"Get Thee Behind Me;" Tlmt'e what Una week Bays to laBt wlmt May .11 Til.. I Ll.l .1 . . . J jiiya to Aprn. n o n ui'kihj k""" iiiiiik inai mo nintitli j'tHt past elicl not Imvo much reputation to InfiO III) H Will uu Minium uuruil umuiiv lor 11H 0WI1 riiiirlcloiiB weather anil OUH OWN OltKAT I!AU fAlNS. Her clouds had hut ONK S1LVKR L1N 1NO, and that WE FUKNISHKD. Now wo greet May on the Homeric principle: Wolcotnu tliu corning, speed tlio parting guest;" mill iih the mild eyed maid troops over the eastern hill, we Biilnto her ttiuulv : A quantity of Hoys' Odd Knee Pants; 19c For this Week. ages from ! to 1-1 For this Week. are sightly damaged, including several odd suits); all sizes; jnat the thing for rough wear. . ..79c each TTnr tlllS W Afik" A IHty of Hoys' JJ 01 Lllia W CCJ4.. 0tkl Suits-nothing in the world to their discredit, save the absence of n fmv important sizes; regular values range from $1.50 $1.35 Saturday's Special sale TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS Kvery quality of Towels, from the 103 line up, will bo included in this One Day's Sale-Seiuray Oniu iSST Towels. 10c Pure Linen, 10x34 8Kc 15c Linen Iluck, IGxfiO " nc 17c " Crash, 7xli5 13.. !(!,. " H11..L. IB. an V 0c! 25u 25c :t5c 10c Iluck. 18x30 17,. 1 iu...m ... to 1 DO . For this Week. SK1 For this Week. toriKi!; For this Week. cUWASS' n , ages 10 to 20 years . . , .SI.05 TTnT1 tfhlfi Tftfil Is the gulden oppor- j?ui uiii& vv eca. tlinity(lf n iif(Uimo to lay in a Btnck of Hoys' Wearables at positively less than manufacturers' cost. No trouble to show yowls. wi.isij, iua'iu. , t iC " Pure Linen Knotted Fringe. . . 21c " Plain Horder Huek, I8x-I2 28c uuci:, hemstitched, 20x-l2 33c All other Towels reduced in like proportion. CYCLING SUITINGS Not exclusively for bicycling hut for all Bummer suits. COTTON COVERTS? The finish and colors of these poods are made to imitate of wool goods and are verv serviceable lfie and 20c CRASH SUITINGS Plain striped or barred, one of tin best skirt ings for wearing and washing qualities 12c, liic, 20c and 25c WHITE GOODS PIQUKS, on account of their extra weight, are tbu favorites for Oregon weather. Plain Cord Hrocaded Effects 20c to 35c per yaid SKIRTS We have ready-made Skirts of Crash, Co verts and Piques, plain or braided 25c to $3 FOOT FORM... Is the prevailing shapo for Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. We offer you this week the real thing in Men's brown willow calf,laco..$4.00 " black velour " " .. 4.00 " vici " " .. 3.00 " brown " " " .. 3.00 Ladies' brown or black kid, lace, Queen Quality, specials 3.00 Ladies' kid, lace, cloth or kid top 2.00 Ladies' kid, lace, patent leath er tip and trimmed 1.75 Children's Rough Rider Shoes are also the Real Thing. Misses' kid, button or lace, 11 Ho 2's $2.00 Child's kid, button or lace, 8 to ll's 1.50 Special This Week! Ladies kid, button, square or coin toe $1.G5. All Goods Mnrkod In Plain FiKuros. PEASE Sl MAYS Telephone No. 1. MAY 4, 1000 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Mays & ilOa-lt at the A good bioyele for $20 at 1 IJl IT 1 . Rcim.Muimr (ho box social im.M! IHtl iM II mil If tn ii 1 1 1 Wailtnil- A i'lil In in frniinrnl lintiHO Willi till I ..tl I 1. u tii mi v in. inn I-Oit All K1L' nliorm. A lHu.m 1 rn. mmi liiii iiii iiiiiii iiir ini rur in in i.iiii There will bu n business meeting of IN MllUI I il l III W tl Tho ladies of tlio Cliriatian church in ....... i . .i ( . in uiiii ii i ( v oiittn i n r ino i iMfiQinn . i . . JU limit ih iirntiiiunH mo ooaru ot wator comnussionors "committee appointed to confer with X. t-.ll ...... i -f !.