The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 09, 1900, Image 3

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    The Crowning
Of a man's suit is
the HAT..
Overlook the fact we are
Headquarters for the New
est and Nobbiest Styles.
N. B.
We are agents for the Cele
brated Roelofs and Manhat
tan Hats. Best on Earth.
Counters and MielvlncH full of tlio latcet
production of designs and colorings in
White or Figured
Wash Goods.
Organdies o5c to $1
hitorla Lawns and India Linens G' to !!0o
Dimities and Swisses All Prices
Striped and Figured Liwns 84c up
Corded and Figured Piques the prettiest
effects in all white to be seen 20 to 40c
Scnboro Cords 00 pieces of these goods to
choose from. Great values at Gfc
Mulls, Batistes. Ginghams,
Scotch Lawns, etc., etc.
Continued Q Days Monday, Tues
day and Wednosday
ffinr Towels. nriccc.
10c Pure Linen, 10x34 8Kc
15b Linen Huck, 15x30 lie
17c " Crash, 17x35 ltfc
20c " Huck, 18x30 17c
25c " Crash, 18x40 21c
23c " Pure Linen Knotted Fringe... 21c
33c " Plain Border f luck, 1Sx42 28c
40c " Huck, hemstitched, 20x42 33c
All other Towels reduced in like proportion.
House-Cleaning Time
Now Curtains, Nw Hugs,
New Shudee, New Table Linens,
New Napkin?, New Silence Cloths,
New Sheeting?, New Bed Spreads.
When in, look through the Notions Show
Cases for
Hat Pins. Stick Pins,
Shilt Waist Sets, Beauty Pins,
Pulley Setp, Belt Buckles,
New Pulley Bells, Fans,
Purse?, " Chatelalno Bags,
Finishing Braids, Plain & Fancy Ribbons.
Anything you want can bo found here.
Remnants in each department
SATURDAY will be another
for announcements later.
Stylish Oxfords.
We are showing the greatest variety of Ox
fords this season. All women who value com
fort, love beauty or appreciate economy are in
vited to inspect these shoes.
Handsome Southern Ties, black or tan . . .$3 00
Full Coin Toe Oxfords, black or tan 2 00
Easy wearing Prince Albsits (low cut
elastic sides) 1.75
Great comfort in our Common Sense Turn
Oxfords 1.50
Lots of Etyle and wear in our Vesting Top
Oxfords", black or tan 1.50
We continue this week the special sale of
Ladies' Kid Button, square or coin toe.. 1.05
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
:e Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1
MAY 9, 1000
At Andrew Keller's.
Hull fii'n ii iinl-a titrtrn antinrtl attar Mifa
viiiji mu tfvuna utuia owuuvi tiuvi tmu
The county ollicials today drew the
fV for flu tnrm nf nlrmiif. nnnrf. nnni-
- . . " w . - " - - -
tilting .May 28.
John Ci. Woolery, the peerless pro-
lllt.rm ni-ifnr fr.w.i ivlll Dnunlf
ri Trniinrriiu' tiu.iir
Andrew Howie, a native of ths land
iL'iiB rrwitit iaait nut mu inn niiivon
On nceount of the excureion tomorrow
l iiiphi Tilt ti trouif trnm r r mnrrntr
Mr. Cliiltlere, ol Columbus, shipped to
rilUTIil f hill innwtilna rn Ilia Ifurmlnlnr
head of tthann. 13 IiPitri nf nnttlft and
nenooinogs. . k ..
G. J. Farley is employed these lft'" fthe D. C
piming ten handsome awnings over
e windows on the south side of the
The latest news from Shaulko has it
at the railroad will be completed to
at point and ready for traffic on the
III. Over 200,000 pounds of wool have
cnt to The Dalles.
The Cedar Circle entertainment last
ulit was a highly creditable perform-
f'H n iwi ii & .1 v-rt
" lib i uniiuiiiiisui a. ii vi v
n Highly interesting program
mloied throughout in a manner worthy
Hie Itffet traditions of our local taleut.
