Ti . ft u t nu.,K.:.ln tbis company. I have no knowledge The Dalles Daily Chronicle. of bowb'c employes voted four years ago, and have never made the WEDNESDAY Dryinjr preparations simply devcl- j i op tin- catarrh ; they dry tip the recrctions, ' hich adhere to the" membrane ami decern- pose, cansicp a far more scrions tremble than the ordinary fona of catarrh. Avoid all drv intr inhalants, fames, smokes and tnuOs and cmo that which cleanses, soothes and , heals. Ely's Cream Hahn is such a remedy i 1 and -niH cure catarrh or cold in the head . easilv and pleasantly. A trial eizo will bo t mailed for 10 cents. All dniccists sell the ! The railroad men are being frantic 'SSSS. r ! ally appealed to to come to the help irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself I- , t over an irritated and ansrrv surface, roliev- Of the democrat.- candidates for tely the paint ft inflammation. Dairv Corn tctssioner J. W. '. the Orecon legislative assembly and ; With Ely's Cream lJaim you arc annua ue Qj against Aasai c;atmi ana iiayx ever. Republican Ticket. MAY 9, 1900 inquiry. 1 om glad you have given ire an opportunity to contradict this statement and explain our position. Yours truly, A. L. Momxi:. STATE OFFICERS. Justice of the Supreme Court 0 Wolverton. Tood and Bailey. t SOLDIERS' AUCTIONS. ! an election card, now before Presidential Electors 0. F. Faxton. of t one of the candidates, has on its ob Multnomah; Tillman Ford, of Ma-' L t .. ,, , , ; t r n,i.c. u verse side part of the so-called clem- J. F.rn'ish, of Cmatiila. ocratic rsilroad plank and btlow the r s-lr Th-t Tke ,.,,,. Araon(t appeal. "Railroad men We will; the Mm Mri-vm m utii DISTRICT OFFICERS- .stand bv on; will you stand by us?"i trcn. Coneressman Malcolm A. Mccdr, of jJqw suopose that bv ar.v conceivable fatuitv this particular The Dalles. Joint Senators J. X. Williamson, of Crook; T. H.Johnston, of Wasco; W. W. Steiwrer, of Wheeler. Joint Representatives A. S. Kolerts, ' of Wasco; K. A. Emznett, of Kiamth ; George Milter, of Gilliam; George Cattanach, of Grant; George A. Bar- : rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, ofj Wasco. i should be elected from Amono-t the amusing epis-odes of democrat ' ca,nP mv t"nl Kt'1 1' M,"mr! K1"" South Africa none attract this district, more onlooker than do the treqwea: bv the aid of railroad men's votes,' "sales by auction." and the interest Is their behalf? For years the demo cratic members of the Oregon as sembly have hardly numbered a -o much s-'-rioui- competitive bidding in thte. says' London Tit-Hits. It would be futile to attempt to de scribe in full the articles put up. rang ine as tiiev do from underwear to a : corporal's guard. "What have anv of i handful of oniop.s. but it may be said at If'0;, "',rne.v Frank Menefee. cf.tuem been able to do for their con-1 nw that pt the Modder camp, at lunn. I be miles, i ... , the "lots which cause the fiercest jstituents? Practically nothing, for , t.oni!,e:i:ion nt.d ft.tch thl. n)nst fancy COUNTY TICKET j the simple reason that the- arc not j prices are all kinds of reouNite for rntrini mnJ nt in working harmonv with "the ma- camat. nnrf notwith-aniing the County Judge A. S. Blowers, of Hood ' - ... fact that some of the men have dis- A. Kirchbemer, of Commissioner P. Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles Clerk A. L. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillip Aesessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. jjority. The next assembly is as , p,ay(.d wodorlul ln?renif.v in ttmkinc certain to be overwhelmingly repub-j i!raught.Mi en. and even chessmen, mm Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE-.DRUCGIST. REGULATOR LIN DALLES, PORTLAND & ASIOHIA NAY, Cdfffl t(fltlllr nf tlik Pntnil.t... 1 ... Inwinc Mhtilnle, the Ciimiuy twervlne the ,i.v.. totW- schedule without notice. l'M 10 ti I t Str. Regulator. s 1K0W.V. , I.v. lllc nt s . u. h Tui-i!iy I J, TtiutMlHy f Arr. rnrllniid Surveyor J. Coroner W. P.. Goit, ol The Dalles. H. Eutts, of The Dalles Tor Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothv Brownhill. JSO SVCH STATEMENT WAS MADE j licau as the sun is to rise tomorrow. A democratic member, of either house, opposed as he would be on o Tbe D1jleg-1 principle to the majority, would get) to aid from the majority for any-; thing. To aec mplish anything ofj jany importn-- in any legislative body the m . must be fathered bj1 some oi mi harmony with, the majority. :5 may be all wrong, j but as lonj; as party politics exist j there is no liklihood of a change. If ! railroad men have wronjjs that ought the neees'arv bonrds out of nil sorts of materials, the most popular of which have been meat bones and the tin of empty prevision enns. Materials for various pm-nt rames fetch extrava gant prices nt auction, and a handsome , silver lever watch, a set of gold studs, j and a score of cicarettes were eiven for i one game of modern invention. I Sometimes the bidding is only first turn in th ,2. L. Lane. i 3 ur. I.v. I'ortl.uirt niT A. x. Mmiilnr KrlJuy Arr tiullc nt b :) r. v. Ship your Freight via I.v. Hal M (itirtn y W(lrii.u Regulator Line, j 5?! t 5 r m Str. Dalles cy. t.:COi.l Ari.DiS FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Trawl iv thp Stcnmcm nf the Rccnlntnr Une. The Cnmniinv w II! i.tirin.... . (j ron the tt nervier lwltilo. For further lidormutlon addrnu pvt,t,rl- S, l'urtland OHlcc, Oal Street Doct. UJti W. C. ALLAWAY, Cen. Apt. BiaGKsfnnn PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. t : - . at S a uiauer ui uomuiyr, street j ,b waste their votM on 4.11. ,t , .i i J and is being used to elect to be righted and no one doubts the fact for a moment why should men that ' them, and thus place themselves in antagonism to lor n borrowinc. on t rir.s. I ;" of Kueh frames, and the nu n declared to j be the wittiest and most snti'tnctory ( C, auctlone'Ts reserve to themse!is the If, ritrht of shnriiitr in the trames with the j jj, successful bidders. It may be said that utihiiccessful bidders content them- J, selves with all manner of trames thev 'S . . - i r nave never played s.ir.ce childhood, and one man actually made a pack "cards out of tin. ...AND... Horsesnoe r Important Announcement ,to you. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tbirfi and JeflCTn. Plioiie"159 fti.r A tiril 1st . 1 will noil fa nil the Dry Goods, Clothini;, Hoots and til Shoes, Hosiery, illn:ikett, llatu and CapH, on a cut in price of Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in anv case of the only party that has the power to j conphs, cold or croup. Should it fail to -, afford relief: democrats to office, that some time since a com mittee of machinists from the Albina of the O. R. fc 2s. Company, and asked for an increase of wages. As j the story goes they were met with ciark & Falk are never closed Sundav this reply: Don't forget this. ., -S1 Clarke & Falk have on eale a full line quid oi uioines. BUSINESS LOCALS. give immediate relief money refunded. 