rmtiM.i: vow am. know. H. G. W'wUt, of Hood IHver, was In town tod.i) . K. P. U'Hi'ii, n ptosiptrous KIdgevvay sheepman. Is in ilu city. K, G. Kilter, of C1059 Keys, is regis tered at the Umatilla House. 15. K. Lauphlin was a p.issenser today ou thu ncou train from Portland. W. S. hinder, of Suit Spring", was n passunpor on thu Regulator thia morii ing for Stevenson. Rev. 0. I). Taylor arrived here from Portland last night and returned at noon today. He expects to ha back tomorrow. Mrs. H. Mitchell and Miss Sonimer- ville were passengers on the Regulator this morning on a ristt to menus in Portland. Judjo Uradshaw will leaye for Prine ville tomorrow to hold court there. He will be accompanied by H. S. Wilson, A. A. Javne and E. B. and Douglas Dufur. Mrs. H. M. Westervelt and daughter, who have been on a short visit with the family of Mr. Tom Ward, left this morn ine on the Regulator fur their home in Seattle. Mr. E. S. Brooks, brother of S. L. llrooks, who resided here the past winter for the benefit of his health, left for thu valley this morning in company with iiis daughters, Mrs. E. J. Collins and Sliss Brooks. A Ylilt ti Japan. "Not everyone possesses the gift of im agination to the degreo with which George William Curtis was endowed, so that he may simply stand with his hand on the great hulk of an ocean steamer, and so visit all parte of the world; or gaze through the open door of n huge warehoust', which has just swalljweil a cargo of foreign merchandise, until one's whole person is saturated with the spicy odors of some far eastern clime, as de ecribed in "Pene and I." But next Monday evening at the Congregational church all may have'the opportunity of seeing Japan, in company with one who has spent eleven years in that "land over which the sun first rises; the land which the natives dignify by the name of -"Nippon," literally "sun's origin." Miss Mary F. Denton, a missionary at Yotari, Japan, who was sent out by the Woman's Board of the Pacific Con gregational churches and hao einre been supported solely by them, has recently returned to the United States aud is now visiting in Portland. She has con sented to come to The Dalles and give the people here an opportunity to learn something directly of her work there. The Congregational women wish to give her a reception which will show, to some extent, their appreciation of her services as a missionary. Therefore, they un selfishly invite all the friends of mis sions, of all the churches, to share with them, admission free, a delightful even ing under pleasant circumstances. Dull Headache, Pains in varioue parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores all positive .evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we seli every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley& Hough ton's drug store. Wm. Orr, Newark, O., save, "We never feel fafe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved my little boy's life when he had the pneu monia. Wo think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. A Tentlmoiilul from Old JCnglaiul. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy the best in th world for bron chitis," says Mr. William Savory, of Warrington, England. "It has saved my wife's Hfe, she having been a martyr to bronchitis for over six years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well." Sold by Blake ley & Houghton. CATARRH wan vuk VZtoftrs liA I AKKn Wfs&MSSSi cm;ansing anj) jh;ai.ino cum: i'ok BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk are never close 1 Sunday Don't forget this. Clarke A Falk have on salu n full lino of paint and artist's brushes. A full lino of Eastman films anil sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Ask your grocer for thorn. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at tho Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tt DeWItt'a Witch Hazel Salvo is un equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is tho original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of nil counterfeits. