The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 03, 1900, Image 3

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    "Get Thee
Behind Me;"
'Hint's whnt Uiib week mye to lust whnt Mnv
eiivh to April. It's n mighty good thing thut the
month jiiHt past did not luvvo much reputation to
lose, hh It will bo roniomboretl ohlolly for its own
.m.rlcloiiB weather nml OUH OWN (iUEAT I1AR
OA INS. IIorcloiKlB had hut ONE SILVER LIN
Now wo groot Muy on the Homeric principle:
"Welcome tho coining, a peed the parting guest;"
ninl an the mild oycd maid troopa over the eaatern
hill, wo ealtito her tlniHly :
For this Week. SdrK2i.I0Sr;
ngos from -1 to 14 19c
For this Week, gafg
lire slightly damaged, including soveral odd Bulta; ;
nil HizuBj just tho thing for rough wear.. ..79c each
For this Week. Si!5r,;
in tlio world to their discredit, eavo tlio absence of a
few important sizes; regular values range from $1.50
to.fllOO $1.35
For this Week.
For this Week. ffiiB.l'o
For this Week.
mjes 10 to 120 years
A quantity of YontW
Odd Lou;? TroiiBurH,
For this Week ai'sffitt
In lay in a stock of Hoys' Wearables at positively less
than iiiiinufaotururB' coat. No trouble to show goods.
Saturtfay s Special Sale
Every quality of Towels, from the lOo line up,
will bo included in this
Ooe Dag's Sale-Satumiiy Only
Wr Towels. f!c.
10c Pure Linen, 10x34 8'c
15c Linen Iluck, 15x30 'ic
17o " Crash, 17x35 isc
L'Oc " Huck, 18x30 He
25c " .Crnah, 18x40 2Io
25c " Pure Linen Knotted Fringe. .. 21c
35c " Plain Border Iluck, 18x42 28c
40c " Huck, hemstitched, 20x42 33c
All other Towels reduced in like proportion.
Not exclusively for bicycling but for all
summer suits.
COTTON coverts;?
The finish and colore of theeo poods Rre
mode to imitate of wool goods and are very
serviceable 15c and 20c
Plain striped or burred, one of tin best skirt
ings for wearing and washing qualities
12c, 15c, 20c and 25c
PIQUES, on account of their extra weight,
aro the favorites for Oregon weather. Plain
Cord Brocaded EH'ecte 20c to 35c per yard
We havo ready-made Skirts of Crash, Co
verts and Piques", plain or braided. . . ,25c to if.'!
Is the prevailing shape for Men's,
Women's and Children's Shoes.
We offer you this week the
real thing in
Men's brown willow calf,laco..$4.00
" black volour " " .. 4.00
" vici " " .. 3.00
" brown " " " .. :3.00
Ladies' brown or black kid,
lace, Queen Quality, specials 3.00
Ladies' kid, lace, cloth or kid
top 2.00
Ladies' kid, lace, patent leath-
' or tip and trimmed 1.75
Children's Rough Rider Shoes
aro also the Real Thing.
Misses' kid, button or lace,
1H- to 2's $2.00
Child's kid, button or lace,
84 to ll's,. 1.50
Special This Week!
Ladies kid, button, square or coin
toe $1.05.
All Coocin Marked
In Plain Figures.
wo vaura xaiiy viirumuic
Telephone No. 1.
'Ill I'USDA Y - - - MAY 3, 1000
At Andrew Keller's. I
A good bioydu for $''0 tit Mays &
Crnwo'e. :!')a-U
Sum) IVaso & Mays' straw hats latest
in style and heat in quality.
Tlio regular monthly meeting of tho
city council will bo held tonight.
Wanted A Kill to do generol house
work. Apply to Mrs. II. Kuck. 3 3t
A Nobagoknoo pants stretcher with
evory suit at Peaso & Mays.'
County court will meet next Monday.
County business will commence Wednes
day. Wanted A girl to do general house
work. Apply at tho residence of Mrs.
Hubert Mays. mil-lit
Lost An Klk charm. A liboral re
ward will hu paid for the return of tho
tamo to this ollice. 3m-3t
Don't forgot that Pease & Mays give
with evory suit u Nobagokneo pants
The Domocratic ticket of this county
li9 been completed by the acceptance
of .1. K. Mooro, of this city, of tho nomi
nation for district attorney.
The ladies of tho Christian church
will give n box social at tho Christian
church tomorrow iFridny) night. All
aro invited and u good time is promised.
Tho friends of O. E. Uayard will he
pleased to hear that he is receiving
great benefit from his trip to California,
nd that at last accounts his health was
inueh improved.
Two simple drunks woro arrested last
"Wit and discharged this morning nftor
they had been coin pulled to listen to a
protracted temperance lecturo from his
honor the recorder.
Hark, from the tomb a doleful sound,
A ho Lincoln Uuth mourn and tnin
"round. Why doth ho inoiui nud seem
' IMln? ltecauso of tlio fool party that
now bears his nnmo. l'laindealor.
The remains of tho lato Mrs. Nettio
Askew arrived hero on the noon passen
Kr. The funeral will lake place tomor
row at !1 o'clock p. m. from tho residence
f her father, Coroner Butte, on Klevent h
street. .
