It Has Never Failed Mr. C. S. Pca!oc. the well-known drttgpist of .Morgan Citv, La , i-liiu'n'v thought of in his neigh lrtiod because l.i.s skill mid care in lilting pic sciptions. The ! est ihytci.ntis its '.he pla:e send t'leh patients t. l.n s on. 'whenever they can. -Any-t na,'r w..kii Mr. la: c :::aysnvc.ic be deptnded !-ptn -hltoh .tK r. letter to "W. H. Hooker t. .. New Voik City, proprietors o: Acker's English K.-flKfdv, he juy? " "In nit tay tunny yea-s' cxperi- :c never handled 5' i WW -fFMW uf nnr aatu-c th f ci-ve siteh complete satis ! -;c o :.sAck r's r.i-t.lislt Remedy for Throat I Lu :g Trm:bt. s. 1 have ?o!d hundreds of 1) '.loa, end have yet t learn of a single case v ' -re t f.iiled : cire. In i-ip. i: acts with a cer t i ity t!M is really .iar- i : ti . lily wife docs not triki- much sicck in nicdi ii f. list: she h;-s rlolitc j.i.tti .n Acuer i-.ngitsti Remedy, always h-.ving it a: her e'.bow in case the children are attacked by ern at night. It is a ,)o-ittvcly harmless rem edy, as I can personally tes'ifv. I know of a little girl who accidentally drank a whole bottle. She was, of course sick at her stomach lor a short time, but the sickness passed away, and then the child was in better health than ever before. I can understand why Acker's English Rem edy is so efficacious, because. I am a druggist. It is not a mere expectorant, bu't a strengthening, invigorating tonic as well. While it heals the irritations of the mucous membrane, it also builds up the constitution and purifies tha blood. I endorse it absolutely." Sold at 23c, 50c. and Si a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; and in England, at is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. Cd. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the'bottlc to your druggist, and get your money back. We authorize the abort guarantee. W. . ItOOkEl: CO., lrvprictors, yew lark. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. ?t?rorle5p?2ial5 Running Into One Another. When readme at night do the different lettere run into one another and confuse yon? If so, you have astig matism and your sieht w ill rapidly row worse if not attended to. Jinny ail ments arise from defective vision. Theo. H. Liebe can fit yon with glasses that will give you normal vision. He is n graduate from two of tte finest colleges in the East. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jjwelers. It's Our Business BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke it Falk. Clarke & Falfc's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your croeer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. I DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is un To dispense health-giving prescrip-1 equalled for piles, injuries and ekin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. Why pay 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when yon can buv J nines E. 1 Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & 1 l-il'L' nnantd ...IT Lewis Ackerman. Goshen, Ind., save, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gentlv cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and to Portland is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend," ssy? E. Ilartperink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. tions in the proper way. It's a business we have not learned in 3 day, but alter years of persistent work and careful etndy. We use pure drugs and charge an honest price. Clarke & Falk. We Want Heads To fit the smartest and most fetch ing styles in Spring and Summer Millin ery. AH the latest ebapes in Trimmed and Untrimuied Hate. We handle ev erything in head-dress, and charge a price that is right (oreverv pocket-book. Campbell & Wilson. I'EOl'LE IOB ALL KNOW. Rev. O. D. Tavlor went on the 12:150 passenger. Mrs. J. W. Smith, of