S t Dalles t)tmkk. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1900. NO. 223 WILL NOT SEND WILL TRY Will Vldlt flood Rlvnr Odd Fellow. NAVY TO TURKEY. Sultan Will He Given Time to Study the Matter He Has Made Con sessions. New Voiik, May 1. A special to the Herald from Washington Bays: Naval coercion of Turkey to obtain a settle meiit of tin) American missionary claims 9 not contemplated by the ndministra Hon. Thin statement Ib mado upon high authority. Drastic meaBures against I 1. Turkey hove neon urgeu uy mruier mm- iiter Anpoll, by politicians on behalf of missionaries, and by ministers of the . i.... .1... tnnli1ntit null -5nrnt n r t- l0!pei "Ilk 11U IIIM.M. ...... www.vv..... Hav have not considered their sugges tions. The administration is well satisfied with tliu concussions mado by tho Sub lime Porte, and whllo it is anxious that tho Hnltan shall keep his promise to pay the claims, it fuula that ho Ii.ib already been considerate of tills government in permitting the reconstruction of the American mission in Ilarpoot, and In thn extension of Roberts' College in Constantinople. It is nntlioritatively lil . tl... 1..A...., ,...1 n the Porte by Mr. liriaeoin, tne American Chaw, is not an ultimatum, mil is merely a repetition of tiie domand for tiLllfMlllTll L . C'iiIiii Ni-vur Kn I'nacerul. , IIavan'a, May 1. The Spanish consul- . I o . e. 1..- I : idled to Spain that there wore uprisings in CiiIm. He says ho does not believe tuch occurrences probable, and that he would not have communicated an idea snnlwnrft In Ina (rnvnrnmntlt. "No agitation exists," lie remarked UI1V Will L'XIHI. nil Ilir UB A UUIl IUH1H7. till, r.. hifnitia lu.tui'nnti IliM I .nlllinfl nllfl the Americans are most cord at." General Wood, who was asked regard- IrjK the matter, replied : "At no time since the occupation of the island has the nrovinco of bantiacro lurei'iu. i nuvu uuaurnui.'UH iu hub effect from many nfllcors and others who liavn viiri' rtif.ntiflv tinmi tlirnndt flin province on horsoback. Those alarmist reports in Madrid could ho traced to men like Miro and other former Spanish officers, now resident in Cuba." Colonel Vntionte, formerly chief of tho rural guard in Santiago province, who recently arrived hero, laughs at the idea of trouble of any kind there. Million (liven Awny. H is certainly gratifying to tho public to know of one concern in tho land who are not afraid to be gonorous to the needy and Buffering, The proprietors of Dr. King's Now Diecovory for con sumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this Stent medicine; and havo the satisfac tion of knowing it lias absolutely cured thousands of, hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases "I the throat, chest and lungs nro surely cured by it. Call on Blakeloy & Hough ton, Druggists, and get a free trial bottle. Ifc'Ktilar sizo 50c. nnd$l. Every bnttlo Koaruntecd, or price, refunded. 8 llrnvn Mou Full Victims to stomach, liver and kidney (roubles as well as women, and all feel I'm results in loss of nppotite, poieonB in Hie blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feol '"K. Hut there's no ncod to feel like '"it. Uijton to ,1. V. Gardner, Idaville, jnil. Hn Bay. Keotrjc mttors aro '"8l tltu thing for a man when lie is nil fn down, and don't caro whether he lives or dies. It did moro to give me "ew strength and good appetlto than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 60 conts, at Hlakeley & Houghton's "fugstoro. Every bottle guaranteed. 3 full blooded, barred Plymouth Kock eW, nor sotting 1 .00 and $1.50. For Particulars call on or address, BaNDKIIH BltOH, Uox Tho Dalles, Or. "'cycles rented and repaired at Mays " Howe's. 830-4t TO HOLD OUT. Replied Cheerfully to Request of Lord Roberts, Who Is Now Believed to Be Organizing Strong Relief Force, Un der General Hunter. . Lo.vhom, May 1. A dispatch from Mafeking, dated April 20th, says : "The Boers have been 'busy for several days, blowing up tho railway southwards There was little firing during the past week. The town will respond cheer fully to Lord Itoborts' request to hold out for another month. Fever is rife, but otherwise the health of the garrison is good and all are well." New Youk, May 1. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says : A signifl cant item of intelligence has been re ceived from Cape Town. The Express correspondent in that city says it is as sorted on pood authority that General Hunter has been sent to Kimberley to command a strong column Intended for tho relief of Mafeking. lluiit-lSulHlui; Trtmt, Chicago, May 1. Bents were ad vnnced 15 per cent today by a combina tion of landlords, which was recently formed. Their ugreoment is said to be the outcome of a supposed political meeting "for landlords," which wns held resent). The meeting was attend ed by many property. ownors, who de cidud that a systematic raise in rentals was the only way in which they could obtain recompenee for what they con sider nnneually high taxes this year. Another reason given for the proposed raise in rents is the fact that a promised early opening of tho now Northwestern Elevated Railway has caused a demand for houeeB and apartments along the line. GOING EAST. If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls andjevery through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni ogara Falls. Boss C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt,, Los Amjeles, Calif. C. S. Ciiank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. The ladies of the Good Intent Society who pledged themselves to raise a cer tain amount of money for the church debt, announce that they are ready to make their report, and will do so nt a social to bo given at the Methodist church tliis evening, to which all are invited. An admijsion feo of 10 cents will he charged, thoBe having sub scribed being admitted free. A program has been prepared and lunch will be served. , . UhiikIiI u Dniiiilfill Cold. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M. Thompson, a largo importer ot fine mil linerv at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi cago,' eoys: "During tho late severe weather I caught b dreadful cold which kept mo awake at night and made me unlit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners wos taking Cham berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to re lieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic ami I began to improve nt once. I am now entirely well and feel very pleased to ac knowledge its merits." For sale by Blakeloy & Houghton. Experience is the beat Toachor. Use Aokor'e English Remedy in any case of couglie, cold or croup. Should it fail to give Immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 ots. Blakeloy & Houghton Druggists. Anutlior World' "lr, Sa.v Fiiancihco, May 1. Active prep aration nro being made for a world's fair, to take place in this city in May, 1001, which will continue for six months. It Is to be known as the Pacific Ocean and International Exposition. The Odd Fellows of Tho Dalles have secured the steamer Regulator to tBke them on a fraternal visit to the lodge at Hood River on Thursday evening of this weok. The degree team from The Dalles lodge will confer degrees while there. All Odd Follows in good stand ing are hereby invited to attend. The Regulator will leave at 6:30 p. rr. and return after the lodge work is finished. By order of En Hostktlkk, Dad Butts, Tom Wabd, Committee. Wm. J. Landers, resident manager of the Lion and Imperial Fire Insurance Companies, wishes to announce to the patrons of these companies that owing to the sickness of Mr. C. E. Bayard and the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gourlay, their former agents, the agency for botli companies for The Dalles and vicinity lias been placed in the hands of Mr. Timothy Brownhill. Any business given to Mr. Brownhill will receive prompt attention and will be appreciated by the companies. Office in C. E. Bay ard's old stand. No. 85 Washington Btieet, The Dalles. Oregon. al6-lm Special reserve old government whis key, recognized by tho highest medical authority In the iRnd; especially recom mended by the board of health of San Francisco for hospital use, also A. P. O'Brien, M. D., captain and Burgeon, and Win. D. McCarthy, major and sur geon U. S. army, as the pureBt unadul terated stimulant for convalescents, in valids and family use. Sold by Charles Stubliog. apl20-dlm Don't let your old worn out machinery He In the fence corner any longer. Take it to Fletcher Faulkner, The Dalles junk dealer, and get the cash for it. Highest cash price paid for cast and wrought iron, rubber boots and shoes, bicycle tires, etc., brass, copper, zinc, lead, pewter, old woolen rags, beer bottles and flasks, horso manes and tails, and bones of all descriptions. Price paid for cast iron, 40 cents per 100 lbs. One door west of J. H. Worsley's, Second St., The Dalles. m24-lmo. Rev. W. E. Sitzer, W. Canton, N. Y., writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. 1 was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the Bturt. I believe it to be a panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It digests what ycu eat. Notice. Notice ib hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden Eagle Mining Com pany at the office of French & Co., bankers, on Thursday, May 31, 1900, at 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of elect ing seven directors and traueacting such other business as may properly come be fore said meeting. By ordor of the president. J. C. IloHTKTLEi:, Secy, and Treoe. The Dalles, Apl. 27, 1000. a27-td Wm. Orr, Newark, 0 eoys, "We never feel fafo without Oue Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved my little boy's life when lie hod the pneu monia. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. A Testimonial from Old Kuclaud. "T nrmRldnr Chamberlain's Couch Remedy tho best in the world for bron chitis," says Mr. William Savory, of Warrington, England. "It has saveu my wife's life, she having been a martyr to bronchitis for 'over bIx years, being nnat of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well." Sold by Blake- ley & Houghton. Vneol nn4n.irli nuioklv vlolds to trOat- mout by Ely's Oroom Balm, which is ogroo- nostrils, oleausos and hoals the whole sur- faco ovor wmcu it umubuo wvu. au,K" ii. r.n 'Print fcizn bv mail. 10 couts. Tost it and you aro 6uro to coutiuuo tho treatment. Announcement. To nocoiuniodato thoso who aro partial to tho uso of atoiuizors in applying nauius fnr catarrhal trott- bkt. tho proprietors proparo CroamBahuin - r . .1. 