The Dalles Daily Chronicle. - - MAY -I, 1000 .FRIDAY - Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS. Justice of the Supreme Court C. E. Wolvertou. Food nml Dairy Commissioner J. V. Da'tley. Presidential Electors 0. F. Pnxton, of 3Iultiumiah; Tillman Ford, of Ma rion; J. C. Fullurton, of Douglas; Y. J. Furnish, of Umatilla. DISTRICT OFFICERS- A. Moody, of Concressman Malcolm The Dalles. Joint Senators J. X. Williamson, of Crook; T. H. Johnston, of Wasco; V. V. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint RepresentativesA. S. Huberts, of Waeco; R. A.Emmett.of KlaniHth; George Miller, of Gilliam; George Cattanach, of Grant; Genrce A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. ff. McGreer, of Waeco. District Attorney Frank The Dalles. Menefee, of COUNTY TICKET. S. Blowers, of Hood A. Kirchhemer, of County Judge A. River. Commissioner P. Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. L. Lake, of Wamie. Treasurer C. L. Fliillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, of The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timotbv Brownhill went. Anil right royally did Old Hickory play the despot; passing laws which it took mi net of congress to repeal; sitting in judgment upon tho trnnsgrcssois of these laws; citing before him even n federal judge for this cause, trod executing punishment upon their tniusgressors ; thus exer cising in his own blessed, Democratic pci son the functions of a legislature, judiciary, and executive nil in one. And all this, matk you, not over a horde of half civilized mongrels, but over a colony of Spanish, French and English, besides a number of Ameri can settlements. Of course it makes all the differ ence in the world whether a "des potism" has been established by n Jefferson Democrat or a McKinley Republican, for the party of Jeffer son and Jackson for fifty years did with impunity what is now denounced as tyrranous and imperialistic in the party of Lincoln nnd Graut and Mc Kinley; yet one cannot help but feel that in the presence of some of the facts of Democratic history nothing is so becoming in a Democrat as the grace of silence. A BIT OF HISTORY. "When the Times-Mountaineer as serts that congress has established a despotism in Porto Rico it means by that term a tyrrany, else all it says on the subject is harmless thunder; for even his favorite Webster might have taught our contemporary that a despotic government may be benefi cent and that absolutism is not neces sarily tyrranous. But this only by way of preface, and as introductorj to a little bit of American history. It will relate solely to the doings of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jack son, and will be brief and to the point. May it be a means of grace to our Democratic brother! Thomas Jefferson drafted the declaration of independence and thought so much of it that he directed his executors to moke the fact his epitaph. He probably had as much respect for the constitution as the editor of the Times-Mountaineer, yet the govern ment which he established for the territory of Louisiana had every clement which the latter gentleman denounces as n despotism in l'orto Rico, and some to spare! The act of October 31, 1803, passed by con gress and signed by Jefferson, vested "All military, civil and judicial powers in such person or persons, and to be exercised in such manner as the president of the United States should direct." Now if the act signed by William McKinley, vesting the government of tho island in a governor, an ex ecutive council, two houses of legis lature and about a score of other executive and judicial ofllccrs, was a despotism, meaning always by that term a tyrrany, what was the act signed by Thomas Jefferson? The Times-Mouutuinccr need not answer this question at once. It will keep. Sixteen years after this Jeffeison "despotism" had been established in the territory of Louisiana, Florida was acquired and Andrew Jackton was appointed its governor. Tho act under which ho received his ap pointment again "Vested nil civil, military and judicial powers in such person or pemons, and to bo exercised in sucb nanner as tho president of the United States shall direct." Here again there was not even the Here are words true as proofs from holy writ. Says the Oregonian : Every man that votes the Fusion ticket June 4th votes to tie a mill stone about the neck of Oregon in dustry, to throttle trnns-Pacific trade, to continue the subservience of this coast to the influences that have hitherto held back its progress. Every man i; t votes the Fusion ticket Juno -i li votes to kill business in every Pa-'i'io Coa3t city and sad dle hardship mi the children he will leave behind him. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'nntliiR, Ovcrcoatln-or Kiinc VesllnR. Kindly cull mid examine my stock of Im ported nnd 1) ucsllc Woolens. A line stock to select from. , ... Suits nindufromtho lowest prices to ihe lilgli est grade. J. A. Eberle Flno Tailoring. Tllli DAM.K-i UliHOON. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street Complete Cipe of Dm 8 at M. Z. DONNELL, THEaDnUOGIST. TApiyAT rAptr r-.; i - ' ' , REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTOHIA NAY, COMPAQ: Htciimcr of Hit, HcKiiliitor Mm, tllll ' inwlrnt ndicdutu, thu Company imurvlnr lliu ni.t . r'0' nrliuttilo without notice. "m to funnl it i M I liliil MM L. Lane, (ii:KKi:.t. Notice. Notice is hereby civon that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden Eagle Mining Com pany at the office of Trench & Co., bankers, on Thursday, May 31, 1900, at 7 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of elect ing seven directors and transacting euch other business as may properly come be fore eaid meeting. By order of the president. J. C. HosTETLEit, Secy, anil Treas. The Dalles, Apl. 27, 1900. a27-td Wm, J. Landers, resident manager of the Lion and Imperial Fire Insurance Companies, wishes to announce to the patrons of these companies that owing to the sickness of Mr. C. E. Hayard and the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gourlay, their former agents, the agency for both companies for The Dalles and vicinity has been placed in tho hands of Mr. Timothy Brownhill. Any business given to Mr. Brownhill will receive prompt attention and will be appreciated by the companies. Office in C. K. Bay ard's old stand. No. 83 Washington sheet, The Dalles, Oregon. alG-lm Special reeerve old government whis key, recognized by the highest medical authority in the land; especially recom mended by the board of health of San Francisco for hospital use, aUo A. P. O'Brien, M. D., captain and surgeon, and Wm, I). McCarthy, major and sur geon U. S. army, as the purest unadul terated stimulant for convaleecen's, in valids'and family use. Sold bv Charles Stubliug. apl20-dlm Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any caso of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley & Houghton DruggiEte. To eecure the original witch haze! salve, ask fur DeWitt'e Witch Htzel Salve, well known as a certain euro for piles and ekindieeaeec. Beware of worth less counterfeits. They aro dangerous. The Dalles Coiwciaion House will keep fresh milk at all times on band and deliver it anywhere in the city at the following prices: One quart, $2 per month: three pints, $3; two quarts, fl ; three quarts $5.50; cream 20 cents per pint. Fresh butter every day. 18i-lm ICtfC For Mule. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Keck eggs, per setting $1.00 and $1.50. For particulars call on or address, SANDKIIH IlltOH. Box 017. Tho Dalles, Or. Ute Clarke & Falk's quinine iiair tonic to keep dandruff from tho head, Bicycles rented and repaired at Mays dc Crowe's. a30-4t mmum BlaeKsmith ...AND... Horsesnoa i '2 3 Str. nuitulntor. nines. ff, l.v. Diillcu at S .. it. TneMlay . Thu inlay . . Katiirday. . . Air. I'm Hand !, at a v. m. nr. I.V. I'oitl.ind at 7 A. M. Monday Wedni'Mlay . I'rlilay Arr, Pillion it n::x r. m. