"Get Thee Behind Me;" Tlmt'ti wlmt (hie week nayu to last what May snvH to April. It's n mighty good tiling Hint tho month jHt pet did not havo much reputation to inHii iih it will 1)0 remembered ohlolly for Ub own JniirMoiia weather nml OUIt OWN GREAT BAK ( AINS. Her clouds hud but ONE 81LVKU MN IN(i, and that WE FURNISHED. Now wo (.'rout Mny on tho Homeric principle: "Welcome tho coming, Hpood tho parting guest ;" nml iih llio mild oyed ninid troopB over tho eastern hill, wo eiilnto hur tluiBly : TTnr "hlR AAfifit A quantity of Hoys' jOl iuie vv ecu. 0dl, Kneo 1antH. nL'B from 4 to 14 19c TTrVP tTllS TKT'fifik A quantity of Hoye1 JJ 01 bU.lt W o.)it!C0 8uit8 (8on,u are Hlightly damaged, including Hoveral odd suits;; nil sizes ; just tho thing for rough Wear. . . .79c each For this Week. gdK0Si5; in tho world to their discredit, euvo tlio absence of n few important sizes; regular v ill huh range from $1.50 to if,'! 00 $1.35 For this Week. SiWoS For this Week. A qunntity of Uo.vb' Crush Hats ut 19c For this Week. aguH 10 to 20 yearn ... $1.05 TTnV flhlCi "AjTp.PlC Is tho golden nppor- j: ui biiiss vv ccjs. ,nnity of n iiftlmo In lay in a Btuck of Hoys' WoarabluB at positively less than iiianufacturerH' coat. No troublu to hIiow goods. iiiSILKSm An Flegant Stock of Silks and Satins CHINAS, INDIAS, TAFFETAS, GROS GRAINS PEARE DE SOIE In all the colors of the rainbow. Silk Waist Patterns All tho latest fads known in silks to ho seen for tho asking. AH be low today's market value. Silk Waists Just added to stock the newest made-up waists in colors and black SATURDAY Will be our Special Day on Towels FOOT FORM... Is the prevailing shape for Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. We offer you this week the real thing in Men's brown willow calf,laco..$4.00 " black velour " " .. 4.00 " vici " " .. 3.00 " brown ' " " .. 3.00 Ladies' brown or black kid, lace, Queen Quality, specials 3.00 Ladies' kid, lace, cloth or kid top ; 2.00 Ladies' kid, lace, patent leath er tip and trimmed 1.75 Children's Rough Rider Shoes are also the Real Thing. Misses' kid, button or lace, 11 -Ho 2's $2.00 Child's kid, button or lace, 8- r to ll's 1.50 Special This Week! Ladies kid, button, square or coin toe $1 .Go. All CJoocIb Mnrkod In Plain FlRiiros. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Telephone Mo. 1. WKDNKSDA Y - - - MAY 2, 11)00 Oysters tiurvcil In every Ntylu by A. KELLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A good bicycle for $20 ut Mays & Crowe's. :i')a-4t Tin' tliormnnuitor ut 3 o'clock this afternoon stood at 81 in tho shade Oct your wliuul ovorhnulud at Mnys k Crowe's. u:t0-4t They will catch Iho eyo of ovurvouu. The Ciimi.siui.ii's special columnB. Sheriff Kelly today turned over to tho comity treasurer if4,'.'!)fl.l0, tho nmonnt ol taxes collected during tho month of March, Don't iiiies three months of good ad ertiainn. CiiitoNioi.K bargain columns. Tim Dalles schoolmiuns wore made happy yeaterday .by tho payment of their monthly ealarioB amounting to about ifl'.'OO. Try three monthB of profltablo news- papur advertising at a email coat. Tho CimiiNin.K'H Bpecial colnnuiB. The llttlo boh of Iiev. U. F. Hawk, who iiniliirwent n severe operation boiiio weeks ago at St. Vincent's hospital, hue rptllrni.) I I l u" iiuiiiu iiihi ih improving quite rapidly. HI8 parents look for his full maturation to health. You illicit as well be dead as forgot- ten. Try three mouths' advertising In llio Ciihonioi.k'b special columns. Tho Iralda will not be mi tonteht. Her owner has concludod ho would "thur run her nguinvt tho Regulator t,,a" "Kainat tho Reliance Hut It would not surprise auybody if ho would liave to run her against the Kellanco or stop, v. l'olatoes aro rapidly cluir. cleaned and sacked by a now apparatus, which hus a Plow lo unearth the tubers, tho dirt und Potatoes Luting into an ondless-chain lvat..r, which delivers them into n 'oppiir with slat sides, which romovos J'10 'hi t and drops tho potatoes Into a Coroner Uutts went down to Hood "ivor thia morning in response to a tol Wain to tho tiled that n dead man had , "J1 ,(m'il in tho country seven miles nek of Hood River. Tho only purlieu lxt given of tho case wore Hint the do OMaetl waa a German; that he had boen Mtlng stumps, and that he had lost "lfl "fo In an explosion. The Kelinnco made the down trip yes. ,er""y on a quarter cut-off ln the run , , '" of live hours and thirty-six '"touted. This amount of steuiu was 0 1 tt tuft nd was very satisfactory, " three.olghts cut-off, which Is near y "I' to the capacity of the boiler, the tioat would easily make two milcB faster. On u half cut-off, if sulllcient Bteam could be raised, it is believed alio would boat any boat on the river. Her run ning timeyeatorday wbb nearly twenty one miles on hour. A apecial meeting of the water com missioners will be held tonight to con eider the offer of a party from Sunny aide, Wash., who agree to sink an artesian woll above tho reeervoir and guarantee a flow of water into the reeer voir for $3,500. The only condition ia that in case of failure to obtain a flowing well of a certain size the city shall pay the contractors tp sum of $200, aa a compensation for tho expense of moving their machinery. Unlesc there is Bomo thiug back of this offer that wo have not heard of wo shall be surprised if the commissioners