The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 10, 1900, Image 3

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If you wear one of cur
new Hart, ScliRffner &
Marx suits this season, you
will the best clothes
money can buy.
They're worth more to
any man then other clothes,
but the way we arc selling
them they will cost you less
than many others.
They're the kind adver
tised in the leading maga
zines and worn by good
dressers everywhere.
Embtfoidety Sale I
There has been placed on tho counter hundreds
of pieces of Embroidery to bo sold at Special Sale
Friday and Saturday.
Samples of Sale Prices:
Regular 2c Embroidery Sale Price, 0 yurdB for 10j
" He " " "5 vards for 18u
" Oc " " " 0 yards for 20c
" 7y,c " " " 4 yards for 25c
" 8ic " " " 0 yards for 39c
" 10c " " " 7c per yard
" 12Jc " " " 9pc per yatd
" 15i! " ". " lie per yard
" 20c " " " 14e per yard
" 25c " " " ISc per yard
" ,'JOc " " " 23c per yard
Tailor-Made Suits, perfect fits guaranted, lat
est styles and materials, applique or braid trim
ming, tight-fitting or box jackets, box-plaited
skirts, $G.50 to $28.00.
Novelties Every day goods are being placed
on shelves, which are the very latastin their styles
and make-up.
Just received a case of Imported Wash.
Gloves, any color, any size, almost any price,
from 75c to $2.00.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone No. J.
MAY 10, 1000
L At Andrew Keller's.
. m
Moonlight excursion
On the Regulator tonight. . , ,
L. H. Kretzer started tliie morning on
his contract of boring an nrtetian well
above the city reEervoir -
A move is on foot to give a celebra
tion in i'rineville July 4th, under the
auspices of tho firemen.
The pupils of St. Mary's Academy
weie uiKi-n on an excurnon 10 hocu
Hivcr title morning on the Dulles City.
Missouri has twelve democrats in the
1 1 fl 11 1 ft in t n fr L t t niininol I ri
Nicarm-ua canal and the twelfth staved
Heury F. Taylor, colored, has filed
hie petition as an Independent republi
cs candidate for etate senator in Mult-
- ..... VWMUtJ
Is The Dulles to have a celebration tho
coming Fourth? Then it is time that
the folks outside as well as inside the
cMy should know it.
This morning the Dalles City towed
auother ecow bad of ties for, the Paul
Mor portage, up to tiie landing near
the Noith Dalles planing mill.
I ih ii G. Wooley, who speaks tonight
at the Vogt opera house in the interest
of the prohibition party, has the reputa
tion of possessing marvelous powers us
an orator.
A lnrgo majority of tho regulars in the
Philippines re-enlist an their terms ex
pire. They are evidently satisfied to
fro a- up with that new Bection of the
bouudlees weet.
Jast Sunday was the 80th birthday of
Kx-Oovenior John Whitakcr, of Ku
Eene. Though ho has been nlll'cted
with paralysis, his health otherwifu has
been pretty good.
The Women's Christian Temperance
Union will meet in the parlor of the
M. K. church on Friday, May lllh, at
2!"0 p. in. All members and friends
ru invited to attend.
Notloi is hereby given that no dls-
repuUb'o persons will be allowed to go
Hih 1). C. & A. O. excursion tonight.
Tliij is positive, and all such will be
baltelat tho gang plank.
Word was received today from the
ttood Samarium hospital that the crisis
ad pussed with little Lloyd Laughlin
und that the attending physicians fee)
confldorit of his recovery.
A. U, Miller, secretary of the Linton
cnnery pompanr. U In the city pur
chasing cayotei for the cannery. lie
expected today to receive 330 head from
the Yakima reservation. He will buy
all that the Indians have for sale.
Cedar Circle desires to thank, through
the committee in charge of the enter
tainment Tuesday evening, all who con
tributed to the enccese of tho event,
both socially and financially.
From the Walla Walla Union we
learn that William Johnson and C. M.
Driver, the young couple who eloped
from Wamic last Sunday night, were
married Tuesday in Walla Walla. ,
Mrs. Phillips is offering the greatest
bargains in millinery ever known.
Pattern hate, street hats, children's hats
and bonnctB all at cost prices. Call at
once while the assortment is complete.
Voters have been registering quite freely
for the past few days and there is no
doubt that when tne returns from the
country districts are all in, the number
of registered voters will exceed the num
ber of voteB cast at the last electiou by
several hundred.
Mr. Horace Rice and Mrs. Ruth Cul
ver, brother and sister of the late Mre.
Mary K. Walker, desire to express their
heatrfelt gratitude to the people of The
DalleB for tho many acts of kindness
shown In connection with the death of
their beloved sister.
