1 IT.OI'l.i: YOU A I.I. KNOW. COLLEGE GIRLS' JOKE. Paul F. Mohr wont to Poitland on the, , Tlloy Kl,j0.,., ,, i,,mti nt ilir U- IU'IImo tif Tlii'lr (Mil volrou I'i-I- uioriiliiir I rain. J no. M. Koth, a prosperous Typh ltidiri firmer mill horseman, waa in town last uiutit. V. .1. Lauder, the well-known Suit Surinis piit'i'piuan, la rejilstereil at the "Umatilla House. L. 15 (ireshiuu, a staunch Republican fiom Kent, Sherman county, mailu tho CiiKUNict.K a pleasant visit toiiay. Ge-irue T. I'rather, chief justice of tho municipal court of Hood Uiver, was in town last night, tho uest of tho Uma tilla house. Tlte Wtirelor Ciiuuty Kent Plctit. A county seat fight can develop nioto of the native qualities of the unregener ate sons of Adam than any other thing we wot of. And tho fight now prevail ing over in Wheeler county, whose cen ter of operation is at Twickenham, on tlte banks of the raging John Day. is a cage in point rather than an exception. Our only apology for noticing the con tention is that, as will he seen by a letter published in another column, an effort has been made to drag corUlu .Dalles people into it who have no desire for that kind of notoriety. The Gilnian '.French Land & Live Stock Company protest against the use of their name to boom a county seat at Twickenham. They say, what is quite true, that Fos sil is one of the handsomest townsites in nil Eastern Oregon. The town has recently put in a gravity water system .at a cost of $12,000, bringing abundance of pure, cold water from a large neigh boring sprlnvr. The town is supplied with many of the modern comforts pe miliar to larger towns. It has large business houses, with abundance of cap ital. It has good hotels, excellent graded schools and abundance of accom modation for courts and county offices. Good roads lead to it frora all directions, and it is the center of a large and in creasing agricultural population. Twickenham, on the other hand, is in the canyon of the John Day, where the iieat during long months in summer is almost unendurable. As a town it ex ists only in the imagination of a few local property owners. It has practic ally no houses, no population, no neigh 'boring population, and nothing under the etars to attract a population, or maintain it if it were there. Save for the patches of bottom lands, only capa ble of production by artificial irrigation, Iheurroundtiig country is a vast, broken .and mountainous cattle range and noth ing else. Twickenham as a town has no existence, rave in the hope-inspired vision of a few local property owners, -who would be benefited at the cost of ah tlte others, ai.d in a little subsidized newspaper, whose editor, for ten cents tnoro than he is getting for the work he Is doing now, would just as zealous ly fight for a county seat at Fossil or Mitchell or Hades, for that matter. Water, it is true, might be obtained by einktiig, and then it might not. At present there U none in sight to justify a town being built there, save what Hows past in the alkali-saturated and turgid John Day. And lastly, if by any fatuity of lunacy a county seat should be fixed at Twickenham, it will cost aough to build necessary roads to it to bankrupt the county. For tiiese and other good and suffi cient reasons the French-Gllman Com pany think it abject lunacy to talk of making Twickenham the county seat of any place under tlte sun. llruvn Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in lose of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feel ing. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says: "Electric Hitters are just the thing for a man when he is all xuti down, and don't care whether he lives or diee. It did moro to give me tiew strength and good appetite titan Httything I could take. I can now eat stnything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Ulakeley & Houghton's drugstore. Every bottle (iuaranteed. .'i YVorkluc NlKlit and Dity The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's Now Idfe Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated Iobule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlossness into energy, brain-fag into mental tower. They're wonderful in building up tho health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Ulakeley & Houghton. " 3 l.iu-HtutU-nl. A certain coeducational college has n ledge running just outside the girls' rooms on the fourth Hour, connecting with the windows. This ledge the girls used for going from room to room for