CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON Cortaricrca 31 i Fjisor is the aosi deradm? aad dtstmctire of all diseases, a it vitiates and corrupts the entire svsiern The first sore or ulcer ts follOTved Vr little red pisipits on the bod r mouth and tfcroat fecorae sore, u gUad enlarge and iaSasie, copper'colored splotches appear, and hiir and crebrows fall oaU Thcs an some of the nilder symplon , they increase ta e-erity, finally attacking the vital organs ; the bodj- l: tortured with rbetrmatic pains and covered vdth offensive eating sores. It is a peculiar poison, and so inghlv contagious that as innocent peron handling the same article: used bv one infected with this loathsome disease, tnar be inoculated with the virus. It can be transsiittcc from parent to child, appearing as the same disease or in a modified form like Eczema or Scrofula. Manr an old sore or stubborn sfciu trouble arwarinc in middle life, is dne and traceable to blooc SOUTH and EAST via OilO IFaciiiGOO.; (80 Shasta Route Tmln lone Tfce lHBe for Pwtlaoi and way Lw.Kaa ttomtry A 1. writes hn:il vrr ago I i'rl:ed -i:J: Moos bj- a. diseurf rcre, vbo infect rd CT tjaijT aad for six lecs -veils I taSered eiitaM siery. My body was cctctciJ wilt ore and deer Se-r-erat phruciass treated ct Set til to no pur pose. Tbeacrcaryaad TCaih they rive tne s:cd te add fuel lo the avf cl which was tSeToaricj; se Fricads adiised me to trrS.5.5. I began Uk isjf it asd iaproved tress the start, and a complete and perfect csre wat the result" person contracted in earlv life. You may Have taken potasii ana mercury lajtnruiiy ior iot or uirec and thoucht vou were cured, bnt you we're not, for these poisonous minerals never cure this disease ; the drive it from "the outside, but it is doinr its work on the inside, and will show up again sooner or later CURE YOURSELF AT HONE. Yon mav not recognize it as the same old taint, but it ts. S. S. S. has cured thousands oi cases o Contagious Blood Poison and it will cure you. It is the onlv purely vegetable blood purifier known and the only antidote for this poison. S.'S. S. cleanses the blood thoroughly of every particle of th poison there is never any return of- the disease. Send for our Home TrcAnjcnt book which gives a history of the disease in al stares, and is the result of xnanv years o. o ' - close study of blood poison and actual experience in treat ing it. Yon can cure yourself perfectly and permanently at" home, and your secret is your own. Should you need any information or medical advice at any time, write to our physicians. They have made a life "study of blood diseases, and will .give your letter prompt and careful attention. Consult them as often as you please ; we make no charge whatever for this service. All correspondence is conducted in the strictest confidence. Address, SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, 6A Utvt rntlltatf - Mimar Arrive Ahlaaal .. . MtctanKaie ::a rraiwto a a MM m . M:M a a . ). m Arrive OrJnn Dterer Kcjity i tucaro i:tl m fcMa xa 7:t a m sss XT' e Aacftle u r I ..rt Worth i :tv of Maiicti . II iti:u . .. New t;faao '.a! :ittn .. tw Wfc . tSi K.-tO j.m . S.:t a in . itt a ra . )m . t :a m . 6. -It a m .11 Upia ?