William K. CnrRnn. whII. known in
The Dalles as n innmtinr nl thn Into 11 r in J
' Clirlamun & Corson, was marriedl
"I'm .otu, uit at Lino Kook, Oregnn.U
vmisBueiimieedj Rev. H. O. Clark,
Tho home today, at the conclusion of
ftetormy debute, passed tho Nicaragua
cnal bill by the overwhelmingly vote of
225 to Ho. This is tho best piece of
news the Pacific coast has heard for
many a day.
Mrs. Emily K. Corsen, widow of the
late II. Corsen, a former well-known
resideut of Tlio Dalles, died at Lone
ltonk, Oregon, April 29th last, aged 70
The Albany is lying here awaiting
ordure. It is probable she will be used
to bring ties for tiie portage road from
various points on the river to a landing
below Three-Mile rapids. ,
Tho recorder issued a license today
to one 11. Good, to give an exhibition of
live snakes in this city. This ib no
newspaper joke, but a solemn, sober
fact" 15. Good's snakes are not of the
genus that are generated from the juice
of John Barleycorn. "w
"Cyclone" Davis arrived here on the
noou passenger from Portland and left,
aftur a hasty meal, for Dufur, where liu
was billed to speak at 3 p. in. Ho was
accompanied by Harry Liebe and John
Gavin. Tho "Cyclone" will vex tiie air
at thu Baldwin tonight. .
Tlio Austrian count, with the jw
breaking patronymic, who is known
here as plain Julius Fisher, lias bjught
out tho barber shop of H. I). Parkins,
and, renouncing tho trappings of nobil
ity, will honcoforth try to earn an lion-
1331 living iia A LUIIDUI llll lltHUH 1. I
The KeL'iih'.tor will atari tonight at V
o'clock for Hood River with a number
of local Odd Follows, who go there to
visit the Hood River lodge. Three can
didates wfll bo initiated and Louie
Comini will take down for that purpose
Old Billy, that Dalles poople used to
know so well before tho lire of '98.
"Billy" has been rusticating at Dufur
for over a year and came in on the stage
today with wool on hie back about a
foot long.
E. JacobBen, who has been in busi
ness hero for about eighteen years, sold
his controlling interest in tlio Jacobsen
Book & Music Company this week to
William Menofue and II. D. Parkins,
and luft for Portland today, where ho
will resume work for tho II. K. Gill
Company, that lias been suspended for
about three months on account of sick
ness. Messrs Menofeo and Parkins now
own the entire stock of the company,
but tho business will he continued for
the present at least under tho corpora
tion name. v
Peter, tlio 10-year-old son of Mrs. M.
Zirka, of this oily, came within an inch
of losing his life yesterday afternoon by
drowning in tho river at tlio mouth of
Mill croiik. The lad, with somo others,
was fiahlng off a raft. His cap fell into
the water, and In trying to recover it
lie fell overboard. Aa tlio boy was ubout
lo sink lor the third time he was res
uued oya Mr. Fisher who lives in the
scow dwelling west of Mrs. Brittaln's.
When he was taken out of the water ho
was uiicaneulous, but whs soon brought
back to lifo. It waB a mighty close caU
for the boy.
Frank Ohrtsman hue told out his in
terest hi the firm of Chrieiuan Bros.
The action was taken with great reluc
tanco by all tho parties concerned, for
the firm is doing a splendid basiness
and Frank was an ideal man at the
block ; but the condition of the health
of Mrs. Chrieiuan, who is now in a j'ort
land hospital, madn a change of resi
dence on her part imperative. Frank
lias no settled plans for tiie future, save
that lie and Mrs. Chrisman will spend
the coming summer wherever it is found
most beneficial to Mrs. Chri6man's
Tho board of water commissioners
met last night to consider the offer of
Turner & Sprat of Sunnyside, Wash., to
furnish a flow of artesian water into the
reservoir for $3,500, conditioned on $200
being paid against expense of moving
.machinery in case of failure. Couimis-
'aioner Fish suggested that it would be
better to pay 2 a foot for 200 or 300 feet
than to pay $3,500 for what, if found at
all, will surely be found at less cost.
Tho suegestiou. was adopted so far that
a committee of three was appointed to
confer with Mr. Kretzer, who bored the
well for thu scouring mill, for the Elec
tric Light Company and the brewery.
It was stated that somo one recently
bored for water near Dr. Wingate's prop
erty on the bin fT and struck a flow at a
depth of 80 feet that rose to within 20
feet of the top. The meeting adjourned
till tomorrow night.
The Coronur'H Verdict.
Coroner Uutt's held nn inquest near
Hood liivor, yesterday, over the lema'uiB
of Chailea Grodt. Tho evidence showed
that Grodt was accidently killed while
blasting stumps. The body was found
about 80 feet frcm the stump that he
had been blowing up. Ho had been
dead for somo time and the body was
badly decomposed, but a hole through
his hat indicated that he had been
struck in the forehead. Grodt was a
single man, a native of Germany and
aged about 47 years, He was working
op his own claim and his neighbors all
testified that he was a quiet, honest and
industrious man and a good citizen.
