The Dalles Daily Chronicle. PHI DAY MAY 11, 1900 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS- Justice of the Supreme Court C. E. Wolverton. Tood und Dairy Commissioner J. V. Bailey. Presidential Electors O. F. Taston, of Multnomah; Tillman Ford, of Ma rion; J. C. Fullertou, of Douglas ; W. J. Furnish, of Umatilla. and hope, not even when the skies were black with the tempest. Events r Nasal Cnlarrh quickly yields to treat- niout by Ely a Crenm Jialm, wmca is Hiiroe- nl,lv nwimutin It is rucoived throticli tho and results have more than justified nostrils, cleanses nnd heals tho whole Mir- ; their magnificent courage. . J g&? SS 10 conts. Test it and you arc sure to continue , ' It is amusing, says nn exchange, to tho treatment. j , Imnr n !!r,.nn,l -t.,,r .TI1 Allllimiia'Ilillll. DISTRICT OFFICERS- A. Moody, of Conerepsman Malcolm The Dalles. Joint Senator' J. X. Williamson, of Crook; T. H. Johnston, of Wasco; W. W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Reptesentatives A. S. Roberts, of Wasco; R. A. Emmett. of Klamnth ; George Millar, of Giilinm; George Cattanach, of Grant; George A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attorney Frank Menefee, of The Dalles. COUNTY TICKET. County Judge A. S. Blowers, of Hood River. Commissioner P. A. Ktrchheiner, of Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Aseeeeor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, ol The'Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butte, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. TU'O PJCTCilES. The following from the Spokane Beview is remarkable as the un prejudiced statement of a paper that four years ago worked with all its might for Bryan nnd is still reckoned among the supporters of the Iiryanite creed : Prosperity and strength are re flected from ever' line of the con aulidated bank statement, published elsewhere this morning. From Feb ruary 18th to April 2Ctb, Spokane bank deposits increased about 500, 000, and this notwithstanding the withdrawal within, that period of Dearly $400,000 for investment in government bonds. In the same period cash nnd exchange increased over $250,000. The statement fur-! ther shows that ever bank in the city has from two to four times the legal requirements of cash on hand. In other words, money is plethoric in Spokane, and the only difficulty experienced by the local banks is that depositors so greatly outnumber those who want to borrow banking funds. The banks are constantly on the lookout for desirable "borrowers. These cheering conditions are in remarkable contrast to the conditions which existed here seven years ago next June. Seven Spokane banks bad gone down in the crash, and only three banks were able to weather the 6torm. Money was tighter than a drumhead, and it was all but im possible to borrow on any sort of j security. Profound depression hung i over the town, nnd thousands of citi zens were in financial distress. F.ven the morning paper, which had made a brave effort to whistle a courageous strain, wns moved to sny: "The trouble with the silver lining to this; cloud lies m the fact that even the lining looks dark." Almost no one paid taxes in those depressing times. Everything went delinquent. The delinquent tax list published in June, 1893, by the city treasurer, filled lifty columns of small type in tbis paper. All building operations were brought to a standslill, for who cared to build when store buildings and dwellings were daily vacated? And to heighten the distress, the Cusur d-Alene miners went out on strike. JJut thousands here never lost faith To accommodate those who aro nnriiiu i , passage? Bryanite democrat to come back to the part' t to the use of ntoinizors in applying, hciuidii ii! i,im i,nt rn.,.,ij;on,,c 1 into tho Jiasalpiissncej! for cnirrArt fr- v.j ., , .v, wMf tuo propriptors prcnaro Cream Unlnun have made it "impossible for Urvan liquid form, which will bo known ns Ely's ! T I !.t rt T,,... T: nn :..,.ltflt.r ,lil ,.)