The Dalles Daily Chronicle. i j There arc other, no doubt, who will . r"asal Catarrh qtikkly yields to treat- , I .;,i, .r.,.. mrr.nnm ' cert by Ely's Creasi Balm. vUch u ! I , .yT aromatic It is retired tirocca tc THURSDAY Republican Ticket. and vote to that effect, which will be striU. c2e&s and heIs ti uto.s ur. ' MAY 10, 1PCO : ;ift fa orer vLieh it di2Tss itself. ' the part Of wisdom. ; U the 50c sixe; Trial ize by rst, 10 , ! ' ccatt Tt it and rot: ire rare to continue I The treasury department has or- tbe treaisasst. jdered a special agent to proceed to' f" putU ; . the Pacific coast to iuvestieate the to the e of atoadxers in arpljR Xsquids ! .. , j r t, into lb tasal rssaces for ftifUJTA maiicr 01 uie larc iduujl u; nail ---- - t . i.i, j - , the proprietors pripane Creaa xa acese coolie to this COOntrv within liqrad forn, uhich will be knova as Ely's . 'the last few months. The "question ?liS1?5fc.?iS! k! : ! is still troubling the immieration r,.n. The liqaid fona embodies the ssed W. j officials. Until two or three months l reparation, i.-! laco the immigration of Japanese to : Prudential fcictors-0. r. ton. of i tbe UaUed gulJf5 sma,L jf increased so as to excite suspicion that the men are comini; here as con tract laborers. The treasury SPATE OFFICERS- Jcitice of the Supreme Court C. E. Wolvertcn. Food and Dairy Commissioner J. Bailey. rion; J. U. ruiierton, or uoogtas; J. Farniih, of Umatilla. DISTRICT OFFICERS- Coafressasan Malcolm The Dalles. GOING EAST. If yoa intend to uke a trip East, ask voar ticket arent to route von tia The i xs Great Wabash, a tnoJera and up-towlate j t also requested the state department . railroad in every particular. A. Moody, of j tQ j. American consuls to investi-! Throujh trains from Chicago, Kansas j th ntt and m,fc wnnrt. C' Omaha or St. Lwli to Xew York j Joint Senators J. X. Williamson, of I" . ' ad New Enjland points. All trains Crook; T. H. Johnston, of Wasco; W. , W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. I The Massachusetts republican plat Joint Kept esentatives A. S. Robert, of Wasco; R. A. Emrnelt, of Klamth; George Miller, of Gilliam; Georpe Cattanaeh, of Grant; Georre A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attorner Frank Menefee, of The Dalles. COUNTY TICKET. County Judge A. S. Blowers, of Hood River. Commissioner P. A. Kirchbemer, of Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalits. Aweesor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, ol The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timotbv Brownhill. run via N iaara Falls andjevery through j tr!n ha frfr retlinmc- chair car?, sleet)- ' rorm says plainly tnai tae crecay ann ic, xai dinlsg CiTi oppressive trusts that enhance the Stop over alloctd oa all tickets at Ni cest of the necessities of life "must ajara Falls. Ross C., , , ,. ..... . Pacinc Coast Pss. Act,, be sternly dealt with. The other La Arrele, C.Mif. kind of combinations, those that are ! C. 5. Cmi. G. P. A.. St. Lonls, Mo. for lawful purposes and work no; Mrs. Calvis Ziaa;eraan, Milesburg, injury to the public, are to be let, a., says, "A a speedy care for coughs, alone. That, says the democratic' cold?, croap and sore throat One Minute New York Times, is the plain, hon- ' Co3?h Car 5i 3- Itiplanl ... .... .1. ' for childien to take. I heartily recom- est truth about the trusts, and it will the,,." It l, the onlv make its impression On the VOter, ' harrn! remdr that r.roduces itu- E unless Mr. Brj'an's friends can find mediate re-salts. I: cures bronchitis, something better and more convtnc-' paeamonia, crippe and throat and lung Complete of at M.Z. DONNELL, THEsDRUGGIST. I REGULATOR LIN DALLR rORTLU'D k ASIOBIA NAY. th Rnlt(,t uMBri IoitIijb KhitJule. the Comny metvicc th rt.t.V?a! MhcJuIc without notice. Str. RcBulator. l.v tllr ThniwUv tnnir . .tr. tirtland t i r. x. rr. l.r. lvutUml MomUr ; Ship your Freight via Str. Dalle, cttj. I Xow. j.t. ii Mon4T tS3)r. x. jtJrx. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, TrrfJ i,r the Stcamcru of the ItrcuUtor Une. The Comtvwr will ron the hot etvicf tlblc or further fnformtIo.iiMrr tiT,,ati- , I'orlttiiJ Office, Oat Street Icci. