The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 10, 1900, Image 1

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SlK Hulks
NO. 230
After llridgcs uvcr mc vci nna vaai
r it 1- --P
Rivers are Repaired, Roberts, Bullcr
.nnil the Force at Fourteen Streams
Will Advance Simultaneously.
S.u.u.ii:i:i., May 9. It is reported that
i i. I,..., iq nniriinrr x.nrifi nvnr nun
ri i . ! i
1 ....In ll.o f n n 1 nit n tA t nr r r
it ,,ni.Umnll nt Tin Q 1 1 PO ft I BM I 1 nf
- - .. ! .. .....1 ilnl itmpurl itiatat n n atu&
tin iirirm'w in uui jii uiriit iiiui tuiiu
I 1 .... . .t. ltWltJ. Tln .. mf
i i it...... 1. l.iMiiP nnnrriil tint ta'imrt
t,,U,tlt,, I IO K ihiikii to
nuu ........ . i -
y l 1. 1 I I
Lonih s, May 9. Although tbeUrltish
... i ... i.i,.-.. v.ii
mini r (lrniH 01 inu Aiinu river, i
.1..; e ...,in.i r
rue sum. iiiuu:uieu iiiut mc jouurum
f-, . . .1 ! a ...t ll.-l ..J 1
. . . . . . 4 ...lulu In innbii a slut Utnfl
i r it f it in miiiii iini iiuuni lh uuvuhi k.
... T 1 Dol.n.t.l
lit' MULT c iruiii iiiucru, 10 cu niuu nuu
. I . . I ... I I. . lt..l It 2.
iftu'Mir Tf uitfi now mc noers can ne m
. I ... - ? 1 1 ft ! .1 1
L: 11 I'M till L ll Ll kllUI Wl.i U V I. 11 11 hilt
r n mi on hi iv rnnriHiiiiiL : iiKniH iiih ih hi
l in i n mil.
Kt'paire to the bridges over the Vet
tor nml Mio VnnI nrn PYnrwtorl tn rp.
aye, wnon ueiierai turner win uieo ue
iimaimfh in trtnr tn crnt in fnnrh with
h i:itiii iirtiiv iintntnn i nrnnnn v nn
A dieputcti from Maseru, dntetl May 8,
mm niiii riiiKHimri in n iihiiii!kv con
, . , ....... . .. .w
...(. . ... I
ii niMMMiiuM .lIuiiiliii t ti i ipnorun.
L' ineir ri'i wilt in inn I rnnuvnn .
London, May 9. G;30 p. in. It ie an-
iini'HM in n uui ii fitu(ntfin trntti i
' f -
u YJiiiiii'ii r rifii nriiiun mhh mmhii mnvmi
GlurluiiH New.
ComeB from Dr. D. B. Carglle, of
HBimn, i. i . lie writes:
OUr in pr nf Klnptrir Kit tora linn
11 111 m n iritu wnii in nroaL mi r nn riur
uivw T VUIU ll VIIA VMH WB w a
n ..w V.i , lUV IIVI .u v,w.
of 11 (. ,1 1 1 in . . it mi.f
---. v. 1 tivwibii id CAwvilvUVi Auas
UnN wllllf I Ii mi an nna liana npnvnri
.j ,wi Li,ftouiW VCktCIf Dmi liiouillj
('(rfl IbAlIn I .. t T t
till 11 1111 I'M ii itit nn iAirk i a
tnua t.nt... 1.1 ji 1
lti t liuuivdy for Khttuiuatltin,
All who Hsu Oliaiuberlalu Pain Balm
r riiiut 1 1 i t .iii. 1 1.
i in uiu uciiuicu Willi uiu
111 fr.t ; ..i e i
witi uniii wiiiuu it huuiuci
speiiking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I
"Hums ui ruuuuiNiinui in u)
nun shoulder. I tried numerous
nt uuv got no renei umii i was
""cu uy niuagrs. ueo. r.xar
wu,, uruKmniB oi hub piace, to
.v wiamuurlaln'B Pain Balm. They
"" it u nigiiiy mai i uougiu
"Utile, wan unnn rtllwil nf nil tuitti.
have bIiiuo recommended this llnl-
- ui my irieuas, who agree
Ul Uiu that it is the h,.t ron.Bilv for
(tut i ... . . .
ii . i i M'ul""HBin in uie market.
ur ln by Blul el,y & Houghton.
