t The Crowning Feature... Of a man's suit is the HAT.. Don't Overlook the fact we are Headquarters for the New est and Nobbiest Styles. N. B. We are agents for the Cele brated Roelofs and Manhat tan Hats. Best on Earth. All GoocIb Marked In Plain FlpuroB. The DallesDallj Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. .MONDAY MAY WOO ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. lltiiiiembcr the moonlight excurEion on Thursday evening by the band. The Kt'lianco arrived hero this after noon and will leave for Portland at 7 o'clock in the morning. The railroad conductors will give their ninth annual excursion from Portland to The D.illea May i7ih. Don't make a iniutako in your hat. Let us perforate your initials in the sweatband gratis. Pease & Mays. John G. Woolly, tho famoiiB Prohibi-! tiunist lecturer, will speak nt the Vogt opera house next Thursday night. Just received a lurgo consignment of imperials and Rough Rider ties. New- i.aI .1 r x The llrst Hood River strawberries of Gi-n;ui! UIU UIDIUi:U Ul 111 lUlllUllll Saturday at 50 cents a pound wholesale. Two carloads of Weiser, Idaho, hogs were fed at the Btock yesterday on the way tu Portland and oue this morning on the way to Troutdalo. Cliarley Stubling announces that he wants to sell hie retail business as his wholesale business is all he can attend to. Here is a rare chanco to Bfifp into u Inrgc and flourishing business. The little minstrels had a good house at the Baldwin Saturday night and the play was very creditable to the little folks. After paying all expenses they I'ave a lmlancu left of nearly $15. The chairman of tho Memorial Day .committee in Portland lias issued a cir cular inviting the clergyuion of the city o turn out nnd march with tho proces sion on the coming Memorial day. The etoru u (Joe & Sou, at Hood River, iU'flo wl.l....l -.1.-1. I . . I . .1 .. I "... iumiiuii uigni uciuru iubi aim several (1m m pocket knives and razors were emied oil'. Tho thieves had not been discovered when tho ineesago of tho "il'bi'ry touched hero. Hon. Geo. ,1. Barrett. Reiiuulicnii noininei) for i0it renrosentatlvo from I r. ' "rin, dilllam, Sherman, Wasco and Wheeler counties, expects to loavo liortly for Fremont, Neb,, whore lie win bu married on the 23d of this month. Nrf. l'onulist But vou can't deny "t the farnierB Ih prosp'rous now. ' "I'llllbl IIUII B JUBl 11. 11IO armeia is makiii money on' they'll alsu blm.r crops next year an prlces'll 10 SlllllRll nil' II. la i.rnannrtf u'll (tint ..I. . . "HI the COUlitrv. Punk. The three Evurdimr fish wheels caucht .Ill A hr 1- . . ... . ..-. - - -m , . . . - - .. u imiiiiiid oi eaiinon iubi nigui, inu "Wet catch for those wheebj of the aea- WASH GOODS. Counters and eholvlnra full of tho latest production of designs and colorings in White or Figured Wash Goods. O'gandieH o.w to $1 Victoria Lawn mid India Linens. . ..(i! to liOo Dimities and Swisses AH Brices Striped mid Figured Lawns 8'c np Corded and Figured l'lipies the prettiest e(Iects in all white to bo seen 20 to 40a Seaborn Cords CO pleres of theeo goods to choose from. Great values at 0,'c Mulls, Batistes, Ginghams, Scotch Lawns, etc., etc. TOWEL SALE Continuod Q Days Monday. Tues day and Wednosday W,r Towels. a. 10c I'uro Linen, 10x34 8c 15c Linen Iluck, 15x"0 iio 17c " CraHh, 17x.'i5 i:ic 20c " Iluck, 18x.'!0 17c 2oc " Crash. 18x40 21c 23c " Pure Linen Knotted Fringe... 21c .'!.")c " Plain Border Iluck, 1Sx42 28c 40c " Iluck, hemstitched, 20x42 33c All other Towels reduced in like proportion. House-Cleaning Time Suggests: New CurtainB, Xbw Rugs, New Shade?, New Table Linens, New Napkinp, New Silence Cloths, New Sheetings, New Bed Spreads. son, The local morket is now well sup plied with salmon and the price, which is fixed in tho Portland market, line fallen to 4?..' cents, wholesale. That new machine at Pease & Mays', for perforating your initials on the sweatband of your hnt, is tho best thing we have heard of for a long time, in fact a mistake and taking the other fellow's hat after