The following is the verdict:
We, tho jury impanneled by the coro
nur to enquire into tho cause of the
death of tlio body now before us, And his
name to be Charles Grodt and that he
came to his deatli on or about April 23,
1900, by being blown up while blasting
stumps on his place about seven miles
from Hood Rivor.
O. S. Omngur,
W. EiiuioK,
AuausT Paasii.
A thoroughly competent girl to do
general house work in a small family,
The best of wages will bo paid, and no
one not thoroughly capable need apply.
Call at Tun CiiitoNionB oflice, iu2 3t
To buy n couple of heifor calveB of
good milk stock. Will take them when
u week old and pay a reasonable price,
pply at this oflice. ui2 Gt
Yon will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Get your wheel overhauled at Mays
&. Orowe'e. w30-4t
A FuUe Itt'ixiit Nalletl.
Editor Chiionicle :
Dear Sin: Will you allow us,
through your valuable columns, to cor
rect a false report which is being circu
lated throughout Wheeler county for
political purposes.
The Gilinan - French Land & Live
Stock Co. are op posed to Twickenham
for the county seat of Wheeler county,
for rearonB not necessary to state here.
This corporation haa never given any
party or parties any assurance that they
would lay out, or sell to be laid out, any
piece or parcel of land for an addition to
the town site of Twickingham. It has
no lind that it desires to sell for that
Fossil is and should be the county
scat of Wheeler county, and we hope
and believe that at the coming June
election there will be polled an over
whelming vote for Fossil to be and re
main the county seat of Wheeler county.
and Live Stock Co ,
S. FitENt'ir, Secretary.
The Dalles, May 3, 1900.
They Are Already Asking for Informa
tion About This Country Krujjcr
Will Go to Germany or Holland.
New York, May 2. A Pretoria letter
to the World, dated March 23d, says:
Although the majority ot the Boers
still believe that the independence of
the Republics will remain after the war,
hundreds of them are taking the oppo
site view, and are casting ubout for a
suitable country to which they can emi
grate. State Secretary Reitz said to
day :
"If the English take these Republics
and raise tho Union Jack over them, I
will take my family to America. And
scores'of other hurgheiH havo eaid the
same thing to me. Many of the older
Boers will trek to German West Africa,
where there aro thousands of square
miles of fertile territory, and thousands
will emigrate to other countries."
An old Boer in tho Free State oevoial
days ago asked concerning the rates of
passage to America. "You see," said
lie, "we aro going to fight hard for our
country, but if it is taken away from tie,
wo want to go somewhere where there Is
a Republic."
Tho friends of President Kruger say
that if the Transvaal loses her independ
ence, he will spend tho last years of his
life in Holland or Germany,
A small, round gold pin, with an npal
set in center, Was lost either on hut
Friday's boat (Dalles City) or on the
street leading from the dock. Finder
will leave same at this office. ui3 2t
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has heeu
in use for over 30 years, has homo tho Bignatnro of
and has been made under his per-
tjjZ- sonal supervision sinco its infancy.
Yt -CcccAti Allow no one to deceive vou in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" aro hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale
...Steel Daies ag Geo! Stoves...
To reduce our largo stock we will
sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at
Greatly Reduced Pmoes
for a short time only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
n vitt ir r t nr -i v
JVIMY (St OfUUUtt. e
All persons naiiia city water for irri
gation on arid after May 1,1900, mid
until September 1st, incltisive, will be
charged the following rates per month :
For every lot .WxlOO feet, $1.50; for
every half lot or fraction thereof, 75
cents, ami no rebate will he allowed to
persons leaving the city unless written
notice is served on the superintendent
of the water works to turn off the wuter.
Above the bluff water may bo used for
irrij,'atiiiK from 0 to 8 a. in, and from t
to 8 p. in. on the odd days of the month,
and below tho blull during tho emim
hours on the even days of thu month.
These rules must be strictly complied
with, and niiy deviation therefrom will
subject tho violator to tho penalty of
having tho water shut off, and in order
to pet it turned on aain ho must pay n
teo of one dollar. Persons willfully
wasting water, or allowing H to run con
tinuously through their closets or lava
tories, or allowing water to run after
irrigation hours, will suffer the Eame
penalty as above stated,
Uy order of thu water commission.
.1, H. Clt KSUN, Supt.
Tlio I).illop, Or , May 1, 11)00. Ot
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
Garden Hose
We have laid in a largo
stock of Garden Hose and aro
carrying tho same brand of
I loso that we havo been carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tese Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho samo brand of 1 lose that
tho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has been using for tho
last twenty years. Tho Mal
tese Cross Brand is without,
doubt tho best grado of Iloso
jon tho market. Call and got
jour prices before buying.
JUaieF & Benton
1 Sole Agents.
tilrl Wttiutil,
A iel rl ia waited to do general house
work, Apply at this office. rolH
Coaster brakes are the greatest im
provement of the year on bicycles; me
ono half the pedaling. Have one put
i on your old wheel at Ways & urowe'8
i bike shop. 30a-lt