ltlM,Pii catarrh: FORERUNNER OF 1) i r h CONSUMPTION. 3 Yellowstone Park Line. lfcw realize what a deep-seated, obstinate disease Catarrh is, rcgarditiK it as n simple inu.uiiiiiauiiu uj the nose and throat, little or no attention is given it. Hut, however insignificant it may stem at first, it crtrmne rt.ul fnr.rfirllttltr in lift results. I The foul secretions entering the circulation poison the entire system. The stomach, kidneys in .. , fact all the organs feel the effect of this catarrhal poison, and when the lungs are reached its progress Till: niNlXli ( Alt not IK HtD.M 1 OUT i..m mtit 1neri!cn fitnl ft It 111 1 nil ll C 111 Prtll CI1 1 II 1i Irt 1 ' '10 TIM L . 1 It i ...11 1 1 i I . .rtft hlMKUl f it ft-M IIIIK I lH' It irequently Happens mat lite senses 01 ncann nnu snieu are in pari orciiureiv ui.;,w. Tm.- lLNLV uiunn u mr. humami the nose eaten into and destroyed, causing intense suffering and greatly disfiguring the face. While sprays, washes and salves may give temporary relief, no permanent benefit can be expected fioni siu'h treatment. SlONi: l'AKK CATARRH IS A CONSTITUTIONAL OR BLOOD DISEASE, and fju beyond the reach of mere local remedies. Those who relv upon them for a cure lose valuable time, meet with disap-. uoinirocnt and allow the disease to tike firmer hold. Only a real blood remedy call reach this troublesome and dangerous disease. S. S. S cures Catarrh because it first cleanses and builds up the blood, purifies it, makes it rich and healthy, stimulates ami. puv liev Hie lino me siuggisu waninnu organs, unu uius luucvca iuu jaitiu ui uu jwuuuuua ..............-. Mr Josephine rollilll, of Due West, S. C, writes: "I had Catarrh, which became so deep eaiU that I was entirely deaf in one ear, anil alt inside of my nose, including part of the bone, sloshed off. When the disease had Rone thin far the physician gave me up as incurable. 1 determined to try S. S. S. as n last resort, and began to improve nt once. It seemed to get at the eitof the disease, and after a few weeks' treatment I was entirely cured, and for more than &:i years have had no sign of the disease." S. S. S. is made of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful touical and purifying properties. It is the only vegetable blood purifier known, and a certain and safe cure for all blood troubles. Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and at the same time write our physicians about your case. They will cheerfully give you ny information or advice wanted. We make no charge for this. i.kivi:, 1 Union Depot, ritthand I Sis : No. No. 1 fc A P P P I iw 1; 1 1 ii ki i Hint mull for Tacmiia, Seattle. Olymphi.tiray'i. llailxiranit South llcnil, i.oi n ts, Hpoktme, Ituss'l lain), it. :,, ruiiiuiui,! Miim'ow, U'ltoii, llnt M, riilolliuiiiiiuliiliigciiuu- fij.Ml 1'. M. try, Uclcini, Mliiiicaini. lis, til. Paul, Omaha,: Kansas City. St. l-ouKI Clilongo and nil polutN ent and Miiitlii'avt., I'ii int Sound llxnrivs for Taeonia and Seattle 7;00.. M. and Intermediate i k 1 1 t n , SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, QA. 1'Kori.K Villi ALL KNOW. TitMi Snipes arrived in town on tlio tiooii passenger. P. P. McCnlly, of the Goldendalo Sen tinel, is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Noli n were pas cengors on the Reliance this morning. Harrv Gilpin, one of the leading farm ers of Wato county, was in town today. Ex-State Senator Biass arrived in town today from Wasco by the overland route. Mrs. G. B. Dotineli arrived here tcday from Golilendnie on a visit to her sister, Airs. Simeon IJolton. "Mas I.ueddeman, of the Antelope Herald, was in town last night and left fur home this) forenoon. G. W. Rillington, a prominent farmer of Klickitat county, was in town last Jitpht, the guest of the Umatilla