1-1. ...Ill l.isitim no V.lv'fl t linlm Prion lnnliullui? tho jjliliuu wBHw ..- : v i praying tube is 75 conts. Druggists or by .... . ii ,J . n..i1.nIltr.Li 41ia innil- man. Alio nquiu uv. , iolnal proportios of tho solid preparation. Clarke & Folk haye received a carload of the celobrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paluts t Our New Lines are Ready. In point of all-around good value wo think our present lines are far ahead of any we havo shown in previous seasons. Next to the shirt waist there's no other summer garment quite as popular as tho Washable Skirt. Manufacturers are quick to note and to appreciate this fact, and in answer to the de mand, they have prepared for this season an assort ment of styles that cannot fail to receive their duo share of public appreciation. Dalles' ladies have the option of making their selections in this line, from an assortment that includes the latest productions of the best makers. 5ailor-Tade Skjrts... These items will tell where to go: Uf?it? DueH and pique Skirt Ciper; 2rasf? (rts No. I Plain white dnck skirts, made with French back and a,- -. deep hem ; good value at. . . pl.UU We have this popular skirt in qualities from the cheapest to the best, and can guarantee our custo mers full value for price asked in each instance. But please remem ber the more jou pay the better the quality, always. No. 8 Crash skirt, price . only 35 CtS No. 9 Crash skirt, made , with inverted plait back.. 'O CIS No. 10 Linen crash ekirt, made with inverted-plait back, a-i op deep hem pl.0 No. 2 Plain white pique skirts, in the popular heavy wale or cord; overlaid seams, single box- rilait back, deep hem Jpl.OU No. 3 White fancy stripe, corded pique, made with double box-plait back, overlaid seams, deep hem, patent belt and placket fas- aq nr. teners ptf.UU No. Z Fancy corded weave.white pique; skirt made with double box plait back, wide overlaid seams, deep hem; has the patent belt q0 and placket fasteners Jpa.OU Colored Duty SKirts No. 17 Duck skirt, indigo blue ground with small white poka dots; inverted plait back, deep a. oe hem pl 0 No. 18 Duck skirt; a gray and white diagonal hair-line pattern, trimmed in 3 rows of white duck bands in graduated widths arounds bottom, French back, felled a seams, deep hem p.UU No. 19 Cotton covert skirt; color, cadet blue; circular flounce outlined with narrow white piping and two rows stitching; three rows stitch ing around bottom of Bkirt, French back; an up-to-date ekirt; aq q price 5p3.5U No. 11 Linen crash skirt, trimmed with band-i of white duck in gradu ated widths as shown in cut; made with inverted plait hack, a-. cr deep hem and overlaid seams pJ..OU No. 12 Linen crash skirt, made with box plait back, trimmed in 3 rows of blue and white cord- rf edduck ; similar tocutNo.ll p.UU No. 4 White corded pique skirt, made with double box-plait back, overlaid seems and deep hem; trim med as shown in cut with embroidery insertion; price po.UU No. 6 Heavy while corded pique skirt, made with double box-plait back, patent belt and placket fasten er, all Beams overlaid; trimmed in two rows guipure emb'y insertions around bottom ; the upper row form ing a point on front gore; aq price Jpo.OU No. 0 Same style as No. 5, trim med with wide band of emb'y inser tion edged with narrow white guimp; the trimming forming deep aq cr poiute on each gore Jpo.OU $2.50 No. 13 Made of best quality linen crash, In tho natural deep tan color; box-plait back, deep hem aq p.-. with 4 rows stitching..... ... po.OU No. 14 Plain linen crash ekirt, good quality materials, well finished; French back, deep hem; qq No. 15 Linen crash ekirt. made with box-plait back, trimmed simi lar to No. 20, with 8 rows nn narrow white braid tptf.UU No. 20 This skirt ia mado of a heavy plain indigo blue twill, trim med as shown in above cut with 8 rows of j-inch white braid ; invert ed plait back, deep hem ; 0 r-r price ifta.uU No. 21 Duck skirt, indigo blue ground witli small white poka dots; trimmed with white piping down each Bide of front gore, and outlining upper euee ut circular flounce; box-plait back. No. 22 Duck skirt China blue ground with white hair-line stripes; trimmed in two rows white duck bands forming fancy scallops around bottom; French back; re price p.0 No. 23 Skirt made of a blue and while mixed, soft cotton aa . Bulting; price Oo CIS No. loV.j Mado of best quality linen lioll'und, with box-plait back, tailor-finished seams; tunic effect ouuiueu wiiii --iiil-u uuhu jjjq of insertion to match tpo.UU No. llj.j Natural linen, craBh skirt, bourette plaid in assorted col ors; made with inverted plaid In back, deep hem. . .. Ipl.OU WILLIAMS & CO. The Dalles, Oregon Notice of Katruy. I have taken up as an estrav a dark brown mare, aged about seven years, about fifteen hands high and weighing about 1000 pounds; branded quarter circle u on lelt stifle. The animal came to my feed yard in The Dalles about two weeks ago and could uot be kept away, The owner can have her by proving property and paying charges of feed and advertising; otherwise I shall proceed with her according to law. ClIAltl.KS Pavkttk, The Dulles, Apr 28, 1000. a28-5w Crandall&Burget DEALERS IN Oil 1inHc nf nix nuiUJ v I TTTnTium A w-odd Funeral Supplies! f? embalmers The Dallos, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. t t i