Prineville, ar rived here on todav'e stage. A. M. Barrett, of Cascade Locks, is Sick Headache absolutely and perma registered at the Umatilla House. jnentiy cured by using Mokt Ten. A L. J. Klinger, a prominent citizen of j pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation Dufur, spent lat night in the city. , and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, L. E. Crowe was a passenger thie work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed 1 l. . n.11 ... f ti..i li . . . morning on me uanse uny ior roruanu. or money nacs. L'o cts. and 50 cts Mrs. E.L.Grimes is up from Port-1 Blakeley & Houghton Druggist' land visiting the family of her son, Monroe Grimes. Dr. O. D. Doane was a passenger on the Reliance thifr morning on a profes eional visit to Hood Jliver. Mrs. W. H. Metcalf and little son of : Vancouver, are visiting Mrs. Metcalfe j mother, Mrs. M. A. Ewing, of this city, j John II. Templeton, the Prineville 1 druggist, was in town last night on his wav home from a business trio to Port-' land. C. L. Dsthman, a prosperous fruit grower of Hood River, wae in town last night and left for home on the Reliance this morning. Mrs. Dunbar, who has been visiting with Mrs. W. A. Johnston for a few days, left this morning on the Reliance for her home in Grants Pass. Mrs. Pequet, who has been visiting her eieter, Mrs. W. E. Garretson, for the past fev days, lft today on the noon passenger fir her home in Oregon City. Dr. and Mrs. James Sutherland ar rived yesterday from Snoktne. The doctor will return noon and Mrs. bntlicrland will remain a short time,, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Iiucli. I " I 11IKI). , At one o'clock thin afternoon, Mav 8, ' 1900, in this city, Mrs. Mary Walker I I M11 pi I 11 1. 1111I ( 11I ir All. Oyer- Saw you out riding with your girl yesterday Myer Yes. Did you ever meet her? "No; but father says he was once n pupil in In" Sutidny school class." Oiicnco Evening News. In 7r nli . A llry. "You's de inside of a bunghole!" yelled Jimmy. '"ion's tie center of 11 cruller!" re torted MIrK-v.--Philadelphia. Ihilletin. SOUTH EAST vin Soumern Pacific Go. Shasta Route Trains ti'iivo Tlic lnll! for I'nrtliimi nml way 1 Mtnllmis lit l -o 11. 111. nml !l 1. in. j n:iti)rr In Ititnuln. I.ive I'ottliiml For everv million inhntiit.itit in I " Albany i sia there are only ten newspapers nnd Arrive Aslilmul . .. . ! journals of all sorts. " 'ioriiiiii.'iiu . nun r iiuii;i'i; ! NOTICE FOR PUIU.ICATION. ! l-Ayi) Orner. at Vascucvkk, Wash..' Al.lll.10, MOO. I 1 Notice l hereby clven thtit the tollowlnc lmnuM fcttlir lins tlliil notice nt his Inteii- 1 thin to iniike Itiinl v"M't 'n ll'lM"l ,l1' 1 eliiim, nml Hint Miltl iirimf will lie nmitv bclnre W. It. l'resliy, t'nlU'il .Stiitoi C'oiuinlsloiier tor Dlsttii't of iililiicton.nt hl iitlloo In (Sohleti ilHle, Wiifh.. 0:1 l'riiiiiy. June su, liw, via. Deitrich H. Slegnmn, devist'o of Dietrich StPirnian, deceased; Ilntrv No. sW. for the outhvrc-.l H j of tellmi :a, tcnviiahlii 3 rurtli of rnnpe II i-ust, I Will. Met. : Ho ilium's the fnllmvlnr ltnov( to tirove his I coiitliiuoti residence uimn unit cultivation of jnlil land. vU MhiiupI S. lAiiliHrrto. of firiinil Piille 1'. O.. ; Wesli.. licrmnn Knevlbc, Wliliitm Wilklnon, of t'eutcrvltle 1'. O.. Wash., unit Wllllniii Ctiiwfuril, I of Griimt Dallo 1'. O., Wnsli. . II. Ill .MIA li, uiny2-i ltvsltar. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.AND Orrics at Tut Iuu-k-.O'ikoon,; JIllICll l!. 111"). I Notice 1 hereby clven that the fullowlns immeil cttlr tm tihrl iiotk'c of M Inleution to niHke limil i.riHif in Mimxirt of tils elutm. aiit that salil jiroot will t nmile befort; the resNier anil receiver at The Palles, OreRon, on Satunluy May WO, vU.: l ..i.i.: f ri... T-li.. rv- ricuiriuii ijii uiiiii;, ui i lit; uniu:zti ., 11. K. No. I-TJ. for the NWV,, SM'tlon IT, tnwn hii I nnrth, timsjo 11 east, . M. llominuv- the following nittiesu's to prove his eontJmioU!' resilience, iitni eultivntlon of aid Intnl. viz. Jolin Plcanmii. Henry Itiddull, Michael lloyic. Charles ltihnert, nil of The Palli".. (iresou. JAY P LUCAS. i:i:u2IIi iteclster. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V, s. La Mi OiricK, VaKiocvki:. V.iii.,i April so, nut). ( i Notice is heiuby civen that Jltry I. (eUiaiif, by I). 11. ateenian. her attorney in fact, has tiled I utice of Intention to make linal jinxif before W. II. l'resliy. fluted itatcs Commissioner for District of ashitiKton. at Ills oilice in tii.lden dale, WnshliiKtoti. on Krlilay, the '-".'th day of June, lveo. on Tliniier-eiiltnre Aiijillcatioti No. ?J7, for the northeast quiirtcr of section No I. lu township No. 2 north, range No. II east, W. M. She mimes as witnesses. .Manuel H. Leonardo, ot (iratid Dalles P. 0 Wnsh. : tlermaii I'nculku, William Wilkinson, of Ccmervllle P. 0 Wash., and William Crawford, of Grand Dalles P. O., Wash. W. P.. DL'NKA K, mayi'-l lteglster. S:a)nm T:ftM"n .liiliun m 10:W' "i .U:.tnam ll::u)nm fi:tipni l;:am . ?:li p m M :15 a m Atttve Opdon ' Denver " Kinias City " Chlcaito . . ft :15am ll l.'iiim ti:(K)iim 'i:in)iim 7:'-.". a in Til'mm 7: I'm in i):S0nm : Arrive 1js Alleles . . .. l:Wpm " ki rnso i.:iii p m " Port Worth fitain m ' City of Mexico . . .. UrM a m ' Houston -1:0" a m " New Orleans . r.rAMi m Wiishliicton r.:l2am ' New York 12:18 in 7:oo a m r.:iv) p m c.;:ai n m li:.Vi a til n in fi:2 p HI li ' 12 a til 12-li p m i Pnllnia-i and Tourist cars on both trains, t Chair cars Nicraiiii'iito to Cisden and 1.1 Paso. I and tourist cars to C'lilcapi, t Units, New Ot,- leans ami v. iisiiuiKion. Cotitieutlni; at i-an Kninc.isco with several stnimshlp lines tor Honolulu, Japan, Clitna, Phllipiliies, Central and stouth America. See iifciit at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Geuenil Passitiger ARdit, Pottlauil, Or J Yellowstone Park Line. THK DlNINu ( Alt ItOt'H: ri!OM POItTLAND TO THK KAST. THE ONLY DIItLCT LINK TO THK YKI.I.OW- SlONi: PA UK NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract )--Puh!ic Land Sale. Lank OrncE at Tim: D.illks, Oiikooni Apr. IB, P.HO. i Notice is hereby siven that in puisuaticc of inttructions from tneconimisloner of the gen eral land nflice, uinlcr authority vested in him by section 21V! I'. --. Itev. fatal., as amended by the act of ronirre!- ajiproved February 2ii, lS'ju, we will proetd to oiler. at public sale on Mon day, the u'lth day of May next, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m , at this otlice, the following tract of laud, to-wit NW!., NKvfiec.22,T.l N. P.. 12 K., W. M. Any ami all ori-nt elaimlui; the ntiovr-de-c;ib.d lands are advised to tile th'lr claims in this otlice on or liefore the day above desisnated for thecommeiicemcnt of said sale, otherwise their riehts will l; forfeits!. JAY P. I.l'CAS, lleehtcr, OTIS PATTi:i:.-ON, Itetclver. nprlvi Don't let your old worn out machinery lie in the fence corner any longer. Take it to Fletcher Faulkner, The Dalles junk dealer, and uet the cash for it. Highest cash pricj paid for cast and wrought iron, rubber boote and shoes, bicycle tires, etc., brass, copper, zinc, lead, pewter, old woolen rage, beer bottles and flasks, horse manes and tails, and bones of all descriptions. Price paid for cast iron, 40 cente per 100 lbs. One door west of J. H. Worsley's, Second St., TheDalleS; ui24-lmo.! I Mrs. Calvin Zinin-erman, Mileshurg, J a., says, "As a speedy cure for coughe, j colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough Cure is une qnaled. It is pleasant for child! en to take. I heartily recom mend it to tnotherH." It is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, ttrippe