-lm :W ) m It a m 4 ;3. a ? :1& a ta ll:lSara 9;ll a in 7:tt a ta .ain T.-OJ a in cm f. ra 6.r a m &"ia ra iMin C: ) m r. ( a m lr-u ji in ?t7ropi(;le5p?eial5; Running Into One Another. Whn readies: at nigl.t do the different Jettett run into one auntfier and cnfu?e rn? If to, yoc have tstij-n-.atiftD and your sizi.i will rapidly crow worse if not atleuned to. Mtn? ail-1 menti arise fnn defective vision. Theo. ' H. Lifbe can fit yon with jrlas';' thvt wilt cive yon norma! vijion. Hr is a eradeste from two o' tte finest collejes in the East. J. E. Adcox i Co., J-'welers. HE GOT THE WRONG NAME. The Rmnlt Wa a Fit of Conntrrna tlon That Venrl rioorrd Him. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION k' t T. Airi. .3 . ':! tfi a not- nf - !'.. vi:.z ' The man who, while be never forgets faces, cftcnot alv. avs refntmbrr the sameii cf the ow&crs thereof, has home mournful t-xpcrieticr. lie like a chip io.-'.J Lith.r and jen on the bos orr. o: a Kir,stuoa sa. It te a dis mal :h.n? lo be coxsptlled to rnske be sit; . that ; i.o rcraeober tLc- namp of tht- pt'iot. v.iUi tdiom jrow axe talking ts , ti&ir.i sett, r h tion to mate! t.n.if in u;!i:t f fcl ' claim, atid tla: aW j.if K iail ti.-.' irt W. B. l':ebj, r uited states Ctnmil :ier for IWatilet erf 'A ahtDruuj. al hl othrc in i..-Ue:i dale, Wah.. Q rrWy. JoueVS. l'J. i' ; Deitrich H. .Stfen;aD,deTaft! of Dietrich StPcman. decensed ; HnroestHd Eatrr - lor tbe "oathwtwi !4 of "caots a:, townaiuv a rorili f rn?e u tst. Will. lier. He name the folio wins !tacw i to j.r.-ve I u continoons ri(!ence npac and cultivn-i.u o! fatd land, viz ".Immol loasran. of nranc I)a!i I. O I"i'.'.sn aud Tiurlt eari on bith trains. i fca'ti-arn racrMawitA to Oclon and Kl l'ao, t .unit rars :n Chteaco, rt Louie, New Or ltiiA uti W a!iincuin. Onr.ertine at fan Krati(eo with vcrl stmh! lino for Honolulu, Jajmn, China, l'l.i!.ij'ltB. I'entral and r-ooth Amt-rlca. Set KCl.t at The Dalles r-t-itlon. or aJdrts C. H. MARKHAM, i.eacrai rsns- nrr Ascat, IVirtlaud, Or If In Pacific riiiiriitimiiMuiUUiiMUumr I ' 1 n-nini.,Tjr.iCT.i ire 8 i 1 2 I f j 1 J i The ITf 1 3 Or. 5 3H Chronicle, Job Printers. St tlTtirttltlTllIlltHTTTt J 2 3 s J It's Our Business To dispense bealtb-girln? pre?crip- tions in the protjer wav. It's a business we have not learned in a day, but after years of persistent wotk and careful study. We cse pare dmes and charce an honest price. Clarke & Falk. . ar rniN ana geLrai., make r.,.nu, v ,, .. mnA wiiti.m i a tad hih r,f It. A tvacan, however, o( Grand Italic 1. O., K ash. ecu ?ro tn f&r tali an hirar or no eoa-; , w- K-1,1 "h. - w .ii it tor, t;.ai hac iiu lorgtuieri Yellowstone Park Line. We Want Heads To fit the smartest and most fetch ing Ftyles in Spring and Snrniner Millin ery. Ail the latest shapes iij Trimmed and Untritnraed Haia. We handle ev erything in head-dress, and charge a price that is right (oreverv poc'spt-boofc. Campbell & Wilson. ibf Liaf cf the person with whom alie i cccirar.!r cad the latter will never buspi-ct the nameless niche she ocen piej. in the memory of the diaBembicr. A man v. iih a bad memcry for names, but an acute memory for faces, was sit ting in a corner of a Fourteenth street TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. i. Lxi CrncE, Vascoitee, 'xn..i April ai, iV.O. i NoU i hereby civea that Mary K. Gclhaus, ty U. H. itKtrnnn. her attorney In (act. hm lllixl I nonce oi internum to mute nnai rmo'U hcioru i W It t r'til.iii' .1.1 iU. Cnmlnliilnrinr In car the other afternoon, UTy wonder- . DUtrict'ot ashinstonrai his o'llice in Cicldeu- inrr whv it is that not oae woman on' JaIe' w,"l1,n'!,"il; ,n ti!,!n, jTlth.,dtt:.0' , . , , , . ... June, I'M. oa Timlicr-rultute Atitilicatloa o. oi f.tniy to-day ha her &noes hlac!;- "ut, lor the northenst quarter of Mxtinn Nn 4. lu eDed or poliabed nicelr, ao matter how i township No. 2 north, range No 1 1 raM, V. M. . . , . r , She namea as v.itnwx.- Mnnuel a. UHinnnio, tlaooratiy the may be gotten up ot!:- of (iralid Dalle 1'. O.. Wash.; Hcrinao KnsolLe, trv. jke, when a superb ir tn Ki rt'ty r a n u nJE t ... ... .. ........ . ' I'EOI'LE IOC ALL KSOff. McAhi-ter, a Glenwood at the Umatilla Honse. heep- Chas. man, is T. A. Gilmore, of Sprapce landing, is registered at the Umatilla House. O. Kiner.-ly was a passenger on the Eecalator this morning for Portland H. D. Parkins was a passenger on the fche rtcni7i-d the man in the rorc:-r cf the car iiiCtantly, and l;e relrl;'Il!7l-, htr face ilthont being- precisely a 11 for t?n second or so to place it. I'm: they exchanged amiable Entiles, ant! she took the only vacant teat in the car. which hapened to be beside th: roan who conldn't esnctly place her or. the iufciant. Jjy the time he had na: down and arranged her .skirts, how ever, the words "Martha's, Vineyard nahet! throcg-n his rnicd, and he ineinbered all about her that mny2-l V. is. DfNUAK. ISeclkUr. NOTICE FOR (Isolated Tract )- PUBLICATION. Public Land Sale. La51 OrncE at Tin Ii.vx.LLE, Oueco.v Ajir. 16, VJtt). ( Notice lk hereby L-itrcn that in iitiiMmiu-o nf j inrtracliotx Iioin t-e commlioner of the (feu J eral land oSlce. under authoiity vested in him hy Mction 21.VI f S. IScv. Ktai., a amender by the net of ooncn-h ajinroved Fehruory ',, l.-'j6, -r -) w.w..,.,.S ... .n... ... ...1,. .... , w ,.yw,u ,u u,,u, .a, fundi; ami' fill '. (i&r. thf .Nth fiar nf Mh, lifrr nf thM Kr..r it: ; I N. K. Vi i. , W. M I the iininm cap. r.oriE nsoii tohtlani) j TO THE EApT. THE ONLY UIISECT LINE TO THE VEU)W .-10NE I'AISK Duke Depai, Tint asd I sis No. 2. Fot mnll for Taroma, No. 1 ?enttle, Olympla. tiray'o Haihor and Mjutii Ilcnd otnt.1, spukane, !So.i land, II. C, rcllrann, Moeor, 1j.'11oii, Huf-. 11.15 A. SI. fnloHumn mining coun 5;.'04'. M. try, Helena, MinnetiiKt lln, St. 1'nUI, Omaha, Kuiuuh C'ily, St. IjiuIh.; (.'blccr and all jxilut No 1. eat and outln-Ht. No. S. !ucet round Eiires ll;SO r. JI. Ior Turoma and M'uttlv 7.WA. JI. and iiiternicalatc junti I'ullman iirnt clan and tourkt lot-i;t lo MtnncfliKillk, st. I'aul and JIUoourl rUcr iolnu vrlthotit fliaiiKe. Ventlhultrd truiun. l oloti dejiot rinnectiout in all rinciiil citler. HaCKMRf chectMi to destlnntlou of ticket!. t or handonn'Iy illtiiit:ati-ddchcrliMvu matter, ticketa, leeilnB car inervatlnu, ete., call on or write . n ju irfH.i'i, a. m , a; i re- trcc of land, to-wit: i5 i NWj,NE4ts.:,T. IS- ' In, ..!) . .... ... this morning