The '.an reports frotc Lloyd Laughlin,
n "( Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Lunghlin,
1)0 "'us operated on for appendicitis
L fllMMtl.. n .link I.a I.. .
Jfcly and it was hoped would pass the
itieal period, which is today or touior-
'Hie river gauge this morning showed
U IV.ti U f....t 1 I.. .1.
Iswof about nine feet more at thid
i mad mi, niuur in inn iuin
till enough to stop the passage of boats.
Oil .t . . . ...
av "iwy IttKtl UA0e UUl IB iiu
W. Johnston, of Wamlc, a young man
'-- mid lima Driver, daughter of I. D.
vr amo, of Wamlc, ran awny together
LhllliiTin. 1 . I . -1
wiiu nrnvuiff uere mouuny
1'iitiiuii vii r mi iiiq niro ann ivuni..
- i I tllV VMia l 14 V n vur
'lOtlier east or wt nn nnn knnwfl.
v..ui ui uiu Kiri urriveu nera mon
y afternoon but too late to catcli the
Dftye. The girl la In the nelglibor-
ajf 18. It i the old etory, Two
that beat as one. Cruel parenti
locksmiths. They ecoot. Parent pursues
with blood in bis eye. No go. No
catch'em. Get married. Parents cool
oil'. All happy as clams at high tide.
The Tumwater Indians have learned
something from brushing up against
civilization. Their chief Wsterday had
twenty-eight of his litfje band vaccin
ated by Dr. Cook, w)i0 lives near by.
He promised to bring'li the remaining
thirty or so in u few days. The Indians
want to go strawberry picking in a short:
time and dread catching the smallpox
from the whites, with whom they may
come in contact.
J. H. Hadley, of Kamas Prairie,
Klickitat county, and a former resident
of Boyd neighborhood in this county,
spent yesterday in the city, the guest of
the Obarr House, and left for home this
morning on the Regulator. Mr. Hadley
made the teeth of the Isaac Walton of
Tiiu Ciir.oxici.E water when he told of
Sam Cole, an old Gelling chum of The
Ciiuonici.c man, having recently caught
in a stream in the neighborhood of
Glenwood ten speckled beauties that
weighed 1C0 pounds, or 10 pounds each.
The stream In question, Bird Creek, had
not a trout in it eight or ten years ago.
At that timo somebody stocked it and
now it affords the best fishing in that
A I)lcraceful Act.
whole country. Till recently
knew thero was a fish in it.
Upon Air Itanil Concert.
open air concert to be given by
, & A, O. band at Washington
and Second street this evening, at 8:30
o'clock, the following program will bo
rendered :
The Charlatan March s""ia
Cany Mill
,,. C. lltnntt
..J, a. LMdicoat
Whittling Hufus
Wnltzs - VlhloiiH f raiinlls.0
Ctike Wulk-AUtounn Hose ..
llelemi Wultzs
lerunndu i'leanant Diunin .
Wiiltzs- rieusii'.it Memories ,
F. A. Hlonijin, Director.
Mrs. Calvin Zimiuerman, Milesburg,
a., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs,
colds, croup and Bore throat One Minute
Cough Cure is unequaled. It is pleasant
forchildien to take. I heartily recom
mend it to mothera." It is the only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results. It cures bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
diseasee. It will prevent consumption
Mrs. Harriet JSvane, Hinsdale, 111.,
writes, "I nevor fail to relievo my
children from croup nt once by using
One Minute Cough Cure. I would not
feel safe without it." Quickly cures
coughe, colds, grippe and all throat and
lung diseases.
King up Faulknur, the junk man, be
fore hauling your trash to the beach.
He buys old worn out rubber boots and
shoes, braes, copper, zinc, lead, sacks,
rags, etc. Dalles 'phone No, 2H.
Be sure and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying eke
where, ub we have tbo latest shipment
made to thieolty, now ready for Inepec
Hon at If. Glenn & Co.'e.
Subscribe for Tun Oukosicb.
The CmiONici.E had occasion a short
time ago to refer to the county-seat con
test in Wheeler county, by reason or the
attempt that was being made to drag
into it, in a manner they utterly reEent,
certain Dalles parties who have large
property interests in the new county.