The daily river bulletin of yesterday
says: "The Columbia river will con
tluue to rise for several days, but at a
slightly less rate. The Suuke river is
about at a stand and will remain sta
tionary or fall slightly during the re
mainder of the weok."
Mrs. George Rico and C. II . Suther
land, of Boyd, son and daughter of the
Irte Mrs. Elizabeth Sutherland, desire
through Thk Chuoniclk to thank their
numerous friends and neighbors at The
Dalles and Boyd for the many acts of
kindness shown in connection with the
death and burial of their beloved
As tho time approaches for settling
the question of how many bishops are
to ho olectod by the Methodist general
conferenci now In eession in Chicago,
tho sentiment is growing among the
delegates that none of the present oc
cupant of the high ofllce Bhould bo re
tired and placed on the euperannuatod
Between fifty and sixty thousand
pounds of merchandise were shipped
from the Wasco warehouse during tho
proaoiit week to pointB in and
ties, and other points south.
This almost clears tho warehouse of J
freight for points south and east ol
Shaulko, and that town will probably
handle the bulk of tho Interior freight
from this time on.
Arrangements have been completed
for afgamo of baseball at the old fair
grounds on Wednesday, Wth instant,
Dacoratlon day. The contest will be
between the Dalles aVd Hood River
clubi. The Dalles Uoyn are Messrs.
Evans, Huott, Haga, Cooper, Howell.
Brown, Ferguson, Barrett, Spaulding,
Kelly aud Bailor. t Tho Hood River
nim a Messrs. Martin, Roneyn, Frcy.
sou. Blowen, eward, Cox, Mathews,
Mendorn and flansbiirwf The boys say
"This will be one or the greatest con
tests that was ever lield in Eastern Ore
Next Monday night the Y. M. C. A
will hold a meeting at the council cham
bers for the purpose of completing the
organization ol the several schemes con
templated by the association. All who
have signed the membership roll Bhould
be present and prepared to pay their in
itiation fees, eo that the funds neces
sary for starting the work may be
available. All persons interested in
any branch of the woik contemplated
by the association are invited to be
The statement going the rounds of the
papers that C. II. Walker is not the eld
est native Eon in Oregon, tiiat honor be
ing accorded to Joseph La Bonte, of St.
Paul, Marlon county, is misleading,
says the Albany Democrat. Mr. Walk
er invariably claims to be the oldest
white native son, knowing that there
wero men on the Indian reservations
much older than he. We are informed
Mr. La Bonte is at least p. half-blood,
his father being a French Canadian, his
mother an aboriginal native daughter.
The Mormon preachers that have been
working The Dalles for eometlme are
reported to have said that they had a
revel tion ordering thorn to come here,
that they would meet with persecution,
and all that Bert of thing, but they were
to hang on and stay, notwithstanding,
presumably till the town should be con
verted to Mormonism. It would not
surprise the writer of theeo lines one bit
if, in tho event of these brethern con
tinuing to quote Isaiah 4:1 to The Dalles
sisterhood when they call on them,
which uenerallv happens when the men
folks are not at home, if some big footed
sun of a gun of a Dalles Gentile would
not have a revelation exhorting him to
elevate these beloved biethern into the
next township.
Rallrond Laid on n II In IT Tlmt la Slld
Intr Into (lif Mlimourl
Mary H. Walker, who was buried iu
The Dalles city cemetery last Monday,
was born In Illinois 80 years ago, lack
ing n few days. She was married iu
1842 to Joel B. Cook and crossed tho
plains with her husband in 1851, Buttling
In Lane county. Mr. Cook died in 1803
aud about two years after tho widow
came to The Dalles where she was mar
ried to tho lato A. M. Walker, who d!id
a little over a year ago, in 1877. Mrs.
Walker was an earnest, kindly Christian
woman. She had been a member of
tho church for about 00 years. Shu
leaves to mourn her departure a brother,
Horace Rico of this city, and a sister,
Mrs. Ruth Colver, who lives in the
Willamette valley.
For Infants and Children.
Tki Kind You Hivi Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A mile south of Atchison, Knn., the
entire side of a bliift" is sliding into
the Missouri river. The nvnlanchc,
says tho Chicago-Record, is n quarter
of a mile lung, ami at its base is the
most expensive piece of railroad truck
on the Missouri Pacific system. There
is probably not another quarter of a
mile of track in the United .States
which it costs more to maintain. The
odd thing about this monster land
slide is that it has been slipping down
for 20 years, and unless it lakes an
unexpected plunge will probably be
slipping for the next 20 years, and
possibly fifty or n hundred. The ava
lanche is moving more or leas at nil
times, but not enough to require
watching by the .Missouri Pacific ex
cept about two months in the spring.
