. ' " ' ' f The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY MAY 8, 1900 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS' Justice of the Supreme Court C Wolverton. -J. W, Tood and Dairy Commissioner .Bailey. Tresidentinl Electors 0. F. Taston, ol Multnomnh; Tillman Ford, of Mn rion; J. C. Fullerton, of Douglas; V. J. Furnish, of Umatilla. Congressman Malcolm The Dalles. one who hns business to do in the oflicc. For these reasons alone the people of Wnsco county want no clinnpe in the sheriff's ollluc nnd will vote for none. Nasal CATARRH In nil Its nt.iscs there should bo cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm clcUHM,nothcandh,cala the illscaed membrane This is going to bo nn awful hard year for the follow who's a Democrat J ncnrectnhnnauivo J ' away n cola lu the head in Snokane. snvs the Chronicle of , nuicU'y. ' .. . -1 ...., .I. over the merubriufo and Is absorbed, ltellof Is lm- that city. lie can't hurrah for the soldiers on Decoration da' that's militarism ; he can't help hoist thn Hag on the Fourth of July that's imperialism ; he can't tell his friends to come AVcst and take up land on the Colvillo reservation that's ex pansion : he can't welcome the na- DISTRICT OFFICERS- . ... . , ... i nun s ii i-aiuuiib iu una tuj mitt o A. Iody. f I jicKinleyism; he can't cheer for the queen of the industrial exposition Joint Senators J. N. Williamson, of ( Crook; T. 11. Johnston, of Wasco; W. mat s the pomp or monarcy; He cun t W. ateswer, of Wheeler. even get in with the rest of Joint Representatives A. S. Roberts, of Wasco ; R. A. Etnniett, of Klamath ; George Miller, of Gilliam; George Cattanach, of Grant; Georpe A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attorney The Dalles. -Frank Menefee, of COUNTY TICKET. A. S. Blowers, of Hood -P. A. Kirchhemer, of County Ju'lge Biver. Commissioner-Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. L. Lake, of Wauiic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. AEseesor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, ot The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothv Brownhill. The Times-Mountaineer is opposed to the Simon-Corbett ring. So is The CnrtoxiCLn. The Chuoxici-e bates the ring because it is a bad lot. The Times-JIountaineer Ogbts it for the Democratic capital tt ex pects to make out of it. The CiinoxiCLE warns its contemporan' that there is no Democratic capital to be had from that source. "What ever infamy there was in the legisla tive hold-up, which our contempo rary so very justly condemns, the -Democrats were in it to the neck. If the Times Mountaineer wants the Democratic participation in this infamv stirred up, all tight. Hut if not, let it keep silence in all the languages it commands. One thing only we mention at this time. The Republicans of this legislative and senatorial district had the grace to leave every man at home who was connected with the hold-up in 1897 The Democrats have added insult to injury by renominating a man for the lower house who was in the front rank of the infamous lot, who was bought tw ice and then had not the manliness to stay bought, and who did other things, under the nurturing care of the Populist Jonathan Bourne, meanwhile, that we dare not defile this paper by putting them in print. Ho; the Times Mountaineer had bet ter drop the hold-up business right here and now. us and brag about the wonderful way Spo kane is gaining in population, nnd wealth, nnd beauty, and industry that's prosperity. And when the mediate nnd a euro follow. It Is not drying docs not produce sneeittiR. I-arRc Size, 60 cents at Drug glst or by mall ; Trial Slsc, 10 cents by mall. . 