If we' refer to the matter again it is only
because there is an unwritten code of
morals for newspaper men in their rela
tions to one another that we think
should not be violated without a solemn
protest from every generous mind.
E. M. Sbutt, who used to edit the
Antelope Herald, is conducting a little
sheet at Twickenham in the interest of
that place for the county seat. James
S. Stewart edits the Foesil Journal, and,
of course, urges the claims of his own
town. Stewart is a clean, honorable
and able Scotchman, who lias lived in
Fossil since his boyhood and whom hie
fellow citizens of Foesil have honored
with the mayorship of the town; his
brethem of the Knights of Pythias with
first chancellor commanderehip of that
order, and his brethem of the Oregon
press with the presidency of the stato
press association. The fight between
the rival editors, as was natural enough,
has been vigorous, not to sy bitter. It
remained, however, for Shutt to adopt
tactics that, happily for the honor of
the profession, as well as our common
humanity, is never resorted to save by a
sneak and a poltroon. Io the lesue of
the Wheeler county News (Shutt's
paper) ol the 25th of April, Shutt pub
lished the following:
The editor of the News is by no means
a saint ; but here are a few things, Bro.
Stewart, the people of Wheeler county
can never accuse us of being guilty of :
The News editor has never served a
term in the penitentiary of Scotland for
the commission of a dastardly crime.
He was never compelled to learn the
cobbler's trade while confined in the
He never flew from Scotland or any
other country through disgrace or be
cause he could not look his old neighbors
in tiie face."
Mr. Stewart's Scottish friends four
highly respected residents of the county
came to the reFcue with incontestable
proof of Mr. Stewart's honorable boyhood
In his native land and of the fact that he
left It in the full ordor of respect of his
companions and fellowtownsmen of Ills
native Blairgowrie and Raltray.
In the county eeat contest Tin:
CiiuoNUM.u bus no direct concern, but it
protests, in the name of a profeeeion
which this man Shutt has disgraced,
against Ibis cowardly and unmanly
method of warfare against a biother
editor. Wo have no recollection of any
thing so utterly low and base in ten
year's experience in country newspaper
work. A direct charge of felony would
have had the saving grace of courage in
U promoter, but to libel by Insinuation
and innuendo, and thus keep within the
law and save the measly llbeler from
just retribution, in the quintessence of
poltroonery and ineannees. Shutt is a
disgrace to' the profession
A Mltnll(l Ituuortl.
ShrrlH' Kelly submitted to the county
court this alte'ruoon his books, rolls and
vouchers, and a summary of the business
that has been done in his office since he
entered upon the duties of sheriff in '98.
Accompanying the books and documents
was the following communication :
To the Honorable County Court :
As tin time for which I have been
elected by the citizens of Wasco county
will expire before the next meeting of
tliis court, I take this opportunity of
bringing before you the books, rolls, etc.
of this county, entrusted to my care,
showing the rolls properl) balanced to
the 1st of this month, together with an
itemized statement of all collections
made and turned over to the county
treaeurer, and for which I hold his re
ceipts. It is my belief that the books of
the;6herifFs office should bo carefully
gone over at the close of each term of
office and I would ask of this court that
a thorough examination be made of
mine. I will at all times be glad to
aseiet the court in this matter, and am
ready to explain eacli and every item.
Koiikut Keu.y.
The summary is a splendid testimony
to the efficiency of Mr. Kelly as a tax
collector. It is beyond question the
beet showing that was ever made by
any eheriirthat Wasco county ever had.
It shows that Mr. Kelly has collected
no lees than $53,202 13' of taxes that
were delinquent in 1898 and of the as
sessment rolls of '95, '96 and 97. The
roll of '98 called for the collection of
.$100,931.01, including the sheriff's own
assessment list. Of this sum $92,330 40
have been collected, and Tin: Ciihonici.i:
is assured that when wrong assessments,
double assesemente and other onors are
counted up there will remain not to
exceed 1(3000 of delinquent taxes on the
roll of 1898. This is a shotting that any
man has a right to be proud of. On this
showing the republicans have a right to
claim the re-election cf Mr. Kelly by
the largest majirity ever given to a
It Wat HOKUM After All.