midnight feasts. In the day time it was in plain night of the cam pus. One afternoon a party of col lege men coming across the campus saw four girls sitting on this ledge talking and laughing and eating ba nanas and cakes, and enjoying them selves generally. Suddenly there was a shriek. The men saw one girl slip and pitch headlong over the ledge. Tlte other girls, with terrified faees, rushed to the nearest windows. The men ran toward the body of the un fortunate girl. It had struck heavily anil lay perfectly still. With horror and pity they lifted the limp form. It was a seeond or two before they realized that the tumbled clothes were but fastened to an old stuffed mega phone, anil that, the whole thing was a huge joke before they saw the laughing faees at every window. Then then put the dejected dressed-up megaphone down roughly, pulled their hiits over their eyes and went away, penl after peal of laughter going after them. Ladies Home Journal. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mileshurg, a., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and eoro throat One Minute Cough Cure Is unequalcd. It is pleasant for childien to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothera." It is tho only jiarnilesfl remedy that produces iin mediate reeults. It cures bronchitis, jineumonia, grippe and throat anil lung lieeaees, It will prevent consumption Clarke & Falk have received a carload of. the celebrated James E. I'atton strictly pure liquid paints Million Ulvcii Anny. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering, Tito proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfac tion of knowing it lias absolutely cured thousands of, hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Ulakeley & Hough ton, Druggists, and get a free trial bot'le. Regular size 50c. and $1. Every battle guaranteed, or price refunded. 3 The Heat Memeily fur ItlioiiniatUtn. QUICK IlELIEK FKOM VAIN. All who use Chamberlain Pain Halm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I had a seve attack of rheumatism in my arm and shoulder, i tried numerous remedies, but got no relief until I was recommended by Messrs. Ged. F. Par sons & Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recommenned it so highly that I bought a bottle. was won relieved of all pain. I have since recommended this lini ment to many of my friends, who agree with me that it is the best remedy for muscular rheumatism in the market. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton. Catarrh Cannot lie Cured with local applications, as tiiey cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies, liairs uatarrn uure ih taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifieis, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. ' Hall's Family Pilis are the best. 12 Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, 1583 of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences. of impure blood. lo matter how it became so it must bo purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic polfons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Iteii Hot From (lie Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. fiteadman of Newark, Mich., in tho Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for twenty yeare. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cured him. It cures cuts, bruises, burns bolls, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Host pile euro on earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Hough-1 ton, druggists. 3 " . mtm w 1 Ida i 7... i'iu'EmmiMMBtai.i ." ; ii ill : DKI-AUT TIMK MIllKtUir.K. ( Altir.VIt fc I i jS nm I'luiM D.W.I.K. Kiiom. j:t I I yyt. I ; " i-1-1 1 ! f ( ' 1 Vast Salt 1.11k., Deliver, I't. Kn-t ,:H i P ' .Mull Worth, (intuitu, Kim- Milt in. i ' - m UM0 i.ni. mi.h (itv, ki. 1.011K la.-im p nt tfc 1 , - - - - 1 j A A " '. " A I BiHtknuo Wnllii Wiilln, Hpokimo, Hpokitiio !3pi j i; f , Mall Mlnmvipollx. St. I'ntil, Mull "t E i r ( - I anil iMiltttli, Mllwiinkit', mid iifc 1 T g Kxiirens Clitr-atro niul Kasl. via K.xiross at - m Kpokanoak.l IIiilithiK' i3p i ! ' f. ton; aim all points In Sr I I r rA 1 10:10 11. in. WmliltiKlnn ami Hast- t:l. m 'I h i i ' f. 1 ' I ill .'Xas 1 erti OtfK.in. ap i X ; - 1 . ! The Th i 8,..nt. - M-.m. ! ; A . Do. I i J) ? I Chtroniele, ' I For Pan Francisco ,3t lit 5 AVtll-.'T.Mny.-.T.l'J. .31. , T J S ' fs . fp Job Pmnteps. 1 8 p. nt. Ii. nt. 3H i il Kx.Bitn.lay Colitnililn Uv. Htpamcrn. Kx.Hittnlaj at 1 l3 To Ahtukia anil Way 3r r il 1 Satunlny Un.llliK. , f fi , . .,, 3 . 