3 h Ditties VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. MAT 4, 1900. N O. 225 RUMOR OF FENIAN INVASION Unusual Activity in Canadian Circles. Militia Dhtkoit, Mny 3. Local pnporB today nrint the following: iviiiilflur. Onl.. May 3. Colonel Holmt'H, commanding officer of No. military district, Iibb received InBtrtic lloiifl frmn Ottawa to have tlio Twenty- first KiHcx Fusiliers, Seventh London Fusiliers, the Twenty-sixth Middlesex, Twenty-seventh Latnbton and Twenty ii. i. i.M..:. It.. tnllnnn rnnriv fn mnrnli nt mill ii'tii" ..-.." - -j - iwn hours' notice. This step hue been deonit'tl advisable by the military de p.utnii'iit owing to information that bands of Fenians intend invad ing Canada at eonit' point along the river St. Clulr or Detroit river, for the purpose of destroy inu Eome of tlio railway lines. Ar raiiRoini'iitB have been bo far completed ilmt the battalion it) preparing for tnnrcluiiL' ordure at any time. Local military authorities claim an invasion is not feared, but that the battalions ruined will bu mobilised at pomo point .... it... ftti I lit, tnw t nntina nvuntioiintilv " Kill U1U IIUIIIIUI IUI . ,ui uaaij Ottawa, Ontario, May 3. Hon. Dr. llonlun, Minister of Militia, eaul tonight, in regard to the diapatch from Windsor Station, that Colonel Holmes received from Ottawa instructions to have tlio military ready to march at two hours notice to repel a Fenian invasion, that there was nut n word of truth in it. Colonel Holmes had apparently been carrying out some tactical scheme, of n'hifli (ii'iii'riil II 1 1 in was the father, and )r. ltonleu has demanded an explana tion (roin Colonel Holmes of the renorts lif t 1 XT ,.! ! n iu eu conceriimiz mm. nullum: in MIHImm (11 veil Away. It it) certainly gratifying to tlio public Hill I Itirillll III lilt LTHIlIf rilllM 111 I. Ill iicuu v ii mi HiiuiiriiiLr. a i its uruunuLui a ot m. Kinu'a JNow Discovery lor con- i i mi. cmii' iR und no uis. navo ctven u'otxuuiK inn mi inn inni iitirina ew una mil rtr t t irtur i nrv it una nnuiniiuiu nnruri iiim rnrniii niinar ami iiirifva nru unruiu ItrmiiUurt Tnkeu. London, Muy 4. It ia announced that lift Itritluli linnn nm.lllMAfl II fO w1 tf pines since his return to the United Statee. He thus Illustrated his views: "If my son should come to me Bnd Bay ho proposed to marry a young Creole woman with ooven children I would call him a great big ass. But if he came to me and Baid he had already contracted such a marriage I would still try to sus tain intimate relations with him. "No, gentlemen, what we have dono has established just such a relation as that, and it would be a source of nation -i. .., .. i mnriiucauon u wo gave up our re BponsIbilit.es because wo find them diflicult." Caught a Dreadful Cold. Marion Jvooke, manager for T. M Thompson, a large importer ol fine mil linery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi cago, pays: "During the lato severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which Kepi me awaKe at nignt ana made me unfit to attend my work during the day One of my milliners was takinc Cham nenains uougn Kemedy lor a severe cold at that time, which seemed to re lieve her bo quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I 1 . T oegan 10 improve rrt once. 1 am now entirely well nnd feel veiy pleased to a& knowledge its merits." For Bale by Blakelev & Houghton. THE INSURGENTS ARE HOPEFUL HitANiH OitT, Thuraday, May Ii, Horn- B3L iiim I'Miiiiir f l vi f i i viiri urn ri iiiiiiiim J IIVIV VH1WIMHJ VwltD - - w w I'I'WOU VI V I II U HMVUI wvtiwmw llekdr'H nrtl Inrv liiwl a uhnrn mini with "".J U ItllOf UMU iIV " w v ii r nt ii.iiill. i 'J lui Iti Mt Humeri y tor Itlieiiinatlini. IJlUUK llKI.tBC I'llOM 1'AIN. All who use Chamberlain Pain Balm UIUK mini frnni nuln wliiiMi It. iifloi'rie. m 'nun HicuKing oi una wr. u, ss, oinKH, - vmiiij, cityc; ' ouiuu tiuiu ugu hi i n n..it.k .ii i- . 