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when yon can buy James E Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. mI7 Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., says, "DeWitt's Little Earlv Risers alwavs bring certain relief, cure my headache and nover gripe." Tiioy gently cleanse and invigorate tho bowels and liver. "I used Kodol Dyepepsia Curo in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgeiink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Cui-ca Ilemlncliu Oulckly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel erv Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and '2o cents. Sold by Clarke & Fall:, druggists. jan24-ow Saab In Vuur Ctieck. All countv warrants registered prior to June 3, 1S9G, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after February. 2, 1600. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. Ely's Cream Balm Vnty nnil pleasant to (ia. wuiiiaius uo in jurious drug. It is quickly absorbed. UlvtM ltfcliff at oncu. It Opens and CJcnnec iuu rai raRKi. jiuiys iDUsmmatton. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. '2o cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist?. Ring up 'Faulkner, the junk man, be fore hauling your trash to the beach. He buys old worn out rubber boots and shoes, brass, copper, zinc, lead, sacks, rags, etc. Dalles 'phone No. 2N. apr21 lw Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "I never fail to relieve my children from croup at once by using One Minate Cough Cure. I would nut feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lungdiseases; To Cure a Cold in Onti Day. Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tl.e money. Wunteil, To buy a couple of heifer calves of good milk stock. Will take them when a week old and pay a reasonable price. Apply at this office. m2 Ot FOR SALE. A farm of 120 acres, about SO acre3 of which is under cultivation, with a fine young orchard of two acres in full bear ing; abundance of living water and good frame dwelling and barn and other farm buildings. Twelve miles east of Thu Dalles and four miles east of Boyd post- office. Farm will be sold, with or with out the growing crop of about 80 acres. Price without crop $1000, and terms very easy, as owner's health compels a change of climate. Apply to v;a7-tf M. W. Fhkeman, Boyd, Or. For Salu A four-year-old Jersey cow that will be fresh in about two weeks. Warranted gentle and a good milker. Apply to 28ap3tw W. Hastings, Boyd. Nolle. Livery stable for sale at Centerville, Wash., $100 per month business. Will sell at a bargain. m27-lm A. It. Guaiiam. P. W. Knowles is now proprietor of the Fifteen-Milo House and stables a Dufur, where he is prepaied to accotno I date tho traveling public in first class 'style. Good table, good rooms, good 1 beds and tho beat of cure for man and I beast at rearonnble rates. m24-lmw Till' Sninr Oli! tti'ntnrk. One of, the jri'atent sorrows of fa mous pt-rsonngea is that It Is impossi ble to live up to the ideal opinion which I he people whom they meet In the ordinary ulYiiirs of life have formed of them. It is recorded that n certain liter nry man of lilfjli reputation had occa sion to remark to n waiter in the res taurant where he sometimes lunches: "Walter, this beefsteak is u-ry tough." The waiter looked at him with n sor rowful expression and sighed deeply. "Perhaps you will tell me," said the llternrv mini, "why you sigh in that fashion?" "Ah, sir," said the waiter. "I took you for a man who always said orig inal things, ami here you eonie mid say the same thing, that all the rest of them do."-Tit-Bits. i- - ! DKl'AltT i TIMIC f-rllr.IlUI.lt. run I 1'itov lui.t.its. 1 Vit l.rtlt I.nWt, Denver. Vt. Mull Worth, Omnhn, Kim i: 10 .i". Uy ' l-oal". 