The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 08, 1900, Image 1

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    3hi Dalles
NO. 228
Hamilton Has Captured Winburg This
Puts tlte British Army Sixty-Three
Miles North of Blocmtontcin.
London, May 7, 11 n. m. Lord Roberts
reports to the war office In a dispatch
tinted Smaldeel, May 0, afternoon, as
"V crossed the Vet river tliirs morn
inp mid are now camped nt Smaldeel
.Intuition. The enemy is in full retreat
lotvnrd the 7. uid Hiver and Kroonetadt.
Tlio turning movement was made by the
mounted infantry just before dark yester
day. Jt was u very dashing afl'.iir. The
Canadians, New South Wales, New
Zialani! Uifles and Qaeensland Mounted
Infaiitiy vied with each other in the
determination to close witii the enemy.
Captain Anley, of the Essex Regiment,
commanding the Third Infantry Hut
tulimi, behaved in n very gallant manner.
"Tim naval guns and the artillery
made excellent practice, particularly
two five-inch guns used for the first time
with this force. We captured a Maxim
ana twenty-five prisoners. Our casualties
are very few only fifteen wounded, one
killed and three missing.
"The Jtrltish arrived here without op
iioaitlun. The Hours' last train left laet
Saturday night. The Uoer losses yester
day on the left flank were forty killed.
Their rear guard rumains behind kopjes,
ten miles distant. There is much rail
way forage and corn here. It is stated
that the Hoers ure retreating towards
Kroonetadt. The Zand river bridge is
reported to have been destroyed."
London, May 7. The capture of Win
burn by the British is continued and the
main advance on Pretoria continues. By
the occupation of Wiuburg, General Ian
Hamilton puts himself nearly parallel
with Lord Roberts and only twenty-nine
miles eastward, while he lias the ad
ditional advantage of being connected
willi his chief by means of tho railroad
that runs from Smaldeel or Wiuburg
road station, as it is sometimes called at
Wiuburg. Lord Roberts is now nine
miles north of the Vet and sixty-three
miles nut th of Bloom fontoin. Evidently
he is not letting grass grow under his
feet, though the Boers are equally
anxious to retreat towardB Kroonstadt,
and nro so doing.
The critics of the newspapers view the
situation with the greatest satisfaction.
A special dispatch from Smaldeel
dated 0 45 p. m , May 0, gives details of
the occupation of Wiuburg by the British.
It says .
"Tim news has just come here that
General Hamilton is giving the Boers no
rest and that they are falling back
hurriedly. He entered Wiuburg today
after u brisk fight, in which the Boers
'til hack so quickly that one of their
euns, in addition to a Maxim, was
abandoned. "
The name dlBpatch, describing the
crossing of tho Vet River by the British
says tiio lioor force, entrenched on the
"I'pusiio bank, prepared to contest the
crossing. Our guns were brought into
I'laco and a terrific shell fire was directed
on the H ut lines. At the same time tho
Queeiislanders, under a heavy fire,
unshed across tho river and, advancing
hi the open, completely turned tho Boer
rWit. It was dusk, but nothing Could
6loI the gallant Australians. They
pushed on again, seized a commanding
kopju mid by brllllunt movements and
continuous rifle fire, drove off the enemy
in tho darkness.
I'hu first gleam of doy this morning
nmnd tho enemy in full flight and our
en after them, and by 0 o'clock this
miming wo entered tho important strat
l'Kiu position.
'dispatch from Boshof.'daled Friday,
1, says :
thuieral Mothuen made a reoonnois
eaiico from here Thursday to the
jWKhborhood of Sjartkoppiesfonteln,
locating tho lftogor. A fairly strong force
oi Hoers was seen moving northward,
yunorul Mothuen then returned to
Too Aluuy Jujiuuete.
NkwYouk, May 7, Addressing the
Antral Federated Union, President
Gompors, of tho American Federation of
Labor, spoke of the importation of
Japanese coolie labor. He declared that
Japaneso coolies were taking the placo
of the Chinese who had been excluded.
"No restriction," he said, "is placed
upon the Japanese and iis a result they
are coming into this country in droves.
It is pretty near time something is done
:.. n.! .
in una manor, aB uie urst thing you
Know wo will bo overrun with cheap
Japanese labor which will supplant
yours, as the Chinese attempted to do.