4 : . .. ' llbVltfW Ul I IIUUII1HVIOIII v Hit .....1 ...... HDUUiUUll X IlltU IUHIIUVUU emudies, but got no relief until I was teoiuniuiided by Messrs. Geo. F. Par ofl & Co., druggistB of this place, to fy Cliainborlain'a Pain Balm. They ewiniiienned it ao highly that I bought Dottle, J wu8 noon relieved of all vain, have fllnuo recommended this linl- UI1L If) 111 ft tin -,f f-Ijtwlfl niliiA irfik :u biinv it in iiiv ucoi iuiuttuj iui lllDillll..U I- At .. It "iu ny tiukoley & Houghton. IlKMpon.ibllUy a Great One. Nkh-Yoiik, May 3. Biahop Potter, Peaking last night at the Annual dinner hiu rtuw xork Coinmanoory oi me lllll.lv.f 1 .1 r 1 T , I j ruur oi me xoyni Jvgiou oi o United States nt Delmonlco'a, aold Ids mind had not undergono any uitl change concoining the Philip Porto ICIciinn Am M'uklnf Up. Sax Juan, Porto Kico, April 25. (Cor respondence of tlio Associated Press.) The merchants, planters, farmers all men engaged in Porto Itican industries who have been withholding operations pending congressional action, are now ready to invade the commercial field and Hhiploads of sugar and tobacco will soon be dispatched to the United States It 18 interesting to note, in tills con nection, that the retail price of cigars will probably soon be raised, tlio retail dealers claiming that this step will be necessary on account of the large ship meiitB to the United Statee. Three steamers leaving bore within the next few daye will carry over 0000 tons of eugar and about 1500 bales of tobacco. Untarrh Uaunot bu Cured with local applications, as they cannot reacli the Beat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must tako inter nal remedies. Ilalra Catarrh (Jure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucouB surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces auch wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CiiKNKY & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Dead In the Senate. Washington, May 3.The senate will not abandon its amendment to the Hay Pauncefote treaty, and the Hepburn amendments to tho Nicaragua Canal treaty are considered practically in line with tho treaty. Tho caual bill will not paes tho eenate, however, because the amended treaty is not satisfactory to the parties negotiating it, nor is tho bill in its present form satisfactory to tho ad ministration. The Walker Commission report, to be submitted later, will serve as a pretext to put over the canal bill, although the treaty is the important element. Don't let your old worn out machinery llo In tlio fence corner any longer. Take it to Fletcher Faulkner, The Dalles junk dealer, and got the cash for it. Highest cbbIi price paid for cast aua wrougnt iron, rubber boots and shoos, bicycle tires, etc., brass, copper, zinc, lead, nowtor. old woolen rags, beer bottles and flasks, horse maneB and tails, and bones of nil doaciiptions. Price paid tor caBt iron, -10 conta per 100 lbs. One door west of J. H. Woraley'a, Second St., Tho DnlleaL i24-lino. OU TriiHt Katie Wage. Nkw Youk, May 3. Tho World to morrow will print the following: "Twenty-five thousand men employed by the Standard Oil Company as median ice nnd laborers all over the country have had their wages ralaod 10 per cent. The advance will not affect clerka." Subaorlbefor Tho Chroniolo. Adopt Boer Tactics and Will Operate in Mounted Guerilla Bands of an Hundred Expect to Tax Inhabitants Washington, May 3. Recent mail advices to the war department from the Philippines indicate that the latest plan of the insurgents is to organize into mounted bands of 100 and harass the American forces wherever possible. These bands will be scattered through out the islands and will be in daily com munication with each other as far ae possible by means of scouts, who will carry the orders to govern concerted movements, and all information con cerning retreats, reinforcements, etc. According to the Liberal, the organ of the Filipinos, a complete plan of mili tary strategy will be drawn up "as a' result of which the Americans will soon suffer." It is reported that a strong insurgent camp is being organized in the Zambe lea Mountains, and ihat nearly all the towns of the provinced, whether occu pied by Americans or not, continue to pay taxes lor the sustenance of the Fili pinos in arms and the prosecution of the struggle. ltruv Men Full Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feel ing. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says: "Electric Bittera are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3 LATEST IN TRIMMINGS. Taaaela of Fine Silk nnd Mini) lint ton Arc Anions the w KcntnrcH or annua. l'leadedthe Brlton'H Cause. Cijicago, May 3. Bishop Hartzell pleaded the cane of the Briton in the Transvaal tonight before an audience that almost filled tho auditorium. He spoke from impressions gained by personal observations in South Africa ; from personal acquaintance with Presi dent Kruger and from close study of lawa and administration of laws by the gov ernment. Bishop Hartzell made his argu ment in behalf of the English. The aud ience was pro-British in its sympathies. Working Night auil Duy The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listleesnesB into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per bor. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. 3 EuKluud la Aiked to Uxiilnlu. London, May 3. It has been learned by a representative of the Associated Press that United States Ambassador Choate has asked Lord Salisbury for an explanation ns to the alleged abuse of international right in the case of the American ship Sea Witch, which, ac- ording to atatemeut of her commander, Captain LHowe, was boarded by the Britsh war shlo Wasp, within the three- mile limit of Portuguese territory, in East Africa. GOING EAST. If you intend to take a trip East, ask .. . . . . . mi our tlCKer, agent to rouie you via uc Great WabaBh, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to JNew xorK nd New England points. All trains T? .ll- .1 , . t ......... 1 . run via Niagara ruins uu,cycij tuiuugu train lias free reclining chair care, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at rsi- agara Falls. Ross O. Cmne, l aciuu vjubov i not, afi,, Los Angeles, Calif. O. S. Ckane, O. P. A., St. LouIb, Mo. M. B.. Smith, Butternut, Mich., aaye, DeWltt'A.i 'at thliarly Rlsere are the very iieat pille I ever used for coatlveneaa, ver and bowol troubles." Much of the effect from small tas sels as dress trimmings depends upon their hcing heavy enough to vibrate from their own weight. A tnssel of fine silk hns not body enough to do this. Hence the knowing choose such ornaments when made from heavy silk cord. There will be a number of new garnitures in the way of embroid eries, nnd buttons will also be ' ex tremely popular. Skirts nre being trimmed with two rows of buttons down the front. The two rows extend directly down the middle of the front, nnd for this pur pose smnll bui verj expensive but tons nre employed. They are of gold, beautifully set with mock gems of blue and red nnd green to imitate tur quoise, the emerald nnd the ruby. Somt of these buttons cost five dol lars each, and frequently two dollars each. Foulards nre going to be more pop ular than even Inst season. Blue has hitherto been the chief favorite, but now all colors are distinctly in vogue, j Ulues will, however, retain much of their former favor and will appear with white embellishments. Ulnck nnd white, with a touch of color, will also be much worn. I Beiges and light browns will have a! great rage for street wear in spring, i Indeed, brown is coming conspicuous- i jy into style. The bronze or green-j isli brown is the newest of all nnd the most effective. Washington Star. Jissue dejoi.... Sold exclusively at this store. j-laue You $eer) This newest, richest and most elegant of all fine wash fabrics? TISSUE DE SOI is com posed of Silk and Cotton an even degree of each and has a beautiful lace stripe. por a fie SuTTer Uai5t We know of nothing quite as desirable. Colors are Pink, pale blue, royal blue, corn, white and black and they will wash ; 29 inches wide, per yard 75c leiis pil-ouer laes A beautiful line in white and butter color. Have a yoke of this material in your next waist and note the effect. White 18 in. wide 63e, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.40 per yd. Butter color 18 in. wide per yd. $1.40 and $2.40. AVlifro Women Cnn Lcnrn from Men. Women when ill suffer more from the indiscretion and the over-atten-1 tiveness of friends than do men; they, are ill the more often, for one reason. Then, too men do not visit one an-1 other in sickness