don't snap at it as a chicken would a blackberry. From twenty to thirty people from The Dalles attonded the May U.iy pic nic at Dufur yesterday, among them be ing a liberal sprinkling of candidates, who took advantage of the opportunity oll'ored by the picnic to renow acquaint auce with their constituents. The pic nic was held in a grove abovo the town, and was attended by hundreds of peo ple. Tho proceedings opened with a fine program by the pupils of the Dufur schools. Iu tho afternoon a variety of games und sporta were indulged in, and the day closed with a public dance. The weather clork wore his best bib and tucker, and tho Dalles visitors report cen'.er of rotation as possible, which also gives an outward (tangential) force to each part. In the case of the earth at ite present velocity of ratation this force lightens all bodies at the equator by, '.'89 of their weight. This force it is which defonuB the water level line f -oui north to south, bo that the south ern end of a water level line is higher than the northern end. As nn illustration of the waste of water that occurs through the faucets in lava torya and closjts being left wide open, aB they not infrequently, through sheer carelessness, are, the following is perti nent: A meter was aecretly placed on the pipe leading to a closet back of a aaloon. In twenty-four houre the meter had regietered a flow of 750 gallons of water, 000 of which, and more, waa sheer waste. Atinthnr whs Heeretlv placed in connection with tho cloFet of an oflice that employe two hands. In twenty-four hours it had registered a flow of over a thousand gallons, 950 of which was aete. In view of the prob- bio scarcity of water this summer, is it 'any wonder that the superintendent of the water works is urgently asking con sumers to stop thia waste? Aa announced yesterday the Albany landed her c.ugo of rails on the bank of the river about opposite the Wasco warehouse. There is little doubt ehe could have climbed Three-Mile rapids had she been permitted to do so, but not with tho amount of steam she is authorized to carry, namely 123 pouuds. that they enjoyed themselves hugely,,, Knowing this a government inspector, wiio was on uoaro, reiuseu to lei me boat make tho effort. But the fact has A telegram reached here this after noon announcing tho death at Tacoma last night of Mrs. W. F. Aekew, eldest daughter of Coroner Butts of this city. She had been seriously .111 fr mouths and her two sisters had arrivod at Tuxnum amnt the hour of her departure. The body will arrive here for InteYmenfj tomorrow noon. As Mr. Butts went on official business to Hood River this morning the timo of interment Iibb prob ably not been fixed, but it will piobably take place Friday. Mia. Askew was well and favorably known here, where alio lived for years before her marriage. Sho was about 110 years of age. The husband and family of Mr. Butts have the heartfelt sympathy of this com munity. In reaponee to tho question, Is it true that if tho earth should cease to rotate, tho Mississippi river would flow toward tho north ? the Scien tific American answers: Certainly, it is true. The earth Is not a sphere with nil purta of Its surface equally distant from its centori but the diameter through the equator is about twenty-six miles greater than that through the poles. If ono should travel from the pole to the equator, lie would olimb a hill thirteen miles high, though he would not be conscious of it. A river flowing south is at its mouth further from the centor of the eat tb than it is at its own source. Or, put in common language, it runs up bill. The cause of this is foun-1 in the so-called "centrifu gal force" of a rotating body, which each part to. place Itself as far from the been established, all the satno, that the irapida are navigable at certain etagee of water by boata like the Albany, that aiavo tne requisite steam power, rroo ably no boat could have made the ascent at the time tho Regulator failed. Cer tainly the failure waa from no lack of "sand in the craw" of the captain of the Regulator, to borrow the elegant phrase of a writer in tho Times-Mountaineer, but wholly on account of the etage cf water at that particular time. W. Van Pelt, a Celllo half breed was examined today before Justice BrownhiTl on tho ehargo of horse atoaling. Tho testimony showed that Van Pelt had sold tho horao iu controversy to ono E. Curtis, a Vancouver man, for $13.50. When Van Pelt got the money he pro ceeded, as is hie wont, to fill himself up with whiskey. In hie druukemiFss he was heard to swear that he would have his horso back, would steal him, iu fact; claiming that Curtis had got the better of him in tho bargain. Tho following night the horse, which had been stabled by Cnrtia at the East End feed yard, waa stolen out of the stable, The horse was last seen in tho possession of an other Indian crossiug Millet's bridge Sunday morning, the morning after lie was stolen. The bridle that Van Pelt had used on the animal when he brought him to The Dulles before the sale was found at Van Pelt's lodgings iu Celilo, but the saddlo has not been found, It is probably around there somewhere, too. There court thought there was suf ficient evidence to prove that Van Pelt was, at leaet, a party to the theft, if not the principal, and bound him over t the gtand jury in the sum of $250. Joo