2o cts. and 50 cts. UlaLeley St Iloufhton t Druggists. For a Nice "Gentleman, you voted the wrone ! ticket in'9G to warrant you in ak-iof paint and artiet's brnsb- inf or expecting an increase of wages at this time. The republican tariff has so increased the price of rails 1 and other railroad material that an ' increase oi wages is at this time im possible." Believing that this story was an invention, covertly designed to effect railroad men's votes, the editor of The Chuoxicle addressed the fol lowing letter to Mr. Mokler: The Dalles, Apr. 23, 1900. A. L. Mohlec, Em , A full line of Eastman Sims and eup-' i'antins, OvercocUln-ur Kiici VtntlHR. pllee just received by Clarke it Falk. Clarke k Falk'e flavoring extracts are the best. Aek your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping mnd eunhurn. Manufactured by Clarke fc Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. DeU'itt's Witch Hkz1 Salve is un i equalled for piles, injuries and skin' ' lidfaana Tr "o flic, n.inirtnl tt!iiV. Salve. lieware of all counterfeits. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior , Hfll) Cm. T is n rrl n It n. i UIUUIH. pat when .ou ba JamtB E man report among certain jiolit.cians j Patton,fi Bu f ims (or HM in these parts that certain ra.lroad , gaIIon BUarantee(J for 5 vear8. carfJ & employes from Albina some time J Fa!fc 0 tt " J7 since applied to you fcr an increase I , . , , . of wages, and that your reply was in I ?Z' ? ? " ?yf' substance: "Gentlemen, you voted ,lt e . L,t lefEar,' lil3er8 a,wa-v,, the wrone ticket in '90 to ask for or I bBrtn relief, cure my headache ..CflAS. TWH- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kjw on dmuelit the celubrnteil COLfJIBIA HKEIt, nclcnmv: eil?Hl the lt b-vr In The Dalle, attheuiuul iriee. Come In. try It olid Le ciinvlnced. Ali the Fluent brnri(l of Wlue, LI juor and CIkh.-s. Sanduiiehcs oi hll Klndi hIwuvii on hand. Klnalr rail and examine mr uti-eic of Im fortl and U u-titlc V, wjlene. A fine tw:ic to vjla:t from. 8dIU made from the loweht tirlee to the hich t grade. expect an increase of wases. The , and never gripe." They gently cleanse J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. 'J II K HAI.LK I JlKr.O.V. reoub'ican mo.ec.ive tariff laws lmv land nvte01 the bowels and liver. so increased the price of rails and j "l nsed Kodo1 Uyepfpa Cure in my other railroad material that an in- I ,ami,y wit" wonde,,'nl results. It gives crease of wages is at this time an ; ,mn)eilia,e "e''i pleasant to take and impossibility." Would you object j " trnlv tl,e dyspejitic'H le,t friend," to slate, over your own signature, so I eye E llarM' Overiee!. Mich, that it may be used ns I may deem 'f88 wliat yoD eat Cannot to fit, if any such interview occurred ! and if such answer was given by you ! Stck Ueadt,(,,' absolutely and perma- Very respectfullv, ' nent,y cured b-v usin Mol, Te!l- Hrriii finii'rAv ' Peasant herb drink. Cures constipation Mr. Mol,l.r nromntlv renlied nR ' "d l"dl lio"' ' "-l'. ZZS" f ' I woricanu nappy, fcatisiaction guaranteed Btructln? the exhausted dhrestlve or- t .... In - . I " . C. F. Stephens C. S. Smith. Till Up-to-date Qroeer Freah EggB end Creamery Butter a specialty. 25 per cent, for Cash. Now your opportunity to get bar gains. Don't tnlHS it. S. L. BROOKS, SucceHHor to K. J. CollliiH ik Co We Put... ...Doalor In.. Dry Goods, Clothing, lloot, BhM.K. Hatu, fafxi, .Votloni, AKt. Telejihnnc No. if., t-n hvcnua til., m Dalles, Or. j i i lit I everv bit of twenty years experience and drug 'knowledge with every Prescription Hint's compounded hero. Js it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLflKELEY & HOUGITOK Pieliablo Prescriptionists Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ! Itartlficlally digeststhe food and aids Just What Yoa uiant. Poiitlami, Apr. 24, 1900. II. Gorui.AV, Kurron Ciiko.vici.k, UkauSii!: Your favor of April, 23A teceived. The security owners i of tins company are comr the different political parties unncd amies, ana its employes ore composed of the entiic different parties. Under no circumstances has this company, since my connection with it, (nor will it) nsk the employes to vote for any particular political party, nor will H undertake to in