to much ns women ' do, not being fond, in fact, of the ' sick room in any capacity. See a man j call upon his nfllicted friend, nnd ten , to one his wife or other female mentor sent him, and that nt considerable outlay of rhetoric. Herein a man shows at once his wisdom and his self ishness. Common sense and observa tion, if not nctui'l painful experience, 1 have taught him that a man siek is like a wounded animsJ, which drags j itself to some quiet, sequestered spot ( T.o me or 10 enuuie iwuiie; jiu wains onlyhisfamilynbouthiin,pnd he wants them to be unoflicious. He knows, too, that n sick man is not entertuin ing; and, as for stopping n whole aft ernoon to gossip with any other vis itors who might drop in, the idea is preposterous; the siek man would never permit it, anyway. Bland Brunner Huddleston, in Woman'! Ilome Companion. Tu;r(ir75 apd Embroideries. 18 inch Nainsook Tuckings per yard 50c and SOe 19 inch Hemstitched Tucking per yard 50c 22-inch Tucking with alternate rows of vol. insertion per yard $1.50 19-inch All-over Swiss Embroiderv per vard ." $1.15 22-inch " " " ' "" $1 .25, $1.40 and $2.40 Cosmopolitan Patterns and Fashion Plates for June are in. Any pattern, 10c. Plates Free. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ageir rthe Greate American Liquor Lobnter Salad. Take two lobsters, three fresh eggs, half a pint of salad oil, half a pint of vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of made mustard, cayenne pepper and salt, three lettuces, n sprig of mint nnd a boiled beet. To make the dressing, beat the eggs well and gradually mix them with the salad oil. Beat in about half a pint of made mus tard, cayenne pepper and salt. Wash three fine white lettuces and drain them; then cut them up with the meat of the lobsters, adding the mint. Tnke n deep dish, mix all the. ingredi ents together and pour them into the middle of the bowl, heaped up. Then pour in the dressing, so that it may moisten all thoroughly and collect in the sides of the dish. Lay slie.es of hard boiled eggs nround the edge of the dish, with one egg cut in two for the center of the salad. Slice the beet and lay slices of it across the salad. Wash ington Star. For the Complexion. One hears of so many girls who com plain of thick or spotty complexions, and in nine eases out of ten tho trouble is quite easily removed. The very latest cure and quite the simplest one to follow, is to wash the face with parsley water, says a recent authority. Jt is dene in this way. Tnke half a pint of rain water and soak it in a large bunch of parsley, letting it remain in the water nil night. In the morning rub the face well with dry towel, then dip your sponge in the parsley water nnd pass it over your face, allowing it to dry on. Do this three times daily, and lit the end of two weeks if you have persevered in the simple treatment you will be rewarded to see that there are no more spots or rougl pfs on your face. Many of the high priced complexion nostrums contain this sim ple remedy, which is ns inexpensive as It is effect mi!. Detroit Free Press. Yellowstone Sour WHISKEY from $2.75 to $0.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 yeara old.) Mash Whiskey. IMP0ETED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 yeara old.) You will not have bolls if you lako Olarke & Falk'e sure cure for boils. 0ALIF0BMIA BBAMDIES from $3.25 to 86.00 per gallon. (4 toll years old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEEB on draught, Imported Ale and Porter. and Val Blatz and Olympm Beer in bottles JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies GrandallS Burget UNDERTAKERS ri EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. CLEANLINESS is being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or pre vious condition of servitude. Remember we mako our custo mers glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paints. There is a finish and glojs to its work that is admired by all. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings Be sure and inspect our stock of Wall Paper Designs for lOOOon Display H. GLENN & CO. Washington Street, between Second and Third. Advertise in the Chronicle