Mr. Gompers will attend a meeting of
the striking cigar-makers at Bohemia
National Hall today and afterward he
will place himself in a position in regard
t) the injunction to bring uTjout hi
Hepburn fur McKlnlej Uutuilng Mate
Los Axam.E.s, May 7. The Times of
this city, edited by Major-General H. G
Otis, editorially presents this morning
the name of Congressman Wm. P. Hep
burn, of Iowa, as a running mate for
William McKtnley, on the Republican
ticket. General Otis Iibb himself been
mentioned as a vice-presidential possl
bility. He is a warm personal friend of
President McKinley. The editorial says
"Mr. Hepburn isn veteran representa
tive in congress, with years of experience
and a good name; he is chairman of the
house committee on the Nicarauga
canal. He was the leader in achieving
the superb and far-reaching victory won
by the national Iioubo only last week,
when tl canal bill was passed.
"Mr. Hepburn has had a large and
powerful hand in tiie important initia
tory work ot pushing the canal bill
through the house of representatives
against all opposition ; he has proved
himself a slayer and statesman. Why,
then, is he not first-class timber for
California Oil I'roductlon.
San Fuakuisco, May 7. The output
of oil in California lias increased from
1,245,123 barrels in 1895, to 2,21)2,123
barrels in 1809, The prospect is that
the outout lor the present year will be
much larger than that of 1899. California
now ranks fourth among the states in
the Union in petroleum production.
One significant feature of the oil dis
coveries in the stale is mat ttiey will
put California on an equality with other
states in the Union as far as the fuel
question goes. The estimate has been
made that threo and one-half barrels of
California petroleum are equal to one
ton of coal.
HIhmhI a Mlultttur.
Nuw Yoiik, May 7. Rev. Charles S.
Morris, a colored Baptist missionary,
recently returned from South Africa,
wbb vigorously hissed when he cham
pioned the cause of England in a lecture
before the West Side Y. M. C. A. The
couiiter'demou8tralions of the audience
finally became so pronounced that the
lecturer abandoned tho discussion of the
merits of the contending nations.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Soros all positive evidences.
of impure blood. No matter now it
became so it must be purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's iJloou
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store.
Sulolile Nottr Kugviie.
Eugene, May 7. L. Marquis, a farm
er who resided seven miles northwest of
Eugene, committed suicide this morn
eng. Ho left a note In tho house raying
that ilia body would bo found in the
corral near the bam. His son looked
and found the dead body of his father
in the placo designated. A messenger
came for tho coroner, but no details
have boen learned, even ns to the muii
ner of the suicide.
TUb Alplll of a 1t
Ib envied by all poor dyspeptics whoso
stomach and liver ore out of order. All
Huch thould know that Dr. King's Now
LI to Pills, the wonderful stomach and
liver remody, giveB a splendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures porft ct health and
great energy. Only 25 cents ot any
drug store. 4
Use Clarke & Fulk'squiulne hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
Idler Wants the Senate to Rxtcnd Us
Washington May 7.At todays ses
sion of the senate, Teller delievered i
speech, in which he strongly urged the
senate to extend its sympathy to the
Boers in the contest with the British.
The adoption of his resolution of sympa
thy, he maintained, could not be con
sidered as an unfriendly act by the
British government.
During the remainder of the session,
the senate had under consideration the
naval appropriation bill. Chandler's
amendment to curtail the increase of the
Marine Corps created some debate and
was finally laid on the table, 30 to 14.
The bill was not completed. Notice was
given that the armor-plate provision
would be considered in secret session, on
account of certain facta that were to be
called to the attention of the senate.
This was suspension day in the House,
and quite a number of bills were passed.
The inoBt important was the senate bill
to amend the general pension laws so as
to provide for aggregating disabilities
under the act of 18!(0 without regard to
service, and to increase the net income
a widow may have without destroying
her right to a pension from $96 to $250.
The purpose of the bill is to modify
rulings of the pension office in accordance
with the recommendations of the grand
army of the republic. It was passed
without a dissenting voice. The bill to
increase ttie appropriation tor the
National Guard from $400,000 to $1,000,-
000 also was among those passed. Sulzer
of New York attempted to secure action
upon his resolution expressing sympathy
with the Boers, but was cut off by the
UlurluiiH Newt.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
Four bottles of Electric Bitters has
cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great Buffering for years.
rerrible sores would break out on her
head and face, und the best doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health is excellent." This
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bitters is the best blood
purifier known. It's the supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boils and running sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
exuels poisonB, helps digestion and
builde up the strength. Only 50 cente.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Guaranteed. 4
Aeulualdo Again In the Field.
Manila, May 7. TelegraraB received
here from General oung report that
Aguinaldo has rejoined the rebel Gener
al, Tino, In the north, and that they
have reassembled a considerable force
in the mountains. General Young de
sires to strike them before the rainB,
and asks for reinforcements. The tenor
of the dispatch leads to the belief that
General Young is confident Aguinaldo
is with Tino, and it is presumed they
are preparing to fight.