1MV Ixm'UBItS, it Warrcu Street, New York. Win. J. Landers, resident manager of the Lion and Imperial Fire Insurance Companies, wisheB to announce to tho patrons of these companies that owing to the eickness of Mr. C. E. Bi.yard and tho resignation of Mr. Hugh Gourlay, thoir former ngentR, the agency lor both companies for The Dalles and vicinity has bean placed in the hands of Mr. Timothy Brownhill. Any business given to Mr. Brownhill will receive prompt attentiun and will be appreciated by the companies. Oflico in C. K. Bay ard's old stand. No. S3 Washington election returns come in-well, hpj st.eet, The Dalles. Oregon. alG-lm can go away out behind the barn and cry. Cyclone Davis says: "We are going to burst the hills in twain and give the silver and gold to the people." "Won't that be nice', says an exchange. "Burst the hills in twain!" But that would be work, nnd the idea is to avoid labor. All of these hills of gold and silver or, excuse us, silver nnd Special reserve old government whie key, recognized by the highest medical authority in the land: especially recom mended by the board of health of San Francisco for hospital use, also A. V. O'Brien, M. D., captain nnd surgeon, and Win. D. McCarthy, major and sur geon U. S. army, as the purest unadul terated stimulant for convalesce n'e, in valids and family use. Sold by Charles Stubling. aplSO-tilm Complete Cine of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE-DRUGGIST. A Culinii Killtur ANninsliiutiil, Gnun.i, Province of Santiago do Cuba, gold will j May 7. feenor Albert!, editor of Don Calridades, was shot and instantly jCT3aMJcr3crAT3crTT-.7r3 crvcrvcfj s I have to be staii.iu'il by the govern ment or it w. .h.i ll0t be n medium of !kilIed b-v un uk". nesnS9i llt ... I theater last nigtit. Albert) was an ac- p, live politician, and his paper has re-1 p. 'L. Lane, CiKXEUAI, BiacKsmiin ...AND. exenange. i m n nil would roll in silver and ..!. none need work and if any get i. ;.i hungry they can cat silver and gold. 'Tis a beautiful dream with the practical part left for the wakening moments in the mom-ing. No man will be allowed to vote at the Democratic primaries over in "Washington unless he pledges him self to support Brynn for the presi dency. This is a species of despot ism, not to sa imperialism, that has no parallel in the history of the party of '-Emperor William." csntly been criticising American ofheers, i 1 particularh iu election orders. Experience is the beat leacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 23 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Horsesnoe r . rr , n REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTOHIA NAY, COMPANY! StcniiiMM of tho tU-KUlntnr l.ltiu will lowing M'licclulo, the Compiiny reserving tho rlrht n-liiilnlo without notice. h ' 10 lMhtito. "MOW Str. nofiiilntor. P. I-v. liOWN. DllllCN k llt S A. SI. TIICIUM)' , TliiiiMlay ... Hutiiriliiy . Arr. I'nrtliuid , lit ii 1'. M, 1)1'. l.v, I'nrtl. mil lit 7 A. Mi Mmiiltiy Wfilnowlny I'riiluy Arr. Ihillt'M nt ft.otl r. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalloa City. IHIW'I I.V. Illll llt H A. 1, Momlny Wttllicxtluy l'rttl.iy ... Arr. t'tittlund t n i'. x, 1 'V . J, ...SitnMli Arr.n,44 'li:r,, FOR OOMFOKT JblUUMUMY AND PLEASURE, P. Truvcl by the HtemnerH or tno Ki-Rttiivuir lane, rnji umnany will rmlenvnr to slvmi. I runs tlin bout xervleii iioimlblu. I'or further liilnrmiitlmi ml.irn.. ,TB"lt-, I l'nrtlaiul Olllcc, OukHtreot Dock. W. C. ALL AW AY, Oon. Agt. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-kno-wn Bakery, and cm now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer car. 2so reflection is intended upon any sheriff that "Wasco county ever liad, when it is mentioned as a matter of common belief that the business of the sheriff's ofllce was never in better hands than in these of Robert Kelly, the present incumbent, who bos been nominated to succeed him self. The books of the oflico are kept as they ought to be kepi, and os they .never were kept under any other administration. The taxes are collected up closer than they ever were b.'forc, nnd tho tcsult iu this respect alone is a saving to the county of much of the expense of the ofllce., Moreover, the sheriff is never absent from his post of duly, while the business outside the olllcc is always attended to faithful and a II.. A 1 I .1 . ipunciuany. Ann lastly, a tut aa ft fitting compliment of nny public cetvant, Waeoo county never had a more genial or moic obliging sheriff than Robert Kelly, or ono that would do more to please and oblige any Everything tended to disaster during the last Democratic adminis tration, nnd since then everything has moved in the direction ot pros perity. If this is "mere coincidence," vote for the coincidence, says the Times-Democrat. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'untlnc, Ovcrcoiitln-or Fuiicj Vesting. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third aiifl Mown. Piioue:i59 r NlltlCH. Notice is bereby triven that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden Edgle Miami; Com pany at the office of French & Co., . Kindly call mid examine my utocfc of lm hankers, nn Thnracliv Mnv.tt.mnn .. ' l'"1"1. Ht,A I weitlo WuolwiH. A II uu stock to , .. j, ...j ., ... ( ,c.leCiIrom. 7 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of elect ing Eeven directors and transacting stiuh other bneinessas may properly come be fore eaid meeting. By order of the president. J. C. Hosteti.eu, Secy, ami Trene. The Dalles, Apl. ill, l'JOO. a27-td Notice. Owing to the retirement of Frank ChriBinan from the firm of Chrieman Bros., and hid intention to leave the state as soon as possible, all debts due the firm must he paid immediately. All having claims agalint the firm will p'eaee preeent them at the market for payment. m4-tf ClIHIHJIAX Huotiikiik. bulLs mHdetromilie lowest nrlceii to lie hieli. est grade. 1. A. Eberie. Flno Tailoring. 1IIK HAI.I.K5 OKEGON. ..GHflS. FRflflK.. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilraiiKlit tlio celebrated COl.t'MlllA JIKEU, iieknim-:-eiliml the bent twer In Tliu linllvii, at the iiHiial price. Cuiiiu In, try it anil be ronvinced. AUo the Finest brands o( Winea, I.Hiior ami Cltturs. Sanduuiehes of all Klndit ulvHy on linnd. A Tetlmonlul from Old ncUnit. "I consider Chamberlain's Cotnjh Itemedy the beht in the world for hron- chitie," says Mr. William Savory, of Warrington, England. "It has saved my wife'n life, she having been a martyr to bronchitis for over elr years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well." Sold by Blake ley & Houghton OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENOON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. OroBsen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street C. p. Stephens .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Mint. Hutu, Chph, Notions. n. i uoiiKUoi riiioe. Ast. The Dalles, Or, Important Announcement to you. For 111) tlayp after April 1st, 1 will 6cll all the Dry Goodf, Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, Hosiery, BlnnketH, 14t and Caps, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now in your opportunity to gel bar gaitiH. Don't uiIhs it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to E. J. Collins & Co. C. S. Smith, tiu: dp-to-dateQroeer Freeh Eggs nnd Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. J. K. HcitNl, I'reildvnt. 'Phone 270. II.JI.Bui. ONE FOR ADOS5. FhEH H It . BVHM m i niii u ,,w 1-iwiinw, rrneat vf C M ii fc. oetorstold Bonick Hamilton, of. ffiKV. efferson. O.. aftor hiifr,.rln.j IK' IKcL7w ',l?'l.Vi!'V ' ' .