CANCER Time was wneu Cancer was considered as incurable as leprosy. Phvsicians and friends could give little relief or encouragement to one afllicted with this terrible disease. Even now doctors know of no rented v IS NOT INCURABLE SOUTH and EAST via Soon Pacific Go. for this fearful ninlndy ; while ndniittitif,' it to hi , Shasta Route Trillin IwivoTlii' D.illi'H lor Portland iiml wny ntntlnns tit !..!' . in. iiml H l m. n blood disease, they still insist that there is no hotie outside of a surgical operation, and advise you to have the Cancer cut out but at the same time cannot assure you that it will not return. You may cut or draw out the sore, nut anotlier will come it its place, for the disease is in the blood is deep-seated and destructive, and beyond the reach of the surgeon's knife 01 caustic, flesh-destroying- plasters. The blood must be purified and strengthened, the system relieved of nil poisonous, effeU matter before the Cancer sore will heal. S. S. S. is the only medicine that can overcome this powerful and contaminating poison and force it out of the blood. It builds up and invigorates the old, and supplies new, rich, life-giving blood. S.S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy; no mineral can be found in it ; the roots and herbs from which it is made contain powerful purifying- properties that act directly upon the blood svstem and make a safe and permanent cure of Cancer. It has cured thousands, why not you ? Cancer s not always inherited ; your family may be free from any taint, yet your blood may become so jKilluted that a sever rttiil ctllliluirli fnmt nf fill lliinu tnn Mwnnwmwg tUnntl InvHf flMUjlJKP develop from a sore or ulcer on vour tongue 1 Aulvo Ominu ',:',V.! Mm purr: diuuu iinriw ifgpiwi or othcr lurt of ymir lKHly . S-Hght brmst :: r. . . ..... . . m " " or hurt, a little pimple on the evelid, lie t'liltMen 7:riiiu or nose, a little or no at once : it will I.111V0 l'llttlllllll " Albany Arrive AM1I11111I " SMcriimiMito . " fun Friiiu'lM'o MIJUi in .lUiSOn 111 ,.U:St 11 m . . p 111 , . 7: l l ill small lump on the jaw or breast, a harmless looking wart or mole, and other causes ho insignificant as to attract attention. If you have an obstinate sore, don't rely upon salves or ointments to cure it begin with S. S. S. cleanse your blood and prevent the formation of cancerous cells. Mrs. U. Shirer. La Plata. Mo., writes , " A small pimple came on my jaw about one inch lxlov the ear on the left side of my face. At first it jravc me no trouble, and! did not think it wasnnythiiifr serious 1 innamea. ji mc same nine me sore oean 10 Riirenu nnu I tried evervthinc I could hear of. but within? did me nnv S. b.. and after takinc several bottles the Cancer henled. and there This was two years ago, anil I am sun enjoying perfect Health, ' until the jaw bepan to swell and became much inflamed, eat into me ltcsn, aim Rave me niiense pain I then began the use of S of the disease cooil. is now no sign of Seud for our special book on Cancer ; it contains much information that will interest yon ; it is free. Write our phvsicians about vour case, and for anv advice or information wanted : they have made a life studv of Cancer and all blood diseases. We make no charge what ever for this. Address, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. sss GA. J 1 Arrive Ijw AiiBi'loi . . . 