A detachment of ttie l'orty-seventh
Regiment met and routed a baud ot the
-r .1 lf
enemy between Jegaspi anu niago,
Province of Albay, on April loth. Iwo
Americans were killed and live wound
ed, including two officers. The Filipi
nos lost heavily. The conditions around
Legaspi and Sorsone are reported as
considerably disturbed.
A IAtv And Death Flfc'lil.
Mr. W. A. HineB of Manchester, la.,
wrltiug of his almost miraculous e6capB
from death, says: "Exposure after mess-
les induced serious lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and day.
All uiy doctors said I must soon die,
Then I began to ubo Dr, K.Mfc'8 new
Discovery for Consumption, which com.
pletely cured me. I would not be without
it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my rccommeudatlon and
all say It never fails to cure Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles," Regular size 50o
and $1 .00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
& Houghton's Drug Store. 4
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Catarrh Cannot he Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure It you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best. 12
Caught a Dreadful Cold.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. M
Thompson, a large importer ot fine mil
linery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi
cago, says: "During the late eevere
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at night and made me
unfit to attend my work during the day.
One of my milliners was taking Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at that time, which seemed to re
lieve her eo quickly that I bought some
for myself. It acted like magic and I
began to improve at once. I am now
entirely well and feel very pleased to ac
knowledge its merits." For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
The Vent ltemedy for Kheuinatlstn,
All who use Chamberlain Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it affords.
When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I
had a seve attack of rheumatism In my
arm and shoulder. I tried numerous
remedies, but got no relief until I was
recommended by MesBrs. Geo. F. Par
eons & Co., druggists of this place, to
try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They
recommenned it so highly that I bought
a bottle. ivag goon relieved of all pain.
have since recommended this lini
ment to many of my friends, who agree
with me that it is the best remedy for
muscular rheumatism in tho market."
For sale by Blat eley & Houghton.
If you intend to take a trip EaBt, ask
your ticket agent to route you via The
Great Wabash, a modern and'up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omalia or St. Louis to New York
and Now England pointe. All trains
run via Niagara Falls andjevery through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Ross C. Clink,
I'acilic Coast Pass. Agt
Los Angeles, Calif.
O. S. Ckank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says,
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the
very best pills I ever used for costiveness,
iver and bowel troubles."
, . .
Cure Headache Quickly.
Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain latisrue. 1U and zo cents, bold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24-6w
Oaih In Hour CUeclm.
All countv warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after February. 2,
1900. G. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasurer.
Ring up Faulkner, the junk man, be
fore hauling your trash to the beach.
He buys old worn out rubber boots and
shoes, brass, copper, zinc, lead, sacks,
rags, etc, Dalles 'phone No. 214.
' npr24-lw
Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111.,
writes, "I never fail to relieve my
children from croup at once by using
One Minate Cough Cure. I would not
feel safe without it." Quickly cures
coughs, colds, grlppo and all throat and
To Cure a Cold lu One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money.
Tho Dalles Cominsion House will
keep fresh milk at all times on hand
and deliver it anywhere in the city at
the following prices: One quart, $2 per
mouth: three pints, $3; two quarts, $4;
three quarts $5.50; cream 20 cents per
pint. Fresh butter every day, 18d-liu
Tweed, fancy mixed pattern; all-wool $2 50
French-back worsted, several handsome patterns in gray stripes. .$2.50
Black clay all worsted guaranteed color $3.00
Finer qualities at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00.
All worsted through and through in a dark ground with irregu
lar light stripe $3.50
Blue serge all worsted in "just the right shade" of blue $4.00
Pure worsteds in a dozen select patterns, including those verv
new spring ehadings at. . .$4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00
Trousers for Btout men to 48 inch waist $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00
ers sold.
7K. 7U.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot f 11 kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S? ITKbSd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl F10UP u'8 'our 18 manufactured expressly for family
AU A use ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lowor than any house in the trade, aud if you dou't think eo
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
All kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
funeral Supplies
is being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or pre.
vious condition of servitude, Itumember we make our ciiBto.
mers glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Palnte. There is a
finish and gloss to its work that is admired by all.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
lie sure and inspect our stock of Wall Paper
Deslgne for 1000 on Display
Washington Street,
betweeu (second and Third,
We know of no other house in the
city that can show quite as choice a
collection of
paijcy pure Uor$rds,
f-woo assineres,
ard SS
We can fit any man and
every man in waist, in leas,
in puree.
You must see these, or you have
not seen the best.
of a Choice Pair of Sus-
with every pair of Trous-
: SS
Burial Shoes