During the winter the moisture is
held in the ground, and when the
frost thaws and the spring rains come
the great muss of earth begins slip
ping. Sometimes it comes down a
foot in 21 hours, and once in awhile
it slides six feet. The Missouri Pa
cific then puts n force of from 20 to
50 men to work pulling the track back
to its proper place and keeping it
level, A man is employed to wit t eh
the track at night and see that it
does not get so far out of line us t.
topple u train over into tho river. Or
ders are issued to engineers to go slow
over the bad track, for the jar of u
train might cnuse an unprecedented
The hi ufT in one of the highest of
the very high bluffs nlong the Kansas
side of the .Missouri river from Knn
fciis City to the Nebraska line. Ly
ing under about 15 feet of earth there
are one or more strata of rc'.: aggre
gating from 20 to 40 feet in thickness,
There seems to have been u perpen
dicular split down through thisioek
dividing the blulV iilmoct half in two,
nnd extruding n quarter of n mile
north and couth. The sida which lay
on the river, or east side, slid lieeiiin-"
there wan nothing to hold It, while
the opposite, or went ride, waa up
against another bluff. Thus the east
side began gradually to sink Into the
river ni'd h;ss laid bare a wall 30 or
more feet high in places. Here and
there enormous bowlder:, which hung
for a long time undecided with which
side to Identify themselves, finally
lost their balance and crushed down,
dashing themselves to jiieeen below.
It costs the .Mlsrouii I'aellle several
thousand dollars and causes a gnat
deal of anxiety every spring, hut
there is no way of avoiding it.
Thu maker makes thrm
by thu thousands flint's
why you buy them as
low as 49 cents.
Have the work done at
home and the'll cost
again as much. Made of
pink or blue striped pur-
cale; box plait in front, trimmed with
lace edging aud lues insertion front and
back ; siz 2, ii and 4 years,
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has becu
in uho for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his ner-
ffif J1, sonal supervision since its infancy.
f'CC4CitM All nv tin otio tn iloroivn vnn In t.lliH.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-ns-good" are unfc
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wornw
and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale!
...Steel Hes ag W Stoves... j
To reduce our large stock wo will
sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at
t Greatly Reduced Pmees
for a short timo only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
JVIflYS & CfOttlE. I
UiiimI Nciwi tor tliu LtdleH.
Tho City of Paris Dry Goods Co., of
Sun Frnncleco, hnvo on sale for n few
days, at the Umatilla Huiife, an elegant
line of millinery, eailor euite, silk
crepon and broadcloth skirt, silk and
cotton waists, novolties in neckwear,
drees goods of every description, uloves,
hosiery", underwear and a general line of
leady-made goodB. Mrs. BojiUiuk, rep
resenting the house, invites thu ladies
.to call. nit) 3t
Owing to tho retirement of Frank
Chrieniun from the linn of Chrisman
I!ro., and hid intention to leavu the
state as soon hb possible, all dents due
the firm mnat bu paid Immediately, All
having el. tin ib apdudt thu firm will
p'eaeo present them at tho market for
m-Mf Ciiiiikman 1!iiotiii:iis,
Wm. Orr, Newark, 0 save, "We
never feel fufo without One Minute
Cough Cuio in thu Iioupp. Ii taved my
litilu hoy's lift) when he had thu pneu
monia. We think it is the hesl medicine
iiiade." It curia couyhajind all lung
tlUeatii'B, l'leamnl in take harmless and
gives immediate results,
Iiev. W. H. Sll.ur, W. Canton, N. V.,
writes, "I had dyspupsla over twenty
years, and tiled doctors and medicines
without benefit, 1 wai purni uled to use
Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure aud it helped me
from tho start. I belfuvu it to he a
panacea 'or all forms of indigestion," it
digests what y u eat,
llui-e Jlimilut'liu Uulutil)'.
Ualdwlu's sparkling eiTurveecuiit Cel
ery Soda, A harmless and tffectivo cure
for headache, nervousness, sleuplessuess,
brain fatigue. 10 end i.'5 cents. Bold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists, janitt Uw
Garden Hose
Wo havo laid in a largo
stock of liaidon lloso and aro
carrying tho samo brand of
Hoso that wo havo boon carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tese Cross Urand. Wo carry
!tho same brand of loso that
tho Dalles City Firo Depart
ment has been using for tho
last twenty years. Tho Mal
tose Cross Hrnnd is without
doubt tho best grado of lloso
on tho market. Call and got
jour prices before buying.
JVIaieF & Benton
Solo Agents,
To buy u couple of heifer calvea ol
good milk stock. Will take them wlien
week old and pay a reasonable price.
Apply at this ollicu.