1:10 pm ' Kl 1'iimi i:lO 1 lit " 1'nrt Worth n:n m " tlty of lloxloo . . . utKinm " llmittoii 111 " Now (irkuns ni'JSitin " WiulilnKttm 0:IJu in " New York VI Kip tn 7:U p 111 UI:M ) 111 ll:S(i 11 111 11 111 h:ir a tit 11:1,'. n m UMOn III T 11 111 j::u)iiiii 7: 11 111 liilXi 111 r.;.D 11 111 i:1 11 111 '4:1)0 n 111 r.::i') p in (' 12 11 111 .'lap 111 ?t?roiic;!e5peiai5 Running Into One Another. When readme at night do thf different letters run into one another and eoi.inr vou? If !o, you have Hati murium and vour sisrht will raiiidlv iirow wur-f if not uttt tided to. Manv nil-1 the best nient-' ari5i from defective vision. Then. I H. Libe can lit ynti with plasse thct will give you normal vision. He ie a lr&inatf from two of ll.e finest colleges in the Ea't. J. E. Adcox & Co., J.'tvelrs. Sav! Mark This! or cut it out anything so you won t foreettlmt Mrs. M. A. Ewino has a store full of bHrcains: Tinware, China, Ladies and Children's Fnrimhinirs. Special prices mi a large assortment of Crash Skirts. THE RACKET. j Niitlri'. I Owing to the retirement of Frank Chrianian from the linn of Chrismim J 1 ISros., Mid his inteutioii to leave the i ! state as soon as pcs-Mili1, all debts due ' 1 the Arm must bs paid immediately. All i having claims iipdnst the tirni will ! p'ease present them at the market for j paviuetit. ; ni4-tf Ciir.iHJt.VN l!iti)Tiii:ith. It's Our Business BUSINESS LOCALS. dark it Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget thie. Clarke vfc Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are Ask vour urocer ior them. Floral iotion will cure wind chapping 1 and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke ; & Falk. j Paint your house with paints that are I fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk ! have them. j' DeWitt's Witch Huzel Salve is tin- , , '''i. i..nn..1l.l fnr ,,iiH, ii,,r!a ,! skin ' lo b".v a pte of heifer calves of I diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel 80011 "'Alk. .s,0Lk salve. Beware of all counterfeits. Why pay 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Pattou's sun proof paints for $1.50 per ! gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark fc I'lillniii i mid TourlHt rur- on Imth trains. Cliulr ears SiuTiinicnto to Ogilun iiml 111 1'iimi, nuil tourist cars to ('liieiiK'i, tit I-oittn. New Or leans and WtililiiKtou. ComiivtltiK nt Han I'riiuclsro with several stenm.ililp lines for llonoliilii, Jiipati, Clilliu, l'lilllpplues, Cetitral iiml Hmitli Ametleii. See iii;cnt nt The Dulles statlnn, or nililrcss C. H. MARKHAM, (iciieral l'as.i tiRor Agent, I'.ntlniiil, Or lie sure and exuniiie our stock of wall papur tiioroiighly before buying else where, as we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at H. Cileini it Co.s. al7-lw Will take them when i a week old mid pnv a reasonable price, Apply at this oflice. m- 15 1 Use Clarke & Falk's quinine, hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DlSINu t All HOflK KltOM 1'OUTl.ANH io Tin: i;ast. THK ONLY l)II'i:CT LINK TO Till: VKl.I.OW KIONi: I'AUK To dispense health-giving prescrip tions in the proper way. It's a business we have not learned in a dav, but after years of persistent work and careful etudy. We use pure drugs and charee an honest price. Clarke & Falk. w Want Heads To fit the smartest nnd most fetch ing styles in Spring and Summer Millin ery. All the latest ebapes in Trimmed , and Uutriuimed Hats. We handle ev erything in head-dress, and charge a I price that is right foreverv pocket-hook, j Campbell & Wilson. I'EUPLE TOU AL.I. KNOW. W. H. Heisler, a prominent citizen ol Dafnr, was in town today. Henry Menefee, editor of the Dufur Dispatch, was in town last night. Fred Wallace, postmaster nt Ante lope, came in on the atage this forenoon. Editor Douthit, of the Times-Mountaineer, went to Portland on the morning train. Mr. and Mrs. Smith French were pas sengers on the noon train today for Portland. M. J. Anderson, of Dufur, came into town this morninzand left for home in the afternoon. Misa Beulah Sterling who ha? been visiting here for a few days, returned today to Portland. Justice Timothy Brownhill has gone to Pendleton to lie examined before tho eupretue court for admission to the bar. Charley Wa. 