nnd throat ana lung diseases. It will prevent consumption NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lamj Ornci: at VAScorvnu, Wash ,i March 21, l'.'O. i Notice is hereby clven that the lollowln-- nurncd settler bus tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and Ihnt m ,01 r.rnif i-lll lu. n.t..f. l...r.... II' I, l. V... I'nittd Btatw. Commissioner for District of WanhliiKton, at his olllce In Ooldendale, Wash., on Monday, May 7, I'jCO, vU; John G. McDonald, H. K. No. rw:; for tlo northeast iinrtor H'Ctlon 15, township north, ratitje l:i east, W, M. He name!! tnt; folIowliiK wltne-seh to prove bis coiiUiniom residence u'ioii, and etiltivatirin of said laud, viz Samuel I.. Courtney, Harry Pennlniiton, Eli d Copelund, of Hartland I'. O., Wnsh.; and Nelson li. Brooks, of Uolduiidalc Wash. W. P.. DUN1IAU, marts-i IteKlster, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lamj Orrtcr. at 1 nx Daixkh, Cr.Kdo:;,' April SO, j Notice Is hereby clven that the followinc named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to mane liiuil proof in supirt of Ills cl-Im, and that sild proof will he made before the l!eist.r and litcelver at The Dalle. Oregon, on ciitur day, June!', vm, viz Henry Readel, of The Dulles, Or., Homestead Lntrv No 1710, for tho Kllu section a. township 1 north, ramje 12 e.uit, W. M. He names, tne following witnesseti lo prove bis ftoiitiiiuous residence upon mid cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Lueblmr, Oeorgo Arnold, (ihnrlle V. Adams, Michael Doylu, ull of 'I lie l-allcn, Or. mn JAY P. LUCAS, ItCKlster. widow of the late Arthur Walker. At the time of B0ig to press the hour Jiad not been fixed for the funeral. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Han Always BeneM Baarsthe srf r . You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. witrilfl1clal!y d,?.t8 t.he f 00(3 aWfl jsature in Btrengtherjing and recon Btructlnfr the exhausted dlKestive or fns. It is the latest discovered dieest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Wafulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea SlckHeadache.Gastralffla nrnmru nnrf ill other results of Imperfect digestion. . Prtpgrad by E. C. OeWHt Co.. Chicago. NOTIOK FOR PUIJLICATION. LiKK OPFlti: AT TlIK DALI.KK, Oi'.KOOl,! April 30, IIM), ( Notice Is hereby Riven that the folIoHlnK. namul Mittler has lllui notice of Ms Intention to mato tlmil jirwif In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before thu iteclster and llcevlyer iitThe Dallen, Ortj-on, on featur day. June Hi, iv.i), viz Jens P. Aitidltic, of The Uallep, Or., Homestead Entry No lit 1, for (he NWV NWtf sent rin 21. mill kl' Vl'.ix .....I em ui'i,' ..... i Kl toivnHhI. -1 north, ranV VI wsl, '.M j Ho iiameii the followiixj wlliunes to prove his continuous residence upon mid cultivation I of sale lirid, vl: l aiJ?h" ' t'J'M'Iwfiiill-! D. Hockiniin, J, J Himonson, all of The Dalles, Ohkoii. j 'nB52 I JAY P. LUCAfi", lleiilstcr. i.r.iv:. Union DgJOt, FlHhaOdlSlS ahrivk. No. 2. Kast mall for Tacomn, No. 1 Heattlo, Olymplii, liniy's Harbor and Houtli Iletul itomts, Spukiitie. Hoss laiid, II. C. Pullman, Moscow, Iew Iston, lluf- 11.15 A. M. falollnmp minim; conn-1 .i;.VJ P. M. try, Helena, MlnneaiHht Us, .St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, M. IjiiiIs. Chlcnt'ii am! all Kilutn, No I. east and southeast. No. iS. Pimet .Son ml Kxpresk. IIM) P.M. for Tiicoma ami fceattle T;f) A. M. and iuterinulltitc olut Pullman first class mid touriit slcf,('rs to Minneapolis, Ht. Paul and Missouri river jKilutn without limine. Vostlbuled trains. I'nlon dejMit foiineetlotis in nil principal el tie. HiiKKHRe r.hecLeil to destination of tickets, hiiiidsiniiely illilstiiiteddesurlitlvc matter, tickets, sleeplnu car reservations, etc., call ou or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (icucral Pimenuer Atrun, 'i'l'i Mnrrlsnr. otreet, corner Thlr' , Portland, Orexon. 