The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. 1900 MONDAY MAY Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS. Justice of this Supreme Court C. K. Wolverton. Food nud Dairy Comuiissioner J. V. lluiley. Preiulentinl Electors O. F. Puxton. of Multiiuinnti ; Tillman Ford, of Ma rion; J. C. Fullorton, of Douglas; V. J. Furnish, of Umatilla. Hrynnitc necessity, Hint every honest ' approve, it litis no terns to shed; or Dcmoornt ought to lie ashamed of. anything that the Simon-Corhett faction condemn, so much the worso Tun Ciiuoniui.i: is pleased to lenrn for tlut twin iniquity, from so high tin authority tis the Times-Mountaineer that nohody took ! Ntu-n.j otlco IB norutiy kivmi intu uieru m otTcnse at its criticisms of the speech of "Cyclone" Davis, "considering bean annual muutini: of thu stockhold ers of tho Golden Kaglu Mining Com- DISTRICT OFFICERS- Congressman Malcolm A. Moody, of The Dalles. Joint Senntors J. N. Williamson, of Crook; T. H. Johnston, of Wasco; V. W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint RepiesenttUives A. S. llolwrts, of Wasco ; K. A. Ennnett, of Klimi'Uli ; George Miller, of Gilliam ; George Cattanncli, of Grant ; George A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. MeGreer, of Wasco. District Attorney Frank Monefee, of The Dalles. the source." Hut if the speech was ,,,U1V ,u tjlc oim f French A Co., defensible why did not our con- bankers, on Thursday, May :l, 11)00, at temporary come to the rescue? It " o'clock p. m., for the purpose of elect surclv wasnot his natural lK,sllfl j i"r .yen directors and tr...uc.ting sue . .. . oilier miriness us may iiruiuiij vuiiiv "k- n back. The truth i , ucss that kept htm is the Cyclone's speech was incapable of defense. It was a rehash of Pop ulist fabrications whoso mendacity has been exposed twice ten thousand times over. In his financial argu ment ho never got beyond that most lying of nil the lyin hiivo been foru said meetinc By order of the president. J. C. Hostetlkk, Secy, ami Trims. The Dalles, Apl. '21, 1000. u'JV-td Win, J. Landers, resident manager of tho Lion and Imperial Firo Insurance Companies, wishes to announce to the thui"S that' patrons of these companies that owing 51 1 . . .i i i m. r l- It. ...... 1 ,,t,,l written on free silver, i ? ' ' V,. uJnZZ: Mrs. huiory s Seven financial Con- thtir former nRelt(l tho n(,ulicy ,or botll COUNTY TICKET. County Judge A. S. Blowere, of Hood River. Commissioner P. A. Kirchheiner, of Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. L. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, ol The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothv Brownhill. A DEMOCRATIC BOGEY MAN. spiracles, lie tola of truest oeya having been here in 1 873 and of his bribing congress with half ti million dollars to demonetize silver, when it has been proved beyond the shadow by th(J coni,iauIeB otllco in C. K. Bay companies for The Dalles and vicinity lias been placed in the hands of Mr. Timothy Brownhill. Any business irlvun to Mr. Brownhill will receive prompt attention and will ho appreciated of a doubt, by the written testimony of Scyd's two sons, that their father lived and dic:l a bimctalist and was never in the Limed Mates alter 1 a n i wl i i rr nn fwr lurra nun n rl 1 n iwl . outliving un h) bw'" on .a Rrt ,.c ard's old stand. No. So Washington stieet, The Dalles. Oregon. aUi-lm Drugcists. Punting, Ovcrcoatln-or Knnci Vesting. The Dalles Chronicle trios to ex cusc the despotism created for the government of Porto Rico by a Re publican congress and president, by citing a bit of ancient history, and giving extracts from the acts of congress of 1803 and 1810 for the government of