wik ill 'i m The Crowning Feature... Of a man's suit is the HAT.. Don't Overlook the .fact we are Headquarters for the New est and Nobbiest Styles. N. B. We are agents for the Cele brated Roelofs and Manhat tan Hats. Best on Earth. WASH GOODS. Counters and Hiolvines foil of the latest production of designs mid coloring in White or Figured Wash Goods. O'Cfinclics 25c to $1 lctoria Lawns and India Linens. . . .0J to HOc Dimities and Swieses All Prices Striped and Figured Lawns 8c up Corded and Figured Piques tho prettie'st effects In all white to be seen 20 to 40c Scaboro Cords CO pieces of theso goods to choose from. Great values at 6c Mulls, Batistes, Ginghams, Scotoh Lawns, etc., etc. TOWEL SALE Continued Q Days Monday. Tues day and Wednesday Knr Towels. fciSe. 10c Pure Linen, 10x3-1.'. 8Kc 15a Linen Huck, 15x30 lie 17c " Crash, 17x35 13c 'Ma " Htick, 18x30 17c 25c " Crash. 18x40 21c 25c " Pure Linen Knotted Fringe. . . 21o 33c " Plain Border Huck, 18x42 28c 40c " Huck, hemstitched, 20x42 33c All other Towels reduced in like proportion. House-Cleaning Time Suggests: New CurtaitiB, New Itugs, Now Shades, New Tiible Linens, New Napkin?, New Silence Cloth?, New Sheetings, New Bed Spreads. USEFUL NOTIONS. When in, look through the Notions Show Cases for- Hat Pins. Shiit Waist Sets, Pulley Sete, New Pulley Belte, Purses, Finishing Braids, Stick Pins, Beauty Pins, Belt Buckles, Fans, Chatelaine Bags. Plain & Fancy Ribbons. Anything you want can bo found here. Remnants in each department at BELOW COST PRICES. SATURDAY will be another SPECIAL SALE Day. Watch for announcements later. Stylish Oxfords. We are showing the greatest variety of Ox fords this season. All women who value com fort, love beauty or appreciate ec jnomy are in vited to inspect these shoes. Handsome Southern Tie", black or tan . . .$3 00 Full Coin Toe Oxfords, black or tan 2 00 Easy wearing Prince Alberta (low cut elastic sides) 1.75 Great comfort in our Common SeiiEC Turn Oxfords 1 50 Lots of style and wear in our Vesting Top Oxfords, black or tan 1.50 We continue this week the special sale of Ladies' Kid Button, square or coin toe.. 1 G5 All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE &, MAYS K kiU VUUUrf VVUtJ V1U VliiVI" Telephone A'o. 1. TPJ.'slUV . - . - MAY 8. lflOO ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. f . . m WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The county court will meet for county Mre, U. F. Guinther is seriously ill at There will be a meeting of tho fire f.llH'iltf.u lit ..III. Itflll tfltlllTtlf lit R 1 1 - I The Oregon state penitentiary has 100 una iMntu tit.... it lin.l flaw, nr air In addition to the large number of - ----j - - - - I'.ioro nro preparing to come. Tin: UniiONici.K is indebted to the Christian Fleming, a former subject t fy ...... . ...... Don't make a mistake in your hat. I 11 U tllir tntn ft n m Inilinla 1 (1 Ilia BWlMlLlmiiti urn Ma ,r MnvB. Just received a lurge consienmeut of xiii iiMriiiiu ii iiri if nil it w i a una uur - rrtL 11 ii r i initior uini n i.tn or rvi nita ltcmimiber the Grcsk Art entertftin- uihiil i' i vn ttv :nrinr i tnt ti vvnmnn nr nootfuruft, ut tho Baldwin operu house Tho river roeo bo nmch lat night and in tut tii.t r . ..nn i.nif liteonao to wed was issued today to JAIlti I 1 t 1.V.I 1 l.MI M UI U I III it ii an t i It A Wl.tllf a iltlll mm I'uraer, of Hood River. 'l'liu lnlles' Aid uiul Missionary So- of III. t ..I .1... .til i. til mo vjongregaiionai uuumi, win IJIl'l'l l imriniin ..ri.i....n. . ft l ft'jilnn r ut - - -twa s If IIIIUIIIUUII t V V v 41 . . u residence ot Mrs. K, L. lirooks. The I'liturtalnrnent nt the Baldwin to - "... ... h11' u iuu sum i'. f', I ,. .... . . (, uiiuiibuii wui luriiiaii iiiuaiv. Mrs. Andy Allen, of this city, va8 Inl.i.i i i.