'goner went to Hood Ktver today to look over the situation with the view of going into business there. T. H. Johnston, of Dufur, Republican candidutH for slate senator, was a pas eenger on the noon train today for Hood River. Malcolm S. Jameson, formerly of The Dalles, and who has spent the tiineHince hie return from tho Philippines in New York, spent yeitarday with friends here, returning today to Portland. j Falk, agents. mI7 i Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., sayp, , "DeWitt's Little Early Risers always ! bring certain relief, cure my headache : and never gripe." They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels nnd liver. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my : family with wonderful results. It gives I immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend." says E. Hartgerink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to ' cure. S'ck Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A j pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation j and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed j or money back. 25 cts. nnd 50 cte. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist'. Citation. for In the County Court of the State of Oregon the County of Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Patrick llrmvn decenstil. citation. To Delia C. Drown, Anna llrmvn. Mary Jl. l.ii. mint, Katherlne Lacey, l-'mnk llrmvn, Anna jirmvn. Alive nrmwi unit r.uiei jirown. creetlnir. In the nnine of tne State of Oregon, you are i nereuy emu nnd required to niiiienr in llie County Court of the Mute of Oregon, for the i County of vaei. at the liny term of n d court I at the court room thereof, at Dalles City, in Mild J county, on Tue-duy, thei-th day of Slay. H), nt jo ciotk in tne afternoon oi mat nay, then nnd mere 10 unow enu-e, u any mere tje, wtiy an or dcr of .a!e should nut bo made hy the above en mien court. iiirteutiK ue a c llrmvn. in m ti s tratrlx of said estate, to .ell at nrivate sale the following dccrlled rea1 proi:rIy ol nid .eitate, unni; i.oi.i a, ii, i , ii, r., r , ii Jl, I.J, K. 1., in block ., of tort Dulles .Military heservatlon In uresuu. Witness the Hon. Unhurt JIays. Jinlue of tin ald Comity Court, with the teal of said court amxeo, this L'nd day of April, A. D. I!MJ SCIL1 Attmt. A. Jl. KKI.SAV, Clrk, up'ii-Siv ly a. IIoltoN. Deputy, -VOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". I.ANb Office at The D.u.i.ks, oiikcon,) Jlnreh 10, HiO.t Kotice it hereby irlven that the follnwlnt? named pettier ha Ilk-J notice of his intention to muse mini prooi in support ot his claim, and that laid proof will U mude before the renter . . . . ... nun n ri vr n i nf ifiiiu.v trfrit rifi t.nriirii.ii. iron, rnober boots anil shoes, bicycle May k.j, xu.-. tires, etc , brass, copper, zinc, lead, pewter, old woolen rags, beer bottles Don't let your old worn out machinery lie in the fence corner any longer. Take it to Fletcher Faulkner, The Dailes junk ! dealer, and get the cash for it. Highest cash price paid for cast and wrought SI AV.ItlKll. andllisks, horse manes and tails, and bones of all descriptions. I'rice paid for ca9t iron, 40 cents per 100 lbs. One door west of J. H, Worsley'e, Second St., The Dalles. " rnL'4-lmo. Mrs. Calvin Zimiuurman, Mileaburg, ' a., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, ! colds, croup and sore throat One Minute j Cough Cure is uneqttaled. It is pleasant ' for childien to take. I heartily recoin-' mend it to mothers. " It Is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent onnimption A Testimonial from Old Knglunit. "I consider Chamberlain'u Cough Heinrich Lnbhing,of The D.illes.Or., If. K. No. Ii7.i. for the NW'i,,. section 17, town snip j norm, ranire u cast, , ji IIj unmet the follmvln" wltutes to nrove his continuous residence upon, und cultivation of said hind, viz. John Steumim, Henry I'.lddoll, Jllchiicl Doyle, iuanvs ikiuuuii, an oi jne iiiiiirs, tirexnu. AY