0.R.&N. IIKP.HST tor. TIMK fiCIIKIIlfl.K. f'i'.oM ARK'.VB KfOM. Past bait Lakr, Denver, Kt. Fast Malt Worth, Omaha, Kan- .Mall 12.10 li. m., sun City, ht. LnuU, 18;3U m l Chicago and I'ant. aiokanu Mall and Kx press 10:10 p. in k p. m. 8 p. in. I'x.huiiday Baturday 10 p. m. Wnlla Wiilla, Hkikaiic, .Minneapolis. Ht. Paul, t) li lllth, Milwaukee, ChlcuL'o and Kaht, via hpokiiuoakd Huntlui-- iiui: aiso nil Kiniu in WashliiKton mid V.att crn OreBou; KllOM l'OKTLANII. Ocean hteamshlp;. Kor fian Francisco April .'7, May'.!, 7, 1'J, Columbia ltv, fitt-nmcm, To Astokia mid Way landings. BiKikaue Mall nnd Ksjiress 1:0(1 a. m -I p. m. 4 p. in. Kx.buuda) r, a. m. Wir.MUKTTV I,l'Ln I i.llh . Kx.bundoyiOreKou City, Nuwb-irRi Kx.HuiidaV Halem i Way Lund'. ..m, iiu.AitTTr. anij Yah- 8:30 p.m. Tuen.l hur. jitu. Kivr.Ks. and but. OreKon city, Dayton, and Frl. mid Way-IjindltiKs. , t. w "i-ami'-tti hiver. 4 p. m. Tuc. I hurPortlaiid to CorvulIU, Mori. Wed and&at, und Way.UudliiKs. and Frlduy 1 NOTICK FOR PUULIOATION. Lahii Chick at Tiik DAi.u.H.Oiit:,.' April 20, I'M). I Notice Is hereby Bivuii that thu followlne. tiaineil mttler has filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof In i.upHirt of bis oUwn, mid that sd iroof irlll m made tcjloro thu itej-lster Wilson J. Jeirerc, of The Drtllee, Or., l!orneteud Knlry No. B5fi, for the liU N'A'm lllir ,0vn"ll' north, range i I cast, Will. Ho iiamet tbefolIowlriK wltumnoi to prove bin contlnuou residence uiii arid cultivation ot said laud, viz: James llenson, Jr., Jatnc Ilenson, hr Peter (lodfrey, Isaac HowUnd, all of The Dulles, Or. niarJ l JAV i: LUCAH, ItcgUtor. Lv Itlparlii dally 1 M ii. in. BKAKK KlVKIt. Itlparla to 1jwlnton. Lkav LtWISTO.N daily h;W a, in. 1'iirlli.. ,l,.wl.i..t. ... .... . r. . i i ,1 I k" n iiepiiuer or , ........ ., .,.,,, lm nuiiiiierii via IIIKKS, HllOlim take .So. 2, leaving 'ibe Dallea at VIM p. m. .' ViHk .'!K ,U'W ?(,r"'e,'l"n. ut Hcppner Junction id Hlggs. ItiituriiliiBliiakliiKilirectcoimectloti at Heppuer luiictloii and IIIkko with No. 1. ar riving at The Dalles ut 12:yi p. m. Kor hill particular call ou a It. di N. Co.'i agent The Dalle, or address W. II. HUHLIIUItT, 0n Pan. Agt., Portland, Or, : for Hale. Full blooded, barred Ply mouth Rock eggs, per netting 1.00 and $1,50. For particulare call on or addreett, tSA.VDKItH Uhoh, "ox 7. The Dalle, Or. 1 ,31 3H ni: at' I 1 ! 3E I 3h l3ii 5!i f 'A f "a I 1 .3!: I II' Doll,,, l Of. i The Chttoniele, Job Pfinteps. l - ft i ' llUJIIiU'liAJlltltlULIJHUiJlLlJ -ItltlHIIUtllUIIIHII 13 i s $1.00 per month. Strictly first cIhrh local otid lont; iliHtiinuo telvpliont) ecrvicu within your hntnLV I.lni'H do not uroHS-talk. Your con vcrhution will he kept a secret. No coBt fur infitullirn:. Vou L'ct the etundard Ilunnitic Loiik Dit-tnut IiiBtruinent. Contintiotis day and night emeu. V will HL'ci'pt your contrnct for Um yearn ii nd allow you to cuneel name un giving us thirty days writ tun notice. PACIFIC 8TATE8 TELEPHONE 00S. and BIOIO MANO'ACTUKKt) JIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATOT? S AlVn RT A TWP MTT.T,S. Clrcularfl and particulare furnlehed on uppllcutlun. F. S. GUNNING, Agent C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen' rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash WHI8KEY lr()ii'.7f to io.Ofl per (jaflou. (Tto 15 yearB old.) IMPORTED 000NA0 from .OO to $12.00 pr"itBllo7i. (U to : PALI F0 EMI A BBAMDIEB fiofn ta.liG lo tO.tio per ttallon. ( ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD' Whi 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, and Val BlaU nnd Olyti'l"" Bwf ln iuiiuri.t-ii aiu uuu I'orier. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS, Advertise in the Chro