- The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY - - MAY 1900 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS. Justice of the Supreme Court C. E. Wolvertou. Food ami Dairy Commissioner J. W. Dalley. Presidential Electors 0. F. Paxton, of Multnomah; Tillman Ford, of Ma rion; J. C. Fullerton, of Douglas; W. J. Furnish, of Umatilla. DISTRICT OFFICERS- Congressman Malcolm A. Moody, of The Dalles. Joint, Senatore J. X. Williamson, of Crook-, T. H. Johnston, of Wasco; W. W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Repiesentatives A. S. Kobarta, of Wasco; K. A.Emmett.of Klamith; Geore Miller, of Gilliam; George Cattanach, of Grant; George A. Uar rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attorney Frank Menefee, of The Dalles. COUNTY TICKET- A. S. Blowers, of Hood County Judge Eiver. Commissioner P. A. Kirchhemer, of Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. L. Lake, of Wauiic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, o! The Dalles. Cjroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothv Brownhill. A PECVLIAli QUALITY OF I'OTJSir. DEB- worltl ? When a tornado swept the island nml left tons ot thousands homeless nml starving we wont down into our pockets nnd contributed three quarters of n million for their relief. Is this the manner of despots? When Governor General Davis, who Uncw better than any American living the condition of the islanders, assured the administration that direct taxation would mean confiscation, nnd free trade would menn n bonded debt or direct appropriation from the United States treasury, the ad ministration refused to yield to nn unreasoning popular ulainor and in the teeth of villillcation and abuse that has hardly a parallel in history adopted a temporary measure that wil! make the burdens of tax ation rest where they ought to rest, upon those best able to bear them and not upon the masses of the "storm Stvcpt and starving islanders." Is this also the manner of despots? When the administration imposed a tax of 15 per cent of the Dinglcy rates on the traffic with the mainland it was conditioned on the fact that every cent so collected not even deducting the cost of collection should be devoted to the necessities of the Porto Uicans. Is tins the way despots act? And lastly, when up wards of two million dollars had been collected on the imports from the island, and the trusts which had paid the tax had entered suit against the United Stale for its recovery, and a Democ congressman had introduced ml in congress to give it back to. n, tiusts under the Dem ocratic com- mion that its collection was unconstitutional, William Mc Kinley, the boss despot, if you will, asked congress to give it back, not to the trusts, but to the islanders, and for their solo use and benefit; and it was done as the president re quested. If this is despotism there are vast tracts of the habitable earth that would not be greatly injured by For a Nice Suit of Clothes. 1'nntltiK, Ovcrcontln-or Knncs VeitlniT. Mlnrtly mil nnd cxnmlno my stock ot Im ported and 1) iiU!tle Woolen. A lino stock lo (elect from. Butts miuto from the lowest prices to the IiIrIi est grade. Fine Tailoring. J, A. Eberle llli: l)Ar.l.K.l OltKOON. Tiik Chkoxicm: submits that its Dalles contemporary is lacking in the respect that is due to the intelli gence of its readers when it says, among a number of other equally baseless assertions, that the adminis-!a liberal application of it tration "has established a despotism in Porto Rico and is attempting to do the same with the Philippines." "What the administration is supposed to be "attempting" may be left to Democratic imagination but, as re gards the statement of facts, what is there to justify the wanton reckless ness that would affirm that a despot ism has been established in Porto llico? Our contemporary cannot point to a single iustance in the history of the world, where a parent nation has treated a territory, or dependancy, or colony, or what you will, with the consideration and gen erosity that