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnllea city, llltU'V Ia:. Dal UtH A, li, Monday Wrdni'Mtny 1'rlday.. Arr. l'nrllaiu'l it li l'. M. t 7.00 juM Tuttd,,,! Thnmi,, I at 5:30,1 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 5 Travel by 'Hie HtomncrH of tho Hcinilator l.lnv. Thii Company will emlonvnr to bItaii... i 6 runs llio best lurvlcti possible, l'or ftullicr Information iidilrcM K1 0 put-J , Portland Olllce, Oak Htreot Doc!;. W. C. ALLAWAY, don. At. , PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. tLL ONE FOR A DOSE. Itemnro Pimplen. Priyent nfr the Blood, A mortrarnt of tho lnwl cch d.ty it ntoi'isiry fnr health. Tiler neither sripo nor icV.-n. Trcn Hnrina. wlll mill imrapln free, or ful! hot for lis. bold L druMHU, UK. 5QSANK0 CO. Phila. Pa. T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICK OF THE PEACE. Notary Public. Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. C. E. Hayard'a of fice, Tho Dallo?, Orciron. jjis. i:. i:. rtiituusiiN, Physician and Surgeon, OiUcv, Vot;t lllock (over l'ostofllcc), 20.i)linod(V TIIK lUI.I.Krf, OliKdOX. NOTICE I-OI PUBLICATION. Land Office at Thk Iali.e, Oiikooxj .March IV, UDO.J Notice U hereby Elvcn that tin- foIIowIiiK named t-cltler hat llle-l notice of Ills Intention to nmke llnal proof In uiiorti)f his cluttn, and tint suld iin)f will bv nmde beforo the rt'!?lter and rittlvvr at The DjIIcj, Oregon, on Saturday May.', iw), viz.: lleitirich Lubliini:,of The I).ilk'S,0r., If. K. No. 17.3, for thy SU', n'clion 17, town thiii 1 north, ruiiKU 1- east, V. il. IfonnineK tho followlnc ttitne-ses to prove hU conllmious reiidencu upon, nnd cultivation of land, viz.: John i-temnn, Henry I!lddll, Mlriiutl Doyle, Charles Illhnert, all of The IMIIps, Oregon. I AY T. I.IHUS. mar.'l-ll Keijlsler, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale. Land Offick at Tim Dalles. Okkcok j Apr. 1C, VM. I Notice In hereby slven that In pniMiance of Initnictions fioni tbe coin cautioner of thu gen eral lund olllce, under authority vctcd In him by fectlon 'Jl.Vi U. ,S, Hdv. Ktat., in amended by thouct of coiiKresH approveil Kebruary au, 18'j.j, ti will proceed tooll'er.'at publlu sale on Mon day, tho Sfith day of May next, at tlm hour olio o'clock, o. in., at UiIm otllce, Ihu followlni; tract of land, to-wlf NWJi NK Sec. 'ii, T. I N. II. 12 K V. M. Any and oil jh-tmiiis cIiiIidIuk the above-dei-crlbed IandH arc advUeii to U thIr clultiihln thlsollicoon or before tho day abovo ileblKiinterl for thocominenceuient of mid sale, otherwho their ttU will as forfelt-d. JAY 1'. LUCAS, HcRhter, aprl8 l OTIS I'ATrilKHON, Iteceiver. !. Wagon and Cnrrlnyo Work. Fish Drothors' Wagon. Third aud Mciwii, Pboncn59 s Z ..gjias. mw- Butchers and Formeps ..Exchange.. ICecpion draiiKht tho celebrated COl.UMlltA HKKK, ncknow: tii(?eil the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual ptlce. Come In, try It and be convinced. Aim the Klnekt brand of Wincx, Minor nnd ClKurs. Sanduuiehcs of nil Kinds always on hand. Important Announcement to you. .... , , ..ii , ...m ..n l for .) uayfl nunr ivpru i nni ami nil the Dry Cioods, Clothiui;, BooIh and !.SIioe, Ilojlury, BliuiltetH, Iliitb and Caps, on u cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now If your opportunity to bar gains. Don't mi'is It. S. L. BROOKS, HuccesHor to E. J. Colliim & Co. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm m C. F. Stephens Clark & Fnlk'e drug freeb and complete, utock in new a wiitwn 8 HDNTINOTOH HUNTINQTON it WILSON. ATIOKNKYH AT LAW. MnblMM.or representative Htvern.0jicovnrtNt.ffi BAUJir 0REUJ NOriCE FOR PUBLICATION. J.iNX) Offick at Vancouvkii, Wakh ,) , , , , March 'Jl, who. Nollco la hereby Riven that (ho lollowlnx niirned eettler has llltd notice of Ills Intention to make llnal troof in tupnort of Ms claim, nnd that h ild nnxjf will bo inudu beforo W. 15. 