., r ,i. i xiitiiuu uream jhuui. mm uiuunj, ...u aiUC OI tllC , r--..i rw,,,,,.;..,, nr l.v unposs to destro' the present dollar or to put the country silver basis. on a MACHINERY OF MAN. Some of the Wonders of Our Phys ical Make Up. mail. Tho liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of tho solid preparation. fJ GOING EAST- If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The j ! I n ..m , W..t..ul. ii tnn4nMi mill ii ii. tn.flttf it I I Workings of the MumvU-m In DlRt-rent I'urla of the llud Tilt- Motion of llrcathlUK and Cauic of Sni't'ilUKi Perhaps you don't know how lonjr it takes your finger nail to grow its own length'.' From one to eight month'-. It grows much faster in the young than in the old. When you get a severe at tack of illness it scarcely grows tit all, and a sort of ridge is found near the rip. Months after you are well u clue tor can tell that you were ill by feeling this ridge. The nail of the ring linger grows faster than any other. Your bones, says a medical author ity, are the strongest things for their weight that can be found. Hone bears three times ns heavy a weight as oak, and nearly as much as wrought iron, without being crushed. You hear people say that bone nmkes weight, meaning that it is the heav iest part of a mini's body. This is not at all the case. railroad in every particular. Throuph trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. lmis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every thronch train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at'Ni- agara Falls. Koss C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Act,, Los Ancelus, Calif. C. S. Ci.AXK. G. I. A., St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Calvlu Ztmmerman, Milesburc, a., says, "As a speedv cure for couchs, colds, croup and sore throat 0::c Minute ; Cough Cure is nneqnaled. It pleasant for childieu to take. I heartily recom I mend it to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that produces im ' mediate results. It cures bronchitis, j pneumonia, crippe and throat anil lung I diseases. It will prevent cont umntion Complete of Drus at M.Z. DONNELL, THE.-DRUCGIST. REGULATOR LINfc DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY, 1 StfiimerK of tin. Itt-Ktiliitot Uno will li.whiR clic chile, the Compiiny rwervJnir the ri.?'.!IIMhta' M'lifdiik' wit limit iintlce. Str. RcRiilntor. 1 1U1 WN. , l.v lialloB at S a w. i- -rn.Miitiif ' 5 Tiumiluy i k 'SntunlHy . ! h Arr. L'urUiiml I 5, at i r. m. rr. l.v. 1'iirtl.iiiil lit 7 a. x. Mitmlity . Wiilm-ociHy Friday Arr Iliillen lit Ii !!0 v. u. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line -i -J Str. Dalle, city, j i '3 lHUVV ' l.v. I.ll ! nth A Si. i MniHlny Wcrtrnwluj. 1'rlilny. Arr. rnrtlmid lit A I'. Tntvi.. ir " 'uurw 8tarki 5 E; FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE S, Travel by the Strnmera ol the ItcKUlntur I.tno. Tho t'omjmiiv wilt oudravnr in ri & roiii. Hie tiekt -etvlee iioullli!. Fur turthur Itilnrmiitlou uddrUi K,v"" W- S. l'ortlnml Onii-e, Oal Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Cen. Art. A I- . I- 5 my 1 5. L. Lane, (iENKKAL Mrs. Harriet Kvans, Hinsdale, 111 writes. "I never fail to relieve the skeleton weighs children from croup at once by using j S. siacKsitii ' """ '"-'ii" one Minate Uouirli Cure. J would not i he skcletc, a mtin M years; oil ! f , gaftf w , , Q , b, v.eighsonly .. . mil half what it weighed , . ,. . , ,, , when he w coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and I am sur. : von think tin- iinnil of ' lungoiseases .AND... ' jl I' I (4 PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. ihe eye is . ok circle just on the sur face. In reality it is a hole rilled by a transparent lens. The black circle K part of the inner surface at the back of the eye quite three-quarters of an inch behind the front where you think it is. There is a most beautiful ar rangement of muscles around thjs hole Horsesnoer Important Announcement I to you. King up Faulkner, the junk man, be fore hauling your trash to the beach He buys old worn out rubber shoes, brues, copper, rags, etc. It hoots and I R Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. , For o0 clavn after April 1st, I will sell tall the Dry G'Kide, ClothliiL', Hoots and 'Shoes, Hosiery, Blankets, Hats and Caps, on a cut in price of mc, lead, wicks, e ThiriUflnn .MrM T"(tl..., x",. nil iwM wuitui 'Ui AtlllCC I'UWIU -111. It. apr2-l lw Experience is the best Teacher. Use j Phono:i59 .if i riiTi.