UH I hi. ul ... . . .
libtluai of UmwuII.
WasM1T0N( May A meetng of
foreign relations committee of the
nle was hold today, at which was dla-
"eil tl0 propofltion to take up the In
Redness of Hawaii, as assumed by
united States wheu the resolution
nnnoxalion provided for tlie taking up
oonas ana otlier Indebtednees to the
amount of $4,000,000, but it has been
developed that the full amount of the
indebtedness is approximately $4,600,000,
including the liabilities of the Hawaiia
postal savings bank. A bill waB draw
amnormng uio eecretay of the treasury
to take up this indebtedness, and tiie
committee today authoiized a favorabl
report to be made on it.
III alio Ileinihtlcan,
L.KWI8TO.V, May 9. The republican
state convention, for the election of
delegates to the national convention
was held here. There, was a large at
tendance of delegates. The eatherin
was noteworthy because of the large
number of former silver republicans
among the delegates.
I lie disposition appeared to be to
treat them as though there had been no
split. One of them was permanent
chairman of the convention and another
is one of the delegates to the national
The temporary chairman was Judg
VV. B. Hey burn and the permanent
chairman was ex-Attorney General
George M. Parsons.
The delegates elected are Senator
George L. Shoup, Judges W. B. Hey
burn, J. F. Ailshie, L. L. Ormsby, State
Senator Frank li. Goodiug and George
A. Kobethan.
Kesolution9 were adopted commend
the administration of President Mc
Caught a Dreadful Cold.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. M
Thompson, a large importer ot fine mil
linery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi
cago, says: "iiunng lue late severe
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at night- and made me
unfit to attend my work during the day
One of my milliners was taking Cham
berlaiu e Couch Hemedy lor a severe
cold at that time, which seemed to re
lieve her so quickly that I bought some
for mvself. It acted like magic and I
began to improve at once. I am now
entirely well and feel very pleased to ac
knowledge its merits." For Bale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Andrew CarnrKl 8peaki In London
London, May ft. Andrew Carnegie,
the American steel magnate, will deliver
the principal address at the banquet of
the Iron and Steel Institute at the Cecil
hotel touight. Mr. Carnegie will stay
here for a short time and will then leave
for Scotland, where he will take iv six
months' rest. Mr. Carnegie says he Le
lieves that the republican party will
elect its caudidate at the next presiden
tial contest. He advocates the building
of a merchant marine through favorable
legislation by congress.
A Lire And Death Fight.
Mr. V. A. Hines of Manchester, la.,
writing of his Blmost miraculous escape
from death, says: "Exposure after meas
les induced serious luug trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and day.
All uiy doctors faid I must soon die,
Then I began to use Dr. Kink's New
Discovery lor Consumption, which com
pletely cured me. I would not be without
it eyen if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on ray recommendation and
all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles." Regular size 50c
andl .00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
& Houghton's Drug Store. -
BoldJOOO ltauge llore.
n t L- n tViv. Mav 9. Kdward Blew-
ett, of the Oregon Horse & Land Com
pauy, with ranches on the Owyheo
river, lias just sold 7000 head of noises
at un average price of $18 per head.
They ore said to have been bought by
Eastern capitalists to eell to the British
government for service in South Africa.
Another similar deal is pending.
Win, J. Landers, resident manager of
the Lion and Impel ial Fire Insurance
Companies, wishes to announce to the
patrons of these companies that owing
to the sickness of Mr. C. E. Bayard and
the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gourlay,
their former agents, the agency for both
companies for The Dalles and vicinity
has beeu placed in the hands of Mr.