Louisiana and Florida, attempting to justify despotic gov ernment of the present time because a despotic government was created then. Times-Mountaineer. Tun Dauxs Chuoniclk never thought of accusing Jefferson and Jackson of being parties to the estab lishment of a despotism, in the secondary sense of a tyrrany, over anybody. Much less has it attempted to excuse a Republican congress and president for establishing a despotism in the sense of a tyrrany in Porto Rico. The temporary governments established over Louisiana by Jeffer son and over Florida by Jackson' under President Monioe were des potic in the sense of being absolute, but they vere in no sense oppressive or tyrranotis. The temporary gov ernment established oyer Porto Rico Is far less despotic than either of the others and so much the less oppres eivc. We have done in Porto Rico what, in principle, we have done in every territory that has come into our possession since the acquisition of Louisiana. We have done in Porto Rico what, in principle, we arc doing now in every territory in our possession. The government established in Alaska is far more Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English liuinedy in any case of 8oG. He pictured Uncle Sam as ' conghe, cold or croup. Should it .fail to .. , ,.i i give immediate relief money refunded. Blakelev & Houghton the other silver. In lbJ the Kc-1 publican party cut off the silver leg i and the old gentleman at once fell to j p'Qp JQ"ic6 the ground. In one breath he told i the audience that the panic of '7;i Sllit Of ClOtlieS. immediately fallowed the crime ofj '73; in the n xr he said even Grant, ; who signed bill, did not know ' the silver !;tr 1ml been dropped i out of it ti' veats after. Thus we were asked iu believe that the coun try went into a panic over the de monetization of silver w hen nobody knew it had been demonetized till years after, and that Uncle Sam fell down in '73 immediately that Ins silver leg was cut off, when, us even a Populist ought to know, Uncle Sam's both .legs in' '73 were made of paper; for not till years after the crime of '73 was there a cent of gold or silver in circulation anywhere in the United States, save in u few states on the Pacific Coast. This is a sample of the arguments that this clown and j ignoramus used to induce Dalles people to vote for Iityan ! No wonder The Chuonici.k's criticism I crave no offense. Complete Cipe of at M.Z. DONNELL, THEaDRUGGIST. F , ! . v KEttUljATOR LINE, DALLES, PORTLAND k ASIOKIA NAY, pffl KtcmiiMH of the lUi'iilntiir Line win ImvliiR M'hitlule, Uii) Compiiny rerervine thu setictluloultlimit notice. s"1 10 eSfn'i it- L. Lane, ;i:ni:uai, BlaGRsmiin ...AND... Korsesnoe i , Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. I Third and Mcth, Pliouo;i59 5 ..Gps. mm- Kindly mil nni! p.tninlm' my itnck of 1m portetl iiml I) uustlc Woolens. A lino Mock to elect from. fcults made from the lowest prices to the high, eat grade. J. A. Eberle. Fine Tailoring. Uli: DAI.I.K OltKOON. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The "Portland Mitchull-Mcllride literal' bureau" is accused by the Oregonian of sending out editorial proofs to the editors of the state "from the office of a Dalles news paper," and the Oregonian supports its accusation by a clipping from the La Grande Journal which implicates' the Dalles "newspapers" in this offense. There are two newspapers here, as the Oregonian well knows, of . . opposite politics. Tin: CintoNicu:, therefore, can only speak for itself. 