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gon. Agt. t' '3 I L. Lane, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-kncwn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. mc to saw , diseases j Mrs. It vi ill prevent consumption GENERAL -Did not the Simon-Corbett crowd dictate tbe nominations for the lenis- J writes, "I never fail to relieve my S, gotten that in the two democratic j ehildrea frotn croup at once by usicc'J platforms nv- in at Charleston and One Minute Conch Cure. I would not i ?. Baltimore i i-GQ was this plank: feel safe without it." Qaicfcly cures "Resolved, .t the democratic party I coueh. colds, pippe and all throat and i b' is in favor . the acquisition of the; " '21 E' Island of Cuua, on such terms as will ! Ring np Faulkner, the jnnk man, be-' 5' v i li. i j i...!for h&nlinp vonr tra.h lo the heach. ' t ue uuourauie to uuisuntj aun juji . - jt, , . ... j He buys old worn out robber boots and f to SDaio. at tbe earliest practicable . .... it' snoes. ii moment." Biacksmiin ANDaa Horsesnoer Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. .3 1 Important j I Announcement '5 to you. V p j For 30 days alter April 1st, I will sell S nil the Dry Goods, Clothlnir, Hoots and S 'Shw?, Hosiery, ftlnrikete, Hats and E Caps, on a cut in price of C. S. Smith, THE dp-to-date Qroeerl Fresh Krs and Creamery liutter a specialty. 2d Street. "Phone 27(j Henry Watterson calls "the bope- hop. lirapc. ponrr. zinc. lend. ack ' ra, etc. Dalles ' Xo. 214. TbirOiifl Jeffcrnn. PiiOEe;i59 1 a;n24 lw Utive ticket in the three senatorial- js- ttate Dj prosperity" the surest' -"Perience 15 'e nest use nd two representative districts to renubican nate this vear That isiAck"'S Eag,ib 2ea,rfjr 5" an? ?8f ' r . . t. . rePu 01 'can state mishear, mai is . cougbs coId or cronf)- Shoold it fad to Which Wasco COUnlV IS attached.' CQ advaDce 0D the democrats OUt p5r, immediate relief moru-v refunded. s r ssks me iimes-3iouniameer. -iHEjthis way who claim tbe prosperity ; 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blaleley & Houshton vuuu.Mi.i.t. ausncicu Luis iiuchuu (a3lj gOOCl times came by chance, and I "russis, toerote it was asked. Ibe "bimonjtbat tbe republicans were simply! Subscribe for Tun CucrmcE. crowd" had nothing to do, directly Iuck.y in gettjnT around about the ! or mairectiy, witn tue nomination onsame lime. "CYvn o TJino any man on the republican ticket in I the districts named. The "Simon crowd" did not attempt to dictate these nominations and would not have been permitted if they bad. The nominees of these districts had no favors to ask of the "Simon crowd and received cone. They will go to the legislative assembly abso lutely unpledged. And this is pre cisely as it should be. But if other' wise, what then? Are tbe voters of the district to jump out of the Simon-Corbett frying pan into tbe democratic, populist, socialist sbeol? We trow not A burned child dreads the fire. We have been there before. It is still a moot question in Ore- rif Plnflioo gon politics whether the democrats j U1L OI OlOtJieS. have swallowed tbe populist partj or ; the populists have swallowed the democratic partj'. 1 PanUne, OtercoeUa- or Ftnc Vetting. BUSINESS LOCALS. Well, admitting that The Cukon icle erred and it really did it honestly, although perhaps the dem ocrats won't believe it in tbe loca tion of the democratic headquarters, would not the old sign, with the legend about the "second-band furni- Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. , Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. A full line of Eastman nlins and sap plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Clarke & Falk'e fiavorinK extracts are ! tilt Vutfitt A sir vnftr rruv In (im 1 Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke & Falk. .ir.Sly mil and examine my tk of Ira. ... , .... ' Irtl nud I) u-w,Uc ViuAcm. A Lut Hoti to Paint your house with paints that are ' lect from. Clarke & Falk " fi ""Jeir0DlI'e Jorl' W'c mh j ..cpjis. mu- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kwj on drnucbt the celebrated COLCMBtA BEEK, ncinnw: Klced tte lust bwr in The Dalle, at the UkUal price. Come ill. try It Mid hi. convrnrcd. AUo the 'lnet bruudi of Wines, U-j-jor arid Clean. Sanduiiehcs of all Kiudi lwey on hand. fully guaranteed to last have them. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve ie nn equalled for pile?, injuries and skin diseasee. It is the original Witch Hiizel salve. Beware of all counterfeits. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. ' HIE U,1LLK3 t'UKOON. C. F. Stephens .Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. 25 per cent, for Cash. Now in yonr opportunity to get bar gains. Don't rules it. S. L. BROOKS, Scccesfor to E. J. Colling & Co. Hoot, Shoe. Hutu, ( np, .Votloru. .for W. L. lHiuglai iiiioe. Tfletihone No. fiR, I'M tXC Act. M.-cond iit., Tie Dalles. 