The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 07, 1900, Image 1

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    i1 , V v
e I) c D n II co
NO. 227
VULU i iuin ur
i i
........ i;,. in up i-iiiii'i' anil nc n
sistciicics Too Much for Hint.
i tt.t.fiuttinti tn lltn Rutin hlipnti
HIT. lilt iMiiiwm-" - -i
riv hits (luted buck somo twenty-livo
lint I linvu n viid to Bee a mr
-n.....wii r.flltiiiilMmiitiifirlnrittnn
i .. .i . li......l.1!.. ...
TKU lUUlu -' I 'J
hv the Democracy. This ia the
. . . ... 1 1 .1....... ..-1 t
t tlin ullilOHl uiuvurem uciiuuju in
ItiMiiililiruu imiaaus fur fret) trnde
ii . II...,. I in nun " ( omuiiii1
I ...1... , IfMirllw lnwi llm
liri'll I I I 1 III Llllill IV I W V I I IIU
t-.wt., nvnt iiuuinim nf Hon. William
.. t i t k i
i n" w r
. ... t!.t it...
l! It'll tl'llin (tUW i-ltn Viw w.fc, w
fit ... 1 .! .ill Vitii (InllitfllDQ ll'OL
. t . '..if.. t i....
fin' Mi- i tumn niniiiiL'. lur. uh u.-
i It 1 11 r, ! in imt
kit .11111111:2 una nun diiuii n iu jwih
. .. nrl I. Ml . .. fn;u, ...
nn 4. mu n dui u nun iuii didicui
4 II Llltl lULlVllllUt Mill ..UlVtli;
,aen followur of Puter Cooper I
lived to huh u echemo nltnoEt
.1 t t 1 -
IE3 13 It IIC llltl U II Ul IkUIIUUIIlinillDlll
t . .1 1 . at 1
llilb UM n I) J I Mil lit lliw iuiiiULiutii,
A hoilgu-podgu of every polielcal
f iitiilnv l,,i.iiitt tlml tt ii i iimhh ita
..i.l i t i . tt . i .1
lmu ii u mum ui uihcuuihiii iiuu uig-
A itliuriiit' of the dune of inili
tn hum ii ii r i atii i ii nrmiii rii urniii
nam itwt rniiiix tManiimufi iinariuiv
riton-luvturn uii'l Boer-lovers; of
ulio t.'lury in the suppression of
i's in uit! smuii (.viae iitiniun), uuu
for the L-xitltutlon of Tugulu in the
hit nr ntiiliii- l lainnriiliit haiihfira
i;my coutruutora calling iu the
rs to mt t;t with the bayonet the
eiiiaiula ul thu unfortunate. Croton
rs, wmie the whole party liowlB
li'jarao naiiiHt military inter
e in Htrikeu, and "govurniuent by
lion.' ihere are further howls
l.r . ...!
Iiy u crowd whose whole course
owerful empire on earth a quarrel
would cull for aueh a display of
riem" b tlio world perhaps
aW il wiltltnn nlliirpitl MMtli I ln
cni i)iiu'ir run, una a iAn i nnv
icnuaiiip ior up oi late, nun a
which liuii only to lflt her finger
would have had all of Europe on
StiUe Hiicialiam, with all its in-
I ... . . .
-ma in uuutrui ui our uiiuriini
would hardly bo more paralyzing
nmrcli of civilization than a dire
hutneeu the two great Anclo-
natioiip, whoso truo iuteroBta lie
eiinii) plane, and whose aim
Ullll N II II II I ra D innlil lia rlanlina
1 1-11 ft! lilt Antnnim rt T)uiv.
Kiuiit evils aooialUm and war
"Bland for tho nrairAinm of its
Involves every scheme for irrltat-
urethern ncrosa the water, until,
ill. ita ul I ...i ...... hi ii
o" -i-..ntw uaviuii, wnr wan uu
till) AlllCrleilll lionlh. nfl'nr.1 tn
6li a party? And will my
(autotuuiH excuao me if I vote
'Klit Republican ticket?
linniM run liBiil:,
. 1 nn T I . i n a
i ' i ii. in, ijjru ivuu-
IUL'Iii.. 1......... .
: " iirugreus inuu any
lured to hope, end ia mooting
i iiuiihh, iiiuon vnewa
ClUnl Cl'IMIIlillInn nl MM..I....n .o reloronco to it in the dls-
oiii Not ivu,.( UeBcnblng Gen
i,UiottaU)erRlon8i UHt na t)ie
n,)a of General Hamilton's
n9i luted Sunday mornlnir, was
w8 then preparink to force the
PMMKoover Llttlo Vet River,
Wooinfonteln-WluburK road,
no doubt that Um i,nu.a ni i,n
n Ih accurate,
frB 'llowln their customarv
'R' ovnouated their podtions
el "ivur during Saturdoy iilKtit.