for Cascade liegalator Locks. J.T. and V. D. Harper were nassengers on the Regulator this morning for Hood Eiver. Mrs. Markillie an.! children left on the noon passeDger on a visit to friends in Portland. B. F. Pike, assessor of Sherman county, was in town today on his way home from Portland. Commissioners N. C. Evans, of Hood liiver and D. 5. Kimsey, of Antelope, are in attendance at L li -; county court. J). S. Crupper, an old and respected resident of Hood River, was in town today and made this office a pleasant call. -Mrs. Uostwick, representing the City of Paris Dry Goods Co., of San Francisco, is at the Umalillii House for a few days with a fine Hue of goods for ladies. W. H. Djvis, of Wapinitia, left on the Regulator this morning for Yamhill county where lie goes to buy some thoroughbred cattle to improve his Block. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Blick, of Hay Creek, Crook county, were passengers on the Regulator this morning for Mouut Tobor where they expect to make their future home. Jflstlce Timothy Browhiil returned today from Pendleton where he passed a successful examination before the Biipreme court lor admission f the bar. Tim is now a full-fl-ded lawyer. i;oi;.n, Saturday, 5th instant, to Mr. and Mrs. Woody, of North Dalles, a daugh ter. iion.N. In this city, this morning, to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barzee, a daughter. The Dalles Comirieion House will keep fresh milk at all times on hand and deliver it Hiiy where in Ihe city at the following prices: One quart, 'l per ' month ; three pints, f 3 ; two quarts, t ; three quarts to.bO; cream 20 cents per pint, fresh butter every day, 184-lm Caali lu tour C'uocfca, All cauntv warrants registered prior to June 3, 169(1, will be paid at my oiiice. Intorest ceases after Februarv. 2, 1WK). C. L. PmM.iJ-8," -'''. Oonntv Treasurer. Wauud, Furnished house, with five or sir rooms and bath, for the rummer. Apply at this office. 5m-3t X ttr fend ul) t.uu nlalmlKH ikVn , e. try txctpi ner name. Jle had , deM;.-ibi lands are advid to file th. ir claim in thb olilce on ot hyfore the dny above liiiciiaiwj or inecommeneeoient oi bcio ule otherwise their rif hti 111 le lorfeiw. JAY V. Ll't'AS, ItPRtntcr, anrlvl OII5 l'ATTE!-..-ON, r.eec er NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. met her at a Martha' Vicevard hotel .nut summer, and they had been real close to an ye flirtation uhr-n the raan j v.afc suddenly called aWu oa bj.iness. ' He rciot rnltred that the waj, in Mar j tha'fc Vineynrd without hr l.iibar,d. ' although he wa quite positive that Kh-! Lxsh Omen xt Thk Pallko. Oi:i:i.o.(,i as. a "Mrs.," and he atrukd '.aliar.t-1 AI,r" V'M 1 ly a he exchanged eornmonplac with I vJt&A her in the car, mingled with remiiim- I male iinal proof in nupjrt of hU rUlm, aud cence of little tn-iitr mi i that W proof will J made lcfore the UestlcUr cejice. ot little matters at Mart hi. a! and heciver at The Dalle. OttKon. on sutur meynrd ditnnL' the lime thev were lay, Junes, iwj, riz A. D. CHARLTON, i.ltant General I'nuM.