- mi .i i- , ...hi. . m;ilUUKI,V III 11118 morillllg Willi what appeared to bo norvous prostra tlon, She was somnwhat better at last T ho Dallos City this morning towed a - - twnu ui li t h lur lub ritui mui i rnm I lm innnlli n f Mill cwk to tho landiuK near the North Dalles planing mill. Vesterdav whilu itin imundmaeter wob -"ing a couple or truaut cowb 10 ine poand an attempt wai made 1o retcne tuein, Bnij t10 B0Ufti0 the pound "neter's left optic was badly brutied and blackened. The offender was brought before the recorder yesterday afternoon and fined .flO. A horse-buyer for the Linnton can nery is in Gilliam county buying "cnl tus cuitans" at $2.50. He wants 3000 iicad, and made the first shipment of five carloads Saturday. The Dalles City had for part cargo this morning 20,000 feet of lumber be longing to Kowei Co., which they are shipping to San Francitco, 400 sacks of wheat, and 120 sacks of potatoes. Those who were present at the Cedar Circle rehearsal laBt night were pleaeeJ with it, and the ladies hope to have n full house tonight. They have gone to much trouble and expense to give the entertainment and should ho well pat ronized. Admiseiou 25 and 10 rents. Iowa county, Wisconsin, lays claim to having the lowest-salaritd ollicial in the employ of the United States govern ment. The government hires Frank Lynch for one cent a year to carry the mail between thi6 town, the county seat of Iowa county, and Mineral Point, nine miles distant. Fred Lempke and Coroner Dutts found a bee tree yesterday on the ranch of Joe Knebel on Mill creek. The here are of the Italian variety. Mr. Letnpkf will have the section of the tree inI which the beee are loc.iled cut, so that! it can be brought to his residence on Ninth etieet. A Santa Cruz woman took delibi rate aim with a gun at a gopher, then shut her eyes and pulled the trigger and, hearing a yell, discovered that she had shot her Lusband, who waa in a very different direction from the gopher. Next time he wants to see hia wife kill a gopher he will have her shoot at him. Dr. Geisendorfler, II. II. Riddell and Frank Cram have arranged to go tomor row morning for a day'e fiehing towards the head of Five-Milo creek. Tim Ciihonici.e is promised all the boys catch over a hundred, so the chance of getting any trout from that quarter Is about as slim as the hope of Democratic success next Juue. Uev. A. Btonsgeeet wishes to inform the members of his congregation to up nWtn Kpv. Otmar Muller, on the Vo,',t farm, or to the Dominican Fathers, 375 Clackamas street, Portland, ii tney neeu the services of a priest during the rec tnr's absence. Next Sunday, May 13th, regular services will be held at tho church by the Dominican Fathers. S. JL Adams has had returns from three different assays on samples of ore taken fiom the mines In which he is interested on the east fork of Hood liver. Tho samples were all, practic ally, cropping?, a neither of them was taken from a greater depth than seveu feat from the surface. The asssys were practically uniform and showed gold varying from 2.50 to f 30 to the ton. A Topeka politician was passing along the street yesterday, says the Kansas City Journal, and eaw two palnlerB at work on an old house. "Hi, there I" Bhouted the politician, "don't you fellere know it is election day? Come down and take a hand." ''No timo to botier with politics when I've got a job," re sponded one of the painters, as lie slopped a big gob of paint up against the weather boards. "Hain't been in politics any since 1890." The Democrats will locate their head quarters in the Bettingen buildine next to Charley Frank's place, on Second street, that lias been used as a second hand store since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary. The old sign with the obverse legend about "Second Hand Goods,' and tho reverse "Clearance Sale" will be retained as the most befitting index possible of the job lot of new and second-hand alleged prin ciples that constitute the Democratic platform and the final "Clearance" that will bo made of Bryanism on the 4th of June. A ladv on the bluff, who has a fine collection of roses in the lot in front of her dwelling, but whose