10,::m- 1 I. ? I , ; " i 'Si, , i I ' : r I HI . I I an1 I ! il 131 ii at i . i x 1 3 in I ' 1 at 1 v i v i l:M)p. in. M 1 I 1 Mon. Will 3?. r r 1 an.l Frl.lay & A f i -- - fju f f j, i J N:Win. in. h-r 1 LOCALS. Clark it Falk aru nuvor closed Sunday Don't forget this. Clarke & Falk have on salu a full linu of palut and artist's brushes. A full iiiui nt Eastman films ami sup plies just received by Clarke it Falk. Clarku cc Falk's ll.tvoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your lioueo witli paints that tiro fully guaranteed to last. Clarke it Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska com at thu Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. nich'Jfi-lt DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo is un equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is tho original Witch Hazel Salvo. Beware of all counterfeits. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.60 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark it Falk, agents. ntI7 Lowis Ackertnan, Goshen, Ind., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and nover gripe." They gently cleanse and invigorate tho bowels and liver. "1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend." says E. Hartgeiink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Cure lloiulHL'lii; Oitlckly. Baldwin's sparkling eflervescont Cel ery Soda. A harmless and cdeetive cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and -o cents. Sold by Clarke it Falk, druggists. janLM-tiw wiiuli In Your cr.ee kH. All countv warrants registered prior to Juno 15, 189(5, will bo paid at my oflice. Interest ceases after February. l!00. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. till. nt. i WlLLlMKTTK IltVKIl. 11.10 11. 111. Kx.btiiulaylOri'Koii City, Nowlii-n,, lix.Hiuiilay t-iilom Way Ijtiuro. 7a. m, WlLLMKTTK AND Yah- Tui'c'lliiir. ii ill Kivr.R.i. ami Sat. ' Oregon City, Dayton, iltlll HV.l JlllllllllfK. Oil. III. I WlLLAMltTTKUlVr.il. TiicTliiirJl'ortlaiiil (o Corviillls, anil sat. I.r Klpatlai .limy l.'JOu. m. anil Wiiy-l-inilliiKs Bnakk ItlVKtt. Illpnria to I-otvUtou I Sick Heaiiache absolutely and pernia nently cured by using Moki Tea. pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. "." cts. and oO cts Blakeley & Houghton Druggist?. King up Faulkner, the junk man, be fore hauling your trash to the beach He buys old worn out rubber boots and shoes, brass, copper, zinc, lead, sacks, rags, etc. Dalles 'phono No. 121-1. apr!21 lw Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "1 never fail to relieve my children ironi croup at once by usir.g (Jtie Annate Lough Lure. 1 would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. To Cum u Colli in Ouii Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lots. All druggists refund the money Be sure and exuiiiue our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying elso where, as we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for iuspec tion at H. Glenn & Co.'s. al7-lw FOR SALE. A farm of 120 acres, about SO acres ol which ib under cultivation, with a Hih young orchard of two acres in full bear. iug; abundance of living water and good frame dwelling and barn and other farm buildings. Twelve miles east of The Dalles and four miles east of Boyd post office. Fann will Imj sold, with or with out lite growing crop of about 80 acres Price without crop 1000, and terms very easy, as owner's health compels a change ui ciimaic. appiv m wa7-tf M. W. FnuKMA.v, Boyd, Or. I' or Malu A four-year-old Jersey cow that will he fresti in about two weeks. Warranted gentle and a good milker. Apply to 28ap:Uw W. IIasti.vhs. Boyd. Nolle. Livery stable for sale at Centerville, wasn., iuij per moiit t bus ness. W sell at a bargain. -'-ln A. B. GiiAiiAM. v. w. hnowles is now proprietor of tho Fifteen-Mile House and stables a Dufur, where ho is prepaied to accomo date tho traveling public in first class stylo. Good table, uood rooms, vnml beds and tho best of care for man and beast at reafonablo rates, m'2-Mmw Wm. Orr, Newark, O., save, "We never feel fafe without Ono Minute Cough Cure in tiie house. It eaved my little boy's life when ho had tho pneu monia. Wo think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich,, says, "DeWitt's Little Early Iilsers are the very heat pills I ever used for costlvenetis, iver and bowel troubles." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Haturp in atrenitheninr and recoil. JiniraS lmH8ifd digestive or fans. It is tho latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relievos and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Ffafulence, Bour Stomach. Nausea SlckHeadache,Gastralgla,(yrampsTnrj lthermultooflmperfectdlgesiion. Parties iIcMmui: to jro to llctmncr or limits on : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ii nutlii'm via IIIkkk, hIioiiM tako No. 1, leiivlne T in; Dalles nt l'.'MO . m. nmkliiL' illrtTt vonncctloiis at ileniincr litnotlon ami Biros. KuturnltiK inakliiK.lirwitconiifctloii at Ilcppiier liiiu'tlmi anil lUggx with No. 1, ar riving at uiu jinui's at vi.ji i. in. Kor lull tiartlculars rail nit (). It. A N. (.'.).' agent The Ditllui. or aililrtno W II. HLMlMlt'llT, (it'll I'H.i. Airt.. I'ortlaiiit. Or, SOUTH and EAST via Souinem Pacific Co. Shasta Route Train-, leave Tliu Dalles for l'orllanil anil way stations at I ii a. in. anil :i i. in. Wflsnn WflrnhniiRfi Rnmnanii J TTtn rl n n n Ttf nno sfi"i C!aasI f-nrin r . , . xic;a.u4 uax i oi o lux ucou vjti o.ijll oi ail Kinas. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot p 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s?t?ini TOY! M miT" l iiih rimir is mauuiuctured expressly wrumia iici: . ivui nituiv in u nil. iiulcl'ii lii l'ivm Mtiiirurim U'.IVU I'Ottlllllll " Albany , Arrive Aililaml . ... " hacram.:iito " San 1'rancisco s :n in ,r.'::w a in .12:31 a tn . 5:) t in . 7: Hp la Anlvc OkiIoii " Denver " Kansas City " (.'lileaito .... ft: IS n m . !.( a in 7 :!' a in V : I ) a in Arrive ls AiikvIcn . . . ' Kl 1'awi " Kort Worth . " City of Mexico . " Ilomton " .New Orleans .. " WmliliiKton " New York . 1 :V0 p m filW in . 0:.7)ain .. Ui'vl a in . I:ilaiii . Cr.'i'i a m .. 0:1.' a in ..rJ:Mpin 7.(l i in It). CO p in II.:X)n in I ;.T a in n.l.ia in 11 r. a in 'J.i 'la in 7.J.) n in J.;)H in 7 10 a in n mi p 111 i;.ji a in J Ma in 1 . 01 a in D:2'i p in li'L'a in 2' I.I p m l'llllmau ami Tourist earn on Ijoth trains. ClinlriarK f-uerainenlo to ()ilen nml Kl I'aw, an.! tourist cam to eiileajro, ht Louis, Nuiv Or leans an.l Washington. ConneelliiK at S-aii Francisco with mvcriil htouijiflili, lines for Honolulu, Julian, China, Philippines, Central ami !-oiitli Auietlea. See iigeut nt The D.tlle.s atallon, or wMrtm C. H. MARKHAM, (icneral I'motnxer AKCiit,,l'ottlanil1 Or Niniieiii Fiiiiii; Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DI.S'I.S'0 OAK ItoriK KJtOil I'OKTI.AND TO Till: IIAKT. TIIK ONLY DlltliOTI.INi: TO Till; Y1W.I.OW. H'lONU 1'AltK i.kvi:. No. Union Depot, nniiaaiisis Vutt riiall forTiiconiH, K'attle. Olyinpla.Oray'H llnrlir.r i.ti.l C.....I. i.... i "' '3UIUII oenii points, Mpokano, Itokn laii.l, II. V., I'lillniHii, ii. i' ! ,M',M'"w, UjhIsIoii, IluN 11. 1j A. M.ifalolluiiipiiilninKcoiiii l fry, Helena, Minneapo lis HI. I'aul, Omaliii, AltlllVK, Nil, I r.;.VI I', M. No. I. H-iiiciiko an.! all iiolntHl CM l anil niiilliiMivt ' No. 3. eaU anil hiiiIIiimivi I'l fl.t Sif.llt.,1 l,!MI,,Mto;.iteAtt J'lllliniin Irkt clasn nml tourln Mei'iM-m to wlliliSr'S'tt. ,,,ml l,w '""'- VfJKtf Itll IcmI friilnu II. tt i- . ..i v 5r'K. . '"loMlimtloi, of llckels, J r liaiiiUouiely llliuiiatislileKcrlpllvoi ii tier. cklH, .leepl.iK.car Ieiervatlo.lH( etc., call ,!!'; A. D. CHARLTON, AulUmit (ieiivral I'lmaetiKcr AkciiI, !tv, Murrlkim Hlieet, corner Thli.l, I'otin.uii; On!.ii. Romuinhflr tho Now York OurIi Sin. la eelliriK tha laluat thlim's In hi,ll' neckwear at thu lowest prlcec. Woo win low dlapUy. l i.i w Ue Clarke & Fulk'e nulnini hulr irw.i,, to keep (landrufriroin the heml, W.i buII our uooilo lower than any lintisu hi thu trade, and If von don't thinii can ami uci cur pricca ami ue convincou. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. and Motors MA.NUKACTUIIKD 1IY AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC CIrcularH and particulars furniflhed on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent iin'JO TIIK IJA1XKS, OKtuw $i.oo per month. Strictly iirat cliiHa local and lone dititanco telephone service within your homo. Linen do not cross-talk. Your con versation will hu kept a biuret. No coat for iiiHtullinK. Vou irnt the fitaiiditrd Iliiniiluu I.oiik Dlutitnt Instruiiient. Contiuiioiis day and nli;lit urvice. Wo will accept your contract fur ten ycarH and allow you to cancel name on Hiving ua thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC 8TATEB TELEPHONE COB. Subscribe for the Chronicle. AdvertiPifi in The OhTOB