1 CIiIchro mid KiMt. SinUnno Mull mid Kxpri'M 10:10 ). in, 8 i. tu. Aiiliiniiilillcs nl 1'iirl. The French have been among the nuM enthusiastic friends of the auto mobile idea, and during the coming exhibition in Paris they "intend t( make tlxtt style of locomotion as con spicuous and attractive as possible. A special automobile exhibition is to be held in the park of Viiiecnnes. under the direction of the Automobile club of France. Competitive tests aud races will be arranged for all kinds of self-moving carriages, iind prizes are to be awarded to the winners in tho various classes. Citation. In tho County Court of thu State of Oregon for the County of Wnsco. In the mutter of the estate of Patrick llrowu, accented, citation. To Delia C. Ilrown, Anna Ilrown, Mary M. I en- nanl, Knthcrinc I.ncey. Frank Ilrown, Alum Ilrown, Alice 1 1 nm n anil Kthel Ilrown, irrecliaK. In tho name ot tne State of OrcKon, ou are hcrebv cited and required to appear in the County Court of tho State of Oregon, fur the Countv of Waco. at the Mav term of said court. at tho court room thereof, nt Dallei City, In miIiI county, on Tuesday, thc Mh day of May. l'.W), nt ' o'clock In thu afternoon ot that day, then anil there Uo -how ratuc, if any there be, why an or der of nale should not bo runda by the above en titled Court, directing Delia C Ilrown, iitlmliils tratrlx of said estate, to tell nt private sale the following described real property ol said .eUale, to-vlt; Lots A, II, C. D, 1). K, O II, I, J, K. L, III block j Ti7, of Kort Dalles Military Ucservatlon in Oregon. Witness thu Hon. Robert Mays, JudRuof the said County Court, Vilth the seal of said Court itllixcd, this and day of April, A. D. 1'JOH. I ska LI Attet: A.M. KKI.SAY, Citric, api-5w Ily a. Holton, Deputy, Walla Walla, HpoUane, .Minneapolis. St. I'nul, i ninth, Milwaukee, Chicago aud Knot, via Kpokauoukii minimi; ton: also all points In WaihlUKtou and ICn st ern UrcKou, Krom ror.ri.ANi. Ocean Kteannhlps. Kor San Kranrlscii April':;, May'.:,-, I'-'. Sp.m. Kx.MindaylColumbla Itv. Ktcanicrs. To Astoria and Way Saturday UiudliiK. 10 p. ui. I AllU'.VK Kiwi. Knit Mill vi-.m p m SlHikaiiu Mall aud V.x press 1:00 a. m I p. m. I p. m. Ex.buiida) fin. m. I WlLLAURTTK KlVKIt. I I ISO p. til. i:x.aii!idny()rcKOii City, Nowhere! Kr.Hunday Salem A S'ay Uuul's. Ta. Ill, IW'lLLAMCTTK AMI) YAM- .');S0 I. III. Tues.Thur.' ni li. Kivr.R". !Moti.,Veil and Sat. i Oregon City, Dayton, and Kri. ! aud Way-IjiudlUKs. flu. m. I WILI.AMKTTK lllVKK. 1:30 p.m. Tue..Tliur,U'orlland to Corvallls,, Man. Wed and Sat, i aud Wny.UiudiiiRs. aud Krlday l.v Itlparln dally l.'.'Ja. in. ' SNAKK ItlVKIt. 11 1 pur la to ltuwlstou, I.KAVK I.r.WLSTON dally a:)n. m. I Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlfleUUtfrllfrAStilfliAfnnilanola of Numif Mini, in n. a nin ivu. t 2fturG In fltrenifthenincr anrl rmn. eauaed horrible ulcere that no 18 meat helped for twenty yeare. Then nt and tonic. No other preparation Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured him. It can approach it in efficiency. It in cures cute, bruises, burns bolls, felons, tantly relieve and permanently cures corns, skin eruptions. Be.t p. cure on ffiK'S, tSSuSSSSi earth. Twentyflro cents a box. Cure BlokHeaohe.GMtralgla.Orampe.and guaranteed. Sold by Iilakeloy & Hough- all other reeultaoflmperfectdlgeetion; ton, druggists. 3 - Prepared by E. C. DeWItt Co., Clcaae. COLD (N HEAD Ileila and I'rotccU tho Meiabrtne. Kcetorea the tienes of Taste and Bmell. Largo 8zo, 60 centa at "8Kif-""r " jrmonso, lucenia ny man. k JiLY JiUOWauO, M Warren Street, New York. Ittd Hut Vrorn the Qua Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman NOTICK l'OU 1'UHLIOATION. Timber Lmd, Act Juiu 1S7S. I'. S. LAND OFflCK, ( ;thk Dalle-, on., Apr. 13, lww. Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance with the provisions ol tin- act of conRri'ss of Junes, lhs, entitled "An net for thu sale of tim ber lands in tho states ot Caiilornla, OreRun, Nevada and Washington Territory," William li. Kntclium, of Tho Dalles, County of Wasco, Statu of Orcgou, has thi-dtv Hied In this otl'.co his sworn state ment No, l.VJ, for thopurehnsoof the W',. SV.'A and NJi hlCU'of bectlon No. :, in Tp. I N. H. No. 11 h.. W. M., and lll oiler jiroof to show that the land soURht is more valuable far its timber or stone than for axriciiltural piirpo-cs, and to establish his claim to said land before the Itecister and ICiccivcr of this otllcu at Tho I la lies, Oregon, ou riiiturilny, Hie :::iil iliiy iif.Iiiiii', I'XIO, Ho names ns witnesses: J. II. Colt. 1). I'. Kct- chum, Joseph Ilaiiua and William Spencer, all of The Dalles, Oregon. Any and all persons cUimlns adversely tho above-described lands arc requested tolllo their claims in this olllce on or bolurc; said lnl dav of June, 1WK). apris-li)w-l JAY r. I.CCAS, Iteglster. TI.MBKU CULTURE FINAL I'HOOF. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I. S. Uisb Omci', Vascouvkk, Wasii.,1 Aprils), I'jco. j Notice Is herebv nlvcn that Mkrv V.. Cplhnim. by D. II. htegiiiau, her attorney in fact, has llled notlci) of intention to make Ilnal proof before W. II. l'rcsby, United filatcs Commissioner for District of Washiinrton. at his ollico In (inlilen. dale, Washington, on Friday, the aitli day of June, I!)0, ou Timber-culture Application No. ')!, for the northeast iU'irter ol section No 1, in township No. 'J north, range No. 1 1 east. W. M . Hue names us wltnetses; Manuel H. Leonardo, of (irand Dalles I'. O., Wash.: Herman Kngelke, William Wilkinson, of Centerville I'. () Wash., and Willium Crawford, of Oraud Dalles I'. (),, Wash. W. It. DUNltAit, maj-.'-i ileglst- r. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. Unn OrricE at Tiik Dali.ks, Oheoo.v.) April 30, 1 wo, ( Notice is hereby Riven that tho following namejl settler has lllcsl notice of his-Intention to inako final nroof in simrirt nf hlu rinim that said proof will bo made Uforolhe Iteglster mm iieccivcr ai uio guiles, luegou, on fcatur day, Juno 10, 1!X0, viz. Jens I'. Anidius.of The Dalles, Or.. Homestead Kntry No l')l, for the NWW NWU M-clIou '.'I, and Y.V; NKj and SKK 8K Lectloi! 2.J. township 'I north, range 12 east, W, M. Ho names tho following wllmsses to prove I., .w.j,iiiuijt,n ivBiueuee upon anil cillllVUIIon UI Blliu ifUIJ, viz; John ('rute, Charles finlpes.J. D. Hockmais J fclmonson, all of Tho Dalles, Oiegou. jn'iyy JAV 1'. MJCAH, Ileghter. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION, Uxu OrriCK nt Tnr. Dallks, 0k., Aplil 'M, Ittw. ) Notice In hcrebv elvcn that I liaijiiii settler has filed notice of his Intention to juakof iial proof in supimrt of Ms claim, aud that said proof will bo inudo before the Iteglttor ami Hcci-Ivit nt 'rim ii,.n... ,.. ....... .... day, Juno 1C, I'joo.vU: Wilson J. Jeirere, of Tho Dalles, Or., Homestead Kntry No, IBM, for tlio N; NWif section ui, township 1 north, rango 11 cast, Will. Ho names the follow lug witnesses to provo hla tontinuoiiH residence upon and cultivation of Mild land, viz: James llerison, Jr., Jamus Il.-nson, Sr Peter Otxlfrey, Isaac Howlaud, all of Tlio Dalles, Or. JAV I. J.U0AH, lleslster. Parties ilel:tiu: to ro to llemincr or point-on Columbia .Southern via Illggs, .should uiiie .m. .', leaving ine iiane- at rj.w p. in. making direct connections at lleppner Junction and lilggs. Ite'.iirnlng iuaklugitlr(tcouue:ttou at Hcppuer junrtlon und Itiggs ultli No, l.nr riving at Tlio Dalles at 1:M p. in. Kor full particulars call on O. It. .V N. t.'o.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. H. HUKI.lirilT. (tell l'as. Agt., Portland, Or, SOUTH and EAST via MUM Shasta Route Trains leave The D.illcs for Portland and way stations at I.A a. m. and :i p. m. i.c.ive Portland " Albany Arrive Ashland " sacraniento ... " ban Francisco . . S::jnin .PJ::V) a m .12:."Ct a m . 5.t) p m . . p m Anlvo Ogdon " Denwr " Kansas City. " Chleigo.... 5: l 'i n m . 'J.