-!.! ... ".uii. il UUUUI IIIU CObl Ol MIUKIII arteslu Henry Green, captain of a rivor flrtt It II til I T nM T. I CI. -I .uioa obi iuniiiu, nuiu , ... uiiiii. ui llOTi V IkUaillllKi .Inhtt Vvl . iitini jr-i iiT iWt'lCl) U'ltrt ivrtattiA loaf ntltt t.it kvu inov ii iii v iui , --- w. wt VIIV 1?jr KTbUilU QltlUUHl "iu iiromiso train enuli of thorn that Noma not ropent tlio ollVnao thoy n-" Thu amount of mall urrivliiK on the trains that meot at 12:30 o. in. i . .. lur IIH) posiuiiicu IU lULIiru lruill 1 CUUK II, in. Pntr.inH nf tin, nlllc. will S lvus I) nigs at 1 o'clock iu tbfo morninc. Tbey luiil two initiations, Jtnd Louie Cotuini's goat bore bis rides with nil the race and majesty of a vteran. John Lynch, J.'Carney, Wm. ,Keef, J. Is. Cusoy, John Ivnowles, Pete liiley ilhain Jones, colored, were arrested! last night nnd brought beforo the re corder this morninjr, charged with sleep inc on the wool sacks of tlio Wasco warehouse. This practice lias become such a nuieance to thu company that the recorder, in order to see if "it could not lie stopped, fined each of the prison ers and all but Knowles who paid his fine, were committed to the city bastile for one day. An Iiifcultlnc Mini nte bank. "' Kuvurii ineiiiBUi riiitii.i. fit . . I Uiuo.Niui.K is indebled to the ui viuuru u. iiiuvar lor a uiu - -"..luun ,u HirilW UlTI'lUf, UIM "inn uox of nativo sttawherries we ,. ,, auiiouu, nr. (tuivor nau ripe berrioa as earJy as the L'Otli of P'il. IIu will cammarno BhlnnliKr next. outlay. - ( " - Forty-Hva Odd Fellows from hero nnd in.. .... .... " ur puilUB IOOK passaKo on 0 Heulator last nitfht on ,L visit to e r ''fottiorn at Hood Kiver.f They uot nu i.,.u.. - . f nun niuruinB RiJ'i ociocK. . "I'v,, k iinvuiK una n moai eiu'iya- e tllnn 'Pi... it i . noou i vnr uoopie gave ttui ami ii i .i... t ...i yl welcome. Tho Hood IKlver brass nu treated them to a serenade, and r IIClOllj bannuet nlnanil tUn A clergyman walking on the outskirts of his parish one dav found one of bis parishoners whitewashing his cottage. Pleased at tills novel manifestation of the virtue that is next to godliness, he complimented the man on his desire for residence of Mre. f neatness. With a mysterious air the worker descended from the ladder and approaching tho fence eaid: "That's not exactly the reason why I'm doin' of this ere job your Worship. Tho last two couples as lived here had twins, so I bcs to my missus, I'll take and white wasli tho place so's there mayn't bo no infection. You see, sir, as how we've got ton of 'em already." Secretary Fred V. Wilson, of the Ore. tfjn Wool Growers' Association, re ceived a letter today from the superin tendent of tho Cascade Forest Reserve eaying it would bo impossible for iiiin to attend tho meeting called for June 2nd. As tlio opportunity of meeting dipt. Ormsby and having him decide the va rious applications for summer ranges was tlio main purposo for which the meeting was called, tho date has been changed to May 20th, at which time tho superintendent has telegraphed he will be present. It is expected a large num ber of sheepmou will attend, us the business before the meeting will bo of much importance. It appears from the Oregonian that Jtno B0VU,llln0,lt inspectors have ordered 3a sofoty valve placed on the steamer Albany and will not penult her to bo moved until she io provided with thin precaution against tho steam running up on tho enginears. As soon as their orders are complied with tlio steamer will rosumo her trips to tho biu eddy. If she is uuable to got over tho rapids ,wlth .tho amount of steam allowed by law, arrangements will bo made for lining her up with wire cables, the inspectors have dutrrmlned to put a damper on any attempt to carry moio steam than is allowed by law, and whenever a boat goes into swift water and makes a bettor showing than is warranted by tho power aboard, she will hA speedily looked after by special agents of the government. Wanted. A thoroughly competent girl to do general house work In u email family. The beBt of wages will lie paid, and no ono not thoroughly capable need upply. Cull