-- - - rr Just What You uaant. I un. ui,ima C( s.),,a p. T. BROWNHILL, ' All d Woat J inDnttiH from Heclnf Fistula, hu would die unless a costly operation was per formed ; but he cured himself with live u. vR,cl. n r, o.IVf, uie; J Us VlViVi OF Til E I'EACE. iSotarv unrest Pile cure on Jiarth, and tho hect , I'u.'ilii. Collections promptly attended Salve in tho World. 'Jo cents a box. Sold '" i!mv u C E, JinyardV of- by Blakeley & Ilnughton DruggislH. 4 ",:(, 1110 Oregon. Hlllttll, To buy a couple of helfor calves of good milk stock. Will take them when a week old nnd pay a rentoiinblc price. Apply at this ofllce. n,2 (!, U'uutril, Furnished houie, with five or six rooms and bath, for the summer. Apply at this ottice, 5ui-3t jU. K. K. FKItaiJKU.V, Pliyaicitm and Surgeon, Olllcc, Yost llloek (over I'ostolTitc), '.'Oaplmo dw 'JUK DAI.I.K8, OKKtiON. D H HUMTINOTOM M 8 WIUQK TJUNT1KOTON & W1UJON. Jt ATTOKNKVH AT LAW, Olicov.rFU.tN.t.ff PAUC" Jjew It eat in Wall Paper bore. Such wide variety as wo areHhowingnevur be ore graced a single otoek. Heal imita tion ereton eflects at ordinary prices. Good papers at aheap paper prices. Elegant ( eBigiie, tasteful coloring vourH fora Btuol price, at our atore on Third street. AUo a full line of house juUnu! D. W. VAUSE. Third St. Hf. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Ofllce over rrcnoli & Co.'n link 1,bouu,)' 'tlli2bAi.Uti,0laON We Put... ovorv bit of twenty years exjierienco and drug knowledge with every .Prescription that's compounded here Js it any reason why our proscription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HOUGHTOH IJeliablo J'roscriptionists F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & LaiiKliliii, 'Phone 157 NOTICE FOK I'UBLIOATJON. Timber ltnd, Act June It, 1878. wit 1 lWu 'y Klvm, ,l,,,t wani'Urt ice .' iiiu .i, m,w, ciitltlt-d "An not for tho h.iIo ol tlin Mir liiinlH ii tlio HtntcH ol (;!! oriilit, Ori'K . .NuvikIh mill WiuhliiKion Turritwy," ' UUK""' WIIIIiiiii K, Ktiliiliuiii, iwJlW.i''Ji'J'.V "l-?t.t0 of OreKon, ini.m ,,. ' .! Hi" oworil hlltlo- ml Vl Ki J' uwt '"5 u1Vrc,,'" "' Hi" WIS Nl'-K ir uruui lit Hiimv First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking ISuuiueaa truuuld Uepoflite roccived, subject to blgM Draft or Check. Collection!! made and proceed promptly remitted nn dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange told a rew York, han iranciBco anc "on land. DIKEOTOK8 D. P. Tiiomi'hon. J no. 6. Bcaua Eu. M. Wilmakb, Gko. A.Lim H. M. Hkau.. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. TWiMUifT A KICK It A I.HAN'K'INfl Rntl(W r oMuvn rt PftwIW IouMwl ill'fl Until Ifi t&l Rivlit. F.Yi-hiiniro and Telnnpa Tranefers Hold on New York.Chkiw r.. r t r r : I). ...Unit In oi. inuie, nun xrmieiccu, iu U.... id.. U'fiuli i.iwl vnrinm MIKI KUII, L'lIH.tlu , unu,. i..m ' r in Oregon and WaHhington. Collections made at all pomuoni" orable ternm. THe ColuiDia Pacimn. PACKERS OF r--v ri -J DCCC MANDKACTUKEKBOK Fine Lard and Sausag Curers of BMIO TT A TUTC By TCAfHJfl BEEF. Cure Impotcncy, MkMTA wasting dUcaauH, all cffecttW cretion. Ai.crvetol blood iHiiblor. Br 5 rf.tfinB tllf firC " o NERVITA WiEDlCALCO Clinton ft Jaoltson &t3.t vmj. itica w. wi. ,AVV , lilt' Olllooovoi Klrnt Nut. li'ink. ml ior 1.... ". " '.''I " "Ill win uini urn iiitin M,iiiii iu ' Illllluir ,,r VP J" """ l",,,,l"u ( UK h ii Ii t(i Lit ni nil ii i' !"r "Krlfiilluiiil iiiir.ofK, ltl.t , ,. "'i ,U V1"1" H' M ''" the liTktor"Kon(,,lr1Vt'r ",U ",CU ut T" Hatiirday, tlin aa, f Junr 1)00 llU 11 II 111 t!M II y Ultli.uL.u. 1 tl H..I1 it .. iilNhnH 1? m u ,Uii umH "u JUi'Kted to llle their n., IH1,L,i,"'1" (jllt0 r before mita'.'ard day of Mica Axle Crease helps the team. Save, .? valine, aoldcverywiwr. lightens tbe joad- iliorWM tin cxnciwe. pwu wa tiK . TANPARO WH-m-l JAY V. 1.UUA8, Hvghter.