lias characterized our treatment of Porto Rico. If a Re publican administration has main tained the right of congress to make such laws for the government of the island as humanity suggested and the necessities of the people de manded; if the administration re fused to recognize the doctrine in vented by Calhoun for the perpetua tion and extension of slaver that the constitution of its own force follows the flag and that' therefore revenne system upon a people our whole internal must be imposed under conditions of wretchedness nnd poverty that would turn the system into practical confiscation, they have only asserted o. principle that has marked our conduct towaids every territory wo have acquired since the acquisition of Louisiana in 180.1; they have only asserted a principle that is in operation today in every A iA 1 A 1 i I T terniury unuer uie nag. u a lies- jat proportion of the public burdens pousra mis oeen established in Porto nn(- n0 rno,.e. Tie 08MMOr 810Um Bioo, because a system of taxation ,e mun of business experience, of .iiuuic.h, iium mm, tviiiuu jruvn,j3 m iim imimiient null uosscsscd Of The fact that at this early period of the year the Meadows, which are the main source of the water supply for this city, are clear of snow ad monishes taxpayers and water con sumers that economy must be used if we would escape the inconvenience of n scarcity of this necessary fluid. Competent engineers have estimated that the supply is amply sufficient for a town half as large again as The Dalles, but in this estimate allowance is not made for the enormous waste that often takes place through mere carelessness and indifference. The situation is such that economy during the summer months will become ab solutely nece6snr3'. Superintendent Crossen estimates that not less than from twenty to fifty thousand gallons of water go to waste daily that might be saved for necessary uses if consumers would only exercise a little care in keeping the water shut off in closets and other places when not. in use. It needs no argument to prove that it will be much cheaper for taxpayers to make a conscience of economy in the use of water than to put up forty or fifty thousand dollars for the extension of the water system. There is no office in the gift of the peoplo of Wasco county that requires as high a standard of mental nnd moral efficiency as that of assessor. It is to him more than anyone else that wo must look for such nn assess ment as will make every man pay his OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTADKAJT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street dlgunits ONE FOR A DOSE. RemoTo Pimple., Prercat IlilioDjnea.., I'onfjr thulllooj, t.aro llmulachoamlllytpcpjifi. PILLS A,t,!!Iu,11.c1of i.u wc Mch ' necessary ir- u'lii 1 nipii fret-, or full Imt far Kc. audbj drugsuu. OR. 'JCSANKC CO. Phila. Pa T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OF TIIK I'UACK. Notary Public. Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. C. E. bayard's of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. 1) It. K. K. FKKGIISIIN, Physician mid Surgeon, Ofllcc, Vogt Mock (over l'ostofilcc), 'J0.iplmo ihv Till: DAI.I.K3, OUKISON. the United States has been imposed upon the island, then a despotism has been established in Alaska for the same reason. lint apart from the constitutional aspect of this question what right has any mnntvio has any respect for the facts of history to speak of a despotism in Porto Rico? Are the necessities of Bryan ism so deperate that Its apologists must ignore facts that are known to all the sufficient moral back bone to put his judgment nnd expenenco into effect. Such a man the Republicans have nominated in the person of C. L. Schmidt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lanij Office at Tun Daub. Okk;on, March l'J, lHW.i Xnllco in hereby clvcn that the follmvlnc ininuil t-cttlcr lias llltrl notice of hi intention to make final proof in mpportuf liln claim, anil tk.it Htiil proof will be ni.ulo before the rculntur nml