at Tim CniioNioi.K oflloe. m2 Jit Get your & Crowe's. wheel overhauled at M 30-4t "Cyclone" Davis opened tho cam paign at the Baldwin opera house last night. About two hundred persons were present, many of whom left before the performance was over, although it only lasted a little over an hour. Waeco county Democracy were repretented on tho platform by John Douthit, John Gavin and J. II. Jackson. They bad tlio heartfelt sympathy of mott of the little audience. For the speech of Davis was a disappointment. It was more than a disappointment. It was an in sult to the intelligence of a Dalles audi- ience. Liavis conglomeration of e anir. uad grammar, cheek, falsehood, trail. tergiversation, mendacity, misrepresen tation, vulgarity and calamity was cer tainly never purpassed here nor else where. The money question was placed in the forefront: and the old, lying gas anent Ernest Seyed'e connection with the "crime of '73 that has been so pul verized to atoms tliut its own mother wouldn't own it, was told with an aban don of gall and mendacity that left no other conclusion but that iu a Dalles audience the Cyclone supposed he had struck a lot of backwoods sucker?. The trusts and the policy of expansion camo iu for their share of "cyclonic in vective, but when the speaker, at the close, came to repeat the old Populist wail of calamity and woo that wo used to hear in '00 and earlier campaigns, it wttB then ho showed liimself peculiarly at home. If the speech of last night made ono convert, then the Lord have mercy on the party that has secured his vote. An intelligent business man w ho need to vote the Democratic ticket, said to the writer at the closo of the meeting, "I'll give one hundred dollars to keep that man lecturing here, in the interest of the Republican party and policy, till the close of the campaign." Notice, Owing to the retirement of Frank Chrismttn from the firm of Chrisman Bros., and his intention to leave the statu as soon as possible, all debts due tiie linn must be paid immediately. All having claims against tho firm will please present them at tho market for payment. in-i tf CiinisMAN BitoTituus, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. liuRlnrss Traimacteil at tlio Meetlug Lnst Night lillU Allowed. The regular monthly meeting of tho city council was held last night. All the couneilmen were present except Dr. Shackelford and S. S. Johns. On motion of Councilman Wilson, J. H. Jackson was appointed street com missioner and instructed to proceed to collect the road tax. The conncil determined on paying one dollar a month to maintain the red light at Nielsen's corner for the purpose of giving notice to tho watchman when he is wanted. Special ordinanco No. 322, providing for the transference of iflOOO from tiie general fund into the sinking fund, was passed. This makes $7,000 which have ceen udded to the sinking fund or paid oil' of the city's debt in two years. The treasurers report is as follows : April 1 Cash in general fund. $4,063 57 Receipts for April. . . . 837 53 Total $5,503 27 By warrants issued. if 704 43 Interest on bonds... 1,100 00 $1,874 45 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Siguature of Rev. W. K. Sitzer, W. Canton, N. Y., writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from tho start. I believe It to be a panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It digests what ycu eat, Girl Wanted, A girl In wanted to do general house, work. Apply ut this ofllce. in 1-4 1 Bal. on hand May 1st $3,028 82 The recorder's report showed that $123 had been collected during the month for fines. Ti.e following bills were allowed : Marshal's salary $75 Engineer's salary 75 Nightwatchman's salary GO Treasurer's Balary 20 Recorder's ealary 50 Water rent 50 Wm MorgauQeld, labor 13 Clias Jones, do 10 E Putton, do 33 RSilba, do 8 F Heater, do 20 J