1'resby, Unlltd States (.'otmnliivloner for DHtrlet of WiislilnRton.athlHollleo In Uoldvndale, Wali on Monday, ilny 7, lt0, Vi.: John G. McDonald, If. K. No. rtiss for the northeafct (tiarter H-ctlon o, toiviiislilp 3 north, miiku M osnt, W. M, lloiiuiae.4 tfio folImvlliL' wltnn k.s miinivn lili. ' COOtillllfitlii ri..frli.Mfi. n. (i ,.,.,1 ,.,, i tald land, viz: Hamuel I.. C'oiirtne;, Ilany I'eiinlnRlnn, I'.ll (, copelanil, of llartlaiid l'. l) Until,; and .Nelton II. llrooks, cf tiolUendalo .Viikh. .. U'. Jt. DUNIlAIt, !""' ' KeUler. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. La.vd Offick at Wami,,) A pl II 1X1, l'.KKi. J Notice Ik hereby plvtn that the follfHlni; iiained t-ettUr litis lllid nidlcoof hln Inlen lion lo tuako llnal .proof In Minpoit of bin claim, and that mid pioof will be inailu btforo U . II, I'rekby, Unlliil atutoi Commlntloner for Dhtiictof Uiithlniton, at hU o'ilce In Uoldeu dale, W'luh.. on Krlday, Juno SW, MOO, vln; Deitrlch II. Stfguinn, devisee o( Dietrich Stimuli, iltceHseil ; Koineilead Kntry No. H71C, for the fcoullmotl If of Ktctlon a, totvimhlp anorlhof runyu 1 1 t-ut, U 111. H"54 lio iu, IHtho lollMivliiK wtnehm to prove hU conllnuodn rtisldeiice upon iid eultlvailon of aid land, viz: Monucl S. Leonardo, of drawl rllH l. o JjMh.S Urmu Kuelkv, William Wllkliikon, of Centervlllo V. O., Wli., and William Cniword of Uraud IMllen t. 0 U tih. ' W. It, miNIIAIt, nj2-J llegUtif. ...Donlor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots, Shoeii. Hats, Caps, Nollons. Arj. .for W. I. UourIuh rilioc. M2SS-? The Dalles, Or, Just What You want. El i race iviahhh Jesiqmo COPVniQHTB &C. Anyonn ctiilli!ir n utictrli nnd ilccrlpllon m' .npiiicr n rinlrUIr nii'crinlii our opinion treo ' iiivnntlrm H nroliablv oatentah u. tlonnlrlcllycoiiiMfiilliil llniiilbonkon I'alvnlt rimiiininlc lent Inn. lllitcit uueiii-y for .ccnritii iidtpiiti. l'.UPi.tfi taken lliroucli Jluini Co. reeelvk lyttltit tiollrr, nlthout clnmro. Initio Scientific Jlmericam A Imiiilnoncl Hhi'tnlcd weolilr Jjirircit fir. of nny h lent tUi loiirnal. 'I'ermi. t:i n riMir: f.inr months, $1. lold byall iiutTKilcaleM. MUNN&Co.30'CfMd- New York Uruncli tinlcu. IBS V H. , Waililuton. 1). (' rff " IV ?sV New ideas in Wall Paper horo. Such wide vaile.y ri wo areehowingnovor bo oro graced u uw,tt gt0ck. Jtenl ludtn. tion crelon eiiecte at ordinary prices. Good papoin at cheap puPr prlcee. Elegant deeigiiH, tasteful coloringB vourH for n amal price, at our store on Third street. Also a full li0 0f house palntB. D. W. VAUSE. Third St, J.JA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Offlc9 orer YjvjK r :o.'h Dank 'lUKDALVlrCVifinN We Put... uvory bit of twonty years cxiiorionco and drug knowlodgo with every Prescription that's compounded hore. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if wo aro reliable BLRKELEY & HOUGHTOH. lieliablo Prescrijitionists C. S. Smith. Tin-: iJp-to-date Qroeei Fresh EggH nnd Creamery llutter a specialty. 2d Street. J. H. HCIIKNK, l'roldeiit. 'Phone 270 ll.M.Biu, Cufcfc First national Bank, THE DALLES - - - ORECW A General Dunking Business trusutii Dapcglts received, subject to Elgbt Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt!; remitted on duv of collection, Hight nnd Telegraphic Exchange eotfti New York, Ban Franciuco and "orl land. DIKKOTOKS D. P. TllOMl'HON. J NO. H. SCHHCt El). M. WlLLIAMH, GkO. A, LlIM. II M. IlKAI.I.. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & Laueblin. 'Phone 167 Mica 'Axle Crease helps the team. Saves wcarcd c.ciihc. hold everywucrc. HAIIIS nr STANDARD OIL 00. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. rUANBACT A KSKItAI.UANKINO BDklW Letters of Credit Issued available la Eastern States. . Biuht Exohanico and TelWI. Translers sold on New "orkitBic Kt. toniB, Ban Francisco, IrtlJidO Hon. Seattle Wash,, and vaiioni pew in Oregon anil Washington. Collections made at 1 polnUoaw. orahle tirins. tub Columbia paM PACKERS OF j PORKandBEEF MANDrAirroiiKBHOl' Fins Lard and SinW Gursrsof Tfclr BRHD HAMS & BAOOH .kTJii.'.n it KICK. UTO. CtircBlmpotency.NlKhtEm waHtlnR diseases, all rtftft rcHtorcfi the M L ,1 KIrtfruOv lor Wtf.oo; witii u ton nura or roniUUW" . NERVITA MEDlCjlg', Kuhscrlbo for Thk Chuoniok, Ofllceovei UritNut. w