this, even if it should be a better hat than yours. pi? iVool hauling has barely commenced, i and onlv about 200.000 pounds have yet 1 arrived at The DalieB warehouses. By ! the end of next week it will bo coining in iv a lively rate as many teams irom tho interior are known to be on the road. Three loads came across the river from the Crawford ranch this morning. l.loyd Laughliu, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Laughlin, was not operated on Saturday for appendici tis as reported. It was decided that it I was better to take him to Portland, and I he was taken there Sunday morning land operated on soou after his arrival. The operation was successful and his recovery is fondly expected. Tho Forest Proteclivo Association, with headquarters at Dufur, will give a grand picnic barbecue and bull at Dufur on tho 31st instant. Tho best speakers in I ho state have been secured to talk on matters pertaining to forestry. The picnic will bo free to all and there will be abundance of food for all. A grand hull in tho evening will close tho pro ceedings.. Seventy five pounds of Cream of North Carolina emoking tobacco was seized in Walla Walla luet week on in structions from the United States de partment of customs, Washington, D. C, by Deputy Collector H. Gregg. The seizure was made for violation of stamp regulations, tho weight and stamps bo ing in violation of that section of the internal revenue laAe. The water commissioners will moet tonight and probably settle the question of boring for artesian water. A commit tee visited the grounds above the reser voir vesterday and located the spot where" the boring la- to bo done in the event of thot determination. An option has been obtained on the land surround- ing the we site, ana tno uoaru can have as much or as uitio us uiey r..niire. from ono acre to thirty. may Tho land is the property of Mr. llonzie. The total number of voters who have rmdRtered in the entire county to date Is L'l!!5. out of 2302 ballots cost at tho last ' ... . . . . .... election. This leaves a immncu w i... ret'lstorod voters of 257. It is believed, however, that this balance will bo more than wiied out before the close of tho registration books on tho 15th. This ehowlng is quite gratifying. N ateo county is overwhelmingly Republican, and her Republicans evidently do not Intend to allow tho coming election to go by delault. To accomodate parties who flnd it in- ..,!. m leave their work in order Lo register, Deputy County Clerk Bolton will keop his omoe open iuiii.."i When Cases for Hat Pins. Shiit Waist Seta, Pnllev Sets, New Pulley Belts, Purses, Finishing Braids, PEASE & MAYS Tuesday, night from 0:30 to 8 o'clock. The registry books will close on the 15th so that there are only seven more days for registering. If it is considered neceF6ary Mr. Bolton will keep the office open at other times between this and tho 15th, and if so due notice will be given. Klamalh county sends good news for the Republicans, says the Examiner. A careful estimate shows at least 100 majority for the joint representative ticket in that county. Republicans in our sister county are in perfect har mony, as there are in Lake, nnd there is said to bo a split in the Democratic ranks. Indications are that Hon. R. A. jEmtnett, the Klamath nominee for joint (representative, will run away ahead of this ticket. A man's popularitv at home is sufficient evidence that ho is all right. Frank Mcnefee hud the misfortune to get mixed up in a rnnawav vesterdav afternoon. As ho was returning in buggy from Dufur, accompanied by hie niece, Miss Blaucho Emerson, and had reached the short incline in the road near the Mcllealey reeidence, east of tho brewery hill, the tongue of the bugcy fi-II out of the neck yoke. The friuhtened horses upeet the vehicle, landed Frank on his back and Miss Emerson on her head. The horsee soon broke away from the buggy, but not till it was wrecked about !f23 worth. The occupants of the vehicle fortunately got oil' with nothing worse than n few pain ful