The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY MAY 5, 1MO Republican Ticket. ctjtc nccirFRS. , , , o r Justice of the Supreme Court C. E. : Wolvertou. Jock! and Pairy Commissioner J. W. liailey. Presidential Electors 0. F. Taston. ol Multnomah: Tillman Ford, of Ma rion ; J. C. Ftillerton, of Douglas; W. J. Furnish, of Umatilla. DISTRICT OFFICERS- Conpressruan Malcolm A. Moody, of The Dalles. Joint Senators J. N. Williamson, of Crook; T. H.Johnston, of Wasco; W. W. Sleiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Repjesentatives A. ?. Roberts, of Wasco ; R. A. Enimett, of Kiumith ; George Miller, of Gilliam; George Cattanach. of Grant : George A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attorney The Dalles. -Frank Menefee, of COUNTY TICKET. Connty Ju3ge R'tver. Coniniisdouer- A. S. Blowers, of Hood -P. A. Kucbhemer, oi Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalies Clerk A. L. Lake, of Wamic. "Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, ol The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalies. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalies TiuJOtbv BrowuhiU. TEE PORTO RICO ACT. 2sow that the Porto Kican question ; is becoming better understood by ibe people, the very proper stand 1 1 taken by the administration is ap preciated the more, says the Astoria 2fews. The Democratic patU worked 5tc liawlrcr trw fnra Mo PannUli..oni '. , V .. . . , , " "1 the Muros- is the little blacksmith shop , !Ee to adopt the free trade poucy. ! that ,orms an jmportnnl adjuac: t . - Even effort was made to compel j the aband.inmpnt of thp nmtentiro principle, but fortunately without avail. Our suir, our tobacco, oui wf the Cincinnati Enquirer, i? lr.adt on fruit, our vegetable anil other asri-; the ?roU"'. and in it hlazcs r. fire ir.aCv , .'Af UauilHK) charcoal. In ortler tu keep cuuurni interests can rest content ; that, jnst as soon as the Porto Rican ! tirotluels intetfprp in nor mnrkpts1 ... , , , with our own farm crops, then they will be fully protected. The priu Cipleto do this has been retained, l5!u, -crs P ami down, prwlncinp -, . . . . . ... ac.i-. the sam-i Wow cRVc: as the i.r- nd that is the main obiect for which tha administration contended. We have treed the Porto Ricans from a condition bordering almost upon slavery, and it rests with them to attain a standard that wtl! entitle them to enjoy and uphold the rights and privileges of the constitution of the United States. While we are willing to help tie Porto Ricans do this, the piinciple of protection to our ow n labor and our own farmers lias been rightfully retained in such wav that it mav be applied .rben we rom tr, .nnMr tl, PI.,1I, in. J with their millionj of low.priced ! laborers, and their possible ability to couiK:te disadvantageous! y with our sugar and tobacco growers,.ti ti,t r ! inp thctEielve into a rreuzy over Simon' bo;hipand the apparition of i Corbctfs candidacv for the L'uited ! States senate should preserve theiri souls in patience. The Republicans' , r. . I v..e.... u viuw care or Corbett when tLe time for: action srrtres. The Simon-Corbett ' factiou in Multuomaii, even with the Oregonian at Us back, is not the uwhoIc thing" by any means. The , iPgiMative nominees 01 tne rtepuo-, con'icction with anv real or fancied authority In the land; especially recoro- Siuiou-Corbett ring in portland. , ded by the board of health of San . , . . Francisco for hospital use, a!o A. F. They owe nothing to it, have made 0,Bfien M D ia sd Wf BO pledes to it and i,re in no way 5and w,u. D. McCarthy, major and nt - or tnouer connected with iL They'cton