1 Neither the editor of Tnu CmtoNici.K, nor nny one connected in any car ac ity with the ofllce, nor nny one di- rectly or indirectly controlling thej paper, nor any one owning-a dollar's i worth of interest in it, has ever, under the present editorial manage-1 ment, sent out from the office, to any , The CLARENDON RESTMIWT And CAFE, J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street Butehens and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on drntiKht the celebrated COI.l'MIIIA IIKKU, nckwm-:-wim-d the heit beer Iti The Dulles, at the tiiiml price. Come In, try It Mini lit convinced. AIo the Kllie-i' bnindi of Wlnta, Minor mill Clifitra. Sanduuiehes of ull Kinds nin ny on Ininil, fliii'in.'ieu.l'i rllr t'h m,rt! IK-.BB C. F. Stephens .Doalor In... f n,bllu..,..l.. J3 ki?.0 J.f J?11' "!". m. I fn-.., f fr! i,o t -jr Dry Goods, Clothing, f Hoots, Shoes. If.its, Cip, .Vollons. A(;t. ,for W. U lfotiKliiK Kline. Telephone No. i.i i necomi hi., The DaUes, Or, UK.WUS3HKQ CO Phils. Pa. T. BROWNHILL, 9 i Str. HoKtilntor. ItllU'K. C l.v Dulles U lit S A. M. k Titeduy S, 'limiMliiv ... G Sutntdiiy. ' ,rr. i iiriiium , ut o '. . ur. l.v. I'ortl.ind it 7 A. M. .Monility WidnesclMy Friday Arr. Dulles ut r::o i', m. Ship your Freight via Kegulator Line. Str. Dallos City. J down l.v. Dul ut M A. i. At riliilii i- W'ldiiesihiy lit 6 V. it Frliluy , Arr. Portliniil """H.i, vfclorily Arr. Ii.iu. FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE ? Travel by the Hteitmers of thu IteKiilutnr Line. Thu Company will endeavor to given. b rmiH ilu IjohI 'tvli-ii piiHiillili. l'orfuithur Information iiddtni ,("!t,P"- K rorllnnd Olllce, (luk -Street Doc!;. w. C. AULA WAY. Qon. Agt. K PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. Important Announcement to you. For Ull (lays niter April 1st, I will Hull nil this Dry OoiiiIh, Clothing, HuotH ml Shoes, Hosiery, Hlnnki'te, IIiUh and CajiH, on n nut in prim! of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now in your opportunity to yet l.'ur miitiH. Don't iiiIsh It. S. L. BROOKS, SnucfSHor to K, J. CollhiH A Co. We Put... cvory bit of twenty yours oxjiorionco and drug knowluilgo with evory Proscription that's compounded hero. J b it any reason why our prescription businoos is incrtjasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if wc arc reliable. BLRKELEY & HOUGHTOH. lioliablo l'rescriptionists JUSTICE OF THU PEACE. Xutarv editor of nnv nev.snanor. in Oroon 1 I'uulic. Collections nromiitlv iittondcil dcsiiotic than that established in j or elsewhere, so much as one editorial j," SDaMeel'orc.. E" I,a'nrir6 "'" "orto Uieo. tue territory lias not i proot sheet or any other kind of a even the semblance of a representa tive government and even the system proof sheet, on any subject, political, personal or otherwise. And the of local taxation is different from same remarks, in all their expiicitness that in the States. The government I and detail, will apply to marked is a pure despotism but in no sense a! copies of tho paper, If the reference1 tyrrany. Yet nobody complains, be-; is confined to articles In nny way re- cause the exigencies of a Democratic ' lating to any matter of controversy jjit. i:. :. Ki:iif;i;.sn.v, Physician and Surgeon, Oltice, VoKt Illicit (over I'ostollice), ataiiimo-div tiii: hau.iw, oiskcon. NOTICE FOli PUBLICATION'. ,1 l .r...:, If 'PI 1 ll..1 C! r I...... . .!. ) uniupiiiii im nun t.iuiiu it. iiitiL' uLHneeii uiu au'Uiiiieu ounuii-uui nun Nntlco lit lieroby tlven that the follnwln" is more despotism in several state land Mitchell-Mcllridc factions of !i" ?t w fl!Sf f.ll'J,, t'i,,,1l,';',;!I)(!'t4,),,"")'1,i' governments m the South towards ; the Republican party. Tin: WifoTnfiv), the negro race tlian congress over itf.u might liavc done all this, or ,YX' iv,.kIw-W dreamed of for the Porto Iticans. j been a party to it, and