Timothy Brownhlll. Any business
given to Mr. Brownhlll will receive
prompt attention and will be appreciated
by the compaulcs. Oflke in 0. E. Bay
ard's old stand. No. 85 Washington
stieet, The Dalies, Oregon. alO-lm
tZZ The Kcr.i.1 lit loin.
fcioux Falls, S. D., May 9. The com
mittee on platform of the Populist con
vention met at 7 o'clock, and at mid
night was still in session, debating the
various planks presented. Ex-Con-gresetnan
Jerry Simpson acted a chair
man of the committee. Among the
planks agreed upon before midnight
were those relating to imperialism,
militarism, trusts and the finances.
The financial plank declares for the
free coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to
1. The declaration on the Idaho troubles
which was drawn by Senator Heltfeld,
is as follows :
"Resolved, That we denounce the
practice of issuing injunctions in cases
of disputes between employee and em
ployers, making criminal acts of organ
izations which are not criminal when
performed by individuals, and demand
legislation to restrain the evil."
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
Btomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences.
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or" any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug Etore.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Golden Eagle Mining Com
pany at the office of French & Co.,
bankers, on Thursday, May 31, 1900, at
7 o'clock .p. in., for the purpose of elect
ing seven directors and transacting such
other business as may properly come be"
fore said meeting.
By order of the president.
J. C. Hostetlkh, Secy, and Treae.
The Dalles, Apl. 27, 1900. a27-td
Howard Will Surrender,
London, May 9. Jim Howard, the
man accused oi tiring the snot that
killed William Goebel, came in this
morning from his home in Clay county
and took the train for Frankfort, whither
he goes to surrender himself to the
authorities. Howard Bays he will have
no trouble in proving hie innocence.
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says,
'DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the
ery best pills I ever UBed for costiveness,
ver and bowel troubles."
Wasco Wareliou se Com pany
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, s?i?ikKSD
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
"friTI TlmiT ThisFlour is manufactured expressly for family
(AJ JA A 1U 111 . UBe . every flack is guaranteed to give satisfaction,
Wa sell our eoods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
All kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
RofnrO lnil P'Rce an' ortler8 'or a tombstone or for
DulOiC yUU curbiug, fencing or other cemetery
work, call on Louie Comlui. I will not only give you all
the information you need but I will quote you prices you
cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bluff you. It will take
only a few minutes to call aud see me. If you hava a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to
the price and quality of my work nnic Pnmini
and abide by the result. : LUUIO uUIIIIIII
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you imiat tako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Uatarrh (Jure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous eurfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrnggists, price 7nc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Ho Fooled the Surgeon.
All doctors rtold Renick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18
months from Rectaf Fistula, he would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed ; but he cured himself with live
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 4
Special reserve old government whis
key, recognized by the highest medical
authority in the land; especially recom
mended by the board of health of San
Francisco for hospital use, also A. P.
O'Brien, M. D., captain and surgeon,
and Win. D. McCarthy, major and sur
geon U. S. army, as the pureet unadul
terated stimulant for convalescents, in
valids and family use. Sold by Charles
Stubliog. apl20-dlm
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. Ail
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives a eplendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25 cents at any
drug Btore. 4
A Testimonial from Old Knglund.
"I consider Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy the best in the world for bron
chitis," says Mr. William Savory, of
Warrington, England. "It has saved
my wife's life, she having been a martyr
to bronchitis for over six yenrs, being
most of the time confined to her bed.
She is now quite well." Sold by Blake
ley & Houghton.
Burial Shoes
Police Force is Inadequate to the
St. Louis, Mo., May 9. Every street
railway line in St. Louis county is tied
up this morning, and not a car is moving.
General manager George W. Baurnphoff,
of the St. Louis Transit company, an
nounced at 9 a. in., that no attempt
would be made to run cars today unless
ample police protection was afforded.