House. lMrs. W. A. Johnston was a passenger yon the Dalles City this morning for the Locks, where she iroes to meet her aunt, Mra. C. C. Dunbar, of Saginaw, Or., who is coming hereon a visit. Miss Hertha Butts left on the morn nnz train for Portland where she ex peeted to pin her sister, Mrs., and with her so to Tacntna to visit their eldest sister, Mrs. Askew, who is danger ously 111 at that p'ace. Charlev McAllister, a prominent Sherman county sheep man, is in the city. O.natlav is one of the few Oregon eheep men who able to comply with ' the conditions that enable him to sum-I iner f il 3 sheep on tho Washington forest -reserve. He expects to tnovo his sheep' across the river in the near future. PHOFIT IN PEACHES. Delaware Has No Monopoly of the Industry. .Honey Slnilc on n Small Maryland Fruit Kami in l'otirtecii Yours How ltnllroails Have lli-liuil. bank, with $1,; !()() in eht'ok returns Tor ti sTnglc da,, who has net ted .fiio.noii from u single crop J' The industry of which Mr. Stottle myer draws so brilliant a picture he siys has onlv been possible siner transportation has been facilitated fy a network of railroads. Pullman llrst olais and tourlit slwpor.s to Mlnni'iipolb, Ht. I'ntil and MIkmhuI river points without eliniiKe. Vustiliuleil trnitii. t'uloti depot rouiientloiis In nil principal cities. lliiKniiw cherkiil to dejllnalloii of tli'KCt.s, Kor luiiidsomely lllutciateilik-erlptlvoiiuilter, tli-licls, sleepliiB car rescrvntlonit, cti, call on or wrltu A. D. CHARLTON, A.s.vhtmit (icneral I'lioiwcr Asent.iV) .Mntrhon htieet, corner Ttilr' , Portland, Orwin. SOUTH and EAST via BULLETS OF WATER. Will Visit llooil Klvnr Odd Fellows. The Odd F.'Koivs of The Dalles have enured the steamer Hesuiaior to lake them on a fraternal visit to the lodge at Hood Hiver on Thursday evening of this weefc. The detrrea learn from The Dallea Itule will confer degrees while there. All OJd Fellows in good stand ing are hereby invited to attend. The Ilegulator will leave at 0:30 p. in. and return after the lodge woik is finished. By order of Ei Hostetleii, Bad Butts, To'm Waiiu, Committee. Sick Headiche absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokt Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money hack. 2o cts. and 50 cts. Blnkeluy & Houghton Druggist7. Tiingnp Faulkner, the junk man, be fore hauling your trash to the beach, lie buys old worn out rubber boots and eboes, brass, copper, zinc, lead, eaeks, rags, etc. Dalles 'pbene No. 214. apr24 lw Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 11,, writes, "I never fail to relieve my children from croup At once by using Omi Minate Coutrh Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lunguiseases; To Cure L'olil in nun Day. Tak Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lele. All druggist rufitnd tl.e money, Ue sure and txiiniue our stock of wall papar thoroughly before buying eleo where, as we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at H. Glenn & Co.'s. al7-lw It may be interesting to run over u short paper in the American Monthly ! Ueview of Keviews in which north 1$. Stottlemyer presents "The Balance Sheet of a Small Maryland l'eaeh Farm."' l'eaeh growing, he says, is one of the most profitable agricultural industries in that state, so much so that half of the farms in many of the counties have abandoned wheat and corn and the ordinary agricultural products, except for home consump tion, and have taken to growing poaches. 