-ntjer Acen, 2M Jlorrison ' treei, curlier inir' , I'urtland, orecon .R.SN. $ i .oo per month. Strictly Cret class local and long dlMmtce telephone service within your home. Lines do not croe s-tnlk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You get the standard Hunniug Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night ervire. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC 8TATE8 TELEPHONE 008. ur.rAKz ror. TlHf. KSieiiCLK. 1'UUX iMLLfca. both there, to remember her naaif. Henry Readel, of The Dalles, Or.. Hnmestead Kntrr No 1710, for the SEfc, seetion D, townehlt 1 north, range Vi eat, W. JI He namea tne followinz trittmntdi lo prove hit coutlnuout leaidencc ujmiu and cultivation of hM land, viz: Henry I.uehinp, Georce Arnold, Charlie V Adam, Jlicbael Dorle. ail of The Dalles, Or. """JS J JAY K LI OAK, ISegl.ier. ihe feature of it wa that hhe hs.'i rt-ailed hia tutrne uk booi; as hhc bowed to him, and jhe had a hufc'e bulge r.a him in ccriaequence. "What a ehnrmia' view we had from :la old hotel up at the Vineyard, did v.-e not, Mr. Pitapat?" she asked hhn, "Surely we did, ah tr MrH. um-ta- umpii one of the finefct vivwn aloi.f,' the Atlautic coatt, I verilv be lieve." "By Jove," he was Haying to him i.elf all the time, "I would f.;ivc n million dollars if I could remember thin mag nificent woman's name let's tee Biff kiiis, RafTkins, Bufflrinh no, don't bf lieve it begins with a B at all Turlej Tarley. Ti.mley dum the luck, any how, I believe 1 am vun part-Hi-" ",S e, the crocuses are beginning to pi'ep forth already," said the ruvikhinj,' creature, whose name the man couldn't remember, pointing to the flower bed in Thomas Circle. "So they are. Mrs. er ah urn t turn" all the queer soundb Wiiuinj.' after the "Mrs." being simply subdued vocal spasms and make believe. Finally, when the car wn 'wuy up Mt. Pleasant, the man MiddViih thought of her name. A triumphant light came into his eye, and hesald: "Mrs. Pitssout, are you U returning to Murthu's Vineyard this summer?" 'Veu," fche said. Kraclouslv. "but f trust vou will ,...r,it ,.. iV.V.T.."..'.'''.'.'.' ?.K', 'V that you address me bv it name thai f f,.?,'"tvr. ",1l If-wlvw of Ihl. oilico at The ,, " - ! i 'aura, uit-K The man almost collujised in hlsM'ut. "Isn't Pussout the er right I thought" Kat 3alt I.akr, Denver, It. Jlatl . Worth. Omaha, Kbii 12.10 p. ra., a l.'ity, fct. UiuU, Chicago and Eaat. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lanc Orncc at The Ijallch, Or.r..o.c,i April i VJA). Notice In hereby Riven that the following. r.oniMi fctttler ha iihd notice of hi Intention to iiia.e proof in nupprtrtof hi claim, and that Mild pjv.f nill U- made Uloiethe ISeitikter and IlcieiveratThc Dullesi, Oregon, on oatut day. June 16, 1'JXt, U. Jens P. Agidius, of The DaUes, Or., HomesUnd Entry No IVII, for the NWti .VWV Mttlon 21. and f. NE end NE hKX aectlou 23 townnhlp 2 noith. range 12 east, W. JI. Ho nameii the follow ing wltncaiica to prove hltoutiiiuou retildcnce ujKjn and cultivation of alc Ind. vl John Crate, Charlea f)iili, J. D. Hockinnp, J. blraonion, all of The Dallen, Oregon. 