Chief of police Campbell declares that
the force under lihn is too small to
handle the situation properly, but if the
company would select one maiu line to
operate, he would see that the cars were
run without molestation.
Tiie steam railways put on additional
trains and made numerous stops. Places
of amusement were almost deserted last
night. The house of delegates has
adopted a resolution declaring the
franchises of the St. Louis Transit com
pany revoked in every inetance where
the company fails to run its cars in strict
compliance with the provisions of the
ordinances under which its franchises
weie granted.
W. D. Mahon, of Detroit, president of
the Amalgatated Association of Street
Railway employes of America, has ar
rived here. He will supercede Samuel
D. Lee in the direction of the strike.
From Sourthern Luzon.
Nueva Cacebes, March 5. The vol-
cano Mayon is in eruption. Friday
morning last a dense cloud of steam,
smoke and ashes buret from the cone
and drifted lazilv eastwrrd. Seen from
thiB city, the rolling mass seemed snow
white, and on the horizon bad the ap
pearance of a fleecy cloudbank. Sharp
reports were heard at intervale, but no
earthquake tremors could be noticed.
During the night the breeze ehifted, and
Saturday dawned witli the lowering
aspect of a tropical thunder storm.
It was hard to realize that the inky
blackness, covering all the sky save tho
eouthern horizon, and blotting out every
trace of the sun, was caused by His Plu
tonic Majesty, Mayon. It needed the
proofs, and generously were they sup
plied, of brimstone emel and falling ash,
to convince even the most skeptical.
Blotted out were the mountains, faint
unreal the near by foothills, while aver
all the shadow drifted slowly northward.
Just at BUtiEet the sun burst through
the veil and dipped below the horizon in
flaming crimson ball. Mayon e till
fumes, but other breezes blow and our
skies are once morocloudlees. This vol
cano has a record, official since 1616, of
more than twenty eruptions, causing
damage to property and loss of life.
That 1767 was the most destructive.
Seven towns and hundreds of natives
comprising its tale.
Ktock for Kiuployca., May 9. The Great
Northern railroad, iu accordance with
its promiB3, has placed 10,000 shares of
its stock on sale at par for its employes.
The shares are to be handled by a new
company, the Great Northern Employes'
Investment Association, Ltd., managed
by officials of tho road. Employes pur
chasing sto-jk will become members.
No employe receiving $3000 a year or
over may buy stock, and none may hold
more than $5000 worth. Service of three
years or more is prerequisite for pur
chasing employes, As the stock is
worth $155 a share, this action means a
gift of over $500,000 to its employes,
There will ho distributed In dividends
on the stock $70,000 a year.
Wardner Inveitlgulloii Uloteil.
Washington, Mao 0. Tho Coeur
d'Alene investigation was brought to a
close today when Frederick 0. Robertson
made the final argument for those mak-
inglchargeB. He took occasion, iu Ills
address, to make a fervent plea for or-J
ganized labor, and in particular for the!
unions, which lie contended, were being!
oppressed and discriminated agaiiiBt in
the mining region. The committee will
not take up the subject with a view to
determining upon a report to the house
until the military academy bill is dis
posed of,
Subscribe tor Tiie Chronicle,
ffext 5ime
You are Suspender-hunting,
make it your business to see US.
We have got such a variety of
styles that we feel reasonably sure
cf having probably the exact
style you are looking for. Wo do
not know of a single good kind
that wo are not readv to show you.
We are giving free of charge
a pair of Suspenders with eyery
pair of Trousers we sell quality
according to value of trousers.
Fine lisle elastic web; sliding
kid ends 35c, 50c, 75c"
Guyot Suspenders; no rubber in
web except from back piece down;
tape ends; assorted colors.. 50, 75c
Tho President Suspender; easy,
graceful, strong; splendid for bi
cyclists, as well as for general use.
Made of elastic well aud non-elaa-tic
cord; adjustable 50c
Similar stylo 25c
Fine elastic web suspender,
with coutab web ends, luljustuble
elides 25c, i)5c
fl. VL
& Co.