business calls tier down town during the day, lias been annoved of late bv bovs on their way to tchool plucking the roses in a manner that often half ruined the bushes. This morning she made up her mind to "lay for the kids, and was rewarded by catch inn one of them in tho very act. Th kid cleaied tho yard fence like u deerA l . . I l f .1... l..w,C UUl WJV (iruiujJi hoc ui inc jiiiuiiu uu him cited before Professor Lenders, and at last accounts the culprit had turned "states evidence" on six of his accom plices. If. is very probable that rose Bwiping will degeiierato into lnocuous desuetude for some time to come. The Oregon State Sunday School Con vention will be held in Portland June 13 15, 1900. The following world-wide Sunday School workers will be pre?ent: Marion Lawrance, of Toledo, O., General Secretary of the International Sunday School Convention j Dr. J. L. Hurlbut, of New York, General Secretary of the1 Sunday School Union of the Methodist Episcopal church; Dr. H.G.Seymour, of Philadelphia, Bible and Missionary Secretary of tho Baptist Publication So ciety j Buv. Alexander Iieniy; J. Arthur Johnson, of Sunday school Times. K. O. Kxcell, who has led the music at the great conventions for many years, has oifered his services and will bo prcEont so lead the music. Mr. Cattanach is one of the three nom inees on the Republican ticket for rep resentative in tho legUlaluro from this district, save the Arlington itecord, and his friends in Gilliam county, who were cognizant of the quiet canvass he was carrying on with his Salem constituency, take its successful cousumation as an omen of tho splendid success that will crown his political cuivots in tho com ing campaign. As a wedding gift to Mr. and Mrs. Cattanach the Republicans of Gilliam cojinty ill eeo to it that lie i given sucli a majority at the June election in this county, as will be an honor to him and a compliment to the bright girl who has joined her lifo with his and cast her lot with the people of Eastern Oregou. Mrs. Elizabeth Southern died last Saturday ut the residence of Horace Hice, of this city, Hgcd 71 years. The deceased was tho mother of C. H. Southern and Mrs. George Rice, of Boyd, and widow of Martin Southern, also of Boyd, who died about 22 years ago. She had only been ailing for abou"-. ten days. She was an exceptionally good Christian woman and the esteem in which Aunt Beth, as she was familiarly called, was held was witnessed by the large concouree of friends and neighbors that followed the remains to their last resting place yesterday in the Bolton cemetery, near Boyd. The funeral services were held at the Boyd church and were conducted by Troy Shelly, of Hood River, an old-time friend of the deceased. Cedar Clrclx Kntertaliiiiieiit. This (Tuesday) evening at the Bald win the following splendid program will be rendered at tho entertainment to be given by Cedar Circle, W. of W. : Instrumental Duct Two Young Men Recitation "llnlJu's Heau'"....,.Novu Duweoii Syrens mid Waking IVyelie Duct "If Dollv Was Alive" Misses xi KuImiv and Kllu Hansen Imuce of the Muses Solo "Duly in Dreams" ..Miss Myrtle Michell The Niobc Group I'ltino Solo Tiiranbelle Mrs. K. J. Collins flight nnd the Fair Sleepers Solo-"My Creole Sue" Miss Jiuttle Cram Komnncc of the Uanges Charucter Song You Can't flay inM Yaid. Mltscs Ernia and Nova Dawson Solo-"Violcis" Miss Maio Cushlng Funeral Oration on death of Cie'ar (Dramatis 1'ersona Mark Antony, U. K Freud, of I'ortland. Citlus, Guards, Sen ators, lite.) Recitation and Tableau .Miss Nova Dawson Dancing. Enjoy yourselves. J? - Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, has homo tho Hlgnatnro of and has been mado under his pcr- fPj J'js soiml supervision since Its infancy. CCCut Allow no ono to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-Rood" are but Experiments that triflo with and endanger the health of Infuuts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fevcrishness. It cures -Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho "Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MUMM STRICT. HIW YOBB CITY. Special Sale! 