'The quality of the soil," he says, "hardly enters into consideration in respect to location, us peach trees are adapted to almost any kind of soil, but ;i poor soil is to be preferred. Trees planted in a poor soil do not grow so rapidly, are therefore much more hardy and will endure severer winters than trees planted in richer soil. In order that a surer crop may be expected, the land should slope gently to the northwest. Land so sit uated is exposed to the most rigorous western winds, and the sun has less elVtet upon the trees in the way of Itnliiilmp Would Kill t m All If the Air Jill! Not Pro out Their Swift DeNetMi I. When you see flip rain drops fall ing do you ever think of how swiftly they come down and what prevents them from doing great damage? way iij) in the clouds little particles if moisture gather until they form n tiny drop. The droplets and ice crys tals that form the elements of the ?loud gradually or suddenly grow un til their weight is enough to bring them to the ground before they can be again evaporated, The resistance that the air offers to their passage keeps them from fall ing too fast. The drop soon acquires such a velocity that the air prevent:) it from going any faster. The larger Hid heavier the drop, the greater is the speed nt which it falls, but it is neer great enough to injure us or do serious damage to animals or plants. Were it not for the resistance of the lit, a drop of water, not withstanding that U is fluid, falling from the height of half a mile, would be as dangerous as a bullet. The swiftness and foiee with which n projectile travels can be driving forth the incipient buds, j made s'.illicient to compensate for nny which arp thus kept in check. Con-1 sequent ly they are less likely -to be; frozen while in the incipient state by lingering spring frosts." Mr. Stottlemyer says that many of ; the prevalent diseases of the trees are j due to careless nurserymen, His farm of .10 acres was purchased in for j $70 an acre, and was planted in peach i trees at once. The trees cost him $35 a thousand. The total outlay, includ ing planting, machinery and incident-1 als, was $2,I00.S9. "For four years the orchard was cul- j tivated thoroughly, while only slight ' crops were realized the third and fourth years," he says, "however, from a careful account made during the time, we found that the cost of cultivation was a little more than covered by the receipts from vege tables that were raised on the land in the meantime. The fifth year we realized a fairly good crop, and dur ing 1 1 years we secured six crops from the orchard, "By careful records kent. we find that the average amount of fruit ! chicken feed. soilness or yielding quality It pos sesses. A caudle, when fired from a gun, will pass through a board. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Clarke. & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. You will not have bolls if you take Clarke &: Falk's sure cure for boils. A full line Of Eas.tman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Clarke & Falk'a flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your uroccr for them. Flora lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that ar fully guaranteed to last. ClatkeA Falk have them. Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wisco warehouse. Finest kind of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially d Ige.s ta the food nd aids Mature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It la the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation aaa approach it in efficiency. It in Untlf relieved and permanently curat Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea! BVefcHeadache,Gastragla,OrampB,and tfother results of imperfectdlgestlon. -.Praaartd by E. C OcWItt Co., Chicago. grown upon each tree for the six crops was 2 8-9 crates, or a little over 2'i bushels. Thus, upon an average, each of the trees produced 15 bush els during its lifetime. In fact, the orchard produced -H.M1 bushels of salable fruit. From the sale of these 11,304 bushels-we realized a net gain, over lucking, crating, shipping, coin mission, expenses, etc., of $IO,:iGL07. The net profit per bushel would be over a dollar." Against the net returns fropt peach sales of $lf!,30Lp.7. .Mr. Stottlemyer put in his balance 'slieet the cost of the land, of the trees, of planting mid cultivation, fertilizers, machinery, in cidentals, taxes and interest, which makes a total of $7,309,00. This shows wie proms io ue $.i3,uui.38. 