Canfield, do 22 F Stone, do 17 F Hillard, do 13 J A Kitchen, do 2 G E Farer do 13 W O Johnson, do 11 Guy Southwell, do 2 Thomas Cieary, do 10 Chas Sandu., do 10 A C Smith, do 1 Jos Heater, do 7 Leo Grace, do 3 Win Dirragli, do 7 G K (Jeorgi-, do 5 Lorenzo George, do 4 Leroy George, do 4 J S Brown, hauling 23 L Lane, blacksmithing 4 Bhikeley & Houghton, drugs 9 Chas Michelbach, barrel 1 Dr Hudson, uiedlcrl eervlces 7 SJ Brown, sawing wood 1 It B Hood, hauling 1 Columbia Packing Co, mdso II Clongh, repairs 3 Mays & Crowe, mde 7 Henry L Kuck, mdse Seufert & Condon, telephone and lire alarm 2 J T Peters & Co, lumber 15 D W Vause, mdso 1 Chrisman Bros, supplies 2 Dalles Lumbering Co, lumber. ... 2 W A Johnston, mdse 0 Maier & Benton, mdse 13 F S Gunning, repairs 0 50 85 00 05 col oo ; 70 00 Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of and has been mado under his per- -j2- sonal supervision since its Infhncy. "CtCCAwZ' Allnwnn nun fnilnpnlvn vnn Iti flila. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health ol' Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought !n Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NCW YORK CITY. t Steel pps end Cook S loves... i To reduce our largo stock wo will sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at Greatly PJedaced Prices for a short time only. See our goods and get our prices. . . . JWAYS & CHOUXE. 3 Lust. A Binill, round gold pin, with nu opal set in center. Was lost either on last Friduy'a boat (Dilkn City) or on the street leading from the dock, Finder will leave eaino ot this office. m 3 2t NOTICE TO VATER CONSUMERS. All persons using city water for irri gation on a ml after May 1, 1930, nnd until September lst,.inclusivp, will be charged the following rates per month : For every lot 50x100 feet, .fl.50; for every half lot or fraction thereof, 75 cents, and no rebate will bo allowed to persons leaving the city unless wiitten notice is eerved on the superintendent of the water works to turn off the water. Above the bluff water may bo used for irrigating from C to 8 a. in, and from 0 to S p. in. on tho odd days of the month, and below thu blull during tho same hours on (he even days of the month. Theeo rules must be Etrictly complied with, and any deviation therefrom will subject tho violator to tho penalty of having the water shut oil", aud iu order to get it turned on again he must pay a tee of ono dollar. Perfoin willfully wasting water, or allowing it to run con tinuously through their closets or lava tories, or allowing water to run after irrigation hours, will sutler tho same penalty as above Dtated. Hy older of tho water commission. J. U. CitOSSK.V, Supt. Tho Dalles, Or., May 1, 1900. Ot Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mileburg, a., save, "As a speedy euro for coughs, colds, croup and soro throat O. e Minute Cough Cure is untqualed. It is pleasant for childien to take. I heartily recom mend it to motherH." It iu the only harmless remedy that produces Im mediate results. It curea bronchitis, pneumonia, erippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent consumption Clarke & Fulk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Pattoii strictly pure liquid paints Garden Hose Wo have laid in a largo stock of (Jarden Hose and are carrying tho same brand of Hose that we have boon carry ing for tho last fivo years, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. Wo carry tho samo brand of lloso that tho Dalles City Fire Depart ment has beon Using for tho last twenty years. The Mal tese Cross Brand is without doubt the best grado of Hose on tho market. Call and got our prices beforo buying. fUaiep & Benton Solo Agents, Cooeter brakes are the greatest Im provement of the) ear on bicycles; savo one half the pedaling, Have one put oil your old wheel at Mays & Crowe's bike shop. 30a -It