fluence such votes. I huve made no such statement as referred to in 3'our favor. This company's relations, so far as I know, are perfectly harmoni ous with the men in its employ at Albina, and tbr parlies who furnish such information I believe can plain ly be iliowo not to be employes of I ur uiuney muck. ." CIS and l) clfe. j Blakeley It Houghton Druggist'. fans ant and tonic. GOING EAST- J0 Other nri-Tini-jit inn can approach it in efficiency. It In Btantly relieve and permanently cures 1 lspepsia, JndlKeKtlon, Heartburn, Flatulence, bour Stomach, Nausea railroad in every particular. Through traine from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis lo New York and New- England points. All trnliiH run via Xlagura Fnllii andjevury through train lias Iree recliniug chair cart?, sleep Ing and dining care. Stop over allowed on all tickets ogara Falls. lions C. Ci Pacific Coatt I' aw. Aut I Los Amielec, Calif. C. S. Cuank, (i, I. A., St. Louis, Mo, and tdlKestlon. icogo- osed o 1 " ,nU,Bd 10 tak " lr'P Ka9t' Mk ltt7t!n$ i of il.i !ynur ti,:kfct Hl?li'lt yon via TIim all other results of imiSdSert ' ",L , Great WaUsh, a modern and up-to.date .oortd by E, C. OrWi Co.. Chico ONE FOR A DOSE. ,nmnm plmnl. I',... PILLS tg mm, ) at si.. vW :.-W,,;MvzizY ! Clarke it Falk have received of the celebrated James strictly pure liquid paints T. BROWNHILL, a carload J. V.8TI9.KOP TH E PEA0E- "tary i I'atton M x.' Cwllfe,:.t''R promptly attended " ,"0D t. Money to lorni. G. . Wsigrd's of- I 41.... TI... II II. . s. UI- ; New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such jwuc vuneiy hb wo are hiioh ing uuver he lore graced a single stock. Heal Imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good paneis at cheap paper prices. Llegant desigiiH, tasteful colorings, yours for a email price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE. Third St. I ilee, The Dalle, Oregon, H' 8TURDEVANT, Dentist Offlcs over French A Co.' liouk ,fcon a- HIE UA1.U8, OKKOON F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Seconfl & LaneUln. 'Phone 157 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUWT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Seoond Street. 2d Street. J. H. HCHIKl, i'rraldeiit. 'Phone 270. U.M.Bul7 uak First national Bank THE DALLES - - - OREC0I A General Banking Business truiMctti Uepoeiti received, subject to bifbt Draft br Check. Collections made and proceed prompt remitted on dar of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange nidd ew xork, ban raucieco an: votv land. DIKKCTOHS D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Scaua Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. km. H. M. Hkai.i. in tTiTMTT n nr BANKERS. ritANHACT A KNEKALllASKI.SO BUSI5H Letters of Credit issued arsilftble in tin EaBtern Stntes. Siaht Exchange and TeltgnpU Transfers sold on New lork, Chiap. r nntn Uan V J fll yin Pnrtlind US Hon, Seattle WiibIi,. and varlom po r r ... .1 U'nul.,n..lrn 111 VIUKUU CkllVl fl nfjllllt.v... I 1 1 .1 --.... ... ..11 Mitntf AB ttf VUllVVblUUE WIMV .... f oralile term. Tim flMlnmliiA nnAlriMN me uuiiimuid rmw PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MANUKACTl'ltERSOK Curersof BRIH DRIED CEKF. yL- CO YMWV r!nRIQHT9 tloiiiitrlollr.rnitl(liillHl. IJ"Sl , unit frtio. OIlM if":rM,' ,m 4 wTk1"- l..t,i.lii liiknri tllllllll! Hifdol IKillce, Wllliout ul ih 31UIH1 imrKC, in W itcuu nonce, wiuiuui. t Mtt Scientific flimrw ; Imnrt.omolr lllii'lrntirt jr.eWr. VSZut an limrinimllK.tl. W eJ INN Mo.rS3Jir. run oli wmcii, ca r : A til jriinr H B WIUOH B S HU11TINUT0K Tf UNTINUTON it WlLHON. AI1UMNKYH AT LAW, OHM over nr.! Nat. UAU'K1' OKKUOt' Mica 'Axle Crease lighten load tin L-i .1.. 4,,i. Save " . exneuic. Sold everywB TANDAROOli'00'