0rv tnr." n,1 .!,. W ii.u gaj.ui. yj, uncriur 7". '""" "v paints when you can buv James E. the thing to place over the real bead- patton'e Eun proof paints for tl.50 per quarters? Honor bright, now, is not j gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & the democratic platform a job lot of j Fa!k "trents. ml" old planks stolen from all the forces ' I-wie Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., tsye, of unrest, from populism, socialism, ' "DWltt'i Little Early Itiaere always .. T, . . , , ; bring certain relief, care mv headache copperbeadism, Debsism, greenback-! and nfcver grifje Thfcy Kei;tly cwn(e ism and anarchy? And won't the and invigorate the bowele and liver. "clearance" of this homogenous ag glomeration be the correct thi every self-respecting and patriotic Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids us ag- "i aed Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in mv tl.lf " strengthening and recon- ing for; family ithwoder,a, re.ult, It ,.vob lilX atnotic immediate relief, it pleasant to take and ant and tonic. No other nrenarat 11 We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Js ii any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapid l'? Ask 3'our physician I if we are reliable. I BLflKELEY & HOUGHTOH Jveliable I'rcscriptionists J.h. hCHEM, H.a.iui.l IB First National Bali THE DALLES - - - OREC9 A General Banking BasineM I Deposit received, enbjecttoS Draft or Check. Collections made and proreediprospii remitted on dav of collectior. I Sight and Telegraphic Exchaapnlda Kew York, San FranciKO and pcrt- land. DIKKCTOKS D. P. Tirom-Bos. Jso. S. Ec En. M. Wiluaxr, Gio. A. 1 H M. Bsxtu Just What Yoa rnant. or- dltrest-. other preparation Amprlnnn in li .Turin jti.v "uiv itie uyspeptic'g best Irieiiil." cdu approacti it in efl ciencv. It In ' eaye E. Hartgerink, Overieel. Midi. aDtly relleveiand permanently cures to pfV7ir,,a' i''KCRwoo, Heartburn, VienSe' tfeoiJr Stomach, Nausea ail other results of Imperfect dlKestlon. Moored by E. C OeW 6 Cs.. ChlwooT Multnomah county is Eatisfied with "hM yoa at' the Telegram. Cannot fjil ir. ..... r- 'Ji leiegram., S!ck Ileadnche ntuoltrti,! v r.nrl ,.., Eastern Oreeon, bis own section, nently -cured by using Moki Tea. A whose people know him so well, can peasant berbdrink. Cares constipation rely upon his fidelity lo them. There ! and lnil'Kefction, makes you eat, hleep, fore, every citizen, whether repub-'! 'wk T1?" '" , ,, . ,or money hack. l!o cte. and 50 cte. jican, (icraocrai or populist, nag b Blakeley & Houghton Druggist' practical and important interest in OrUNNS MM : New Ideas in Wall Paper bore. Such , wide variety n we are allowing never be- iu.b siaicu a Eingiu BUiCK. Iteal lu ll, F.s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Laa&blin. Tbone 157 having Mr. Moody slay where he Is. If those opposed to Mr. Moody po litically think that consider ations outweigh the material ad vantages to be derived to this state from having him in congress, it is their privilege to act upon that view. C4.I1 in lour cceefc.. All coantv warrants reiutArtd prior to June 3, 188(1, will be plrl at my office. Interest ceusee after February, li, 1100. C. L. Philum, Conntv Treasurer. Clarke it Falk bare received a carload J J.V.S'"9E OF TUB I'KACK. Nota of the celebrated James , Patten utrictly pure liquid painte S8ilffi?lW. n ' B'Wt Jlgn., taatefuf co'lorin y0U jJriAiABff. l'erV"'l F'nee, at. our Htore on third T. BROWN HILL, It . " .'UKIl ruoilC. UO ectior.l tirornril v Mony to loan. C. K. Jlayard' of fice, The Dallei, Oreon. tiainta. D. W. VAUSE. Third St. . STURDEVANT, Deutist. Ofllce over Krencli it C'o.'i littUk Vbum c 1HK DALLES, OKE00N OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAURAflT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street, FRENCH & CO BANKERS. TKAKHACTA EKEKALBASK1S0I Letters of Credit iesued anilable irfi Eastern EUtw. fiiiht Kvrhanre and Tl Trinit.n vnlil nn Scve York. CW St. Louie, San Francicco, Portkndl gon, Seattle Wasli,. ana vanow I In Orevon and WttphlDCtOD. CollectloriB made at all polnti w orable termi. me coiuinwa mm PACKERS OF PORKandBEH MAKDFACTUKER80F Fine Lard and Sti Curersof IMH HAMS & BACOJ i)RIKD BEEF. ETC. m vraH . VMM MMW lllGKTtj3 lloiid.lrlct rn'Wll',BJv,Uiiil5jl'St I rntiti.t Maui; ii in tM ;-fflBlfluHcf, wlllioutttmrt re, I "'"1. , A lmnrt.on.Hr Hliitralod rrw; rnin lour inonlkw. tl 8ul J MM III I HtlMTIHOTOM . w.uon HUNTJNUTON WIpHON, ATJOUNEYH AT I.AW, OaMomir.tNt.ffi UAU'Ji,)' 0KKUyh Mica 'Axle Crease lighten the lltf . . it.. 1 .... aM hlYfff " . , I exjicuke, TANDARt "fia-i