As Lord IlobertH, advancing along the
railway, and General Hamilton, twenty
rnilea to the enst, threatened the two
wingB of the Hour forcep, it could not he
surprising to hear that they had also
evacuated Wlnhurg. General Hamilton's
advance will prevent the Boer forces in
uie direction of 'Ihabanehu joining their
main army near Winbnrg. General
Itundle on Saturday had arrived' in pur
suit of the Boors several miles north of
tho Thnbanchu, compelling the Boers to
retire in un easterly direction. A Boer
account of tho capture of Brandfort says :
"Tho Federal forces, although weak iu
numbers, offered strong resiatance, but
they were forced by the overwhelming
force opposed to them to evacuate the
(Sliirlnim Nw.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
"Four bottles of Electric Bitters has
cured Mrs. Brewer of fcrofula, which had
caused her great Buflerinc for vears
I errible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the beet doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health is excellent." This
bIiowb what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bittera ia tho best blood
portlier known, it a the supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcere, boils and running sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowelp,
expels poisone, helpB digestion and
builds up the Btrength. Only 00 cents
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
lriim the Ailmlrul.
Washington, May 5. A special from
Springfield, 0., Bays:
W. S. Thomas, chairman of the Dem
ocratic state central committee, states
that John K. McLean has deserted his
brother-in-law, Admiral Dewey, aod
jumped into the front seat of Jiryan'e
band wagon. McLean hue authorized
thu state convention, and has abandoned
all thought oi having tie time when it
will best suit Dewey's interests. Chair
man Thomas Btated further that there
was no possible room for misconstrue
lion of McLean's action, declaring that
it meant that tho Dewey candidacy,
which haB fallen flat the country over,
is to be gradua'ly abandoned. The plan
is to let the people gradually forget the
A I.lfo And Death l lKht.
Mr. W. A. Hincfi of Manchester, Ia
Still Holding Their Own
Thabanchu District.
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death, says: "Exposure after meas
les induced serious lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and day.
All my doctors said I must soon die,
Then 1 began to use Dr. Kind's New
DiBcovery lor Consumption, which com
pletely cured me. I would not be without
it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my recommendation and
all aay it never fails to cure Throat, Cheat
and Lung troubles." Regular size GCc
and $1 .00. Trial bottleB free at Blakeley
& Houghton'a Drug Store. 4
CroHHtnl the Vmil.
Wakkknto.v, May 5, evening. The
Vaal river lias been successfully crossed
at Windsorton by Barton's brigade,
with whom is General Hunter, com
manding the division. The Boors have
evacuated Windsorton and Kildam.
They are trekking northward and are
fighting for all thoy are worth. Barton
is hanging on to their rear and shield
ing them vigorously. Judging from the
clouds of duet, tho retreating Boers
must bo iu very large nmubere.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parte
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
Btomach, Loss of appetite, FeveriBhnesa,
PimpleB or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must ho purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poleona or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and wo sell every bottle on
it positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough
ton'B drug Btoroj
The AlletHo otu Hunt
Ib envleJ by all poor dyspeptics whoso
Btomach and liver are out of ordor. All
ouch should know that Dr. King's New
Life Fills, tho wonderful Btouirc'i and
liver remedy, glveB a splendid appetite,
aound digeatlon and a regular bodily
habit that luaurea porfect hoalth and
great energy. Ouly 25 ceutB at any
drug atore.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
London, May 0, 4:20 a. m. London
has been confidently expecting to have
newB of the relief of Mafeking before
midnight, but at that hour the war
office Btated that no further intelligence
had been received of Hunter's column,
to which the public believed had been
assigned the word of relieving the town
Beyond further details of the occupa
tion of Braddfort, little or no news has
come during the night.
A dispatch from Thabanchu, dated
May 4, Bays the situation is practically
unchanged, the Boers holding their
position and sending occasional shells
into the British camp. From the top of
Thabanchu Hill one can eee over the
Boer camp. The country, through which
a number of Boers are trekking, is ex
ceedingly difficult. It is learned that
the Boers are trying to draw supplies
from the Ladybrand district. The
Seventeenth brigade has moved four
miles south, presumably to assist Gen
eral Brabant if necessary.
A dispatch from Aliwal North, dated
May 5, says :
"Three hundred captured cattle and
horses were brought in last night. The
wounded are being gradually moved
here from Hafeteng."
A dispatch from Cape Town says:
"The general feeling here, iu which
official circles participate, is that Lord
Roberta' advance toward Pretoria will
be rapid. The Boer prisoners do not
anticipate that any effective resistance
will be encountered."
Anxiety is felt regarding the fate of
Mr. Begbie, who has been arrested in
connection with the blowing up of the
shell factory. Consul Hay ia watching
the accused man's interests.
ltocr Lfft 13 Dead un Field.
Waisrenton, Suuday, May 0. Yes
terday General Barton drove from 2000
to 3000 Boers from hilly positions at
Rooidan, where they awaited them.
They retreated after stiff fighting, leaving
a number of dead on the field. The
British casualties were Blight. General
Barton is still pursuing.
Windsorton and Klip Dam have been
evacuated. General Paget's brigade ia
attacking the Boer position at Warren-ton.