P. LUUAo. mafjlli KcKitler, Remedy the best in the world for bron- Luhitle," says Mr, William Savory, of Warrington, England. "It has saved my wife's !ife, she having been u martyr ! to bronchitis for over hit viam. helot. C 1 t . . I ... .. .i - ' ouiiimi .uaj u n, at me reiumce oi , most of the time confined trie npiflu'u nofuiila f 1 . f Allen, of this citv, Mr. John Miller to i She is quo well. Miss Maybell Allen, Rev. Gentry Rush- j 'fJ' Houghton, ing officiating. ! TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I". S. I..VKIJ "rriCE, V.ISI OCVKI!, April 3), I'M. balU-v in heicby clven that JUry II. Gelhnui, by D. if. MeKinan, her attorney In fact, him tiled notice of intention to make until proof licfore W . II l'resby, United htatet Comnilsslnner for PHtrict of ashliiKton, at Ills ollice In (iiililun dale, Uiiihinxtnii, on Krlilay, the INth day of , m. .-, .mi i iiiiix;i.i;uuiin- Application .NO. I TJi, for the iiorthvn.1t quarter of section No I, tu township .So. a north, rarue So. 11 emt. w. M. I b he nnmes Ms ivltneses. Jlnnucl H. l-ormrdo, r1 riiii,il 1 1 ill..., It la ii'...i. I WI 1 ,," Hkln.on, of Ceiiterirllle I'. () Wiish., (arid William Crawford, of (irmid Pallet P.O.. j"8;. W. It. DUNHAK, ;""-' !,il1t;r- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U.'iu Office at Tim: Imm.ks, Ohkiion.i j April 20, I'JU). ( .Votlce it hereby Riven that the follmvlni;. lo bpr bfd I """'' i"", uieti nonce oi Ills Intention 10 iter lieu, to make tiunl proof In eutiuirt of bin rbiim. u...i Sold bv Illakc- i,'H,tr.',,,1,l,r,',),.'i.,111 nie Uforetlm Ueiltlcr In C. G, itoitv tMs city, May 7th, Stucey, n daughter. I to the wife oi i Nasal CATARRH In all Its aUgea tiuMO hould be cleaulloeii. Ily's Crcnm Bain ckajiK-s,oothesand liealji the dicacd niembnno. t care catarrh and drives away a cold lu the head quickly. Cream Holm U placed Into the noatrlla, iprd orer the membrane and ii aUorlxd. KcllafU im mediate Dd a cure follows. It la not drylog doet not produce tneezinj;. Large Size, SO centt at Drug glati or by mall; Trial Size, 10 centa by mall. . SKV DOOTIIEKS, M Warren Street, New York. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids .Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or fans. It la the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation caL BDnrmnn ii, in nmr Ani it in. jmaieaicuii I ntrv .v tantfy relieves and permanently cures ' Mcr.10" ,ow""',l', ""r,h "" .Viif Jens P. Anidlne, of The D.tlle, Or., Ilnrnesteftd Kntry No 1311, for the NWU .VVJ -e:tIon 21, and KJ, HV.'A and NKJJ 8KleelIou Si tiw.ntl.lp -j not fii. mhko 12 east! V. Jl Ho rinrnes the followliiK wltnrc to provo of ald 'lin'd "vl k'"ce u,l(1 cnltlvatloji John fnile. Oliarles Sril-s, J. I), llookmai". J. Slmousoii.all of The Uiillett, OieKon. naf- l JAY K J.I CAh, I!eKlsU:r. I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.AKU I KHCE f.t TlIK lUUKl, OllK.,1 Apiliaj, lioj. I Kotlce Is hereby Klven iUt the followlnc name, tettler Uus filed notice of hit IriUi tio to Wilson J. Jelferc, of The Dalles, Or., jiorr.eateuil l.ntry No. ICSfi. for the nu K'.vu i.kk. , Union DiwU'ifihanill sis akuivk. No. No. 1 Knit mall for Tacoma, Seattle, Olyiuplii, (irny's iiariior anil botitn lieuil lxiiutK, hpokaiie, Hoj.--laud, IS. ('., I'lilliniiu, JtOMMIW, Ixiwl.stou. llllf 11:15 A.M. falolliiiiipmliiiui; coun try, Helena, MlnucaiHi i lis, St. I'iiiiI, Omiiiia, Knn.uis City. .St. bulls. t'liieaKo and all lHiiutu eat and outhea"t. rucet Nmml l;xpre.s for Thi'oiiiii and Feattle 7;) A. M. and intermediate iin!.s No. I. H;S0 I'. M 5;.K) 1'. 31. No. ruUiniin llrat elask and tourlit bleeur to .Vinneiipolfs.tlt. raulaiid Jllssouri river point without ehaiiKe. Vettlbuled trains. I'ulon deptit coiitivntloua In all prllit:i)al cities. liauu'aire t:hecleil to destination of tickets, hnr iiaudnimely llliistiiitnldfcrlptlve matter, tickets, leepiii(! er refervatlons, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ieueral rnen,'nr Akcii', 'iVt Jlotrloc Street, corner Thtr' , rortlaud, Oreijoii. 