receiver at The Dalles', OrcKOii, on Kiiturilny May KKW, viz.: Ileinrich Luhbing.ofTlio I).llea,Or., It. V.. No. to73, for tho NW1,. nation 17, town elilti 1 north, rimo Vi cnit, W. M. lUiiianii-K the following wltnees to prove his continuous resilience upon, ami cultivation of Mild lam, vU.: John Htcgman, Henry Ilhlilcll, Michael IMylc, Charles itihnert, all of The Dalles, Oregon. I.VV 1'. J.UOA3. niar.'l-II lleKlster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale. I.ASD Office at Tiik luu.es, Oiikooni Apr. 10, im I Notice Is hereby kIvcii that in pnimancu of InMructioiiH from ttiecoinmiiiilouerof the Ken eral lmul olliec, mirier uiitliotity vcittil in him by section 'JIM l 8, Itev. Ktai., ai umcnikil by the act of coiiKrcm approved February SK, 18!)j, wo will proceed toofler. at public ealo on Mon day, the ftth day of May next, at the hour of in o'clock, a. in., at thin olliec, the follotvlnt; tract of land, to-wit: UW'a SK'( Sec. T. 1 N. It. VI E W. it. Any and all pmoiM cliiimiiiK the above described IsihIh are Hilvlhiil to lllu thtir cluiiimlii tlilsolUcuoiior lefore the day above designated for thucoiiimenccinent of bald nlu, otherwise their rlehts will be forfeited. JAV l. MICAS, l(eKiiter, aprlM OTIS l'ATTKHSO.V, Idtelvcr. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. i.A.sn Office at Vancouver, Wahii , j . , , March i!l, l'JOO. .otiet- in hereby Riven that Ihe followliiif namiil hettlcr ban riled notice of his Intention to mukc llmil jiroof in mpi.ort of his claim, and that h ild proof will be miiJe before W. It. I'rcjby, DnlU-jl htates Coinmlinloner for Dintrlct of WashliiKton.athlsollleo in (loldcndalc, Wukh., on Monday, May 7, Iikxi, vi: John G. McDonald, II. K. No. I0U1 for the norlheost ijarter hcIIoii lb, lowiibhlp .'1 north, raniju i:i cut, W. M. lie names too folloivlni,' wltno- he to prove hlx coiitlniioii rciideuce upon, and cnlllvallon of tulil land, vi: Samuel J Conrtnm, Harry Pennliiplon, Kll ( ,ohmd, of llarthind l'. ()., Wiuli.; and NcIeoii Jl. Ilrookii, o( tioldelidale Wmh. niar'.I W. II. DUNIIAlt, Ittxltler, Clark & Frilk'a drti freeh mid complete. Rtcck id new H 8 WILKOW B 8 HUMTINQTON HUNTINGTON it WILSON, ATlOMNKYK AT LAW, OiceomJ?lrttNt.ilak NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Office at Va.ncouvfii. Wash.,) A l 1 1 W, IIKjo. j Vntlr.rt lu li... .I. ..I...... ,1... ii... rn i : "-..y n.ivii unit iiiu lifll'lll Lr v. "ii'i ii niuu in nit iiiieu- tloii to make final proof In mppoit of IiIh claim, and Unit mid pioof will be made hfforo . II. Ifeby, I'nlted HUtoi C'ommlHtioiier for Dlitilccof Uuiiilnuloii.HthiaolIco In (lotdcn dale, WaUi,. on ttlduy, Junosw, iww, U: Duitrich II. NtfKinaii.ilovUeeof Dietrich HtftfiiiHti, ilecoHijcd ; lliimntciid Kntry No. mS, for the hontliwoit '( '.'I W'cll'm !K, lowiuhlp 3 north of ranyu II wut, III Mtj lie iiumei the followlnB ultnvMirii to provo Ilia coniliiuouii unldenie m-m and culUvuliou of aid land, viz: ...Manuel 8. Uonardo, of flrand Dalle I'. o Waili.i Jlcruian KnKelkc, William Wlikliiton.oi ,,..o i w I'WNIIAK, ft Complete of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THEaDRUCGIST. ixjijijruxjii.ruK LINE, BI?OS (IKNKUAI. Bi aniliis ...AND... HQTsesnoe rs Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mcrflii. Piionc:i59 S s J ..Gps. mm- ButeherB and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draiiKht the celebrated COM'MlilA lli:i:i(, acknow: cdxed tho best beer In Tim Dalles, at the usual price. Conn; In, try It and be convinced. Alto the Finest brands of Wines, l,-iior and Clears. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds always on band. ft C. p. Stephens ...Doalur In... Dry Goods, Clothing, I rtani-f.) r:M: , Hoots, Shoes. Ifnts, Caps, Notions. AkI. .for W. 1 DouKlas Hlioc. Telephone No. M. laibccomlHt., Us Tlic Dalles, Or, Just What Yoa uiaftt. f lip Dalies, Porllanfl & h & Htcn lowing M'licd M'hcdlllu wltluint notice. mcmnl tho llcKtiliitor l.lnu will , , lulo, tho Compnny rencrvlnc tho Hbm Str. PoKiilntor. DOWN, I ,v I I.i lies lit S A. M. Tuesday ThutMliiy . . Haturdiiy . Arr. Portland at t r. m. I.v tip. I'nrttaiiil at 7 A. M. Monday Wi-ilm-Mlay l'tldny Arr. llalleM 111 fl I'. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. i Str. tJnllos City. Down l.V. Dal at H A. ii, Monday Wfilnemlay . Friday.. Arr. Portland lit Ti i-, u. t7:00i . Arr. fillip ""iur.il, FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE Travel by the Htcamers of tho Itwii later 1.1 no. Thii Company will endeavor to bIvo ii.... rons the best Mirvlcc ponslblo. Kor furthur liiforinatloii iii,te wu , I'ortliind Olllce, Oak Htrect l)ocU. W. C. ALLAWAY, Oon. At. PIONEER BAKERY. I havo ro-opened this -well-kno-wn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer oer. Important Announcement to you. For HI) tiityH tiftcr April 1st, I will aull nil tlui Dry Goods, Clotlilnn, IlnotB uiiil HIioch, Hosiery, lllimlfctu, Huto nnd Cups, on cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now in ynur opportunity to jut biir yuiiiH. Don't miss it. S. L. BROOKS, SucceH-or to K. .1. CoIUiih A Co. CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE . Nw ideas in Wnll I'apor hero. .Such yvidu vnrloty a8 wo aru showing navor be ore KrHced a 8inu atock. Itual in.itit. lion creton eflocta at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheat, paper pricea Elegant deiigns, tastofiii colorin(H youra (ora nrnal price, at our Hore on Third street. AUoa full line of liouae palnfi! D. W. VAUSE. Third St. JJA. 8TUR0EVANT, Dentist. (Jfflco over Krtncli dt Co.' Hank 1'liono j, 'IIIKUAUKOUKUON k TflACE MARKS JCSIQNB rrfTT COPYRIOHTB AC. Anynnn nemllnc n kctrh mid ilencrlptlon niv tulckly a.rcrialii our oianlnii free nlirllier n: litveiilloii l probably imti-alatilc. ''oiiiiniinicA tlnin.lllcllr''inl!ili'iil!.il. Ilanitbookon I'atvnM tent fret). (Ilili-tt nwury for nveuriiiir imtciiH. I'.iIci.ik taken lliniuuli .Munii ft Co. recclTk tVf'Mnotler, without. cli.irife. Intlio Scientific American. A li.vnlfonicly lllmtrnti-il wil:ly I.irnpit rlr. riiliillnii of iinr clonililc Jiairiml. Teriim, 13 a ir: four iniiiitlj), tl. Hold liy all imnfilealern. MUNN&Co.30'0 New York llraucli linloo. t2i 1' HU Wmhlaulon, 1). ' We Put..." ovory bit of twouty years oxporienco and drug knowlodgo with ovory .Prescription Hint's compounded horo. Is it any reason why our proscription husinoss is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if wo aro reliable. BLRKELEY & H0U6HT0N. Koliablo J-oscriptionists C. S. Smith, Tin: dp-co-dace Qroeer Freali lyjuH nml Creamery Iluttt-r n Hpucliilty. 2d Street. J. H. HCIIINK. 1'fenlilent. 'Phone 270. li.U.Blil, Cuhla First national Bank, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Hanking litiainosa tniuicUi Deposits received, Riiliject to bigot Draft or Check. Collections made and proceedd promptlj remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic KxchangeEoldti fiuw York, nan rraiiciaco an: "on land. DIKItOTOKS D. P. Thomphon. Jno. S. Schiju En. M. Wii.i.iamh, Gku. A, Luu. H M. Kkai.i.. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, nor Second & LaneMiD, 'Phone 167 Mica Axle Crease hcliw the team. Saves wearand cxjiciuc. how everywucre. H A 1 1 r. IIT STANDARD OIL CO. FRENCH & 00, BANKERS. THANHACT A, KNKKAI.HANKINO BDIflSU Lottera of Credit leaned nvallable In IK EuHtern States. Sllfl.t Exchaniro and TelejWM Transfers sold on New o.OWo. St. Louis, San Fr.ncico, l'ortlmd W ; koii, Seattle WuHli,.and vnrioui pou' in Oregon and Wusliinuton. . in.Tii....o m.l ..I ii no ntt on Ur , iniiim Liiiiin iiiiiuu v r orable terms. Tde coinl Pacijtf PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTiniKIWOI' Pine Lard and Sansal Cunrso(4rBHIID HAMS & BA00S .mircn HKKF, K'fO, ...Cii ITT. UBRIf ITA " . .9113 . T-,laat0Il.w n.... T. ......, N II L1WI'"" . - Allien lUJJiuitJi f r." ; T w 0( Ku- wantlng dlacaeeu, all ;-ll,"ld India cretlon. Aiivotoni u. lilood 1HIUIU". ;-rtfalJ cHtorofl the Are L lor J5.5U with u wi -Wff NERVITA MEDICAUOJ F1 yuLicrlbe for Tiik Chiiqniuk, Till. OBJCO OVfl 'till ""