yet not hstvo Dcitrich II. .SlfKtnim.dovheoof Dlutrich Just What You uaant. i Yet no Democrat lifts his warning . transgressed the limitations of an Sli'L'iiiiin, (Ifcea-iMl ; NV.v lik-aB in Wall I'apor here. Such wido vtiriuly uh wo nro hIiowIih; "over hu- " . ifomettml K.itrv So. Ml. for tl.u u ' "ru rlu:uu 14 "'"HI" lW.k. Itual mltil. voico and even Ilrynn, tho prince of ' American ficeintm, or been in the . VviiieVir 3"' tow,,ilii' 3 " imk ii csi, j "0I1 fton elluuta ut ordinary pricon. Eli-Kant durtiuiiH, tautoiiii colorinifB yo'iirH lor it Hum 1 1 price, at our mnn. 'H""'''? "f."'?"" .!!'ll !' 0.. ! streut. AUo a full lino of hr.ur, ,.,.i.,Vu D. W. VAUSE, Third St! antl-ilcspotisu., is dumb as an oyster. J least ashamed to own what it had ' r.u uiMUm Jn all our history as a nation tuore (lone; out it tnKcs pride in the fuct ; iivmVoi s newer has come into our po?session 1 that it belongs to no faction; is in jo?,tl'r a 1. I I, . ! 41.-. - r , I . . 1 f)f (ifHIilt fl:lti.t'Ij it Ve'uul. tliW ,r 1 m Lui riiurv n nufle ijtuijiv went LruitLuii liiu sltiuih hi iiuiiu uiiii i ever wiiniR - - . ....... with tho kindness and consideration that congress has shown to the Porto Ilicaos. Despotism and imperialism are bogey men, the invention of 4; to he. What it does politically is '"" in the broad sunlight and if it has at any time published anything that the w. it. DCNliAlt, IteKUter. H H HL'NTJNOTON HUNTJNUTON & W1I-80N, AT10BNKV8 AT I. H WIWO.- AW, Mitchell-Mcliride faction hippen to0xovnntKt.Bwu Mu,e' UUK(,0S J.J. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Ofllw over Kiencli & t'o.'n llunk VU"UV s 'Hlli lAl.l.K31OUK(JON F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, nor Second & Lantidin. Ttioiic 157 NOTICE l'OU J'UHLIOATION. Tiinlior L iiiiI, Ant Juiid !l, 1876. .. H' Ol'I'ICK, I v.,,,. lAM.Jf, On.. Apr. 1:1, 1'JUJ. urn, h"ltl'y Klv'" ",,,t il'llmiu iwr Ii ihIh ii thu utiiteii ii en! Kirnln. Orewni. " lllliilii (, KeUiliuui, of TIki iMllc-N, County of Wmco, ritiilu of On-Koih . niV' i'i;V u". ,,,u t"i"i'i) "f tint wtj, nk' i LVrV.r' '. " 'F"1 VlllllHljIo f.)r 1IH 1.1 I in .i,.l n" V"",1 "r "Krldlllturill I.HII.OI.eK, Vllt,'U ' ""'""'"I .'ll 1'Ui'l I'eforotliu i!iiiC?,,,!r,vur "' m" mca Ht T,,u HnturtUy. the a, ,y nr.luiitt, IUOII, Hu tniiiiun uh wltiieKKes; J. II. Holt. I). I'. Kut- June! ittw. 1 co "r U)'"ru "'l-ita tluy ot KI'rH lUH-l JAV i', i.ucAB, lUuUter. C. S. Smith. Tin: Up-to-date Qroeer Frcfih KtrKH and Creamery Uuttur n h puciutty. 2d Street. J. H. UUIIKNK, 1'reaiilesit. 'Phone 270, U.M.BlilT First National Bank THE DALLES - ortEcoi A Gunorul Ilunking liusinesa tnimciii DupoBltB rocolvw!, nuliject tofeigM Unm or Ulieuk. Collectiune mndu and proceeds proaffj remitted on duv ol nollectioo, Hlght and Telegraphic Exchange eoldu ftw YorK, hun rrancmco an: "en- :uiiu. D1KKOTOK8: U. P. TllOMI'HON. J.V0. 8. ECHMttl En. M. Wiu.iAMH, tiito. A.Lim H M. huAt.u FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. ritANHACT A KNKKAIill.VNKlNOBCllSB LittcrH of Cr(ilt iaBia-tl available in till KuHturn htittes. Blisht Exclmnt'o mid Telfgrip! TranBlorH hoiu on r.ow yort.tnia 8t. Louifl, Biui h r.Hicigeo, 1'oriuno Kn, Keuttlo WiihIi,. mid variou! po in Oregon mul WnalunctoD. Collections iiiitdo t all point! on a orahln tuniin. T0e GoiumDia Packtngi PACKERS OF PORK and BEEf MANUKACTUKKR8 OF Fine Lard and Sans Curersof -r BRAND HAMS & BACOJ JRIKD IJEEF. ETC. 'l!'1,1, v-ps9 arw UUUHi;, ui v" " (ll llKMMI IIIHIH"" r. .CSl rcHtorcfl mc : fltoi ior $tf.r0; with - t to euro orrcflmtltlto'1' NERVITA MEDlCjLg'n Clinton & Jftclison Sts., cniw. Olllcuovui Ktrot Nut. Ii'in"' wwumm em tuc 0REA5E kclixt the team- P-be W1DI -. MiL STANDARV