0.R.&N. mxaa IIK1UI-.T . HJf. Kast i .Mall I l.'ilOp. m. Sj-oimie Mull and Ilxprcss 10:10 p. m, b p. m. 8 p. m. Kx.hunday fiaturday 10 p. m. tlMK K'nKIJlfLK. KltOM UAM.Kit. Salt I.aWr, Denver. Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kan-' ns City, fit. I-oulis, CIiIcko and Kast. Walla Walla, Hpoknne, MliiueaM)llH. ht. 1'aul, il ninth, MlUvniikeu, Chleaito and Kant, via bpoknuuHkd HlliitliiK ton; alio nil point in WushliiKton and East ern Orexou. I A l-.liiVK Kno. Fast Mnit p Hiiokanc .Mall mill Express 1:00 u. m FaOM I'OKTtAtJr). Ocean Stcarnnhlpti. For ban Fraiiuliico ApllP.T, iliiy.', 7, 12. 4 p. m. ...... i I p. m. Columbia Uv. flteamenf.lKx.buudai To Autokia and Wiv Ijindliius. fill. m. Wll.r.i tir-nv II... , i.nn.. Kx.biindaylOreKOn City. 'tiuw;iK, Kx.buiuln'y ay wind . Halem & 7 a.m. Kv liieit.Thur, and but. HXAMcrrr. awii Yam- :i:S0 p. m. jiim. illVJSKH. :Jlon.,Wetl Oretton City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-Ijindlnss. C a. in. Tuc.Thur, und bat. ILLAMKTTK lilVKII. 1:30 II. m. rortlund to CorvalllH, Jlon. Wed und Wuy-IjindliiKK. nmd Filday I.v Itlparla nauy l.Wn, m. I BfAKK ItlVKR. Itlparla to I-uwiston. I.KAVK I.KWIhTOtl dully b:'M a. in. DTSDeDSia. Indtcestinn. Raarthiirn Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea! SlckHeadache.Gastralgla.Oramps.and all other results of lmperfectdlaestlon. . rrtwna by C. C. DcWJU Co.. Cblcogo. He namea thefnllowliiL' ultnv.... , . m,Vn!iUllz1,la:,'CeUpon ""a c,""vlon of Jarnen teuton, Jr., Jainett llmuon, fir., 1'eter Owlfrey, Isaac HowUlid, till of The Dallei, Ot. u"i- JAY I'. l.UCAH, Jteglnter. I'ttflitfl flL-Iflntf IA fA fr. 11.......,.. akoo M:oilun,i,,la uthetii via Wi: ihould take No. 2. liuiviiiL' i ti n.iii..u .. i.r ..i .. ... makliiK uirwit coniiectlotn. nt Heppncr juuVllmi Hn.l tK,. netiirulnkMnakli.BtilrcottV.ut'wtloii jiiii,.,,,,,, n,m ii kkh vvitli No, l.ttr rlvliiK at The Dalles at Vi:& y. m. ' rl II1.11 1f tlculara call on O, I'.. & N. L'o 'a ngeut The Dullca.oraddretia ' u ' W. If. IIUKMiUKT, Oeii l'a. Ait 1'ortlMiid, Or, 3i II I Hi" " ( 4 ft si 3 ? i f f f fa to fa The Chffoniele, Job Ppinteps. This Dollen, Or. i i i ? IIlLtillIllIUlLHllltllMllti!JIIlllt!llI'jitiMliir.'ii.M..,. . lllirTIIIItllllMITlTlIltltrtM uti 1 111 ttuiu tuiiJUiitujiunuuntiiMJUiiJiuiHiiM $i.oo per month. Strinlly (ir-t i:1iih local nnd lone ilictnniiii tult?hunu eervico within your hotnu. Lines1 do not cross-tnlk. Vour con verHtttion will hu kept n uecrot. No no Hi fur inntulling. Vim cut thn dtundurd IltiniiitiB LntiK IhHtiuit Instruint'iit. Continuous day und iiitrht ervlce. Wo will ui'ci'pt your contruct for tun yenre und ttllow you to cimcttl pntnu on Kiving us thirty duys writ- ' ten noticu. PA0IFIC STATES TELEPHONE 00S. Bfc d mfltor$ MA.MTACTUIti:!) UV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL 00 SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Clrculiue nnd particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent . n20 THK DALLIvS OREGON Kf for Hale. Full blooded, burnid I'lyinouth Hook tfgs.por aetting $1. 00 and $1.50. For particulara call on or addrega, Kandkiih IIiioh, I0 7. The Dallee, Or. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen' rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHI8KEY from 2.76 to Id.OO mir uullon. iTlolTvL-nrH old.) IMPORTED POGNAO from 7.00 to 1L'.00 per irallon. (11 to !i0 yiarB oM-L UAXiliUKHIA BfiAKDIES from !I.L'6 lo .U0 i.t-r gallon. (4 to 1J ytnru- ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on drnuKht, Imported Ale nnd Tortor. and Val Blate and Olympm liter in MtlM JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Advertise in the Chronicle