Purser and George Rich, of Hood River, arrived in town last night, after making a trip to tho Warm Spring res ervation to procure Indians for straw berry picking, which commences in the Hood River valley on the 17th. They got the promise of all the Indians to be had on the reservation about two hun dred and fifty. Mr. PtirEer thinks that nearly 2000 pickere will be requited for thia year's crop, which is now assured and which will be by far the largest ever raised in the valley. The Warm Spring Indians are esteemed the best all-round pickers that are to be found. They have their own peculiar sport and dances, but they never get drunk, never quarrel among themselves, never make any disturbance, are strictly I onest and faithful and aro alway ready for work at the early call of morning. Mr. Pur ser has thiiteen acres of strawberries and will require sixty pickers for him self. The Davids;n Fruit Company have thirty acres and will requiro 100 pickers. Ten pickers from the Warm Spring8 will commence work at Joo Moreton'e place on the Columbia river in two or three days. The bcrriea on the river ripen ten daya earlier than on the higher lands of the valley. Where Joo Mod; Mood. Iii accordance with hiaappointment for that purpose by the Oregon Historical Society, Governor GeeiMvas billed to go to Butteville today and locate tho exact spot where Joo Meex stood when, in a mass meeting of aettlers, he called for a division of the settlers upon the question of a'provlslonal government. F. X. Mattheu is tho only person living who was present at that meeting, and he will locate the exact spot where the event occurred. George II. Hlnes, sec retary of tho Oregon Historical Society, and F. H. Savior, grand secretary of the j Native Sons of Oregon, will also be i present. Tho spot designated by Mr. I Matthieu will bo marked temporarily with a stone and will later bo marked ! with an appropriate monument. The meeting referred to took place on May 2, 1843, exact years ago today. By tho division o(l!ed for by Meek, a vote of 52 to 60vu8 secured in favor of the formationA)f a civil government in accordancowith the plan favored by tho American settleia,tho French Canadians voting against it. Wanted. A thoroughly competent girl to t'o general house work in a small family, The best of wages will bo paid, and no ono not thoroughly capable need apply, Call at Tiik OiiiiOMoi.K oflice. m2 3t Vt uutetl, To buy a couple of heifer calves of rojd milk stock. Will take thorn when a week old and pay a reasonable price. Apply ut this oflice. m2 0, You will not have boils if you take Clarko & Fulk'a sure cure for bolle. mm Tho Kind Tow Have Always Bought, aud which hns been. In uso for over 30 years, has horno tho signature of and has been made under his pcr- ftfJL J1 sonal supervision since its infancy. f-CCtCitr Allmviin mm t.n flnrnlvn von In t,1ita All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good' aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants aud Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Si The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUft COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. : Special Sale! I ' : I ...Steel Ranges and Coot Sloves... l I To reduce our largo stock we will sell Stoves and Sleel Ranges at Greatly Reduced Prices for a short time only. See our goods and get our prices. . . . JWflYS & CSOGUE. J NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. All pcreons usin city water for irri tation on and afler May 1,1000, and until September 1st, inclusive, will be cbarged llio following rates per month : For every lot 50x100 feet, $1.00; for every half lot or fraction tbenof, 75 cente, and no rebate will be allowed to persons leaving the city unless written notice is served on the superintendent of the water works to turn off tho water. Above the bluff water may be used for irrigating from 0 to 8 a. in, and from 6 to 8 p. in. on the odd days of the month, and below tho blull during the same hours on the even days of the mouth. Theso rules must be strictly complied with, aud any deviation therefrom will subject tho violator to thu penalty of iiavinu the water shot off, aud iu older to get it turned on again ho must pay a fee of one dollar. Person willfully wasting water, or allowing it to run con tinuously through their closeto or lava tories, or allowing water to run after irrigation hours, will suffer tho same penalty as above stated. Hy oriler of tho water commission. J. 11. Cm hskx, Supt. Tho Rillee, Or., May 1, 1000. Ot CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Biguature of Girl WHUtvtli ' A girl la wauted to do general house work. Apply ut thlt oflice. uil-H Garden Hose We have laid in a large stock of Garden Hose and aro carrying tho same brand of Hoso that wo havo been carry ing for tho last fivo years, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. AVo carry tho same brand of lloso that tho Dalles City Fire- Depart ment has boon using for the last twenty years. Tho Mal tese Cross Brand is without doubt tho best grade of Hose? on tho niarkot. Call and gob our prices before- buying. IWaiep & Benton Sole Agents. Coaster brakeB are the greatest Im provement of the year on bicycles; save one half the pedaling. Have one put on your old wheel at MayB & Crowe'a bike shop. 30a-t Subscribe for The Chronicle.