'IT ATI Steel Rannes ag Gook Stoves To reduce our large stock wo will sell Stoves and Steel Kanges at Greatly Reduced Prices for a short time only, goods and get our prices. See our Vnloe Kcononiy. "Went home Thursday night and found my wife ill. Symptonisahrtninir. Doeed lier beet I could. Friday morn ing she waa no better. Felt worried. Wife dull and stupid. No life to tier. Started for doctor. Struck by happy thought. Tu rued back. Cure complete," "What was ii?" "Simple aa pie. Just paid, 'Too bad you have to be sick on Inirjinin duy, my dear.' Shu bounced up. 'What!' she cried, 'how etuuid of one to forget.' In five minute ehe was up and dressed and frizzing her hair." "Wouldn't it have been cheaper to have fetched t lie doctor?" "Uy Jove, I gueee it would !" Cleve land l'lain Dealer. (Iiiin Air llanil Concert. At tho open air concert to he niven by the 1). C. & A, O. band ut Wellington and Second street on Wednesday even ing, May 9th, at 8::i0 o'clock, the follow ing program will bo rendered: Tlio C'liarltidiii Jtnicli Soum Ovcrluio-IUviil Vtllte WliUtlliu: Itudik Curt i Mills WulUh- VUloim of !'u i ml I i.e C, llenutt Cuku N'ulk Ali.lmmn lioso , !. JMttllcvut Hcloiiu Waltz 'Wife Seroniulu rlonwint Dii'iium I'tyffi Wullzs- 1'lciiMiMt Memories , Hurnhouit F. A. Hi.onihn, Director, Jio euro and exuiiiue our stuck of wall paper thoroughly before buying elio where, us we have the latest shipment made to this city, now reudy for inspeu- 4 I JVlflYS 8t CHOOIE. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. Garden Hose a largo "Wo havo laid in stock of C! anion Hoso and aro carrying tho saino brand of Hose that wo havo boon carry- for tho last five years, All persons using city water for irri tation on and after May 1,1930, and until September 1st, inclusive, will be charged tho following rates per month : For every lot 50x100 feet, $1.50; for every null lot or iracuon mertoi, io cents, and no rebate will be allowed to persons leaving the city unless written notice is served on the superintendent of the water works to turn oil' the water. Above tho bind' water may bo used for irrittatinir from 0 to 8 a.m. and from 6 to 8 p. tu. on the odd days of the month, I jnfr and below tho bluil during the fltune i n hours on the even days of the month. j which is tllO celebrated Mal- Theso rules must be strictly complied j with, nnd any deviation therefrom will ! lOSO Cl'OSS Brand. '0 CUlTy subject tho violator to the penalty of I . e ,. , having the water ehnt oil', and in order , tllO saiVlO brand of II (WO that to get It turned on again he nuist pay a (, D u cu y Dop.m leu of one dollar. Persons willfully ' 1 wasting water, or allowing it to run con- m0nt lins boon USing for tllO tinuously through their closets or lava tories, or allowing water to run niter i nsL tWOllty yeai'S. TllO Mal irrlgation hours, will btiller tho same I penalty as above stated. tOGO Cl'OSS Brand 13 Without. 11.. 1,... ,.l ii... .alulIjoIak 1 j. h. Giiohmn, sunt, j doubt tho host grade ot 1 !ueo The Dalles, Or, May 1, 1000, ,on tho market . tion at H. Glenn & Co.'s. a!7-lw Clarke & Fall; have received a carload of the celebrated .lames K. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Kev. W. K. Sitzjr, V. Cnnlon, N. V., writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty yeurt, upd tried doctors ami medicines without benefit. 1 was persiuded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ami it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a puimeea (or all forms of indigestion." It digests what yr.u eat. Clark Talk's drug Meek is new fresh and complete. Call and get our prices bofnro buying. IWaier & Benton Solo Agents. Counter brakes are tho ureulest Im provement of the year on bicycles; save one half the peduling. Have one put on your old wheel at Mays & Crowe's bike shop. 0a-4t