day. June M, I'M, viz: Jens P T, 00 27 0-' 11 20 Cietnunte Hall, Georire Martin. G B Oecar, Oliver Itoyce, Samuel isewaid, Louis Kennedy, John B Mason, Albert Rickets, George S ! Htevensou, Ivan (2) j Stevenson, Jacob W Walton, J H West. J C H. II. Riduell, P. M. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokt Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, eleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. 25 cts. and 50 cle. Blakeley & Honghton Druggist'. rVgidiae.of The Dalles, Or., Hornestcud Entry No mil, for the NWJi Nvv M-ctlon 21, and fc, NKJ4 and NEK r.:!4 nectlou 23 townnhip2 north, ranee 12 cast, V. He numes the followinij wltiKBueii to prove hu contlnuoiif) residence ujion und cultivation of uiC lnd, riz. Illhl, I 'rut(, f'l.aflu tnl.. I ft If...., f ill IW Dlmoiuou. all of The Dnllen. Ou-uini. mny2 I JAY 1'. LUCAS, Kegfkter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. CASTOR I A Por Iaiaati and Children. TIm Kind Yn Havi Always lough! Boars the Sioattire of Wanted, Furnished 'house, with five or six rooms and bath, far the f u miner. Apply jit this olBcfS 5ui-3t Subscribe for The ChroDtcle. Timber Lind, Act June 1878. I". H. 1.ANIJ OPHf.'E, I JTiii: Dameh, Or... Apr. 13, VM. Noliee Ik hereby tilven ttiut In coinpllunco with the piorlaloiin of thf act of ciniKrifu of June 3, D.7e. entitled "An act for the kale of tlin- to tu our ccecaia. 'r 'S" J'i, "," Ca'.llornla, Oregoii, , ., , . , anu xukuiiiKion lerrnory, Allcooutv warrants registered prior wiiiimn K. kmcHu,.,, to June S, 1890, willbc paid at my of Dallen. County of WaM.-o, riiatc of Oreiron. ' office TntnrpHt r-cacoti nflpr FViirniin- i h thl dav illid In thifc oIUcc Iih hwjrn atute oraie. interest teases auer r ..uruarj . , Inellt V(J vj U)f )e .jr(,tl(1M, , ltl(. w , N liiOO. C. L. PlIILLIPH, 1 "d NU of fccctioii No. S3, In Tp. f N. It. 1 Conhtv Treasurer. ' ,0, 11 ' '".'a "nut """ to-khow '""" iruaHiirur. tmt tne land toiiiclit in int.., iHimiblc f.,r it 1 rn t x. c ii i -i i ..timber or atone thiin for iiKrlciiliural iiiiiiKmn. , Clarke & Falk have received a carload and to etHbllliht claim toauld land before the ' of the celebrated James E. Patton , ion,1' ,,,' ""'C(J ut T,lc I Strictly pure liquid paints NuturiUy, lli sad day of.lui.r, luoo,',. hale of Kl Vru,rty fig b"(1 W M"u"1 '. ' Notice Ik hereby Riven that from and after the ! Hylih 'lal.d'i 'mimlniritFASR tiluili rlavof Jiit.. tart. I trill t.rrw. wl i.. ...II ,.t ' . , i t-OvkCriutu laiitlk are f coueBteil to file toeir ; . ;r.v..7;:i; ,r. : ;;.i,r..rr.r.v : , ' n nie on or twim , property belonifliiK to the eatate llriiwfl. flf-Cf'Hkj!. to-wlt i UA A, II, C, I). E, y. (i, H, I, J, K und ! in i block 57 of I ort Dulles Allhtury reservation, In i Oregon. r'or Information liiijulre nt office of Hlnnott i BlllllOtl. Dated at Dalles City thin 10th dav of Mar, lm DELIA C. liUOWN, Admliiistralrii of the estate of I'utriek lliown, dtcead. nnyiu Siokane Walla Walla, BiMikane.t KiMikane MlnneuiKillH. .St. l'aul, l .Mall I'll lu th, Mllnuukee,, and Chlcaeo and Eat, via Eipruik hpokatieakd iluiitlni; ton. I m all jHiinta ln WukhliiKton und Eatt- 1:1)0 a. m t-ru Orek'on. I sixikaii Stall and Express 10.10 p. m. b p. m. EBOH roKTLANn. Ocean 8tcamHhlp. For ban Kranchco April 27, Muy 2, 7, 12. , 8 p. m 4 p. m. Ex.BundayiColumbla I'.r. Btenmcrk. Ex.buud'uj Saturday iu p. in. ITo AhTOf.u and Jitidliigi, Wuy ti a. m. . ILLASIETTE UirfcR. H:S0 p. m. tialcin tx.bu!iUayOrei!oii city. Ncnl.rK, Ex.biinday a nay Land'. 7 Willamette and Yam juea.iiiur, HILL Kivekji. .Mon u.m nut. i orcKoii City, Dayton, and KrI. I and ay-IndltiKk. 3:30 p. m. ..Wed T.?.ttJ? Willamette Hivee. -i::top. m. Tiie..Thtir,1l,ortlunil lo Corvallia. Mon. Wed le of Patrick SpM6-10-I JAY 1. I.UCAH, IhvUtcr. jjlt. K. E. reilGCHON, Pliysiciau and Surgeon, Oftice, Vogt Klock (over I'oktofllcc), SOaplmo-dw THE DALLES, OUEOON. and hut. und Wuy-LundliiKii. ... .... HfAEE ItlVEB. Lv lllpnriu Klparlu to Jvllon. laliy I l.a. m. I and Friday Leave l.KWIHTO.N dally h;'Mn. m, flrTl 1 H.U; '""It t" K" to Heppner or j-iTnt on Columbia houllicrn via IIIkkh. aliould tukeNo. 2, leavlnc The Dallek at 12:10 p. in. i-nd UIkkh. lleturnliiKmakiiiBdlrwtcii,V.e i and M0tor$ MANUFACTUHKD II Y AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVJNC GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent un'JO THE DALLES, ORECOX C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen' rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whislg WHI8KEY froiu .76 to .(H) pr aflon. 'fTto'loT''"" 0 rfl ' OALirOEMIA EBAKDIEB Irom t8.g6 to 0.00 r igallon.. H tJ!iS! at llcppner Junction and IIIkkh with lB BV JIIU uaiica ut vi& p, m Kor full rtlculurB call on O. It. HRent The Dalle, or addreaii No, 1, ar a N. Co.'t W. H. HUKLHUllT, Oia Vtu. Ant., J-ortland, Or, IRED. W, WILHON, ! A1TOHNKY-AT LAW, ... , ... .'i'HK DALIdvb, OUEOON Oftito ovet ytrtl Kat. bnuK. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. COLUMBIA BEER on draught, and Vl BUtx nd Olyuipm Boer in u. bcu rtio nuu x uriur. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Advertise in the Chronicle