U. S. army, as the porett on-vdol- bve been selected for their capacity i . . I and auiltty 10 serve lae people, nd : tbtf euler the campalgu owing no aUlejiaece to any political boss aud unpledged to any senatorial candidate. Candidate Win. Smith, who is run ning (.very slowly) for congress tn the Second Oregon district, puts free silver at 16-to-l rs the paramount issue, aud his slogan. "Consequent ly," says the Telegram, "Mr. Moody may confidently look for a largely J . J increased majority, as most voters have already heard more free silver gush than is palatable to them.' MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS, One pound of cork will support n man of ordinary size in the water. Oririually the common or domestic troat was a native of the highlands of Asia. Kansas has SOT newspapers, 31 of them leinir dailies. Compared to the waters of the Dead sea, those of the Salt Lake are comparatively fresh. Our new possession, Costa Rica, sup- I plie the best ntul largest bananas that come to the United States. Without winds, heat aud moisture could not be distributed over the face of the earth, and without the two man could not exist. In the various public institutions of the District of Columbia. 2,600 col ored people are employed who draw r.a annual compensation of about $1,000,000. Burlington. '. Y., will not collect any taxes this year, the saving on appropriations having gone on so long that the township has sufficient funds to ran all departments. The town of South 'ewmarket, X. II.. is ottered a StC.UOO public library on condition that its name be changed to Xcwfseld, a t';'.e recommended as shorter and ujar suitable. A gignnti'- unhroom. weighing three pound- " : recently found in .--onoma co? " inches in e: U inches ' Tarantulas . Cal. The top was 4t r-.ference and the Mem .nd two inches thick, e common in Santiago, Cuba, and -ometitnes make their May into the beds of sleepers. In the best houses, as a protection against these poisonous spiders, a close netting sur- rounds every lied. MORO BLACKSMITHS. The Xnttve Wnrkrarn Arc lluy from Jloru Till Mk'uI HcmuitrrlnK Out Dead!)- l)ulo. tine of the curiosities of life anions; every town of importance. The shop is j usually one large room, in one corner : of which !c th- forge. The iorue. writes a correspondent keep the lire hot the smith makes use of a most no el pair of bellows. Two lstrrre, upricht sections of hauiboo are i equiuped with i.htacers like those of a j J)ua;n und n nnth hiuing at lhe lop lof ihe tu'jes. alternately work the ilmary Wsiows- of an American tJicp. The :i:mls are nrranrtd on the t-trt tkxir near the forge. The are three pieces f -roil, refcmbliu?; imroei!?e milru;id fp:S.c. In front of thei-e it the l-ltiski-.ntiht.. The worker assume that peculiar Million -o :tiniou amsto-r oiienta!i at all times, and they licn.uu r :.wcy with their little ham mers for dear life. They wear no clotht s. sae the l.reech clout, anii, un like the village hl;:vks:uitti. seem to tal.v their tatk with rcat serioones. One thinks of the "Arniuier' Song. ' from I!oUu Hood," as he watches the progress of transferring an old rsvt- taii file into r. 1 eentlged dirk, for it is t'ie ork of muking arm, tha Pcipo I -.Jtpioymt ut to the 1-1 hat give mith. I'....,, -,i: ...... . .....1 i... the deadly "lxlo"-the universal weep- , on of lLt rj . Witlt infinite pa- i uence lie nammcrs awav until Uic I IKe. and a thinr. wicked blade h&h uc- tJIW are the blacksmiths in this ! work ! linr manv of thoir uv.ttinni prc!,-nt d,Mi?ns that oull do crent : maker. rh had the w- Ut-1 H rpriJiyf. lor ' snakey thspe cf the liner biadr