-r i ,Tjra.tuj fT,tri,:i,TXTi it,t ii For a Nice Suit of Clothes. fautlug, Ovcrcoatlii-or Fancy VcstliiR, 10 wiuen ii wnen ine iigni is mm una , r- . t i . awm.. to narrow it when the light is bright. Acke7 8 Eh&h Reme,, ln cape of u 1 if conchp. cod or croun. Shtmhl it fml in!" y ju iif uii uui wiijrw uuu ucjiu j uur ' - - - - leg on your body you will find that you, C,ve inimediate relief money refunded.! cannot possibly straighten it from the j 25 cte. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton ' knee downward. The reason of this is Druggiste. ; that the upper part of the legs are bent ; j on the body and the lower parts , Subscribe for Tut: CituosiCE. straightened by the .same muscles the 1 hamstrings and these are too short to perforin both operations at once. When you sit on a chair you will find that you can swing the lower part of your leg from side to side. :mv stand i up, raise one leg from the ground, and 1 try to do the same thing. You cannot i do it, because the leg gets locked at the knee by a most ingenious contrivance ' in order to make it linn to stand upon, ; Why does your chest rise and fall'.'; This is a very curious phenomenon, lit-- ' tween each pair of ribs there are a set j o muscles, nnd when they contract the ribs are dragged upward, and en-j large their chest cavity. Air rushes in '. through the windpipe to fill the en- j urged space, and thus the lungs arc j filled with oxjgcn, and the impure I blood in them is purified. That is to mi;. . it is supplied with oxygen in place of l arbunic acid. Jiut the mutcits get tii- d in a couple of ix-concls, and the presence of the outsicfe atmosphere makes the chest fall, and, m 'conse quence, the carbor.ic acid is force ill purled nnd 1) identic Wooleiw, 'iiit lint In n t'-rtt i itr ..t,.t..L ioltct from. uiiiv.- itinuc iiuill fciiU lUVbl iiricca io uie IIJKU grade. ..cfljis. mil- Butehcrs and Farrners ..EXehange.. Kwi nn drautrbt tlio vclcibrated COU'MWIA 11KKK. ..ckiimv.'. edKttl theUnt lK;r In The Dalltn, achvnuuul nrice. Come In, try U nnd la. cmivlnml. Alxi tlie Urifht brundii of Wlncii, Ll-juor Hiid t'lsurn. Sanduiiehes n nil KltidK aIwR-n on hHiirt. r 'i ii 1 m "m m"u u u uu u u i, u u uii.i,. Kindly rail nnd exunilne my nook of 1m- A line muck to I iraci again, and again raise the ein : t. Now the rea .on the i::uhcles contract is this: When impure blocd ccmes into the lungs a incsssnge i? automatic ally dispatched to the brain, saying: "There is a lot of poisonous carbonic acid here. The ntnn will die if it is not immediately replaced by oxygen." And the iirain sends a peremptory outer to the muscles to contract. Jt is- the presence of carbonic .ac'd which brings the whole operation i nliout. Jf there were no carbonic acid. ' or very little, then no me&age wcii ln go to the brain, and the chest would not rise. Von can prove this by an c j perimeut. You may notice that tin j chest rises and falls every few second Fine Tailoring. J. A. Eberle HIE HAI.I.K I CIJlKr.O.V. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. .Dealer In.. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Iloom, filifwK. Huts, Ciim, Xntloim. ;tor V . 1. UouKlim Hlioe. Tvlnplione No, Wi, UI hvcond 8t., AKt. N IJ !! CVCOIKl HI.. I Hi; M inx III' III - " WUMUUj VI, l 25 per cent, for Cash. Now in your opnortunity to get bar cnine. Don't miss it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to K. J. Collins A Co. C. S. Smith, THE ilp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Eggs nnd Creamery Uutter a specialty. 2d Street. J. ri. .Hcmm, i'a-iildetit. 