The engagement yesterday was severe,
and lasted from 9 in the morning until 4
in the afternoon. More than once the
British infantry were obliged to engage
tho Boers at close quarters, and the
Boers only retired when their retreat
was nearly cut off. The British losses
were five killed and twenty-five wounded,
mostly Welsh Fusiliers. The British
took a batch of prisoners, including the
Swedish ambulance, which they allowed
to return. The Boers in their hurry left
thirteen dead.
Today General Paget made a strong
demonstration against the Boer position,
east of the ridge, thereby preventing
Boer reinforcements going to assist iu
checking General Barton's advance.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications, aa they cannot
reach the eeat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must tako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acta directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
ia a regular prescription. It ia composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifier b, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients ia
what produces'such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7oc.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best. 12
lie Fooled the Huru-eoim.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18
monthe from Rectal Fistula, he would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed ; but he cured himself with live
boxes of Bucklen'e Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Earth, and tho best
Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists, 4
Free Stater Demoralized.
London, Mav 7. The Lourenco Mar
quee correspondent of tho Times, tele
graphing Sunday, says:
General Botha has been to tho free
State to rouso the burghers, but has re
turned disheartened and disgusted.
From an unimpeachable Bource I learn
that he ie openly stating to friends that
the Free Statora are bo completely
demoralised that it ia hopeless to expect
anything from them.
Furnished house, with five or six
rooms and bath, far the summer. Apply
at this office, om-3t
Caught a Dreadful Cold.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. M
Thompson, a large importer oi fine mil
linery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi
cago, eays: "During the late eevere
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at night and made me
unfit to attend my work during the day.
One of my milliners was taking Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at that time, which seemed to re
lieve tier so quickly that I bought some
for myself. It acted like magic and I
began to improve at once. I am now
entirely well and feel veiy pleased to ac
knowledge its merite." For Bale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
The Best lteuiedy for Itlieumatlsm,
All who use Chamberlain Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it affords.
When Bpeaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I
had a seve attack of rheumatism in my
arm ana Bnouiuer. l tried numerous
remedies, but got no relief until I was
recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par
sons & Co., druggists of this place, to
try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They
recommenned it so highly that I bought
a bottle. was soon relieved of all pain.
have since recommended this lini
ment to many of my friends, who agree
with me that it is the best remedy for
muscular rheumatism in the market.''
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route you via The
Great Wabash, a modem and up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louie to New York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls andjevery through
train has free reclining chair cars, Bleep
ing aud dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Ross C. Cline,
Pacific Coast Paee. Agt,,
Loa Angeles, Calif.
C. S. Cuane, G. P. A., St. Louie, Mo.
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says,
"DeWitt'e Little Early Risers ore the
very best pills I ever used for costiyenees,
iver and bowel troubles."
Cure Headache Oulckly.
Baldwin's aparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and efi'ective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents, Sold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24-6w
"ab Iu Your Check,
All countv warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after February. 2,
1900. O. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
Ring up Faulkner, the junk man, he
fore hauling your trash to the beach,
He buys old worn out rubber boota and
shoes, brass, copper, zinc, lead, eacke,
rags, etc. DalleB 'phone No, 214.
Mrs, Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111,,
writes, "I never fail to relieve my
children from croup at once by using
One Minute Cough Cure. I would not
feel safe without it." Quickly cures
coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and
To Cure a Cold u Oue Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money.
The Dalles Comirieion House will
keep fresh milk at all times on hand
and deliver it anywhere in the city at
the following prices: One quart, $2 per
month: three pints, f8; two quarts, $4;
three quarts $5.50; cream 20 cents per
pint. Fresh butter every day. lSa-lm
Vt W-4WW1 W
We know of no other house in the
city that can show quite as choice a
collection oi
papey pure Uorst?ds,
ll-uool Cassineres,
We can fit any man and
every man in waist, in lege, gjjt
in purse.
You must see these, or yon havo
not seen the beet.
Tweed, fancy mixed pattern; all-wool $2 50
French-back worsted, several handsome patterns in gray stripes. .$2.50
Black clay all worsted guaranteed color $3.00
Finer qualities at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00.
All worsted through and through in a dark ground with irregu
lar lignt stripe $3.50
Blue serge all worsted in "just the right shade" of blue $4.00
Pure worsteds in a dozen select patterns, including those very
new spring shadinge at. . .$4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $0.50 and $7.00
Trousers for stout men to 48-inch waiat...
.$3.50, $4.00 and $5.00
& "17,5 ueeK A GIFT of a Choico 1air of Sas-
penders with every pair ot Irous-
ers sold.
9 '
Was co Ware ho use Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, o7m?ll fee'd
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
fnTI TT'loilT ThiaFlour ie manufactured expressly for family
A AU use ; every sack 1b guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lowor than any house in the trade, and if you don't think m
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes
ie being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or pre
vious condition of servitude. Remember wo mako our custo
mers glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paints, There is a
finish and gloss to its work that is admired by all.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
Be sure and inspect our stock of Wall Taper
Designs for 1000 on Display
Washington Street,
between Second and Third.