a:,. by beating the edge f the hot J metal with the round handle of nn old j Kemiasrtor. ro,l bavonct. j A great many at thoe weapons are beinsr purehas. S ar.tfceui back to the 1 stat. Tb y j-rorsisv to be ijuite a fad They tary i: hue, and the price raiPes fn - ' cents up to $11 each. gpeciul reserve old covernment wble- tewled jiimulaat for conIcn'. ia- valid and faniilr ute. oold by Charles Stabliox. pl20-dlta , rented aad repaired at Mays Cro 30-t: Nntlcr.JJ J "otlre is hereby given that there will bean annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden Eagle Mining Com pany at the olllce of French A Co., bankers, on Thursday, May 31, 1000, at 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of elect ing seven directors and transacting such other business as may properly come be fore said meeting. By order of the president. J. C. IlcsrETt.r.K, Secy, and Trens. The Dalles, Apl. 27, I MO. u2Md Win. J. Landers, resident manager of the Lion and Imperial Fire Insurance Companies, wishes to announce to the patrons of these companies that owing to the sickness of Mr. C. E. Bh.vard and the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gonrlay, their former agents, the agency for both companies for The Dalles and vicinity has been placed in the hands of Mr. Timothy Brownhill. Any business given to Mr. Brownhill will receive prompt attention and will be appreciated by the companies. Office in C. E. Bay ard's old stand. No. So Washington stieet, The Dalles. Oregon. alG-lm Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's Enclish Remedy in any case of , . ,d ou Should it fail to f . . .. .. . , d give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Clark & Falk's dreg stcck it new ; fresh aud complete. Subscribe for The Chkoxice. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Pactias, Overwutiti-r i'cucv Vestis;. Ktnaly call end ezxzc-e j of In- r-ar:i and D uestj? H miles. A ne ftoct Jo tula ciae irs t se ut.: ;rvvt u. m ir- i, A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. 1 11 E DALLLS LliilGOX. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. 3. Crossen & Co., Props. S7 Second Street ONE FOR A DOSE. Earf P.tjs.. PILLS VrT7V7 !r, or rs" 1 far T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE O? THE PEACE. Sotarv i ? co"V "f DK Physician and Snrzeon. NOTICE FOB PL'BUCATIO.V. Lu Orrxi r Vjfacrrt. wie. ' Apnl Jb, ) v . 1 . V . . ..i u- i . L . . . .... ne4 Hter bi LM xxk ' tw iau Deitricb H. Steyman.defiteeof Dietrlcb wowtuj-$ vtfc u et, tl;Jbu u 1:ir iMt . ia. c cffBd ww, p.o, - trto? - ttt&: 'iiu,-0..w6. . aUr. e c3rno k vtuoy TIOTINGTOX A WIIAOX. XI AS10UiYs AT U.W. THK tlllic upr,: Complete Cipe of Droits at M.Z. DONNELL, THE-DRUCCIST. X L. Lane, uENEKAL Biacksmiin 1 i m ...AND. f Wagon and Carriage Werk. J j? Fish Brothers' Wagon. ? Tfcird em JeiTtflD. Pconelo9 1 r ..CHAS. FRANK" Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keep on tfraurbt the celebrated CVLCitilA BEER. cnow: edcKl tfce bt Uvr In The lit,!c. t the oual jiriee. Coat In. try It ad be convinced. AIhj the Flnt hntndj o! Wines, U-jnor atMlfisars. Sanduiiehes o! ii Kiuds l aj on hind. C. F- Stephens .Dealer In. ti Dry Goods, Clothing, f U Gents' Furnishinqs. ? Boc.U, Shijru. Ht. CKJ, NfSIons. Apt. .f'jr W I iiougta Shw;. Telephone Xc !. 154 Ik-cowl St., The Dalles. Or. Jast What You uiant. Key ideas in Wall Paper here. Such ide variety a we are showing never be. lore sraced a in.u ttock. Ktul imlia. tioa crtton t Sects at ordinary prices. U00J jpvi at cheap paper prices, tlejiaot dwtjine, tattefnl coloriuj-, vours for a saall price, at our store on Third street- Aleo fojl line of house paints D. W. VAUSE, Thii-d St. r f ,4 ! STUHDEVANT, Dentist. 