'n"y- JAY I'. Lt'CAb. ISecUter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber L-nd, Act June 8, 1878. ' K. Lawj Om-ick. .1 ifE rj r.r t l ti, i... '. i,.. .fi "'f ' to'tyr Klven Unit In cornpllanee with the provljlons ot the uct of congri-DK of June 3, i,; entitled "An net lor the al of t, ! her liiiida In the atotea ol ( HUiornla, Oiegon, Nevada and Vm.hliiKton Territory," tVllllam K. Krtcliuui, Kjk Impulse "rMmKKKm&i mm Si-ikane Walla Walla, Hpokane.i Jlall Jllunea;olla. hi. I'aul. and ' iiuluth, JillwBukw, Lxpreai I Chicago and Kant, via. 1 hpokaneakd Hunting-1 . tni; aim all wlnt in: lu.ij p.m., nmiiKW)ii ana era Oregon. HjKitaiie Jlall and Kxireiia t:(la. m 6 p. ra. Peom Pokiianii. Oeeitu hteamahl. For han Krannlneo April 27, JIay2,7,12. h n. m. Kx.ounduyiColumhla Itv. Ktearnem. 'To Ah-rriuft u'M Katurday j Landings. 10 p. ra. ! Way ! p. m. p. in. i IKx.bunda 6 a. in. U'lM luvrrt- II to.,.. , a Ex.hunday(Oregou City, Newhe'rc. Ex.hundaV nayljind'a. Bulem ii i a. in, Tuea.lhur. and hut. WlHAMtTTE A.MjYAM mu.Kivr.BK. Jlnu t-lty. Dayton, and Yrl and W ay ljindlngii. 8:S0 p. m. .MCd f,r Til,, rk&ii..., ,u ,.i ii- i ... -,",ii ., miiijhi it nau,, nunu or ureif(n. nu Him (ur nia in uiu oll'.ti) hla nwvrn kiate- ' merit No. I A for the purchase of ttio S.. NKl 1 ; imd h'i WAot mctlon No. :si,lu Tp. N. It , I No. 11 h W. Ji , and will oikr proof to khnw r ,., , , Itivisr.. i that the land otight h irmre valuatjle 1 ,i u ! l'rLaTia "'l-arla to Ixivrlatou. i r ' . . n. oi, t I I I ' ! tm" I'arllea dtalrinir to un m n....,., MiliiUon Coluinhlahoiithi.ti. vi: m..;. Vi hpencer.all; take No ? leaving at Tf."A ' ! II. A N "Oh, yen, I was Mrs. Piissoul; but I have got my decree since I met you lust, and I am now Mia lilrthri'ght again, and it recalls burrowing mem ories to be culled Pabsoiit." "The next time fca n't recall a name Instantly," nflectul tlTc mun, "I'm just going to own up to It, and m): Mm or her lib; or her name."- Washington 8tar, Oil, Oil MMtunlay, Ilia sail Hay of June, 1 1100, lie niirnt a witnem.e J, II. (iolt, D. ; het- 'v '.V'"' """ aim niiiium of The Dttlli.n, Oieaon. Any unu nil i:riioiiii (.'laiinlng ail TutR'... o w"-rtt I 1:30 p. m. T"f;.uT,,Hr', Port,"!!'l Corvalll.,1 Jlori.'wd biiucbi, , ana Hay-lJiiidlnif. y ivih.. Lcavc i.ewikto.i dally h;'M a, in. li KOV e ntucrllRd laiula i.m ii'imuiui clulin lu thl oiiice on or tiofuie mid June, IK'). aprlvlOwl JAY I'. IX'CAH, Iln:ter. jjlt. K. K. rKUCt'Ml.V, PliyHician and Surgeon, Ollce, Vfcgt Iilw;k (over Jotol)lce), 20aplmodw- THK DA 1. 1. KB, OHKOON. MANtirACTUilED 1IY AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, TCTRVATrVYRH PPTMTTWll PRESSES. ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. P. S. GUNNING-, Agent uii2G TIIIJ DALLES, OBEGOJ C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen' rthe Greate .American Liquor mm Yellowstone Sour Mash WHISKEY from 2.7fi to .itfi Uir finn. fTToTBTetira cld.J ilfPfTRTKn hnavin it iu ... To7uT :.L. ".;iT7r. Ml to -'0 yeBrtoi; OALirOEUIA BRAWTiTP.B (mm .r. tn i.00 ner imllon. (4lol2- "Kent '1 lie Dallea. or addnm Co.'i (iiiri W. II. IIUIILIIUKT, l'a. Alft., I'ortlaud, Or. IpitKD. W. WIUON, ATTOISNEy-AT LAW, ODlco ove, Ktut fiat, ffi "A'JJ!&' OKKa0K ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD- Beer i" OLYMPIA BEER on draught, Imjiorted Ale unci l'orter, and Vl BUtt and 0l""l IjOtlP JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Advertise in the Chronic