'j ne lire mature deaths of orchards from the "yellows" Mr. Stottlemyer saya arc generally attributable to the negli gence of growers. Other growers realized larger returns than those from his orchard, he says, and he adds that the end is not yet when one candidly rellects upon the remarkable increase In the consumption of the fruit, almost to bo regarded as a staple, and when "we see peach trees planted by the hundred acres, or chards extending for miles, hundreds of hands busy plucking the luscious fruit mid crating It for market, nil on a single farm, mid whole train loads hRiiled from n single district; when growers order their own cars for dally transportation; when n peach-grower cun Kond his wife to mch2o-if Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James K. I'atton strictly pure liquid paints DoWitt'a Witch Huswl Salve ia un. equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is tho original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James K. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.(30 per gallon, uuaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, audits. ,,,17 Lwb Ackenuan, Goshen, Ind,, eaye, "DeWitt'fl Little Karly Risers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gtipe." Thoy gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. MI used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It ulves immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Ilartgeilnk, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot (.ill to cure. SGuinern Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains leave The D.illes tor l'urtlund anil way Millions at t - 11. in. anil .1 11, in. Leave l'ottlaml " Albany , Arrive Astlilnnil . . .. " Hacrainonto . . " Kan l' ranclscn H:M 11 111 ..l'Jl.TUa III M:Xl 11 m . r:W i m 7: t i 111 Ariivc Ogilon " Denver " KimwiHtllty " Chicago . . . . .1:1 'in m J:U0 a in 7:'i' n 111 7: l" it 111 7:0) p in W:M i 111 1 1 : r. 1 1 1 in I n 111 : !." a 111 1 1 : I 'i a 111 '.): 11 111 7 .'i'l n m J.m 11 in Arrive 1-o.s Angeles . . " Kl i'h-o " Kort Worth.. . ' Cttyot Mexico . " Houston " New Orleans . " WaililiiKton . . " New York...... . l:Wpm I'Clll p m r,::j)n in J:."i 11 in . 1.(0 a 111 . fl:iwn 0:IJti 111 .l.M.I p in 7.l a 111 U:l p 111 1), .11 11 in ;:.V a in I :W 11 m C-.l'i p 111 HC'ii 111 l'M:i p 111 l'l 1 1 1 m n;i ami Ton tin cars on both tr.iliib. Chair ciirii Saeraiiiento to Oplen anil VA 1'nxi. ami ton t is-1 ears to rhlcajjij, ht I-ouls, New Ur liaiisanil Washington. C'oiiniTtlne; at Han Francisco with everal .stcanhlp line's (or Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippine.., Central ami eolith Aniviica. Seo aijent at The D.illeit station, or niMiux C. H. MARKHAM, (icneral I'thv iijjer AkciH, I'oitlaiiil, Or 0.R.&N. h I; SB 1 ' -r: '5P: t 1 3E i !3 3p i t 5 h r f 1 f Tha Dnll.s, On. The Chitonielc, Job PftintiBpa, 4 h C. J. STUBLING Wholosalo and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen rthe Greate Amerioan Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. 1 WniSKEyfroin ?L'.7o to i).()ll per eallnn. (-1 tti'16 years old. 1 IMPORTED 000NA0 from $7.00 to JIU.OO per to '20 yiars old.' 0ALIF0RNIA BRANDIES from :i.i5 to 10.1)0 per iiallon. (4 to 11 ymi old.1 ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on dratntht. and V11I Hints and Olytnuia lleer In botth luiported Alo ami I'ortor. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIG-ARS. B I'.V IIT 1011 Fimt Mall 1!40 p. in TIMi: l-CIIKIIULB. From Uai.lks. SHkane Mall ami Kx press 10:10 p. in. 8 p. m. 8 . m. Kx.Suuday HutnrUay 1U p. 111. fin. ia. , a. in, Tiies.Tliiir, una But. Cui-et UeuiUvlKi fjulokly. Baldwin's spaikllng eirerveeceut Cel ery Soda. A harmless and iflectivo euro for headache, nervousness, sleuplessnesp, brain fatigue. 10 and i!u cents. Bold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jti24.0w ali I11 Xutir Ulieoks. All county warrants registered prior to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my ofllce. Interest ceases after February, g, C. L. PiiiLura, County Treasurer. r a. m. Tuu..Thnr, unu hai I.v lllpurlu l.'JO 11. in. Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. vtorth. Dinaha. Kan City, at. lulb, unicuxo aim i-.aii. Walla Walla, Kkinte, MlnneapoliH. .St. l'anl, 1) ninth, Mllwailktv, i.iiiruKii anil l.Hst, via rtpokaiioakd HiintlliK loiii iiImi all points In WashliiKton mid lluit cm Uregon. KBOM I'OKTMKn. Ocean Hleamslilpn. For Sun Francitt'o Aplil'.'7, May'.', 7, la, Columbia Uv. 8teamern. To Astoria anil Way ItadliiK'i, WlI.r.AllKTrr Ittvvt. Kx.buiKJay OrcKon city, Newherir, saieia & Way Jjiiid'it. Alllt'.VR Fhom. Fnt Moll 1X': p in Hitokaiio .Mall Hllll Mxpress 1:00 u. ui lAnoonlAn pohniioo PnmnQnv it nouu it ai uiiuuou uuiiipanj Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds, Headquarters for Feed Grain otpiiidn Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TT a . 1 n sv 1 j 1) n.JlA. xicauu uai .Kris un nvm'N nriH i jtcsiiuut rin Tnii-w This Flour is manufactured expressly for bd XJ,-t- v v a . ,,rv -ttfik In oiiaruiitued to trivo SililHeW A sell our iondn lnwitr Hiun nnu Imnw In i ivoilu ntnl If villi lion ttbltlB unu unu kui cur prices ami no convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. 4 p. HI. I p. in. Kx.hilliilaj 1:80 11. in. Kx.Hiuiiliiy I niLLAMCTTK AHU YAM- 3:30 11. 111. Mon.,Vint 11 1 II. ItlVKkU Ori'Koii City, llaytou, "iJ'nainilIIJJSi WlLLAMKTTK lllVHII I'ortlunit to Corvnllls. unu WHy.l.iiniiin((s. , 8NAKK ItlVRH. lllpurlu Ui l)ivliton. and Ftl, it'M p. rn. Moil. Weil ami Frliluy I.KAVK I.KWIhTON ilully H:;aj ii.iii. I'arllen ileslmiB to go to Ileppner or lloTiitK on coluinhlii Hoiithem via Uun, lmM Uko No. 1, leuvluic 'll.o Ualles at fijVo i" 11. inaklnillrw:tcmiiicctloiiKHt Ileppner Jin etlou "f.Hlms. ItoturalnRiiMbliiRiiirtwiViiwHo at Ileppner liuictloa hihI 1IIk wjti, No. 1 ur rlvlnic at 'i1u Jiallca at U;W Tp. m. ' ' r For f iiltiiartlculari call on O. It, it -N, (!.' agent TbclMllus. or adiliviM n W.H . 1IUHI.HU ItT, hm 1'an. At I'ortlsinl, Or, $1.00 per month. Strictly ilrat claea lucal and long distauco telephone service within your homo. Linos do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept u secret. No cost for installing. You got tho standard Huuuing Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night or vice. Wo will accopt your contract for ton years and allow you to cancul same on giving us thirty days writ ton notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 00S, Kemembor tho Now York Cash Store is selling the latest things in ladles' neckwear at the lowest prices. Seo win dow display, 2la-l Uie ClarkoA Fulk'squlnlno liulr tonic to kep dandruff (roin tho head. CLEANLINESS is being advocated by all parties regardloss of raco, w10', vlous condition of servitude. Kouinmbor wo Muk X.jL i( iners glad when they buy or Pure Preparud l'rtinta. iro mm. an nun K,u,a io n8 worK )B unreil V) " Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Molding it our stock of Wall Vim ir lDtHl on Dlinlav H. GLENN & -CO He sure and inspect our stock of Wall Vwr uesignt (or lOtK) on Display Washington Street, between Second und Third.