A short tune ago Tin: Chuoniole
called attention to a card that was being
circulated among railroad men in these
parts on which was printed w hat pur
ported to boa "Hsilroad Plank" adopted
by the late democratic state convention.
The Ciiuo.SH'i.B viewed the card with
suspicion, not only on account of the
surreplilious way it was being eliculated
but bmiu?e tho alleged plank it con
tained did not appear in tho Oregonlan's
report of tho convention, It will be
remembered that J ml go Bennett came
to the rescue of the sunpicious plank and
published u letter in Tin: Ciikomci.e ex
plaining how this particular plank camo
to be out and another substituted in
its place. The matter wan then fall ly
1 up to the Oregonian and that paper has
elnce mado un investigation tutu leaves
little doubt that the early (suspicious of
Tin: Ciiitosici.K were correct, that tho
whole thing was a democratic scheme to
catch railroad votes. Here it is being
used in the interest of Judge Bennett,
"the poor man's friend," God wot, and
he has it printed on tho obverse side of
his campaign card. Of the plank the
Oregonian says :
"Chairman Chamberlain and secretary
Kedlleld have certified to a plank which
is not now aud never was in their pos
session, nor was it ever in the possession
Tho Kind Yon Have Always Bought ami which has Ticca
in use for over 30 years, has horno tho signature of
and has been mado under his pcr-
jyty-z, sonal supervision since its infancy.
("GCdCJUM Allow no ono to deceive von in tills.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health oC
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishness. it cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale!
Steel Hes and Wl toes... j
To reduce our large stock we will
sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short time only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
f a
of the democratic state convention."
The Oregonian further says Unit this
bogue plank was brought into the dem
ocratic convention by a populist the
evening before the platform was adopted,
and waa rend, and that that was the
flret and only glimpse the democratic
state convention ever had of it. It
was drafted by Judgd Uennett, as n
brother delegate of his shrewdly hinted,
"that he might pose as the champion of
tho oppressed servants of corporations."
When the convention eat down on it the
judtfo privately took it up and is using
it to boost himeelf into olllce. This fully
continue tho suspicions of Tun Ciikos
ici.K. Will tho judge's little Echetno
work? We ehall tee.
(Joint News lor lilt) l,uillu.
The City of Paris Dry Goods Co., of
San Francisco, have on sale for n few
days, at tho Umatilla Howe, an elegant
lino of millinery, sailor tulle, silk
crepon and broadcloth fckirtt", silk and
cotton waists, novelties in ntckwear,
dress goods of every description, gloves,
hosiery, underwear and a general line of
icady-iiiade goods. Mrs. llos-twick, rep.
relenting the hoiue, invites tho ladies
to cill. in" -'It
I'lonipt I'm oitiiii,
1 wish to exprcPH my heartfelt thanks
to the Modern Woodmen of America
for tho prompt payment of my claim In
full amounting to $2000.
Mits. S, J. VU KKH-j.
Hev. W. K. Sitzer, W. Canton, N. V.,
writes, "I had dyepepsia over twenty
years, and tried doctors and medicines
"without beietit. 1 was persuaded to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me
from the eUrt. I believe it to be a
panacea 'or all forma of fudigeetiou." It
digests what ycu eat.
Garden Hose
"We have laid in a largo
stock of (iarden Hose and aro
carrying tho same brand of.
Hose that we havo been carry
ing for the last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tese Cross Brand. We carry
tho same brand of lloso that
the Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has boon using for tho
last twenty years. ' Tho Mal
leso Cross Brand is without,
doubt tho best grade of lloso
on the market. Call and gob
our prices before buying.
JUaieF & Benton
Solo Agents.
To buy a couple of heifer calves of
good milk stock. Will take them wheu
a week old and pay a reasonable price.
Apply at this oliice. mi! 0i
10 keen thein mart r.nv Unirha at