'Phone 270. Bnl, Uliid Just What You uiant. Digests what you eat. Tf OI-Mfl,lnll .11.. . . .. ' or thereabouts. -Vow take a very doc,, 'vjlture ir rrf,Vel00aJana 0,(18 breath and bre athe out i.;rnin. and .vol. 'BtSctini the S5tDprtfeH.? dMreCOn' will find tha, the chest docs no. Vis.- WS&mSS formany seconds. So much oxygen bar ant and tonic. No other preparation been take n in, and so much carbonic can approach It in efllcleucy. It in acid breathed out. that there is not Btantly relieves and permanently cures : enough of the lattrr in the lungs for , ?pi)e.Psla IndigeHtlon, Ilearthurn, i eight or ten seconds to reciulre re- 1 c,,a,I:V!TlenSe , boJJr Stomach, Nausea, Why Hoyou .nee.e when you arc gel- , tint' ti r'fiWIV I'.w'iiico t-i. tnwrc , , w t ijiwjo. liee-oniirig liiliamcd. and tin- HtMc miles that had from Ihem arc eor.ue-1 ctiiitly fllli'd with moisture. The '. sneeze Is nn elTort lo rid the lungs of 1 hiijicrfluous moifittire. I - JX vrT We Put... everv bit of cW twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. is il any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if wo are reliable. BLflKELEY & HOUSHTON. .Reliable Prcscriptionists F-S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & LaneUln. 'Phone 157 First national Bant, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bunking Business trutictcd Deposit received, subject to bignt Draft or Check. I Collections made and proceeds prompiij I remitted on dav of collection. i Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold ci Aov York, Kan rrauciBco an; "fin land. ID I K1IOTOK8 D. P. TllOMl-HON. Jko. fi. SCBllCt En. M. Williakb, Gko. A. Liibi. II M. IlKAIt.. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. rKANHACT A KKERAI.UASKISQ BOMB Lettern of Credit issued available in tin Eastern States. Blisht Exchange nnd TelempW Trunsfers Bold on New York, Chiag. St. Louif, Ban Francisco, Portland 0 uoii. Seattle Wash., and varioot poiw in Oregon and Washincton. Collections made at ull poluti on ttt- trutile terniH. Dopiinitll OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ONE FOR A DOSE. lu-ronr I i-nplw, Vtiteni Lh AckermVn. Go8henInd.. Vu : teJaffli-M J ' I i A miivu...... ...i. .- - Lienui n i.miH i-.uriv K infra niuruuu riiun, ti, 1.-1 .... . , ' w -I" .nll un in i;;ritiiii renei, iiure my neauauiie and never gripe." Tfiey gentlv cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. DeWitt's Witch Uasel Salve ii on equalled for piles, injuries and ikin diseases. It is the original Witch Haeel Salre, Beware of all counterfeits. PILLS .. cli djr ni-e..r T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Nofarv I'uolic, Collections promptly attended to. Moriev to loan. C. E. Bavard'e of fice, The Dalies, Oregou. New- Ideas in Wall Paper here. Such I wide variety uh we aie showinij never ha ore graced a sinKle stock. en ,tu. ,lion creton eUects at ordlnury price. 1 Elegant dmii:na, tapteful cooriuKa vours foraemal price, at our atore on Third atreet. Also a full line of liouae paint8 ,D. W. VAUSE. Third St. ftf. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. OHIcj over French & Co.'n luuk The CLARENDON HESTAUHAflT And CAFE. J. B. OroBsen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. Tho nnlmnfiiQ iiiu uuiuiuuia luuauivw'i PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MANUFACTCKKK8 Of Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRIM HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. 50 VEAI"-EXPEWINCI rails rfffW C0PYRICHTJ-, quick r iwcmliiHi r ''' ' Ci'ii""""1?; Iin mil inn la iiriilmblr i,it" ' X'poiun lit" I liinBtrlcllr-iiilliliilll'f'Jl'"tfurt,"ul, 1'iitm.u JHki-ii tiiri'uiJli !l".h0 HMflul tmllCf, wlllioilt clniTBC, I" t Scientific mam riiliitlon nf mir ?''l''1.""r..W iiemdWlc rmir: imir iiioiiun. ii..., Vrr i iiiiicn, i' t" Mrauul s HUNTIHOTOIl M S WILSON HUNT1NOTON it WIIiJON. All OKN K YH AT LAW, Mica Axle Crease kelna (ho team. Save 1 . ..1.1 ..IHI.i)U' CXJICUSC iOlU ljgbtctsa tlie load shorten J the veax$d MADE IIV.. TANOARO Oil OJta.ov.fHntKat.l2wk UAUJU 0KKU