(X) a m 7:'i' u m 7:1, a m Arrive Iis Angeles ' HI i'aso " Fort Worth " City of Mexico . " Houston ' New Orleans .. " Washington " New York . ! :'.(! pm :(i p m fi .:n a m 'J :.V, a m l.i)am ii a m . 0:Ua m . 1'.' . I.'l p m ":fl p in 1U:M p m !l:fttH in I Xi a m b:l." a in 11 I 'm m 'J Ola ui 7 & n m . u.iwu in 7.(0 a in ti no p m 0.:a in 'J .V) H III l.oo a m r,.2 p m fi'h! a m J'll p 111 Pullman anil Tourist cars ou hoth trains. Chair ears Sacramento to Ogden and III 1'ai.o. and toiiiistears toClileago, bt lmls, New (jr- leaua nun n asuillgiou. i-oiinectiiig at Kan Krauclico with soveral sieamsnip lines lor iiouoiiilii, Japan, China I'hlllpplues, Central and Houtli Amcilcu. Ste agent nt Tho Dalles station, or uddrus C H. MARKHAM, fieueral Passenger Agent, I'oitland, Or NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. 1.ai Omen at The Dallks, Ohkoonj April W), itiixj. 1 Kotlco is lierthy given lhat tho following, nuined settler has lied notice of his intention to moko Inul proof lii support of his claim, and thut said, proof will b'i made before tho Uegl.Ur V$ti!&;W,m on' Bal"f- Henry Iteadel, of Tho Dalloe, Or., Iloiiuilcad Kntrv No. 1710, for tho HKW necllon J, township 1 north, rango I'J oast, W. M. Ho natnes too following witnesses lo prove his continuous jeMdcnco xnm and culHyutioii of said land, viz: llenry LueblDff, (ieorgo Arnold, (Jharlle W, Adams, MlclueUJoylo, nil of Tho Dalles, Or, my2i JAV I', J.UCAH, ItegUtcr. NiimPiiit Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DININO OAK HOL"l i: I'itOM I'OKTJ.AND TO TIIK KAST. TIIK O.NI.V DIUIJtlTI.INK TO TIIK VKU.OW- HI O.N K I'AUK LKWK. Union Depot, Firth and I sis ' No. a. 1 Kastmnll forTaooma, ifceattlo, Olyinpla.liray'si i Harbor and Houth lleud "iiiiis, spoKano, lloss-1 land, Jl. c I'u llmtiii. Mfiwrtiv l.,..lu,.... 1,..,' II. Ij A. M.faliiHiimpiiinliigcoun-! ; ry, Helena, illiiiieaiio. I I Is, bt. l'aul, Omaha,1 iKiiiishs Clly, Ht. Ixails v i anil an points No, I. leastiind southeast. ii-ji n r ' i 'Wet H"111"1 Kxpress lli"0 r. hi, for 'iaeoniH and Keatllo and Intermcsllato )ints AltltlVK. No. I ft;.) i. ai. No. a. 7;oo..m. I'llllmaii lltst class and tourist sleeners in wi.'S'cl.!ng:.l,'luu,,,l -"' 'm"i, VllKtthlllPil Irnlnu !!..!,. .1 t . . In all pfinclpal cities. ouh i iiKKugo ciiecmM to dest nation of tickets llckeis, leepliig car reservations, ctt" call oil or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (Jeneral Passenger Agent, 2M iiorrlson Htreet, corner Thin), i'orlUnxIj, Oregon. Be Dure and exAinino our Block of u,n paper thoroughly beforo buying elto where, aa ho havo the latest Ji,i,..i made to this city, now ready for lunm. tlon at H. Glenn A Co.'s. i7.i w li! i ? f pl; ! 31 1 ? 1 !:: 'V" 1i I ? - "' - li:! I f f : ;3:'i i I; f f 1-! The Th I I Chrtonicle, BE 1 I i r. ' r j , i3f I ! ! i S i 8 I BTH I i .. IB pa MB H A Wasco Warehouse Uomnam j ieaaqnarTers ror oeea warn of ail kinds, Headquarters for Feed Grain otfiikin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds TTfiadmiarters for Bran. Shorts n"!?!'.k!!! tt j r r r-fc j ii Lxriri,i Hi 1 1 r 1. 1 iirii n ii'i vni i jjnn i . i niiiii can ami yet our prices ami lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wh9a.t, Barley and Oats. I X .. 1 nw I A N U K A l'-T U 1 1 1: 1) IIV AMERICJ A 1ST TMPTTT.air. WTTTO CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS. Circtilnrfl mid particulars (urniahed on npiilicntlon. F. S. GUNNING, Agent c . 1 i-c (iDFCfll uiiii Till'. UAI.IiriOi "uv" $1.00 per month. Strictly flrnt class local mid lone diHtnnco tulophono eervlco within your homo. Linen do not crosswalk. Your con vernation will bo kept a accrtit. No cost for Installing. Vou pit tho Htandurd II iinninu l.oni! Distant Instrument. CoiitimiQUs day und night orvico. Wo will accept your contract for ton years and allow you to caucol samo on giving us thirty days writ ton notico, PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 008. Subscribe for the Chronicle. . Advertise in The Uflrv