016e- orer ricscb A Co.' iltnk f'tcxc 1 Hi: UAUj;,, OKEGOS Horsesnoe Str. RoKUlntor. Ship your Freight via lMIW'X. l.v Hullo lit ! a. . VV. I l.v. rortliiml t t a. t. ; MiuuliiV 1 TiuJay TlititMlity sntiinliiy . WfilnoclHy italic Regulator Line. Arr. rnrllnml Arr. nt h r. M. utS::-0) l'. V. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel ty tlic Stinmcrit oi uic iiccumuir j.uit;. rotiK tin' liwt M-rvIco imwwIIiK. rortlatul Ol'.lcc, OiiU Stroot Dock. ; tixd PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. .2! Important , Announcement to you. For SO dav after April 1st, 1 will sell , all the Dry Goods, Clothing, UootH mid Shoes, Hosiery, Blankets, Hats and ! Caps, on a cut iu price of ; 25 per cent, for Cash. : Now i" your opnortunity to uet bar I Cains. Don't miss it. S. L. BKOOKS, Successor to E. J. Collins & Co We Put... everv bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every I'rescription that's compounded here. it aiw rea?on why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. I i BLHKELEY & HOUSHTOH. lieliable Prescriptionists F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith. Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Sullies. Cor Secoud & Lannblin. Ttoiie 167 NOTICE rOR Fl'liLICATJO.V. Timber Lnd, Act Jonc3, 1878. .. . 18 i OirifK. i ,.,. ,JT,,it..'-.Aj.l3,l'J). t with the (ii,vliUta of t .c it of coiikkt of Jane ihft. Ulmtl aii hci Ur the MtVof Urn! Ur Und. in tfte tktii ol fulliornlu. Ouitou. VillUui K. Krtelium, S, J P V5 ,ui ib4r l're'Mi of Hie u swj torU, llie23cl day of June, J04, s?f& ssis: & ni w"!uw euwf' 11 ?3i. in huITdl' rv."'jutl to file their MU-loir l JAV j'. LUCAS, RtrUtor. .. T REGULATOR LINH i tv imi)Tl kvw t. lernnn vm ...... i UI.L0, llMlliHlHJ rtOlUlll.l AAV. IMP --..I vviiii am a fiti-nmctfiof tin, ItcguUtor Uno will mi, hh,.l , J lowing Klinluto, Die Company rescrvlni; tlio rlehi i 1 fcluilulo without notice. 8 10 clltt1 Str. Dallos City. ! IXIWtl l.v. Iiiil lit 8 A. h. Mrimlnr Wrdiiwiluy Friday, . Arr. INirtlmict nt fi v. m. t 7:00 .1. Air.Diihij i n.i .mimiiv wm cinii-nvnr tn Rlvelti.t 1 Kor (iiltlier Information millions K'vclw W. C. AULA WAY, Gen. Agt. C. S. Smith, THE iJp-to-date Qroeer Freeh Epge and Creamery llutter a specialty. 2d Street. "Phone 270. U.K. Bill, CMUtf J. t. tiCIIRM, I'mldcnL flpst National Bank, THE DALLES ... OREGON ' A General Banking Business tranntttd t Deposits received, eubject to Eight Draft or Check. ' Collections made and proceed prompt! remitted on dav of collection. Sight and. Telegraphic Exchange eoidcj i New York, San Francisco and voti land. DIKBCTOKS D. P. THOxrso.H. J.vo. 8. Schhci, Eu. M. Williavs, Gio. A. Inn. H M. Biau- FRENCH & 00, BANKERS." TKaNbACT A KKEKALBANKINO BDIila Lett ere of Credit iesned available Id til Eastern Stntee. Kilfht Exchance and Telegraph Traaslers sold on Sew York, Chltajo, Bt. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore; tjon, Seattle Wash,, and varione poiati in Oregon and asliinnton. Collections made at ull iki'idU odIit orablt) trrms. TBe CQiumDia PacUH 61., I PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MAKcrAimmKESor Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BMW HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. Mil . MERVITAH Cures Itnpotcncy, Kljiht "Jg ; blood builder. BrtaPS: pinkSloWtopaecnec; (CO lO euro ur i NERVITA MEDICjU,; rvitt .rekfiori St?.. CWww- : FKEO. W. V110N. .. , lW . LAt. ai v Udiir OBlceovei Krt Kt. B1"!"1 Mica fgbtena the load- Axle abort! Cbcase tvnilU. Sold cvtrj J ua . - auwi TAMAM