bruisee. " Jim Cunningham, n former sheepman of Klickitat county, who was in The Dalles about a week ago for several days, was taken in charge by officers at North Yakima yesterday and will be examined as to hie sanity. Cunning ham was arreeted at the same place about three weeke ago and examined, but tho physicians thought ho would recover without being sent to tho hos pital and ho was discharged. When asked, when ho was in The Dalles, what had been tho matter with him over at Noith Yakima, he Baid : "It was rot gut whiskey, I guess." Yet ho did not eeein to be drinking and was always a mail of sober habits. Tho steamer Reliance was delayed in Portland over Sunday in order that her builder might put a new valve in the machinery which had to be brought from the East, and from which consider able increaso of power and constqiient speed aro expected. A telephone mes sagu received today said tho boat had been given a little spin down the Willamotto after the new valve hud been put in and that she made a trip of nine miles ut tho rate of twenty-seven miles an hour. It is but fair to siy, however, that tho D. P. A A. N. officials here think there must he some mistake in tho tlgures, as twenty eeven miles an hour is more like the speed of a railroad train than a river eteam boat. It la strange, says the Dufur Dispatch, that able Democrats, residents of Ore gon, men who can produce logical argu ments in favor of the Democratic aide of present political queetioiis, should be kept in the background while profee- USEFUL NOTIONS. in, look through the Notions Show Stlrl: Pins, Beauty Pins, Belt Buckles, Fans, Chatelaine Bags. Plain & Fanny Itibbons. Anything you want can he found here. Remnants in each department at BELOW COST PRICES. SATURDAY will be another SPECIAL SALE Day. Watch for announcements later. Stylish Oxfords. We are showing the greatest variety of Ox fords this iseason. All women who value com fort, love beauty or appreciate ecinomy are in vited to inspect these shoes. Handsome Southern Ties, black or tan . . .$3 00 Full Coin Toe Oxfords.-black or tan 2 00 Easy wearing Prince Alberts (low cut elastic sides) 1.75 Great comfort in our Common Sense Turn Oxfords 1 50 Lots of style ami wear in our Vesting Top Oxfords, black or tan 1.50 We continue this week the special sale of Ladies' Kid Button, square or coin toe.. 1 Go sional blatherskites are brought from Texas, or some other annexed territory, to drag up issues which the sensible leaders of the party aro trying to forget. Davis is one of the claes of professional stump speakers whose notoriety is due to witty sayings stolen from the funny columns of the daily papets and deliv ered in a manner made famous by Sam Jones in hie sermons, but lacking orig- j inality in everything eave the amount of self conceit. Tho first ripe etrawberries of tho Eea son to be placed on the Dalles market were sold by Peaso & Mays last Friday morning at 35 cents a box There were only two boxes. In the silternoon of the same day six boxes yere sold by the eame firm at 23 cents. ' On the 2nd the Stadelman Coniniiesi6n Company ship ped six boxes to Portland fiom the Mission gardens. 'Today there are home-grown strawberries at two or three of tho store's, so that the market is almost fairly opened, or will be in an other day or so. One commission house received today a shipment of California strawberries, which are retailed at 20 cents. The homo berries aro 25 cetite, but they will soon ho cheap enougl'i. George B. lialvor made his first ship ment today to Helena, Montana. He gets a better net piice there than ho c.in get here. Ct'llur Cliclo Kiitertnliimeiit. Tomorrow (Tuesday) night at the Baldwin the following splendid program will be rendered at the entertainment to be given by Cedar Circle, W. of W. : Instrumental Duct. . Two Young Men Kccltutton "IluUltt's He.ii".. . X, Diuvton Syrens anil Wiiklng INjclie Duct--"if Dolly Was Alive" MUses l.clu KcUuy u:. Klhi lhuiK'n 1'uuce ot the Muoes Solo-ScK'ctiou MUs Myrtle MIcliell The Niobo Group l'lmio iiolo -TiiniuU'lle Mrs. K. J. Co. 11ns Night unit the Kulr Sleepers Solo "My Creolo Sus" Miss Huttle Cram Kommice of thu Gauge? Chiiracter Pong You Uiiu't l'lny in M Yiml. M1k's Kmm anil ova Haw ton Solo "Vio'eis".. . . Mb Male Cushlng Funeral Oration on dentil of (V nr (I)r.inmlis t'uisoim Mark Antony, L'. It Frond, of I'urtlautl. Cltli'.ins, (iunrils, Sen ators, Kte.) 11 citation and Tableau Mli-s Nova Dmuoii Dancing. Enjoy yourfulvej. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Special reserve old tovernmeut whis key, recognized by the highest medical authority in tho land j especially recom mended by thu board of health of San Francitco for hospital use, alto A. 1'. O'Brien, M. D,, captain and surgeon, nnd Win. I). McCarthy, major and sur geou U, S. army, as thu purest unadul terated stimulant for convalescent, in valids and family use. Hold by Charles Stubllug. apl20.dlm You will not have bolls if you take Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for boils. Tho Kind You Have Always in uso for over 30 years, and rjf sonal supervision sinco its infancy. 'CZCCfi4i4 Allnwun ruin trwlnnolvn vmi In tliiu. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hufe Experiments that triflo with and endauger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic .substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. . THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Special Sale ...Steel Dailies I To reduce our large stock we will sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at I Greatly Reduced Prices for a short time only. See our goods and get our prices. . . . nir it x -r NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. All persons usin city witer for irri gation on and after May 1,1930, nnd until September 1st, inclusive, will be charged the following rates per month : For every lot oO.viCO feet, $1,130; for every half lot or fraction thereof, 75 cents, and no rebate will be allowed to persons leaving the city unless written notice is served on the superintendent of the water works to turn oft' the water. Above the bluff water may bo used for irrigating from G to 6 a. in, and from d j to S p. m. uu thu odd days of the month, and below thu bluft during the same: hours on the even days of the month. ! These rules must be strictly complied j with, nnd any deviation then from will subject tho violator to thu penalty of J having the water shut oft', and in order i to get it turned on again ho must pay a lee of one dollar. IVisoih willfully wustliirf water, or allowing it to run con tinuously through their closets or lava tories, or allowing water to run after irrigation hours, will sud'er the same penalty as above stated. By order of tho water commission. J. B. Ciiosmi:.v, Stipt. Tho Dalles, Or., May 1, 1900. (V. 1 Clarke & Falk h.ye received a cailotul ! of the celebrated Jamu4 K. I'atton strictly pure liquid paints Hev. W. ETsitsw W. Canton, X. Y., iltes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benelit. J was pemiaded to use ( Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me jfrom tho start. I believe it to be a panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It digests what yen eat. Clark & Falk's drug neck is new freeh an'd complete, Bought, ami which has hecn. has borno tho signature of has been mado under his pcr- Signature of eg M Stones n r 4r r vvtr Garden Hose Wo have laid in a largo stock of (iaulen IIoso and aro carrying the samo brand of Hose that wo have boon carry ing for tho last (ivo years, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. Wo carry tho same "brand of l loso that tho Dalles City Fire Depart ment has been using for tho last twonty years. Tho Mal tese Cross Brand is without doubt tho best grade of lloso on the market. Call and got. our prices boforo buying. Jdaiep & Benton Sole Agonts. Coaster brakes are the greatest im provement of the year on bicycles ; save oue half the peduhug, Have one put on your old wheel at Maya A Crowe'a bike shop. a0a-4t i I : , 1 i ( ' J t